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Patrons Page Patrons Page We wish to thank the follow ing people fo r their generous contributions to the Sentinel. The M usic Center The Chimney Corner First National Bank of Missoula Southside National Bank Western Montana Building & Loan Missoula Building & Loan Western National Bank Garden City Floral Montana Power Company Treasurer State Bowling Center Waldorf-Horner Paper Company Buttrey Foods Inc. Montana Stockgrowers Association Helena Citizens Bank of Montana Havre Reiber Plumbing and Heating Helena Anaconda Company Butte Faculty Directory A duMas, Frank M. 316 Jarka, Horst 318 Abbott, Frank C. 28 Dundas, O. Judith Jay, Robert H. 196,344 Adams, Harry F. 273,284,314 Dwyer, Robert J. 316 Jenkins, Ray 138,318 Adkins, Judy B. 187,197,314 Jensen, Henning 318 Allen, James D. I 18,314 Jeppesen, C. Rulon 313 Ammons, R. B. 314 Eklund, Carl M. Jeppesen, Randolph H. 318 Anderson, Homer E. 170,176 Elison, Larry M. 360 Johnson, Dorothy M. 356 Anderson, James Emblen, Donald J. 185,338 Johnson, Maxine C. (Mrs.) 339 Andrie, Eugene 349 Emmert, Merle W . (Capt.) 316 Johnston, Donald O. 349 Armsby, Lucille J. (Mrs.) Ephron, Marguerite (Mrs.) 316 Juday, Richard E. 318 Arnold, Aden F. 160,349 Erion, Gene L. 338 Atkinson, E. A. 314 Etheridge, Fannie E. 316 K Autio, A. Rudy 349 Evans, Idris W. 3 16 Karlin, Jules A. 318 Eversole, James A. 126,349 B Kebschull, Harvey G. 318 Kempner, Jack J. Ballard, William R. 314 Kersten, Fred 318 Bankson, Douglas H. 348 Faurot, James L. 352 Kilcoyne, Martin Barth, Glenn R. 186,338 Faust, Richard A. 316 King, W alter N. 318 Beaty, Chester B. 311 Fiedler, Leslie A. 316 Kittell, Allan H. 319 Behan, Mark J. 314 Fields, Robert W. 316 Kluge, Natalie (Mrs.) 319 Betsky, Seymour Flightner, James A. 316 Krieger, Frederick W. Bier, Jesse 315 Fox, Donald C. (Major) 193,291,316 Krier, John P. 353 Bingham, Ralph 315 Froeschner, Richard C. Blackmer, Maxine (Mrs.) 349 G Blomgren, Paul B. 338 Lackman, David B. Blumberg, Nathan B. 184,356 Gannett, W illard L. (Capt.) 286,316 Lackschewitz, Gertrud (Mrs.) 319 Boehmler, Richard M. 315 Garrett, Merle (Miss) 316 Lange, Robert W. 353 Bolen, Charles W . 348 Gebhart, James W. Lapiken, Peter P. 319 Bolle, Arnold W. 352 Gerlach, Frederick L. 352 Larson, Carl L. 319 Boner, Agnes V. 315 Gibbons, Gerard A. 317 Lawry, John F. 319 Borden, Morton 312 Gibson, William K. 352 Leedy, James A. 160,349 Bowden, James H. 315 Gilbert, Vedder M. 317 Leonard, James R. 319 Brett, Kenneth 315 Gold, Raymond L. Lester, John L. 349 Brewer, Mabel M. (Mrs.) Gomme, Andor H. 317 Lewis, George D. 350 Brier, Warren J. 356 Gordon, Clarence C. 317 Lewis, Vanetta (Mrs.) 319,189 Briggs, Edwin W. 360 Gorman, Robert E. 32,344 Lohn, Sherman V. Briscoe, Emma H. (Mrs.) 180,312 Gorowara, Krishan K. 317 Lommasson, Emma B. (Mrs.) Brissey, Forrest L. 315 Graves, Lynn B. 317 Lorenz, Mavis 320 Brock, Robert R. 315 Griff, Mason 317 Lory, Earl C. 320 Browder, Gordon 313 Griffiths, William J., Jr. 313 Lottick, Kenneth V. 344 Groom, Irene W. 344 Browman, Ludvig G. 315 Lyon, Harriett M. (Mrs.) 320 Brown, Firman H., Jr. 191,266,348 Guthrie, Jack S. 317 Brown, James A. M H Brown, W alter