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12-29-1966 The ewN s, December 29, 1966 The ewN s

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eN ws by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. John W. Greene, Well Known Here, Ond sif Kentucky's TWO SECTIONS To Make State Race For Auditor Better Weakly Papers The News his won 12. PAGES John W. Greene, who has an adult sure that my long experience awards for out- almost me to establish, expedite, standing excellence every year it lifetime of continuous legis- qualifies Margaret I. 1Ge administrative service in conduct an efficient has been submitted in 'wiping con- lative and and properly Periodical I.DDept.eKiag government apd as a auditing all state and Nett. Libra" state leader in system of University of party, today an: Kentucky, the Democratic county funds." Lexington, Ky. 40506 nounced his candidacy in the May Greene is one of the most widely Volume Thirty-Five Fulton, 42041, Fulton County, Kentucky Thursday, December 29, 196E Number 52 primary for State Auditor of Pub- known men In Kentucky and in the lic Accounts. Mr. Green is well Democratic party. Not only has he known and has many friends in gained close acquaintance; and re- Fulton and West Kentucky. He at- spect, with many friends in every tended last year's Banana Festival. county, but knows most city and "I believe a proper, closely county leaders by their first name. Big Increase Shown In Area ildustrial supervised, audit system could re- Greene, a native of Sandy Hook, duce spending in state govern- is 49 years of age. ment," Greene said. And, I am He attended Morehead State University, married Alice Lyon and they have three children. His father (John W. Greene) was an Locations;Fulton Results Discouraging Eastern Kentucky Democratic po- litical leader and his mother (Mol- We realize, from long and some prospects to locate here, when lie Greene) was superintendent of - was Elliott County schools. Industry Locating All Around Us! sad experiences, that any news ac parently their every requirement Greene served two terms in the cc unt or editorial that is construed as ava'lable, with a few othef advant- Kentucky House of Representa- (The information reported herewith, has been critical of local individuals, groups or a7,es'o the firm in mention,thrown in tives, the 1955 and 1958 sessions 'secured from the Industrial Departments of both activities, ineVttably returns us caus- f r good measure. and was administrative assistant to Kentucky and Tennessee. Tennessee does not list former Governor Bert Combs. tic criticism of our motives and our Following the recent, heart- expansion programs, Kentucky has no He is presently administrative its industrial reasons for -printing the particular breaking news that an industry, start- the State Auditor's of- programs, assistant in record of Fulton expansiofi although matter, regardless of its accuracy and ing cut with the employment of 200 fice, giving him first-hand and full there may be some under construction, such,as Pure elective cc ntent.. men, with the possible escalation of working knowledge of the Milk Company, that will probably be listed in the office he seeks. However, we feel that we would this number to 800, had decided to lo- Democratic Club of 1967 summary. The new factories and expansions The Young be derelict in our responsibilities as cate elsewhere, in spite of the tremen- Kentucky elected Greene for 12 cover the period of late 1964 and all of 1965 and as their district -publishers if we did not dous interest and enthusiasm shown. consecutive years 1966. They represent expenditures of many millions newspaper chairman. He also served eight call attention, at this time, to the bar- for the twin cities by important and dollars and of new jobs.) years as Elliott County Democratic of thousands accumulated in high-ranking members of the indus- Chairman. ren record. we have veteran of World Aar II, landing a new industry for our twin try, we joined many other citizens in JOHN W. GREENE He is a (Continued on Page Four MURRAY cities, these past few years. asking WHY? New Industry It has been more than seven years lilt the labor supply? National Work Clothes Rental 119591 since we announced the loca- Gilson Latta, Banker, Businessman Eli Lilly, (pending) tion here of the large mid prestigious It couldn't be. Every avenue was General Carbon GI aphite Ferry-Morse Seed Company. It was exhausted by local people to present Was Beloved Citizen, Loyal Friend Sager Glove Company also in that year that dynamic local concrete evidence that the labor force Expansion of Existing Industry effort raised $100,000.00 to retain the needed was here in larger numbers ex- by Jo Westpheling going price for same, and any Fitts Block and Ready-mix I. Siegel Garment Factory in than sought for. Gilson Davis Latta, banker, traneous conversation about com- Henry farmer, pioneer citizen and live- parnble values was a lost cause. Murray Fabrics Kentucky, which effort not only Is it the labor climate? stock dealer died at the Fulton His Was the brand of business as- Murray Manufacturing Company brought about the retention of the Hospital Monday morning, the day sociation where you called on him, Ryan Milk Company Kent ucky plant, but inspired the con- Indeed not! In the nearly 20 after Christmas. Although he gave got the business over with quickly years that we have been here, and up many of his business activities so he could enjoy a friendly visit, Shoemaker Popcorn Company struction of a new and modern build- a few years ago, and was in fail- telling funny stories, and passing PADUCAH ing in South Fultoi doubling the years before, labor-management rela- ing health, his death came unex- opinions on the events of the day, previously em- tions have been exemplary, on the lo- of which he was extremely well in- New number of workers pectedly. He was 73 years old. ployed in the single plant. cal level. The only _times we have It is extremely difficult for this formed, particularly in his varied BB Foods Corporation of Kentucky endeavors. seen pickets in these twin cities was reporter, just as it is for any one Essex Wire Corporation Actually this record is not unim- of his legion of friends, to charac- Gilson Latta was not a politician, pressive, when one views the almost on two occasions when local labor terize the personality of the tall as such, but he was a staunch Re- Expansion union members, of necessity, joined Old Party savage competition that prevails in and gregarious Gilson Latta, ex- Publican. The Grand (1965) in labor disputes that were national cept to say that he was a "rugged 'never had • more loyal advocate. CTS the Mid-West and Mid-South for the individualist." To use the phrase is The Democrats never had a more CTS (1966) ndustrial advent into these areas. Yet in scope. And there are many, won- a commendable way to say that he vigorous opponent, except perhaps Aluma Kraft Company derful and highly diversified labor or- this re- it is disturbing to note that we are had strong courage of his convic- in one rare instance, where Pipes ganizations in the twin cities. tions; his business acumen was un- porter was concerned. Concrete reading more and more, and enjoying paralled; his devotion to his faint- Following Mae elections in May • International Shoe Company the news less and less that communi- (Oddly enough, new industries 1965 my defeat at the polls was ly, his friends, his home-land and Paducah Newspapers ties all around us are landing indus- ha.:e located recently in area corn- his special interests were so ab- compensated many times over just Plating Company sorbing that they will forever be to know that Gilson thought I was Paducah tries, that we think, with obvious n unities where labor problems have legendary. one Democrat who would have Sunshine Dairy ccmmunity pride, could have located bean less than commendable.) In our family be was held in the made a good public official. HICKMAN highest esteem and respect not so In like manner we returned the here just as well. Is it the availability of industrial confidence by respecting him as an New much because we considered him a What is wrong? sites? close friend, but because we ad- astute banker and businessman. Basic Carbon Corporation and his growth and success of mired his wit and humor The steady CLINTON The question is unanswerable in Never! Both Fulton, Kentucky attitudes towards people and things the Fulton Bank can be attributed and Scuth Fulton. Tennessee have he liked and disliked. greatly to his financial ability. 'New the light of the answers we find to Wednesday when we called at his ideal inclustriill sites, some bought Doing business with him was to Brown Shoe Company many, perhaps unofficial reasons learn that it wak a complete waste home on Third Street to pay our us, for the failure of recent (Continued Frbm Page 2) of time to use any of the standard final tribute of respect to him and Expansion Liven . frills of salesmanship. He knew well offer our sincere condolences to his Garan, Inc. the products he wanted to buy, the (Continued On Page Eight) CADIZ New iTegel Industry Plays Santa Claus Metals Industry Cadiz Spring Products, Inc. (new and under construction Likes Kentucky, WICKLIFFE New Figures Show Beasley Construction Company FRANXFORT, KY. — The metals West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company and electrical industries surged Expansion ahead in Kentucky during 1966 with announcement of 24 new plants and Sippi Product expansion of 25 existing plants, rARTIN Commerce Commissioner Kathe- New rine Peden has announced. When in full operation, the new Martin Brothers Container and won- Christmas is over, but gee I plants--to cost about $58 million— Timber Company der if the whole affair isn't getting will employ more than 3,000 work- out of hand. I can remember, and ers. Cost of the expansions was trilION CITY ago it seems not too many years set at $19,660,000. They will pro- New either, that Thanksgiving was a vide 2,000 new jobs. ' Mfg. Company to be enjoyed Char-Gale holiday all by itself, "In November, employment in In addition to handing out hundreds of garments to many area school children, the Henry I. Siegel and contemplated to give thankt these industries reached 92,400, a TROY no Company was also as generous with its employees. ShIwn above arc employees of the front office staff who for our blessings. There were gain of 35 per cent over Novem- New gifts. They sea, left to right: Danny McGuire, Christmas decorations around to ber 1963," Miss Peden said. She look forward to the delicious turkeys received as Christmas early because Toy Manufacturing Company remind you to shop added that the 1966 payroll in the Martha Scott, Jo White and Margie Mann. the shelves were stocked with early metals and electrical industries (just announced) was gift bargains, for Christmas wilt approximate $600 million. DRESDEN almost five weeks away. The largest single new 1966 pro- ject is the $38 millihn truck axle New used I well remember, when we plant of Rockwell-Standard Corp., King Comfort, Inc. trek to St. to take our annual now under construction at Win- holidays with GLEASON Joseph to spend the chester, where employment is ex- children en- Paul's family, how the pected to reach 750. New joyed seeing Thanksgiving decora- Old Hickory Clay Company tions in the store windows. Less Paducah Plant to tmploy 250 than five years ago, we saw our Next is the $7.6 .nilLon plant of DYERSBURG first Christmas decorations on the Essex Wire Corp. going up at Pa- New in a little town in Illinois ducah. The facility will produce Sylvania Electric Products that we drove through coming aluminum wire and cable and ern- SMITHLAND back, and we were horrified. ploy 250. On our last Thanksgiving trip, Planned at Frankfort is a $3.6 New about three years ago, almost million plant of Bendix-Westing- Randell Corporation every town had Christmas lights house Air Brake Co., which will up on our trip going to St. Jo. employ 150. And Anaconda Wire Si CALVERT CITY Even Silent Night was heard, at Cable Co. has announced a 30-em- New that early holiday season, blaring ploye, $2.50 million facility at Air Reduction from a loud speaker on the street. Greensburg. It made us cringe. A new E800,000 plant of Queen B. F. Goodrich • --• City Dinettes, Inc., will employ 350 Expansion While all of us try to project the at Florence. General Aniline Film (1965) Christmas season as one of happi- The largest employment gains ness, joy. to the world, etc. etc., I ler expanding plants will come Pennsalt think that I can say truthfully, with full staffing of a $3.3 million Pittsburgh Metalurgical Christmas Eve was snowy all over the area, but the thought of • good warm turkey dinner was para- some 01 the saddest faces I have addition at the A. 0. Smith Corp's. General Aniline Film (1966) they boarded their autos for home for the olltlays. ever seen are in the stores and on Hermetic Motors facility at Mt. Airco Chemical mount with these South Fulton Siegel employees in the streets near Christmas time. Sterling, where 500 new Yobs will Other photos Inside. (Continued On Page Eight) (Continued On Page Eight) (Continual On Page Eight) Editorials LETTERS TO !DO urvr CUR NEIR THE EDITORS A COUNTY NEWS PAUL and JOHANNA M. WESTPHOLINO 1 at THE FULTON THE NEWS welcomes expres- le Editors and Publishers a Thursday, Dec. 29, 1966 sions from Its readers. Suck Devi Items moat be slimed but .:zyc name will be omitted from It Ii publication if requested. man rem 5, 1 Around Us! commonwealth of Kentucky Industry Locating All prac Department of Agriculture first GRANT,0 GOD Frankfort bloc December 16, 1966 dow (Continued From Page One) The Banana Festival And Industry Grant,0 God, a love great enough to serve man in his Mr. R. Paul Westpheling, Pub. Th for, easily available to ful- Fulton Co. News bore and paid A few people, with little or no Commercial Avenue abou industry most hateful moment. 209 fill the requirements of the knowledge of the financial affaiits of Fulton, Kentucky but t Devil at a moment's notice. have commented Dear Mr. Westpheling: the Banana Festival, A spirit generous enough to help man forgive his most that Is it the lack of abundant water that the money used to finance the For the past two years the Fulton They bitter enemy, supply; tax emoluments; electricity annual Festival should be channeled News has been a valued supporter one communication into the effort to get industry. of the programs of the Kentucky Th. rates; transportation, most Department of Agriculture, work- Devil financ- A conscience deep enough to discipline man's efforts to and public utilities: long-term It is a justifiable, but stupid com- ing with us in our inform gam hospitals, recre- the citizens of the Commonwealth belle ing: adequate schools, ment, for the monies used to finance treacherous thoughts, facilities; the proximity to of activities, plans and purposes of How ational the Festival have thus far been deriv- their state department of agricul- Fulto centers; air universities ind cultural ed from generous outside sources; ear- A power strong enough to bind man from the destruc- ture. Your newspaper has also been field modern muni- a frequent publisher of my weekly Th travel; public housing; marked expressly for the promotion main street tion of prejudices, column "What's Going On Here." to So cipal government: of Festival activities. modernization: proximity to metro- I sincerely appreciate your co- over A charity broad enough to sacrifice man's most cherish- operation and support. However, as politan areas: access roads to plant None of these sources, NOT ONE you know, I am now a candidate - sites: modern highway accessibility; OF THEM, would contribute one dol- ed possessions, for the office of state school su- Bas services: financial, in- lar solely for the procurement of in- perintendent. Under these circum- professional stances it may be in conflict with The surance and real estate services: shop- dustry, for these sources contend, if conquer the fight over per- your editorial policies to publish a A courage brave enough to Schoo contributions were made to the column that is prepared by ping centers; traffic circulation? — such weekly way sonal responsibilities, credited to an announced can- twin cities for that purpose, the same and Gleas that the I can understand your think- You can take it from us contributed didate. game amount would have to be case—and I, per- twin cities have a high score of ef- most in- ing—if that be the Sta to hundreds of other communities. A wisdom thoughtful enough to solve man's feel that it would be in bad these categories and sonally, Greg ficiency in all of These contributions come to the Fes- taste for me to continue the cir- com- tricate problems, Ingru more. Again, and as a matter of tival because it is an outstanding and culation of such a column. without David munity pride, we can say unique and worthwhile program. Consequently, this is the last The contradiction that in many instances, A faith strong enough to lift man in his most doubtful week that my column will be is- the D front in sued. In order to service the many Whe our twin cities are way out The only expense borne by hour, Kentucky newspapers that have communities that teams comparison to those local interests in connection with found the column to be news. that in- worthy, the department's informa- have landed highly discriminating the Festival has been FOR AD- A humility humble enough to anchor man in his loftiest have dustries within recent years. tion section will continue to issue experi VERTISING AND PROMO- moment of success, weekly news packets that your TION for their individual firms readers might find of interest. The spirit? and for personal admissions to format will be the same and the Fon Is it our overall, community A peace calm enough to stem the sure tide of death. title will be the same; but I will no the Festival events. longer be identified in the column Then,0 Lord, grant us the willingness to serve Thee heading. All- This question, if answered in the And yet, the Festival has through serving all mankind. I hope that you will continue to (F affirmative, would be the most pene- brought us more national and inter- find useful information in the col- The umn and, at any rate, let me ex- em s trating blow of all to hundreds of national prominence in just one year, on leaders in Amen. press my sincere appreciation for team, hard-working, dedicated than can be purchased with 50 times your support during the past three partici this community. the annual