Open Source Operating Systems in Libraries Research in Context

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Open Source Operating Systems in Libraries Research in Context Chapter X2 Open Source Operating Systems in Libraries Research in Context rior to 1999, mentions of any open source operat- about using Linux for servers in his school district, with ing system in mainstream library literature like Apple Macs as workstations.11 Edward Corrado, present- PLibraryLit, ERIC, or LISTA were hard to find. Linux ing at Internet Librarian that year, was a rare advocate might have been everywhere at Comdex or the consumer of Linux on public workstations in an academic setting, electronics exhibition,1 but no one was writing about Rider University.12 using Linux, OpenBSD, or FreeBSD for desktop comput- The discussion of Linux as a server operating sys- ing in a public setting. (OpenBSD and FreeBSD are still tem continued in 2001, with Michael Schuyler and Eric difficult to find anywhere in library literature.) In 1999, Sisler both writing about the software.13 But it was not mentions of Linux started to appear, albeit sparsely. until 2002, with Paul Lewis’s article in Computers in Daniel Chudnov wrote about open source software gener- Libraries, that someone gave serious notice to Linux as ally and suggested that the open source model offered a workstation operating system.14 Lewis also discussed greater freedom for libraries to make improvements to specific applications: OpenOffice, Evolution (e-mail), and their software.2 Robin Peek questioned whether Linux GIMP (graphics). In that same year, Robert Hassett wrote might challenge Windows in more general terms, cit- an MSLS thesis on using Linux and open source applica- ing reliability issues with Windows as a reason for look- tions in a high school.15 ing at Linux.3 Gordon Hoke questioned whether Linux The next year saw the emergence of a new theme: the might make a suitable operating system for a document role that open source software and Linux in particular April 2009 April 4 16 management system. He cited the advantages of a free, might play in bridging the digital divide. The year 2003 open source operating system, but at that time Linux still also saw another mention of Linux in a school environ- seemed a possibility for the future, rather than the pres- ment from Walter Minkel. He cited low costs and reliabil- ent. Nevertheless, Linux was picking up steam, bolstered ity of the Linux operating system as reasons for its use at by support from computer industry giants like IBM.5 the Riverdale school district in Oregon. More significantly, By 2000, the literature was listing plenty of evidence he described a configuration that included thin clients that Linux was making headway as a server operating sys- and used the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) soft- tem, and also that there was more general interest in open ware.17 School districts have subsequently been much source software. Roy Tennant started out the year writing faster to adopt the LTSP software for thin-client systems about open source software in Library Journal.6 Various than have libraries generally.18 product announcements included new support service for In 2004, there was a messy fight—ultimately won Linux. Ex Libris announced support service for Linux in by Microsoft—for the hearts and minds of the Newham March.7 Innovative Interfaces also announced support ser- Council (in the UK) over whether the council should vice for Linux that year.8 Libraries were beginning to use install open source software or upgrade its Microsoft Linux, but mostly for server applications. Simon Bains software. This debate caught the attention of many open and Howard Richardson wrote about CD-ROM network- source advocates.19 In the library world, Brian Auger Library Technology ReportsLibrary Technology ing with Linux at City University, London.9 Hoke wrote first reported Howard Public Library’s implementation of about Linux again in E-Doc,10 and Doug Johnston wrote its own custom Linux distribution.20 In the same year, 8 Open Source Public Workstations in Libraries John Houser Kathleen Peters described her Coquitlam Public Library’s less on software and technological support is a necessity project to replace Windows-based systems with Userful’s for many librarians. DiscoverStation product (now Userful Desktop), a Linux- As we will see from the case studies in this report, based workstation product that includes some propri- libraries that choose to use open source public worksta- etary management components. Ease of administration tions cite those reasons, among others, as factors that and reliability were key reasons for her library’s decision drove them to explore alternatives to proprietary worksta- to move forward with the Userful product.21 tion software. Advocacy for Linux as a Windows alternative contin- ued to grow in 2004, as Tracy Farmer supported Linux as an alternative to Windows.22 At LITA, Perry