Georgetown and Dartmouth Also B Ises, Insuring the Highest Possible E Rder of Tailoring in Every Detail
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f DISTRICT LEAG1UE BOOKED Nationals \Will Get Free Suits iff ^ , I | "x TO COMPLETE ROSTER TODAY They Bat Well This Season \ « To encourage the Washington play ere to get busy and hit the ball this ceteon, Mr. Omohundro -will fir* J i to the player knocking the first hom«> run on the local grounds a free ra It.also to tho player having the best batting average at the end of tJhis season. N New Club Will Be O:rganized to FiD Vacancy The winners can select any suit 1they fancy, and we will tailor them 1to their exact mewurav !I . J* .Peek Drops Otit of Sunday School S Le<igue. I ! /n/^ r bk i^JSr Ihf* r _ ^blSS The officials of the District League wiill committee to look Into the matter and H neet this morning to complete the for_ decide whether the team really meant business In trying to get together a club nation of the circuit for the coming eei to I rjMQigjUBin^>>^^HRjM^wuiMj|j|SpPS^&jp| represent that church. YOUR EASTEfl ron. Other matters pertaining to' tlie While the of the circuit win fsurn personnel jpenlng of the season and the playirlg necessarily be changed to a certain ex- H Not Selectt It Tomorrow? I ichedule will also J>e discussed. tent owing to the withdrawal of the club H Why The committee appointed to look aft mentioned, the existence of the organl- H Experience has taught you the a dvantage of early buying. Stocks H zation is not threatened in the least, as H are fullest now and opportunities t*Jr selection are the beet.leisurely H he enrollment of another nine to corn* it is almost certain that a nine can be H >lete a six-club league has so far be<;n found to take the vacant franchise. H :.r' choice can be made.fittings can b<> given proper attention. Nothing H inable to find any aggregation strorig Any club desiring to obtain a berth in H -:r ^ Mm can be gained by waiting until the last moment. to tako the franchise that wls the league and wnich Is fairly certain H nough that it can get a team lot affiliated with some other leagu together good With our handsome and I should communicate with the president H -:] v-l.:' variety SLI- I. a \ .11... nemtni I HIS IS HIS BILUdllUil » uitti Hid i/Uiiuiii t- of tho league. Col. William de Grange, H 645 A street cm r ee has been up against for some tlm e, northeast. H y«/rrv»^rvcihlr frrirr it * i to £ justice yourself I Lnd It was decided recently that M The Newark Athletic Club met and ^ wou 16 I yConnor and Mr. Imitich together defeated the Chevy Chase team yester- H . rot/ D 'ecrutt a team themselves and give It a day on the grounds of the former by H BUT NOW. R t^jv vvg^HHA I /H/hH^ «KM and thus be assured of having a the score of 7 to 4. The game was ** lame, well played. Krkert. who for H ', j line well able to take care of itself dur. pitched the winning club, did good work, and H ng the season. Another reason why tl had it not been for rather mediocre H natter Is to be remedied in this mann er support at critical staees of the same Hi s that Mr. O'Connor has under his s h- woulrl have had a shutout. Dawson H Omohundro# with Hki.^^ Garments lervislon a set of uniforms well behind the bat fop the los- B I complete played MnHA^ he letters C. A. C. on them. Tho urii- lng club, while Kramer caught Kekert B i Are made under the most advantaktfcous roridltIon!i In our own Chih >^H 'ornis are old Colombia Athletic well. B skll »ults, and It Is more than likely that tl II. S. OMOHUNDRO fectly equipped workrooms by craftsmen riRht on tho rretn-porlied H .earn will bo given some name so th at Georgetown and Dartmouth also B ises, Insuring the highest possible e rder of tailoring In every detail. H :he letters on the shirts will not have to failed to get together yesterday. be- H >e altered. It was thought for some tinne cause of poor weather conditions. It was B ^ hat the Columbia Athletic Cluib nanle quite a disappointment to the followers of H vould be retained, but as this Is deenu;d the Blue and Gray, as they wanted to H nadvls&ble because it might become coin- see the team In action again