Performance Studies at the Intersections
Madison-FM.qxd 10/14/2005 6:41 PM Page xi Performance Studies at the Intersections D. SOYINI MADISON AND JUDITH HAMERA The ongoing challenge of performance studies is to refuse and supercede this deeply entrenched division of labor, apartheid of knowledges, that plays out inside the academy as the difference between thinking and doing, interpreting and making, conceptualizing and creating. The division of labor between theory and practice, abstraction and embodiment, is an arbitrary and rigged choice and, like all bina- risms, it is booby-trapped. —Dwight Conquergood, 2002, p. 153 erformance is often referred to as a Gallie explains, “Recognition of a given P “contested concept” because as a concept, concept as essentially contested implies method, event, and practice it is variously envi- recognition of rival uses of it (such as one- self repudiates) as not only logically possible sioned and employed. Three founding scholars and humanly ‘likely,’ but as of permanent of contemporary performance studies, Mary potential critical value to one’s own use of S. Strine, Beverly W. Long, and Mary Francis interpretation of the concept in question” Hopkins, formally set forth the idea of perfor- (pp. 187–188). Scholars in interpretation mance as a contested concept in their classic and performance in a valorized category, essay, “Research in Interpretation and Perfor- they recognize and expect disagreement not only about the qualities that make a perfor- mance Studies: Trends, Issues, Priorities.” They mance “good” or “bad” in certain contexts, state, but also about what activities and behaviors appropriately constitute performance and Performance, like art and democracy, is not something else.
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