Horner Notes described the Linux deployment at the Arizona State University West (which has since been replaced with a uni- 1. “Linux Everywhere at Comdex,” Library Systems 18 no. versity-wide Windows-based application suite).23 Finally, 12 (1998): 91. Andrew Pace wrote a humorous article for Computers 2. Daniel Chudnov, “Open Source Software: The Future of in Libraries about thin-client computing for libraries, in Library Systems?” Library Journal 124, no. 13 (Aug. 1, which he described cost savings and ease of administra- 1999): 40. tion as key benefits of the architecture.24 3. Robin P. Peek, “Will Linux Challenge Windows?” The year 2005 saw additional mentions of Linux as Information Today 16, no. 3 (1999): 16. a potential desktop or workstation operating system, as 4. Gordon E. J. Hoke, “Time to Operate,” Inform 13, no. 3 opposed to using it exclusively as server software, in the (1999): 90–94. library. Gary Roberts wrote about getting Linux to work 5. “IBM Serves Linux: Netfinity 3500 M10 Server Offers Low- on a laptop.25 Ken Cheetham described Linspire 5, a Linux Priced Linux Optimization,” InformationWeek 747 (1999): distribution with an easy installation and configuration 105. process that might be suitable for ordinary users.26 6. Roy Tennant, “The Role of Open Source Software,” Library In 2006, the Howard County Library was again Journal 125, no. 1 (Jan. 1, 2000): 36. mentioned a number of times in the press. (See more 7. “Ex Libris Announces ALEPH 500 Support of Linux, later in the issue.) In addition, Roger Evens wrote about Unveils ALEPH Cluster,” Information Today 17, no. 3 open source software, server applications, and staff and (2000): 57. public workstations at the Oslo Public Library.27 Reid 8. “Innovative Installs Linux on Millennium,” Computers in Goldsborough also suggested that Linux deserved exami- Libraries 20, no. 6 (June 2000): 20. nation as a Windows alternative.28 In March, Rachel 9. Simon Bains and Howard Richardson, “Linux and CD-ROM Singer Gordon and Michael Stephens went beyond the Networking: An Academic Library’s DIY Solution,” Online operating system and described various free applications 24, no. 2 (March/April 2000): 54–56. and resources, including and GIMP.29 10. Gordon E. J. Hoke. “Making Friends with Linux,” E-Doc 1, Library Technology ReportsLibrary Technology A review of the Edubuntu Linux distribution from no. 1 (2000): 77. within the K–12 school community came from Jeff 11. Doug Johnston, “Lining Up for Linux: Should Your District Hastings in 2007,30 as did additional mentions of Howard Be Using It?” Book Report 19, no. 2 (2000): 38. County Library that have continued into 2008.31 It should 12. Edward M. Corrado, “Linux Outside the Cave: Using Linux be noted most of the mentions of Howard County Library on a Public Internet Workstation,” in Internet Librarian and its successes with open source software have not 2000: Proceedings of the Internet Librarian Conference, been within the library literature, but rather in the local ed. Carol Nixon and Jennifer Burmood (Medford, NJ: press. Howard County markets its services aggressively to Information Today, 2000): 20–25. the local community. 13. Michael Schuyler, “A Look at What’s on the Horizon,” While this selective literature review is reflective of Computers in Libraries 21, no. 1 (2001): 61–62; Eric the general library literature, it is not comprehensive. Sisler, “Linux in Your Library?” School Library Journal Still, it is clear that open source software on public-access (Fall 2001): 12–14. workstations has not been a major topic of discussion 14. Paul H. Lewis, “Why Linux Works for Libraries,” Computers within the mainstream library literature. When it does in Libraries 22 no. 10 (2002): 22, 28–30, 32–35. appear, three reasons for utilizing open source operat- 15. Robert E. Hassett, “The Chapel Hill Linux Lab: A Case Study ing systems (and applications) have been mentioned in the Use of Linux and Other Open Source Applications consistently: cost savings, greater reliability, and ease of in the High School Setting,” (MSLS thesis, University of 2009 April administration. While these are certainly not the only North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002). benefits of using open source software, they are particu- 16. Jeffery James, “Free Software and the Digital Divide: larly important in light of the current economic crisis. As Opportunities and Constraints for Developing Countries,” library funding becomes more and more sparse, spending Journal of Information Science 29, no. 1 (Jan. 2003): 25. 9 Open Source Public Workstations in Libraries John Houser 17. Walter Minkel, “Linux at the Right Price,” School Library 23. Perry Horner, “Arizona State University West Library/ Journal 49, no. 4 (2003): 32–33. Linux Deployment: Executive & Technical Summary,” 18. “LTSP Success Stories,” LTSP, LITA National Forum 2004, bin/view/Ltsp/SuccessStories (accessed Jan. 7, 2009).
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