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February 2000

2-8-2000 Daily Eastern News: February 08, 2000 Eastern Illinois University

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Inside Sports Extreme Golden. Eastern Illinois University changes Charleston, Ill. 61920 WinS Students and faculty who use VoL85, No.95 12 pages Basketball teams seek wins the Doudna Fine Arts Center over Tennessee Tech tonight feel the effects of winter inside. ews at Lan!z gym. Story on Page 3 "Tell the truth and don't be afraid." Story on Page 12 Subway set to open doors Wednesday By Julie Bartlow when it opens tomotrow. and Branden Delk Many students have said they Staff writers are looking fOiw at·d to Subway's addition on campus because of the The new Subway restaurant in food options it provides. the Martin Luther King Jr. Maulik Patel, a senior zoology University Union will open major, said he thinks Subway will Wednesday for its first day ofbusi- offer more variety, especially for ness. students who don't have trans­ Subway was originally slated to portation to get to other restaurants open the last week in Januaiy, but in Charleston. the opening date was pushed back Janel Kupferschmid, a senior to Wednesday because of delays in business education major said the equipment needed for the Subway will be great for students restaurant. The delays included because of its accessibility. waiting for equipment including a "It will be a good access point bread oven, refrigerator and for students who at·e studying or in counter, said Bill Schnackel, direc­ between classes," Kupferschmid tor of housing and dining services, said. previously. Other students are happy about "We have our staff trained and the new food selection Subway everything has came in," will bring. Schnackel said. "The fi:anchisee "Subway has a lot less calories said evetything will be up and and is healthier than the food we ready to go on Wednesday." have known," said Meghan A grand opening will not be Novotny, a freshman eat·ly child­ held immediately and instead will hood education major. be in a couple of weeks so the new Natalie Esposito, a sophomore staff has a chance to become English major, said Subway will accustomed to the restaurant's cus­ offer an altemative to dining ser­ Mandy Marshall / Photo editor tomers and business, Schnackel VIces. Renovation carpenter John Morton fi lls holes in the counter with wood putty Monday afternoon at Subway in the Martin said. "The more food options, the Luther King Jr. University Union. The holes were being filled so a marble wallpaper could be smoothly hung. Subway is Schnackel also said Subway is scheduled to open Wednesday. expecting to see a lot of customers See SUBWAY Page 2 It's official: Liquid G exists in Charleston By Julius Sexton ,, ______effect. Staff editor "Some guys will slip the mug There's no control over how into a (woman's) di1nk without The use of date-rape mugs in actually knowing how it will affect Marijuana use down; Charleston is becoming a concern it's made, unlike over-the­ her body. It can kill or even cause for local officials. counter pharmaceutical datnage to the respirat01y system GHB a current problem This weekend, a man was drugs. and stop her breathing," he said. anested for delivety of a controlled Att Mitchell, a university police By Nikki Huckstadt ill'inking alcohol." Art Mitchell, substance. Michael J. Wiley was officer, said there haven't been According to the Student University police officer Staff writer accused in November for allegedly many repotted cases of liquid G Disciplinaty Refenals sheet given selling more than 200 grams of usage on Eastem 's campus. While the number of students out each yeat· by the Judicial GHB, commonly known as "liquid "We've only had one repotted charged with offenses involving Affail's Office, 28 students have G" or the "date-rape mug." for distributing the date-rape mug. case ofthe usage of date-rape mugs marijuana has been declining for been caught this school year com­ Judge Paul Komada set Wiley's "Some (students) do it ''as a here on campus," he said. "There's the past few years, date-rape mitting an offense involving mari- bond at $100,000, but Wiley's recreations mug, but mixing it no control over how it's made, diugs such as GHB and Liquid G juaiia. lawyer, Ron Tulin, has requested a wrong can do serious hatm and unlike over-the-counter phatma­ are becoming more of a concem During the last school tem1, 58 reduction. even kill you," he said. ceutical mugs." on Eastem's campus, said students were caught with mat'ijua­ Date-rape mugs are sometimes Stenson said although the mug's Mitchell said it is a particularly Judicial Affairs Officer Keith na in university housing. Dating used for recreation, but in many use is often recreational, the poten­ dangerous mug because of the abil­ Kohanzo. back 10 years to the 1989-90 instances, the mug is slipped into tial to be used as a date rape diug is ity to make it anywhere, including "I atn more concemed with school year, 33 students were the m'inks of unsuspecting females, en01mous. bathtubs, tin cans, sinks and other Liquid G only because it is chatged with some offense involv­ and in some cases, males. The mug can be mixed with any common places. becoming too easy to make and is ing mat'ijuaiia. Ben Stenson, director of adult liquid, including soda and juice, "We haven't had a big problem readily available here in this com­ fu the 1990-91 school yeat~ the education and Sexual Assault and is hard to be detected because with (date-rape mugs) yet," he said. munity. Marijuana is the type of lowest number ofmarijuana infiac­ Counseling and Infonnation it is tasteless and odorless. He also stressed the importance mug students experiment with tions was recorded with only 21 Service worker, said students "The potency levels of the mug of students, especially women, to eithet· in high school or here in students caught Howevet~ during should be aware of the effects of are raised when it is mixed with watch their ill'inks and who makes college," Kohanzo said. "Liquid the next four school years the dmg date-rape mugs and take steps to alcohol," he said. it or gives it to them. G is becotning a mug that stu­ probletnincreased. fu 1992-1993, prevent its usage. Stenson also said the weight and Stenson said women should be dents experiment with as a substi­ Stenson also said he is glad genetic hist01y of the person is a tute for the high reached from See MARIJUANA Page 2 someone was caught and atTested factor in how date rape mugs take See LIQUID G Page 2 2 Tuesday, Febn1a1y 8, 2000 The Dally Eastern News

pus but junk food," McNamara said. and great for business. Subway Subway will be located in the "Not much is open dwmg the P.Olice Faitern Martin Luther King Jr. University weekend, and it would be a nice from Page 1 Union in the same region as Chick­ addition to campus," Kupfet-schmid fil-A, which opened last semester. said. News better, because there aren't a lot of Both restaurants v.ill be open fi:om Mike Powell, a. sophomore math­ lilotter The Daily Eastern News is published daily, food choices (on campus)," Esposito 10:30 a.m. to 7:00p.m. Whether the ematics and computer science maj01~ Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill .• dur­ said. two restaw·ants v.ill be open on the said weekend hours are a good idea. ing fall and spring semesters and twice weekly Amy McNamara, a senior psy­ weekends is still being debated, "Subway should definitely be DUI during the summer term except during school Cheston M. Hays, 29, of Paris, O vacations or examinations, by chology major, shares Esposito's Schna.ckel said. opened during the weekend, because I ~~"":a the students of Eastern llinois VIew. Some students said they think I'm het·e almost evety weekend," was chat·ged with driving under Universlty. SUbscription price: the influence at 1:22 a.m. $38 per semester, $1 6 for summer only, $68 all "There is nothing to eat on cam- weekend how·s v.ill be a good thing Powell said. year. The Daily Eastern News is a member of Wednesday at the comer of Lincoln Avenue and 18th The Associated Press. Which is entitled to aware to even said. ''Victims wake up and don't remember what hap­ excklsive use of al articles appearing ® Street. in this paper. The editorials on Page 4 Liquid G watch battenders at pened the night before." represent the majority opinioo of the bars who make the April Bruce, a sophomore accounting major, said a lot edttorial board; all other opinion pieces from Page 1 of victitus think it's just the alcohol because they're not are signed. The Daily Eastern News edttoriat drinks. Domestic Battery and business offices are located in Buzzard Steve Smith, a aware of the true effects. David L. Webb, 21, of the 1800 Hall. Eastern lli nois Universtty. junior health studies rnajor, said he is concerned for his Bruce also said some students may be skeptical about block Madison Ave., was cited Periodical postage paid at ChMeston, IL 61920. fetnale fi"iends when he goes out to parties. liquid G. ISSN 0894-1599. for domestic battery at 4 :37 "I try to make sw-e they keep their drinks with them, "People think because it's a small campus, it doesn't Printed by Eastern Illinois Universtty. p.m. on Saturday at his resi­ ChMeston, IL 61920. and if I need to, I'll personally