budget of the Chamber of years of my term as commissioner led all of agriculture. player. ' For we can say, in all candor, Commerce. The with some authority since we Cordially, ton hal and Wendell P. have lived in other small communi- Butler back; Some Thoughts To Ponder Commissioner of Agriculture Charle ties, that, in the aggregate, the twin Lucy, cities of Fulton and South Fulton, mentio most democratic, —Does the Chamber of .Com- escapees are German soldiers. other war. In THE EAGLE AND have the friendliest, Their we have ever merce have ample staff, finances and FULTON'S names are Matthe Teege and THE IRON CROSS the reader will warmest neighborliness Albert Pomtow. They are barely find the sense of illumination that CO had the pleasure to live with. program to go out and lure industry, out of their teens. For them politics is the highest art of fiction. or do we merely exist while we wait was a jumble of words, and war is THE BIRDS FALL DOWN by Re ad- vie We say "in the aggregate" for prospects to come to us? jararrsr Colmar slaughter without meaning. They becca West. Dame Rebecca's long want to escape the visedly, for in our communities, like bonds of bar- and completely absorbing new Canv By Brands Rowlett bed wire, not to fight for over, there the Third novel is quite different from any of which communities the world —Should we continue to prevail Reich, but to flee This week we shall examine a ter Dobius gain international fame the Fourth Reich her others—different, in fact, from the 1967 soreheads and a handful of upon a few, volunteer business peo- that has been set up are a few few of the new novels that can be and use it in attempts to sway both within the anything else being written today— reveale camp. Their haven is snobs who possibly resent new leader- ple to expend their private resources found on the American Lending the domestic and foreign policies to be yet totally characteristic of her eligible "America"—or at least neighbors and new ideas. and limited time to secure industry Library shelf at the library. of the United States. More im- their image genius. Set at the turn of the cen- exprest ship, new of America culled from oortant than any other considera- Western tury, it uses the ingredients of an MAR It would be Utopia to find a com- that will benefit the entire communi- OF HONOR by Allen novels and the words CAPABLE tion in this controversial and fierce- of the found- international spy thriller for 159, Ag this small The foibles of human am- ing fathers. But it munity anywhere without ty? Drury. ly satiric novel is this basic issue: is another thoughtful probing into timeless PROM bition and stupidity, and the gran- America that the population, which is luckily becoming how much do Walter Dobius and POWs discover. human motives. The story is told Against we overly burdened with deur of political and personal in- They dream of joining vigorous —Are his colleagues of press, television, the proud through a half-English girl of Marketi the vanishing brood. In the are woven into this block- Indian of merchants who do a good business, tegrity, and radio influence America's tribes the Wild West; in- eighteen, Laura Rowan, whose or The atmosphere of our twin novel of national and in- stead the and energetic busting policies—and what is their right to Indians with whom they father is an M. P. and whose Order are satisfied with their income, and ternational crisis. Writing with the take refuge have only cities it would take radar to bring do so? a terrible grandfather, Count Nikolai, is an outcome hinder rather than help the civic pro- skill and insight of one who was captivity to share. One of focus. them, exiled Russian aristocrat living in -ally. Fi ours into significant himself a Washiaton correspon- THE EAGLE AND THE IRON Matthe, finds grams undertaken by their neighbors? love—but the girl is a Paris, still passionately loyal to ed as dent for 20 years, Mr. Drury car- CROSS by Glendon Swarthout. teen-age, gum-chewing Indian pro- his Tsar. —Shouldn't we give more than ries forward the deservedly popu- THE EAGLE AND THE IRON stitute. The pair seek justice, and While she is on a trail journey What Is The Answer? lar characters of his Pulitzer- CROSS opens in a World War II are tracked by a lip service to the growing need for a group of farmer- with him in northern France, the Prize winning ADVICE AND CON- prisoner-of-war camp. It centers vigilantes for whom the torture and grandfather is confronted by th,t both the Chamber of and its sequel, A SHADE upon a battle point with pride to coordinator for SENT, fierce struggle—a murder of their quarry is the Tsar's arch-enemy, a terrorist While we DIFFERENCE. He adds to his both Commerce's industrial development OF physical and moral — waged highest form of patriotism. Finally, searching for the truth about as our attributes and view with satisfac- poi, fascinating gallery a major by two young escapees against a in a climax of explosive action and apparent double spy. rhis con- that program AND the Banana Festival, of Walter Dobius, a famous foe at once and sadistic. tion the greater accomplishments trait relentless cutting irony, the one surviving frontation and the jeopardy too! Isn't the ultimate goal . . com- views It in shall accumulate in the new year Washington columnist whose takes its place among the prob- German, in alliance with a young which it puts Laura precipitate a we prejudices have great influ- ing war novels of time, but one munity promotion . . . one and the — and our Indian who has all but lost his series of dramatic events in which ahead of us (housing for the elderly, the com- reader ence on his colleagues of that offers the a shocking manhood, must enter into a war she is deeply involved. The cold slum clearance, a same? munications media. Mr. Drury de- Jolt of surprise. For the POW camp with urban renewal and the Americans, a war that blooded murder toward which It ei scribes the way that men like Wal- is located in Arizona. And the two tourist welcome center at the Park- —Is the reception we give our in- becomes a vivid counterpart of the leads is a master stroke of irony. way entrance, full speed ahead on the dustrial prospects warm and cordial Latin-American Friendship Center, enough? Do other communities - A delightful supper party another successful Banana Festival, a was enjoyed Tuesday handle these receptions differently night, December 17, at the neighborhood Youth Center, creek we Coffee Shop with the W. V. than the way we do? Shouldn't Roberts and Son Store host to and street improvements, to name prospects more exposure to employees. Among those give our present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. just a few) it appears imperative that of our V. Roberts, Mrs. Boyd the warm "togetherness" Bennett, Mrs. Hilda Byrd, Miss we take a hard look at our industrial permitting Back The Clock Camilli Jones, Miss La- homes, our social life, verne Walker, Mr. and Mrs. procurement program with a cold and them to get to know the women-folks Chas. Arnn, and Mr. and critical eye. Mrs. R. L. Williams. too? December 27, 1946 industries continue to locate As —What does an industrial pros- The first signs of snow appeared in Fulton last Fri- us it will follow that many of around pect take away from Fulton but a day morning, as the rain turned into snow as the temper- us will ask more frequently, "what cold, dry statistics? Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Bondurant of Hickman re- do- brief case full of ature changed. Snow fell for only a short time. are they doing that we are not Wouldn't a taste of twin cities' incom- cently enjoyed their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr- ing . . . what do other communities Bondurant and his wife, the parable friendliness be a somewhat James Thomas (Peewee) Nanney has been promot- former Miss Maggie Wise- have that we do not have?" man, were married in Union City greater asset to remembeit than an in- ed to the rank of captain in the United States Army. on December 20, 11396. Published Every Thursday of The Year dustrial electrical rate of which ours They have six children, Milton of Hickman, Raymond of at 209 Commercial Ave, Fulton, Ky. 421111 Martin, Mrs. Monta Peeples is compatible with many other com- Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Dyer announce the birth of a and Mrs. Mina Ferguson of Second- class postage paid at Fulton, Ky. COO. munities around us. Fulton, Mrs. Ruby Williams and Mrs. Violet Williams of son, born last Friday, December 20, at Haws Memorial Hickman; also 27 Succiossor of various timieddy papers In Futter hospital. He has been named Sydney Gardner Dyer. grandchildren, and five grandchildren. Ilse first of which was Founded In MIMI. —Should the visit of an industri- al prospect be clocked in secrecy? Voted on• of Kentucky's "Sort All Around" Chlorination equipment has been installed at the Weekly Papers. Isn't it time we organize an effective relations Fulton water works, since some of the tests of the city A member of the ••..I.,elry Press Association public committee to receive AUSTIN SPRINGS: Mrs. Guy Casey recently en- to do water supply have shown pollution. Address all mall (subscriptions, change of •6 prospects some extra niceties, tertained with a kitchen shower for her daughter, Mrs. dross. Forms WS) to Pose Moo les 3111(, RA. when the statistical tour is ended? Archie Fuller and Mr. Fuller at her honorees ton, Kentucky, 421111. Plans have been completed for the annual New home. The received many nice and useful gifts. Subscription Rotes: PAM per mar In Fulton —In short, isn't it high time we Year's dance to be held by the Fulton Elks in the club Hickman, Graves Counties, Ky., and Oblen and stop griping about losing industries, room on Lake Street, Wednesday night, January 1. Jim- John Lintz has completed his house on the Sam , Moakley Counties, Tenn. Illoeurbaro tiwistsphort and start probing for the answers Small and his orchestra will provide an evening of Bynum farm and moved if.. United Stites $4.00 per ymr. on mie into his new home three weeks ' Kentucky Subscribers nowt add 1% Salm Tam. how to land them? good dance music. ago. • returns and tragedy in the haUs of SFHS Newbern's homecoming crowd. Af- boys. Before the game was over en the Obion Central team. This quick with long punt 39-0. ter a slow start the Red Devils the country boys had taught the was, howaver, soon to be a moral went on to defeat Dresden the death of one of the star players good lesson and had a victory as well, as South Fulton begai: to move out in front of New- city to. s 3 The Red Devils then took the and linemen, South Fulton's'Devils v.;tory. I understand the fans went straight through the 8 and 9 bern. South Fulton returned to 34-14 next week off to get ready fOr the reorganized and rent to Milan. (From SF14 Scarlet Flash) students yelling aroused the Devils when the score men Obian Central had placed on their hometown with a 42-7 victory even went home West Tennessee Jaycee Bowl in With the Wan Bulldogs on one And so, the 1966 Football Season for the first 12 minutes of the game Fulton's favor. the line to stop South Fulton, and and spoiled Newburn's homecom- was 28-14 in South was side of field and the South Ful- at South Fulton High School comes as South Fulton to* over and sent South Fulton became an "air Milan, Tennessee. The school Use ing intensity ton Devils other, it proved, le a close as the South Fulton Red Gleason home witti a 41-0 defeat. For a game of beauty and ex- bunch" to take home the 41-0 vic- particularly filled with on the first indeed be a Bowl Game. For, Devils win the 1966 West Tennessee The next week Martin came to Then came 'he game everyone cPement, the homecoming cele- tory over this 'never-beaten' team. this game because it was the ,to again to .;aycee Bowl at Milan, Tennessee. South Fulton. The Devils seemed to had been w -i1ing for. Fulton City bratioa with Obion Central appear- time in the history of the school the Red Devils returned with a victory, It has been a memorable year for be somewhat dismayed this week came to South Fulton Devil Coun- ed. The crowd was filled with an- Then came the last regular sea- that South Fulton had ever been Devil Country 19-7 many of us_and one we will long and were behind 6-0 at the half. try. As some say, it was a matter ticipation and anxiety as the South son game with Dresden. South Ful- invited to participate in a Bowl 2 outstanding men's trophies, and a 3' a remember. It all began on August The team came back in the third of the country boys playing the city Fulton Red Devils had never beat- ton Devilmen struck two times Game. Although there was a great trophy for winning such game. 5, 1966 when the Red Devils began quarter, however, and went ahead practice for the coming season. The 7-6, played defense and beat Mar- first two weeks were spent getting tin, Tennessee. blocking procedures and timing Then came the cold night at down as well as conditioning. Halls. After 55 yards in penalities Then came the time for the Jam- and 3 fumbles South Fulton went boree. We were a little concerned to work and came home with a about the progress we had made, 48-12 victory. but this was soon erased as the Red Lake County was to be the next Devils showed in the Jamboree triumph for the Red Devils. But that they could play as they willed. rain and fumbles came together the Fulton They scored 20 points on Halls in and South Fulton could never find supporter one quarter. themselves. This was the first de- Kentucky Then came a large test for the feat of the season as the Devilmen ure, work- Devils. They knew that the coming went down 20-6. to inform game was opposite of one of the The next week the Red Devils monwealth better teams of this area this year. regrouped and went to Fulton urposes of However, with Devil spirit, South County. After 2 long punt returns I agricul- Fulton came out ahead of Green- and kickoff returns the Red Devils also been field with a 32-26 win. had Fulton County so confused that y weekly The following week Gleason came they brought home a 61-13 victory. Here." to South Fulton with a 46-6 win Then the South Fulton team play for your CO- over Sharon. Horns blowing and journeyed to Newburn to wever, as candidate hoot au- Basketball Season Here circum (From SEM Started Flash) et with The 1966-67 South Fulton High publish a season got under School Basketball Well, Christmas is about over epared by way on November 29, 1966 with need can and I hope everyone enjoyed it. - Gleason. There will be twenty-three our of think- games this season. There has been quite a lot nd I, per- Starting Lineup for the Devils is: sickness around. Mrs. Mattie Rog- be in the bad Greg Hamilton, Lee Ingrum, Alan ers has been on the sick list the cit. Ingrum, James Bransford, and past two weeks. . David Perry. Jack Matthews has been in the the last There is no definite line-up for Fulton Hospital for several days be is- the Devilettes. and hopes to be home in a day or the many When asked of his predictions for SO. at have teams, Coach Cunningham said The many friends of Mrs. Robert news- that only time would tell. "We Rogers extend deep sympathy in informa- have much potential, all we need is the death of her father, R. R. to issue experience. Castleman of Hickman. He died in at your the Baptist Hospital at Memphis rest. The Saturday afternoon at three o'clock. and the Four Red Devils Make Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, of I will no Memphis, are visiting her parents, column Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers. They All-Conference Team were here to attend the funeral of Johnson's grandfather, Mr. tinue to (From SFH Scarlet Flash) Mrs. the col- The Red Devils placed four play- Castleman. Jack Lowe will enter Hill- me ex- ers on the All-Reelfoot Conference Mrs. Hospital tonight (Tuesday) lion for team, selected by coaches of the 12 ville undergo surgery Wednes- ast three participating schools. South Fulton and will We wish an early re- Issioner led all schools in the amount of day morning. players selected. covery for her. of The players were: Greg Hamil- Mr. and Mrs. Alton Smithson ton halfback; Steve Green-quarter- Coulterville, Ill., spent the holidays Mrs. back; James Counce-encL; and with her parents, Mr. and Charles Pennington-guard. Johnny Bud Stem. culture Roach and Lucy, fullback, received honorable Mr. and Mrs. Mancil and mention. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown family have moved to South Ful- AND E ton. We wish them happiness in will der Cotton Farmers Tell their new home. on that Mr. and Mrs. Earl Callander, of Paducah, and Mr. and Mrs. Hanna, Re- by Views In of Union City, visited Mr. and Mrs. long Referendum as John Smith recently. new Canvassing of returned ballots Mr. and Mrs. Ray Adams, of of any which was conducted by mail for Martin, spent Tuesday with Mrs. from , the 1967 Upland Cotton Referendum C. E. Lowe. today-- revealed that 48 percent of the of her eligible voters in Fulton County e cen- expressed their resires as follows: HEARTFELT PAYMENT of an MARKETING , QUOTAS - For After he carried a rheumatic for 159, Against 9. RESEARCH AND heart patient safely through the 'meless PROMOTION ORDER - For 82, birth of her baby, a CARE-MED- Is tolci Against 74. Results as to whether ICO doctor in North Africa receiv- girl of Marketing Quotas will be in effect ed an unexpected "payment" from whose or The Research and Promotion the grateful husband—a chicken whose Order will apply will depend on the and a basket of vegetables. MED- , Is an outcome of the referendum nation- ICO contributions may be sent to log in ally. Final results will be announc- CARE, 1720 West End Ave., Nash- yal Is ed as soon as determined. ville, Tennessee 37209. Time to say goodbye to 1966! It was a good year, full of e, e, the by th•• progress and change. It was a year in which we made many rrorif: Cllfe're ringing in the ut was the fore- eon- Count to ten New Year with new friendships and cemented many old ones. It dy in itate hearty good wishes for you which runner, we hope, of many more good years in a fine, fast- cold when you buy your and all your loved ones. May hit a irony this be the year all growing community. next bottle of your fondest dreams come true. We're grateful to have To you, our loyal friends and patrons, may we extend bourbon. served you during the past year and anticipate, our best wishes for a year of health and plenty for you and with pleasure, Continuing our association. your families. Thank you for giving us the pleasure of serv- ing you!

