This document is an integral part of ERA21 magazine, No. 03/2011 “Sceno-Architecture”. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without prior written consent from ERA21 magazine ( Hardcopy of ERA21 magazine, No. 03/2011 “Sceno-Architecture” (full Czech version with images) you can order at:
[email protected]. patterns of urban occupation. The work was created for a diverse public on the Page 5 move, who either happened upon fragmentary performances embedded in the folds of the city’s fabric or wore headphones immersing them in the multiple voices of the work’s soundworld: that of the ancient mythological woman lost Editorial / Sceno-Architecture in time; the migrant woman musing on a pre-European occupation; and the Dorita Hannah contemporary woman mapping the city onto her skin. Scenography—a word that goes back as far as Aristotle, Vitruvius and 1 Murray Street Underground: Place of absence, place of flight Serlio—once provided the bridge between real and imagined worlds by utilizing Waves of commuters shape fluctuating rhythms of space, filling up and the perspectival image to unify art, architecture and theatre. In the 16th century emptying out the concourse and platforms below. A blindfolded bride, (Procne it was celebrated as a mimetic practice that integrated the science and craft from Ovid’s story of Tereus in Metamorphosis) stands on the platform, she feels of construction, scenery and painting into a combined stage and auditorium, her way to the concourse and traces the indentations of words chiseled like which in turn influenced the planning of buildings, cities and landscapes.