INTERNAL DOCUMENT rp,, OCEANOGRAPHY DEEP SEA. WASTE DISPOSAL [This document should not be cited in a published bibliography, and is supplied for the use of the recipient only]. a - INSTITUTE OF \ z OCEAN OGRAPHIC SCIENCES %V. '"oos INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHIC SCIENCES Worm ley, Godalming, Surrey, GU8 BUB. (042-879-4141) (Director: Dr. A. S. Laughton) Bidston Observatory, Crossway, Birkenhead, Taunton, Merseyside, L43 7RA. Somerset, TA1 2DW. (051 652-2396) (0823-86211) (Assistant Director: Dr. D. E. Cartwright) (Assistant Director: M.J. Tucker) OCEANOGRAPHY rslatsd to DEBP SEA. WASTE DISPOSAL A Survev commissioned bv the Department of the Environment In^tltnt^ or Oceanogr^phie Sciences, Woruloy, ^onalming, Surrey GDW September 1978 •r; Wn fr^'W'w , -ig^at igGr^SSjes*'': 'i'-.r '� 4 i®i": iSSfflSj*-; ,*h :gSm '# .f f. .-< ' ^ ' \" . ' .- : - '-' '"i" "'"Tn'fWr^ ^ "rf'iVf. i.^t. %& g,*;gh^ h#wk^, . '::Y '"?' "%v t /:;,f »"-^iY: ^jw&j ,<1.^....-L. ,. t '.4..^,.,.. r X e^^TDy; . '.*,,.:'*,;wVk..^... , .. WIS3 li A) pi if r 31*: 'AM jngraa $#* ;- :Y^-; •••••: if'**J KAW W!&#' %wt;pfy W,.x u t wk%Wg%#&0 '•'£i'5dteii>irt PAWR t .* jpM»rtte»ai«l'*<M»r» •"i £i 'li-,'".!,,• -•t'iA^r., - !MfcSs-d»e. * CONTENTS Page i-% INTRODUCTION 1.1 CHAPTER 1 GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS 2.1 CHAPTER 2 GEOCHEMISTRY 3.1 CHAPTER 3 PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY 4.1 CHAPTER 4 MARINE BIOLOGY INTROnUCTZON The Sixth Report of the Royal CommisaioA on Environmental Pollution (Cmnd 66l8) recommended that a programme of research is needed to ensure that safe containment for an indefinite period of lon^-lived, highly radioactive wastes is feasible before a commitment is made to a large scale nuclear programme, In response to the Commission^ recommendations the Government decided to keep open and study further two options for the disposal of waste in the ocean (Cmnd 6820).
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