is a true Bourbon of Hiram Walker quality. Try some. Sip it slow and easy. Enjoy fine 86 proof straight Bourbon whiskey as SOUTH FULTON LIME & FERTILIZER only Hiram Walker can make itl COMPANY

86 PROOF • 100 PROOF, 90111E0 IN BOND HIRAM WALKER SONS INC, PEORIA, ILLINOIS Page HOSPITAL NEWS 4 The Full= News, Thursday, Dec. 29, 1966

The following were patients in THE DOBBS TRUSS Fulton hospitals on Wednesday, No Bulbs—No Keltp—No Straps. Molds rupture in and up like the December 28: hand — Accept No Other—Accept the Best For Reducible

HILLVIEW HOSPITAL Mrs. James Haygood, Dempsy Barber, Mrs. Bessie Floyd, Fulton; William Duncan, Mrs. Bernard Pickering, Mrs. Russell Boaz, Mrs. Washable, Sanitary — For Single Or Double Rupture Jack Lowe, Paul Wade, Janice CITY DRUG COMPANY Barber, Mrs. Newton Smith, Mrs. 408 LAKE STREET PHONES 70, Bonnie Bradley, South Fulton; Mrs. 428 Ada Mills, Dukedom; Mrs. Larry ..IMM11•11111•• Boyd, Sandra Howard, Bobby Mc- Alister, Water Valley; A. W. Tar- vet, Crutchfield; Bro. R. H. Sulli- van, Route 4, Clinton; Mrs. Clara Dedmon, Union City.

