The Haverfordian, Vols. 31-33, 1909-12
•TACK. ^-^ CLASS 3-t3-^^ BOOK 44JRr<^-r THE LIBRARY v.3|-32. OF HAVERFORD COLLEGE (haverforo, pa.) the qift of '3»U^ JS' MO. ^ 19»i» ACCESSION NO. G ^3 1C| ,:f- THE HAVERFORDIAN Voltune 31 Haverford College 1910 (,^^ 1 BBBiaBBKBB Jr % HM/ERF^ MARCH 1909 : 1 The Haverfordian Jambs Whitall. loto. Editor-in-Chief ASSOCIATE EDITORS: E. N'elson Edwards, iqio Georor A. Kbrbaugh, iqio Harrison S. Hires. 1910 Christophfr'D. Morlev, 1910 Lucius R. Shbro. ion BUSINESS MANAGERS: Harrison S. Hirks, iqio (mgr.) Wilmer J. Youxr,. ton (asst. mcr.) Price, per year Si . 00 Single Copies $015 The Havbrfordian is published on the tenth of each month during the College year. Its purpose is to foster the litfrar>' spirit among the undergraduates and to pro\-iile an organ for the discussion of questions relative to college life and policy. To these ends, cntributions ore invited and will be considered solely on their merits. Matter intended for insertion should r^ach the Editornot later than the twenty-sixth of the nvjnth preceding the date of issue. Entcnd at the Havcrford Post-ORice, for tnunminioo through the ma'ls as ucond-clats matter. CONTENTS To Her CD. Morley, loio i The Madrid Ateneo William Wistar Comfort, 1894 2 The Two Princesses Charles Wharton Stork. 1902 6 Episodes in the Life of an Irish Waitress C. D. Morley, 1910 7 The Prodigal V. F. Schocpperle, 191 n Two J. Whitall. 1910 12 Daily Except Christmas R. L. M. Underhill, 1901 14 A Memory E. P. Allin?on, 1910 18 Editorials 19 Alumni N'otes 24 Exrn.\.\oi:s 26 Vol XXXI Haverford, Pa., March, 1909 No.
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