TENNESSEE DISTRICT CONFERENCE JOURNAL Pilgrim Holiness Church 1959 OFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE Twenty-Sixth Annual Session Cumberland Grove Camp Ground Jamestown, Tennessee OFFICIAL DIRECTORY DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT Rev. L. E. Galyon, Rt. 2, Phone TRemont 9-2930, Jamestown, Tenn. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Rev. Chas. F. Lory, R. D. No. 1, Phone 36 W., McEwen, Tenn. DISTRICT SECRETARY Harold H. Barton, Box 116, c,'o Rev. Paul Light, Jellico, Tenn. DISTRICT TREASURER Paul A. Light, Box 116, Phone GArfield 4-6245, Jellico, Tenn. ADDITIONAL COUNCILMEN Geo. H. Vance, H. H. Bolender, L. B. Reese. COMMITTEES RESOLUTIONS: H. H. Bolender, L. B. Reese, Chas. F. Lory, Jenny V. Vincent. WAYS AND MEANS: Paul Light, Ray Hotle, Geo. H. Vance, Mrs. H. H. Bolender. AUDITING: H. H. Bolender, Homer G. Brown. RECEPTION: Beulah Moyers, Tesla Frick. EDUCATIONAL AND EXAMING: L. B. Reese, (3 years); H. H. Barton, (2 years) Charles F. Lory, (1 year). HOME MISSIONARY COMMITTEE: L. E. Galyon, Paul Light, Chas. F. Lory. LOAN COMMITTEE: L. E. Galyon, Paul Light, H. H. Bolen- der. CAMP MEETING COMMITTEE: H. H. Barton, George H. Vance, Jenny V. Vincent, Paul Light. CONDOLENCE COMMrTTEE: Harold H. Barton, Harry H. Bolender. TRUSTEES: Charles F. Lory (3 years); George Stair (2 years); George H. Vance (1 year). ZONE CHAIRMEN: Zone No. 1, Miss Laura Conley. Zone No. 2, L. B. Reese. Zone No. 3, Blanche Reed. Zone No. 4, J. W. Hill. DISTRICT YOUNG PEOPLE'S SECRETARY: Ray Hotle, Lake City, Tenn. DISTRICT SUNDAY SCHOOL SECRETARY: H. H. Bolender, Chattanooga, Tenn. EDITOR OF VOLUNTEER NEWS: Mrs. L. B. Reese. DISTRICT Y. P. AND S. S. TREASURER: Homer G. Brown, Monterey, Tenn. DISTRICT MISSIONARY PRESIDENT: Mrs. H. H. Bolender, Chattanooga, Tenn. CAMP GROUND AND LOT COMMITEE: L. B. Galyon, Paul Light, Geo. H. Vance. DELEGATES ATTENDING CONFERENCE Mrs. Hannah Hill, Mrs. Leda Roysden, Mrs. Elmer Braden, Clyde Moore, Mrs. C. B. Johnson, Miss Corintha Netherton, Mrs. June Hicks, Kenneth Manning, Miss Laura Conley, George Hornberger, Mrs. Var.derpool, Mrs. Frank Voyles, Mrs. Otis Marcum, Mrs. Tesla Frick, George Stair. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Ordained Ministers Alexander, H. P., 109 Prarie Lane, Phone 5-8153 .... Oak Ridge, Tenn. Adams, Mrs. I. J., Rt. 2 . Clinton, Penn. Barton, Harold H., P. 0. Box No. 86, c/o 0. G. Nicholson Williamsburg, Ky. Bolender, H. H., 2511 Taylor St., Phone 2-8830 Chattanooga, Tenn. Brown, Homer C., 330 New St., Phone Temple 3856 ... Monterey, Tenn. Braden, Mrs. Elmer, P. 0. Box 178, Phone GA 4-8925 Jellico, Tenn. Fletc'her, Delibert Chattanooga, Tenn. Frick, Tesla, Rt. 2, Box 143, Campbell Road, Phone Ulysses 9-5937 Goodlettsville, Penn. Galyon, L. E., Rt. 2, Phone Tremonit 9-2930 Jamestown, Tenn. Light, Paul, Box 116, Phone GA 4-6245 Jellico, Tenn. Dory, Charles F. Rt. 1, Phone 36 W McEwen, Tenn. Moyers, Beulah McE'wen, Tenn. Reed, Blanche, Rt. 2 Moss, Penn. Reese, L. B., 2311 Foster Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Rhyne, H. M., 434 Black Oak Drive, Phone 6-3152 Knoxville, Tenn. Stewart, John, P. 0. Box 342 Westfield, md. Vincent, Jenny V., 410 South Ave., Phone 763 J.....LaFollette, Tenn. Wallingford, L. T., 425 Anderson St. Morristown, Tenn. Webb, J. D., 823 Fowler St., 'Phone 541 Clinton, Penn. FIRST ORDINATION (First Year) Chandler, Mrs. Arthur, 200 N. Main St. Elizabethton, Tenn. Hill, J. W., Rt. 2, Phone 4239 Chickamauga, Ga. Hotle, E. Ray, Box 19, Phone 3706 Lake City, Tenn. Howell, Warren, 213 Peach St. New Providence, Toni. Dory, Chiarles J., Jr. McEwen, Tenn. Moore, Roy, 711 South 'Cumberland St., Phone 1573 .. LaFollette, Penn. Rhoad, Chester, 425 Anderson St., Phone 6031 Morristown, Tenn. Stewart, Joe, 2812 T'aylor St. Chattanooga 6, Penn. Conn'atser, Tom, R. F. D. Jamestown, Penn. (Second Year) Brubaker, R. H., 2009 Daisy St., Phone MA 4-6532, Chattanooga 6, Tenn. C'arpen'ter, Charles, 819 Joy St., Phone 824 Paris, Tenn. Vance, George H., P. 0. Box 543, Phone Tremont 9 4063 Jamestown, Tenn. Licensed Deaconnesses Conley, Laura, 410 South Ave., Phone 763 J. LaFollette, Tenn. Gray, Mrs. Martha, 323 Vivelle Ave., Nashville, Penn. Ordained Deaconness O'Sullivan, Mrs. Rebecca Jamaica, B. W. I. Local Preachers Brown, John Jamestown, Tenn. Daugherty, John Chattanooga, Tenn. Ther'ber, Frank Nashville, Tenn. APPROVED EVANGELISTS H. H. Barton, Mrs. Elmer Braden, Miss Beulah Moyers, L. T. Wallingford, Miss Jenny V. Vincent, Miss Laura Conley, Mrs. H. H. Bolender, Tom Connatser, Tesla Frick. 3 PASTORAL SELECTIONS Chattanooga, Tenn. H. H. Bolender Clinton, Tenn. J. D. Webb Elizabethton, Tenn. Mrs. Arthur Chandler Jamestown, Tenn. George H. Vance Jellico, Tenn. Paul Light Lake City, Tenn. E. Ray Hotle West LaFollette, Tenn. Miss Jenny V. Vincent East LaFollette, Tenn. Roy Moore MoEwen, Tenn. Charles F. Lory Gordon Lake, Ga. J. W. Hill Lake View, Ga. R. H, Brubaker Monterey, Tenn. Homer G. Brown Morristown, Tenn. Chester Rhoad Moss, Tenn. Blanehe Reed Nashville, Tenn. L. B. Reese New Providence, Tenn. Warren Howell Oak Ridge, Tenn. H. P. Alexander Paris, Tenn. Charles C5rpenter Poplar Ridge, Tenn. Charles J. Lory, Jr. STANDING CONFERENCE RULES 1. The first five seats of the two middle sections of the tabernacle and the platform shall constitute the conference bar. 2. 