May 2016 Vol. 47, No. 5 The Warren Astronomical Society President: Diane Hall
[email protected] First Vice President: Ralph DeCew
[email protected] Founded: 1961 Second Vice President: Jeff MacLeod
[email protected] Treasurer: Joe Tocco
[email protected] P.O. BOX 1505 Secretary: Dennis David
[email protected] WARREN, MICHIGAN 48090-1505 Publications: Dale Thieme
[email protected] Outreach: Bob Trembley
[email protected] Entire Board
[email protected] President’s Field of View the Perfect Club” put on by John Goss, current president of the Astronomical League. We wanted pointers on how to keep the W.A.S. in good run- ning shape when it comes to recruitment, volun- teering, and administration. Over the course of the workshop, it became appar- ent that the W.A.S. is such a vibrant club and fun place to be because we— you— already have many “best practices” in place and as part of our club A Love Letter traditions. To be certain, we’ve had major successful projects: renovating Stargate On April 9th of this year, I was able to attend the and making the Kalinowski-Khula Telescope its Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF), the tremen- central gem, updating the by-laws and re- dous astronomy and space expo put on by the attaining 501[c]3 status, transitioning the Rockland Astronomy Club in New York State. W.A.S.P. from print to digital. But the social ritual NEAF is a must-do for any amateur astronomer of snack time matters. Greeting potential new with the means to get there, a fabulous place to members with handouts matters (thank you, Jon browse telescopes and eyepieces you’ll never take Blum!).