Cllg.:t• il;;t:icm to tie 4B RriElJe:lic ~\tiD J:BEi\e:i 4.0 s Early Bird • fir tie Iall ar&«R1 ~ ae s:> porlcf pl. tf/ Valentine Special PrepaY, Your LocalOrd er by February Alana Petrilli Christine Leonard Johanna Welch Megan Weitekamp ' lOtfi &R eceive FREE In-TownDe livery ' Amanda March Ciara Bozart Kara lyn Kasper Melissa Smith (must mentionad to receive offer) Amanda Runyon Cortney McDermott Katie Piel in Rachael Sm ith Amanda Schaefer Courtney Goembel Kelly Huls Rachel Ni nness Send Hea r ts Amy Higham El izabeth Rayhill Kris Guttierrez Robin Mullin Into Orbit! Angie Grainger El izabeth Vogel Krista McVicar Sara Burnett Cosmic Cupid AmyVedin Jami Langlois Laura Schuchard Sarna Nonneman Bouquet $35. oo Beth Schultz Jennifer Hoff Laura Sobzak Shannon O'Keeffe Brenda Russell Jenny Schrock Laura Wolff Shara Koch Deliveries from $13.50 Brooke Lata Jessica Bushur Linda Horwitz Shauna Lipe Noble Flower & Gift Shop Carrie Masek Jill Newbold Lori Chaney Tabitha Wetzel 503 Jefferson [ VISA Jli:IJ. 345-7007 Christina Gugliotta Jody Pauley Lynn Fornoff Thea Barnstable The Daily Eastern News Beauty should not be based on looks I I Editor's note: On~v the hon­ The secondruy audience for orable mention winner from the this song is society at large, but lower division of the Culhtral "Society should the massage is essentially the Dr.-ersity Essay Contest is being concentrate more same ... "maybe I'll get rid of Rinton printed because the first place you and then rll get back to winner did not want the essay on promoting me." Basically. what the song is printed and the second place internal beauty saying is that what society winner could not be contacted. Carrie Wells and a healthy self- thinks of a person is not as page he message in the impotiant as what that person song "Unpretty" by Cultural diversity Essay image ..." thinks of herself. Not everyone Contest honorable mention TLC is pretty clear can fit a cettain image of beau- lower division Tuesday, February 8, 2000 and sn·aight f01ward. ty, and evetyone should have T the experience of finding themselves. The message is that if a woman crumot "look inside" her­ Page4 self she will never be able to fit herself into someone else's Society should not by to make otl1ers fit it1to an imper­ idea of what pretty is. This song is mostly directed to sonal image of physical beauty. "Barbie" is a good exrun­ young women and also to society at lru·ge. With not-so-del­ ple of tllis image. TI1e blonde hait·, blue eyes, big breasts icate phrasing "Unpretty" deals with a major issue and tiny waists are all features considered ideal-but American females face. Tilis issue is that of society's whose ideal? Barbie's prop01tions are exn·emely unrealis­ obsession with outrageous physical beauty. tic and if she were a real woman she would topple over Society in general promotes an unhealthy image of because of the weight of her breasts. Achilling what pretty should be. Women, specifically, are targeted Society should concentrate more on promoting intemal with these ideals. To be pretty one has to be thin- to the beauty and a healthy self image rather than sn·ess the idea point where it is dangerous to the body. Women and young of physical beauty. If someone concentrates only on his or girls are made to feel unattractive and ugly ifthey don't fit her physical image, that person probably will not be worth into this skeletal image of feminine beauty. knowing. dilemma These women and girls sometimes go to frightening Who wants to hang around with people who are only lengths to force their bodies to comply with this image. interested in what they look like? Those people definitely mfmt in the classroom is key to a stu- Bulimia and anorexia are two examples of potentially life will not have anything interesting to say. dent's ability to leam. In some buildings threatening diseases that stem from this problem. This song is beautiful in the fact that it promotes a healtl1y self image. futerestingly. the three women who on campus, the temperature is too hot or Bulimia and anorexia are both eating disorders that, in effect, starve the body of necessary nutrients in order to perfonn "Unpretty" fit the populru· image of beauty - a too cold, making it difficult for students 0 shed weight. These diseases are both addictive, and once a fact that both adds and detracts from theit· message. to concentrate. person starts down this path, she is never happy with her Being it1 the public eye puts these ladies in a situation One building that seems to have a particular progress. The victim's mind set is that she is "fat" - no to understand what pressures women and girls are subject­ problem is the Doudna Fine A.t1s Center. matter what her weight is. If these diseases are tmtreated ed to. The fact that these ladies have sustained the same "The heating and cooling (in the Doudna Fine for very long the victin1literally starves herself to death. pressures means they can identify witl1 theit· audience. It is Alts Center) is at best enatic," said Jeffrey Even victims who are treated can end up dying doubtful that women and girls would heed the advice of Lynch, associate dean of the College of Alts and because the damages have already been caused. These someone who has never been in their situation. Most likely, women and girls would not even take the Humanities. diseases are frequently covered up and practically "pushed under the rug." They are not socially acceptable to talk message seriously wtless these ladies had been through Although there are plans to renovate the Fine about, but ironically, these diseases result from social pres­ some of the same situations. On the other hru1d, these AI1s building in the next year, students with sure. ladies have tmfortunately appru·ently conf01med their classes in the building this semester must bundle The song is saying " ... you could use all the makeup itnages to that of society's ideals. The fact is flitting close­ up before heading to mru1 can make, but if you don't look inside (yourself)," a ly with hypocrisy. TLC should not expect women and girls Climate control class. person will still feel unpretty. If a person does not change to follow its advice, if they personally have not experi­ the way she feels about herself on the inside, she will enced the message of the song. A group should stand Temperatures in the Fine Arts Glenn Hild, chair neYer see herself any differently. Society's ideals of what behind their message and set an example. This group has Center have some classrooms of the art department, not. a little too cool for comfort. beauty is change aU the time. and if one tries to constantly said the building's tem- change herself for them. she willneYer be happy. The fact that TLC chose to sing about this complex perature has been a There are so many different types of beauty and a issue raises several important questions. Do these ladies problem since he came to Eastem in 1979. woman has to find which one fits who she is. One person's regret what they have done to fit society's image of beau­ Overall, the problem is that there is not enough opitlion may not agree with another. As a result, a woman ty? If so, is this song about how they would change their heat for some rooms and too much heat for oth- could exhaust herself trying to comply with other's opin­ actions? Do these ladies believe they have lost track of ers. ions. There are constantly new ways to "improve" oneself who they are? "Hot air or coolant can pass through, but not beit1g it1troduced to society. Perhaps this song is an attempt to recapture their identi­ ties. Quite possibly. they are using "Unpretty" to spread a at the same time," he said. "For lack of a better But if one gets caught up in these techniques and schemes, she runs the serious risk of losing sight of who lesson - a lesson they leamed the hru·d way. Perhaps an word, it's a design flaw." she really is. Wouldn't that be worse than people thinking underlying message in "Unpretty" is that a person should Hild also said when it comes to addressing the she is tmattractive? always stay n·ue to his or her own beliefs. problem, fixing the cunent system would not be "Unpretty" is promotit1g the idea of intemal beauty. "Unpretty" is a necessruy song for today's society. It a good financial decision because of upcoming With society's constant emphasis on physical beauty, peo­ will make at least a few people stop ru1d ponder tl1eir renovations. ple forget that what's on the inside is more itnpotiant. To actions. Society needs to be reminded once in a while that Although the renovations to the building seem really w1derstru1d what beauty is it is necessruy to under­ individuals are just as impottant as the whole. The mes­ to be a good reason to ignore the problem, in the stand what makes people who and what they are. These sage it1 this song is essential. Society must be held accow1table for the problems it creates. This song effec­ long run students and faculty are suffering superficial stereotypes of what physical beauty is detract from enhancing inner beauty. tively points out what is most important - inner strength because of it. Beit1g ugly on the inside is just as unattractive as being and beauty. Even though there must be reasons why the ugly on the outside. In fact. it is much more so. Extemal • Carrie Wells is a freshman pre-med major and a guest colum­ university has not been able to fix the tempera­ beauty only lasts for a relatively short time, but intemal nist for The Daily Eastern News. Her e-mail address is ture problem in the several years there has been beauty is absolute. [email protected]. Columns are the opinion of the author. one, surely the university can come up with ing the Triad "24-hour lab." open later some sort of medium to not only save money but 24-holl' CORfuter lab on the weekends. make students and faculty more comfortable. not so convenient Your tum The sooner the university tends to this prob­ Letters to the editor lem, students and faculty who utilize the Doudna I was thrilled when Eastern finally Virginia Deniston Fine Alts center can be happier and more pro­ decided to have a 24- how·- seven- senior therapeutic recreation major ductive. day- a- week computer lab! Did I say here. To the best of my knowledge seven days a week? I am sorry. I meant only thing that is open 24 hours in five. Eastern, being the wonderful Charleston is Hardees. But wait, look itlStitution it is, decided it would be a out. Here comes a Dermy's. • The editorial is the opinion of the editorial board of The Daily neat idea to tell the students one tiling On Jan. 22, a Saturday evening, I Letter policy Eastern News. and then do another, such as closing attempted to finish a paper before I had The Daily Eastern News accepts the Gregg Triad computer lab eru·ly on to go to work. No such luck. Not a sin­ ,, ______letters to the editor addressing local, the weekends. gle computer lab was open at 7 p.m. state, national ru1d it1temational issues. This has happened to me before. Last Today's quote By early I meru1 5 p.m. on Fridays They should be less than 250 words ru1d Saturdays and II :45 p.m. on yeru· I went to the librruy at 3 p.m. on a and include the author's name, tele­ I do not ask you much: Stmday nights. This means come Friday to work on a paper. It was phone number and address. Students Sunday at II :30 ifl have a paper I for­ dosed. should indicate their year in school I beg cold comfort. got to write and it is due Monday. I am Guess where I then ventured? You and major. Faculty, administration and William Shakespeare, screwed. got it, Marty's. What the heck else was staff should indicate their position and English dramatist and poet, 1564-1616 Why do they do tllis you ask? I going to do? My point is this. Eastern department. Letters whose authors Perhaps it is because of all the excite­ has a population of II,OOO undergrad­ cannot be ,-e.rified will not be printed. ment in Charleston on the weekends. uates. This is a lot of people. folks. Depending on space constraints, we ______,, i.e .. tl1e carniv-al comes to town. that Eastern has a tremendous amount to may haYe to edit your letter, so keep it students forget the reason they are figure out and they can start by keep- as concise as possible.

