Indian Minerals Yearbook 2018 (Part- III : Mineral Reviews)

57th Edition




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March, 2019

30-11-1 GRANITE 30-11 Granite

ranite technically refers to a light-coloured Statewise breakup of total resources reveals that Ggranulose plutonic composed of felspars, Karnataka & Rajasthan share about 20% each of the plagioclase, quartz (35% approx.) and minor amounts resources which are followed by Jharkhand (19%), of mafic minerals (45% approx.), such as, biotite, Gujarat (18%), Andhra Pradesh (5%) and Madhya Pradesh hornblende, pyroxene, iron oxides, etc. But, in & Odisha (4% each). These States together account for commercial parlance, the term granite has become 90% of the total resources. Gradewise classification synonymous with all those crystalline rocks which reveals that about 7% of the total resources fall under have pleasing colours, strength to bear the processes Black granite while 92% under Coloured granite. of quarrying and cutting & polishing and which are About 1% resources are of Unclassified grade. used commonly for decorative purposes. Being more The details of Reserves/Resources as on 1.4.2015 resistant to wear and tear as well as weathering, granite are furnished in Table-1. is most sought-after stone to be used as building as well as decorative stone. The fascination for granite is EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT due to its amenability for taking mirror-like polish, high compressive strength, longevity and aesthetics. The exploration & development details, if any, are India possesses enormous deposits of all types of given in the Review on Exploration & Development in dimension stones and is considered as one of the "General Reviews". prominent producers of dimension stones in the world. PRODUCTION The Industry employs a workforce of over one million at its various sectors in the country. The granite being building stone comes under This Industry plays a vital role in the economy of the 'Minor Mineral' as defined in Clause (e) of Section 3 States like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka of MM(DR) Act,1957, hence the producers report and Rajasthan. Rural economy of many developing the production data directly to the respective States States like Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha and and not to IBM. However, efforts were made to collect North-Eastern States is dependent on this Industry. this information through correspondence with the Granite Industry is valued at $40 billion and has a State Directorates of and Geology of potential to generate semi-skilled employment, individual states or visiting their websites. All especially in rural areas. possible information/data tha could be gathered has been presented in this Review. Within the country, granite used for decorative purposes is considered costly when compared Major production of granite in raw as well as with other materials, hence, its utilisation and processed form is generally from Andhra Pradesh, trade in the domestic front has been relatively low when Rajasthan, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. compared to its export potential. State-wise production of granite is given in Table-2. RESERVES/RESOURCES Table-2: State-wise Production of Black/Coloured Granite India is endowed with abundant resources of wide (In cu m) variety of granite comprising over 200 shades. As per Year NMI data base based on UNFC system (as on 1.4.2015) State reserves/resources of granite dimension stone of all 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 types have been estimated at 46,320 million cubic Rajasthan 2586617 3842846 3090758 metres. Of these resources, 264 million cubic metres Telangana 938399 1186956 1195899 (less than 1%) fall under Reserves category, while the Andhra Pradesh 915575 921450 1146656 remaining 46,056 million cubic metres (about 99%) fall Gujarat - 605853 465648 under Remaining Resources category. Karnataka - 233050 217124 Kerala 11066224 - - Of the total granite reserves, about 36 million cubic Madhya Pradesh 39334 - - metres of all grades fall under Proved category while 228 Source: As received from State DGMs and their websites. million cubic metres falls under Probable category. Note : " - " NA

30-11-2 GRANITE 2808 Total 50057 34000 84570 45494 33426 (A+B) 489521 583950 877612 286467 559435 494819 resources 3175688 2360396 8501947 8875340 9337893 1994084 1158847 1847980 9190665 46319790 42654581 (B) 2669 Total 50057 34000 84570 45494 29768 489521 583950 877612 286467 557749 494819 3158783 2360396 8501947 8875340 9270306 1993924 1158847 1767980 9080204 46056098 42407795 (In thousand' cubic metres) ------5160 STD334 23538 40240 40000 26930 25659 20000 512216 448438 108000 286467 Reconnaissance - 2570 8802 50057 34000 44570 45494 127481 583150 698612 665622 503818 494819 Inferred STD333 2572581 2360396 8501947 8197110 8012784 1885924 1432492 9021742 42543908 39843847 ------9 9 800 1140 STD332 Indicated 466039 321800 179000 651300 2063964 1276125 1231625 ------7 238 Remaining resources 50934 19827 STD331 Measured 837325 786391 486925 330328 ------1 8234 8233 8234 STD222 ------Pre-feasibility 6300 6300 STD221 51990 45690 45690 ------(ByGrades/States) STD211 38462 38462 38462 Feasibility ------140 160 (A) 1686 3658 Total 16906 67587 80000 263692 246786 110461 ------238 3909 4500 STD122 26574 22665 21836 Reserves Probable ------Table– 1 :Reserves/Resources of Granite(Dimension Stone) as on1.4.2015 160 6060 1448 STD121 19389 80000 201377 195316 100380 ------140 Proved 6936 5581 3658 STD111 35741 28805 26363 Black Granite Coloured Granite Unclassified Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Gujarat Haryana Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Meghalaya Odisha Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Telangana Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Figures rounded off Grade/State All India : Total By Grades By States

