First Christian Church of North Hollywood Elders’ 2017 Lenten Meditations For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God...

Ephesians 2:8-9 This collection of Lenten Meditations is a gift to you from the Elders of

First Christian Church of North Hollywood

Editor’s Note: Lent is a season of 40 days plus 7 Sundays from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. day 1 of 40 days 1 March 2017—Ash Wednesday

Pastor Bob Bock

Dear Church Family and Friends,

For well over three decades the Elders of our church family have been preparing Meditation Books for the Holy Seasons of Advent and Lent. Most of the meditations are written by the Elders personally. Some, however, are favorite passages of literature or poetry which are meaningful to the Elder. For several years the Elders have extended invitations to members of our church staff to contribute meditations to the book. These staff members have been honored to add their thoughts to those of our distinguished group of Elders.

The theme the Elders have chosen this year is “By the Grace of God.” How many times have you heard someone use that expression? It was even the title of a video by Katy Perry who, as the music goes on, felt she had the determination to continue living “By the Grace of God” (because there was no other way.) It is an expression so often used yet seldom, perhaps, examined for its deeper meaning.

God’s Grace is always with us, yet so often we continue to make the same mistakes simply because we do not recognize that Grace as present. God’s Grace can save us from any situation, any problem, any crisis and anything. We need only recognize it and ask for it.

I invite you to read and enjoy these meditations on this very thought-provoking theme. My practice is to read the book through in its entirety in one sitting. Then, as the Season continues, read the assigned meditation each day. I am sure that as the Season progresses you will find yourself lifted and renewed spiritually by these meditations.

Happy Reading, Robert M. Bock Senior Pastor

day 2 of 40 days 2 March 2017

Richard Follett

By the Grace of God (An Acrostic for Lent 2017)

B eside us—neither ahead of nor above us! We have come to realize Y ou, O Christ, desire to live beside us.

1 T hose early followers testified that they were on The Way. H elp us, as You walk beside us on our Way, to E ncompass all of Your followers with Your love, even those on a different Way.

G rant us, O Christ, Your graciousness to R each beyond our own theological bubbles A nd to find You, God, and the Holy Spirit in

2 C ommunity with Each Other and with humanity E ven when our friends’ Way differs from ours.

O Christ, may we no longer grieve You as we

3 F orget over and over that You come lovingly to everyone masked as they perceive You.

G race—the gift You demonstrate—can never be hoarded, O nly shown, only shared lest it sour into judgment. Let Your gracious

4 “D o unto others as you would have them do unto you” be real in our lives.


1Acts 9.2 and 19.23 2See Fr. Richard Rohr with Mike Morrell, The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation (2106). 3See the writings of Joseph Campbell 4Luke 6.31 day 3 of 40 days 3 March 2017

Aliza Ramos

Have you considered giving up something for Lent?

If you’re like most people, you will probably try one of the top ten sacrifices Twitter users made in 2016: 1. Chocolate 2. Social networking 3. Alcohol 4. Twitter 5. School 6. Swearing 7. Soda 8. Sweets 9. Coffee 10. Fast food

If you’re unconventional, you may try one of these creative sacrifices offered by the Life Teen blog: • Give up all beverages except water • Give up the snooze button on your alarm • Give up your pillow • Give up warm water in the shower • Give up your bed, sleep on the floor • Give up escalators and elevators, use stairs • Give up sweets, use your cravings as a reminder to say a prayer for someone you know • Give up your unlimited selection of songs, listen only to Christian music • Give up your phone during the day to be more present to the people around you • Pick up a pen, make a list of forty people who have touched your life and, each day, write a letter to someone on your list to say thank you

If you’re an overachiever, consider this suggestion by William B. Bradshaw on The Huffington Post blog: “I propose giving up the practice of focusing on the faults of other people and, instead, looking for their good qualities.”

Throughout His ministry, Jesus encountered people who focused on finding His faults. Seeking to condemn, they closed their hearts to the goodness of His presence. In so doing, they missed the Messiah in their midst and crucified their long-awaited Savior.

May your Lenten journey lead you to open your heart to the goodness of God, and open your eyes to the goodness in all people. May you inspire others to do the same. day 4 of 40 days 4 March 2017

Morgan Stoddard

By the grace of God, we are so fortunate to share a truly remarkable church in which to celebrate both the New Year and the new Lenten season. The Lenten season goes back to the time of the Apostles. Lent is derived from an old English word which means lengthen. The Lenten season is to be observed for forty days. The number of forty days has a long Biblical history: the forty-day fast of Moses, Elijah, and Jesus’ forty days in the desert. The traditions of Lent included prayer, fasting, almsgiving (charity), repen- tance, and various methods of self-denial.

This special time of our Christian calendar is an important segment of our lives to self-examine our own beliefs and strengthen our own faith. The ultimate sacrifice of God’s love is celebrated in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. By our sacrifice during the Lenten season, we have the opportunity to express our faith through giving, sharing, and expressing our love for one another while nurturing and fulfilling our spiritual lives.

I wish all of you and your families the very best of the Lenten season and, by the grace of God, the hope and promise that Easter brings to all of us. May God bless you and keep you always.

1st sunday of 7 sundays 5 March 2017

Barbara Campbell

By the grace of God… I am here My family is healthy I have people who love me I have a job where, sometimes, I get to do good work I have friends who model personal grace and show me the way I have a home I have my Church I have faith I have hope… joy… sorrow… And…. gratitude. day 5 of 40 days 6 March 2017

Pastor Louise Sloan Goben

“Let anyone with ears to hear, listen.” (Matthew 13:9)

Galen and I recently listened to a Podcast of “On Being with Krista Tippett.” The segment featured Gordon Hempton, an expert in “acoustic ecology” or “soundscape.” This is the understanding of human beings and their relationship to their environment mediated through sound. By and large, we tend to be visual in our orientation to living as we are constantly in the presence of signs, video screens of different types, reading books or email, being aware of our environment using visual cues.

That hasn’t always been the case, according to Hempton. There was a time when there were no books to be read, since they didn’t exist. Most people didn’t read or write—only the very educated. There were few signs and no billboards. So people negotiated their environment using sound! How to know of an approaching storm? You may hear the sound of the wind shifting or of distant thunder coming from miles away. Perhaps you could also hear the sound of a person’s footsteps approaching from yards away—or even the sound of an unfriendly animal. Silence conveyed important information. Why have all the birds stopped chirping?

