Ceramics Monthly ANNOUNCINGA NEW CM HANDBOOK GLAZE MONTHLY PROJECTS 7Olume 19, Number 10 December 1971 FORMULARY Letters to the Editor
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DECEMBER 1971 60~: p~ ~ ~ ~.... ~!i!i~,~ :.............. ~:~i:~ii~ili~zi~iiii!!I!~'' !~i~, lit | % L • ~ ~!ii:il 4 ~, ~ ~..~~o~ziiiiiii¸ q J :! B Q / t 1 J ,, [Q I fired my teacher! We know children should never be left to fire a ceramic kiln (not even if it's a likeness of her teacher). But, our kilns are so easy to operate that children sometimes get the idea that they could handle the job. This easy operation is one of the reasons our kilns are so perfect for use in schools. For example, all five of our models have a completely reliable automatic shut-off that's built right into the kiln. This safeguards against over-firing. We also have a dust-proof lid that eliminates siftina. And you can fire a Skutt Kiln every day without forced cooling. This page isn't big enough to list all the advantages of our kiln. So, we'll stop bragging for now. But if you want to know more about our company and products, drop us a line We have a new brochure we'd like to send you Sku~,t Ceramic Products Inc., 2618 S.E. S:eele Street ?~.~:.~.:'.'J Or,~ac:: :.'2r'2 9 o ~ z _. 2 o-~. oEo- ~-. ®~.=_.- .... b 5 . g o <~" ~z • [ o 3 oa:: I.- o o z=<=<~ ~E ~- ~ .~-~o=~= b " ~. <~-es- ~ 5 ~ ~ -:~ ==~ o=~=° .~ ~ oe~.Oz ~$ . B® O. oo <,~ cu~ ii :"' "'"'" _o <z,~5~®-~ < ,~.~ z~:zz~<~-'z~o ~,a~-~ ~='~°< =~_o~ ~ ,~z~:-~~'~=~--)~ ~-z~ E ~o ~ o-. ~ =, , o -~ - . - ~ o~ ~_.~ ~, ~ ~. o ~ ~ ~<~ W o =: ~:~ ¢~ ~ =.-;u>=-= _o~.~=<_~ ~:~_d~ .~ ~< :,~-~ ~zoz~ ~ <=~z=~" December 1971 3 CERAMI CRAFT Gas Kilns ,lIB - .w "The Pint Size Brute" Lid Bisque through Stoneware . Cone l0 (2350 °) and Loading •.. Lid and bottom are 3" of I.F.B .... All steel frame and bottom . Rolls on 3 steel casters • . High and low peep sights . Calibrated Shelf damper. For more information write: Model TL-D 18" x 18" x 20" (sitting area] Office 1051 N. Edgemont Other Sizes La Habra, Cal. 90631 (213) 697-6441 15" x 15 I' z 20" ~ASONRY Plant 15" x 15" x 15" 11769 E. Slauson 12" x 12" x IS" <~ONTRACTOR Santa Fe Springs, Cal. 90670 (213) 693-5690 THOMPSON Offers All Of This For Only $49.50 O'TTE i E: W EEL! I-V2" Drain Spout forf.a =X. cleaning 12" Dim, Head Thompson's catalog introduces a new package consisting of an electric kiln (inside dimensions i 5" wide, 7" deep, 4" high) and including a CAREFULLY SELECTED group of supplies that will get you started enameling immediately . for only $49.50, plus shipping charge. Send your order today with payment for prompt shipment. The new Thompson catalog, along with its famous Color Guide, is waiting for you . just mall the coupon and it will be on its way . • • absolutely FREE. Thomas C. Thompson Co. Dept. CM-12 -- 1539 Old Deerfield Road " IIGIIII~ ~IU~U IUI lnOAWlIIUlII ~LI~II~LII Large Knobs fo: easy Highland Park, Illinois 60035 • Partsor Servicesare Available adjustment-Horlzomelly [] Enclosed is payment for new kiln package. Catalog ~68 available showing our complete line of Jewelry Making, (Illinois residents add 5% sales taz.) Silversmithing, Casting and Enarn¢ling supplies. Price $1.00 deductible from first order of $.5.00 or more. Catalogs will be sent without charge [] Please rush FREE Thompson Catalog. to requests submitted on School or organization letterhead. Name ALLCRAFT TOOL= su,,,Y coMPANY,,NO Addre=~ Mall Orders and Correspondence I New York Salesroom Slate Zip 215 Park Avenue • Hicksvilfe, N.Y. 11801 I 22 West 48 Street * N. Y., N.Y. 10036 Phone(516)433-1660 & (212) 895-0686 Phone: (212) 895-0686 4 Ceramics Monthly ANNOUNCINGA NEW CM HANDBOOK GLAZE MONTHLY PROJECTS 7olume 19, Number 10 December 1971 FORMULARY Letters to the Editor ................................. 7 • ~ ~ A Itinerary ............................................ 9 i ,.~ OF LEADLESS Suggestions from Our Readers ........................ 12 ~ GLAZES l Cardboard Supports for Clay Structures by David Huebner ............................... 14 BY Show Time: Cranbrook, Oakbrook, Columbia, Chicago .... 17 Portfolio: Don Reitz by Catherine C. Brawer ........... 19 RICHARD A Watercolor Effect with Enamels by Marjorie Buffum __27 BEHRENS Printing with Tiles by Irene Kettner _ ............... 30 Publicotion Dote: December 10, 1971 Basic Matt Glazes for Cone 4 by Richard Behrens ...... 33 Potters everywhere will be pleased to hear that the Richard CeramAetivities ...................................... 34 Behrens handbook on glaze formulation is now ready far publi- cation! This new CM handbook is much more than a collection Ceramics Monthly Index: January-December 1971 ..... 41 of glaze recipes . the projects include a commentary an raw materials, suggestions as to possible uses for the recipes, and New Books .......................................... 42 interesting background information. like to experiment in glaze making, this handbook Index to Advertisers ................................. 