FULTON HOSPITAL Mrs. Eula Gordon, Mrs. C. B. THANKING Elledge, Mrs. Norman Fulcher and EACH baby, Miss Joyce Hall, Mrs. Lela Boone, Mrs. Mary Sensing, Mrs. Bert Newtouse, Fulton; Mrs. AND EVERYONE Clovis Latham, Clyde Fields, Miss Ruby Ellen Pruett, Ernest New- house,il•Eouth Fulton; Mrs. Hattie Osbornb, Mrs. R. B. Watts, Route 1, Fulton; Mrs. David Parnell and baby, Mrs. Lanita Grissom, Route For Their Patronage In 1966, 3, FultAl; Mrs. Bill Gadberry, I take this Route 4, Fulton; Mrs. Cora Cox, Route 1, Wingo; Cletus Walker, Jessie Hicks, Route 1, Water Val- ley; Sam Moore, Route 1, Duke- means to wish each of you a happy and dom; Jack Curtin, Route 4, Hick- man; Mrs. Ray Turner, Route 1, Lynnville. prosperous New Year Pastor To Preach At Sandy Branch CHARLES RICE Elder Ben BovvIin, the new pas- tor, In the will preach at Sandy Branch photo above the Greyhound bus is shown submerg3s1 in a ditch Simons paint, Glass and Wallpaper while bystanders try to give help. Primitive Baptist Church on Sun- day, January 1, at 11 a. m. and at 107 E. Stale 7 p. m. Line Fulton — SEE — News-Shopper Reporter Regular services will now be held On Scene on the first and third Sundays of each month, mornings and nights, Fulton Insurance Agency As Bus Gets Involved In Accident instead of on the second Sunday, as in the past. Everyone is cordially FOE TOM by Marti Eaken POLICY FOR on the right side. It had turned invited to attend all services. Several cars stalled between completely around and was headed • FARM AND AUTO INSURANCE hills on the highway as the snow- north. Neighbors lightened the storm made the highway EXPLORES! Haws Memorial hits • FARMER'S LIABILITY COVERAGE slippery. three-hour wait for another relief Nursing Home, Slow-moving traffle had • FARM LOANS only pack- bus by feeding the • iungsters milk Much of the exploranion ed the surface to of eastern OFFICE PHONE thick sheet of and offering dry l(s. KentuCkcy; was 472-1351 21111 MAIN STREET ice. A Greyhound:Nis, dote er, U. Thomas being driven Walkee.: 1Dr. Inc., In Compliance FULTON, KENTUCKY south Four persons w. •c taken Walker and his party With by Duyane Dort: carae over to the came, Fulton hospital ou: ta this state in April, 1750, the hill and saw the cars 'stalled only twe were pushinlg admitted. They were Into the Mate te a point in blocking the rood. !Men he found P. W. Coyne, the driver of the area of what is .tiww Barbour- Medicare Title he could not bring tbg, bus to pickup truck—a total rn XVIII a ytottett,iffirir they ttop, he headed off The .road.where loss—and Wanda James, palsenger again in the red Chevrolet—also , evairung &nip at the the embankment was slight, and a total site loss. Injuries of the present day Sadyersville It is the policy through a grove of trees in were reported as not of the Haws Memorial Nursing the serious. cbatbouse. lite Big Sandy yard of the W. W...Greer family. Valley Home, Inc. to admil and to treat PLAY and Levine Fort were also all patients with- The bus fishlailecilit visited left the Passengers of the bus heaped . em fills trip. Let's out regard to race, color or national road and the rood.,# Speak Up For origin. The • • bus struck praise on driver Duyane Dort fon Knitufick and its proud same requirements a red 65 Chevrolk past. for admission are applied to all se n, knocking handling the bus and preventing patients it into the other vehicles and off any injuries to them. are assigned within the home without re- BILLFOLD the road. gard to race. color or national Sgt. Billy Moore of the origin. There is no A blue 61 Ford driven Tema by James Highway Patrol was the investigat- S. P. MOORE & CO. distinction in eligibility,for. or in the manner Gregory of Bogota, Tenn. of struck ing officer who finally succeeded 141 broadway, South providing the rear of an Ellis Fulton ,any patient service provided by or transport truck. in reaching the scene by borrowing As yet no one knows what Phone 471,111164 through the nursing home. All facilities BINGO at struck a jeep and driving down the of the nurs- a pickup truck driven —Armstrong ing by P. W. shoulder of the highway. Traffic Inlaid Linoleum home are available without distinction to all Coyne of St. Augustine, Fla. knock- became so congested in every lane —Vinyl and Tile patients and visitors ing him into the ditch regardless of race, color or YOU CAN in front of in both directions on the icy WIN the bus. high- —Downs and McGee national origin All persons and way that no vehicle could move for Cornett/1g organizations No one on the bus —Upholstering, UP TO was injured, two hours. A few cars began mov- Modern having occasion either to refer patients for admis- $1000.00 the nose pushed into a ditch and ing at 4 pm as everyone got out Antique sion or to recommend the snowbank and it came Haws Memorial Nursing to an up- and pushed each other out by hand. —Viking PLUS INSTANT CASH right stop with the Kitchen Carpeting Home, Inc. are advised to do so without AND door sprung The highway was not regard open and a and —Jim luggage door damaged open until 6:30 pm. Martin Paints to the patient's race, color or national origin. A & P PRODUCT PRIZES

NO PURCHASE REQUIRED TO PLAY Fulton, Hillview Hospital Staffs KASNOWS One FREE Game Slip Per Enjoy Christmas Dinners, Parties FULTON HOSPITAL Store Visit To Each Adult Cruse, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Wil- The annual Christmas par ly for son, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wade, Mr. the Fulton Hospital staff was a and Mrs. l'ete Kelly, Mr. and Mrs smorgasbord dinner at Park Ter- Billie Jolley, Miss Joyce McCall, race, with Dr. and YEAR-END Mrs. Glynn Hu • Maynard CLEARANCE Weidenbach, Mrs. Patti hart and Or, and Mrs. Ward Bus- Forrest, Mrs. Katie Margaret IMPORTANT NOTICE! hart serving as hosts. Follov,:•,g Walker, Mrs. Emma Butts, PFC the dinner, gifts were exchange OUR BILLFOLD BINGO GAM ENDS SATURDAY -I. Charles Austin and Miss Carol DEC. ST.--GAME SLIPS Attending were: Dr. and Mrs. R. Luther. IS NOW IN PROGRESS! 31 ,MAY BE REDEEMED T. Peterson, Or, and Mrs. 3. A. Following dinner, dancing THRU SAT. JAN. 14th. Poe, Dr. and Mrs. Russell was Ito Id, enjoyed in the home of Mrs. Edna Abell, Mr. and Mrs. Mable Bur Mrs. Paul Wade. LADIES SUEDE LEATHER gs•ss, Miss Mary Swann Bushart, COATS Mrs. MINK COLLAR EXTRA Sudell Cunningham, Mrs. GREENE-- $85.00 Values $59.95 Anna Mae Hardy, Mrs. Evelyn (Continued Harmon, Mrs. Rosie Harrison, Mrs, from Palle One) a 32nd degree SLIPS I,inda Hedge, Mrs. Velma Huey, Mason and has re- LADIES MINK-TRIMMED ceived many honors COATS $69.95 Values Miss Katherine Humphrey, Mrs. and policy as- $49.95 signments in Mahle Lawson, Mrs. Thelma I.:litt- local and state gov- ernment and the TO er, Mrs. Dorothy Martin. Mrs. Democratic party. $49.95 Values He has long been $34.95 James Meacham, Mrs. Halle. Mor- a stalwart, ag- gressive, respected, ris, Mrs, Christine McClellan. Mrs. and day-by- HELP day and every-day Iva Owen, Mrs. Christine Pierce, worker in al- LADIES UNTRIMMED CLOTH most every state COATS $29.95 Values Sirs, Rebecca Powell, Mrs. .1im Democratic (gen- $19.95 eral election) YOU Sanders, Mrs. Dela Sisson, Mrs. campaign head- quarters for the past Mary Thompson, Mrs, Mary Wil- 20 years. $24.95 Values "I plan to personally $14.95 son; also Stuart Poston of Mem- visit every WIN county in Kentucky before phis, firmerly associated v•ith the the May primary:- Greene said. LADIES hospital, and Mrs. Poston. "It is my ALL-WEATHER COATS Values A FEW conviction that I am experienced to $17.98 $ 7.98 Of The MANY WINNERS IN THIS enough, AREA HILLVIEW HOSPITAL yet young enough, to ef- ficiently. firmly, Edmond Khourie The nurses at Hillview 110.pital but courteously, LADIES DRESSES conduct the affairs of the $14.98 and held their annual Christmas party important $16.00 Values 8.98 Kenneth Vaughn office of Auditor of Public $ on December 20 in the home of Ac- Mrs. counts." Willie Cruse Virginia Austin on Carr $11.98 and $10.98 Values Street. A smorgasbord dinner, with $ 6.98 Mrs. Ruby Thompson turkey, ham and all the trimmings, Ez.:-1 Plumley was served to the nurses and their $ 9.98 and $ 8.98 Values $ 5.98 hip•bands, as special guests. Parts For All Electric Camilla Kendall Other honored guests were Dr. and LADIES WOOL SKIRTS Mrs. Andrew Nelson, Dr. and $ 7.99 and Seldon Peeples Mrs. $ 8.99 Values John W. Ragsdale, Jr., and Shavers Al: $ 5.00 G. B. Baird Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hales. Others attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Mayme Merryman Mrs. ANDREWS Jerry Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. ('an l Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Timmy Jewelry Company KASNOW'S Maynard, DEPT. Mr. and Mrs. David STORE IN. SCANDINAVIA IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA Page 5 The Jultomten is a frie It's customary among the '.7zechs gnome, who not e. 'y brings gifts to to break off a cherry tree branch, Scandinavian children but guards at the beginning of ..dvent. The the hpusehold and farm as well. branch is placed in pot of water To keep* him happy, the childrei in the kitchen and kept in the In Operation 66 Veers give the cattle extra fodder and warm air. leave sheaves of grain for Iii- At Christmas time, it's hoped, 'Large Display • birds on Christmas Eve. the twig will burst into bloom and • At • make a festive decoration. Well Lighted Night 'Open Sunday Afternoons MANY ASSETS Kentucky Lake and Barkley Lake of over have a combined shoreline W O. Powers Lake is 184 I.Mr1 g War of 1812, William Greenfield 4,000 miles. Kentucky C-Iton J. B. MANESS SONS is 118 Henry Harrison served as Major .miles long and Barkley Lake • 472-185, Phone 235.2293 I miles bag. Let's teL the nation General of the Kentucky militia. about Kentucky's many assets. Let's speak up far K nt..teky.

