Twenty-Sixth Annual Session

Cumberland Grove Camp Ground

Jamestown, Tennessee OFFICIAL DIRECTORY DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT Rev. L. E. Galyon, Rt. 2, Phone TRemont 9-2930, Jamestown, Tenn. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Rev. Chas. F. Lory, R. D. No. 1, Phone 36 W., McEwen, Tenn. DISTRICT SECRETARY Harold H. Barton, Box 116, c,'o Rev. Paul Light, Jellico, Tenn. DISTRICT TREASURER Paul A. Light, Box 116, Phone GArfield 4-6245, Jellico, Tenn. ADDITIONAL COUNCILMEN Geo. H. Vance, H. H. Bolender, L. B. Reese. COMMITTEES RESOLUTIONS: H. H. Bolender, L. B. Reese, Chas. F. Lory, Jenny V. Vincent. WAYS AND MEANS: Paul Light, Ray Hotle, Geo. H. Vance, Mrs. H. H. Bolender. AUDITING: H. H. Bolender, Homer G. Brown. RECEPTION: Beulah Moyers, Tesla Frick. EDUCATIONAL AND EXAMING: L. B. Reese, (3 years); H. H. Barton, (2 years) Charles F. Lory, (1 year). HOME MISSIONARY COMMITTEE: L. E. Galyon, Paul Light, Chas. F. Lory. LOAN COMMITTEE: L. E. Galyon, Paul Light, H. H. Bolen- der. COMMITTEE: H. H. Barton, George H. Vance, Jenny V. Vincent, Paul Light. CONDOLENCE COMMrTTEE: Harold H. Barton, Harry H. Bolender. TRUSTEES: Charles F. Lory (3 years); George Stair (2 years); George H. Vance (1 year). ZONE CHAIRMEN: Zone No. 1, Miss Laura Conley. Zone No. 2, L. B. Reese. Zone No. 3, Blanche Reed. Zone No. 4, J. W. Hill. DISTRICT YOUNG PEOPLE'S SECRETARY: Ray Hotle, Lake City, Tenn. DISTRICT SUNDAY SCHOOL SECRETARY: H. H. Bolender, Chattanooga, Tenn. EDITOR OF VOLUNTEER NEWS: Mrs. L. B. Reese. DISTRICT Y. P. AND S. S. TREASURER: Homer G. Brown, Monterey, Tenn. DISTRICT MISSIONARY PRESIDENT: Mrs. H. H. Bolender, Chattanooga, Tenn. CAMP GROUND AND LOT COMMITEE: L. B. Galyon, Paul Light, Geo. H. Vance. DELEGATES ATTENDING CONFERENCE Mrs. Hannah Hill, Mrs. Leda Roysden, Mrs. Elmer Braden, Clyde Moore, Mrs. C. B. Johnson, Miss Corintha Netherton, Mrs. June Hicks, Kenneth Manning, Miss Laura Conley, George Hornberger, Mrs. Var.derpool, Mrs. Frank Voyles, Mrs. Otis Marcum, Mrs. Tesla Frick, George Stair. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Ordained Ministers Alexander, H. P., 109 Prarie Lane, Phone 5-8153 .... Oak Ridge, Tenn. Adams, Mrs. I. J., Rt. 2 . Clinton, Penn. Barton, Harold H., P. 0. Box No. 86, c/o 0. G. Nicholson Williamsburg, Ky. Bolender, H. H., 2511 Taylor St., Phone 2-8830 Chattanooga, Tenn. Brown, Homer C., 330 New St., Phone Temple 3856 ... Monterey, Tenn. Braden, Mrs. Elmer, P. 0. Box 178, Phone GA 4-8925 Jellico, Tenn. Fletc'her, Delibert Chattanooga, Tenn. Frick, Tesla, Rt. 2, Box 143, Campbell Road, Phone Ulysses 9-5937 Goodlettsville, Penn. Galyon, L. E., Rt. 2, Phone Tremonit 9-2930 Jamestown, Tenn. Light, Paul, Box 116, Phone GA 4-6245 Jellico, Tenn. Dory, Charles F. Rt. 1, Phone 36 W McEwen, Tenn. Moyers, Beulah McE'wen, Tenn. Reed, Blanche, Rt. 2 Moss, Penn. Reese, L. B., 2311 Foster Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Rhyne, H. M., 434 Black Oak Drive, Phone 6-3152 Knoxville, Tenn. Stewart, John, P. 0. Box 342 Westfield, md. Vincent, Jenny V., 410 South Ave., Phone 763 J.....LaFollette, Tenn. Wallingford, L. T., 425 Anderson St. Morristown, Tenn. Webb, J. D., 823 Fowler St., 'Phone 541 Clinton, Penn. FIRST ORDINATION (First Year) Chandler, Mrs. Arthur, 200 N. Main St. Elizabethton, Tenn. Hill, J. W., Rt. 2, Phone 4239 Chickamauga, Ga. Hotle, E. Ray, Box 19, Phone 3706 Lake City, Tenn. Howell, Warren, 213 Peach St. New Providence, Toni. Dory, Chiarles J., Jr. McEwen, Tenn. Moore, Roy, 711 South 'Cumberland St., Phone 1573 .. LaFollette, Penn. Rhoad, Chester, 425 Anderson St., Phone 6031 Morristown, Tenn. Stewart, Joe, 2812 T'aylor St. Chattanooga 6, Penn. Conn'atser, Tom, R. F. D. Jamestown, Penn. (Second Year) Brubaker, R. H., 2009 Daisy St., Phone MA 4-6532, Chattanooga 6, Tenn. C'arpen'ter, Charles, 819 Joy St., Phone 824 Paris, Tenn. Vance, George H., P. 0. Box 543, Phone Tremont 9 4063 Jamestown, Tenn. Licensed Deaconnesses Conley, Laura, 410 South Ave., Phone 763 J. LaFollette, Tenn. Gray, Mrs. Martha, 323 Vivelle Ave., Nashville, Penn. Ordained Deaconness O'Sullivan, Mrs. Rebecca Jamaica, B. W. I. Local Preachers Brown, John Jamestown, Tenn. Daugherty, John Chattanooga, Tenn. Ther'ber, Frank Nashville, Tenn. APPROVED EVANGELISTS H. H. Barton, Mrs. Elmer Braden, Miss Beulah Moyers, L. T. Wallingford, Miss Jenny V. Vincent, Miss Laura Conley, Mrs. H. H. Bolender, Tom Connatser, Tesla Frick. 3 PASTORAL SELECTIONS Chattanooga, Tenn. H. H. Bolender Clinton, Tenn. J. D. Webb Elizabethton, Tenn. Mrs. Arthur Chandler Jamestown, Tenn. George H. Vance Jellico, Tenn. Paul Light Lake City, Tenn. E. Ray Hotle West LaFollette, Tenn. Miss Jenny V. Vincent East LaFollette, Tenn. Roy Moore MoEwen, Tenn. Charles F. Lory Gordon Lake, Ga. J. W. Hill Lake View, Ga. R. H, Brubaker Monterey, Tenn. Homer G. Brown Morristown, Tenn. Chester Rhoad Moss, Tenn. Blanehe Reed Nashville, Tenn. L. B. Reese New Providence, Tenn. Warren Howell Oak Ridge, Tenn. H. P. Alexander Paris, Tenn. Charles C5rpenter Poplar Ridge, Tenn. Charles J. Lory, Jr.

