March 14, 2017 0:27 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE EnglishJCanvasCos- mos International Journal of Modern Physics D c World Scientific Publishing Company Canvas and Cosmos: Visual Art Techniques Applied to Astronomy Data. JAYANNE ENGLISH∗ Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, Canada. Jayanne
[email protected] Received Day Month Year Revised Day Month Year Bold colour images from telescopes act as extraordinary ambassadors for research astronomers because they pique the public's curiosity. But are they snapshots docu- menting physical reality? Or are we looking at artistic spacescapes created by digitally manipulating astronomy images? This paper provides a tour of how original black and white data, from all regimes of the electromagnetic spectrum, are converted into the colour images gracing popular magazines, numerous websites, and even clothing. The history and method of the technical construction of these images is outlined. However, the paper focuses on introducing the scientific reader to visual literacy (e.g. human per- ception) and techniques from art (e.g. composition, colour theory) since these techniques can produce not only striking but politically powerful public outreach images. When cre- ated by research astronomers, the cultures of science and visual art can be balanced and the image can illuminate scientific results sufficiently strongly that the images are also used in research publications. Included are reflections on how they could feedback into astronomy research endeavours and future forms of visualization as well as on the rele- vance of outreach images to visual art. (See the colour online version, in which figures can be enlarged, at http://xxxxxxx.) Keywords: astronomy; astrophysics; public outreach; image-making; visualization; colour theory; art arXiv:1703.04183v1 [astro-ph.IM] 12 Mar 2017 PACS numbers: 1.