There is very little silence in our modern world. If you live in the city, you may hear the birds sing- ing, and you will also hear the constant drone of traffic, or of a plane flying overhead. We tune out the sounds we don’t need. Even in wilderness areas there are few places that are devoid of human made noise.

So how are we to hear God when there is so much “noise” all around us? It requires us to tune out all the extraneous noise that constantly fills our lives—our “shoulds” and “oughts” and our “remember to do’s” and all we need to accomplish for today.

Jesus reminds his disciples often to “listen.” This is art that we have come to neglect in our everyday living. Tune out, to the best of your ability, the voice inside your head. Tune out the noise of the traffic or the TV. Listen to your soul. Listen for God, for God is still speaking to us. Listen to a word of grace or strength, or of comfort or of peace.

“Let anyone with ears… listen.” day 6 of 40 days 7 March 2017

Cindy Kaller

A LISTENING by Ann Weems

Going through Lent Is a listening. When we listen To the word, We hear Where we are so Blatantly Unliving. If we listen to the word, And hallow it Into our lives, We hear How we can so Abundantly Live again.

day 7 of 40 days 8 March 2017

Sally Hallada

I was at a Super Bowl party years ago and the host made a very passionate speech when some of the players were shown praying before a game. “I can’t stand that! I’m sure God has a lot more important things to do than help that guy win a football game!” He also complained after the game was over, when players were pointing up to thank God and Jesus.

I thought about that for a while because I kind of agreed—can you pray to God to win a game? What about the other team? God doesn’t like them? I had a long talk with my football expert son, Jeff, while we were watching a game with Tim Tebow. He was quite famous for kneeling before every football game for a silent prayer. (It was causing quite a different public stir than kneeling before a game is today). There was much speculation that he was praying to play well and throw touchdowns.

Jeff told me that starting back when Tim Tebow was in college, he would invite a child who was continued— faced with some sort of challenge to come visit him an hour before every game, with special seats for their family to watch the game. He had done that before the game we were watching.

With this extra information, I had a change of heart. I thought about how quick society is to judge what is in a person’s heart and mind when they are praying in public. It can be assumed their prayer is selfish to get what they want. Who knows? Maybe he wasn’t praying about the game at all—maybe he was praying for the child and the family he had just met. Maybe he was thanking God he can play foot- ball at all.

day 8 of 40 days 9 March 2017

Christi Anderson

All summer long, our church is filled with campers. Like our church, we welcome everyone at camp. A couple of summers ago, a mom wanted to sign up her daughter with Down Syndrome for Dance-Fit camp. After chatting for a while on the phone, she felt comfortable and signed her up for camp. I had a teenage in mind that I wanted to have as a buddy for this girl for the week. What I didn’t know until I spoke to the teen’s mom, was that she was already a buddy for a girl with Down Syndrome at school! Perfect match!

One day at camp, I couldn’t find the little girl. Now, I haven’t lost a camper yet and that was not going to be the day. I knew she was in good hands with her shadow, but I went on a field trip around the church to find her. Guess where she was? Guess where she was... she was right up there in Pastor Bob’s spot at the pulpit. Well, she came to camp again last summer and after snack one day, I realized she was missing. Without having a panic attack, I walked straight into the sanctuary and sure enough, there she was in the pulpit, with her shadow right beside her. Her dad wasn’t surprised when I told him that I think she’ll grow up to be a preacher. When she was a toddler her nickname was “Bible thumper” be- cause she would walk around with a Bible and thump people with it!

John 9:1-3 says, As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.”

I think this scripture speaks to the grace that God wants us to carry out in the world in our interac- tions with the people we encounter each day. May we all keep in mind that those around us are display- ing the work of God!

day 9 of 40 days 10 March 2017

Young Lan Kim

A five-year old boy ran away from an orphanage after being beaten by the people at the orphanage. For 10 years, he lived on the streets by himself selling gum and energy drinks. He slept on the streets; in public bathrooms, at the corners of buildings, and in other places where people couldn’t find him. Before the age of ten, he almost died from thugs who believed he set fire to their roost. No one looked after him. One day, he heard a song of a vocalist and the music touched him deeply. He wanted to know what the song was. So, when he saw a flyer advertising music lessons, he went to the music studio and asked the teacher to teach the song to him. At first, the teacher didn’t believe what this teenager went through in his short life but the teacher saw something sparkling in his eyes. The teacher started to teach the song to him and encouraged him to study music for his future. He graduated from elementary and middle schools by taking qualification exams and got into a school for the first time in his life. However, when his mother refused to meet him, he attempted suicide four times.

He bitterly resented God and blamed Him for being alive. After he tried to commit suicide for the fifth time, his music teacher called him and encouraged him to join “Korea’s Got Talent.” He went on the show as if it was his last hope. In the end, in the final contest, he won second place.

His name is Sung Bong Choi who sings songs about life experiences.

Now he is singing “Amazing Grace.” And he tells others to “Tell yourself, ‘Thank you for living.’”

아픔을 몰랐다면 감사를 몰랐을 것이다 슬픔을 몰랐다면, 기쁨을 몰랐을 것이다 당신이 감당할 수 없기에, 제가 감당합니다 당신은 어울리지 않은 현실이지만, 나에게는 어울릴 수 있습니다 눈빛으로 말해주는 사람들 아픈 것보다 감사한 것을 찾습니다.

day 10 of 40 days 11 March 2017

Morgan Stoddard

George was born on a cold February day. His father was a successful merchant and had determined early on that his young son would study civil law. George, however, was drawn to the arts, especially mu- sic. He was intrigued by the sounds the instruments made and the feelings they could evoke. However, his father forbade him from taking part in what he called “musical nonsense,” but this didn’t deter young

continued— George from smuggling a clavichord into a small room of their house. It was there that he began to prac- tice and develop his God-given skills.

Although enrolled in law school, he spent much of his time composing and playing music. In his mid-40s, George suffered a stroke which paralyzed his right arm. The doctors believed his brain was permanently damaged and his music career was over. George refused to give up and upon recovering his strength declared, “I have come back from Hades.”

In his early 50s, George received a manuscript from a man named Charles, a poet with whom he had previously worked. The manuscript detailed the life of Jesus Christ from his birth and ministry to His crucifixion and resurrection. In just 23 days, George Frideric Handel with the lyrics of Charles Jennens completed a 260-page oratorio. He titled the massive work Messiah. In April 1742, Handel told the sponsors of the premier performance in Dublin that the proceeds from the performance should be donated to prisoners, orphans, and the sick. “I have been a very sick man, and am now cured. I was a prisoner, and have been set free.”