'Conference sittings are to be from 8 a. m. to 12 noon, and 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. m. 4 PROCEEDINGS THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1959 The twenty sixth annual conference of the Tennessee District of the Pilgrim Holiness Church convened at the Cumiberland Grove Camp— grounds, Jamestown, Tennessee on June 25th, 1959 with Rev. R. G. Flexon, General Superintendent presiding. The conference opened by singing "Amazing Grace" and "The Solid Rock," after which we were led in prayer by Brother Bolender and Siter Vincent. Rev. R. G. Flexon then addressed the conference. He read from I Corinthians 9:22 through 27 and used as his subject "Planned Ministry." It was moved and adopted that all ministers and delegates be seated within the conference bar, even though the United Stewardship Fund had not been paid in full by all churches of the conference. The roll was then made of all ministers and delegates. The report of the Examining and Educational committee was heard. Rev. L. B. Reese and John Stewart were recommended to the conference to be received as ordained ministers. Rev. Tesla Frick was recommended to ordination. Rev. Ray Hotle was recommended to be rec&ved as a first year licensed minister. Mrs. Martha Gray was recom— mended to be received as a licensed Deaconess. Frank Therber was recommended to be received as a Local Preacher. All these were graciously received. Two new churches were presented to the conference. One was the Lake View Church represented by the pastor Rev. R. H. Brubaker and several of the members, the other was the Nashville church represented by a good represenitation of its memibership in the absence of Rev. L. B. Reese the pastor. These churches were 'heartily received into the conference. The Reception Committee presented the following 10 the Confer— ence: Rev. Ray Hotle, Rev. Cottongin, Rev. John Stewart, Rev. Frank Therber, and Rev. H. P. Alexander. It was moved and adopted that these be received into the conference by giving them a seat within the conference bar. The District Superintendent gave his report. This was received with appreciation by a motion and its adoption. In the absence of the Assistant District Superintendent it was moved and adopted that we receive his written report •and that the conference express its sympathy for him and his wife by sending flowers to the Vanderbilt Hospital where Mrs. Lory is seriously ill at the time. The auditors report was given. This was received. The Carnpmeeting Treasurer gave his report. This was received. The report of the District Youth Treasurer was given. This report was received. The report of the District Treasurer was given. This report was received with appreciation. The report of the Sunday School Promotional Secretary was given. This report was received. The report of the District Statistician was given. This report was received with great appreciation. The report of the Ways and Means Committee was given. All pro— posed changes were received by the conference. It was moved and adopted that we adjourn. Rev. L. E. Galyon then dismissed in prayer. 5 Afternoon Sitting The conference reconvened by singing "We'll Work 'Till Jesus Comes." Mrs. Bolender then led in prayer. The morning minutes were read and accepted with slight corrections. Mr. Kendell and Mr. Gardner, visitors to the conference, were intro— duced and seated within the conference bar. The Resolutions committee gave their report. The proposed changes and deletions were adopted and appear in their respective order under the heading "Resolutions." The election of officers took place. (See Official Directory). It was moved and adopted that we accept the proposed conditions for the purchase and use of lots and cabins on the campgrounds. It was moved and adopted to accept the list of approved evangelists. A rising vote of thanks was given to Bro. Flexon for presiding over the conference. Closing remarks were then made by Rev. Flexon. It was moved and adopted that the conference go on record as being in favor of the three General Superintendents remaining in their respective Zones for the remainder of the quadrennium. It was moved and adopted that we adjourn. The conference then closed by singing "The Solid Rock" followed by a dismissal prayer by Rev. Flexon. An ordination service was held at 7 p. rn. at which time Rev. Tesla Frick received his ordination. DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT To our General Superintendent, Rev. R. G. Flexon, delegates and friends assembled at this, our 26th annual conference of the Tennessee District, I greet you in Jesus' name.
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