Rafael Sabatini --^''The Tyrannicide ?? ^Uali^ Folk Ttrougliout Kentucl^ Tliat Name Crat Orcliard Stood for Good Food and Good Wliiskey
Ll^s CENTR/\L JUNE EDITION 1935 w.wv*" "• nil fnii I, I •T. 'tv:— I H a j Rafael Sabatini --^''The Tyrannicide ?? ^uali^ folk ttrougliout Kentucl^ tliat name Crat Orcliard stood for good food and good wliiskey Bubbling out of the limestone hills, down in the \\'ay—had a private supply shipped in by the barrel. It heart of the Blue Grass country, a sparkling spring wasn t a widely famous whiskey then. It wasn't even Hrst drew people to Crab Orchard. bottled or labeled. It was only in later years that it came They came to "take the waters," and,because they knew to be known as Crab Orchard u hiskey. good living and enjoved it, the local hotel strove to make The name Crab Orchard might never have leaped to their visit meinorable with such tempting Southern deli nationwide favor, except for one thing. cacies as barbecued squirrel,delectable It stood for a whiskey which was pohickory, or roast 'possum and can not only rich and mellow- not only died yams. made in the good old-fashioned way, Kentucky straight whiskey And there was something else—a straight as a string, hut uLo economical. straight b<mrbon whiskey, rich and rud Made the good old-fashioned way And suddenly, after repeal, all dy, ofa flavor which even the flower of America wanted such a whiske}'. Smooth and satisfying to taste old-time Kentucky's gentility praised. In a few brief weeks, the name and To find this particular whiskey, the Sold ot a price anyone can pay goijdness of Crab C)rchard whiskey Crab Orchard Springs Hotel had was on a miijiun tongues, and this searched fur and wide, and finally— one-time local fa\'orite is America's from a little distillery up Louisville fciitest-selling strcnght ivhtskey today.
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