STANDING CONFERENCE RULES 1. The first five seats of the two middle sections of the and the platform shall constitute the conference bar. 2. 'Conference sittings are to be from 8 a. m. to 12 noon, and 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. m.

4 PROCEEDINGS THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1959 The twenty sixth annual conference of the Tennessee District of the Pilgrim Holiness Church convened at the Cumiberland Grove Camp— grounds, Jamestown, Tennessee on June 25th, 1959 with Rev. R. G. Flexon, General Superintendent presiding. The conference opened by singing "Amazing Grace" and "The Solid Rock," after which we were led in prayer by Brother Bolender and Siter Vincent. Rev. R. G. Flexon then addressed the conference. He read from I Corinthians 9:22 through 27 and used as his subject "Planned Ministry." It was moved and adopted that all ministers and delegates be seated within the conference bar, even though the United Stewardship Fund had not been paid in full by all churches of the conference. The roll was then made of all ministers and delegates. The report of the Examining and Educational committee was heard. Rev. L. B. Reese and John Stewart were recommended to the conference to be received as ordained ministers. Rev. Tesla Frick was recommended to ordination. Rev. Ray Hotle was recommended to be rec&ved as a first year licensed minister. Mrs. Martha Gray was recom— mended to be received as a licensed Deaconess. Frank Therber was recommended to be received as a Local Preacher. All these were graciously received. Two new churches were presented to the conference. One was the Lake View Church represented by the Rev. R. H. Brubaker and several of the members, the other was the Nashville church represented by a good represenitation of its memibership in the absence of Rev. L. B. Reese the pastor. These churches were 'heartily received into the conference. The Reception Committee presented the following 10 the Confer— ence: Rev. Ray Hotle, Rev. Cottongin, Rev. John Stewart, Rev. Frank Therber, and Rev. H. P. Alexander. It was moved and adopted that these be received into the conference by giving them a seat within the conference bar. The District Superintendent gave his report. This was received with appreciation by a motion and its adoption. In the absence of the Assistant District Superintendent it was moved and adopted that we receive his written report •and that the conference express its sympathy for him and his wife by sending flowers to the Vanderbilt Hospital where Mrs. Lory is seriously ill at the time. The auditors report was given. This was received. The Carnpmeeting Treasurer gave his report. This was received. The report of the District Youth Treasurer was given. This report was received. The report of the District Treasurer was given. This report was received with appreciation. The report of the Sunday School Promotional Secretary was given. This report was received. The report of the District Statistician was given. This report was received with great appreciation. The report of the Ways and Means Committee was given. All pro— posed changes were received by the conference. It was moved and adopted that we adjourn. Rev. L. E. Galyon then dismissed in prayer. 5 Afternoon Sitting The conference reconvened by singing "We'll Work 'Till Jesus Comes." Mrs. Bolender then led in prayer. The morning minutes were read and accepted with slight corrections. Mr. Kendell and Mr. Gardner, visitors to the conference, were intro— duced and seated within the conference bar. The Resolutions committee gave their report. The proposed changes and deletions were adopted and appear in their respective order under the heading "Resolutions." The election of officers took place. (See Official Directory). It was moved and adopted that we accept the proposed conditions for the purchase and use of lots and cabins on the campgrounds. It was moved and adopted to accept the list of approved evangelists. A rising vote of thanks was given to Bro. Flexon for presiding over the conference. Closing remarks were then made by Rev. Flexon. It was moved and adopted that the conference go on record as being in favor of the three General Superintendents remaining in their respective Zones for the remainder of the quadrennium. It was moved and adopted that we adjourn. The conference then closed by singing "The Solid Rock" followed by a dismissal prayer by Rev. Flexon. An ordination service was held at 7 p. rn. at which time Rev. Tesla Frick received his ordination. DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT To our General Superintendent, Rev. R. G. Flexon, delegates and friends assembled at this, our 26th annual conference of the Tennessee District, I greet you in Jesus' name. At the General Conference in 1958, three General Superintendents were chosen. Rev. William H. Neff, Rev. R. G. Flexon, and Rev. lvlelvin Snyder. The General Board then designated the area over which each should serve. The Tennessee District fell within the area assigned Rev. Flexon. At our last Rev. Flexon had duties that prevented his attending, but we were privileged to have as chairman, Rev. Melvin H. Snyder. We are thankful to God that even though Rev. Flexon is carrying the heavy burden of a comp meeting at this time, he is able to preside at this conference. On behalf of the District, may I assure him of our prayers and concern. The reports of this conference represent at least twenty six years of activity by the Pilgrim Holiness Church in Tennessee. We have nothing to be ashamed of. God through many of his good and faithful servants, has made it possible to hear the message of Holiness. Some of our Churches have been small and often humble places of worship, but we as a District have tried to lift up Christ, being careful to give this message of Christ the preeminence and keeping material gain in proper perspective. The men and women of this District have been sacrificial. These are not idle words, for one needs only to browse through the conference journals of past years to see that what I say is true. Thank God for every victory won and we are ready to admit our humanity and weakness in every defeat. I trust that no minister or layman is satisfied. If we are satisfied with past achievements or the present status quo, we can expect little more t'han a stalemate for the coming conference year. I refuse to believe that the Tennessee District is ready to accept a stalemate, with such apparent need of truth among the people of our towns and cities. The brief report following should only serve to challenge us to do more for Christ. 6 Church Improvements We could never cover in detail all •that has been accomplished, but allow me to mention a few of the improvements. CLINTON—The parsonage interior has had some work completed and other improvements made. ELIZABETHTON—The Church floor and platform have been painted and trim work done on the chuch exterior. JAMESTOWN—The front porch of •the parsonage 'has been torn out and a substantial concrete porch put in its place. JELLICO—Made a number of improvements on the parsonage and much of the basic work has been done on the new church. Blocks have been laid to floor level wIth much done on the furnace room. Floors have been poured in the Sunday School annex. LAKE C-ITY-----Plans have been drawn and approved for a new church and the foundations are in for the first unit. The lots have been cleaned up with improvement of the property in general. EAST LAFO'LLETTE—The rooms being used for a parsonage were sealed with used sheet rock and made ready for decoration. MC EWEN—Has installed a bath room in the parsonage. GORDON LAKE, GA—The closing in of the church front porch has made possible a nursery and an additional Sunday School room. MONTEREY—Painted the church floor and parsonage and church ex— terior. MORRISTOWN—Almost has the brick up on their new church building, also window and door frames installed and painted. MOSS—Is now worshipping in their new church building. While the building is not fully completed, it is -a tremendous improvement over the old. NASHVILLE—Is now worshipping in 'their new church. Both church and parsonage are a credit to the District. The most recent improvement is a good substantial parking 1t.