Send letters to the editor via e-mail to [email protected] The Daily Eastern News Tuesday, Febmruy 8, 2000 5

Historian: Coverage Committee outlines goals of smoking risks was significant External relations group looks at alcohol alternatives MIAMI (AP) - Smokers were exposed to significant By Christine Demma cetns, Cougill said. "Lighting will happen next year news coverage about the dan­ Staff writer The conunittee is looking into because Sixth and Seventh streets Ryan interrogated gers of cigru·ettes and vety little several entertainment options are known as a historic district," on the tobacco industiy's view The extemal relations commit­ including a 24-hour diner and a cof­ Cougill said. about scandal that those risks were small, a tee of Student Senate held its first fee house. The sidewalks will be redone in CHICAGO (AP)- In a historian testified Monday in a meeting with city officials Monday Denny's has been an option in both cement and brick, Cougill snapshot of what Gov. George landmru·k smokers' ti'ial. and identified its goals as providing the past for a 24-hour diner, howev­ said. Ryan's life is likely to be like Thomas DiBacco, a retired entertainment opportunities for stu­ er finding the location is difficult, Pay phones outside of bars was for months to come, an apperu·­ Amet'ican University histmy dents while increasing the city rev­ said Cindy Titus, of the Charleston discussed by corrunittee members. ance Monday to suppoti a bill professor from Palm Beach, enue and addressing student con­ Chamber of Collllllerce. Local phone companies require pay tumed into an intenogation was the industiy's opening wit­ cetus. Titus said the owner of Denny's phones to bring in a certain amount about what he - and his wife ness. Charleston Mayor Dan Cougill couldn't stay in the desired price of profit, Cougill said. - know about the license He testified about his said it's easy for the council to range at the sites he has looked at in The discussion of moving stu­ scandal that is shoving aside review of newspapers and mag­ focus on county issues and to forget Charleston; however, he said he has dents south of the university also most other issues. azines commonly read since the the issues of 10,000 young people. not given up. was on the agenda. At what nmmally might 1950s by three smokers who All council members are inter­ The conunittee also discussed Charleston is a family-oriented have been a low-key event - a filed the class-action lawsuit on ested in the student body's issues, the issue of improving lighting on area and putting students in the news conference about the pro­ behalf of about 500,000 Flot'ida and are taking the time to talk to Sixth and Seventh streets, as well as middle of residential areas can posed Gender Violence Act - smokers. students and listen to their con- making sidewalk repairs. become disruptive, Cougill said. reporters and nearly a dozen Focusing on throat cancer television cruneras packed the victim FmnkAmodeo's pre­ room. The public appearance fened newspaper dw'ing his was Ryan's first since a week­ eru'ly years, the Deu·oit Free Drive targeting minority donors end report that a woman hand­ Press, DiBacco said 94 percent ed Lura Lynn Ryan a letter in of 556 smoking-related news 1998 detailing conuption at a stories focused on health risks. Coordinators hope to up number of bone marrow matches tiuck licensing facility. By Liew Linhai Those who donate will help others with life-threat­ Relatives of air bag Staff writer ening diseases, Haywmth said. 3 teens sentenced "The recipients are patients affected by cancet~ victims push to keep A bone man·ow and blood drive will be held on aplastic anetnia or leukemia, usually diseases that for gang rape warning labels campus specifically targeting minority students attack the bone mrurow," Hayv.•mth said. "And they ROCKFORD (AP)-A because there is a low number of bone matrow match­ have undergone rounds of chemotherapy. A mrurow Wtnnebago County judge sen­ WASHINGTON (AP)­ es for them. transplant is usually the last resott." tenced three teen-agers to more Pru·ents of children killed by air The bone man·ow and blood drive will be held fi:om Leuketnia kills about 30,000 Americans evety yeru~ than a decade in prison each for bags lobbied the govetmnent 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Grand Ballroom of and another 20,000 ru·e diagnosed with it. It is also the participating in the gang rape of Monday to keep su·ongly the Mrutin Luther Luther King Jr. University Union. leading killer of children under 15 in the United States, a 19-yeru·-old woman during a worded waming labels that say For Caucasians, there is a 90 percent chance of find­ according to the Leukemia Society of America. house party last sUllllller. the safety devices can kill ing a bone manow match, but for African Americans, During the actual procedure, a puncture is made on Circuit Judge Richard Vidal young children riding in the there is only a 50 percent chance. The figures dip even the top of the hip bone while the donor is under anes­ said Monday that ifthe cowt front seat. lower for other minorities, according to figures from thesia and a small amount of bone mru1·ow is exti-acted. showed the defendants the same Parents for Safer Air Bags the National Mru1·ow Donor Program. The donor will not feel anything during the procedure, mercy they showed the victim, also encol11'3ged the National The disparity is because of the lower prut icipation but may experience some discomfort days aftetw ard, they would receive the maximUIU Highway Traffic Safety of minorities in manow registiy progrruns, said Trisha Hayworth said. sentence of 60 years in prison. Adminisu·ation to adopt more Haywmth, a representative from the Collllllunity Organizers have high expectations for the event, "But this court is not here for t'igorous ctash tests to certify Blood Setv ices of Illinois. Hayworth said. retribution," said Vidal, who air bags. The group believes There is usually a $75 fee to be registered on the "We hope to get at least 100 minorities to prutici­ noted the defendants' age and that would force automakers to donor program, but for this drive, the fee has been pate," she said. "They ru·e gt·ossly under-represented in lack of criminal records. put safer air bags in new cars. waived to atti-act potential donors, said Isabel Castro, these progmrus." All three pleaded guilty to Air bags have been blamed campus coordinator for the event. To be registered, stu­ The program is sponsored by the Office for aggtavated criminal sexual for at least 146 deaths, mainly dents will have their bone manow tested. The bone Minority Affairs as prut of the activities for African assault and aggtavated kidnap­ young, unbelted children and manow will not be donated until a recipient is found. American Heritage Month, and representatives fi:om ping. Under an agt'eelllent v.rith some shoti er women whose "We are tiying to increase minority donations since the Collllllunity Blood Services will collect blood sam­ prosecutors, the defendants were necks were broken by the force it's easier to find a match within one's own family and ples. to have their sentences on the of the bags in low-speed crash­ ethnicity," Casu·o said. "We have to increase minority Infonnation from the blood samples will be sent to two Class X felonies run concw·­ es they should have survived, pruticipation as many ru·e not aware of these pro­ the database of the National Mrurow Donor Progt·am rently. according to NHTSA data. gt-arus." where srunples will be used to find a suitable recipient.

