3964 the London Gazette, 20 June, 1958
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3964 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 20 JUNE, 1958 CALVERT, Andrew Ferrish, residing ait 6, Spring- (Farm Samdlpit, Diownham Market, in -the county wood (in the Receiving Order described as of Norfolk, SAIND MERCHANT, and residing Springroyd) Terrace, Kings .Road in the city of at "The Wishbone", Mill Estate, West Winch Bradford. PLASTERER. Court^-BRADFORD. aforesaid. Court—KOINIG'S LYflSBN. No. of No. of Matter—18 of 1956. Trustee's 'Name, Matter—71 of 19513. Trustee's Name, Address Address and Description—Williams, John Lewis, and Description—Tunnard, Richard, 8, The 20, (North Parade, Bradford, Official Receiver. Crescent, Wisbedh, Camlbs., Chartered1 Accoun- Date of Release—13-th June, 1958. tant. (Date of Release—2nd' May, 11958. SHARPIE, Elizabeth (married woman), 49, Undercliffe WIRIIGILEIY, William Soloman, of €9, North' Boule- Street in .the city of Bradford. OFF-LICENSED vard!, Hull im .the county of York, TRAWLER GROCER. Court-^BRADFORD. No. -of MATE. Court-^KfflNGISrTON1 UPON!HOLL (by .Matter—7 of 1956. Trustee's -Name, Address transfer Ifirom High Court of Justice). No. of and Description—Trigg, Arthur Frederick, Matter—9fi of 11955. Trustee's Name, Address Compton Buildings, Bow Street, Keighley, and Description—(Bloomer, Hugh! Sudell, 8, Certified Accountant Date of Release—23rd OFlottergate, 'Great Grimsby, Official Receiver. May, 1958. (Date of Release—llfMi June, 1958. BEBBINGTON, Ann Marjonie (feme sole), known as CHELTON, Herbert Ernest, known and described Ann Cholmondeley Easton of " Wildfields", in the Receiving Order as Bert Ernest Chelton, North Common, Chailey in the county of Sussex, PHOTOGRAPHER', of 21, The Quadrant, ARCHITECTURAL DECOR CONSULTANT. Wimbledon, London, S.W.I9, lately residing at Court-—BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—25 of 11957. Trustee's Name, Address and Description 73, Cardinal Avenue, Kingston-upon-Thames, —Knight, Richard Bealtity Macbean, 52, Old previously of 56, King Charles Road, Surbiton, 1 and formerly carrying on business in' partnership Steine,.(Brighton, 1, Chartered Accountant. Date with another as Photographers at 31, Empire . of Release—23rd May, 1958. Chamibers, Richmond Road, Kingston, all in GILES, John William, of Alderfonth Farm, Witch- the county of Surrey, under the style of ford in the Isle of Ely and county of Cambridge. "Photocraft Studios." Court—(KINGSTON FARMER. Court-^CAMBRJDGE. No. of UPON- THAMES. No. of Matter—15 ot 1954. Matter—4 of 1955. Trustee's Name, Address and Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Description—Little, Cyril Eric, FjS.A.A., 24, The Newman, Cyril Thomas, 58-61, York Terrace, 'Broadway, St. Ives, Hunts., Incorporated Regent's Park, London, N.W.I, Official Receiver. Accountant. Date .of Release—18th April, 1958. Date of Release—10th June, 19581 JEINOKJDN1S, Anna Muriel, and -HUME, Edward SPEER. Gerald Maurice Lowther, of 4, Ehribridge James, both, residing at and -carrying on business Avenue, Tolworth. in the county of Surrey, in co-partnership at 3, Dark Gate, in the county Shop Assistant, lately carrying on business at of ithe borough of Carmarthen, under the style 28, North End Road, Fulham, W.14, as a of "Jenkins & Hume", RAO1O and' MUSIC GREENGROCER and FRUITERER. Court— RETAILERS. Court—CARMARTHEN. No. KINGSTON UPON THAMES. No. of Matter -oif Maitterr-^ of 1'95I6. Trustee's Name, Adldress —6 of 1955. Trustee's Name, Address and a-nd! DeseriptionMOhater, Sidney, 3'5, Windlsor Description—Newman, Cyril Thomas, 58-61, Place, Cardiff, 'Charteredl Accountant. Date of York Terrace, Regent's P'ark, London, N.W.I, Release—(IGtb April, i!95i8. • Official Receiver. Date of Release—10th June. NONNEY, Wilfred Greville, of The Rising Sun 1958. Hotel, Cleeve Hill, mear Cheltenhami in the ROSEN, Dorothy June, of 110, Bassett Street, in county of Gloucester, Chef, lately carrying