VOLUME 15, NUMBER 10 SAN LUIS OBISPO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1955 Seven Men Join Faculty Pioneer Era Of 1890's Seven now Instructors have jolntid the Cal Poly faculty, ac­ Brings Vision of Poly cording to l’ roaldant Julian A, Mcl’hfu, by Bob Flood THU Is ths fleet In s ssrlM sf srtlrlsi os tho tsrlr hlilsrr if Csl Pslr whisk Assuming their new dutto* at Kl Millions will publloh dsrlng tho ossilnf wooko, . the beginning of the winter quar­ Moot sf tho In Ur SI tl Ion totherH br Mloo Msresrot Chsoo, who ossit Is Col ter were Jack L. Albright, dairy Pslr Is IMS ond woo omplorod hr tko oolloto fsr s»or IT posio. huibandryi Dr. LuVerno Bucjjr, At tne end of the 18th century, ahortlv before Cal Polv animal huibandryi Dr. Dali waa established by the state legislature, San Luis Obispo was littu, viterlnury iclincii Lisle R. a small town about 4,000, not much larger than Cal Poly’a Green, loll iclin ci; John Q. Palm- present enrollment. Automobiles were unknown and High­ quilt, agricultural engineering, Frit/. H. Olien, wilding, and MorrTi way 101 was little more than a layer of dust in summer and P, Taylor, phyilci. ‘ (mud In winter, Albright, formerly In charge of A• Poly atudent, facing tha thf Adohr Parmi show herd, grad* Campus Club* Sign transportation conditions of those uated from Cal Poly In 1068 and days would not have gotten far received hie maeter of science de on his wseksnd trip horn# to I.os gree from Waihlngton State col- Soon For El Rodeo Angelos, or ths Ran Francisco lege In June. peninsula, o r t h o San Joaquin Dr. Bucy, who will head imlmal Attention fellows, today is the valley. last day to buy your El Rodeo. Don nutrition work, comoi from thp Well, ho might havo taken tha animal lelencu department of the N I • 1 s o n, circulation editor announced that at 6:00 p.m, this horse-drawn etage that arrived University of Illinois, where ho dally, <>nti from each direction, Tha received nil doctor of phlloiophy afternoon, sales for ths El Rodeo will snd. They are on sale in the railroad, however, had not yat degree. been connected with its temporary I)r. Gillette left u private veter­ AHB office and in Adm. 14. Tho rest i f ths work is begin- north and south terminals at inary practice In Kupld City, 8. Santa Burbara and Snnta Mar­ D., to Join the stuff of the vet'*r- ning to progress, Al Pryor nas asksd that all clubs who havo not garita. •Inary science department. He re­ Perhaps the only dependable ceived hli degree at Iowa State been contacted by the El Rodeo staff, drop a note in post office mode or truvil was by the small college, steamers of tho Pacific Coast Green, formerly with the Sun box 1874. He has also rsquestsd Jouquln experimental runge, re­ that tho clubs that havs bssn con­ Steamship Company, which mada weekly .stops for passengers and ceived hli bachelor und hli idenra tacted, drop a not* In hie box stat­ degrees on range management at ing tn* best time to havs thslr freight at Port Harford, now Avila Utah Stute college. pictures taken. ______I’uhnqulst received hli bachelor John Kallunkl. campus life edi­ It was in th* early 1800’e that of science degree In agricultural tor, Is in need or some pictures of one Myron Angel, an extensive engineering from the UUniversity campus Ilf*. On top of tn* ones he traveler snd Journalist, then about of ______lewan Saskutcn and the master M ill PIINTINO WEEK , . , Dorothy Malone, liar of Warner Broe. Cine­ I* having takan, he has mads ths 70, cams through this pioneer re­ of science degree in the same held mascope production of "ladle Cry" hai been named "Mtse Printing request that any dear shots mads gion and decided to-xemaln. from Iowa State college; as well Week to reign over the annual celebration of International Printing of school activities b* put in his Described aa a scholarly gen­ as additional work at the Uni­ Week from Ian. 16 through Ian. 22, 19SS. post office box 1870. tleman, Angel soon acquirsd » versity of Minnesota. Slgn-up for senior pictures Is daep devotion for the community. Olsen Is a graduate of San Jose •till going on. With th* co-opera­ Upon a visit back to his hometown State college with a bachelor of Mot Pica Pi Contribute! To tion of all seniors. this oan b* of Oneonta. , he became arts degree In Industrial arts. lie finished and scheduling of pictures Impressed by the Influence of the has bad experience with the S A S can begin. State Normal school there and Vending Machine co m p ly . San International Printing Week vowed to have such an Institution Jose; Wostern Pipe and Steel