In toe two photographs above •mployees of the cu o.g room department of the Henry I have fun °peeing their Christmas bogs that conta:n w! at ±Iss hirkeys. Cleta Beggs Selected For Honor OTOpp,, Miss• Clete 4eggayhotghter•„•:, of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis. lieu!: of 301 Pearl Street in Fulton, has been selected to appear in the annual biographical compilation "Out- gandipg Young. Mu:nen-of Amer- ica." This is an anwal.piographi- cal compilation of s*o optstanding young women taetweim the ages of 21 and 35, who have distinguished themselves in civic and profession- al activities. We're Local women's clubs throughout sounding the country submit nominations for the book each year. Miss with a New Beggs' name was submitted by the Year's welcome Fulton-South Fulton_ Business and end "thank Professional Women's Club. you" to oar As a child, Miss Beggs was stricken with polio and, in spite of of Mood& this, she assisted with all corn- For the past three years or more we have been "wiring" in anticipation .nunity drives, including the polio fund campaign. She received her 1967.. . the year that Fulton goes on TVA power. .the year the Fulton busi- B. S. degree at the University of Tennessee at Martin in three years, later receiving her Master's degree nesses and households throughout the Fulton electric system network will begin at Murray State University. Our- ,ng this time she worked to assist the electricity used. The change-over begins in May. with her college education. enjoying TVA rates on all She is presently teaching fourth rates grade at Brookmeade Elementary Your Fulton Electric system will be ready to meet the demand. Lower School in Memphis and resides at 1393 Jefferson, Apartment 2, Mem- and this will mean a greatly increased phis. will mean more electrical conveniences, line load ... more transformers, larger-capacity lines. Well be ready. This might also be a good time to sugg est that household and business circuits should be examined to see that they will be capable of handling larger loads. Call your electrician sometime in the next month or so and up-date your premises if they need it. 2000 FEET FREE PARKING

with convenience A Happy New Year to all of our customers ... and may it be filled

and luxury you have never before enloyed .... electrically!

ITS SO EASY TO STOP AND SHOP AT IllaypowlsrmiNSS FIVE -0- ONE FULTON ELECTRIC SYSTEM In the space age, as in any age, the story of progress is still the story of people. Our own community proves that! We can look at our town with justiable pride in its advantages and opportuities,thanks to the endeavors of all to make this fine community of ours a better place to live and work.

In the same spirit, we can look with hope and confidence toward a future that holds continued community growth, with

As your city officials we seek your valued counsel and co- operation to attain more progress for our community in 1967. All of us working together will bring us the happiness we hope for in the endeavor to make our town a better and more wholesome place in which to live.

Glenn Williams, Fire Chief W. D. Powers, Superintendent Billy Meacham G. A. Thomas, Foreman J. P. Wade Bernard Pickering Houston Douglas Marvin Hill POLICE DEPARTMENT: Lee Davis Aaron Ward Richard Myatt, Police Chief William Johnson A. E. Campbell J. 0. Madding Guy Perry Robert Wilson E. W. Bethel James Hood L. H. Williams Henry Cobb Charles Stafford Cy Edwards Rudell Johns Rufus Waters Willie Brown Ingram Lester Chester White Archie Martin Bennie Gordon Augustus Pearson, James Polk Orville Pickering Charles Morrison DEATHS Happy Birtbday

The News takes pleasure In wish- Mrs. Sarah G. Hopper ing "Happy Birthday" to the fol- Mrs. Sarah G. Hopper died Mon- lowing friends: day night, December 26, in the December 30: Jane Easterwood, Worship at the Church of your Choice Obion County Hospital at Union Larry Edwin Graves, Helen Hart, City. Monte Wolfe; December 31: Bruce Funeral services will be held at Kent Hallman, J. N. Hemphill, 2 p. m. today (Thursday) at Whit- Joel H. Nabors; January 1: James net Funeral Home and burial will Austin, Mrs. John D. Burrow, Sue be in the Cayce Cemetery. Killian, Miss Gertrude Murphey, Mrs. Hopper, 91, was born in Wanda Lee Smith; Weakley County, Tennessee, and January 2: Jasper Vowell, Paul was the widow of John Hopper. Westphellng, Curt White; January Surviving are one son, William 3: Ellie Clark, Sally Collier, C. R. Lee Lowery of Cayce; one daugh- Griffin, Ricky Hopkins; January 4: ter, Mrs. Alice Hopper of Cayce; Terry Cresson, Barbara Cunning- Faith one sister, Mrs. Jim Hatchett of ham, Sandra Toon, Mary Nell Midway, Tenn., and six grandchil- Wright; January 5: Mrs. E. A. dren. Frazier, Mrs. Linda Nelms, Sara Watkins. Mrs. Clarence Jackson CONGRATULATIONS! doesn't Funeral services for Mrs. Clar- Mr, and Mrs. van tsrann will ob- ence Jackson were held Monday, serve their Golden Wedding anni- December 26, in Jackson Funeral versary on Saturday, December 31. Home at Dukedom, with Bro. Cards may be sent to them at 2186 James W. Shockley officiating. Jefferson Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. Burial was in Highland Park Ceme- 38104. tery, Mayfield. just Mrs. Jackson, 63, died on De- cember 22 in the Mayfield Hos- CLASSIFIED ADS pital, following a long illness. She was a member of Knob Creek Church of Christ. WANTED TO BUY: Yellow corn. Surviving are her husband of Paying $1.55 bushel for Number two yellow corn delivered to our stand Route 1, Dukedom; two daughters, Margaret Jane Jackson, living at store. Southern States Fulton Co- home, and Mrs. Shirley Ann Dea- Operative, 201 Central Avenue, South son of Detroit; one grandson, Fulton. Danny Deason of Detroit, and two FOR SALE: Boston Terrier bull- sisters, Mrs. Kate Collie and Miss dog puppies, male and female. Annie Davis, both of Benton, Ky. AKC registered. Freeman Bone, there. Fulgham, Ky., at intersection high- Otis J. Brown ways 107 and 58. Phone 653-6355. Otis .1. Brown died in the Dea- ('V ANTENNAS: We install — coness Hospital at Detroit on De- ('rade-repair and move. Get our cember 22. Funeral services were prices We service all makes TV. held on Saturday, December 24, in Phone 472-3643. Roper Television. the Verheyden Funeral Home at Grosse Point, Mich., with burial FOR RENT: Floor sanding ma there. chine and electric floor polishes Mr. Brown, a former Fultonian, Ind electric vacuum cleaner. Ex was 74. He had lived in Detroit ihange Furniture Co. since 1927. He was born in Hick- man County, the son of the late WE RENT... Robert S. and Nancy Christine Mc- Neilly Brown. Surviving are one daughter, Hospital bet's Mrs. George Hanna of Detroit; one It does something. brother, Lester Brown of Fulton; Baby beds two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Ed- If you think all's right with the add ethical wards of Metropolis and Mrs. Hes- Vacuum Cleaners problems facing us. ter Peeples of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Floor polishers world, read no further. More important, if you listen to His wife preceded him in death two But if you're like most people, what your Faith has to say, years ago. WADE MN. CO. today's you're in a better position to Phone 472-1501 Fulton, Ky headlines are Mrs. Sarah Berry profoundly disturbing. help solve those problems. Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Narcotics, Alcoholism. Murder. But you find out for yourself. V. Berry were held In Whitnel Fun- eral Home chapel on Friday, De- Racial strife. Poverty. Cruelty. Worship this week in your cember 23, with Rev. J. G. Mc- Wbitnel Funeral Home War. The "Inhuman-ness" our church or synagogue. Minn officiating. Burial was in Rock Springs Cemetery. offers society seems to be Then take your Faith out In the Mrs. Berry, 48, died in Roseville, breeding. world and put it to work. Michigan on December 20. She was 1). Prompt, courteous amilus• the daughter of the late Travis and lance servlee with 2 staff mons- Your Faith has something to say "God's work must truly be Addle Beard Berry. bora on duty at all Hines. Surviving are a daughter, Judith about every one of the moral our own." Berry of Roseville; a sister, Mrs. 2). Credit en Tennessee Burial • Virginia Flurnia of Harper Woods, policies. a brother, John Berry, fit Mich., and Presented as a Public service by of Roseville. She was a niece of Telephone 472,2382 Hub Wesley, Cecil Beard and Mrs. Hugh Barnes, all of Fulton. dmismos. •

Dial your own This Feature Is Published With The Hope That More People Will Go To Church. Long Distance calls and save up to 35% !,t Is Sponsored By Firms Interested In This Community. over person-to-person. check the front pages of your INTERSTATE OIL COMPANY THE CITIZENS BANK Hornbeak Funeral Home phone book for area codes, Jobbers.1 111.41 Products Make eor bank your bank Oxygen-equipped embulanc•

instructions on dialing. Fulton, My. Phone 4724311 Hickman, Ky. Phone 236.2445 302 Carr St. Dial 4724412 Then dial carefully. You'll get better results... CITY DRUG COMPANY MARINE OIL COMPANY wont Stet. Lino Fulton, Ky. Compliments Of and low station-to-station rates! Your Prescription Drug 4.141* Fulton Wholesale Florist Fulton, My. Phone 47241413 Phone 47241106 Cut flowers Green florist supplies Dial 4744171 Rice Insurance Agency. Inc. Fulton Insurance Agency Farm Auto Insurance Si. us for all your Insurance MOO Farmer's Liability C EVANS DRUG COMPANY 221 Mom St. Phone 4724341 208 Main St., Fulton Office Phone 472-155> "The Recall Store Lake Street Dial 472-2421 PURE MILK COMPANY Hickman - Fulton Co's. R. E. C. C. At the store or at your doer "Live Bolter illedrkolly"

Fulton Miens 4724451 Hickman, Ky. Park Terrace Restaurant And Gift Shop E. W. James & Son Supermarkets ptlenns Souvenirs Excellent Food Fulton Coca-Cola Bottling Co.. 1. Private dining for 250 Hickman, Ky. Union City, Tenn. Kentucky Ave., Fulton Phone 472-14). South Fulton, TOM.

Parkway Manor Nursing Home Hemphill Cities Service Station sw s.efecky's newest and most modern Henry I. Siegel Company, Inc. Nursing horns, For reservation call 472.3386 Tires, Batteries, minor repairs or write Mt North Parkway, Fulton. Fulton arid South Fulton Southern Bell Broadway St. Phone 475.4073 a.