By the grace of God, George Frideric Handel chose music over law and his great work of the Messiah has been heard more than any single production in this or any country. “HALLELUJAH!”

2nd of 7 sundays 12 March 2017

Young Lan Kim

The One

It has been cold and I feel the chill. Sometimes life seems cold and we feel no one understands. During the dry season, California is prone to fire. The fields take the fire without hesitation and are completely consumed by the flames. They turn into ashes. Then, the fire takes the wind to move quickly, burns out of control, and threatens our lives and homes. When humans are thrown into the fire of fear, we are helpless and we cry out to God in desperation. And it is at that very moment that we experience God’s presence.

It’s not just the weather but our life which can become dry like the California desert. Sometimes, people come to me with dried, wounded, and shriveled dreams, and I have to ignite the fire for all of us. We need to be connected and know that someone understands. When we get together, the warmth of being together takes away the chill. When we get together, we hold each other through the fire. We move forward together with hopes and dreams.

continued— Then, We aren’t cold anymore. We hold each other with the words of living water. We envision the new beginning. Because… Together, we can transform this dry land into the land of God’s Grace.

day 11 of 40 days 13 March 2017

Jeremy Gillett

By God’s Grace we walk in a world full of sin holding onto the promise of everlasting life. As we walk in this sinful world, we become wittingly and unwittingly consumed with the idols of the world and thus some of our past, present, and future actions do not and will not represent our faith and Christ well. Having knowledge of God’s grace does not protect us from sinful behavior. In fact, sometimes we can become even more tempted by the world’s flashing lights and bold enticing signs that point away from a life of active faith. I find it helpful and necessary to remember how vulnerable we are in this spiritual battle against the forces of evil, an evil that we sometimes don’t fully understand, an evil we sometimes can’t discern until it’s too late, and an evil we honestly may not know how to resist. Think about that for a minute. Despite these shortcomings, God’s grace reaches us anyway. God’s grace is available to us anyway. God’s grace remains with us anyway. By God’s grace we experience Kingdom love, mercy, and forgiveness.

My prayer today is for anyone struggling to face the world as a person of faith to remember the victory of the cross, the promise of salvation and hope that flows from the cross, and the grace and mercy of God.

day 12 of 40 days 14 March 2017

Loydi Rivas

Ephesians 2:8-10: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (NIV)

There is no sweeter word for the sinner than the word grace. At the same time, there is nothing more negative to those who consider themselves righteous persons than the word grace. This type of person denies their sins and demands their blessings as if they deserve it. Have you ever thought about yourself as a big sinner? Then grace is for you, because God’s grace is bigger than any sin in our life. continued— Consider what the Apostle Paul says about himself: For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me. 1 Corinthians 15:10

God’s grace is the rule of living and it’s also the theme that should prevail in our journey of life in this world while we serve God and His Church. Indeed, we must demonstrate this grace unto others in the same way God showed it to us. This is the truth that God is a God of Grace which is being mani- fested in the person of Jesus Christ.

day 13 of 40 days 15 March 2017

Randy Carver

There, but for the grace of God, go I. - John Bradford*

*England, mid-1500’s. It was originally believed John Bradford, a well-known pious Christian theolo- gian, said this while watching prisoners being taken to execution. Scholars later decided there was no actual proof Bradford ever said these words, so now the attribution is Unknown.

The irony is, a few short years later, John Bradford was executed by being burned at the stake thus making him a Christian martyr.

day 14 of 40 days 16 March 2017

Jeremy Scripter

When I was a kid, my babysitter and I always used to watch The Price is Right. I loved it. Regular people could go on the show and play some games and be rewarded with a bunch of money and “A New Car!” Now, I am sure there is some skill involved but a lot of winning came down to luck and guessing with very little work put into it.

Ephesians 2:8-9: For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

God’s grace is like that new car. We cannot do anything to earn it and we cannot do anything to pay it back. Grace is our gift. It has been paid for by the sacrifice made by Jesus. So now the question is what are we going to do with our gift? How are we going to live our lives? continued— Sometimes, it is not easy for me but I try and live a life that shows love towards others and offer my own grace when someone else makes a mistake. I know I will never be able to match God’s grace and I most likely won’t ever be able to buy someone a new car but I can offer my best and give someone a ride when they don’t have one.

day 15 of 40 days 17 March 2017

Erica Christensen

Since the beginning of time, God has known we, His children, are flawed. He knows we need sav- ing, literally on a daily basis. He always knew the only way to save us was to send His son to show us how to follow Him.

We needed to see how to love purely and unconditionally, to follow God’s teachings earnestly and honestly. We needed to see the pure light and love walk among us to see that it was possible. God knew how the story of His Son, His gift to us, would end. I know that to assign human emotions to God is probably not giving God enough credit, but it is all I have to reference. I cannot begin to fathom how difficult it would be to send your Son into a world you knew would kill Him, because you loved every- one who had existed and would ever exist so much that you needed to show and teach them The Way. That is a love greater than anything I can comprehend.

I was talking to my sister recently about grace. She referenced a passage in a book that she often uses when trying to understand or describe grace. It reads: “…You see, no matter what, in spite of every- thing, God would love his children—with a Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love. And though they would forget him, and run from him, deep in their hearts, God’s children would miss him always, and long for him—lost children yearning for their home” (Jesus Story Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones).

To be loved that much is humbling; to try to understand is daunting. I will be humbled and daunt- ed. I will do my best not to let God’s sacrifice be in vain, to live by the example of Christ and embrace the grace God gives daily. day 16 of 40 days 18 March 2017

Randy Carver

Hello All,

“There is a lot I need to do, that I’m not really doing... like working on myself. I’m not really committed to myself. What stops me is we’re really ugly, if we look hard, really hard. We’re not who we think we are. We’re not as wonderful as we think we are. It’s a bit shock… it’s hard.”

The quote above is from a magazine interview.

Well, sometimes, I feel this way, too. And then, I pause and God’s grace enters the picture. I remem- ber that when those thoughts happen, that’s the time I think about God’s grace. It surrounds me. It is in me and fills my soul with knowledge of His total understanding and love for me, a believer in Christ Jesus.

And then, a quick little prayer of gratitude is always nice. And things get a lot better.