30-11-3 GRANITE USES & SPECIFICATIONS size, homogeneity, high density & hardness, uniform colour, low moisture absorption and should be free Uses from flaws. Granite is the most sought-after among all Specifications building stones. In ancient times, granite pillars and The properties of granite which are normally beams were a preferred material to support the huge structures of temples and palaces and for making valued for exploitation are compressive strength, protective walls around them. With the invention of tensile strength, density, p-wave velocity, etc. For modern tools of greater hardness and polishing marketability, other requirements like colour, texture, ability, the use of granite has rather increased on granularity, size, water absorption, porosity, account of its aesthetic value. The modern motorised hardness, moisture content, etc. are also essential. tools of tungsten carbide and brazed diamond have Raw blocks should be free from normal defects like enabled the user to cut & polish granite as per the fractures, joints, shears, hairline cracks, segregation, specifications of the Building Sector. Presently, cut veins, etc. and polished granite slabs of 20 mm thickness are POLICY preferred for flooring, while tiles of 10 or 12 mm Granite is a 'Minor Mineral' under the MMDR thickness are used for cladding. In addition, Act, 1957. The grant of various mineral concessions gravestones and monuments of various for granite is, therefore, administered under the shapes and sizes are also in vogue. The flexibility of Minor Mineral Concession Rules of the respective the cutting tools have engendered creation of many State Governments. However, the Granite artifacts of granite for decorative purposes. Conservation and Development Rules, 1999 aims at Granite also finds its application in making uniform rules for conservation, systematic garden furniture, such as, benches, fountains and development and scientific exploitation of granite many other articles which are used for landscaping resources. and/or decorative purposes. The cut-to-size small blocks are used as cobblestone, kerbstone, road WORLD SCENARIO sidings and for many other innovative purposes. The top five granite producing countries in Crude are utilised for structural purpose descending order were China, Brazil, India, Saudi after little dressing & sizing, whereas processed Arabia and Italy. granites are used mostly in the construction of Currently, the USA is the world's biggest buildings and monuments and for interiors and consumer of granite and its demand is largely exterior facing. Granites, because of its superior wear fulfilled by imports from Brazil, China & India. resistance and non-denting quality are used as parts The European Union (EU) is one of the biggest in various meteorological and engineering markets for the worldwide Natural Stone Industry. instruments, such as, surface plates, straight edges, India has also been one of the key players in the parallels, cubes, V' blocks and work-mounting global export of natural stones, with substantial tables of co-ordinate measuring machines. share in global exports. The surface plates are used as flat datum surface whenever precise measurements of FUTURE OUTLOOK dimensions and geometrical relationships are to be India possesses one of the best granite deposits carried out. For this purpose, harder varieties of in the world having excellent varieties comprising graniteare preferred as they can bear the high-degree over 200 shades. India accounts for of grinding, polishing and calibration required for over 20% of the world resources in granite. achieving flat surfaces. For its use as surface plates, The total granite resources in India as on 1.4.2015 is granites should have properties, such as, close grain estimated at 46,320 million cu m.

30-11-4 GRANITE Dimension stone market is said to grow at a region into mineral developement programmes for fervent pace as the demand for granite, , achieving sustainable developement. The granite and other dimension stones and stone mining adversely impacts the environment due to products is on the rise. A similar rate of growth in removal of top soil and overburden, which results exports can also be achieved with the help of in degradation of land. The recovery of saleable suitable policy framework, infrastructure and granite blocks is very low and the waste is mostly other facilities which the Industry expects to in the form of granite rocks having defects of consolidate for augmentation of prospects. A colour, cracks, grain size etc. and these wastes well-planned, concerted and dedicated efforts are could be used in manufacturing M-sands. The essentially needed for promotion of Indian stones basic objective of sustainable developement in to galvanise their export prospects. mining is to meet the needs of the present without There is a need to integrate environmental compromising the ability of future generations to concern and social & economic developement of meet their own needs.