on the city of Leicester, lately residing at 11, Ibiusines'Si at 1121, High Street,. Tewkesbury in the Sand'own -Road, in the said city, Married Woman, said county oif Gloucester, as a CATERER. and carrying on .business under the name or style Court—CHELTENHAM. No. of Matter-^ of of " Gemco " at 29, Welford Road, in the said 19516. Trusitee's Name, Address and! Description city of Leicester, as a SHOPKEEPER and —Si'smain, George William, 26, Baldwin Street, •DEALER in LADEES' ACCESSORIES. Court Bristol, 1, Official Receiver. Date of Release— —LEICESTER. No. of Matter—3' of 1955 111 tit June, 1958. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— STANDDODNIG, William, James (describedi in tihe Receiv- Stimpson, Ernest Claud, 27, Regent Street, Park ing lOrdbr as- W. ff. Standing (male)), residing at Row, Nottingham, Official Receiver. Date of 54, Newtoni Lane, Hoole in the county of Release— 13th June, 1958'. (Chester, andl carrying on< .business at 7, Brook WILLIAMS, Thomas Joseph, residing at Ic, Windsor Street in .the city of Chester. ELECTRICIAN. Gardens, and formerly carrying on- business at Court—(CHESfTER. No. of Matter—1 at (19514. 2i64, Upper Parliament Street, both in the city Trustee's Name, Address andl Description'— of Liverpool. CREDIT DRAPER. Court— Henry, Silas Oliver, 5, Rumford1 Place, Over- LIVERPOOL. No. of Matter—1» of 1956. pool, 3, Registered1 Accountant. Date of Release Trustee's Name, Address and1 Description— —tlllitfli June, 1938. Henry, Silas Oliver. Messrs. Parkin S. Booth & Co., 5, Rumford Place, Liverpool1, 3. Date oi HAtRRDDSON, John,, of The iBeadb Hotel, iBeach Release—1,1th June,'1958. Road, Seaton, Devon. (LICENSED VTCC- TUAflULElR. Court—EXETER. No. of Matter MORGAN, William' Henry, residing and carrying on —110 of 19i5i4 Trustee's Name, Address and- business at The Beehive Inn, Castle Street, Descriiption—(Brand, William, Midland1 Bank Merthyr Tydfil, in the county of Glamorgan. Chamibers, High Street, Exeter, Certified' Accoun- LICENSED VICTUALLER and COLLIERY tant. Date of Release—'5th June, 1958. .REPAIRER. Court—MEiRTHYR TYDFIL. No. "of Matter—2 of 1957. Trustee's Name, DECIDER, Waclaw, Upper Watting Farm, "Norland, Address and Description—Down, Gordon Sowerby IBridge, in the county of York. Harold, 106, Walter Road, Swansea. Incorporated (RAIRIMER. Court—HALIFAX. No. of Matter Accountant. Date of Release—7th May, 1958. —7 of 19'5i5. Name of Trustee, Address and Descriiptiomr—(Smith, Norman, 12, Market Street, CASTLE, Henry George, of 45, Clarendon Road, 1 Southsea, in the county of Hants, and lately Hebden !Brid|ge, Yorks.. Chartered Aocouinitaot. carrying on business at 45, Clarendon Road Date of Release—llOtto March, 1958. aforesaid, as a (BUIDDEIR and DECORATOR. PIOWUJHY, Percy Elwart, of Hardwick Farm, Hard1- Court—PORTSMOUTH. No. of Matter—7 of wick Road, King's Lynn, in the county of 1957. Trustee's Name, Address and Description Norfolk, (Farm Worker, formdy residing and —Horler, Alec Henry, T6, Westwood Road. carrying on (business a,t Tarholt, (Lanighorns Southampton. Official Receiver. Date of Release Lane, Outwell in the' said county of (Norfolk. —llth June, 1958. FRIUflTGRlOWER. Court—KING'S LYNN. 1 JlEARY, Kenneth Donald, of "MM View," Cold- No. of Matter—3 of 11955. Trustee's Name, harbour, Dorking, in the county of Surrey, Addiress and) Description—Tajnnard, Richard, 8, . Butcher-Cutter, formerly carrying on business The Crescent, Wisbech, Camlbs., Chartered at 20, Station Road, Crayford, in the county of Accountant. Date of Release—i22ndi April, 1958. Kent, as a RETAIL BUTCHER and WHOLE- WRUGiHT, Allfred! Alexander, of " The Wishbone ", SALE BACON CURER, described in the Mill Estate, Wesit Winch, in the county of amended (Receiving Order as K. D. Jeary (Male), Norfolk, Painter, formerly trading -under tihe previously described in the Receiving Order as name or style oif Barber and Wright, at Howdale K. J. Jeary iflMale) (trading as K. & K. Jeary),.