com­ •■tabliahed In San Lula Obispo, Sharing in ths International cele­ program. His topic will be on pany, San Francisco; and Ames Parliamentary Procedural an Angel was able to anllat the Aeronautical laboratory, Moffett bration or Pilnting Week, January printing and ita effect and nacei- lfl-22, Cal Poly’s printing club. Met slty to our eoclety. Sturts Host Week For Imcees hearty support of th* local state held. Radio spot# havo been given to senator and the two Sen Luis New physics instructor Morris Pica PlV Society of Printing F.ngl- Two non-credit courses In par­ neers, will make sure that San each of the radio etatlone and they liamentary procedure will be of­ Obispo nawipaperi, for which he P. Tayloruyu. _____ holds the bachelormmm of often submitted material. arts degree in both physles and Luis Obispo Is aware of ths occa- have promised to give time during fered during tbe Winter Quar- slon. the week. The TV station has boon ter, 1068. — ------'----- Wrote Angel In hi* highly ora- mechanical engineering frerom Stan­ torICal manner, "There will h* no ford and has done graduate work A committee of coven, Del Boat- given a complete eerie* of announ­ The Intermediate parliament­ right, Joe Evanehlk, Dale Hall, Bob cement cards and will talecait them ary procedure claea, starting doubt of the popularity of such a at the Massachusetts Institute of school established her*. The site Technology. Honniir, Hob Kuhn, Li'lnnd Vnndl* throughout the week, Jen. 20, every Thursday noon In var, and Hay Werner, have been Posters outlining the objec­ 200 Adm. building, Is for stu­ which will be given It is Incom- Taylor has been a design en­ (Continued on page I) gineer and engineering supervisor working On the project since last tives of Printing Week have been dents who have completed the for Westlnghouso at Sunnyvale year, and what they have planned printed and will be displayed in elementary course satisfactorily and an engineer with the Southern give# a very comprehensive cover­ all the print shops In town. or who heve been members of Overseas Teachers -Pacific. He holds patents on several age of tha Internationally celebra- Three displays, one pt Wicken- parliamentary procedure team*. don's, one In tho library foyer dis­ Limited to Juniors, sophomores, railway devices. tod wtok. Del Host right, general chair­ play case and one In the ( al Poly end freshmen. Maximum class Needed By US Army print shop, will also bo up during enrollment.... 20. Sign up in man of the committee, hao been A nationwide recruitment pro­ corresponding with the Nations! the week, they will exhibit various ASH office. printing tools and machines as well Th* elementary parliamen­ gram is being conducted by the Printing Week headquartore and Department of the Army to staff Blodgett Strains as samples of printing from Poly's tary procedure els**, starting hse mode Hie decision* a* to American Dependants Schools whst Poly's contribution will be. print shop. In addition, tha print Jan. 10, every Wednesday noon shop will be open to the public so In 200 Adm. building, le foi oversea!, aa approximately 100 Next Thursday night, Bert elementary and secondary teach­ Teacher Internship Fellow*, printing department head

BILLS, BILLS! "Bill" Stem and "Tom" Walker poly's Want to discuss bllUT 424 HiaUIIA IT. PHONE 171 Not the Chrlatmaa bill that Juet Don't Forgot Blackie's came In from Seara Uoebuck, or tho reat-of-tho-month water bill. home W o'ro Still Hore But tho btlla that will be pre­ sented to tho atute leglalature In In San Lula Oblapo, It'a Tha away the near future. The young Republicans invite all students Interested in California iovornment and current legislative SPORTSMAN'S STORE from fssuea to attend its first mooting of tho now year next Wednesday io Adm. 200, home Gone Urendlln. foundation chief, Everything For The Outdoorsman will be the apeaker. GUNS — AMMUNITION — FISHING TACKLE $250 FROM RANCHER CAMPING EQUIPMENT — LOADING TOOLS AND COMPONENTS — EVINRUDE MOTORS Ben Overland, Hanford rancher, has established a $200 annual ARCHERY ■eholarshlp to be awarded to a ■ Junior or senior In the agricultural Custom Gun Smithing ■ Journalism department, Overland established a $260 an* i nual freshman scholarship when the agricultural Journalism pro­ gram was begun here four years ago. ______

For weight watchersi A medium Blackie's ■ixed white potato furnishes 100 calories: u medium slxud sweet potato furnishes 100 calories. foothill and old morro road Fifty-five mllos par hour Is tha 719 Hlguara St root Phono 2520 California speed limit.