Grace be to you, Randy Carver

3rd of 7 sundays 19 March 2017

Rodney Gould

Usually on Celebration Sunday, the choir sings an anthem with the words, “If it had not been for the Lord on my side, tell me where would I be, where would I be?” The song is a simple reminder to each of us that we are where we are because the Lord has been at our side every step of the way.

Deuteronomy 31:8 states: The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

The Bible is replete with passages like the one above. No matter your trial, no matter your station in life—whether in the valley or the mountaintop, the Lord, our God, is with you. If you place your trust, hope, and love in the Lord, you will be sustained and strengthened.

Think of the times that you have been discouraged, seemingly hopeless, ready to give everything up. What happened? You made it through the struggle. You made it one way or another, because you knew that if you continued to love the Lord with all your heart and mind, you would not be forsaken.

continued— Prayer: Dear Lord, I know that you are with me now and always. Help me to trust in your strength and your love because I know it is my salvation.

day 17 of 40 days 20 March 2017

Loydi Rivas and Alfredo Gomez

See Nehemiah 2:1-9

Nowadays we are living in very hard times. We are experiencing extreme situations around the world. Our country is passing through very rough times also; lots of people are suffering, feeling some- how like Nehemiah. They are sad, their hearts are heavy, feeling incomplete, sometimes feeling angry for all the situations that family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. are going through. We, the people, may feel that our expectations are not being fulfilled when we see others suffering because their rights are -be ing broken regardless of their color, faith, race, or gender.

It is truth we cannot just watch. We are called to do something. In this case, we need to do the right thing, and that is look for the presence of God in our life, our family, our community, because if we look to God for guidance and discernment, He will help us to do what is correct.

If we look for God with all our hearts, we will see the good Lord is on our side. May God bless your life always.

day 18 of 40 days 21 March 2017

Jay Aldrich

God has a reason for allowing things to happen.

We may never understand His wisdom, but we

simply have to trust His will......


Psalm 23:1: The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. day 19 of 40 days 22 March 2017

Erica Christensen

Life happens and sometimes it makes us question God’s plan for us. It makes us question if there is a plan. We like the plan to be laid out and all of our questions answered. God doesn’t work that way. He asks us to trust Him and have faith that He has everything under control.

Luckily, God knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows we question, He knows we doubt, and He knows that we wander. Even Jesus, knowing the plan and understanding the plan, asked if just maybe there was another way.

There have been times that I have felt like I was fighting with God. I have had some pretty heavy conversations with God where I questioned every part of His plan, if there was a plan, and if He was anywhere in the plan. Looking back at those moments in life, I picture God as a Morgan Freedman-esk gentleman sitting back in an old chair in a heavenly living room. He watches me throw my human tan- trum, quietly waiting for me to finish and He says, “Are you done now? You just let me know when you are done and ready to listen. I’ll be here, loving you like I always do. You think I’ve turned my back on you, but when you open your eyes, you’ll see that I’ve been with you the whole time. We’re just some- where you didn’t plan to be. I’ve got this. You just let me know when you’re done.”

That, to me, is pure grace. He loves us so much that he will always let us come back. It is not our job to presume that we know or understand the plan. It is our job to trust that no matter how hopeless we think it is, God has enough grace for all of us.

day 20 of 40 days 23 March 2017


I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. Psalm 27: 13-14 (NIV)

I thought last year would be great and it ended up being really good, even though in the middle and almost at the end of it we believed it was the worst ever for us.

A year ago we moved into a house in a nice neighborhood but suddenly the owner passed away and the children wanted to sell it. They gave us a certain time to find a place but time flew and we couldn’t find anything. We had only one week to move out but then we saw God working in our favor. We found a place. God gave us grace with the owner. He was still doing some repairs, and he gave us the key with- out us giving the deposit until we moved in. We did it. continued— Everything was good, and then, the same thing happened with my shop: the owner of the property decided to sell it! We went through the same process one more time! The day we were moving out the new owner came to the shop and offered us to stay for a higher price. We said thank you, no, because God showed His mercy unto us and gave us a better bigger cheaper place!

While this was happening, I do remember getting upset, desperate, and thinking we wouldn’t be able to find a place to solve our problems, but my wife was right there next to me saying God is good, hope on Him, He will take care. It was so nice to hear.

Have faith because God is faithful. He won’t fail to us. That’s exactly what happened. We did see His mercy in our lives.

day 21 of 40 days 24 March 2017

Christi Anderson

As I pulled into a parking lot a couple of months ago, I could hear a child wailing. I didn’t think much of it, as the parking lot was right next to a playground. But, as I rounded the corner I saw that a tiny boy, about two years old, was the source of the wailing. And he was standing all alone in the middle of the parking lot.

I called out to him and asked him if he was OK. He immediately stopped crying and just stood there. I walked up to him and was talking to him, but he wouldn’t talk. I held out my hand and he took it and grabbed ahold very tightly. I asked him where his mommy was and he just said, “No.” So, I picked him up (he snuggled right in to me) and walked him around the playground and asked every person if they’d seen this kid or knew who he was with. No one had seen him before.

I had the child in my arms for almost 20 minutes by the time his mom and a group of other family members came darting out from a building in the opposite direction. I could tell by the frenzied look in her eyes that I was holding her son. When I gave him to her, she already had tears streaming down her face and she started shaking uncontrollably as she kissed him all over.

I’m happy I was in the right place at the right time to help this little boy. I didn’t ask the mom any questions nor did I lecture or reprimand her; I just told her I was happy that he was back with his family.

The very next day at church, as all the Sunday School children were about to have communion, I told the kids that our table is open to everyone. A little girl said that we can’t let bullies have commu- nion. I told her yes, even bullies get to have communion, that our job is to love everyone, serve the bully, protect the children, and love one another. I could have easily turned into the bully when returning the lost child to his mother. But, For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, Ephesians 2:8. As I say so often, we have no idea what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes. Our job is to share with those around us the unconditional love that God has shared with us. Let His grace guide our actions and treatment of others. day 22 of 40 days 25 March 2017

Sally Hallada

When someone says “God laughs while we make plans,” we all laugh knowingly and smile. Here’s a confession. I’m not a big fan of that saying. Yes, God has a plan. I tell my kids that our part in God’s plan is like the ice melting from a mountain top, turning to water and reaching the ocean. Which tributary and direction we go is our own free will. His Grace allows some paths and doesn’t allow others. He assures us that we will all reach the promised destination.

