Abortion, 785-789 Gross Examination of Tissue From, 885-888 Habitual
Index Abortion, 785-789 Adenocarcinoma-Cant. gross examination of tissue from, 885-888 of vagina habitual, 788 clear cell, and prenatal exposure to DES, 99-105 induced, 788-789 relation to adenosis, 70, 71 missed, 788 of vulva, 50 spontaneous, 785-787 Adenofibroma in endometritis, 281 of cervix uteri, papillary, 151-152 threatened, 788 of ovary . Abruptio placentae, 779 benign, 523-525 Abscess malignant, 525 Bartholin, 26 of uterus, 371-373 ovarian, 442-443 Adenohypophysial-ovarian axis, 229-230 tubovarian, 442-443 Adenomatoid tumors mesothelioma of uterus, 385-386 Acatalasemia, prenatal diagnosis of, 807 of ovary, 553-554, 572 Acid phosphatase deficiency, lysosomal, prenatal diagnosis tubal, 407 of, 810 Adenomyoma of cervix uteri, 152 Acrochordon of vulva, 30 Adenomyosis, 297-299 Actinomycosis, genital, 141 and carcinoma, 299 in IUD users, 293-294 Adenosarcoma oophoritis in, 445 of ovary, 538-539 salpingitis in, 402 of uterus, 373-376 Adenoacanthoma of ovary, 536 Adenosis, vaginal Adenocarcinoma atypical, from prenatal exposure to DES, 109-111 cervical, 200-207 from prenatal exposure to DES, 69-71, 105-108 cytologic diagnosis of, 854-855 Adenovirus infection, cytologic findings in, 849 in cervical polyp, 143-144 Adolescence, ovarian neoplasms in, 665-700 clear cell, cytologic diagnosis of, 861 Adrenogenital syndrome, 10 in endometriosis of rectovaginal septum, 474-475 and female pseudohermaphroditism, 504-505 of endometrium, 330-333 and male pseudohermaphroditism, 504 of ovary, 532-538, 554 prenatal diagnosis of, 807 cytologic diagnosis of, 860 Age tubal and endometrial secretions, 247 cytologic diagnosis of, 860 ovarian changes with, 437-440 invasive, 409-410 Albinism, vulva in, 34 917 918 Index Alkylating agents, cytologic changes from, 858-859 Animal tumor models-Cant.
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