INSIDE Message from the Chair by Marv Knox Bill Brian
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BaptistsTexas Committed October 2002 Newsletter of Mainstream Baptists of Texas Vote for These BGCT Leaders: Campbell, Camacho and Ferrier Bob Campbell, a longtime denominational leader and pastor of Westbury Baptist Church, Houston; Rudy Camacho, a longtime leader in both the Baptist General Convention of Texas and the Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas and member of Gambrell Street Baptist Church, Fort Worth; and Debbie Ferrier, a laywoman with extensive involvement in church and denominational endeavors and a member of Tallowood Baptist Church, Houston; will be nominated as officers of the Baptist General Convention of Texas at the annual convention in Waco, November 11-12, 2002. Campbell to be nominated for second term as Texas convention president By Marv Knox Editor, The Baptist Standard ABILENE—Bob Campbell will be nominated for a second term as president of the Baptist General Conven- tion of Texas when it meets in Waco Nov. 11-12. Campbell, pastor of Westbury Baptist Church in Houston and a veteran denominational leader, was elected to a one-year term as BGCT president last year in Dallas. Mike Chancellor, pastor of Crescent Heights Baptist Church in Abilene, announced Campbell’s nomination last week. ”Bob and I have known each other for 30 years. He was my Baptist Student Union director,” he said. “I am thrilled to nominate him.” see Campbell, page 2… Bob Campbell Camacho to be nominated for TBC Online! BGCT first vice president at Waco session INSIDE Message from the Chair By Marv Knox Bill Brian .............................. 4 Editor, The Baptist Standard Matter of Perspective FORT WORTH—Rudy Camacho, a longtime leader in both the David Currie ......................... 5 Baptist General Convention of Texas and the Hispanic Baptist Con- vention of Texas, will be nominated for first vice president of the A Courageous Stand BGCT this fall. Ray Higgins .......................... 6 ”Rudy Camacho is a soul-winner, a great Christian and a great ‘Find Your Voice’ friend, and he will make a wonderful first vice president,” said his Jim Newton ........................... 7 pastor, Clyde Glazener of Gambrell Street Baptist Church in Fort Worth, who plans to nominate him. Whatever Happened to Baptist Rudy Camacho see Camacho, page 2… Missions? Becky Matheny .... 8 Etica y Misiones South Texas laywoman a nominee for Joe Trull.............................. 10 BGCT vice presidency in Waco Bridge Out Allen Thomason .................. 11 By Marv Knox Editor, The Baptist Standard Bring Your Garbage… HOUSTON—Debbie Ferrier, a layperson with extensive involve- Joe McKeever ..................... 12 ment in church and denominational endeavors, will be nominated for BGCT Network Confirmed second vice president of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Ken Camp ........................... 14 ”She is a great, great lady. She represents the very best in Baptist local church leadership,” said her pastor, Duane Brooks of Tallowood Uncooperative Baptists Baptist Church in Houston, who plans to nominate her when the John Pierce ......................... 15 BGCT meets in Waco Nov. 11-12. BGCT 2002 Convention ”Her grandmother gave the land for South Texas Children’s Home information .................. 16–17 Debbie Ferrier see Ferrier, page 3… — 1 — …Campbell, from page 1 …Camacho, from page 1 The election will be held during the Campbell deserves a second year in of- panic Baptist Theological School (in San BGCT annual session, Nov. 11-12 in Waco. fice because he has been a strong role model Antonio) to reach beyond their campus and Camacho is the immediate past presi- and representative in office, Chancellor to lead people to Christ. Dallas Baptist Uni- dent of the Hispanic Baptist Convention said. versity also is reaching people for Christ, and has worked tirelessly to strengthen the ”As a pastor, he has represented pastors and they’re proud they are an evangelical cause of Christ in the state, Glazener noted. well at a time when religious leadership presence in that setting.” ”He’s represented the BGCT through- has come under scrutiny, and it has been Reports presented by the BGCT State out Texas with pastors and churches, help- disappointing,” he noted. “He is a guy of Missions Commission are thrilling, he said. ing them to understand who we are and to deep faith, and he has a deep devotion to “Its commitment is to lead people to Christ, want to relate to us and be a part of our mission and ministry,” Glazener said. “He’s Scripture. no matter what it’s doing, and it does this heavily involved in Texas Baptist Life and ”He also cares about people who do not in a variety of ways.” the life of the kingdom.” know Christ. He has a good, strong family. Everywhere he looked this year, On the local level, Camacho is “a won- He has