
Waterside and canals are ingo great places to explore. B They are full of interesting things to discover.

Take a waterside bingo sheet with you to a canal or . • Can you find everything in one row? Yes, then you’ve got a line! • Can you find the things in every square? Then shout‘BINGO!’ You’ve got a full house.

Try a game of waterside bingo. Who can get a full house first?:

Pens or crayons to

cross off what you find.

A waterside bingo sheet

Your eyes and ears at the ready to find lots of interesting things

Top Tip Stay alert because new discoveries can be lurking anywhere! Don’t forget to stay SAFE and Stay Away From the Edge.


© Canal & River Trust Charity Commission no. 1146792 canalrivertrust.org.uk/explorers Waterside ingo B Don’t forget

Explore the waterside together to Stay Away

How many things can you spot? Can you get a line or evenFind a fulla leaf house? From the Edge. Hear a duck quack smaller than your Wash or sanitize finger nail your hands when Find the number of a or you’ve finished. Collect a feather Look up Can you Find a Canal & at the Share your spot a River Trust logo clouds adventure. Post a picture and find Spot a dragonfly or on our Facebook page interesting insect bollard? a face Canal & River Explorers and tell us about your Find Discover an best discovery! Find the names of something interesting two boats black and fact about white Find a warning sign – the river what does it mean? or canal Find the sound of Spot one rushing person wearing a hat Spot an interesting stone or Find a long leaf

canalrivertrust.org.uk © Canal & River Trust Charity Commission no. 1146792 canalrivertrust.org.uk/explorers