Page 1 Præcursores Ad Floram Sylvaticam. V. (Drupaceæ) Auctore

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Page 1 Præcursores Ad Floram Sylvaticam. V. (Drupaceæ) Auctore Pra3cursoros ad Floram Sylvaticam. V. (Drupacea) Auctore Takeiioshin Nakai. Prupace, DC. F1. Fr. IV. (1805) p. 479. BRI'rToN and BRowN F1. Northern States and Canada II. p. 246. Rosacex Trib. IT. Amygdalea3, JUsslEU Gen. P1. (.1774) p. 340. DC. Prodr. II. p. 529. ENDL. Gen. Pl. p. 1250. Rosace~ Unterfam. Prunoide e, FocKE in Nat. Pflanzenf. III. 3. (1.888) p. 50. Rosacea~ Trib. II. Prunew, BENTII. et IIoOK. Gen. Pl. I. p. 609. Annygdalacew, G. DON Gen. Syst. Gard. Bot. II. (1832) p. 481. Conspectus generuni. A. Stylus lateralis. Ovula ascendentia. Endocarpus coriaceus. Frutex splnosus.... ... ... ... ... ... ...Prinsepia, ROYLE B. Stylus terminalis. Ovula pendula. Endocarpus valde in- crassa.tus. ... ... .r. ... ... ... ... ... ...Prunus, TOURNEF. Gn. 1. Prunu, TOURNEF. Instit. Rei Herb. I, p. 622. III. t. 398. LINK. Sp. P1. (1753) p. 473. et eruct. plur. Conspectus subgenerum. Folia vernatione singillatim conduplicata, sed ipsa imbricatim disp o sit a . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2. Folia convoluta, intimunl exterioribus complexus est. Gemma 3-5, laterales florifer~............................ Flores racemosi. Gemm e 1-3 rnedi~ floriferae.... ... ... 3. Flores non racemosi. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5. 134 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXIX. No. 344. 'F olia persistentia ita racemus saltem parte axillaris. Calyx in fructu deciduus ..................... Laurocerasus.1) Folia decidua. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Calyx persistens cu pularis. Racemus aphyllopodus lateralis. ........................ Pseudopadus. Calyx deciduus. Racemus phyllopodus v. aphyllopodus. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Padus. Gemma 3-5 laterales flor-ifera. Flores solitarii. Drupa vela- trna. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Amygdalus. Gemmar 1-3, media florifera. Flores corymbosi v. urnbellati. Drupa glaberrima ........................... Cerasus. Folia juvenilia mox revoluta. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7. Folia juvenilia falcata. Fructus glaber v. pilosus. ... ... ... Microcerasus. Fructus velutinus. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Armeniaca. Fructus glaber. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Prunophora. Dlagramma estivationis foliorum vernorum Pruni Sectionum. Subgn. 1. Pseudopadus, NAKAI. n o V. Prunus Sect. 5. Padus, MAXIM. in Mel. Biol. XI. p. 701. p. p. KoIDZ. Consp. Ros. Jap. p. 286. p.p. Laurocerasus, SCHNEID. Illus. Handb. Laubholzk. I. p. 645. p.p. 1) Plantaehujus sectionisiii Corea non adsunt. Aun, t913.i 1'. £4KAL-FLORA SYLVATTCA KOREA2 A V. 1:35 Folia decidua, vernatione conduplicata. Racernus lateralis aphyllopodus. Calyx persistens brevissimus. Sp. 1. Prunus Puergeri, MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 24. FRAN. et SAY. Inum. P1. Jap. I. p. 329. MAXIM. in Mel. Biol. XI. p. 703. KOIDZ. Consp. Ros. Jap. p. 286. P. Faurlel, LEVL. in FEDDE Rep. (1909) p. 198. P. subhirtella v. oblonglfolYa, MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 23. p.p. fide MAX. Laurocerasus Buergerl, SCHNEID. Illus. Handb. I. p. 646. flab. in silvis Quelprt. Distr. Honto, Shikoku et Kiusiu. Subgn. 