Now, I don’t believe that God never laughs at our dreams! I can think of many of mine that brought out a chuckle! But since I believe that His Grace allows and permits everything, He doesn’t find humor when our plans are thwarted by tragedy. His love for us is so deep and compassionate. It comforts me to know that sending Jesus to us was God showing that He knew the struggle here on earth. He knew the joys and He knew the pain. He knew that we needed to make plans to survive, help others, and provide for our families. Consequently, He knows how painful it is when those plans go wrong, and we have to pick ourselves up and figure out what He wants us to do next. I’m sure he wasn’t laughing when His own son asked for the cup to pass from Him.

So, yes, there are times in our lives where He laughs and sometimes we laugh with Him. But I truly believe that even though He knows His Grace has our back and it’s all for the greater good, He cries with us as well because we can’t see it yet.

Proverbs 16:9: The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.

4th of 7 sundays 26 March 2017

Anna Sigala

Grace to the Rescue by Deborah Ann

Grace restores, the broken pieces fills in the cracks smooths the creases. Grace heals, the heart that aches mends the wounds patches the scrapes. continued— Grace renews, the mind unraveled reinforces the thoughts that have been tangled. Grace reaffirms, the soul wanting provides the strength brings the calming. Grace restores, heals and renews Grace always comes to our rescue! ~~~~~

Grace heals - Grace renews - Grace reaffirms - Grace restores

Grace can be a great way to start a day. You are blessed to see Grace in action. Sometimes it can be a smile from a stranger, a kind gesture from a coworker, giving a helping hand to an elderly woman, or checking in on a neighbor. I find myself looking for the small gestures every day to guide my day in grace.

day 23 of 40 days 27 March 2017

Jeremy Scripter

Romans 5:17: For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ.

Does anyone remember the toy drinking bird? It was a bird that when you give it a push its head goes down and drinks water. Then it comes back up and bobbles for a while and eventually goes back down for more water. Apparently, it works through something called a thermodynamic cycle. It is pretty amazing though because once you give it that initial push, it does everything on its own.

In a weird way, this bird reminds me of my own spiritual walk. I start out with God’s grace which is the initial push into the water. Then as I move through life I mess up, I sin, I bobble up and down for a while. Eventually though I find my way back to the water and I get aligned spiritually again. This is all due to that initial gift from God: the grace that He gave us with the sacrifice of His son.

So, if you are stumbling or are a little off track on your spiritual walk, I encourage you to keep mov- ing forward and to remember that God gave us grace for a reason. It is because of His love for us and He will help us find our way back to the water and find our way back to Him. day 24 of 40 days 28 March 2017

Young Jun Yang

I am thinking of God’s grace. What is the biggest grace in my life? The grace to be born again. To become a real Christian and to devote my life for God. After my devotion about holy life, God showed me more of His grace, which was to meet my wife in Hawaii. To meet my wife in Hawaii was God’s gift. Since my choice to live my life for God, for 10 years, I prayed for my marriage. Until I left Korea to be an immigrant in the United States, I could not meet anyone.

Even though I waited for 10 years to meet my special half, I felt God’s guidance. When I came to Hawaii, I gave up any expectation for God’s guidance in my marriage. If I could not find my wife in Korea, how could I meet her in the U. S.? But God gave me a chance to meet my wife.

In the Korean young adult meeting at the University Hawaii, I finally met her. At the first meeting, I was amazed to see how passionate she was for acting. I woke up frightened at dawn the next morning because I saw her blazing eyes in my dream. As soon as I woke up, I knelt down to pray for God’s guid- ance. I felt that this was God’s sign for me and that she was my Eve.

Until my wedding, time went by fast and felt so short. She was God’s gift for me. And it was God’s grace that gave the perfect partner for someone like me.

day 25 of 40 days 29 March 2017

Anna Sigala

When I was 18 years old, I was given an opportunity to serve as a translator for Wheels for Humanity, a trip that would take me to another country by myself. It was my first time flying and I boarded a 4-person airplane. After a few hours flying over the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean, we landed on a dirt road in Baja California. I was met by a talented group of volunteer doctors and nurses. A small clinic was opened once a month for families to receive free care.

That afternoon, in between patient care, we were notified that an American family on vacation was in a car accident down the road. The villagers brought the family to the clinic to receive care. The family was shaken up from the accident. The older gentleman was the most seriously injured. He came in with head trauma, a couple of fractured bones, and a collapsed lung. After a few moments, the doctors knew he needed to be transported for specialized treatment. The doctors were given permission to fly back to the nearest hospital which was San Diego. We stayed the night in the small town and prayed for the fam- ily we had met that afternoon. The gentleman made it back to the United States and survived his week- end ordeal. continued— I will always carry the image of seeing those men and women jump into action. It was an amazing witness to the grace of God in action. If the clinic was not opened that weekend, it would be hard to imagine what would have come of that family who planned a fishing weekend.

day 26 of 40 days 30 March 2017

Gaye Coffman

Have you ever had an “angel moment”—when someone just happens to be in the right place at a time when you really need them? Or have you ever been an angel to someone?

A few years ago, I ran into a friend of mine at the Meet & Greet. I knew she’d been having a hard time and was struggling with depression. I asked her how she was and she said “You know… I just don’t really see any point in going on. My kids are grown—they don’t need me. I don’t see any reason to live anymore.” Having had some experience with depression myself, I knew right away this was not a “nor- mal” thing to say. I asked her if she had seen her doctor about medication and she said yes so I said, “You need to go again right away. Either your medication or dosage needs to be changed immediately because what you are saying isn’t OK and you need help.” Fortunately, she listened to me. She went to her doctor shortly thereafter and the next time I saw her, a few weeks later, she was much more herself and grateful for my words.

I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. But I strongly believe that it was the grace of God working through me to put me there. I happened to have the experience to recognize what was going on with her and to be able to help. That was an angel moment—it was not me. It was God’s grace.

I encourage you to be open to those moments in your life. Let God’s grace flow through you and be open to what might happen if you do. You may just be an angel to someone—or they to you.

day 27 of 40 days 31 March 2017

Aliza Ramos

Has God given you an assignment that makes you want to turn away? Maybe you think you can just ignore it, avoid it, or drag your feet long enough that He’ll change His mind? Then you find yourself fac- ing the very thing you dread. You realize too late that you’ve been swallowed up by a whale and spat right out on the path God told you to follow.

That’s where I am. I’ve been here before and have turned away. God has given me another chance, continued— and still I turn away. “This is hard, God! Why can’t you make it easy? Why do I have to do this? Isn’t there another way? Please don’t make me do this.”

