18-12-14 Written Closing Submisions Mishkeegogamang First Nation
SCHEDULE “B” Senator Murry Sinclair’s report “Thunder Bay Police Service Board Investigation” November 1, 2018 Retrieved on December 14, 2018 from: https://slasto-tsapno.gov.on.ca/ocpc-ccop/wp- content/uploads/sites/5/2018/12/TBPSB_Investigation_Final_Report_-_EN-FINAL-1.pdf NATIONAL INQUIRY INTO MISSING AND MURDERED INDIGENOUS WOMEN AND GIRLS WRITTEN CLOSING SUBMISSIONS Mishkeegogamang First Nation SCHEDULE Thunder Bay Police Services Board Investigation FINAL REPORT Senator Murray Sinclair, Lead Investigator Submitted to: Linda Lamoureux Executive Chair Safety, Licensing,sing, Appeals and Standard Tribunals Ontario November 1, 2018 Contributions and Acknowledgements Many people have contributed to this investigation and the findings of this report, but a few bear special mention. Retired City of Winnipeg Police Sergeant Cecil Sveinson arranged some of the community interviews and provided valuable advice on matters relating to police training, recruitment and general police behavior. Tom Lockwood QC, acted as an important liaison with the OCPC and also assisted in a liaison role with the OIPRD. He helped conduct witness interviews, and his assistant Dorothy Balazs scheduled most of the witness interviews. His prior experience as OCPC Investigator helped keep this investigation on track. Professor Andrew Graham responded to my call for assistance and provided valuable insights into police board governance issues generally. Graham Boswell was assigned early on to the Investigation by the OCPC and was a great help in coordinating matters with Commission staff, especially the Media Scan, as well as identifying issues and witnesses. Shannon McDunnough and Gun Koleoglu of OCPC helped oversee the collecting of transcripts and documents. The Investigation’s General Counsel, Candice Metallic of Maurice Law, supported me with legal advice as needed, and did a considerable amount of research on the issues set out in the Report.
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