Local Knowledge, Sustainability and Visionscapes in Greenland Sejersen, Frank Publication date: 2002 Document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Document license: Unspecified Citation for published version (APA): Sejersen, F. (2002). Local Knowledge, Sustainability and Visionscapes in Greenland. Afdeling for Eskimologi og arktiske studier, Københavns Universitet. Download date: 23. Sep. 2021 Local knowledge, Sustainability and Visionscapes in Greenland Frank Sejersen Eskimologis Skrifter, nr. 17 Københavns Universitet 2002 Copyright © 2002 Frank Sejersen and Department of Eskimology ISBN: 87-87874-20-2 ISSN: 1601-9385 Printed by Kopi Service, University of Copenhagen Amager The present project has received financial support from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency as part of the environmental support program Dancea – Danish Cooperation for Environment in the Arctic. The author is solely responsible for all results and conclusions presented in the report, and they do not necessarily reflect the position of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. To order this publication please contact: Department of Eskimology, University of Copenhagen Strandgade 100H, DK 1401 Copenhagen K, Denmark +45 32 88 01 60 (phone) / +45 32 88 01 61 (fax) www.hum.ku.dk/eskimo /
[email protected] Contents Preface 1 Introduction 4 Knowledge and the interface between Man and the Environment 6 Knowledge and the interface between local, national and international institutions 7 Knowledge and the interface between users and scientists