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Ghostface Killah: Supreme Clientale Grammy's Nominees: 2000 ~ -- -lo'l-,... M.C. Breed: Rare Breed ..... ~-. . Blood & Tears: Soundtrack 6 Tuesday, Februruy 8, 2000 The Daily Eastern News Second frre evacuates Taylor Two drug companies No injuries or damage caused by blaze; cause unknown merge; combination By AmyThon about 9 p.m. mine the cause of the fire. The News editor "This time it took longer to let sprinklers also went off on the third people in because we actually aired floor. which may indicate the fire For the second time in as many out the floors," said Amy Price, res­ stax"ted near the third floor. expected to be No. 1 weeks, the residents of Taylor Hall ident director. "(The smoke) was "We're sick of this," said Cathy Monday were evacuated after a fire pretty bad." Jones, a sophomore chemistry NEW YORK (AP) - After a ,, ______started in the trash chute, firefight­ Nees said a considerable major. "We've been down here like bruising three-month takeover bat­ ers said. axnow1t of smoke was in the build­ an how· and 1/2." tle, Pfizer Inc. stmck a deal to buy We predict the integration No one was hw"t and no damage ing. Jones said the residents are frus­ Waxner-Latnbert Co. for $92.5 bil­ will go very smoothly. was repot"ted as a result of the fire A meeting with all residents was trated because of the evacuation, lion Monday in a merger that puts that began about 7:45p.m. held immediately after students and that the problem has repeated­ Viagra and the blockbuster choles­ William C. Steere Jr. "We don't know how it stat-ted. were allowed back in the building. ly been in the not"th tower of the terol dmg Lipitor in the same cor­ Pfizer chair and chief executive We will attempt to find out," said Residents were encouraged to be building. porate medicitte cabinet. Dax1·ell Nees. Chax·leston fire chief. more careful with what they throw Fans were brought in to air out The combined compax1y. to be ____ "We're actively ptu·stting this." dovm the trash chute, Price said. the building. said Teny Newell, called Pfizer, will be the world's ,, Students were evacuated and She said the firefighters looked member of the Chadeston fire second-largest drugmaker. But if allowed back in the building at through all the trash to help deter- depat"tment. the merger succeeds as analysts the air," said Dr. Joseph Zatllillit­ expect, the company is expected to Lucia, president of London-based vault to No. 1 within two years. Cambridge Pharma Consultancy. The challenge for executives of De Vmk last November agreed Two planes collide, killing 4 both companies is to put aside their to a takeover by American Home nasty accusations and lawsuits and Products. De Vmk was to be the top llllite their research, sales and man­ executive of the combined Witness: 'We heard a loud popping sort of sound' ufacturing efforts. American Home-Waxner-Latnbert. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Two small planes collided Alaska Airlines crash off the Southem California coast For consumers, the gargantuan But P1izer stepped in with its OWil over Los Angeles and dropped out of the clear, SU1111Y when the two small planes collided overhead about merger will have little short-tenn hostile offer. sky Monday. one of them crashing in flatnes on a golf 9:50a.m. effect The new P1izer v.ill control Pfizer won by offering 2.75 course. All four people aboard were killed. "We heard a loud popping sot"t of sonnd," said Jeff less than 7 percent of the world shares of its stock for each Watner­ No one on the grotmd was lnu"t. Childers, 50. "It immediately exploded on the lines, market for prescription dmgs. Lambet"t share, a deal valuing Two men were killed in the plane that plnnged then fell to the gronnd and bwued itltensely. You could But the companies contend that Wamer-Latubert at $101.06 a share. through power lines and landed on the golf course, and smell the seat materials attd fuel bw11ing." by combining they will be able to ht tradittg Monday on the New a couple believed to be in their 60s died in the other One plane was a single-engitte Bellanca Citabria. more effectively develop new med­ York Stock Excl1at1ge, Wamer­ plane, which fell into the trees neat· busy Interstate 5, The other was described ouly as an experimental ait·­ icines and hold down expenses. Lambet"t rose $2.75 to $97.41 1/4, said Fire Depat"tment spokesman Bob Collis. craft. "We predict the integration will Pfizer rose $1 to $36.75 and Golfers on the sixth faitway at Cascades Golf Club Both planes had been in contact with neax·by Van go very smoothly," said William C. American Home gained $2.93 3/4 scattered as bwning debris fell out of the sky over the Nuys Aitpot"t but neither repot"ted problems before­ Steere Jr., P1izer chaitman and chief to $48.43 3/4. San Femando Valley. hand, said Federal Aviation Admittistration spokes­ executive, who will lead the busi­ Before moving fotwax·d, One group of golfers was talking about last week's woman Kirsti Dwm. ness. Wamer-Latnbet"t will pay American Waxner-Latnbert chaitman and Home $1.8 billion - the largest CEO Lodewijk J.R. de Vmk is step­ breakup fee it1 history. American The Spring Break Guide is coming. Advertise now ping aside once the merger is com­ Home will use the money to help pleted this stunmer. pay the legal bills from health "The fact that de Vmk will not claims brought by customers who before you miss out. Call 2816 for information. be staying will be sufficient to clear used its diet drugs.

: ~ PARK PLACE AP. The only OFF campus Housing RENTAL ON Campus SMORGASBORD qsu ~,~~s E~ {Located across from the Union on 71h Street) ~ Now Leasing for FAIL • 2, & 3 Bedrm • Central AC ~t YO~~ Furnished Units • Balcon~ • Free Parking • Laundry GroupHousae • Free Trash • Dishwashers 2-5 persona, 10 or 12 months ~f~~E~~S Q Open House , 4-6pm Feb 8th LIMITED Two & Tbree Bedroom Apartments Look for 2 &: 3 B ed ­ $4ZO tD $1510 par mo. per apt. Park Place at EIU's room Apart· men ts Left housing fair Act F ast!! One Bedroom Apartments EffteieiiC)' Apettmenta Privacy - Priced for one A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A e ~ ~ e Showing M-F, 10 to 4 ( ' e In s upport of Hear t Awa reness Week, ~ I ~ e Uat& at 1&12 A street I I e Alpha Phi will be selling Ca ndy Gra ms ~ I ~ e 34& 4488 e for $1.50 and .50¢ raffels for a ~ ~ e e Beanie Baby or dinner for t wo! > Place a ~ e , BIRTHDAY AD ~ Your support is greatly appreciated! :& e > with a 1 <1> A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ~ PHOTO & ME SSAGE Spicy Chicken Sandwich w/chips $3.~ ~ \ 345-7849 ~ ' Express Lunch Menu Available ~ Drink Specials Bert & Ernie's/Baltimore Zoos $4 . ll The Daily Eastern News Tuesday, Febmruy 8, 2000 7 Bulatovic Odin man could defense face prison time under new state minister pornography law SALEM (AP) -The pictures at·en't exact­ killed ly authentic. They feature yearbook pictures of sour-looking teen-aged faces pasted cmdely BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) atop images of older bodies engaged in sex - Yugoslav Defense Minister Pavle acts. Bulatovic was shot Monday in a But these computer-generated depictions Belgrade restaurant, officials and found in the possession of a few high school­ Belgrade media reported. Militaty ers could send an Odin man to prison for child officials said he died later in a hos­ pomography- even though the teen-aged boys pital. pictured never took their clothes off and may The independent Studio B tele­ have even asked for the simulated sex shots. vrsron said Bulatovic, a Wayne Friend is believed to be the first Montenegrin who was close to Illinoisan convicted of child pomography Yugoslav President Slobodan under a 1999 state law prohibiting the creation Milosevic, was in the restaurant of or possession of images that merely appeat· to the soccer club Rad when he was depict children in a pomographic manner, shot along with t\¥o other people. Marion County State's Attomey James Militaty officials and those close Creason said. to Bulatovic's Socialist Peoples' Friend, 55, was convicted in October and Patty said the defense minister died sentenced to four years in prison on the in Belgrade militaty hospital. The pomography chat·ge. He pleaded guilty and independent Beta news agency also received probation on related charges concem­ said he had died. ing videotapes he secretly made of himself Studio B said one or more having sex with women. attackers fired through a window of Mandy Marshall / Photo editor Constitutional questions sw1·ounding the the restaurant, hitting Bulatovic and case are expected to emerge when Friend two other men from behind. They Brick by brick . appeals his pomography conviction later this were taken to a militaty hospital. Tony Craven, a worker out of the physical plant, replaces mortar between bricks Monday afternoon on the so~th s1d~ year. The attack came less than a of the Student Services building. Craven and crew have already completed replac1ng the mortar on Old Ma1n, but it The law, which mitTors a federal statute month after Serbia's most fatned is an on-going project all over campus. passed in 1999, responds to an increasing con­ wat·lord, Zeljko Raznatovic, known cem among law enforcement officials and as Arkan, was gunned down in a legal experts that computer technology is mak­ Belgrade hotel. ing it easier and cheaper for child pomogra­ More than a dozen prominent Yahoo! Inc. suffers breakdown phers to mat·ket their material. people, some close to Milosevic, WASHINGTON (AP) -Yahoo! Inc., which their Web site was unavailable. But it also raises legal questions about what have been killed in Belgrade in the runs the most populat· site on the Intemet, suf­ Yahoo said the problems began Monday about 'simulating a minor' means, and how broadly past decade. Most of the killings fered technical problems Monday and its flagship 1:45 p.m. EST. The problem also appat·ently pre­ such standards could be intetpreted, said Jean have never been solved or the cul­ Web directoty was inaccessible for much of the vented all the company's customers fi:om access­ Goodwin, an assistant professor of communi­ prits uncovered. day. ing free e-mail accounts through the Web site, but cation studies who reseat·ches free speech Bulatovic, 52, had been defense The company issued only a. shott statement it didn't affect customers' home pages on issues at Northwestem University. minister ofYugoslavia since 1994. acknowledging the outage and promising, "We're Geocities, ov.'Iled by Yahoo. "If a woman is dressed like a school girl but He was a member ofa. pro-Sed> fac­ working as quickly as possible to identify and The failure didn't affect the company's stock she is clearly not under 18, is she simulating tion in Montenegro loyal to con-ect the situation." Company officials were Monday, when it traded close to where it had someone who is?" she said. "The problems Milosevic, who is Serbian. forced to deliver the admission by phone since opened at neat·ly $353. with these statutes is their vagueness."