2. Padus, (L.) FOCKE in Nat. Pflanzenf. III. 3. (1894) p. 54. Padus, L. Gen. P1. ed. 1. (1737) p. 142 et auct. plur. Cerasus Sect. II. DC. Prodr. II, p. 539. p.p. Prunus Subgn. Padus, KoIDz. Consp. p. 286 (lapsu). Prunus u.• Cerasus 9. Padus. ~i. Padi Yeri I3NDL. Gen. P1. p. 1251. Prunus Laurocerasus, BENTH. et HOOK. Gen. P1. I. p. 610. p.p. Prunus Sect. 5. Padus MAX. in Mel. Biol. XI. p. 701. Cerasus Sect. Padus, TORREY et GRAY F1. North America I. p. 410. (Sectiones dua ). Folia infra glanduloso-punctata. Calyx tubulosus. Racemus fere aphyllopodus.... ... ... ... ... ...Adenophylla, NAKAI. Folia infra epunctata. Calyx cupularis v. turbinatus. Racemus phyllopodus....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Eupadus, NAKAI. Sect. y_. Adenophylla, NAKAI. Sp. 2. Prunus Maackii, RUPR. in Bull. Phys. Math. Acad. Petersb. XV. p. 361. et in Mel. Biol. II. p. 536. P. diamantina, L1,YL. In FEDDE Rep VII (1909) p. 198. 136 TIl E ROTAIICAL MAGAZINE. [vol.XXIX. No. 344. P. Maackii v. diarnantina, KcEHNE in FEDDE Rep. (1913) p. 134. P. glandulifolia, NAKAIF1. Kor. I, p. 211 (non MAx.) Ilab. in silvis Corea sept. et media. Distr. Manshuria ct Amur. Sect. 2. Eupadu, NAK. I Sp. 3. Prunus Padus, L. Sp. P1. (1753) p. 473 et eruct. plug. Padus vulgaris, BoRCKH. Forstb. II. (1803) p. 1.426. Padus racemosa, SCiINEID.Illus. Ilandb. I, p. 640. Prunus racelnosa, LAM. Fl. Fr. III. (1798) p. 1.07. Prunus Fauriei, LEvL in litt. fide TAQUET. Prunus di versifolia, K€EHNEin F EDDE Rep. (1909) p. 198. Cerasus Padus, DC. F1. Fr. IV. (1805) p. 580 et Prodr. II p. 539. Hab. in montibus Corey totius. Distr. Europa, Sibiria, Manshuria, India, China et Japonia. var. pubeseens, REGEL Tent. Fl. Uss. n. 149. MAX. in Mel. Biol. XI. P. 706. Padus racemosa v. pubescens, SCIINEID.1. c. Hab, in silvis Corey sept., rarius. Distr. China bor., Manshuria et Sachalin. var. seoulensls, NAKAI. Prunus seoulensis, LEVL. In FEDDE Rep. (1909) p 198. Pedicelli elorlgati 5-20 mm longi. Flab. in silvis Coreae media. Subgn. 3. Cerasus, (TOURNEy.) FoCKE 1. c. p. 54. p. p. Cerasus, TOURNEF.Instit. Rei Herb. I. p. 625. III. t. 403. et auct. plur. Prunus Sect. Cerasus, MERT, et KoCH. in R EHLINGDeutschl. Flora III. (1831) p. 40. et duct, noun. Prunus Grex 1 Typocerasus, K EHNE in Pl. `a'ils. II. p. 226 Aug, 1915.] T.. NAKAI---FLORA SYLVATICA IiORI;ANA V. 137 Conspectus sectionum et subsectionum. ' S epal a reflex a. Bracte~ fol lace sub fructu persistentes. ... ...Sect. 1. Cremastosepalum, Subsect. Phyllomaha'eb. Sepala erecta v. patula.. Bractc~ parvae non foliacc e decidure. ... ... ... ... ...... Sect. Pseudocerasus.... ... ... 2. rI nvolucra magna fere 1 cm longa v. rnajura. Cupula tubulosa. ... ... ... Cubsect. Sargentle la. Invu?ucra parva. Cupula basi leviter inflata. ...... Subsect. Microcalymma. Sect. 1. Creri astosepalum, K~HNE P1. Wils. II. p. 226, 229, 237. Subsect. Phyllomahaleb, I<IINE 1. c. p. 227, '29, 233. Sp. 4. Prunus Maximowiezii, RUPR. in Bull. Phys. Math. Acad. Petersb. XV. p. 1.31. MAXIM. Prim. F1. Amur. p. 89. Mel. Biol. XI. p. 700. ScH:e1IDT. Sachal. n. 117. FR. et SAv. Enum. Pl. Jap. I, p 118. P ALm. Consp. Fl. Kor. I. p. 87. Koii. Fl. Mansh. II. p. 547. NAKAI Fi. Kor. I, p. 213. II. p. 482. K~HNE Pl. Ails. p. 238. Hab. in silvis Corey totius. Distr. Manshuria, Japonia et Sachalin. Sect. 2. Pseudoeerasus, KcEHNL Deutsch. Dendr. (1990) p. 305. P1. Wils 11. p. 226, 227, 232, 244. Sub: ect. 1. Sargentiella, K~HNE P1. Wils. II. p. 227, 232, 245. Consnectus snecierum et varietatum. i g , 2 Pedicelli et folia pilosi v. pubescentes....... ... ... ... ... 