District Home Missions This is a field of labor in our State that needs our continued prayers, interest and support. We must reach out if we expect to have normal growth. LAKE VIEW—Though only three years old, was organized on October 19, 1958 with ten members. Consideration is being given to the construction of a new auditorium. NASHVILLE—While Nashville i-s not to be considered a new work, it was reorganized June 8, 1959 with seven members. It seems a miracle but they now have twenty two me-mibers while worshipping in the recently completed church. POPLAR RIDGE—This work presents an open door in -a rural section near Ashland -CIty. Success will depend upon your prayers and -the sacrificial labor of the appointed pastor. NEW WORK—The goals set by our General Conference and General Superintendent can only be reached by the combined efforts and support of all. Every effort is being made by the District leaders to accomplish tihese ends.

7 District Superintendent's Personal Report Traveled not less than 18,101 miles in 'the interest of the District and gospel work. Presided over six council meetings. Worked at least 85 days on 'the District parsonage and camp ground. Worked at least ten days for District churc:hes. Had the privilege of covering the Dis— trict with the General Superintendent, Rev. R. G. Flexon, on the Zone level and local level. Made trips in the interest and purchase of the Elizabethton Church. Had part in two organizational and one dedica— tional service. Held six revivals and one week end meeting. Made at least three visits to each church and some more where especially needed. Conducted all District annual meetings. Had the privilege of attending our General Conference 'at Winona Lake, md. I met with our camp ground and lot committee. Assisted in the purchase of the Distric't duplicator, purchased 'through our Youth project 'and assistance. Assisted in the publications of "Volunteer Views." Had wonderful fellowship among God's people and feel keenly aware of my inabilities and unworthiness. Salary and traveling expenses paid in 'full. Respectfully Submitted, L. E. Galyon

REPORT OF DISTRICT SUNDAY SCHOOL SECRETARY I 'assisted in printing ten District bulletins, one of which was a "Three in One." We were late with the first bulletin because of the delay in the purchase of our new mimeograph machine. I assisted in the Zone meetings 'of our own Zone, including one special mee'ting with Brother Flexon, also the Ministerial meeting, bot'h of which were carried on in the Jamestown Church. We truly appreciate the work of our and Sunday School workers, which as a result gave us a good gain in our District this year, and wish to say we have had good coopera'tion this year. Our gain in Sunday School attendance this year was close to one hundred per month over the previous year, yet we hope and pray that it will be five times 'that by next camp meetin'g. I h'ave enjoyed working with Rev. Galyon and Rev. Fletcher in getting 'out the District Sunday School bulletin. Our prayer is that the District will grow in leaps and bounds, both numerically and spiritually, but especially spiritually. Your Humble Servant, George H. V'ance

AUDITOR'S REPORT The books of the Camp Meeting Treasurer were exa'mined and found correct. The books of the District Treasurer were examined and corrected. The books of the District Youth Treasurer were examined and found correct. Auditors: Paul A. Light Homer G. Brown 8 CAMP MEETING TREASURER'S REPORT RECEIPTS: Balance June 23, 1958 $609.46 Flower Fund (Sister Neff) 13.92 Registration 372.15 Evening Offerings 478.08 Pledges Paid 161.00 Lunch Room Receipts 371.73 Camp Meeting Bulletin Adds. 332.50 Miscellaneous Receipts 349.05 Total Receipts to June 24th. $2,687.89 EXPENDITURES: Groceries, etc., for Camp and Lunch Room $1077.26 Evangelist and Singers (1958-Camp) 400.00 Miscellaneous 166.36 Camp Meeting Help 110.00 District Minutes 80.00 Camp Meeting Expense (Bulletins) 338.86 Total $2172.48 Balance on Hands June 24, 1959 $515.41 Harold H. Barton, Camp Meeting Treas. L. E. Galyon, Co—Treasurer.

DISTRICT YOUNG PEOPLES TREASURER'S REPORT RECEIPTS: Cash brought forward $61.94 Offerings for P. A. Set 27.35 Camp Sunday School Offerings 27.49 Zone Meeting O.fferfngs 35,69 Offerings for Dist. Duplicator 127.45 Total Receipts $279.92 EXPENDITURES: Paid on P. A. Set $58.50 Dime Cards 6.50 G. H. Vance for supplies 37.91 Reeler Impression Products for supplies 65.70 Payment on Dist. Duplicator 100.00 Postage and Money orders 63 Total Expenditures $271.24 Balance on hands 10.68 Books closed June 23, 1959. Respectfully submitted, Homer G. Brown (Treasurer)