a great sense of humor but is aware Campbell saw the BGCT’s evangelistic/ derful churchman,” Glazener added. “He is of his own foibles.” ministry spirit: “The huge number of Mis- active in our deacon body and serves on Campbell also has represented Texas sion Service Corps volunteers in Texas and our missions committee. He is a good friend Baptists well, Chancellor added, stressing beyond Texas. The excitement of the Mexi- and a great friend to the BGCT.” the importance of identification with people can partnership and their desire to come If elected, Camacho said, he hopes to be who call the BGCT their denominational here and help us win people to Christ who a convention supporter and a builder of home. have crossed the border. This is not us bridges within the BGCT. ”Ever since I can remember, I have been ”He exemplifies Texas Baptists of to- being Big Brother, but a true partnership. promoting others. That’s what I am all day—independent but cooperative. He is Campbell has been pastor of Westbury about,” he said. “I would rather support not going to be intimidated, and yet he is Baptist Church since 1991. He was chair- others, ... but after awhile, I said, ‘I think I open to working with folks from all across man of the BGCT Executive Board in 1996 have some contributions to make.’” the Baptist spectrum.” and 1997. He also was chairman of the Those contributions can be comprised Campbell also fills the president’s role BGCT Seminary Study Committee in 2000. of linking BGCT Baptists together, he because “he has a sense of who we have Previously, Campbell was pastor of Cal- added. “I am a people person. I have estab- been historically,” Chancellor suggested. vary Baptist Church in Garland; Northwest lished relationships with others—primarily ”Bob also has represented the state con- Baptist Church in Ardmore, Okla.; Salt Hispanics, but also blacks and Anglos. I vention well—it’s about its people, educa- Creek Baptist Church in Brownwood; Plum can reach across to everybody. I would lis- ten, communicate and, of course, cooper- tional institutions and human services in- Grove Baptist Church in Markley; and Cal- ate.” stitutions,” he said. vary Baptist Church in Forest Hill, La. Camacho’s experience as president of ”He is proud of getting on the campuses; He also was assistant professor of Bible the Hispanic Baptist Convention has given by the time the convention arrives, he will and Greek and director of religious activi- him the background to emphasize and have visited every BGCT university cam- ties at Howard Payne University. He has “speak of the many positives” the BGCT pus,” Chancellor said. “He is been telling been an adjunct professor at Southwestern has to offer, he said. Those include the them, ‘We appreciate the role you have in Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort convention’s tremendous diversity, as well shaping Baptist life, and we want you to Worth and New Orleans Baptist Theologi- as its broad range of ministries, which in- know we appreciate you and want you to cal Seminary. clude hospitals, child care institutions, ag- continue to be supportive in meeting our Campbell is a graduate of Louisiana ing care institutions, scholarships for uni- versity and seminary students, and programs goals.’” College in Pineville and Southwestern Bap- to start churches throughout the state, he Campbell said he is willing to be nomi- tist Theological Seminary, where he earned added. nated for a second term because he appre- a doctorate. He and his wife, Judith Ann, ”We are growing; we have more church ciates the challenge and particularly enjoys have two adult children, Michael Andrew starts than any group, and that speaks to “seeing Texas Baptists’ work firsthand.” Campbell and Michelle Andrea how the BGCT has reached out,” he said. A key priority will be visiting all 23 Zimmerman. “I want to be able to speak to many groups, institutions affiliated with the state conven- Westbury Baptist Church has 1,387 resi- not only Hispanics, to say how the BGCT tion. By annual session time, he will have dent members and averaged 508 in Sun- has made such vital contributions.” been to all nine Baptist universities. day School attendance last year, when it Camacho is retired from the U.S. Postal Campbell has learned a great deal trav- baptized 35 new Christians, according to Service and is a lay preacher. In addition to serving as president of the Hispanic Bap- eling among Texas Baptists this past year, the 2001 BGCT Annual. The church con- tist Convention, he is a member of the but “the thing that I’ve been most impressed tributed $63,705—or 5 percent of its bud- BGCT Executive Board, the George W. with is the evangelistic attitude,” he said. get—to the BGCT Cooperative Program Truett Seminary board of advisers, the “I have watched what they do at the His- unified budget. continued page 3… — 2 — HOW UNBAPTIST CAN SOME BAPTISTS BE? By David R.