~t'll.l.: ,K,OG [KS l~ : ·~ ,:.~: 2.tl\l The [lc,L·m;ol·· ·1l :;.-jl H. ~ un · ..; ~- ~ . .. 1.. -:. . \' .:(IJ'"••·.:" ' f-.)1 •• mrJ.u .:·.. _,:•.·. :·. 1 ~ .. . -·------.. -· African American Heritage Committee 1 Walker & Mon: Blue Marquitas $2 would like to Welcome.· (11"11 FI:IIOIII!':) LaBatts Blue $1 .50 IUITOOIIIIDT'OIIftl ues: Euchre Tourney 1:w &.n/tih1 lhliHJF~ It IJIIIIflv 11811)' lo ..lind Cash prizes wtn181:1,W.. $1.25 Domestic Drafts alternate astronaut, and Vice President =tOIIMDQDINAU &I 'r, ed: Honey Brown 50¢ for Honeywell Corporation. hurs: FOOS Tourney • QD1111 en ri'•'1JJIIW8 3.. Cash Prizes A campus - wide presentation •FIOUtrl~l Rail Drinks $1.50 •hiD l'llllllllfp ~- Fri: Domestic Bottles $1 .50 will be held in the MLK Grand Ball Room .., ... nl._ .... ., P!BRUM'f. Sat: Corona &Dos Equis Wednesday February 9th at B.·OOpm...... lllilkdldlb...... $2.00 IIDI-.dfllt~

Stuck between a rock ABX~ErHI~KAMNOTI0PLTY<;Q3\f'ZABUErHI ~ and a hard spot? ~ Junior Greek Council ~ Need Money??? ~ 0 ~would like to congratulate the new member§ ~ classes for receiving first in grades ~ ~ for Fa111999! < ~ ~ SCREA"'J ~ ~ .. • . . r .. ' li Every Tuesda •.•. i ... .L • •• • .. '• == '' I' r. I ' ',.--·- ~ Alpha Phi 3.1585 ~ HOT WINGS §Sigma Phi Epsilon 2.6610 ~ only 25¢ each 0 ~ ~ ~ Ask which import ELE1118EHOLDER ADVERTISE!!! ~ ~ bottles are $2.00 FWAN MtGREGOR liJ 09 an uren 34 -2380 TY<;Q3\f'ZABX~ErHI~KAMNOTI0PLTY <;Q3\f'ZAB 8 ClassifiedadV~fJ!§.iD.g __Tu-esday ,_Febru-ary8,_2ooo

Help wanted Help wanted For rent For rent Sublessors Travel

HELP WANTED Expanding our Covenant Developmental Training pets. References & Deposit Now leasing for Fall 2000 1, 2, & 3 Female roommate needed ASAP Mardi Gras. Reps. needed ... Travel staff- looking for high energy peo­ Center has several openings at required. Available May. Near bedroom apartments. Close to for this spring semester. $215 per free. 800-838-8203/www.leisure- ple with a superior attitude. Apply both the Charleston and Mattoon Campus- 2 Rm. & bath efficiency campus. Phone 345-6533 for month. Call 345-5402. tours.com after 2 p.m. in person at Joeys, sites. Great opportunities await Apt. Private Parking-stove, ref, details. 2/15 ______2/ 18 405 A. Lincoln for in-shop and working with the DO population. microwave furnished. No Pets. ------...,....,.-5/4 delivery positions. Direct care (CNA's, habilitation References & Deposit Required. Nice close to campus unfurnished Roommates Personals 219 aides) positions available immedi­ Available May. J.P Furlong Com houses for 2000 - 2001 school -=-s u-M,...,..,-M"'E"'R---:C:-A-:-M-:P,..-...,.P=-o=-s=-1-=T~I ONS ately. $6.50/hr for part-time, $6.75 Realtors. 345-8600. year. No pets. $265 per person Local Girl Scout Resident Camp for full-time positions in -,-.,--.,..------'2/15 per month. 12 month lease. Call 1-2 Fern. Roommates needed for Shawn Hogan of Kappa Delta: seeks nurse, lifeguards & coun­ Charleston. Excellent benefits 1, 2,3 Bedroom houses, newly 345-3148 FA/SP 2000. Brittany Ridge. Will Hope you have a good week and selors to lead girls in camp activi­ package for FT incl. remodeled, off campus, references ---,------'5/4 have own room. 2 1/2 bath WID. a fabulous weekend. KD Love ties; horseback riding, swimming, Health/life/dental/401 K, paid train­ and deposits required, call 345- 2, 3, & 4 bedroom houses avail­ Call Amy 345-7948. and Mine, Jen Hokinson. canoeing, crafts, cook-outs, hik­ ing. Great for students will work 3411. able Aug. Ex. condition, good -----,------...,.-·2/10 ------219 ing. This rewarding experience around your class schedule. ------'2/15 location, No pets. Williams Rental 1 or 2 roommates needed for fur­ Marty's and Budweiser are partic- requires strong desire to work Great experience to include on a House for rent in Charleston. 16 W. 345-7286. nished apartment, nearly new, ipating in the MDA BUY A SHAM­ closely with girls in the rustic out­ resume. Apply at 521 7th st in Polk. 4 bedroom. Summer Lease. --...,....,.-==---,....,...,.-=--=...,-oo across the street from Domino's. ROCK PROJECT. Shamrocks are doors. Call 812-232-0104 for Charleston or 4555 US Highway 348-6782 Leasing for Fall 2000 1, 2, &3 bed- Call 348-5290. $1 or a gold one for $5. Put it on applications. 45 (South Lakeland Blvd) in ------,------'2/16 room apt. Clean, good loc. ex. 2/17 the wall in Marty's to let everyone =------...,....,.-~219 Mattoon. EOE. Hansen Apts.- unique apartments condition no pets Williams know what a good person you are. Pizza maker wanted full or part .,...,.------·3/10 can furnish for 2 to 4 people. Off Rentals. 345-7286. For sale HELP JERRY'S KIDS! time. Apply in person after 4 PM $1500 weekly potential mailing street parking. 2 blocks from =------00 Pagliai's Pizza, 1600 Lincoln, our circulars. No experience Buzzard. Call 345-5088. For Rent Clean apartments and Get------~ ready for those Valentine219's Charleston. required. Free information packet. -=-=------'2/18 houses for the next year begin­ Couch, love seat, and ottoman, Dances! 10 tans $25 Tropi-Tan ------,--...,....,.--·2/10 Call 202-452-5942. 1 BR apt. dose to campus. 204 W. ning the first of June, 2000. 1-4 less than one year old, dark green 618 W. Lincoln 348-8263. Wilb Walkers is looking for some------,----...,....,..5/1 Grant. Heat, water, trash induded. Bedroom properties beginning at pillow back style. $600 obo. Call --~-~~~---,----' 00 one to work MWF for 4 hours each Attention! Attention! Psychology, AC. Private Parking. $390/mo. $190.00 a person @. Some evenings at 345-1558. KEGS AND EGGS? Plan your day in the Floral Dept. Job entails Sociology, Special education, and Available August 2000. 345-6222 or places are close, some are not. 2/18 beer breakfast at Marty's today. upkeep and displaying of flowers other majors. Gain valuable expe­ 581-6367. Clean and reasonably priced. NO --...,....------,---:-- '00 and plants. If interested please rience by working with Adults and -=-=------...,---,-,'2/18 PETS. 345-4494 or 232-0656. Services offered Mothers is available for functions. call 235-5444 ext. #236 Children with developmental dis­ 2 BR furnished apts. and 3 BR fur­ ______00 •Exclusive use of mothers shuttle ______.2/10 abilities. FLEXIBLE scheduling nished house. Available June 15th. All new 1 bedroom apartments (door to door service) •unbeliev­ Hope House and the Arcola CILA for EVENING, NIGHT, and Security and lease required. No just being built. Available Fall. GLOWSTICKS ONLY $.99! able specials ($1 u call it) •moms have FT opening for 3-1 1 pm shift WEEKEND shifts. Paid training is pets. 348-8305 Renting for $500/mon. for 2 peo­ PLUS VALENTINE'S DAY GIFTS provides snacks •juice bar •oJ Sat-Wed. and Thurs-Mon. We provided. Apply at: CCAR ---,....,.-,:,-,.------'2/18 ple. 117W. Polk St. 348-7746. FOR LOVERS. GRAND BALL. playing all of your requests. Dave also have a weekend 11pm-7am Industries, 1530 Lincoln, 1 and 2 BR furnished apts. available ----,------,---.,..-00 345-2617. 345-2171 9am-11am for details. shift and a temporary 6am-12pm, Charleston, IL 61920. June 15th. Security and lease Apts. for rent, 1, 2, and 3 bed- ______.2/ 16 '00 M-F. Must be 18 and have a high 5/1 required. No pets. 348-8305. room, nice places, available school diploma or GED. Apply at =---=------'2/18 August. No pets. 345-7286. Travel Your ad should be 106 E. 2nd South St., Arcola. For rent Fully furnished 1 three bedroom unit ,.------,------,----00 2/14 across from Buzzard Building on 9th Summer/Fall New 2 bedroom 2 p=-o=-s=-=r.=-A_L_Jo-=--=-Bs-=--=To--1-=-8. ...,. 3.,..5/H---=-R.· Inc. St. 2 two bedroom units on Lincoln bath : air, washer/dryer. 3/2 bed­ ACT NOW! Last chance to benefits, no experience. For app., Nice 1 bedroom apt for single or St. leasing for Yr. 2000-2001. Call room Harrison. 348-5032. reserve your spot for SPRING exam info, 1800-813-3585, Ext. double occupancy. Furnished, 10 348-0157. BREAK! Discounts for 6 or more! HERE ----,----,...,.--,---00 2434, 8 am-9pm, 7 Days, fds, inc. or 12 mo. lease $420/mo. ,--,-,---,------~2125 1 and 3 bedroom furnished hous- South Padre, Cancun, Jamaica, call581-2812 2121 includes CIPS, trash, water. Bell Red Door Apartments. 1 bed- es available June 1st. Security Bahamas, Acapulco, Florida & W""'I-LD=-L-IF::-:E,...,-J-=-o -=-BS::--:T:-:0--:-2-1. .,... 60/HR. Great location. Call 345-4185. room $350,2 bedroom $500, 3 bed­ and lease. 345-4010 INC. BENEFITS. Game Wardens, leave message. room $690, 11 1/2 mo. lease. NO ,--...,....,.------.,--oo Security, Maintenance, Park ~=-==------.,...~-,...,.----~9 PETS. Office 345-1266 or 345-3554 Furnished student house 3 to 5 Campus Clips Rangers. No exp. needed. For 4 BR house partially furnished. ------~.,..------'2129 girls, nice, 2 minutes from old app. and exam info call 1 ~00~ 1 3- Close to Campus. 345-6533 for Furnished 4 & 5 BR apartments. main on 7th St. 348-8406. 3585, ext 2435, 8am-9pm, 7 days, details. Laundry, parking, low utilities. 6 ______00 fds inc. ------,------.,...--- 2/10 blocks North of Hardees $205 per Large three bedroom apartment BLACK STUDENT UNION. Weekly meeting on Tuesday, 2121 Apartment for rent immediately. Br. 262-3291. in residential building at 300 Feb 8 at 6pm in the Kansas Rm, MLK Union. A-=JT=E=--N-=T=-Io=-N-:--:-C-:-0 .,--M-=-PA-N...,.Y---,SEEK- Very close to campus. Please call --,-...,.----~2129 Harrison. $195 per month/person. ING responsible individuals to (423)-266-6838. After 5pm to Efficient 1, 2, 3 bedroom apts. Heat, 10-month lease, water and trash THE SOCIETY OF METAPHYSICAL ADVANCEMENT. work in a residential facility. FT/PT inquire. water and trash furnished. Excellent paid. Call David McGrady at 348- Weekly meeting on Tuesday Feb. 8 at 7:30pm in the positions available with opportuni­ -=--~----=----~--~·2/1 0 condition. 345-3754. 8258. Oakland Room of the Union. All are welcome! ty for advancement with 4, 6, and For Rent 4 Bedroom 2 bath 250 + ------=------~312 00 8 hour shifts. BENEFITS (FT) Life, Deposit. Available Aug. 1st. 1210 Apartments for rent 2 and 3 bed- Health, and Dental Insurance, Division. 235-0939 room, some units indude all utilities. Sublesors NEWMAN CATHOLIC CENTER. Mass today at 12:05 401K retirement program, paid -=--~-----.,...~--,------·2/1 0 All apartments are furnished. 1107 vacations and sick days, plus For Rent 3 BR House for 3 or 4 and 1109 third. 345-3100. Office p .m . at the Nev.'lllan Chapel across from Andrews and more. No experience necessary. students for 2000-01 school year. hours M-F 3:00-6:00 One sublessor needed for school Lawson Hall. Paid Certification Program. EARN $200/each. 345-2017 after 6 pm. ------,....,----'~1 0 year 2000-2001. Apartment to WHILE YOU LEARN. STARTING .,.----...,.-,----,,--...,.------·2/10 McArthur Manor Apts. 2 Bdrm, fur- share with 2 girls on 2nd street, SALARIES: CNAs/Habilitation Best Value 2 bedroom nicely fur- nished. 10-12 month lease $470/mo. close to campus. 3 bedroom, 1 PLEASE NOTE: Campus Clips are run free of charge ONE DAY ONLY for any Aides .... $8/hr, $8.05/hr after 90 nished apt. Near campus $250 No pets. No Parties. 345-2231 . 1/2 bath, fully furnished. non-profrt, campus organizational event. No parties or fund raising activities and days. Programmers .... $6.75/hr. each for 2. 10- month lease. 348- $260/mon. Please call: 345- events will be printed. All clips should be submitted to The Daily Eastern News Activity Aides.... $6.75/hr. 0288 AVAI--=--=----~---~LABLE AUGUST. 2 bedroom~1 , 3862. office by noon ONE BUSINESS DAY BEFORE DATE OF EVENT. Example: an Janitorial/Housekeeping/Laundry.. ~--.,.------~:-::----'2/1 0 1 1/2 bath, furnished apt. 12 month ,..---,-,-.,-...,.------,--·2/10 event scheduled for Thursday should be submitted as a Campus Clip by NOON .. $6.40-6.80/hr. Apply at 738 18th Near Campus-Lg. 2 BR, 1 Bath, lease. 1017 Woodlawn Dr. 348- Female Sublessor needed ASAP at by Wednesday. (Thursday is deadline for Friday, Saturday, or Sunday events.) Street Charleston, IL EOE. Apt. private parking, Stove, Ref, 7746 2nd Street Apartment. 345-5464. Clips submitted AFTER DEADLI NE WILL NOT be published No dips will be ______2125 Microwave, Trash Compactor. No ______.2/14 taken by phone Any dip that is illegible or contains conflicting int>rmation WILL ------~~1 NOT BE RUN. Clips may be edited for available space.