BALANCE TOT&L BALANCE OVER. BROUGHT TOTAL PA 0 ON OVER- DRAFT FORWARD RECEI FTC OUT HAND DRAT United Steward- ship Fund 988.57 988.57 Specified 1,654.79 1,654.79 Dist. Administration 235.38 2,511.42 2,423.77 323.03 Camp Ground 1,039.10 752.70 2,776.23 984.43 Dist. Home M. 1,731.34 2,863.38 1,822.80 2,771.92 Supt. Tr. Ex. 36.65 244.85 275.75 67.55 Bible School 94.81 94.81 Gen. Conference 1.47 181.28 179.81 Loan Fund 1,329.34 1,363.00 1,307.10 1,385.24 Pension Plan 289.91 289.91 Miscellaneous 193.76 191.26 2.50 Totals $38.12 $4,335.16 $11,138.47 $11,824.99 $4,662.50 $1,051.98 Books closed June 12, 1959 for the Conference Year of 1958-59. Respectfully submitted by H. H. Bolender (Treasurer) RESOLUTIONS 1. Be it resolved that the date of the District Camp Meeting begin year to year on Friday before the first Sunday in July and continue through the second Sunday in July and that the District Conference he held on the Monday following Camp. 2. Be it resolved that we have four zones in the District as fol- lows: Zone No. 1 to comprise the following churches: Clinton, Lake City, East LaFollette, West LaFollette, Jellico, Moiristown, Elizabeth- ton and Oak Ridge. Zone No. 2 New Providence, Paris, McEwen and Nashville. Zone No. 3, Jamestown, Moss, Mnterey. Zone No. 4, Chatta- nooga, Gordon Lake and Lake View. Plans are to be made for at least four zone meetings during the year. 3. Since it is a matter of importance for all pastors to attend Camp.meeting and Conference, be it resolved that all pastor's support at the church he is serving continue over the two weeks that he is away. 4. Be it resolved that each pastor read all the resolutions and also the recommendations of the Ways and Means Committee to the church at the earliest convenience, and also a few weeks before camp- meeting. 5. Whereas many of our pastors have not received sufficient finan- cial support, be it resolved that our local church boards, with the help of the District Superintendent, impress on the deacons the fact that it is their duty to see that monthly donations are brought to t'he pastor. 6. Be it resolved that each church encourage organization of a Young People's Society where possible. 7. Be it resolved that one copy of the Minutes be in each church, also that pastors urge their members to have their own copy. 8. Be it resolved that the Examining Committee before recorn- mending ministers or deaconesses to the Conference explain the require- ments and obligations of the District and urge the keeping of the same. 9. Be it resolved that no children under twelve years of age be sent to stay at the Campmeeting unless attended by parents or guardian. 10. Be it resolved that the District Superintendent be empowered to appoint regular committees. 10 11. Be it resolved that churches desiring to build cottages for thsir pastor may do so under the supervision of Campground and Lot Committee. 12. Be it resolved that the Ministerial Convention 'be in January or February, the exact date to be set by •the District Council. 13. Be it resolved that the local churches observe the sacrament of the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of each quarter. 14. Be it resolved th'a.t each church grant their pas'tor a two weeks vacation with pay. 15. Be it resolved that no minister of the District receive a recom— mendation to another District unless his District obligations, such as ministerial tithes and other requirements passed by the Conference, are paid. 16. Be it resolved that any minister or church failing to comply with the rules and regulations passed by the Conference, that said minister or delegate meet with the District Council 'and give a satis— factory explanation before being allowed a vote in 'the Conference. 17. Be it resolved that the District Superintendent check pillows, quilts and linens, also apron supply, by the end of 'the second quarter 'and noti'fy each church what they are to provide. 18. Be it resolved that we put on a special drive in the District for subscriptions to the Pilgrim Holiness Advocate, and that our pastors make an effort 'to get the paper into every member's home, and also put the paper into as many schools, doctor's offices and church friends homes as possible. 19. Be it resolved 'that the District Superintendent be 'allowed a t'wo week's vacation with pay. 20. We recommend that all revivals .in local churc'hes, also all seek— ers in our services of the local church, be reporited 'by the pastor in his pastor's report. 21. Be it resolved that all persons attending the Campmeeting abide by the rules of the District Council. 22. Be it resolved that the deletions or changes of the Resolu— tions Committee, and also the Ways and Means 'Committee, be copied and a copy sent to each pastor immediately. 23. Be it resolved that no pastor or evangelist engage in a revival during Oamp'meeting, Conference or Ministerial 'Convention unless excused by the District Superintendent. 24. Be it resolved that those who operate the lunch stand, also those in charge of beds, and all active ministers, be on the Campground Tuesday morning before cam'p starts, unless excused by the District Superintendent. 25. Be it resolved that the Conference year close M'ay 31. 26. We recommend that churches sending in reports' for Y. P. S. and S. S. news sheets, send them before the 'tenth of the month, that being the deadline. 27. Because television is classed with sin according to the Scrip— tures, and the traditional 'teaching of our church. le it resolved that we go on record as opposed to our members having television sets. 28. Be it resolved that the District Youth Convention be the first Frid'ay and Saturday of the Campmeeting, 'this to include the morning and afternoon service. 29. Be j:t resolved that all church 'and unstationed ministers reports be in •the hands of the District Statistician not later than June 15th yearly. Also that no church reports be sen't until thoroughly dhecked by the pastor as to neatness and accuracy. 30. Be it resolved that the District Council appoint zone leaders, said leaders, in co—operation with the pastors of his zone, to decide upon thne and place of each meeting. 11 31. Whereas the General Board of the Pilgrim Holiness Church has authorized the Pilgrim Pension Plan, Inc., to make loans of pension funds to local Pilgrim Holiness Churches under such conditions as require active participation on the part of the Pilgrim Holiness Dis- tricts. Therefore, be it resolved by the annual conference of this District that the District Ccuncil, District Trustees, and all District officials be, and they are hereby authorized, to do and perform any and all acts required of them in the consumation of authorized loans to local Pu- grim Holiness Churches of this District, subject however, to the limita- tions and conditions set out in said resolution of the General Board of the Pilgram Holiness Church authorizing said loans. 32. Be it resolved that all pastors tithe their donations to the District Superintendent. 33. Be it resolved that the pastor who fails to meet his district budgets be requested to give an answer to the District Council giving an explanation why. 34. Be it resolved that where possible each local church conduct a summer Vacation Bible School. 35. Be it resolved that immediately following the Conference the Secretary mail to each pastor an itemized notice of the financial require- ments of the church for the year including general church assessments. 36. Be it resolved that building plans for local churches be first approved by a committee consisting of the District Superintendent, Assistant District Superintendent and District Treasurer. 37. Be it resolved that if any church fails to make a Sunday School report to the Sunday School Promotional Secretary by the 10th of each month that he will call the pastor and reverse the charges. 38. Be it resolved that the District Young People's Secretary put an article in each issue of the District News bulletin. Recommendations of the WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Local Church Financial 1. We recommend that all evangelists, song evangelists, pastors and conference ministers are to send their ministerial tithes to the District Treasurer the first of each month. Where their ministerial tithes do not average as much as $2.00 per month, they are to send that amount monthly, except ministerial students while attending Bible School, or those physically unable to work or pas'tor a church. When husband and wife are both pastoring a church or both traveling together in evangelistic work, they shall be assessed a minimum of $2.00 per month. This money is to be divided as follows: District Administration fund 60%; District Home Missions fund 20%; District Campground fund 20%. 2. We recommend that each evangelist, song evangelist, pastor and conference minister pay their general budget through their local church. 3. We recommend that all members tithe into the local treasury, except ministerial tithes from church salary, and that 10% of the regular tithe offerings (Sunday morning tithes and offerings) or its equivalent, from each church and mission be sent to the District Treas- urer not later than t'he fifth (5th) of each month. This will then be divided as follows: District Administration 60%; District Camp Ground 10%; District Home Missions 20%; General Conference 10%. 4. We recommend that each churdh and mission take one free will offering each year for the Bible School at Kernersville and if offerings do not total as much as $75.00, the District Treasurer is em- powered to supplement from the District Administration fund. 12 5. We recommend that our churches and missions be assessed the following amounts for traveling expenses of our District Superintendent: Cihattanooga, Jamestown, McEwen, Clinton and Nashville, $2.50 per month; Monterey, Paris, $2.00 per month; Lake View, East LaFollette, Lake City, Jellico, West LaFollette, and Gord'on Lake $1.50 per month; Moss, Morristown, New Providence, Elizabethton, Oak Ridge, 50c per month. 8. We recommend that the District Council have charge of the printing of the minutes and make provision for the paying for the same: and that the sale of the minutes be made at the first quarterly meeting under the direction of the District Superintendent. 7. We recommend that all churches estimate their general budget by the month and that each first Sunday of the month the Sunday School offering be raised to that amount and be sent to the District Treasurer.

