Reciprocity Agreements
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Reciprocity Agreements Africa South African Mathematical Society* Address for mail: School of Mathematics, Witwatersrand Egyptian Mathematical Society (ETMS)* University, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa; email: [email protected]. Apply to: M. H. Fahmy, Department of Mathematics, Apply to: Erwin Bruning,¨ School of Mathematical Sci- Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Nasr City 11884, ences, Kwazulu-Natal University, Private Bag X54001, Cairo, Egypt; email: [email protected]; http: Durban 4000, South Africa. // Dues: R210.00 (Two hundred ten rands), payable to the Dues: U.S. $15, payable to Egyptian Mathematical Society South African Mathematical Society (SAMS), c/o Prof. at the above address. Erwin Bruning¨ (Treasurer) at the above address. Privileges: Receive a 60% discount on the prices of ETMS Privileges: The right to receive the Notices of the SAMS publications, a 50% discount on the publication charge at no additional cost; reduced fees at SAMS meetings. per printed page in ETMS Journal, and reduced charge Officers: Nigel Bishop (President), Themba Dube (Vice- for participating at ETMS conferences. President), Erwin Bruning¨ (Treasurer), Clint Van Alten Officers: A.-S. F. Obada (President), E. H. Doha (Vice- (Secretary). President),F.F.Ghaleb(Treasurer),M.H.Fahmy(Secre- tary). Tunisian Mathematical Society* Apply to: Khalifa Trim`eche, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Department of Mathematics, CAMPUS 2092, Tunis, Nigerian Mathematical Society Tunisia; email: [email protected]; http://www.tms.rnu. Address for mail: Department of Pure and Applied tn. Mathematics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Dues: $20, payable to Lotfi Kamoun at the above address. Ogbomoso, Nigeria; email: ; [email protected] http: Privileges: Obtain the publications of the Society, and . // possible partial financial support to attend the annual Apply to: Franic I. Njoku (Secretary), Nigerian Mathemat- colloquium of the Society. ical Society, Department of Mathematics, University of Officers: Khalifa Trim`eche (President); Mohamed Sifi Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. (Vice-President); Lotfi Kamoun (Treasurer); Abderrazek Dues: U.S. $60, payable to Samuel Segun Okoya (Trea- Karoui (Secretary). surer), Department of Mathematics, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Privileges: Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society The Americas and Notices of the Nigerian Mathematical Society. Officers: Reuben Olafenwa Ayeni (President), Abbas A. Canadian Mathematical Society Tijjani (Vice-President), Samuel Oegun Okoya (Treasurer), Address for mail: Canadian Mathematical Society, Franic I. Njoku (Secretary). 209-1725 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada The American Mathematical Society has “reciprocity agreements” with a the terms of reciprocity agreements are given on the following pages. number of mathematical organizations around the world. A current list Members of these organizations who join the AMS as reciprocity members appears here. enjoy all the privileges available to ordinary members of the Society. AMS These reciprocity agreements provide for reduced dues for members of dues for reciprocity members are $84 for 2011 and $86 for 2012. Each these organizations who choose to join the AMS and who reside outside organization was asked to review and update its listing in the spring. An of the U.S. and Canada. Reciprocally, members of the AMS who reside asterisk (∗) after the name of an organization indicates that no response in the U.S. or Canada may join these organizations at a reduced rate. to this request had been received when the November Notices went to Summaries of the privileges available to AMS members who join under press. 1480 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 58, NUMBER 10 Reciprocity Agreements K1G 3V4; email: [email protected]; http://www. Sociedad Matem´atica Mexicana* Apply to: Olivia Lazcano, Apartado Postal 70-450, Apply to: Membership Department at the above address. M´exico, D.F. 04510, M´exico; email: [email protected]/; Dues: 50% off regular rates, payable in U.S. funds to the Canadian Mathematical Society at the above address. Dues: U.S. $25, payable to Sociedad Matem´atica Mexi- Privileges: CMS Notes; access to members section on cana. website; reductions on all CMS publications, books, Privileges: Reciprocity members pay reduced member- promotional items, and meeting registration (biannual ship fees and receive the newsletter, Bulletin of the meetings). Mexican Mathematical Society,orMiscelanea´ Matematica´ . Officers: Jacques Hurtubise (President), Catharine Baker, Officers: Emilio Lluis-Puebla (President), Carlos Sig- V. Kumar Murty, Pengfei Guan, Michael Lamoureux (Vice- noret (Vice-President), Eugenio Garnica (Treasurer), Pablo Presidents), David Rodgers (Treasurer), Johan Rudnik Padilla (General Secretary), Isidro Romero (Secretary), (Executive Director/Secretary). Lino Res´endiz and Silvia Morelos (Vocal). Sociedad Colombiana de Matem´aticas* Sociedad Uruguaya de Matem´atica y Address for mail: Apartado Aereo 2521, Bogot´a, Colom- Estad´ıstica (SUME)* bia; email: [email protected]; Address for mail: J. Herrera y Reissig 565, CC 30, CP Apply to: Carlos H. Montenegro E., Apartado Aereo 2521, 11300, Fac. de Ingenier´ıa, IMERL, Montevideo, Uruguay; Bogot´a, Colombia. email: [email protected]. Dues: U.S. $27, payable to Sociedad Colombiana de Apply to: Jos´e L. Vieitez (Presidente de SUME), at the Matem´aticas. above address. Privileges: Subscription to one of the publications Dues: U.S. $100, payable to Jorge Blanco at the above of the Society (Revista Colombiana de Matematicas´ or address. Lecturas Matematicas), discounts for participation in Privileges: Receive PMU series and Predat series free. Society activities, and e-mail in the domain. Officers: Jos´e L. Vieitez (President), Jorge Blanco (Vice- Officers: Carlos H. Montenegro E. (President), Jose President), Gonzalo Perera (Treasurer), F. Pelaez (Secre- Ricardo Arteaga (Vice-President). tary). Sociedad de Matem´atica de Chile* Sociedade Brasileira de Matem´atica (SBM)* Apply to: Sociedad de Matem´atica de Chile, Mar´ıa Address for mail: Estrada Dona Castorina–110, 22460- Luisa Santander 0363, Providencia, Santiago, Chile; 320 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; email: [email protected]. email: [email protected]; br; Dues: U.S. $50, payable to Sociedad de Matem´atica de Apply to: [email protected]. Chile. Dues: BRL 40,00 (50% discount); email: secretaria@ Privileges: Receive Gaceta de la Sociedad de Matematica´ , Notas de la Sociedad de Matematica´ de Chile. Privileges: Revista Mat´ematica Universitaria´ (free sub- Officers: Rub´ıE.Rodr´ıguez (President), Ana Cecilia De La scription) and 25% discount on SBM books. Maza (Vice-President), Hern´an Burgos (Treasurer), Andr´es Officers: Hilario Alencar (President), Marcelo Viana (Vice- Navas (Secretary). President), Nancy Garcia (Treasurer), Maria Aparecida Ruas and Ronaldo Garcia (Secretaries). Sociedad Matem´atica de la Republica´ Dominicana* Sociedade Brasileira de Matem´atica Apply to: Isidro Rodr´ıguez, Sociedad Matem´atica de la Aplicada e Computacional* Republica´ Dominicana, Apartado 797-2, Santo Domingo, Apply to: Andrea Alves Ribeiro, SBMAC/ICMC, Caixa Republica´ Dominicana. Postal 668, Av., 13560-970 S˜ao Carlos–SP, Brazil; email: Dues: U.S. $10, payable to Amado Reyes at the above [email protected]; address. Dues: U.S. $50, payable to Sociedade Brasileira de Mate- Privileges: Right to receive Notimat (bimonthly newslet- m´atica Aplicada e Computacional at the above address. ter) and Revista Matematica´ Dominicana (twice a year). Privileges: Free copies of SBMAC journals. Officers: Isidro Rodr´iguez (President), Mariana Morales Officers: Geraldo N. DaSilva (President), Antonio J. (Vice-President), Amado Reyes (Treasurer), Eliseo Cabrera DaSilva Neto (Vice-President), Antonio Castello (Trea- (Secretary). surer), Eliana X. L. De Andrade (Secretary). NOVEMBER 2011 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1481 Reciprocity Agreements Sociedade Paranaense de Matem´atica Officers: K. Ramachandra (President), A. Chakraborty, Apply to: Marcelo Escudeiro Hernandes, UEM, Av. N. D. Chakraborty, P. Muldowney, E. Trell, and H. M. Colombo 5790, 87020-900, Mariniga-PR, Brazil; email: Srivastava (Vice-Presidents), U. C. De (Treasurer), M. R. [email protected]; Adhikari (Secretary), H. P. Mazumdar (Editorial Secretary). Dues: U.S. $20, payable to Marcelo Escudiero Hernandes at the above address. Indian Mathematical Society Privileges: A free subscription to the print version of Apply to: S. K. Nimbhorkar (Treasurer), Indian Mathemat- Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica´ (two icalSociety,DepartmentofMathematics,Dr.B.A.M.Uni- issues per year). versity, Aurangabad 431004, India; email: sknimbhorkar@ Officers: Marcelo Moreira Cavalcanti (President), Marcelo; Escudeiro Hernandes (Vice-President), Nelson Martins Garcia (Treasurer), Rodrigo Martins (Secretary). Dues: U.S. $100 (annual) or $1000 (life), payable to Indian Mathematical Society, at the above address. Privileges: Complimentary copy of the The Mathematics Union´ Matem´atica Argentina* Student. Apply to: Beatriz Marron,´ Departamente de Matem´atica, Officers: R. Sridharan (President), S. K. Nimbhorkar (Trea- Universidad Nacional del Sur, Av. Alem 1253, 8000 Bah´ıa surer), S. B. Nimse (Administrative Secretary), Satya Deo