[email protected] Armeeoberkommando Item Dates Ite-I
RECORDS Ob1 GERMAN FIELD COMMANDS: ARMIES (Part IX) Armeeoberkommando U (Fourth Array)* The Fourth Army was formed on September 1, 1939s from the former Army Group C . It took part in the Polish campaign in September 1939 and. in the campaign ir: Belgium and northern France in 19^0. In June 19^1 the Fourth Army was trans- ferred as a subordinate unit of Army Group Center to the central sector of the eastern front where its major combat activity took place. In July 19^, it withdrew from the Upper Dnieper to the East Prussian frontier and was heavily engaged in the defense of East Prussia that autumn. The Fourth Army sectors on the central front in Russia were in the areas of Minsk-Bobruisk, Orsha- Mogilev, Smolensk- Roslavl, and around Vyazma. Commanders of the Fourth Army from 1939 to 19^5 were Gunter von Kluge, Ludwig Kubler, Gotthard Heinrici, Hans von Salmuth, Kurt von Tippelskirch, Friedrich Hossbach, and Friedrich Wilhelm Muller. The Fourth Army was redesignated the Twenty- first Army after April 27, Item Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht . Report to Army Group North on activities of Uth Army intel- ligence units during the Polish campaign. Sep 1-26, 1939 P 217/a 1332 1 Ic, Anlage z. TB, Lage Polen. Reports on enemy strength and activity, and Polish code names and rocket signals; translations of Polish intelligence information on German artillery, a Polish operations order, and a Russian propaganda leaflet; a map (1:1, 600,000) of Poland, East Prussia, and Czechoslovakia showing likely positions of Russian forces on Sep 22, 1939, and a map of Poland showing movements of Polish troops on Sep 6, 1939.
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