ACROSS M o.t•l'gCint lar!JUL t1Jal _ The Daily Eastern News 1 Chartil Pal1lar's !5 Rr.:l8e'i fi2 LLfe sh8pe rnuelc Br"'OIdway beau A Uka a eweep"s Classified ad form • Hlgh-(ND I!I.Cil.,l1 38 Lavlsn attenlion unifoo'n 9 "Guf"GGI Din· (on) t4 Emi-ol·ctate wmg ~Red-~ lli!P'!) Name: ______1II f'~;~ rt urwtillif'& 40 •Mrs.. Brittan• 15 Paurld of poetJy I:N!I}irming euehor Corltlel Ui Adofabl& 41 Abbr. in mM}I DOWN Address:------11 H~ tohave o om~n~ 1 Tril!lngulur sail flamss Phone: ______Student: o Yes o No 17 It 1\111 a broad a Job CIUiar sld9 4.2 L.ancelo(s a1tll'lll notall or'\ 18 QJpld 43 FIOOrn to relu ! Oefit'lllely a In 11 LOwlanda, to fk.Jnldng acore IW Potar Df Paul Under classification of:------­ posts 4 R:n.r~ ttt~r of 20 !kckeya 46 On plnli!lllll~ SIOiclsm Expiration code (office use only):------­ rta.CI188 13 Do 110 m e11'1 l ~ 5 li~ c:;abc Oil i!l Person accepting ad: Compositor: __ Z4 MaatBr's U P rir;H lo, to Pr1ot tail'ly nay 47 G9rllitic inila. I "Serpk:C" No. words I days: __ Amount due: $.______'lfcllc:e 25 II ~ frol'n C 41 PVJkeye ~Sid l1 8)' Payment: IOC ill Bum soolhelli 7 Rwtlng oo .II An~ ~Canyon I Wl'oOI'U 1he Check No. __ .:u • !ii.OPI!osad Mazon rise:s RI:IM~IIIlr" ' lliO Color 1alnltf 9 Tc no avail 10 __-f cut all Dates to run: ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 11 Pickle purve'f'D' ------r::-r:::'r.o1...... ,n 12 t.ogfool SISJ't? Ad to read: ~~M+iiir4 13 Ot'g. 31~riM 47 L1911sr~nW~ , to ti1 Graudl "'i+i+:::+i"'+.H 21 Pne called it Leno "grlrn. t~ l'l!l e.in l')r, U GtllluraJ values S2Whopper gh8Stty, Q81Jnl ::!8 Tab anclhGr 41 1.temafl{' 53 End of a dean and onliiiOU6"' sh ot rnuslclll li4 Don JUI!I'\'8 2:1 ~~~hop as "Ti!J lllaiW site 41Mi~b8g mcthar ..;..+:+i:+::-1 aUJlpief 31 AWful 50 EBling peu Ill TOll tiAI'IIIIna -n+ii+r.ft-1 as ~ at 38 "Ghos.ts• w.ittJ a lcrllle, e.g. !8 Author Lftln ~.-....;i:+ilirhPt:t M Hunger fur p l ayw r1 ~ -:t,~:+;tm 'D Mlxin of Ss.ILI'n Wlelantl west or 21 " Ri ~t on!" Maui 28 Olldlke, a.tilt 44 Reliable lhen some 4& Show b' thB -:"-tilmrfhjrt 30 Dl)oit- flrat !hle }1 oo ra elfc:j re' 48 Dips dec:k DEADLINE 2 p.m. PREVIOUS DAY - NO EXCEPTIONS needS buUoo The News reserves the right to e