Page 8 The Fulton News, Thursday, Dec. 29, 1966 to farmers having a more ade- County Students quate feed supply. This, says the magazine, is largely a result of Those Telephone Kentucky's extension forage pro- Workmen Ring Attending Meet gram, headed by ThoMpscn. "It is Warren C. Thompson and Bells Of Real Southern Service With UK Groups the Kentucky Yorpge Council who are supplying blueprints for pas- The fire at Fry's Auto Parts autl standing job because our men had Beverly June Westbrook, a Uni- tures that produce more meat and a truck hitting a cable pear Puck- to every one of the many versity of Kentucky sophomore milk per acre," says the maga- ett's Service Station caused tem- tiny strands of wire to the only `mom Fulton County, will join ap- z porary interruption of telephone other correct wire in the cable, proximately 1,200 college students Thompson, who was instrumental service to about 500 telephone users then seat' crotecting lead sheath at all nationalities at the eighth in organizing the Forage Council, in the Fulton-South Fulton area tightly to keep out moisture and National Student Assembly of the' aver the Christmas now serves as the group's secre- weekend. air." Young Men's and Young Women's tary. Larry Ader, local Southern Bell Ader stated that the emergency Christian Associations. WNW manager, reported that the fire at crew consisted of linemen called Daughter of Mr. and Fry's Auto Parts Saturday after- from Paducah and Mayfield, and Mrs. Walvy a Westbrook, Route noon damaged a 300-pair cable number of local linemen who were One, Hickman, Miss Westbrook and 11 along Broadway in South Fulton. on vacation u•ere called back into, other UK students will stay at A 200-pair telephone cable was service and worked hours the Conrad long re- Ifillop damaged due to the truck accident storing service. Hotel in Chicago for the As- TV Time again sembly program, and temporarily interrupted ser- Mr. Ader praised the outstanding which started December 27 and ends vice to Fulton subscribers. job done under the direction of B. on January 2. WARREN THOMPSON Ader said, "Our emergency If. 'Giles, local Southern Bell plant SERVICE to wish you crews moved in promptly and re- foreman. Participants will discuss urban- Warren:C. Thompson, Kentucky stored service in the very minimum Telephone service has now been '-',"on in small group soossions, Cooperative Extension Service for- of time required. This was an out• completely restored. i' the community, both in the age crops specialist, follows in the REPAIRS NAPPY and suburbia, attend art and steps of his father, by being named on oral exhibits, and experience "man of the year" in service to Ar.tennas instalieo NEW YEAR NOTEBOOK— METLL INDUSTRY— ta face confrontatical it:, rep- Kentucky agriculture by The Pro- ess of various forces in gressive Fanner Magazine. (Continued From Page Ono (Continued main Page he community. 'Ilck•TockzTlek! The clock One) Thompson was cited by lb • I r. ft 7 'Much of the Assembly program strikes twelve as I don't think that there's any be created, and with full employ- magazine for his efforts in helping will be "in the streets." Dividcd other time in the year when a per- ment in a new addition for Kentuckians make better profits General' iOtto "colleges" of 200 persons another year flies by. Many ion's financial condition is Electrii Cto's. Owensboro ' trom livestock and dairying as a TELEVISION I installa- he students will move brought into such open realization. tions. through the result of using improved pasturcs. thanks to all ity to community organiza- 306 Main Phone 472-3643 With all the emphasis placed op Thompson's father, the late Ed -one and frontier experiments our faithful customers. gift-giving, those who can afford General Eke Inc will spend alaout in Thompson, was chosen master $2 'le arts. The topic of what pleasant shopping, come side by million n construction and will steel farmer by The Progressive Farm, Happy New Year. and concrete say to people who side with those whose every (law employ some 700 more workers in er in 1950. The late Mr. Thompson production must live in the city will be Save 25% of your fuel. is intended for the bare necessities; of electron tubes. explor- operated a farm near Hickman in ed in an "urban space hunt." Out- it is impossible to escape the hope Construction was Fulton County for many years. Have 6 in-hey of Fiber Gliss completed in standing education, political and the wishes and the pain on the 1966 on troi- and An occasional contributor to The major metal industry civic leaders have been insulation faces those secured to Progressive Farmer himself', blown in your attic. of who wish that they plants in the state. They are the guide the students in their discus- Thompson is a resident could do for loved ones, just as Harvey Aluminum Co's. $50 million ;ions. of Lexing- their more affluent neighbors do. rolling mill at Lewisport, where ton. He is a native of Fulton Guest speakers to- the Assembly 1,000 persons %ill be on the payroll, County where he worked as an ex- TWIN CITY HOMr include Dr. Robert Maybe I sound like Scrooge. and Crucible Steel Co. of America's Theobald, noted tension agent before becoming a 3rilish economist; CO Maybe I am. But on the other hand multimillion-dollar permanent mag- Malcolm Boyd, forage specialist. IMPROVEMENT referred to as the Fulton if something doesn't happen to net plant addition at Elizabeth- "expresso The magazine points out that '00 Main Bill Tayloi Hardware & Furniture Co. priest," and change the 'Over-commercialization town. Crucible officials said Oscar Brown, Jr., en. cattle income in Keidiocky incrca the tertainer, 472.1997 of Christmas. the picture of the work force of 450 is expected singer, composer, and ed from $111,998 (1,,i in 1961 to — Lake Street — to chi club three wise men at the manger is grow to 1,5.10 by 1970. operator. $157;658,000 in 1966, primarily due Ain to have to be changed to the three of them speedily driving an INDUSTRY LOCATION— armored car, with the United (Continued Frcm States mint on top of it. Page One) BENTON FROM YOUR Actually I ought to leave well Expansion enough alone. I ought to look close- ly at the one dollar gift that Mary Metal Farming Corporation Jo gave me. It was a giant sized MAYFIELD FULTON erase r, COUNTY about six inches long. On OFFICIALS It was written: "I never make New MISTEAKS." Maybe this column is a misteak. If it is I'll erase it next — General Tire and Rubber Company week. Ex?ansion General Tiro and Rubber Company Happy New Year Better start your Christmas shopping today. Kennedy Tobacco Company There's only 316 more shopping days left.

Country Club Ghosts! Telephone- Billie Bushart either has the' holiday nerves, or there's a phan• Talk torn house-wrecker in the Country Club Courts. Billie says that pie. by litres are mysteriously falling off LARRY ADER her walls. If she didn't think that Your a recent house-cleaning spree might Telephone Manager have something to do with it, she just be seared out of her ktYlor tdEl. MOO L TTA—

"tor • 'met/ I, 'I Page One. ! its , Coor.ol tributes that d -i,oi•ood r'ininde I to, anew G ! I. '7'! N,:iS a e1 voted 'iiislialci ui :how; a .eio• oil the mo.t de- light! i! • mi.• • have ever had the pro. ho is. In r000 ootlis I saw him oc- ..iasi,onally around town with Ins do vooto oi wife, Mary. Each time I got hi- iriendly wave I made a proonii•ei with myself to go by his home for a visit. I never did. Perham: it wao- joust as well. With the fall (of the First District Gibral- tar of Derrnocriocy to Republican- ism last Novmnbo r. I'm afraid I would have changed my party af- ‘9rn comes the New Year, on a really cheerful note, filiation to his. for Gilson Latta was that kind ,of a dedicated and with many a toast to health, happiness convincing man. it -mattered not and whether it was politics hr his fam- ily and friends. prosperity In the days ahead. And as the clock strikes the hour of Mr. Latta, a native of Graves twelve, may our "Happy New Year" reach all of you. i'ounty, was one of the founders iof the Fulton Bank and until the time of his death was president of :hi Water Valley Bank, in addition to serving on the board of directors 31 the Fulton Bank. For many years he was one of •the owners of the Kennett-Murray- JOHN E. CRUCE Latta stockyards in South F'ulton. BAKER MINTON Mr. Latta was a well-known COUNTY JUDGE farmer, a member of the Fulton COUNTY JAILER Elk:i Club, and a member of Ful- on's First Methodist Church. He was a :lieu!. or of the Water Valley Masonic Lodge No. 756. JAMES AMBERS ELMER MURCHISON Survivors are his wife, Mrs. %Tau Hill Latta; one daughter, COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY TAR ASSESSOR Mrs. R. T. Peterson. Fulton; three iisters, Mrs. Faran Butterfield, irlando, Fla.. Mrs. Herman Stokes, .'inita, Okla., and Mrs. Vodie Hard- DEE n, Fulton; and three grandchil- LANGFORD RUTH JOHNSON lren. COUNTY COURT Funeral services were. conducted CLERK CIRCUIT COURT CLERK • Wednesday at 2 p. m. at the First Church by-the Rev. W. I'. Barnes, the Rev. Lowell Council As the clock strikes New Year, may we "BUCK" MENEES ond the Rev. Homer Johns. Burial .vas in the Water Valley Cemetery. add a note of thanks to our many friends COUNTY SHERIFF ierrangements were in charge of Nhitnel Funeral Home. for their much appreciated kindness. =MO

LET'S GET ACQUAINTED! ALWAYS IN TUNE SECOND W F U WITH YOU 1 have just taken over the SECTION DX station at the corner of R A. West State Line In Highlands E NEW and invite you to corn* in and THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1966 Of interest to Homemakers' visit.