L. 315 MacDonald, Angus (Capt.) 189,291,320 Brunson, Royal B. 315 Habeck, James R. 317 McGinnis, Ralph Y. 313 Bryan, Gordon H. 358 Haiges, Manfred 352 McGuire, Jesse 320 Burgess, Robert M. 311 Hammen, Oscar J. 182,317 McLeod, Donald B. 320 Burgess, Thomas C. 315 Hansen, Axel E. 317 Malouf, Carling I. 320 Hansen, Bert 317 C Manis, Merle E. 320 Haring, Robert C. 180,339 Manning, William 351 Campbell, Kathleen Harper, Aaron W. 344 Martell, Earl W. Canham, Donald H. 358 Harris, Phyllis M. (Mrs.) 317 Martinson, Alvhild J. (Miss) 182,339 Carleton, Linus J. 344 Harvey, LeRoy H. 317 Marvin, Edwin L. 312 Carpenter, Nan C. 315 Hayden, Richard J. 317 Mason, David R. 361 Chamberlain, D. Gertrude Heinrich, Albert C. 317 Meadow, Barbara F. Chessin, Meyer 315 Helbing, Albert T. 339 Merriam, Lawrence C., Jr. 353 Chinske, Edward S. 139,280,281,315 Heliker, George B. 318 Midgett, Adelaine S. (Mrs.) Clow, Maurine 32,198 Henningsen, Frederick A. 185,339 Miller, Arnold 320 Clubb, Merrel D., Jr. Herbig, Harold H. 349 Millis, George H. 344 Cogswell, Andrew C. 31 Hertler, Charles F. 183,318 Mills, Douglas Colby, Edmund K. 344 Hess, Philip J. 356 Mitchell, George L. 339 Coonrod, Robert W. 29,310,311 Hevener, Muriel Jane 349 Modry, Southard M. Craighead, John J. 31 Hewitt, Gloria C. (Mrs.) 318 Moore, John E. 320 Critelli, Carol D. 181,349 Hoffmann, Robert S. 318 Morris, Melvin S. 353 Cromwell, Gardner 360 Honkala, Fred S. 311 Moucha, M. F. (Lt. Col.) 291,312 Cross, George W . 315 Hook, W alter 160,349 Mullendore, William J. 184,356 Crowder, Troy F. 29 Horton, Sondra 318 Munro, James J. R. 344 Cubbage, Kenneth W. 338 Host, John R. Mussulman, Joseph A. 158,270,350 Houghton, Rodney M. 361 Myers, William M., Jr. 312 Hower, John, Jr. 318 Dahlberg, George P. 316 Hoyer, Bill H. N Davidson, Hugh 138,316 Hummel, J. George 183,349 DeLand, Mary F. (Mrs.) Nakamura, Mitsuru J. 320 Dew, James E. 349 Nelson, Rita (Mrs.) Diettert, Reuben 310 J Newburn, H. K. 27,261 Nimlos, Thomas J. 353 Doty, Gerald H. 349 Jakobson, Mark J. 318 Dugan, Edward B. 356 Noble, Clyde E. 320 James, Richard H., Jr. 348 Nonnemacker, Patricia 320 366 Nord, Ronald V. 162,165,320 Sappenfield, Bert R. 321 Taylor, Norman E. O Schuster, Cynthia (Mrs.) 321 Thomas, Forrest D. 323 Schwank, Walter C. 312,321 Turner, Robert T. 30,178,323 Oakland, Lloyd 349 Schwenk, Milton, E. 139,277 V Ormsbee, R. A. Senger, Clyde M. 321 Ortisi, Domenico 320 Shannon, Richard E. 322 Van de Wetering, John 182,323 Osterheld, R. K. 191,320 Sheppard, Douglas C. Van Horne, Geneva T. (Mrs.) 196,344 Owen, James 321 Shoemaker, Theodore H. 322 Van Horne, Robert L. 185,196,358 P Sidwell, Dorothy M. (Mrs.) Van Meter, Wayne P. 323 Silverman, Arnold J. 322 Velde, Robert L. (Lt. Col.) 310 Pantzer, Robert T. 28 Sinning, Wayne Vinocur, Jacob 323 Parker, Charles D. 31,321 Sletten, Vernon O. 344 W Payne, Thomas 313 Smith, Leo Pedersen, Alfred L. (Capt.) 291,321 Simth, Robert G. 322 Wailes, John L. 358 Pengelly, W. Leslie 321 Smith, Russell E. Waldron, Ellis L. 323 Perry, Laurence B. 350 Snow, Vernon F. 182,322 Wallace, Robert F. 311 Peterson, John A. 321 Solberg, Richard A. 30,192,322 Watson, Frank J. 196,344 Pettinato, Frank A. 181,358 