Then I remember the words of someone I know. He, too, was given an assignment by God that He dreaded facing. “Take this cup from me,” Jesus prayed. I can relate. Then He continued, “. . . yet not my will, but yours be done.” This hits me hard.

I often pray Thy will be done and believe I mean it. His will for me is to trust and obey. I haven’t been trusting. I haven’t been obeying. I have asked for His will to be done in my life, but I’ve been ex- pecting Him to do all the work. Jesus teaches me that the work is mine. God’s will is done through me, not for me.

So, I can turn from the path before me, leaving my cup for another to bear. Or, I can choose to trust and obey. I can face my path, take my cup, and walk forward. I know He will walk beside me every step of the way. He will see His will done through me.

By the grace of God, He will.

day 28 of 40 days 1 April 2017

Rodney Gould

There is an old joke about the man driving around Beverly Hills desperately searching for a park- ing spot. After circling a number of times, he starts begging God for help in finding a parking spot. He bargains with God by telling God he will go to church every week and will start giving to the church. Suddenly, after his bargaining, he sees a parking space from which he says to God, “Forget it. I found one.”

Has there been a time in your life where you bargained with God and then forgot from whence your blessing came?

Think on the passages found in Luke where Christ healed 10 lepers by sending them to show them- selves to the priests. The 10 went and were healed. But only one came back to thank Jesus. (Luke 17:15: When one of them saw that he was healed, he came back. He praised God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him.) Christ then told the leper to rise up and go because his faith had made him free. (Luke 17:19)

I often wonder what the other 9 healed lepers did. Were they thankful? Did they feel they were owed healing because their lives had been so horrible before? Did they not realize that it was their faith and not the priests who had healed them?

Whatever they were thinking, it is a fair reading of the Bible to assume they were thankless. Their continued— healing was because of their faith and their faith alone—Christ said so.

Prayer: Lord, I want to be that lone leper. I never want to take for granted the blessings of my faith and love for you. I throw myself at your feet and thank you.

5th of 7 sundays 2 April 2017

Alfredo Gomez

See Acts 9: 1-15

Did you do something good or right today or yesterday or last week to your brother, sister, neighbor, or anybody? How did you feel? Do you enjoy it when you have the opportunity of helping? Have you ever thought how blessed you are being able to do the right thing? Have you ever wondered about it? Did you ever realize how powerful it is that you are God’s vessel? How great it is that you are able to give what is in your hands as a child of God?

Do you think of yourself as a special person? Well, let me tell you: yes, you are special! You are a child of God by His Grace and with His Grace in your life! With His grace in your ministry—yes, in your ministry! Every one of us has a ministry to do and it’s to love others as we love ourselves, and it is by His Grace and with His Grace that we can be vessels of His love. It is by His love that we have in our hands a powerful instrument to change this world by His grace.

day 29 of 40 days 3 April 2017

Richard Follett

When I was back in Michigan in early November for Mom’s 90th birthday, I went to local grocery store about 9:30 p.m. (late for that little village). After picking up the few items I needed, I was in line be- hind a young mother and her infant she was holding under her left arm. I noticed she was using an EBT card for her groceries when the clerk said not all her purchases were covered by it. The manager was called over and I heard them say she was $10 beyond the card. They started sorting through her purchases, and I noticed she had selected nothing but solid, staple items.

So, I stepped forward, pulled out a $10 bill, and asked the manager, “Will this cover it?” He was reluctant to grasp what I was doing until the clerk said, “The man is trying to pay for the rest of her gro- ceries,” and rang up the sale. The young mother thanked me, and I simply said, “Listen, I flew all the way from Los Angeles to be in this place at this time. This is what you call ‘pay it forward.’ Someday, you’ll be continued— behind someone who needs a little help. Give it to them then.” She smiled, said thank you, and left the store.

The feeling of God’s grace through this simple action still fills me with delight. I’m truly thankful I was in the right place at the right time to help a mother and child. Isn’t that what grace is for?

day 30 of 40 days 4 April 2017

Young Jun Yang

After I came to America, for the last 23 years, not only did God guide me and lead me to my wife, Young Lan Kim, but he also led me to my 3 children, Haun, Hanul, and Hamin. Last year, Young Lan and I became the associate regional ministers for the Pacific Southwest Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). From 2011, we served the churches and pastors of the North American Pacific/ Asian Disciples in the region. We have represented immigrant churches and pastors, we have supported their entering process and their ministries in new churches, and have helped other pastors throughout our region. We have created education programs and have led the pastor’s boundary training and anti- racism classes for Korean pastors. We have arbitrated a dispute between a hosting church and a nesting church. I am thankful that my wife and I have been able to work together as co-ministers. I am so happy that we have been able to walk together towards God, and that our children have grown up healthy and faithfully in our church and region. All these are God’s grace.

Looking back, I remember the poor and desperate times of American life. My wife and I were very passionate in our vision, but we felt that our dream was so far away. When we prayed during difficult situations, God didn’t keep the silence. He always gave us a positive answer.

In the center of our family, God was always there for us. Even though His response was slow at times, God didn’t forget my crying.

day 31 of 40 days 5 April 2017

Richard Follett

Pastor Bob has often told us about his start at FCCNH during the Viet Nam war when literally the hawks and the doves in the congregation sat on opposite sides of the church. In addition, during the American Civil War/War between the States, the Disciples of Christ weathered that division and re- mained unified, unlike the breakaway Southern Baptists, Southern Methodists, etc.

continued— As I’m writing this in January 2017, we’re living through a very divided nation politically. But my 16 years with FCCNH have taught me we can, we will, weather this, for we’re a congregation of people who focus on the good news of Jesus Christ, strive to live like Him, and follow His unconditional love. Making music with choir members who have different views, serving with Elders of various posi- tions, studying the Bible with people who read it very differently, and feeding the homeless through the Human Needs Committee all demonstrate for me that our outreach transcends our politics. (Now, about those college football teams, I’m working on that, too.)

Pastor Louise and Ed Esau took us through a Bible study of I Corinthians some time ago. Through careful reading and being assigned to role-play some of the people mentioned in Paul’s letter, we learned that even the very earliest churches had substantial disagreements. They were able to work them out and spread the good news, and we can, too.