Here's • Special "Get Acquainted" Offer! MSU To Place More Student 12 FREE GIFTS will be given away January 21st. Stop by as many times Teachers In Schools In '67 like for your tickets! tg6 as you MURRAY, Ky. - Murray A few years ago, almost all lisle and Hickman counties and State University will put a rec- Murray State students did their on the east by Jefferson County. Dr. Jones said each - ord number of students into practice work at the University student - cern School. Today, however, 85 per may list schools in which he pre- Kentucky schools for student cent or more of it is done off fers to teach on his application. Sealon's Greeting: FREE COUNTRY HAM 10 GREASE JOBS teaching during the coming campus. This spring, according However, other considerations spring semester, the universi- to Dr. Jones, students will be may prevent assignment to one 1000 S&H GREEN STAMPS ty's director of student teaching assigned in 63 schools. of these schools, he said. To oil our wonderful Almost has announced. The area Covered by these one-fourth of the stu- customers, we extend an will be given away January 21st! Dr. Donald E. Jones, assistant schools is bounded on the south dent teachers this spring will be EXTRA special greeting professor of education, said 322 by Fulton, on the north by in the elementary grades. Dr. seniors have made application. Owensboro, on the west by Car- Jones said. for a healthy, prosper- BOB CONN' STATION This is a 19 per cent increase - - ous new year. US 45-51 By-Pass, Futon (Highlands) over the previous high of 270 set last spring, and a 56 per cent Cease Lease from the Derby Restaurant increase over the current semes- State To Across ter. Open 7 days a week Student teaching, sometimes called practice teaching, is re- Of Reelfoot Land quired of seniors who are com- pleting t h e requirements for So that the public shall not be denied ready access to Reel- WE WE teacher certification. It may be foot lake, the State Game Si Fish Commission meeting Wednes- WE until taken during either semester of day at Parts Landing State Park, voted to discontinue individuals to GIVE GIVE GIVE a student's senior year, but most next spring the practice of allowing private I sign up for it during the spring. lease shoreline land at the lake. Specialize In Service' Walter Criley, 'We The action was taken following a report by • Gr•asiog • Oil Changed planning engineer with the Ten- ' Muffler and Tail Pip* Service Dept. of Conservation. nessee 'Let Us Balance Your Tires The new ruling would not affect present lease holders. lyde Fields Service Sta. Mr. Criley and his depart- 1In the Heart of Down Town Fulton G & H Discount Furniture 591 -aw ment are engaged in a land- iaest wishes use study at Reelfoot to de- termine the best manner in :efazing - which the public can benefit The from the lake. It began its Pre-Inventory Sale! work during the summer at the 'c same time work on the new GRETSCH Reelfoot lake state park In Obion NMI inn='SPIV( county was begun. A Memphis Chet engineering firm has now sur- Reg. Price Sale Price ISO veyed the new Obion county We're sending you park and is preparing topo- Atkins graphical maps which will show ir all our good wishes for the locations of various picnic Guitar Early American Hide-A-Bed $259.95 $156.88 o and camping areas. A portion Happy a very of this park Is to be opened next 1 New Year! Thanks summer. Modern Hide-A-Bed, Fabric Cover $229.95 $109.88 Mr. Criley's study will also for your very generous take into consideration the ad- vantages the lake has as a Maple Dinette sets $139.95 $ 84.88 support. tourist attraction, sportsmen's 5-Pc paradise and for private busi- ness development. US 45.51 By Pass WH/STL/N' Game & Fish Commission 2-Pc sofa bed suites, vinyl cover $129.95 $ 74.88 Fulton, Ky. Director Fred Stanberry said his department is the adminis- Famous For Pit Bar-043 trator of about 30,000 acres of and 3-Pc bedroom suites $119.95 $ 72.88 And Chuckburgers Reelfoot lake shorelines ,water which the state owns. According to Mr. Stanberry $ 36.88 Imost of the agreements that Odd touch $ 69.95 his department has are pri- marily with beet dock op- erators. YOU CAN SEE THE 5-Pc bronze dinette sets $ 59.95 $ 32.88 The study of Reelfoot, ac- cording to Criley, should be QUALITY, YOU CAN completed by next spring or HEAR THE TONE, YOU rockers, vinyl covers $ 49.95 $ 29.88 summer at which time the state CAN FEEL THE Swivel may again start leasing, de- pending on the findings of the RESPONSE IN Hardrock maple picture window table $ 49.95 $ 29.88 study. Batik-printing, is an an- •••••••••10•06, FARMING EQUIPMENT cient way to print eirttoris R7- ft/ Hardrock maple commode table $ 49.95 $ 29.88 with niellt-ri wax and dyt•. Selling on the George Helm Farm, located 5 miles 1115/00114111111114111941110111aRRAIMEW11411711 GUITARS /12 mile east of Hiway 94 at Mirror Hardrock maple dough box $ 49.95 $ 29.88 S.W. of Hickman,Ky., NOTICE WOOD & PRUITT Lake or Hamby Pond. Turn off Hiway 94 at sole marker. LADIES: Do you want to get W n lamps (one group) $ 39.95 $ 24.88 ahead? Could you earn your living ' Pole Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1967 Social Security'' WIWI/014e Will you have SALA MI WI U.N.- LOW 01 WWI- LUNCH MUtUal rtarr 100110 .0044 we COSI Of Modern table lamps (one group) $17.95 pr. $10.88 pr. Have Leased My Land - I Am Quitting Farming TWELVE MONTHS "CREAN OF THE STENOGRAPHIC: SPEEDWRIT- 7 Tractors 4 Trucks ING Shorthand or Gregg, typewrit- CHOr ing, English, spelling, filing, office Modern table lamps (one group) $12.95 pr. $ 6.88 pr. I 804 Tractor I GMC two-fom truck I Ford two-tom truck I dump bed/ development, I 40 Joke Deere tractor practice, personality CHEVROLET, automatic, heavy duty pick-up 64 1 "Super 14" Foresail hector I '42 letermalloeal civil servicii, mathe- clerical and clear I "1,1" Foretell tractor I '55 GMC pick-ep matics, Accounting I. and office $ 3.88 ROI Ford tractor 63 OLDSMOBILE F85, clean Pictures $ 6.95 I machines. 1 ROO Ford tractor 3 Combines car Massey rergusam combine with MEN: Would you like a Estter job I "N" Farwell tractor I 300 63 CORVAIR; bucket seat., corm aed bOo• headers with more income Are you facing 4 on the floor, 36,000 mile*: Hassocks $ 7.95 $ 3.88 2 Cotton Pickers I 45 Joke Deere cookie* with cons the draft, if so, there are special boom hooters sharp 2 Two-row JOON =Var. COMO. paws sod courses for you. lees we. 4411 1 Oliver combo.* 63 FORD 2-dr 6 cyl; 1-etweer. 4 COO. mire I And 4.1.• wok= 1 Midi Wow he Ai Join Doan Sharp $ MOW mow or rd. I =mow= ol==wa= 50 50.0.. •46=kor mei Are THIRTY-SIX WEEKS 9 x 12 Linoleum rugs 5.95 $ 188 NM= I* =Komi= dim •=10 I OM= low mid kmii 62 FALCON station wagon; Tooke 1* Com iloo 1 Crow., dlo ) au O.= wOW WM drop =4 %meow bar 114,c...... I AC ulna I Cimino a= *Mew - ow lo ookd for skrolebl CLERICAL-ACCOUNTING: Ac- automatic; clean S. I Goo 005low proprietorship, pay- low meow row.. __I =tweet.olossrlo oro. counting: sole 62 NASH convertible; bucket WO= 1=6 =15 Awl* owl= I Pookwolowd =woo.*Ow roll, income tax, and cost; clerical soots sale! These are but a few Plowe=== sr knallaq Ow 1 kkooll obi damper aid =Poo Ow= coftelmoroo Hundreds of items on Ma Ikon Mau pallsa bumbling Ow :::= Peer I Motor Sad. and civil service, mathematics, of. 61 CHEVROLET 4-dr, 6-cyl, TowboOlook Ala Owe lowAllok plow I Wool =row 50w.. fic 2 practice, psychology, filing, straight shift selection, and Please -5.0-,.sookol= Come TODAY if you can, for best JAM Pearn_t7,., mil... Hook Romp.sun =mg penmanship, and office machines. 61 CORVAIR Station Wagon, This espdpsseat Is reel peed, having bees well eared for. Why mot start the fano Other shorter and longer courses Automatic SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31 year 190 off wit* semi reel egelpwrett IT WILL PAY YOU BIG DIVIDENDS. remember: SALE ENDS are offered, triune about the New 6( Volkswagen zaztreo Moo so awily Woad ok moo adlook Olo my klmo be* Por to/ mi. Pr ono bloo=41•• Or =Woe 55.KU.owoor.Fr14-1/=. Whom, ti.. se l ll. =0* Ind College SPE EDWR!TING Short. 60 VALIANT station wagon; 144‘. nplonlio. Took at 5:30 p. m. So, koolOmmon kwaf Rod Yoko bolos A.=553-0010 or II hard taught exclusively at BRUCE straight shift *Weds are"An to ferm la 1/67. It,. here et Halt big peblic castle* 1111111losiMENHIGilowneWeekl=e01111Me If yes er row BUSINESS INSTITUTE in Martin. 60 DODGE 4-dr; clean. IS REAL GOOD AND IT SELLS ON TUESDAY, sale yea will fled what you owed. IT Irdividual instruction! 60 CHEVROLET 6-cyl; auto JAN. 3, 1967. WE ARE EVICTING YOU IN OUR CROWD. Rlgister for day_er Monday night matte; sharp courses on January 9, 1967. 60 FORD black 4-door Galaxle, G & H Discount Furniture Mrs. George Helm, owner power steering and brakes; ROUTE 3- HICKMAN, KENTUCKY Bruce Business Institute air conditioning; low mile- St.) FULTON ICY 308 Poplar Street clean 104 KENTUCKY AVE. (At 4th AUCTIONEERS mod age; B. N. LeDuke & Son REAL ESTATE POWS Telephone - 587-7415 5'. EOSEL 4-door TIENOWSUE -"Oe r Service Esnesal Cost- If PRY**. Martin, Tennessee 59 MERCURY 4-dr; Clean 111111138111311111.111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111 511 FORD T-Bird, black, good condition ing and brakes; clean; low mileage SS FORD Fairlane SOO, 4-door; sharp CARS! 5$ DODGE Vi, 4-dr; good con. Taylor Chevrolet-Buick Is Loaded With USED dition 67 CHEVROLET VII, auto- matic, 4-dr. JEEP Station wagon

56 FORD ½ ton pickup; Good During the remainder of this month a new set of Goodyear Whitewall condition THIS IS A DEAL! 13 DODGE Van Tires will be installed AT NO EXTRA COST on any used car over $500.00 purchasa from TAYLOR 211-1S .her core, Weeks WILSON MOTORS CHEVROLET -BIRCK, Inc. of Fulton, Kentucky. Hurry! Saturday is the last Day! Dial 473-3362 - TWO LOCATIONS - North bypass; Ky. side Melrose let. Se. F Tenn. en, Fultnn Ky. December 29, 1966 Page 2 lb It's fin!Ifs at Pill Wifetv! No Obligation To 614 — Buy .. .Adults PLAY... Only!

$80.00 WINNER

Lucky Bingo Winners Mrs. Otis Panne] Mrs. Don Snow Mrs. Don Choate Mrs. Calvin Zickifoose Mrs. H. E. Reams Mrs. Harold Tatum CLOSED MONDAY Mrs. Roy Adams MORNING FOR 'Dimes' Child Mrs. Joe T. Harris Mr. Roy Adams Mrs. C. F. Penningtcn INVENTORY! - CONNA DILL, 5, Hillsboro, Tex., the 1967 National March of climes Poster Child, was born fkith defect of an open spine, • 'paralyzing her below the waist. You can aid in research and itatient care for victims of birth • defects by giving in January U. S. Gov't ?o the March of Dimes. C ;1111immazonmassniageonn= Inspected LB.

• • • •

House coFFEEMaxwell LB. 3 LBS OR MORE CAN Smaller 69c GROUND BEEFAmount lb. 55491 Hienz Jars SPARE RIBS lb. 59c BABY FOOD 3 for 25c Hunts Peaches 4 for $1.00 2 '2 Cans NECK BONES lb. 13 oz. Cans 19c Armour's 12 oz. 29 oz. Cans FRANKS r SIMALAC . . . 25c Bartlet Peas . .29c PIG FEET lb. 19c pkg. 3k Dixie 10 2 EXCHANGE ,j Belle Strawberry 18 oz. Jars oz. lien HOG MAWS lb. 19c Can FURNITURE CO, CRACKERS lb. box 25c Preserves 3 for $1.00 CUBE STEAKS 51310 Nov crsxszczsii PIG TAILS * lb. 19c _TAT BACK lb.- 25 Hot Rise 2 5 blal 476-1061 Open 6:45 PM Lily GRoil pdee B FLOUR White LB. BAG FULTON 1.89 BANANAS 10 'Thursday Thru Saturday — — oe•N TORS PEAS Showboat The Best Limit 4 At This Price BUCKEYE Please

DIOR COLONIAL 10 LB. BAG Thrifty UNITED ARTISTS Liquid NU - KRIS Co - Feature (A-MY) DETERGENT at. 49c TRAY PAK THE SCREEN STEPS lb. ON A MINEFIELD! MAR 9 3 Lb. Can BACON HUGH MICKEY JAMES RICHTEX . . . 74c MUTTON O'BRIAN ROONEY MITCHUM lb. 29c SLICE JOWL 3 Lb. $1.17 Pure 3 Ots. Phil Cream Backs and Necks lb. 15c CHIC BREASTS lb. ORANGE JUICE $1.00 CHEESE 5k 3 -2lb. Bags 8 oz. pkg. 29c

