Unfair Amendment II
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NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BRONX, N.Y. The Newspaper of Bronx Community College PERMIT NO. 561 FEBRUARY, 1984 NO. 4 Cuomo Reneges On Tuition Promise In an action that has severely damaged The Governor has asked the Legislature to posals and has asked the eladership of the his reputation as a national spokesperson approve an Executive Budget containing a New York State Legislature to repudiate for education, Governor Mario Cuomo has $200 tuition increase for full-time the tuition hikes. proposed an unprecedented series of tui- students;a $700 increase for non- tion increases affecting hundreds of residents, including foreign students; and ' "The tuition proposals are unacceptable thousands of public college students at the a 125 computer fee for all students, total- and unnecessary. For thousands of CUNY City and State Universities. University ing $27.8 million. This would represent students and their families, City Univer- Student Senate Chairperson Melvin Lowe the third tuition increase at CUNY and sity is the only passport to educational and charged that Governor Cuomo has become SUNY in the past three years. economic success. Governor Cuomo's re- the "Ronald Reagan of higher education, gressive action will crush the hopes and launching tuition increase missiles in a di- Mr. Lowe called for a "University- aspirations of an entire generation. It must rect attack on public college students" wide mobilization against the Cuomo pro- be resisted." Unfair Amendment II In January 1983, Republican Senator to "establish programs to prepare youth against program applicants based on race, In an effort to increase public awareness Gerald Solomon established a ligislative and unskilled adults for entry into the labor sex, handicap or age. However, every to the effects of Solomon II, a number of first with his amendment to the Military force and to afford disadvantaged in- candidate born after 1960 is automatically lawsuits against the Department of Labor Selective Service Act, known as the Solo- dividuals facing serious barriers to em- disqualified from participation in the pro- have been filed in several cities including mon Amendment. ployment, who are in special need of train- gram should he refuse to register for the New York and Washington, D.C. The fate For those unfamiliar with its wording, ing to obtain productive employment," draft. of Solomon I is still uncertain pending the amendment states, "any student who according to the U.S. Code Congressional If the law is not repealed, enforcement review by the Federal Supreme Court. must register with Selective Service and and Administrative News. of the Solomon II regulations will vary Many anti-draft registration and draft fails to do so is ineligible for student finan- according to each state and will be subject counseling centers around the country are ciat assistance under title IV,'' according However, Solomon II presents more to final approval by the state's governor calling for immediate public response to serious consequences than the Solomon I lo the U.S. Federal Register. and the administrative office responsible defeat the purposed law. Ammendment because it has erected an- Senator Solomon has recently proposed other barrier to federal aid to those who are for overseeing JTPA in that state, accord- a similar ammendment to the Jobs Train- already facing economic hardships. JTPA ing to the US Secretary for Economic ing Partnership Act (JTPA). The new law, programs provide job training services and Affairs. titled Solomon II, is designed to insure that are sponsored by non-profit organizations The Solomon Ammendment has been each individual participating in JTPA has representing significant segments of var- considered by many as an unfair, addition- not violated laws under the Military Selec- ious communities. al burden on a social service that has tive Service Act. In order for applicants to Persons affected under the new law in- already experienced severe financial cut- Student be considered for acceptance in JTPA pro- clude the handicapped, welfare recipients, backs. JTPA programs are operating on 20 grams they must first register for the draft. foster children and families whose income percent of their peak budget under CETA; Power Solomon II took effect in October 1983 levels do not exceed 70 percent of the $3.6 billion for JTPA as compared to and is administered by the Department of lower living standard of $7,000, a figure $12.7 billion CETA in 1977. Of this, $7.5 Labor. determined by the Director of the Office of billion is mandated for nation-wide train- JTPA was developed as a replacement Management and Budget. ing of youths between the ages of 16 and for all Comprehensive Employment Train- The law governing JTPA programs con- 21. ing Act (CETA) programs. Its purpose is tains a clause barring discrimination Lowe Wins By Acclamation For the first time in the University Stu- U.S.S. has seen a tighter bond between dent Senate, the chairman was elected by Cuny student leaders. This bond has led to acclamation. The Hon. Melvin E. Lowe is a deeper awareness of the intircate needs now in his second term of office as chair- and common goals of the student body of man of IJ.S.S. Six new Vice Chairs were The City University of New York. also elected. And also for the first time Students have been given opportunities women were on the majority of the slate, to have hands on experience at the bargain- four out of six. Adelina St. Clair form City ing table of educational politics. Under the College Vice Chair for Graduate Affairs, supervision of Melvin Lowe, Cuny has Esther Mitchell from Borough of Man- registered 12,000 students, and he is pres- hattan Community College Vice Chair for ently chairman of the committee "Stu- Evening Affiairs, Carol Atkins from Med- dents for positive change" which has a gar Evers College, Vice Chair for Senior number of Cuny students running as de- Colleges, Fredika Negron from Hostos legates for Rev. Jesse Jackson's cam- Community College Vice Chair for Com- paign. With the newly proposed tuition munity Colleges, Charles Andrews from hike the University Student Senate Lehman College Vice Chair for Fiscal has joined the committee for Public Higher affairs, Mark Rose from Queens College Education in releasing New proposals to Vice chair for Legislative affairs. lower tuition at Cuny. Community Col- Plmo Credit - David 1 L. to R. Mark Rose, Esther Mitchell, Fredrika Negron, Adelina St. Clair, Carol Atkens, During Mr. Lowe's administration the leges. Charles Andrews, (center) Melvin Lowe Page 10 February, 1984 ARTS RenaissancAlma D. Dash wowed the young ladies in thee audienc ea by t The World Famous Apollo Theatre has singing sweet love songs, leaving the lad- once again reopened it's historical doors ies yelling for more of "Passion". for the premiere of "AMATEUR Once again "Oasis-2" opened the NIGHT", as well as many other events show, performing "Ladies Choice", that the Apollo will be staging in the fu- "Time Will reveal", and "Baby Wait For ture. Me", as keyboard player William sent out "It's as cold as heck outside, and it's some funkey sounds with hius nose, be- cool in here", stated Mr. Percy Sutton, lieve it or not. Chairman of The Board of Inner-City But, the man who brought the audience Broadcasting, as crowds of people (young to its feet was Jeffrey Lucas receiving a and old) filled up the Apollo's famous standing ovation for his marvelous per- lobby (with mural's of stars from past and formance of Patti LaBelle's "Over The present), waiting to get inside from the Rainbow". It seemed at first that Jeffrey's freezing termeratures that swept through performance would be interrupted by a the city Christmas Eve. visit from "The Sandman", but Jeffrey "When I came in and I saw the Apollo showed the audience his stuff, which won marquee, even with the O missing after the him the 1st prize of $200. Coming in a P, I felt great, I thought it was good", was strong 2nd was Phelston Jones doing mag- the reaction to the reopening of the Apollo ic tricks, winning him $150, and in 3rd First Nite ticket Theatre by Mr. Bablo Guzman, the voice place was Fantastic Dual, "breaking and holders anxiously of W.B.L.S.'s Morning Magazine". popping" their way to the $50 prize. await an evening of To open the show and get the audience Inner-City Broadcasting which now entertainment and warmed up was "Oasis-2" a super six- owns two of the biggest radio stations in surprises. man band from Queens, doing New York, W.B.L.S. and W.L.I.B. has "BROADS" their rendition of "BOYS" purchased the Apollo Theatre, and has by The Mary Jane Girls. But "Oasis-2" plans to make it into a television produc- was just the tip of the ice-berg for a night of tion center with major and independent talent that was to include male and female television networks producing shows up- singers, flashdancers, breakers, comedy, stairs in the Apollo to be sent all over the and much, much more, and if your act world via satellite. wasn't up to the audience's standards they Another plan which is in store for the would call "THE SANDMAN" to come Apollo in 1984 is Apollo Entertainment and "shoot" you off stage. Television, which will consist of video The big winner of the night was Chand- tapings of the Apollo's events to be shown ler Spencer, who brought down the house on cable networks. with "Heaven Only Knows" winning him The 1984 schedule for the Apollo is as the 1 st place prize of $200 and a recording follows: contract (which is not usually part of the Wednesdays - Amature Night 1st place prize, he won it because he was Thursdays - Rising Star Night very good'.