after the H teain, excellent Cornell ARANTEE OF MONEY BACK I tho Columbia made ^ooTii with (101) shelving H I 'used against vhich is a charter member of the leagu e. Friday. t is more than likely that some nan le B | of r vill be adopted at this morning's mee t- At the meeting of the Andrew* team B If We Fail to Fit or You is thie Best Assur- \ I <n Satisfy > ~ ng. Whether it will bo the Oongrea- the Conpnerclal league last night, the B iionals. as or something cl;ee following candidates were signed for the B | reported, . emalns to be seen. coming season: Thompson, who was be- B ance to You Thsit We Make Good A1I Our Claims. I the je hind the bat for the Southern Railway B | Iy It is not known whether leagi j or team last will be on the receiving B )° o y Vill discuss the question of whether year, B a l lot it will come under the commissfon. end this season, together with Callow, Say "1F®ll®ir§S5.H«r®'s P'appaim There has been some talk to the effect who did the bulk of the work for tho B I hat It will not. and there have been just Canaries in that position laat year. The B B is Arm statements that it will. It is a pitching staff Is composed of- Callow, ! tgnidcant fact, though, that the leagije Quantrlll syid Garland. Howell will again B 500 of Thiis Spring's Newes Patterns I The New las never had any representative at arly liold down the first sack and he should B "R i f tho meetings of tho commission, arid again do good work in that position if he B | j the last B \LEIGH S( las. so not even considered th:at plays up to standard of year. 5: far, B ^UARE" rody as being In existence. All tl le Mulvey will again play short. Thompson, ~ uleg embodied in its constitution ha1k-e Avery and M. Garland will try conclu- B §ar own creation j :red~medium without ibo sions against one another for second base. h | dose-fMig sparc-coriM height. >een formulated and passed B | niich as a consideration of whether th<67 The other positions are well taken care onflicted with the commis^on's decre:ds of and It is assured that the team will B >r not. again be in the running for tho pennant. Two of the managers of the teams no >1kr <1 54 mmposing the league are. in favor A 15c a IOC under the commission, while it doz. :oming *25 | ert&ln the others are not. The man wl *20 V las put in the most strenuous objectloi o t ! wl SOUTHERN RAILWAY B WHY PAY MOKE y o outlaw ball Is Mr. I.ove, I playing Other Distinctive s In charge of the Columbia 101 tear "0M0" BLUIE SERGE m\ 23 Shapes. le having intimated that his team won (IT"55) $14.501 I Irop out of tho league unless it dcoldi "Mljoey's Worth or Mooey B*acko" o play within tho jurisdiction of tlI BASEBALL LEAGUE I I | imateur body. Whether he would mal I foodi in case the officials do decide to pl«Ly The l005"7 >utlaw ball is a question, but ho sa * s m .t ^ nat. it was not nib uvea ni i'ikiu mr 0M0HUNDIto & 818 F ST. I n earn composed of union incn to bin* Elects Board of Control and I CO., I v Man's Store I Li ANPeona. Ave. 11 I JL^« I KAUFM ^1 \ Lgainst organisation. To come to tho tine point of the matte* Good Schedule for TAILORS WHO FIT AND SATISFY I lie league officials themselves probab Adopts I lo not know what they will do In regai FULL DRI o the matter, but It Is more than like'iv This Season. I NEW ESS AND TUXEDO SUI'TS FOR HIRE 1 Hauser was safe on Wallace's error. hat the Ieaguo will bo held intact as singled to right. liauser taking third.Sallee dands. Sooner than Jiavc it disrupt* Ilauser scored on a wild pitch. The hoso who object to having it come und<jr teams meet again tomorrow at the ho commission would probably give iia, At a meeting characterised by the uti or liBFr were thiit . EASYFORCARDINALS League Park for the final gameAmerican inless, of course, tiiey sure most harmony the Southern Railway the series. mother good club could be found to tatte Base Ball was launched for its er teams, but the pitcher's Judgment weather was warm and but one to out. League pi The bright, ho place of the drop second season before the local amateur LI is when the pitcher and catcher do COLORED LEAGUE. attendance only 4.000, owing to the agree on the kind of ball to use.