Sunday School Work 1. We recommend that all birthday offerings be placed in the District Rome Missions fund, and that all pastors cooperate with our Sunday School Superintendents in urging those attending our Sunday Schools to bring in their birthday offerings, explaining to them that the money is used for District Home Missions. This money is to be sent to the District Treasurer the first of each month. 2. We recommend that our pastors see to it that on the last Sun— diay of each month the Sunday School raise the equivalent of 2c per member average attendance for the month, the same to be sent to the District Treasurer the first of the following month. This money is to be divided equally between the District Home Missions fund and the District Campground fund. 3. We recommend that our District Sunday School Secretary send monthly news sheets to each pastor for distribution. Said secretary is to receive $5.00 per issue to take care of the expense. This money is to be paid from District Sunday School and Youth fund. 4. We recommend that each Sunday School have an annual Record Breaking Day the second Sunday of May, (Each Sund'ay School giving special effort to break their former record) and that a special offering be taken for District Home Missions.

District Financial 1. We recommend that the District Superintendent be paid a salary of $40.00 a week. If the salary cannot be paid from the District Admin— istration fund, because of lack of funds, it is to be paid from the Home Missions fund. 2. We recommend that the District Superintendent pay his tithes to the Distriøt Treasurer, the same to be placed in the District Administration fund. 3. We recommend that our District Superiniendent 'be allowed the privilege of holding five revivals a year off the District, and that he be permitted to keep his offerings, but he shall pay his own travel— mg expenses. 4. We recommend that 'the District pay all utilities' of the District Superintendent, plus his pension plafi dues, and this to come from the District Administration fund. 5. We recommend that our District Superintendent's traveling expenses to the Superintendents meeting in Indianapolis 'be paid from the District Administration fund. 13 6. We recommend that all pastors receiving dIstrict assistance make a full monthly report to the District Superintendent. 7. We recommend that our District Superintendent visit each church three times during the year if possible, and that he inform the chuches of the progress the District is making, and also inform each c:hurch as to what progress that church is making in keeping their budgets paid. If they are behind, he is to meet with the hoard and try to work out a plan whereby they may do better. 8. We recommend that our District Superintendent appoint some one to launder all campmeeting things needing washing at the close of the camp, the party doing this work to receive $25.00. This money is to be paid from the Campmeeting fund. 9. We recommend that our District Secretary also be the Statisti- cian, and that he receive two dollars ($2.00) per month for his services. This amcunt is to be paid from the District Administration fund. 10. We recommend that our District Treasurer be paid $10.00 per month from the District Administration fund and that he mail out once a quarter to pastors, church treasurers and active evangelists a report of monies received to date. Also that he inform the District Superin- tendent as to how the churches, pastors, evangelists and unsctationed ministers are meeting their District obligations. 11. We recommend that the District Treasurer pay the 4% con- tribution to the pension plan for the evangelists who are co-operating with the District in sending their ministerial tithes monthly and who desire to sign with the pension plan. This payment is to be made from the District Administration fund. 12. In as much as it is with real difficulty and hardship that the camp is prepared each year, we recommend that each conference, licensed or ordained, minister work two days on the campground or pay $10.00. 13. We recommend that at each zone meeting an offering be Laken in one of the services, this money to be sent to the District Sunday School and Youth Treasurer to be placed in this fund. 14. We recommend that the District Superintendent appoint a committee of three to be in charge of all District Home Missions work and monies to be spent for that work. 15. We recommend that we have a Camp Ground and Lot com- mittee, consisting of the District Superintendent, the District Treasurer, and one man elected by the District Council. This committee is to be in charge of all lots and cabins, the upkeep and improvements of the buildings and to have oversight of all rooms. The chairman is to get the consent of at least one other member of the committee before paying out any monies for improvements. 16. We recommend that we have a campmeeting committee con- sisting of the Campmeeting Treasurer, the person in charge of the kitchen, the person in charge of the lunch room and the person in èharge of the book room. The duties of this committee shall consist in the purchasing of food, books, etc., necessary for the campmeeting, to receive and count all offerings and money given during the campmeet- ing and to post the Superintendent from time to time as to the addi- tional amount of money needed to close the campmeeting without debt. Also that everything to be sold on the campground during the camp be under the jurisdiction of the committee. 17. We recommend that our District Superintendent be paid 5c a mile traveling expenses when traveling in the interest of the District. When traveling especially in the interest of District Home Missions' travel expenses are to be taken from the District Home Missions fund and to be reported along with the regular travel expense. 14 18. We recommend that in our camp there be a charge of $1.00 registration fee for each person over ten years of ag, or 50c for each person staying less than five nights. A charge of $5.00 per room for ten days, or $1.00 per night. All dormitory beds free. A charge of $5.00 for ten days for meals, or 40c a meal. All thildren under ten years of age one half price. We further recommend that those desiring to work out expenses be permitted to do so. 19. We recommend that all active gospel workers be entertained free, but shall pay registration fee. 20. We recommend that all evangelists, song evanvelists pastors and unstationed ministers state in their quarterly and annual reports the amount of their assessments or tithes sent in to the District Treasurer. DISTRICT LOAN FUND 1. We recommend that the District Loan fund be placed under the supeivision of t'hree: The District Superintendent, District Treasurer and one other person appointed by the District Council, said committee to be under the direction of the District Council. 2. We recommend that each loan be limited to $500.00 payable in eighteen monthly installments at 4% (four percent) interest rate until loan fund shall reach amount as would merit increae. 3. We recommend that each church be limited to one loan at five hundred dollars ($500.00) until said church has paid principal and interest down to $250.00; after which the church will become eligible for additional loan of $250.00. 4. We recommend that when regular monthly payment cannot be made that t'he church be penalized $2.50 for each month behind with payment. Campground 1. Sale of Campground lots. A. Lots on the campground are to be sold for the purpose of erect— ing cabins and may be leased for the sum of $25.00, cash, or on terms of $5.00 down, payment and seven consecutive monthly installments of three dollars. B. All lease contracts are to be made out in triplicate, one copy shall be filed with the other pertinent papers and deeds of the District and another copy sh:all be filed with the District Secretary. C. No lease is to be bought or sold without the sanction of the proper agent by the placing of his signature thereon and by his keeping a copy for his files; these files •to be the property of the Camp Ground and lot committee. D. No person shall be allowed to own a lease for more than three years without erecting a building thereon, or the Campground and Lot Committee, at its discretion, may repossess the lot by refunding the purchase price. E. No cabin shall be rented or used for permanent residence. 2. Cabin specifications. A. No cabin shall be less than twelve feet by twelve feet (12' X 12') in size, nor larger than fourteen feet wide and eighteen feet long (14' X 18'); it shall be constructed of modern durable materials with approved roof and shall be set in line, facing the tabernacle, ten feet back from lot boundary. 3. Cabin use and regulations. A. Should any cabin not be used for a period of three years, the camp meeting committee shall have the authority to contact the Lessee and make arrangements for the use of each cabin during Camp Meeting time. 4. Camp Ground Lot Sale and Agreement. 15 It is to be understood and agreed that the Lessee should not use said premises for business purposes of any kind or nature, nor will the Lessee or his assigns do or cause to permit to be done upon said premises anything calculated to attract or collect a congregation of rude, lasci— vious or noisy persons such as do not sympathize with good morals or decorum and behavior as set forth in the Manual of the Pilgrim Holiness Church.