SRN vi get. 'Frosty Acres UNITED INTIM FRENCH FRIES $1.00 POT Sunday Thru Tuesday PIES 5 for $1.00 — Hamburger - *Er '1" GEORGE STEVEN' THE GREATEST $5.00 Purchase SIORY EVER RED Excluding Milk TOLD

..o. .gr, of the anti, and Tobaccos • navy •• • • • • demand. pm cog; bay your admission h TAT advance to guarantee OE seat al the performan AMERICAN your choice EXPRESS Rway we I CO M E "g/A9/3 (14. Yc9a Cl/Le "AT Yo R FRI E N DLy go...into'

axerm Rnother • ''.4f I New Yev • G Ly.wiG G Lyttif,.;. May it bring you health, wealth, and happiness. - ICIMIC-0014 Acres of F-R-E-E Prices In This Ad Have a joyous New Thar' (r; A) We Reserve The Right Store Hours 8 till 8: p. m. 4;;TviTs 80LEI Parking Let us odd a HERE Dec. 29 - Sat. Dec. 31 I To Limit 8 days 9-7 pm. Sundays - heartfelt -Thank tan for your loyalty. RIDUCEI Fulton, Ky. December 29, 1966 with Slender-X in tablet or chewing Page 3 Party Sausage Snacks preserves, /14 cup pickle 'gum form. Now available at relish, 2 In Turkey CONVALESCENT ITEMS For holiday sweet-sour sausage tablespoons ReaLernOn bottled SOUTHS1DE DRUG lem- A unique holiday tradition Wheelchairs, crutches, walkers snacks, drain 2 cans (5 ounces each) on juice, 4 teaspoons dry mustard AFTER Himpoimmi etc CHRISTMAS in Turkey requires the head of( are for rent or for sale at Vienna Sausages, reserving broth. and 2 teaspoons ginger. Heat and the church to throw a wooden SOUTHSIDE DRUG — 479-2262. Cut sausages in half Combine saus- stir until blended, add sausages and arms into the Bosporus. On age broth, I cup apricot jam or heat through. Serve hot. Christmas Day,three boys dive CLEARANCE SALE alter it. The finder takes the cross from house to house and re- For The Thursday, December 29 ceives in return food and gifts from those who are allowed to see the cross. Doors Open 8:30 • • • BEST In Iceland Since trees are scarce in Ice- ALL WINTER MERCHANDISE land, families must use their and ingenuity in creating a Christ- mas tree. A pole with branches * Fall and Winter Dresses DRASTICALLY REDUCED of greenery tied to it is the solution in many Icelandic CLEANEST homes. Skirts, Sweaters, Slacks I FOR CLEARANCE Blouses Come in and take advantage of this wonderful USED FURNITURE USED FURNITURE and Shirts Opportunity BARGAINS Ladies Millinery, 1/2 OFF All Final CASH Tappan gas range, good, $60. buy it at Complete tviin-bed outfit, No Exchanges nice mahogany finish, ALL good mattress $35. EXCHANGE •••••iI Five iron bscl outfits, twin size, complete with CLARICE I. good Furniture SHOP mattresses & springs, Company each WINTER $25. 300 Main St. Phone 472-3881 Dinette suite, 4 chairs & leaf table, nice and clean $25. Brand-new wood heater $78.88 Merchandise 2 old divans, fair covers, each ...... HIRSCH'S $10. 1 New coal heater BIG SELECTIONS! ...... $58.88 New living room chair $49.95 LI Cushion floor — $2.25 Sq. Yard 2 New hollywood bed head- boards, unfinished; $10 each or both for $15. 2-Refrigerators in working order, each $20 LATEX FOAM Com* RUBBER READY TO EMBROIDER in and browse around; we or DACRON POLYESTER have lots of bargains not edver- Handl STAMPED WADE'S USED BED PILLOWS Sleep in comfort all year long PILLOW CASES Furniture Store Fulton with these soft and plump Type Phone 472-3421 128 bleached tubing, al- non -allergenic, 100% Foam ready hemstitched and stamped Latex or Dacron Polyester bed with beautiful patterns for you pillows. In standard sizes. A to embroider. Choose from a terrific YOUR CHOICE White Sale Value! selection of distinctive patterns. REGULARLY REG. $4.00 VALUE After Christmas 694 ww SALE! SPECIALLY PRICED PATCHWORK See The Loads of Beautiful QUILTS NE Bargains 1/4 Off Hard-to-detect irregs... if perfect to 8.98! 00•04.0•440/Nroftrow Cozy cover-up in colorful, attrac- ONE TABLE of tive designs. Easy to care for — Items Such As glamorous to use night and day! Candles. Save now! Carnival Glass and Novelties — Going at - - - 1/2 011 Many patterns, COL 'ertr•wir--44`ri Many SVL raltleretnitee COLORS GIFT, ANTIQUE L NOME FURNISHING SNOF Pica. 420-2341 SOUTH FULTON. TENN,

Always your thrift -wise buy Sale-priced . . . our own emeeme


Colors WHITE Our own plus-value brand in fine combed cotton percale, lighter 81 x 99 or in weight but stronger! Snowy white or solid colors WHITE 72 x 108 Flat.. SALE SAVINGS WHITE COLORS SI • loll 72 x 108 TWIN Fitted... or FULL or Twin Fitted 1.95 2.60 Fitted bet•iii Stock up and save 81 x 108 or Full Fitted 2.15 2.80 on our 180 fine cotton Pillow Cases, pair 1.10 1.30 muslins . . . closely II (.1011 or FULL 235 woven, extra dura- Fitted lotions ble, fully guaran- BATH TOWELS Cases, •. pair... 1.10 teed! IN EVER POPULAR WHITE large otw, 22"*44" size —.414462%.•34%, ps,111-401401110011101sthick,tcAs otton Terry towe,ls Chemme d sel- vedges. Stock up ZIP PLASTIC now at this low, low MATTRESS White Sale Pricel COVERS 100% Vinyl. Seams elec- tronically s•al•d. Extra long, all-rmstal sipper. Will not crock or putt. Full end twin nod. QUILTED MATTRESS LOWEST PLASTIC FITTED Rav./ MATTRESS PAD-COVERS

COVERS Protect your mattress with these easy-to-care-for pad-covers. Machine washable, quick drying. Dust proof, water proof Reversible. Elastic anchor bands. Double-stitched end ollergy free. 100•4 Vinyl with •lostic-bound binding. Seamless. skid foe snug fit Full and twin sixes. Flat Mattress Pods Fitted Pad-Cover SALE OPENS COMPARE AT /1.00 3.00 TWIN 2" 4.00 TWIN THURSDAY 3" Morning — 8:30I EACIEST 4.00 FULL 3" 5.00 FULL 4" 410111/1110WWItIORIMIAMII

307 BROADWAY, SOUTH FULTON OPEN 11:30 - MON. THRU THUR. P. N.HIRSCH & CO. 11:30 TO 8: FRI. - SAT. Fulton, Ky. December 29, 1966 Page 4

REELFOOT SMOKED 6 TO 8 LB. AVERAGE LB. Reelfoot Houiser Valley lb. 59c P-FRYERS lb. 25c BREAST . . . lb. 49c Krey Pure SLICED BACON iifUA PORK SAUSAGE lb. 39c CANNED HAMS 3 lb. $2.99 LEGS & THIGHS lb. 39c GIZZARDS. . . lb. 29c U. S. Choice Armour Star 16 or. lb. 10c RIB STEAK . . . lb. 79c FRANKS pkg. lb. 39c LIVERS . . . . lb. 89c , NECKS . . . . Extra Tender Fresh WINGS . . . . lb. 25c ?) BACKS . . . lb. 15c K. C. STEAKS lb. $1.19 HOG JOWL . . . lb. 19c

OMPLETE - PERCOLATOR KRAFT WITH 1 LB. DOUBLE QUALITY MAXWELL HOUSE MIRACLE SALAD WHIP COFFEE With A Additional STAMPS $3.95 VALUE $5.00 Purchase Excluding Milk and ON WEDNESDAY only 2.09 DRESSING Tobacco Products at. Plus Low Low Price* Winter Garden Frozen Paw Paw Swift's Park Lane Fisher Boy Frozen 8 oz. Pkg. Gallon _ _ _ 69c FISH STICKS 4 for $1.00 GREEN PEAS 24 oz.-Bag 39c GRAPE JUICE Gnarl 39c ICE CREAM 1-2 (5 Varieties) R-Way Stokely's Big 46 oz. Can Winter Garden Frozen Crinkle-Cut 81.00 POTATOES 2 Lbs. 29c KRAFT DIPS 8 oz. pkg. 49c SWEET PICKLES (hart _ 49c TOMATO JUICE 3 for Kraft Fresh Weidner's Sweet or Hot Stokely's 14 oz. Bottle Booth Frozen $1.00 BREADED SHRIMP _ _ lb. $1.29 ORANGE JUICE 1-2 Gal. 49c PEPPERS Quart 39c TOMATO CATSUP 5 for Fulton Pure Milk Pilgrim Farm Hunt's Sliced 29oz. Booth Frozen Peeled Deveined $1.00 SHRIMP 1 1-2 Bag $3.19 BOILED CUSTARD M. 65c SWEET RELISH (kart 69c PEACHES 21-2 Size 4 for Folgers Little Andy 5 iabsloo COFFEE LB. OLEO or. 2 3-4 or. Box Krey 24 or. Hunt's 14 ONION SOUP & DIP MIX 35c BEEF STEW . . . .49c PIZZA CATSUP 2 for 29c Cotton Maid 22 or. Can 5 Bars Stokely 303 Size SPRAY STARCH Ea. 49c JEJIGENS SOAP . . 30c FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 for $1.00 iileciEde3iFPEAS . . . 15c Cotton Maid Can 20 or. Como Just Dandy FABRIC FINISH Ea. 4k TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls 25c LIQUID DETERGENT Qt. 39c iii1SHROOM SOUP 4 cans 69c Tender Leaf Lbs. Haase's White Stokely 10 INSTANT TEA 4 oz. 89c ALBACORE TUNA 3 for $1.00 SAUZioz. lk ROBIN HOOD FLOUR $1.29 Brown Wonder Eight Twin Pack Blackeye Lb. Potato HIPS 39' Gold MedalPE nd Freshness oo s Prepare a...... -lDailll b Ir cfra Flavor immmilimilmimi Show Boat 40 oz. Can Salad Dressing Quart 39c Home Made "Imumom FROM OUR KITCHEN E. W. James CHESS PIES each 89c POTATO SALAD 16 oz. 35c PINTO BEANS 4 cans MOO 1-2 Lb. Box 59c Libby's 303 Size TEA FRUIT SALAD 16 oz. 59d CRANBERRY Salad 16 oz. 49c Jack Sprat 16 oz. Sliced PUMPKIN 2 cans 35c Sweet Cucumber Pickles 29c HOME MADE CHILI 16 oz. 1APLSAD. 16 oz. 49c