Finding Yourself through Literature OSHER 335-001 Dates: Wednesdays: January 13 – February 17 Time: 1:30 – 3:00 pm Location: Online via Zoom Instructor: Bill Hardesty Email:
[email protected] Phone: 801.631.0594 Description: Have you ever wondered how much are you like Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird) or Tintin (Tintin in Tibet), or Celie (The Color Purple)? In this course, as we analyze great literary characters, we will always ask how much are we like and how much are we not? It will be a journey of self-discovery through the pages of literature. Expectations and Goals: • Students will develop a better concept of self by comparing themselves to great literary characters. • Students will develop practical analyzing skills by reading great literature. • Through group discussion, students will expand their viewpoint and help others to do the same. Teaching Style: I am a massive proponent of self-discovery as you prepare for class and discover through discussion in class. I ask lots of questions and enjoy hearing your thoughts, opinions, and challenges. Since this course is about finding yourself, I will often ask if you identify with a character and, more importantly, why or why not. Since class time is 90 minutes, I plan to leave the last 30 minutes to discuss other characters in these books or another book of your choosing. Required Course Materials: In most cases, you have read the books. However, I am asking you to exam the character and compare yourself to them. • Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird • Hergé, Tintin in the Tibet • Alice Walker, The Color Purple • Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory • J.D.