42 For those who will be invaluable. GLAZE PROJECTS is a very readable text, and the informal treatment of the subject matter is an aid to On Our Cover understanding more about the nature of glazes and glaze making. This exciting new handbook was compiled using a selection of Wisconsin potter Don Reitz is pictured in his studio as he articles by Mr. Behrens that appeared in Ceramics Monthly and adds the finishing details on a large stoneware urn. Catherine a group of projects the author prepared specifically for this book. Brawer's Portfolio feature, starting on page 19 of this issue, is Included is a unique glossary of materials which the potter will be an excellent reference source. concerned with the potter's phil~sophy of working and living find to author- and poln~ out how his daily activities are reflected in the The first book of its kind, GLAZE PROJECTS provides an itative and convenient source of information for the potter on ceramics he creates. Bruce Fritz's photographs record some of the formulation and application of a variety of leadless glazes the processes Don Reitz uses in making a large-scale jar that in all firing ranges. is thrown as an inverted, narrow-based form. USE THE COUPON Editor: THOMAS SELLERS BELOWTO ORDER Assistant Editor: FgANCES SAWYER Art Director: Roar.aT L. CREAOER YOURCOPY OF Circulation Manager: MAR'/' RUSHLEY Advertising Manager: CONN:E BELCHER GLAZE PROJECTS Publisher: SeE~cv.a L. DAvzs Advisers and Special Contributors: F. Carlton Ball; Richard only $3.00 per copy. Behrems; Kathe Bed; Edris Eckhardt; Zena Hoist; John Kenny; Karl Martz; Ken Smith; Helen Worrall; Don Wood. F m m m m m m m m m Western Ade#rtising Representative: Joseph Mervish Associates, / 4721 Laurel Canyon. Suite 211, North Hollywood, California CERAMICS MONTHLY Book Deportment 91607. Telephone: TR 7-7556, Area Code 213. send me __ copies of GLAZE PROJECTS by Copyright 1971 Pro/essional Publications, Inc. Please Richard Behrens @ $3.00 Ceramics Monthly December 1971. Vol. 19 -- No. I0. Published monthly except July and A.tt~mt by Profemdoaal Publications, I~e. -- S. L. Davis, Pres.. 1). S. Emery, See.; at 1609 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43212. 1 1 Correspondence concerning" suimerlptions, renewals, and change of address should be addre~ed to the Circulation Devartment, Ceramics Monthly, Box 4548, Columbus, Ohio 43212. Second Clm postage paid at Athens. Address Ohio, U.S.A. Subseriptiorm: One yegr $6; ~[~vo yee4"s $10; Three years $14. Copyright 1971. All right4 reeerved. Tip The articles in each issue of Ceramics Monthly are indexed in the Art C;ry, State Index and The Readers' Guide to periodical Literature. Microfilm Ohio residents add [2c per copy sales tax. I to suimeribers from University Microfilms, 313 I copiea are available ~T:.,Firat St:, Ann A r.Io~., Michigan. ManuseriDte and lll~strations dealing I enclose [] Check [] Money Order w]t.a cersm~c a~ acz]vi~zes are weloome and will be con~lderad for publi- I I eatmn. ~an?ser]pts.should ~. typed double-spaced and range from 800 L We Pay Postage -- Money-Back Guarantee u to 2000 ~woro~. ~encl manuscnpte amd eorrcsl~ndenee about them to the Editor, Ceramieg M~thly, Box 4[;48. Columbus, Ohio 43212. .J December 1971 5 A ProfessionalSpeaks ON LEAD RELEASE IN FIRED GLAZES "Over two years ago we began the ambitious, time consuming task of having over two hundred Amaco glazes tested and, when necessary, reformulated to pass current United States Pottery Association and Federal Food and Drug Administration standards in respect to lead release. THE RESULTS... Over eighty per cent of Amaco's glazes in pres- ent production are now leadless or meet or exceed the minimum lead release requirements established. And for those artists who create non-utilitarian objects, we will continue to manufacture a brilliant array of glazes which cannot be formulated without the use of some lead bearing ingredients. These are not recommended for use on food or drink containers. All labels on current production glazes indicate whether or not they are suitable for food and liquid receptacles." In light of the above statement, you may continue your use of Amaco glazes confident in the knowledge that the American Art Clay Company, Inc. is, as always, vitally concerned for customer safety and well-being. An Amaco color chart and a listing of glazes suitable for food and drink containers is yours on request. Order Amaco ceramic products from your regular dealer and/or write us for Catalog No. 56 of Ceramic and Metal Enameling Sup- ager of the"fferamic Division, American Art Clay Co., Inc. plies and Equipment. since 1946. gmgGg ,., co. INC., 4717 W. 16th ST., INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46222 REWARD PRODUCTS t~ CEP~t¢~ SUPPLIES S¢I~kE FE R. I~RBORI4 Reward Ceramic Color Mfrs., Inc. r.bllQkl~ u,•12.b 314 Hammonds Ferry Rd., Glen Burnie, Maryland 21061 6 Ceramics Monthly LETTERS CHEERS craftsman.