Sorenson, Thora 322 Wehrenberg, John P. 323 Pfeiffer, E. W. 321 Speer, Lucile Weidman, Robert M. 323 Philip, Cornelius B. Steele, Robert W. 353 Weigel, Eugene 350 Pierce, William R. 353 Stein, Otto L. 322 Weisel, George F. 323 Powell, Ward H. 321 Stetson, Frederick A. 322 Wendt, Rudolph 350 Preece, Sherman J., Jr. 321 Stewart, John M. 311 Wheeler, Robert D. 323 R Stone, Albert W. 361 Wilson, Brenda F. (Mrs.) 339 Stoodley, Agnes L. 322 Wilson, Vincent 323 Rader, Benjamin G. 321 Sullivan, Robert E. 360 Winston, Donald, II 323 Reinhardt, Howard E. 321 Swanson, Harlan L. 322 Winterowd, W. Ross 323 Reynolds, Florence Swanson, Margaret A. (Mrs.) 339 W itt, Daniel M. 323 Rhinehart, Naseby 138,165,321 Swearingen, T. G. Wren, Melvin C. Richard, Jerome 321 Swift, John L. 322 Wright, Phillip L. 313 Richards, William H. 350 Richman, Luther A. 350 Y Riese, Harlan C. 344 Yates, Leland M. 3° Roberts, Dexter M. 196 Taber, Richard D. 353 Rusoff, Lester R. 361 Tascher, Harold 322 Tatsuyama, Toshimi 30,322 Zuck, Loui*. Taylor, Dee C. 322 Salvin, Samuel B. Taylor, John J. 322 Student Directory A Aldrich, Rodney William 71,193,287,324 And berg, Clarence R. Aasheim, Glen Harlow 108,178,228,324 Aldrich, Tim 165,166 And berg, Hilary Lynne 345 Abdul, Rahman Anwar Aleksich, Louis Obren Jr. 236 And sen, Charles F. Abell, Charles Russell Alfers, Barbara Thompson And sen, Teddy Paul Abrahamson, James Milton Algot, Gary Jerome 71 And sen, Vernon Leroy 116 Abrams, Jean D. Alisch, Russell Spencer son, Arlee Joan 55,208 Achen, Lynda Louise Allan, John Beresford And son, Bruce Robert 55 Achuff, Peter Lewis Allen, Darrell Linn Ande on, Darrell Wesley 71,108,110,228 Ackley, Blaine Carl 55,198,214 Allen, Dianna Marie 55 And on, David Stone Adamowicz, Norman Charles Allen, Gerald Richmond Ande on, Elizabeth Irene 204 Adams, Austin Lewis Allen, Jennie Lee 37,207 Ande on, Floyd Roger Adams, Colleen 55,86,179 Allen, Shirley Ann Ande on, Gary Earl 154,1 55 Adams, Elton Joe 23,55,179,214 Allestad, Theodore Kermit Ande on, Glenn Paul Adams, K. Rolland Alley, Carol Jane 37,112,186,202 Ande on, Gordon Douglas 37,225 Adams, Merle Ha -i n lr. 37,220 Alley, Kathryn Lou Ande on, Helen Muriel Adams, Reid Ereson Allickson, Bonnie Jean on, Herbert Keith Adams, Richard Weldon Allison, David Blair on, Ivan Leroy Adkins, James Oland Allison, John Paul 21 on, James Robert 220,324 Aemisegger, Rosalie Fern Allred, Neal Terry on, Jerome Paul Agen, Jerry Lee Alsaker, Thomas Arthur Agha, Adil Mahboub Alstad, John Arthur on, Kenneth Nathan 71 Ahrendes, Mary Jane 37,288 Alston, Dorothy Aleen on, Kent Lyon Ailport, John 187 Altonen, Jo Anne 37 on, Larry Scott Akre, Roy Duane Alzheimer, Sharon L. 55 on, Leo Demont Albers, Peter Heinz 55,198,218 Amadio, Paul Thomas 134 on, Leslie Byrd 37 Albert, Mich i °oy Ambrose, John Francis 214,359 on, Lois Arlene Albert, Dennis u Amick, Glenda Laverne on, Margaret Louise 208,324 Alden, John Michael Amidon, Ronald Edwin 218,354 on, Norman William Aldrich, David Frint Ammen, Penelope May on, Patricia Carol Aldrich, David Leslie Ammerman, William Gaythor on, Paul Howard Aldrich, Grover Bennett Amundson, Normar H.
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