Building Healthy, Vibrant, and Safe Neighborhoods
Building Healthy, Vibrant, and Safe Neighborhoods SINCE 1975 IMPACT REPORT 2018–2019 LETTER FROM EBALDC’S LEADERSHIP MISSION Building partnerships to create a beacon of hope in volatile times… Emphasizing our historic The nature of American cities is rapidly changing. People who once and continuing commitment sought housing in the suburbs are now moving to urban centers. As a to Asian and Pacific Islander result, the people who educate our children, take care of us when we communities, EBALDC works are sick, and operate the restaurants and other businesses that we count with and for all the diverse on, are being priced out of the region or becoming homeless. While populations of the East Bay housing production is needed to address the state and region’s growing to build healthy, vibrant and population, we must also preserve the affordability of existing housing safe neighborhoods through and cultural institutions that make Oakland a vibrant place to live. community development. In pursuit of an equitable Oakland, EBALDC adopted the Healthy Neighborhoods Approach to better collaborate with other community organizations, create effective partnerships, and ultimately, create greater VISION health outcomes for all. It now guides every step we take as we continually We envision that everyone attempt to achieve a future where all East Bay residents can thrive. in Oakland and the East Bay can live in a safe and Today, we see hope. affordable home, and that This year, we forged partnerships with: every neighborhood provides opportunities that enable Kaiser Permanente and Enterprise Community Partners people to live long, healthy to create the $50M Housing for Health Fund lives, regardless of income Destiny Arts and the Hidden Genius Project to expand or ethnic background.
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