More especially such conduct as would disturb or annoy persons meeting nearby for religious worship, and this provision shall con— tinue in full force and effect as long as a place of religious worship shall be maintained at Cumberland Camp Ground whether by the Pil— grim Holiness Church or any other group, and a failure to observe these regulations shall authorize the Lessors to immediately cancel the same, and in that event the Lessors shall be entitled to immediate possession of the premises.


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Alexander, H. P. (Oak Ridge) . 120 14 I Bolender, H. H. (Clinton) 103 68 118 247 365 3 27 12 79 27 6 3 1 2 $ 1,820.00 $323.72 $ 65.81 $ 2,209.53 Brown, H. G. (Montery) 921 48 509 437 946 2 57 10 119 26 4 2 6 874.50 325.00 1,199.50 Brubaker, R. H. (Rossville) . 85 39 80 3 21 3 25 2 118.00 118.00 Carpenter, Chas. (Paris) 85 30 40 4 36 6 15 484 00 484.00 Fletcher, D. T. (Chattanooga) . 75 40 131 298 429 3 4 2 25 4 6 2 3 2,700.00 94.00 2,794.00 Hill, J. W. (Gordon Lake) ... 98 94 1301 224 1 26 8 8 2 480.00 480.00 Hotle, Ray (Lake City) 85 21 127 281 408 11 8 2 1 450.00 528.93 978.93 Light, Paul (Jellico) 90 48 15 60 75 20 4 2 1 1 2 1,006.00 10.00 1,016.00 Lory, C. F. (McEwen) 94 54 103 88 191 2 42 11 12 6 2 2 2 1 1,252.37 28.00 1,280.39 Lory, C. J. (New Providence) . 108 25 27. 52 1 14 10 5 2 753.95 756.95 Barton, H. H. (E. LaFollette) 16 8 7 69 76 1 35 12 1 123.95 15.00 138.95 Reed, Blanche (Moss) 40 20 92 37 129 5 3 9 1 1 200.60 58.31 258.91 Reese, L. B. (Nasihville) 71 28 30 22 52 3 2 2 1,410.81 78.00 62.00 1,550.81 Rhoad, Chester (Morristown) . . . 105 48 8 169 177 3 31 2 19 1 1 50.00 18.75 68.75 Vance, Geo. H. (Jamestown) .. . 120 51 123 231 354 3 117 51 25 1 2 2 1,436.00 40.00 1,476.00 Vincent, J. V. (W. LaFollette) 71 31 59 245 304 5 14 100 12 3 5 781.00 431.00 1,212.00 Wailingford, L. T. (Elizabethton) 59 13 69 69 319.31 74.50 393.81 Frick, Tesla (Poplar Ridge) 80 2 40 20 60 1 6 2 320.00 320.00 Totals 1,597 563 1,48112,430 4,031 36 463 123 351 159 27 20 5 11 25 $14,103.49 $881.72 $1,751.30 $16,736.53 Advocate Subscribers CO Q

Nt-LcO r-c Total Services -

0'] C'] Co C 00 Other Services C'] 'l - 0'] Co C'] CO Cottage Prayer Meet. C'] - - - ' CO ,-1 NNNCOc0 C'] Church Prayer Meet. -' ' C'] Co C'] C'] Co C C CoCOC Preaching Services - - _-4 ,- - ,-1 - ,- - .-

C']1 C'] Co Loss C'] '] ' Gain ' ' - C'] C'] ] CO Total Membership CO Co '-I Co .-1 C'] Co -1 C'] ,-4 ,1 - Co Non—Voting Members N

Full Standing Members CO -C']CoCI C'] (beside Ministerial) C'] Probationery Memb. Deaconesses Co Local Ministers C'] Co

C'] - C'] - ,- - r-fl '4 - 4 Licensed Ministers Ordained Ministers C']' - 00 '] 0'] C'] Co LC C'] Additions by Faith Co 0'] 1f Additions by Letter - ' ' C'] Co 0'] - Co v-4 N CO Total Removals Co ' Co Deaths - C'] C'] -4 Transferred by Letter CO Co Dropped From RoIl CO

1 2 2 0 8 1 15 15 1 10 11 45 25 Members On Roll 3 . 36 25 3 Last Report 285 10 . . I .


