CLASSIFIED & 66 Inch Buffet; Set of Sire to Sell As a Package
I I 1 \ I I I 1 I V \ Mll.ll Page B-iO DINING ROOM SET— HUMMEL-«GU RIN ES - MOVING-MUST SELL- STEREO- Back to TIRES- (2) Unlroyal. WOLFF- TANNING Mahogany,, table 60X40 (28) displayed in dark Dinette,. hutch, coffee & school spoclall Sansul with 12 Inch leaf, 6 chairs enc steel belted radlals, P215/ BEDS Commercial-Home wood Curio Cabinet. De- * tables, TV, rocker, rack system with' cas- 75R15. $40/both. Call Units From $199.00. CLASSIFIED & 66 Inch buffet; Set of sire to sell as a package. chatrs"; raTfTBs7~b'IK*e, seller CD & turn table, 725-7615. •• aluminum cookware, Asking $3000! Call 874- kitchen, items & more. Ex- Sounds greatl Must sell, Lamps-Lotions- $200,396-8985. " . eel cond. 234-2367. $450. Call 722-4831. TIRES- P205 75R15 Accessories. Monthly 8142 after 6PM, anytime .Eayjnents.lQW as $18.00, X-fLJ_JL E C T,:l.Q N -rims-&-tl«»-llk»-n8w.-Al!-4- CHIL,DCRAFT CRIB & 66 DS 80- for $160. Couch. S love CalFToday FREE Color ANTIQUE PUMP OR- ental. Inlaid teak table, HUTCH— Dark pine, 70mm rriacro zoom, SB20 Many new pparts, runs catalog 1-800-228-6292. DRESSER CHANGER- lighted hutch, server, 6 seat neutral color $500.. GAN— Sleigh coffee tar • Light oak, excellent cond.. $250, Maytag washer, T -TTL, auto flash, Nikon great. Very fastt , GGood Bo- Call 985-5531. 310 ble; 2 small cocktail ta- $350. Black sleeper chairs, excellent condi- yr, old, $375. 2 Konmoro skyllght,' $425. All excel- glnnog r bike. $0$5007B.O7 . bles. All are ' dark pine. tion.
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