
Fall 2019 Study Guide Subject and Character Level 7

Directions: There will be at least one question on the exam for every topic listed in this study guide. You are expected to use your textbook and notes to review all the units and chapters listed below, concentrating on knowing well the topics listed in this guide. The exam will consist of a mixture of multiple choice, true and false, and short answer questions. Ask , the Most High, to help you do well on the exam and follow it up by studying.

Unit B: Journey to the Hereafter Chapter 1: : The Gate to the Unseen World (5 Exam Questions) Understand the reality of death: its inevitability and unpredictability. Acquire the proper understanding of death. Acquire the proper belief in the of Death. Recognize the importance of remembering death. Understand the hadeeth where the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, asked Allah not to make this life our greatest concern nor all that we know about. Chapter 2: Salat-ul-Janazah (5 Exam Questions) Learn how to perform Salat-ul-Janazah. Learn the benefits of Salat-ul-Janazh. Know the types of people the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, refused to lead their funeral prayer. Learn and understand the hadeeth on the reward of praying Salat-ul-Janazah. Learn about some Un-Islamic practices of some during the Janazah. Chapter 3: The Life In The Grave (5 Exam Questions) Learn what happens to the being after death. Explore the life in the grave. Know the 3 questions that everyone will be asked in the grave. Know the following vocabulary terms: Al-Qabr, Na'eem-ul-Qabr, Athab-ul-Qabr, Malak- ul-Mawt, Al-Barzakh, Al-Maseeh-ud-Dajjal. Understand the benefits of visiting the graves. Chapter 4: The End of Time: Signs before the Day of Judgment (5 Exam Questions) Recognize the minor signs of the Hour. Learn the major signs of the Hour. Be able to cite one of the ways that the Believers will recognize the Dajjal. Know the angel who will blow a trumpet that will cause the whole Earth to be destroyed. Explore what will happen when Ad-Dajjal appears and how to protect oneself from him. Know the following vocabulary terms: As-Sa'ah, Al-Maseeh Ad-Dajjal, Ad-Daabbah, Ya'jooj and Ma'joj Chapter 5: Surat-ul-Haqqah (The Inevitable Day) (5 Exam Questions) Explore the attitudes of ancient nations toward the Day of Judgment. Learn about the fate of disbelieving perished nations. Know the meaning of: Al-Haqqah, Al-Qari'ah Identify the significance of a person's book of deeds.