Coileqe M ohm c i e A & i Y r i SHOU Q M m & qoikq j p t lA/totis&al

FINER FILTER! WINSTON FINER tho filter cigarette that raally tastos Ilka a cigarette! FLAVOR! ■ No wonder Win.ton’a so popular with Wlnaton Alter work, io effectively, yet college omokeri! It'a got real flavor-tuM, doean’t "thin" the taate or flatten tho rich flavor you'll really enjoy. Wlnaton flavor. Wlnaton leta you draw amoothly t u u . good-ilk. . cigarette -houidl eaeily-there’. n o X t S | Along with finer fl.vor, Wlnaton oleo Try Wlneton, the filter cfgarotte that bringe you a floor filter. The exclueive taate.tastoa goodflood —like— lit., an cigarette ...u ihoukl!.1— 1.11 .SkujfctW INSTON tlit to^-djiduiuiq ’fjJktn oiqanetttl S I, Senate. Tene m Us.. Wlnetee Mem. N FRIDAY. JANUARY 14. 1955 EL MUSTANG PAGE THREE Mars Flying Boat Bitter Than Sled Hrl« Kringle may have a alelgh South 1'acltlc Theater of Opera* and reindeer, but Dr. Vance Lewis, tlons, Fleet Air Wing Navlga* physic* Instructor at Cal Poly, had tlon officer, air transport navi* the world'* largest flying boat as gator and officer In charge of a chariot for his annual Christmas operational air navigation train* trip. Ing at NAS Han Diego. A lieutenant commander In the The Mare Alameda*IIonolulu Naval Air Reserve. Lewis spent trip requires a Utile more than 14 hla Christmas vacation on active hours one way. ho says, and each duty as navigator of the Navy's nuvlgator on the crow stands two huge Mara, operating between watches each way. Lewla gets to Alameda and Honolulu. Ho has spend five days in Hawaii between been making such annual training flights. T h e whopperlsh craft ‘ tty flights to Honolulu In the curries 40 passengers plus cargo, ars since first coming to Cal totaling a gross weight of around Poly In 1040 following four years 100,000 pounds, It has four 8,500- In Naval aviation in World War II. horaepower engines. Lewla has accumulated better Back home, Lcwti continues to than 1,000 hours as a Naval air in flying. His hobby le navigator. Including such duty lot ng a flfl*horso£j>wer Taylor «a flag plane navigator for the admiral In command o f t h e

SPECIAL RATES T* Students end faculty KNAPP Shoos BANK'S RADIATOR SHOP Sliot 4*11 Dross «nd Work INSTRUCTOR AND STUDENT COLLIDE. , . 1047 Plymouth (left), driven by Poly electronlce motor Charles D. Jackson ol Alhambra and seoond auto driven by Clarenoe Radius, head Oi the electronics department, ALL WORK GUARANTIID D. H. Hetckkls Ret. Ssltimes collided at the Intersection al Calllornla and Foothill boulevards last week. Roth Mr. and Mre Radius re­ 1111 T t it St. TeL UI0-W 770 lutkes St. ceived minor injuries. — (Photo by Lolspeleh) Registrar's Shorts •) Stati*c Veteran students who w paid the fa.OO Medical fee In the rogis* tratlon lino, should submit their Chevrolet’* itoaltnt tho thunder from tht high- receipt to the cashier and reoueat refund. This fee I* authorised for priced con with tht grtattit chtlct going of and paid by the state agency engine* and drlvtil Look at all tht way* you when a veteran la cleared under the law. can go whtn you Chtvrtlttl If you are a new student under 90 the. law for this quarter, bo aura You can have the new 162-h.p. V8—or you can take you huve submitted your authori­ sation certificate to the recordera .. your pick of two new *weet-runnlng 6'*. office, Adnt, ion, so that an enroll­ . i - Then there'* Super-Smooth PowergUde, new Over­ ment form will be forwarded to the VA certifying the commence­ drive (extra-co*t option*) and a now and finer Syn- ment of your program. lir order to receive full subsis­ chro*Mc*h transmission. tence, you must he carrying -14 Come in and *ee how u n its’ INDKPKNIIKNT OF RK* I'KATH, or It! unlta In addition;to • a • . ^ j. 9 much fun It U to drive tho prep courses, (irnduate students Motoramlc Chevrolet of must earry 