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LOCAL CHURCH y n nse r rom n g om g et

FINANCIAL o rward y

Chattanooga $ 29.23 $ 3,847.28 $1,157.97 $ 502.83!$ 52.44 77.68! 5,667.43 2,650.00! Clinton 75.05 1,515.42 1,821.60 213.00 362.52 101.00! 4,088.59 1,820.00 323.72 Eiizabethton 188.65 47.36 16.73 252.74 189.15 Gordon Lake 132.00 1,052.40 175.00 1,359.40! 480.00 Jamestown 32.22 1,284.66 1,422.77 260.20 2,999.85 1,436.00 Jellico .39' 1.26868 327.17 1,213.62 161.12 I 2,970.98 914.49 LaiFollette East 3.72 346.60 380.78 100.47 831.57' 308.22 LaFollette West 74.57 792.17 885.73 555.44 68.02 2,375.93 781.00 257.16 Lake City 868.93 528.93 1,295.27 158.90 2,851.93 450.00 528.93 MeEwen 11.48 2,308.59 667.13 224.57 269.84 345.15 3,826.76 1,252.37 Monterey .31 554.66 1,271.70 1,826.67 874.50, Morristown 45.20 268.00 205.92 417.13 19.72 955.97 50.00 Moss 54.36 228.09 41.93 359.12 23.36 706.86 200.60 Nashville 218.43 3,875.73 298.24 20.58 4.25J 8,614.15 1,537.72 81.00 New Providence 645.21 734.94 176.49 168.39 1,725.03 756.95 Oak Ridge 1,497.97 1,591.74 61.46 332.54 3,483.71 294.00 Paris 1,020.00 436.50 125.01 1,581.51 1,020.00 86.85 Lake View 1,318.19 85.86 480.00 27.92 29.31! 1,941.28 118.00 12.0:3 Poplar Ridge Totals $2,820.14 $23,064.63I$9,992.54 $4,202.71 $3,105.57 $149.7718528.08!$48,060.36 $14,359.O0I$294.O0i$269.19 $1,500.50

tJ a 1J i) oII q ST thuI rn dm thu I AOJ Iu!Id SIOS1J 3s

IK UII noJ UI oq !J, SS na u ! o UaJ p I p !S LOCAL CHURCH SflO UoD SUa SttO Sq

FINANCIAL (Continued) UO uAJ flId 1

Chattanooga $ 23001$ 930 431$ 328.26$ 723.36 $ 407.03 $ 17.50 $ 287.00 $ 12.00 $ 6.75 $ 65.02 Clinton 30.07) 343.001 293.52 $ 71.60 187.19 44.00 178.50 11.28 23.00 58.61$ 4.43 Elizabethton 28.13 4.59 10.52 2.00 10.64 2.71 Gordon Lake 150.001 120.00 210.00 72.00 74.00 21.50 50.00 20.50 3.00 Jamestown 862.88 189.89 4.1.3 27.50 143.60 36.30 7.63 99.62 3.8 Jellico 1,163.84 82.40 244.06 110.54 18.00 101.56 38.57 LaFollette East 141.701 192.00 51.731 2896 6.00 6.80 15.81 LaFollette West 282.84 90.00 385.85 49.43 79.36 18.00 86.85 12.13 45.78 Lake City 722.12 35.00 778.08 61.12 9.00 32.00 14.23 55.31 3.04 McEWen 197.89 360.00 449.56 365.82 230.36 30.00 114.75 8.80 167.35 Monterey 257.73 389.60 10.00 87.45 18.00 50.03 Morristown 440.13 171.00 160.70 27.15 18.00 15.00 18.88 Moss 382.08 32.00 64.501 Nashville 4,196.92 212.08 178.5.9 149.20 59.28 18.43 179.68 9.19 New Providence 55.00 142.44 128.21 6.00 68.00 10.00 Oak Ridge 1,223.28 146.54 22.73 Paris 278.00 158.50 Lake View 480.00 634.66 450.57 19.27 6.00 11.80 23.30 Poplar Ridge Totals $7,955.88 $3,468.81 $3,012.91 $4,885.82 $125.62 $1,767.56 $41 2.09 S1,343.151$202.521 S58:81 $843.40 $20.47 P I T Ch T F Ch C G S nd ar u ot ash O ot or e nd urch ne ur eb al so al ei ch E r a gn na t al V y ed n H x ge al V E S ne pe B Mi u xt ch al ud e and ndi V s s u en s o si al e get LOCAL CHURCH ol on . t u u e re FINANCIAL (Continued) s s

Chattanooga $ 50.26 $114.37 $10.00$ 5,624.98 $ 42.45 $ 9,000.00 $ 5,200.00 $ 14,200.00 $ 14,200.00 Clinton 216.00 200.50 29.71 17.85! 3,852.98 235.61 30,000.00 10,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 Elizabethton 5.00 252.74 I Gordon Lake 20.00 119.29 i 1,340.29 19.11 5,000.001 5,000.00 5,000.00 Jamestown 93.13 5.5.37 20.32 2,980.18 19.67 3,500.001 3,000.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 Jellico 96.00 49.64 15.60 2.95 2,837.65 133.33 2,000.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 LaFolle'tte East 72.00 6.33 829.55 2.02 2,000.00! 2,000.00 2,000.00 LaFollette West 96.00 31.39 10.00 5.00! 2,230.79 145.14 3,000.00 5,000.00 8,000.00! 4,000.00 4,000.00 Lake City 40.20 2,729.01 122.92 3,000.00 4,000.00 7,000.00 200.00 6,800.00 McE.wen 200.00 260.19 14.24 25.27 3,676.60 150.16 8,000.00 2,800.00 10,800.00 200.00 10,600.00 Monterey 30.37 1,823.92 2.75 2,000.00 1,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 Morristown 46.37 947.23 8.74 4,200.00 2,500.00 6,700.00 300.00 6,400.00 Moss 2.05 681.23 25.63 3,000.00 1,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 Nashville 6,622.09 1,992.06 7,500.00 7,500.00 4,000.00 3,500.00 New Providence 15.05 1,181.65 711.77 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Oak Ridge 17.50 3.00 5.50 1,712.57 1,771.14 Praris 1,543.35 38.16 Lake View 75.13 4.60 1,835.38 105.90 6,000.00 6,000.00 2,600.00 3,400.00 Camp Grounds 30,000.00 30,000.00 Totals $975.38 $936.76 $72.55 891.491842.680.69 $5,526.56 $89,700.00 1840.500.00 8160,200.00 $11,300.0Ol$148,900.00 J Bi S T R G Att G L C A H Att S C T S oi pe ch ot ash B radl o es e ai e e cti o rthd s n gul ach ned me D al R . Thi n . ci si s ol . R ve L on al ar e R a e Ch a a all Off r Off r rou st R s y Off s C E ecei s & s R e oll n y part urch roll gh onvert D e pt Off e e eri ri eri port part a t F m s


