Teachings of Prahlada Maharaja
“Transcendental Teachings of Prahlada” by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This is an evaluation copy of the printed version of this book, and is NOT FOR RESALE. This evaluation copy is intended for personal non-commercial use only, under the “fair use” guidelines established by international copyright laws. You may use this electronic file to evaluate the printed version of this book, for your own private use, or for short excerpts used in academic works, research, student papers, presentations, and the like. You can distribute this evaluation copy to others over the Internet, so long as you keep this copyright information intact. You may not reproduce more than ten percent (10%) of this book in any media without the express written permission from the copyright holders. Reference any excerpts in the following way: “Excerpted from “Transcendental Teachings of Prahlada” by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, courtesy of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, www.Krishna.com .” This book and electronic file is Copyright 1973-2003 Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, 3764 Watseka Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90034, USA. All rights reserved. For any questions, comments, correspondence, or to evaluate dozens of other books in this collection, visit the website of the publishers, www.Krishna.com . Chapter One The Dearmost Person Today I shall speak before you of the history of a boy devotee. His name is Prahlad Maharaja, and he was born in a family which was stubbornly atheistic. There are two kinds of men in this world; one is called the demon, and the other is called the demigod.
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