As Pastor Bob has pointed out, our most important leader is Jesus Christ, no human, political or even religious leader. By the grace of God, we have been given a Divine/Human model in Jesus, and we are to follow His examples of love and grace in all that we do. To remain in our bubbles of separation may be seen as sin—separation from the love of God. Let us walk together in FCCNH in unity in Christ.

day 32 of 40 days 6 April 2017

Barbara Campbell

The first Barbara Campbell, my mother-in law, had a faith in God that was both strong and admira- ble. At different moments in my early married life, when I was feeling a little shaky about certain things, I turned to Barbara and she would recall a Bible passage that was just right…exactly the words I needed to hear.

My husband and his Mom loved to banter back and forth. Sometimes it drove me crazy but it was just their way. They loved each other deeply. In truth, they admired each other’s strength and character. During one of their “discussions,” Mom was talking about some good things in her life. Ken proclaimed that she was “lucky!” Without missing a beat, Mom said, “I’m not lucky. I’m blessed.”

Mom didn’t believe in luck. She believed in the grace of God. All that she had, all the good in her life, and any difficult times that she came through, were by the grace of God.

Faith is a powerful thing. It keeps us grounded. It gives us hope. It carries us through. It shines a light for us…by the grace of God. day 33 of 40 days 7 April 2017

Barbara Sheppard

When I was a sophomore in high school, my father gave my mother a new Singer sewing machine, not a gift my mother had requested. I guess it was my dad’s way of hinting that she should start making our clothes instead of buying them.

She never really warmed up to that idea; however, I began using it. I realized I loved sewing and making my own clothes. Even while playing sports every day, I found this new hobby of sewing very ex- citing. Every night, I would go down to the basement to sew. I became a little bit obsessed with it.

I then got the ambitious idea to make my own Easter dress! It was a much more complicated pattern than I had tackled thus far and it was taking me longer than usual. As Easter Day was drawing closer, I realized I might not have it finished in time. I started to get a little panicky and my mother said it would be OK if it wasn’t finished. I could just wear another dress in my closet. In my mind, that was not an option. I just had to wear the one I was making. My mother reminded me that Easter was not about my Easter dress, but I was a teenager and naturally resisted motherly advice.

The reason I wanted to wear my homemade dress on Easter was probably not to honor the im- portance of that day but for reasons that only a 15-year-old would have. It took me a while but, by the Grace of God, I know now that Lent is not about preparing how to look on the outside. It’s about pre- paring how to love on the inside.

By the way, yes, I finished the dress in time.

day 34 of 40 days 8 April 2017

Jay Aldrich

I am the least of his messengers, and indeed I do not deserve that title at all, because I abandoned the Church of God. But what I am now I am by the grace of God. The grace he gave me has not proved a barren gift. I have worked harder than most of the others—and yet it was not I but this same grace of God within me. In any event, whoever has done the work whether I or they, this has been the message and this has been the foundation of our faith.

Inspired from the reading of The New Testament in Modern English by J.B. Phillips (1960) 6th of 7 sundays 9 April 2017—Palm Sunday

Gaye Coffman

I have a little boy and every morning I am lucky enough to get to walk with him to school. As we walk along the way, we chat. He picks up sticks and interesting leaves or the occasional dandelion. Sometimes he skips or we have a race. We enjoy the sunshine. He’s getting bigger now, but not so big he doesn’t still have to hold my hand when we cross the street. Sometimes I still need to remind him. And sometimes he’ll hold my hand on our way just because it feels good. Which is wonderful. Sometimes we just walk side by side. And sometimes I’ll put my arm around him as we go.

I think living in God’s grace is a bit like that. God is walking along with us on our path, treasuring the chance to be with us on our journey. He delights when we connect with Him and make new discov- eries and enjoy the sunshine. God is there when we are crossing the street and, in fact, anytime we need Him. He loves to hold our hand and help us along our Way if we’ll let Him. Sometimes we need a little reminder. And sometimes we just want to reach out because it feels good. But God is always with us. He loves us because we are his children—His beautiful, sweet, imperfect, wonderful creation.

So, this season, as you reflect on Christ’s journey to the cross and perhaps take time to consider your own walk through life, know that God is with you. He’s with you in the sunshine and on the busy streets. Take some time to be with Him. Enjoy your time together. And reach out for God’s hand some- times not because you need Him, but just because it feels good.

day 35 of 40 days 10 April 2017

Jeremy Gillett

Growing up, I played competitive sports, primarily baseball and basketball. I played pretty much all year but it was not until high school that I suffered one of my most painful injuries. Like any would be superstar, I wanted to play. My team needed me. I needed the team and I knew we would not win with- out me on the court. While I was sitting in the training room, Rob, the athletic trainer, outlined what it would take for me to play in a week’s time. He then went to his office and brought out a bucket of ice water. He looked at me and placed the bucket of ice water on the floor and said, “Stick your foot in here for twenty minutes.” I did as he asked but after less than two minutes I removed my foot quickly, scream- ing, “It’s too cold… way too cold.” Rob looked at me and said, “If you want to play next week, this is part of what you have to do.” The journey back to the court required that I endure some early pain and the question I asked myself was how badly did I want to play?

Sometimes we get hurt in life and we start wondering if it is possible to escape this hurt and this continued— pain. If you are reading this today, it’s because you found an ice bucket, endured the pain, and got back in the game of life. Put another way, the storm clouds passed over and you saw God’s grace in the midst of your pain.

My prayer today is for those in pain to remember that God loves you. God loves us always in spite of our imperfections. My prayer is that you remember your ice-bucket and that God’s Grace is Sufficient.

day 36 of 40 days 11 April 2017

Pastor Louise Sloan Goben

Most years, the dates for the observance of Passover and Easter come very close to one another. This year, that is especially true as Passover (a festival that lasts for 8 days) brackets the Christian Holy Week—Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. Have you ever thought of the observance of Easter as being an entire week of observances?

Passover, also called Pesach (from the Hebrew word for “pass over”), observes the culmination of the deliverance of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. According to the book of Exodus, the angel of death passed over the Jewish households where the blood of a lamb was brushed around the doorposts of their homes. Knowing they would have little time between Pharaoh’s order to allow them to leave and to actually be chased out of Egypt, the Israelites were packed and ready to go. There was no time even to allow their bread to rise so they could carry food for the journey. This is why today no food is served dur- ing the Passover festival that includes yeast—no leavened breads, no baked good, cookies; not even bever- ages that contain a hint of wheat or barley, etc. (Think about beer or other grain alcohols…) The original gluten-free diet!