By Kyle Bauer Eastem is now starting to forget about all Feb. 21. kids out there," Winkelet· said. "In tenus of Sports editor that and look ahead to the future as it statts The teatn has been practicing for only a volleyball recruiting, I was late. But we should spring practices. With the spring season just sh01t time, but Winkelet· said she has not know more in the next couple of days." Over the course of the past three months, weeks away, the Panthers have begun working encountered many problems as of yet. Also on Eastem's to-do-list is to hire an Eastem's women's volleyball teatn has under­ out with their new coach. "The transition has been a good one," she assistant coach. The assistant's position was gone a lot of changes. After winning the Ohio "We get eight hours a week right now," said. "Things have gone well and I feel vety vacated by Andrew Epperly, who was origi­ Valley Conference regulat· season title in head coach Brenda Winkeler said of her prac­ cornf01table at Eastetn." nally hired as an assistant to Betty Ralston at 1999, the Panthers were bounced from the tice load. "We get to do individual work and The only problems Wmkeler has come the statt of the 1999 season. OVC postseason tournatnent in the first we can work in individual groups of two or across in her shott time as head coach have Epperly was promoted to interim head round. three so I will take separate positions and dealt with recmiting. Because ofthe tinting of coach last season when Ralston left her posi­ Shortly after the season ended, the team work on techniques." her hiring, Wmkelet· did not have much time tion to become Eastern's Director of had to adjust to its second coaching change in Eastem will statt its spring season with to do her ov.'Il recmiting. Compliance. Epperly coached without any as many years. three toumatnents, the first of which statts "It was difficult, but there wet·e still a few assistants. ...---For a limited time only! Don't miss out with guat·d Kyle Hill averaging Perfect 19.6 points and 4.7 rebounds per gatne. Hill's 19.6 points is tied for from Page 12 second best in the OVC. Point guard Matt Britton is the only active Panther besides Hill w~ ~ ®~~~~:~N~~~ have to do is force him to shoot averaging above double figures in PERSONAL in the February 14th from fatther out." points. To compliment Heard, Smith The junior is scoring 10 .4 ed it ion of the has quickly become one of the points per gatne and is passing out most exciting newcomers to the 4.5 assists per game, which is Daily Eastern News conference. good enough for fifth in the OVC. DEADLINE Th ursday, Smith, a fotw ard, is averaging Despite having only two play­ 16.3 points per game, and is also ers averaging double figures in FEBRUARY lOth grabbing 8.7 rebounds per game. points, the Panthers have had a Tell that special The j unior is also 1Oth in the OVC balanced offense this season. in steals. Josh, You're the one With injuries plaguing Eastern, someone exactly how "He has made as huge impact it has had many players come off for me. Be my as anyone has had on any teatn in the bench and tum in solid efforts. you feel about them! valentine baby the conference season," Samuels "It's going to take the whole said. troop to play well for us to win," "He's a tenacious rebounder, Satnuels said. and he's a great scorer with a good You mean the world to "But if we can get guys like your field goal percentage." John Smith going, and guys like me Jason. Happy V-day. secret The Golden Eagle defense will Hill and Michael Fonest to score also have their hands full tonight Love Sarah valentine we should be OK."

(1X1) $5.00 0 (1X2) $8.00 rr Bring payment to: .------1 1 ------~Student I I Publications Office I I 1802 Buzzard Building I :Name All ads must be in by 2 pm on I 1Address February 1Oth I I Phone I L:------:1 Classifiedadv~rJ!§.igg ____

Announcements Announcements Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Tan Lines Special. 4 tans = $10.00 Package expires 2129. Call 345- 5666 for an appointment Make this year --~~~~~~~~~8 Lead Guitarist for Great Scott (for- merly URB) and Berklee College of Music Alums now offering guitar lessons. Contact Aaron: 348- last forever ... 7873. ---~~--~--~~~~8 Competent, experienced drummer with aphoto looking to start or join 70's thru con­ cert rock band. Can play most styles; prefer "guitar rock." I have a P.A., practice space, and light show. Pictures will betaken: Call Caleb @ 348-0095, or stop by @ 1542 4th st apt 2 Across from Monday-Friday Phys. Science Building. of next week in Mother Goose & Grimm by Mike Peters -~~~~~~~~~~9 This Week Only! 10 tans for $24 with a free body treatment. Golden the Union Goddess Studio on the square (in basement of Rasor's Edge). 348- 1887. Don't be the ONLY ~ 1 0 F--=RA-:::r=E::::R:-:-N:-::IT""IE=s::-::•-=-so=R=-o=R=-=I=TI:=:ES'CL person in your class UBS'STUDENT GROUPS': not in the Warbler Student Organizations earn $1,000-$2,000 with the easy cam­ yearbook. pusfundraiser.com three hour fundraising event. No sales required. Fundraising dates are fill­ Call581-2812 for ing quickly, so call today! Contact campusfunraiser.com, (888)923- more info or to make 3238, or visit www.campusfundrais- an appointment er.com. ------~8 10 Tuesday, Febmruy 8, 2000 The Dally Eastern News Schreiber from Page 12

If they can land the N o. 1 seed, they w ill make it easier on themselves, cmTently having a 17-game home winning streak. Delta Zeta 42, The atmosphere in Conceco Dangerous Girls 34 Fieldhouse is like that of a high school game, but there are 18,000 people acting a fool for The Dangerous Girls ran into some prob­ the Pacers. Tough for a road team lelllS Monday night as the Delta Zetas out-hus­ to deal with. tled and out-shot the Dangerous Girls with a One last note on the Pacers, final score of 42-34. Rik Smits is the damn biggest "1hey were really quick mnning the floor," man ever on the planet. I was Ashelee Heinz, who finished v.rith eight points, about two feet away from the said, ''We ran the fust break vety well and we monster when I first took a look had quick passing and we also hustled pretty at him. The phrase is "seeing is good tonight." believing," I think, and 7-foot-4- The Dangerous Girls surged a late second inches is something that you can­ half come back afta· trailing 22-14 at the halt; not fathom until you see it up cutting the lead to 40-34 with 54.2 ticks left on close ... WOW! the clock. I missed everything to do with But the Delta Zetas ran the clock out v.rith the NHL all-star game, and did­ two minutes left, forcing the Dangerous Girls n 't feel a drop of remorse, but to foul them to stop the clock. that has been kind of clear to me The Delta Zetas cwrently have a record of for a while. 4-1 as an A-team squad in intramural play and What I did discover is that the Danget'OUS Girls have a record of3-2, one minor-league hockey rules. I got win coming fi·om a forfeit to see the Indianapolis Ice play "I think we have a good chance ofw inning the San Antonio Iguanas it all;' Heinz said. "The only loss we've had is Saturday. It took all of one against Eastem's volleyball team; they have a minute and 25 seconds for a fight lot more endw'llllce and they can tun on you a to break out, and it was all remi­ lot fusta·." niscent of the movie "Slap Shot" fi·om there. Shockers 56, Travelers 48 There w ere even the Jas brothers. Although they did not The Travelet'S dominated tlu·oughout the " foil up" like the Hanson broth­ game and never trailed as they sent the ers from Slap Shot, they were Shockers home packing with a 56-48 win in definitely crowd favorites. the men's intramural league play Monday There was a shootout to end night. the game, which the Ice won, but The Shocket'S tried to rally a comeback off who cares, it is still minor league of a three pointer by Brent Damety, cutting the hockey. It was a run and gun type lead to 39-3 1 v.rith 10:09left on the clock. (At top) Brent Damery, the captain of of style that you would see in a "We played a good game. We cut to the the Shockers men's intramural bas­ Nintendo game, everyone trying basket vety well;' said Peter Gabe, who tallied ketball team, tries to avoid a defend­ for numbers to try and get to the in 12 points for the Travelers. er from the Travelers. The Travelers NHL. With the same results as the women's game won the game 86-48. The Travelers There were two final things earliet~ the complaint was about the refet-ees. moved to 2-2 on the intramural sea­ that came completely clear to me Brent Damety in patticular thought the refa·­ son while the Shockers dropped to while relaxing on Sunday after­ ees took them out the whole game. 1-3 on the year. noon, "Putple Rain" is one of the "We had a chance early on. We lost some (At left) Wenona Woolfolk of the greatest movies ever and Allen impot1ant guys to foul trouble early, and some Dangerous Girls women's intramural Iverson loves to shoot the ball. calls wet-e just not going our way," Ross basketball team backs in against a But then again, doesn 't every­ Minott said. member of the Delta Zeta sorority body know that ah·eady? "I thought the referees refet-eed a good intramural team. Delta Zeta defeated game; I think think they did a good job in the Dangerous Girls 42-34 in the keeping things lUlder control because many contest. The Dee Zees notched their people like to play like it's streetball out ha·e record up to 4-1 on the season while Write sports fo on the cow1s," Gabe said. the Dangerous Girls dropped to 3-2. The Travelet'S cwrently have a record of2- the DEN. Cal 2 in intramural play and the Shocket'S have a Mandy Marshall/ Photo editor recordof1-3. 581-7944 today.

