Lake Champlain Lake Sturgeon Recovery Plan
Acknowledgements This project was paid for in part by fishing license sales and matching Dingell-Johnson/Wallop Breaux funds available through the Federal Sportfish Restoration Act. Additional funding was provided through the State Wildlife Grant Program. I’d like to thank the many people that made this plan possible. Special thanks to Angelo Incerpi, retired fisheries director for the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife, who gave me an opportunity to work with this unique fish and Dave Ravelin, a private landowner along the Winooski River, who allowed us to use his property as a staging area, saving hundreds of hours of travel time to and from sampling sites. Thanks to Michel LaHaye, who travelled from Quebec to Vermont to share his knowledge on sturgeon spawning habitat and the techniques used to collect lake sturgeon eggs and Micah Kiefer from the Conte Anadromous Research Lab (USGS) for demonstrating the surgical techniques used to implant tags in sturgeon. Many people within the department, both permanent and temporary employees, should be acknowledged for their help on the project, including but not limited to John Claussen, Rich Kirn, Eric Palmer, Shawn Good, Dave Gibson, Joel Flewelling, Jill Oudman, Steve Doyle, Joe Burt, Andy Edmunds, Ryan Smith, Jon Piper, Jason Kain, Andy Edmunds, Jay Seals, and Stephanie Pierce. Special thanks to Madeleine Lyttle and Nick Staats of the USFWS for helping with the surveys in the Lamoille and Winooski rivers and in particular the sampling for adults and eggs in the Missisquoi River. Without the help of all the people listed above the project would not have been successful.
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