I can recall my seminary professor Jim Sanders telling us that the story of the Passover is to the Jews what the Easter story is for Christianity. It is a story of emancipation and redemption, of freedom, and God’s deep care for those who worship and love their Creator. It is the fulfillment of hope and a promise of protection. We learn that we can trust God to safely deliver us and provide for us on the long journey which is life. There are times when the going is not easy and there are perils along the way. Yet, we are given what we need to sustain our lives; from the food we eat (manna and quails, our “daily bread”) to deliverance from the evil around us.

It is no accident that we share these stories—Passover and Holy Week—falling together on a com- mon calendar. God is faithful, and always choses to do what is right for us. God’s love is beyond our imagining.

Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. day 37 of 40 days 12 April 2017

Geriann McIntosh

When I meditated on “By the Grace of God,” all I could think was the full version of “The Serenity Prayer” by American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, especially the first line, “God, give me the grace to accept with serenity.” I believe that God gives us enough grace for each day.

On more days than I want to admit I have to ask God for more of His grace to get me through the day. I would like to share this beautiful, practical prayer with you.

The Serenity Prayer

God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. Living one day at a time, Enjoying one moment at a time, Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, Taking, as Jesus did, This sinful world as it is, Not as I would have it, Trusting that You will make all things right, If I surrender to Your will, So that I may be reasonably happy in this life, And supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen.

day 38 of 40 days 13 April 2017—Maundy Thursday

Barbara Sheppard

If Jesus walked the earth today, I picture Him walking into a high school cafeteria, standing at the door and looking around the room for the table where all the unpopular kids are sitting. He would make His way over to that table and sit down confidently knowing that is where He belongs and that is where He is needed. continued— From all accounts, the Disciples seemed to be people who didn’t have a lot of friends. Outcasts. Unlikely companions. But they were the chosen ones whom Jesus called to follow Him.

I think at times we may all feel like unpopular students, misfits, outcasts, unlikely companions. But through God’s grace, Jesus is sitting beside us… not just when we’re feeling insecure... but always.

day 39 of 40 days 14 April 2017—Good Friday

Geriann McIntosh

In the final hours of his life, as Jesus was hanging on the cross, He was petitioning God Our Father to show us grace and mercy. As He struggled to breathe, to think, to speak, scripture tells us Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” By the Grace of God, He spoke and by the Grace of God humanity was saved.

Yet from the comfort of my car, I struggle to extend grace to the man that cut me off at the last in- tersection. And why do I find it such a challenge to stay calm and extend grace to the client that is acting so demanding and demeaning? I am grateful that God extends grace to me every day. I believe that God wants each of us to show grace to others.

I pray that today the Grace of God will flow through me so that I can be a blessing to those around me. I pray that as you read this meditation that the Grace of God will be upon you. Amen.

Good Friday Bonus Meditation

Young Jun Yang

Now I would like to introduce a song in the Korean hymnal. The lyrics were written by Judson W. Van Deventer and the music was composed by Winfied S. Weeden in America in 1896. In all Korean churches, this song is very famous. Most Christians know it. From 1983, Korean church leaders unified with one Hymnal. But the words of song are very radical. The song gives the challenge to all. This is an offering hymn.

(음악을 들려 준다.)

(한국어로 1절 부르고 영어로 1절 부른다.)

All to Jesus, I surrender, Humbly at His feet I bow; Worldly pleasures all forsaken, Take me, Jesus, take me now. continued— All to Jesus, I surrender, Make me, Savior, wholly Thine; May Thy Holy Spirit fill me, May I know Thy power divine.

All to Jesus, I surrender, Lord, I give myself to Thee; Fill me with Thy love and power, Let thy blessing fall on me.

I surrender all, I surrender all All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all. I surrender all. All to Jesus I surrender. I surrender all to Jesus.

Do you surrender all to Jesus? Do you surrender all to Jesus?

Hymn writer Van DeVenter said of the inspiration for the text: “For some time, I had struggled between developing my talents in the field of art and going into full-time evangelistic work. At last the decisive hour of my life came, and I surrendered all. A new day was guided into my life. I became an evangelist and discovered down deep in my soul a talent unknown to me. God had hidden a song in my heart, and touching a tender chord, He caused me to sing.”

day 40 of 40 days 15 April 2017

Cindy Kaller

Easter Is The Gift… (Author Unknown)

Easter is the gift of HOPE Easter is the gift of PEACE Easter is the gift of LOVE Let us rejoice in Him, Who gives them all.

May God bless you at Easter, And keep you all year through. May God give you all the faith it takes, To make your dreams come true. May His love and wisdom always help, To guide you on your way. May His light shine down upon you now, To bless your Easter Day 7th of 7 sundays 16 April 2017—Easter

Pastor Bob Bock

“By the Grace of God” … today is Easter. “By the Grace of God” … there was a resurrection. “By the Grace of God” … the tomb was empty. “By the Grace of God” … death has been overcome by life. “By the Grace of God” … Jesus lives. “By the Grace of God” … we live also!

Did you ever consider just what powerful grace was present when Joseph and his friends laid Jesus’ dead body in the tomb just as the Jewish Sabbath was beginning? There was urgency in His hurried burial. He could not be left hanging on the cross through the Sabbath and removing His body during the Sabbath would have been seen as work by Orthodox Jews. So, Joseph of Arimathea acted quickly. He sought permission to remove Jesus’ body and took responsibility for laying him to rest. For his faith and action Joseph is recognized as a Saint in Roman Catholic, Easter Orthodox, and some Protestant denominations.

And consider the power of God’s grace when Jesus awakened from his death-born sleep and was alive. Alive with the scars of death still upon his hands, feet, and side but alive nonetheless. Only the power of God’s Grace could accomplish such a thing. Only the power of God’s Grace could so bless Jesus and therefore bless us through the wonder of the resurrection.

By the Grace of God, Jesus lives. And by the Grace of God, we live also! Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow … by His Grace.” Hallelujah! Amen! ... the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Psalm 84:11 4390 Colfax Avenue • Studio City, CA 91604 tel: 818.763.8218 • fax: 818.763.8457 •

Robert M. Bock, Senior Pastor Louise Sloan Goben, Associate Pastor Christi Anderson, Director of Children’s Ministries Jeremy Gillett, Director of Youth Ministries Alfredo Gomez & Loydi Rivas Gomez, Pastors, Spanish Speaking Congregation Young Lan Kim & Young Jun Yang, Korean Pastors