n g e n i g nt o g REPORT ce nt ed rwa f rs e ri rd n g I I

Chattanooga 13 90 1031 86 92 6 53 $ 20.67$ 706811$ 7.73 $10.00 $133.671$ 378.813 Clinton 9 125 18 iii 87 92 5 53 5 2 481.78 20.55 12.85 515.18 Elizabethton 2 15 26 10 16 27 74.14 1.37 28.07 103.58 Gordon Lake 6 44 52 8 i 53 26.30 248.77 8.61 26.34 6.17 316.19 Jamestown 8 116 130 14 53 1.42 626.88 18.25 10.10 656.65 Jellico 6 46 31 39 8 53 2 6.11 208.42 7.86 2.95 225.34 LaFollette East 4 35 57 22 53 26.91 254.63 281.54 LaFollette West 7 125 33 86 101 15 53 7 630.98 13.44 644.42 Lake City 6 54 36 41 5 53 146.82 12.08 158.90 Lake View 7 67 41 47 6 53 159.11 16.71 175.82 MeEwen 7 88 52 66 14 53 30.59 465.59 24.99 25.27 79.43 625.67 Monterey 8 105 1 71 71 53 27.91 156.66 12.46 4.22 6.35 207.60 Morristown 3 31 28 3 53 2.65 77.09 4.60 15.73 99.71 Moss 6 32 31 32 1 53 8.04 39.74 4.88 11.36 64.02 Nashville 5 52 22 33 11 53 21 291.42 7.86 6.06 22.59 327.93 New Providence 5 18 20 2 50 Oak Ridge 4 17 2,4 15 9 331.05 1.49 332.54 Paris 5 33 4 29 28 1 51 18.86 159.18 4.15 8.00 190.19 Poplar Ridge Totals 1111849 551115186619541117 29 870 121 25 S16.46l$5,O59.O'7 IS150.321$9 7.791$328.08 $5,804.36 Elizabethton Je1l:ico Chattanooga REPORT (Continued) SUNDAY SCIIOOL New Providence Lake View Lake City LaFollette East Jamestown Clinton Totals Gordon Lake Morristown Monterey McEwen Nashville LaFollette West Paris Oak Ridge Moss

$968.76 S571.77$1,354.24S648.75$97.691$1,687.29IS5,487.40 $ 85.76$233.9O$38.97 132.67 89.31 145.46 43.8360.16 109.05 4.3436.60 50.91 63.5031.00 88.98 41.93 46.77 64.40 74.58 46.8225.50 73.12 35.0014.52 42.65 2.65 6.95 2.881 4.07 a 1.00! 161.12 332.54 555.44 16.73 11.40 44.57 21.311 4.38 37.781 $156.97 12.85 100.47 200.00 25.27222.41 19.67 26.34100.64 93.13 10.00312.96 30.31 4.2223.03 8.37! 2.05 $10.00 $453.86 6.06 2.95 158.89 109.95 82.85 167.66 66.04 63.90 64.69 28.07 SflO UI1 SLJfr.I $ 158.90 332.54 287.59 40.34 207.55 210.84 14.50 145.41 30.41 483.96 31.22 638.07 18.58 556.65 69.22 252.35 29.19 293.55 22.64 644.42 872.49 87.35 16.23 92.76 55.31! suadx3 I OL $316.96 $ 6.9 22.53 6.95 8.71

.05 puifl Uq s)

00 Cash On Hand 00- - N Cl Total Expense

4 0 6 2 4 0 0 4 . 5

Transferred Th 2. 8. 5. 5 6

Church Treasury 12 $ 3S 37 . . 6 Pilgrim Youth Project 6 1 1 $ I 0$ 0 I 0 0 .

District Expenditures 2 2, Z 2 $ $ 1 I

0 50 00 5 . - 7 4. 3. Local Expenditures ' 1 - $ 1 81$ 2 21 4 9 6 0 161 8. 2. 0. 0. 5 485 3 Total Receipts 6 20 $ $

9 2 6 9 65 58

Off. Received 0. 2 49. 26. 44. 1 1$ 2$ 31 41 2 9 0 1. 325 Cash Brought Forward 3. 4. 1 8 $

Is Society Chartered? No No No Yes 41 3I 8 Z 14 Av. Att. This Report 20 27l 1

55 12 16 Av. Mt. Last Report 27

1 4l 2 1 2 5 Meetings Held 5 5 491 20 II 11 Gain 5 1 01 31 6 17 Total Membership 20 2 91 61 4

Honorary Members 191 1 4 5 9

Associate Members 181 1 3 01 6 7

Active Members 1 2 31 5 221 12 Memn. Last Report 19 ...... ' ...... S TS ...... OPLE EPOR

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Chattanooga $22.60 $115.83 $138.43 $25.60 $ 97.62 $123.22$ 15.21 Clinton 54.11 99.06 153.17 31.85 84.80 116.65 36.52 $40.001$40.00 LaFollette W. 5.001 5.001 5.00 12.001 12.00 13.251 245.89 345.15 13.48 MeEwen 345.38 358.63 85.021 14.24 Nashville 36.40 36.40 .78 4.25 5.03 31.37 Totals $89.96 $601.67 $691.63 $58.23 $85.021$14.24 $432.56 $590.05 $101.58 $52.00$52.00 Miles Traveled C'1LC ©

- IL C c -4i )r Total Support '-4 - EJ- Funerals Prayed For Healing )N I c--- c Total Seekers C"] Seeking C'] Seeking Regeneration O N OC '-4 C') Total Revivals & ,-4 -_ Week End Meetings Revivals & Week End - '-- Meetings Elsewhere Revivals & Week End Meetings For Pilgrims

37 00 50 43 Visitations 50 87 119 4 \ 2 1 4 5 3 1 891 Prayer Services Conducted 45 2 1 51 4

Songs Sung 3 12 1 9 9 11 30 29 271 Sermons Preached 21 2 3 .20 . ... .7 ...... S ...... ISTER ...... h . IN ...... la s .. M . lmer le D my Beu TS AND E

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T H. Roy EL Mrs. M

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AT J. ta ts ls ers, re, ne, n a den, ton, ks, ta ic VANG hy E UNST Bar Bra Fou Con To Moo Moy R H MINISTERIAL MEETING February 23, 24,25th., 1960

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Speaker: Rev. U. G. Flexon


Date: July 1 to July 10th., 1960

Evangelists: Rev. 3. W. Adcock, Frankfort, End.

Rev. Ermai Wilson, Indianapolis, md.

Singers: Rev, and Mrs. Roy Ankrini, Barb erton, Ohio.