Sign of Cartel
Hip No. Consigned by Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Hip No. 701 Sign Of Cartel 701 February 19, 2010 Brown Colt Holland Ease SI 109 {First Down Dash SI 105 Corona Cartel SI 97 { Easy Henryetta SI 90 Corona Chick SI 113 {Chicks Beduino SI 104 Sign Of Cartel Sizzling Lil SI 91 5334377 The Signature SI 107 {*Noholme II TB Sign Windjammer Mable Chick Too SI 95 (1994) { Acceptable Risk {Streakin Six SI 104 Flying Chickette SI 94 By CORONA CARTEL SI 97 (1994). Stakes winner of $557,142 [G1]. Sire of 887 ROM, 124 stakes winners, $39,140,099, incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 104 (world champion, $2,032,328 [G1]), TELLER CARTEL SI 108 (champion colt, $1,212,471, All American Fut. [G1]), CARTERS CARTEL SI 103 (cham- pion), EYE FOR CORONA SI 99 ($1,100,121, Golden State Million Fut. [G1]), I LIKE THE ODDS SI 90 ($911,606 [G1]), PYC PAINT YOUR WAGON. 1st dam SIGN WINDJAMMER, by The Signature. Unplaced. Dam of 9 foals of racing age, 7 to race, 6 winners, including– MIA JONES SI 103 (f. by Special Leader). 7 wins to 4, $178,837, KOFX-FM H. [G2], AQHA Members Plus S., Top Rockette Overnight S., 2nd Miss Princess H. [G3], Real Wind S., 3rd Las Damas H. [G2],La Pacifica S., finalist Ruidoso Futurity [G1], Mildred N Vessels Memorial H. [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Yes I Am The Man SI 97 (g. by Corona Cartel). 4 wins to 4, $25,216. Kays Forbes 100 SI 91 (g.
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