18 units for full aubata* exciting new ways to go I tence. & I your choice. The last day to add a course was Wednesday Jan, 18. If you wish to drop a course you may do so w'lHout penally until Jan. 2d by obtaining a chango of program permit from tho recordera office. After that date an "F ” will he given if you nro falling at the time you drop the course. He sure and report all program und ad­ dress ensages promptly to the re­ corders office. MINIMUM UNITS PL 10-MU HI Reiectlve Service 15 (12 for graduate!) PL 550 14 (Or 18 plus rep courses) PL 340 Slate Veterans 12 Regular Students 12 NIW "TURBO-FIRS V I" If you have signed for less than NIW "TURRO-FIRI V I" NIW "TURIO-RIRI VI" 10 units under PL 10*804, you WITH STANDARD TRANSMISSION WITH OVIRDRIVI WITH POWMOIIDI must have clearance from your training officer. If you have signed for less than minimum under P I 550 5 7 1 4 5 your subsistence will bo reduced •t fractionally by quarters. (10-14 t units equals 44 subsistence, etc. # t State veterans will have fee only paid If load la lesa than minimum. , All students carrying le«s than 12 unlta will naod a special oonald- rra'lnn from fh*'' recorders office. BAY THEATRE ^ t*L—•• • PflOMIO BAY NIW "IIUI-FLAM I 138" NSW "RlUI-FLAMI 183" NIW "IIUI-FIAM I 184" WITH OVIRDRIVI -WITH POWIROIIDI STUDENT PRICE 5Qc WITH STANDARD TRANSMISSION ntl.-a V I Ln. M l' < onllmc.u- Naltirilay Krnm I I’.M. t —Ills IV .tu r*.—I On (llsnl WM. Srrrrn T-rhnl-nlnr Ourl« I1M Kth* ll.-rymnrr Frank Slnslrs "YOUNO AT HEART" Shown Friday -S'4* *•»,. t-v ! tS" -u ilO-- 10 SttrHnt H.rSen Utevte OselMMM Eytrythlna’s now In tht "NAKED AURt" Slu.M.i Friday—T»-ie »40 SiMiiidav 4 ilTR « t!0 Motoramic Chevrolet NI N.-MON.-TI KS. Jsn. IM T -II Cnntlnumi* Hum'.* Emm I I* M, I—III. Fraturra—» On Osr lilsnl Wlilr Hrrrrn TECHNICOLOR Martin * bawls ^CHEVROLET A Jnannr lirn F.na f.*s tlalinf "I RING CIRCUi" Shown Sunday -S |SH—*1 1! ! —10 Mi.ndsy-Tur .lay S '40 Trrhnlrnlnr Maarrrn O’Hara Marpiinal.l Carry lllnnlr Parnaa . "FIRE OVER AFRICA" Jtforo than a now car,,, a new concept of low-cost motoring/ Shown Sunday 4 140 Si4(l Miinitsy-T'i'w.iay t—l n 'M 4—Trrhnlrolnr ( artnnna—* Sunday At 1 I’ M. Only WKIt, Jan. II — Dank Nlto-WIn Cash - I—III* Fralsrw—I Hi.htrl Ynsns Su.an Hayward THEY WOULDN'T RELIEVE ME" SEE YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER Shown T—10 Trrhnlrnlir- P-nnla Oltaafa I'alrlrla Mrdlna "DRUMS OF TAHITI" Shown—* i4H FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 195S PAGE FOUR EL MUSTANG SPORTS frjrt ft Sport* Editor..... Ed Slovln Stall Wrlton...... Earl Hodpei, Mlko Mattl*

the SlevinScope By Ed Slovin After viowlnjr the recont novice weight divisions to box for the boxing tourney wo folt pretty Mustangs and on top of that good about tho coming ring sueson he la low on men in the lighter . . . tho night of tho llnul* wo kopt weights , , , well we can sym­ our eyo gluoti to boxing conch pathise with him very readily Tom Loo a* ho ran from winner to when we see such a large group winner doing, what appeared to of M A 1, K students gatheryd ui, everything but having th# together and not even enough triumphant* sign u aooaon con* for a -10 or IB man squud. . . tract. , , we figured that after auch -ui.lv there are many students a good ahowlng of ring pptentia- on our campus that are capable llty that thia waa the beat time to of "ring duty" . . . If for no NOVICE CHAMPS . . . Front row Isil to riphli Osoros Cos, 147; Ed Laballsla, 125, Ernie *M*r»ln#«, 130i run down to tho P.K. office afid other .reason tuke a look at the John Byrne, 182; Pa! Velladao, '171, Standing: Bill forty*, 132; P*l* Oodlne*, l&B; Coach Tom L**j Gerald get the hut acoop from our boxing schedule they have this season Burgess, 1(1; Dick Jenkins, most inspirational con!