6 Folia oblanceola.ta utrinque acuminata..... ... P. densrfolra. FoVa obovata v. elliptiea v. late-elliptica...... ... ... .~. 3. Rami robusti atropurpureo-badi. Flores majores rosei. ... ... ...P. sachalinensls. Rami graciles grisei v. griseo-atro-purpurei.... ... ... ... 4. Folia pilosa. Flores pallide rosei v. lilacini. ... ... ... P. serrula to var, in termed:a. Folia glabra. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3. [Vol. XXIX. No. 344. 138 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Flores pallide rosei, subglomerati, ita pedunculi nulli v. subnulli.... ... ... ... ... ... ... P. serrulata var. compta. Flores lilacini v. intensius lilacini, corymbosi, ita pedunculi plus minus elongati.... ... ... ... P. serrulata v. glabra. rBractea angust~ . Flores pr~coces. Styli pilosi...P. yedoensis. Bracte e obovat e v. oblongo-obovatre. Styli glabri. Flores cretanei v. subcretanel. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Petala oblonga 1 cm longa. Flores subprarcoces. Pedunculi subnulli. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... P. serrulata v. Sontagiw. Petala 1.2-1.7 cm longa, ovata v. oblonga. Flores ca`tanei..8. 'P etioli dense villosi. Pedunculi subnulli v. elongati. ... ... ...P. serrulata v. tomentella. `Petioli et pedunculi pilosl v . pubescentes.... ... ... ... 9. .Rami robusti atropurpureo-badi. Pedicelli elongati usque 3 cm longi. Petala usque 1.7 cm longa. Lamina glabra. ... ... ... P. quelpa rtensls. Rami grisei v. griseo-badi v. griseo purpurcoque badi. Pedi- celli usque 2 em longi. Petala usque 1.5 cm longi. Lamina infra pilosa .................................... 10. (Pedunculi subnulli v. nulli.... ...P. serrulata v. verecunda. (Pedunculi plus minus elongati. ...P. serrulata v. pubescens. Sp. 5. Prunus densifolia, K IEHNEin Fedde Rep. (1913) p. 1.35. P. angustissima, NAKAIin Sched. fined. 13ah. in silvis Quelpaert. rara. Planta endemica ! Sp. 6. Prurlus sachalinensis (SCHMIDT) Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXVI (1912) p. 52. P. pseudocerasus var. sachalinensis, FR. SCHMIDTSachal. (1868) p. 142. P. pseudocerasus a, spontanea, MAX. in Me!. Biol. XI. p. 699. p.l~. P. pseudocerasus, SARG. in Gard. Forest. X. p. 462. f. 58. STAFF in hot. M ag . t. 8012. P. pseudocerasus ,9. borealis, MAKINOin Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXII (1908) p. 99. Aug,lsl,.] Z; NAKAI.-FLORA SYLVATICAKOREANA V. 139 P. serrulata j9. borealis, MAKINGin Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXIII. P. 75. P. floribunda, K IEHNEin FEDDE Rep. XI. p. 269. P, serrulata var. sachalinensis, MAKINOIcon. Fl. Jap. I, iv. t. 15. P. Sargentii, REND. Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr. Ges. (1908) p. 159. FEDDE Rep. VIII. p. 344. K EHNE Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr.. Ges. (1909) p. 164. P1. veils. II. P. 249. P. Jamasakura a borealis, KoIDz. i n Tokyo B ot. Mag. X X V. (1911).p. 187. P. donarium'> subsp. sachalinensis, KoIDZ. Consp. Ros. Jap. p. 276. f. 8. Hab. in silvis Quelp~rt. Distr. Sachalin, Yeso et Nippon bor. Sp. 7. Prunus serrulata, Trans. Hurt. Soc. VII. (1830) p. 238. SCHN. Illus. Handb. Laubholzk. I. p. 611. fig. 339. 0-01 fig. 340 c. KIEHNE
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