ABX~ErHI~KAMNOTI0PLTY<;Q3'1'ZABUErHI ~KAMNOTI0PLTY<;Q3'1'ZAB 1 > co ***Junior Greek Council *** t::O ~nBPS COMEDY CLUB~~if :><: ~ would like to congratulate all the new ~ .....,~ WEDFE B. 9th Presents: Kevin Zeoli 3.6 to 3.95 Jessica Danner 4.0 ~ Kelli Panici ~ Katie Jeffers Brooke Lata > and Mark Knope Natalie Esposito ~ Amy Hoffman Rachel Ninness 2 cp Wes Temples 0 N Shea M inott Elizabeth Vogel :I $8.00 TICKETS$ 1.00 BUDCANS .3-< Katie Stewart [I) Dawn Weidner Jennifer Hoff $50.00 off his lemonadest and. Joel Collins ~ Beth Richter 2 cp Deanna Kozlowski 0 He still has more money than Lisa Krischel ~ Dee Rieckenberg :I [:.... Candance Duffy < Kelly Tull ~ co Kyle Perry t::O ~~ 1 BX~ErHI~KAMNOTI0PLTY<;Q3'1'ZABUErHI ~KAMNOTI0PLTY<;Q3'1'ZAB The Daily Eastern News Tuesday, Febmruy 8, 2000 11

two fatal stabbings contend his Woods wins sixth PGA Tour national client was not patt of the post­ Super Bowl brawl. PEBBLE BEACH, Calif (AP)­ said. statt the final round, which was ~ arts Don Samuel told The With an astonishing comeback to win Gogel, the 28-year-old tour rook­ pushed back to Monday because of Associated Press on Monday the Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, ie, made birdie on five of the first high winds and rain em·lier in the that he and other defense Tiger Woods on Monday moved a seven holes to seemingly tum the townament. Despite the relatively lawyers and investigators have step closer to Byron Nelson's finalrotmd into a rout serene conditions, he managed only brief intetviewed all six men, includ­ ''untouchable" record of 11 straight Instead, he tumed in a shocking three birdies through the first 11 holes ing Lewis. victories. collapse - a 40 on the back nine - and was mnning out of time. Bears cut Bennett "We're all heating one voice Seven strokes behind v.rith seven that v.ill only be forgotten because of Not only was he seven strokes - Ray was not involved in LAKE FOREST- Edgat· holes to play, Woods electrified an a miraculous comeback by a player behind, five other players were in knifing anybody or attacking Bennett, who was the Chicago othetwise gray aftemoon on the who never ceases to amaze. fi'Ont ofhim. anybody," Satnuel said. Beat'S' leading tusher two sea­ Monterey Peninsula by holing a 97- So shaken by his failed birdie putt, Woods needed some help, and sons ago, was released by the yard wedge for eagle on the 15th and Gogel missed a 3-footer for par on Gogel obliged. Five tmder after his team Monday. Frazier wins debut, making birdies on two of the last the 18th and wotmd up in a tie for first seven holes, Gogel came Bennett was signed as an three holes for his sixth straight PGA second at 13-tmder 275 with Vijay unglued after his first bogey of the Wll'estricted free agent from the challenges Ali Tour vict01y. Singh. Gogel closed with a 71, while day- on No. 11 - and handled the Green Bay Packers on Feb. 19, SCRANTON, Pa. (AP)- It Woods became the first player Singh had a 70. spotlight like a deer on the highway. 1998. The Florida. State product was something to see - an Ali since Ben Hogan in 1948 to win six ''I said it yesterday, he's going to But this day will be remembered gained a teatn-high 611 yat·ds rooting for a Frazier to win a straight tour events and took an tmbe­ be there at the end," said Notah more for the spectacular play by on 173 catries and caught 28 fight. lievable leap closer to Nelson's Begay, an ex-teammate at Stanford Woods. passes for 209 yat·ds while That's what Khalilah Ali record, which was set in 1945. who finished three behind. The guy who folded his atms and playing in all 16 games for was doing as Jacqui Frazier­ It was a command petfonnance, "It adds to the whole mystique of stat-ed blankly aa'Oss the ocean for Chicago in 1998. Lyde won her pro debut by filled v.rith spectacular shots that have Tiger." most ofhis rotmd suddenly unleashed Only weeks after signing stopping Teela Reese in 83 sec­ defined Woods' yotmg, but spectacu­ It was the 17th career PGA Tour one of those fatnous fist pwnps when Bennett, the Beat·s swprisingly onds Stmday before a sellout lar, career. It ended with Woods vict01y for the 24-year-old Woods. his wedge on the 15th landed fow· picked Penn State nmner Curtis crowd of3,500 at the Scranton watching fi'Om the 18th green as Matt Among active players not on the feet to the right of the hole v.rith just Enis as their fust-round draft Cultural Center. Gogel missed a 10-foot birdie putt on Senior Tour, only Ben Crenshaw (19) enough spin to slide aa'Oss the grain pick. But Enis was injw·ed most Ali and Frazier-Lyde both the 18th that would have forced a and Greg Nonnan (18) have won and into the cup. of his rookie season. live in Philadelphia and are playoff. more. One hole later, he tnissed another Bennett, whose 31st bitth­ fi'iends. Also watching was Woods closed v.rith an 8-tmder 64, What Woods has proved during eagle when his wedge landed an inch day is next Tuesday, tmdetwent Smokin' , Jacqui's the lowest finalrotmd by a champion his PGA Tour winning streak - even in fi'Ont of the cup on its second knee sw-gety in the offseason father and a fOimet· heavy­ in the 53-year hist01y of Pebble as far back as his three straight U.S. botmce, setting up a 2-foot birdie. and Enis retumed to his statter weight chatnpion. Her brother Beach. He finished at 15-tmder 273 Amateur titles - is that he can never He tnissed the green to the right role in 1999. Bennett played in Matvis worked her comer. and eamed $720,000. be cotmted out tmtil he's no longer on on the pat'-3 17th, not far fi'Om where all 16 games in 1999, including The 38-yeat·-old Frazier­ "I figured if I birdied the last four the golf course. Tom Watson chipped in to win the two starts, but the 6-foot, 218- Lyde, a lawyer and mother of holes, I might have a chance," Woods Woods was five strokes behind to U.S. Open in 1982. potmder was primat'ily used as three, then challenged a blocker. He ran the ball only K.halilah's 21 -yeat·-old sister, six times for 28 yat·ds. Laila, who is 3-0 as a pro Bennett sat out the 1997 sea­ boxer. son with a tom left Achilles ", you wanted to Scoreboard know if I was a professional tendon, then left the Packet'S fighter. Now you see," Frazier­ Alla1a atTaoolo, 6 p.m. Sal Jose at TaniXI Bat 6:ll pm '> lenns wilh LHP TOOd Bel~ LHP ON THIS DAY ranked among the teatn's top EIU CALENDAR 8osloo at New .ssey, 6:30 p.m. Sl L.ot.is at lleiJtil, 6:30 p.nt Jiml.bris, RHP Ctvis Reitsma, RHP ten in both mshing and receiv­ Lyde said. "I'll kick yow· butt, Today Seallle at Sal Mkri>, 7 pm BUfab at Cotx:m. 8 p.m. Jell Spar1(s, tlO Jared Sardlely a1d Fell 8 Clewlm at HoosiDil. 7:30 p.m. Atmein at Los AAgeles. !Ul p.m. OF Alex Sand1ez on one-year ron- LailaAli. I'm challenging you. 4:45 p.nt-'Mmen'S ball tenns wih RHP Pall Byrll oo a 1962 - Wit Olantlellai1 of lhe Spartans prepare 1~ w L T Southeast Missouri 9-3 ooe-year 21 257 6-6 llidlw!st Lea/, 7:30pm what they fotmd in connection I'IJslon Peay at TemMartin, 7:45 p.m 1BMOII! FatJken. willing the $200,000 SarasOOI week from Illinois, Michigan 1ooma 30 16 WlsliDjro 25 18 8 RICHMOND ROOSTERS-Signed 4.5 C;rdrg CIOissic. The W:lofy is Lopez's 35th, with the mw·det· charges facing ~ 25 20 21 258 RHP Jal Sie1M1s aoo RHP Trewr and defending NCAA champ 'J'or(O) 4.5 12 33 6 25 20 T;rm~Bat Women's Basketball Zwaan. wti:ll auloolalically QIDilies her. the NFL stat·. Connecticut, ctushing the tt'io Mt.oa:JIblhwe90Msix1 Meyefs. Southeast Missouri 5-7 8-12 cXll1racl l.tlh 28 18 1.5 Ccb;D) 26 20 8 1996 - Charles Baf1dey becooles John Quigley confumed a State faces two difficult road Mn'lesc*l 27 18 2.0 Eana'loo 18 22 13 Eastern Illinois S.7 7-13 BASKETBALL lhe 22nd NBA ~to read120,000 seat·ch watrant was executed. games this week as it prepat·es DerM!r 21 24 8.0 Gal)ay 23 24 6 Tennessee Slate 5-7 7·13 National Basl/, 5 p.m. LALalWI 1,000 I'IJslon A!ay at Tem-Martil, 5 p.m PITISBURGH STEELERS-Naned While police sought clues in son, a nm to the wit·e that will Fll1l 28 18 7.5 Today's

University Union n-m.... ~brftna7~~ Service t o: lias a Bus Service! U of I No School on Friday, Feb. 11th Matteson 2 buses on Thursday, Feb. 10th Woodfield 1st bus leaves University Union Old Orcha rd YtARBOOK PORIRA IS! at 3:00pm, 2nd bus leaves at Chicago Ridg _ - - 5:00pm, both buses return to Northbroo r"t'--.r.~'l:·fo-- University Union on Sunday at Oakbrook February 14 -17 Bookstore Lobby 8:50pm PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS EARLY, AT THE Call5~1·1~11 for an appointment UNIVERSITY UNION CHEC K CAS HING OFFICE. For more information, call Tami or Diana at 581-5122.