*nd*r, and Vie Buccola, heavyweight. ^ coach about how many P.C.I. tltloa und the chance to trnvel they wa are going to bring homo thia will obtain! Stanford university year etc. . , an wo decided we at I’alo Allot University of Hants Kellogg Unit Has Arabian Horse Show Under Way would get up bright and early t iara at Manta Clara t Han J im * I First pvrforperformances for th* 1UBB November 2M. Th# exhibitions will | These hour-long dumonstration* the next morning und interview ■tut* ut Han Joset Chico state at season of the world-famous■ ■ - ’ -Kellogg take jilsce ever^j Sunday, weather of tha versatility und adaptability permitting, until the close of the him. t hlcoj the University of Arabian horse exhibitions took of the Arabian hore* have attract­ Hefore we had a chance to get season on Muy 2P. Hhows ere Nevada! Han Francisco stalei ed morv thun three million person* to tho gym, Coach Leo camo into University of California plus place lust Hunday on the Kellogg scheduled for 2 and tilBO p in the Journalism office with a look two tournumenta,.. the first be­ Campus of Cul Poly, college offi- Twenty-three top Arabs, eight from all over thu world to th* on his face which might have ing In Hacramenio which Is the dels announced recently, huge Perchoron draft horses, und beautiful Him.nere raneh sines the resembled Pappy Waldorf after P.C.I, and the second tourney The shows are resuming oner- six tiny Hhetlund ponies will he late W, K, Kellogg first started the losing the Kust-West gam*. , , (NCAA) In Idaho... stions sfter a holiday recess sitI nee presented In 17 different acts, shows back In 11127, w* asked hint what the trouble Our college is In bad shape when was and her* Is the whole story. they can not man a capable boxing Out of 2077 students enrolled squad.an. ...,., so mosethose orof you whowno are at Poly this winter quarter interested

I ml. Himlh as K.miIHiII as 0 ’1‘as Your Checks War la Pair VussriH. TXr# 1019 Mono Street mil**In S»mh ul IIlinoa> Os*. HILLiS CREAMERY Between The Banks

Bachino and Stockird , — Breakfast— General Ineurance Broken 1. 2 loro* ranch eggt, dice pi ham, hath brown potato**, buttered toait and Jam and all tha 'off** you can drink Z. 7?c 740 Hlguora Street . Phone 393 2. 2 largo ranch eagi, bacon, hath brown potatoes, buttarad toait and Jam end all tha coffee you can drink...... 7 5 c 3. 2 largo ranch eagi tauiage hath brown potatooi, buttarad toait and |on* and all tha coffee you con drink...... 7 5 c 4. 2 hot cakai, 1 egg, coffee, butter and tyrup...... 5 QC 5. 2 hot cakai, lautog* or bacon, all tha coffoa you can drink. "'. 55c Check Our Prices 6 3 hot cakai, 1 tgg, and oil tha coffoa you can drink...... 60c All Werk QhMvmM Most Completely Equipped lk*p la The Central Ceeit Area • —Side Orders— Special: Brake Work, Wheel Alignment 1, 1 agg for 15c, 2 f o r ...... 25c 2. Sida of bacon ...... sq Motor Overhaul I . Sida of ham ...... jqc 4, Sid* of Mutag* ...... “Ask the Student who Knows" ~ 5. Choice of chilled juicei ...... ZZZZ 15c See Us Before You Dealt Don & Ernies Automotive SUNDAYS ONLY 1234 Breed Street SERVICE Phene 3111 Open 8 to 8 FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1055 EL MUSTANO PAOE Fiv e Rugby PotNtial Judo Inthuslastslneourugod Mustangs Travel To Meet Aztecs; To Attend Tonight's Meeting Tonight at 7 p.m. there will be Needed For Club e meetingdlni of all Judo e I u b Rugby at Cal Poly T Yes. there is members In Adm. 209. Also In­ Harlem Clowns Next On Schedule u chance that Cal Poly wtll start a vited are any persons who wish rugby club to* fluid teams agulnst to take part In this quarters lty Karl Hodges two year lettorman, Larry Madsen average of ll.P points. , Nunn many other top clubs anil colleges workouts. Beginners and ex­ After suffering a 76-M defeat at and Atwood Grandberry In the follows Freeman with■ ■ n T m I In California. perienced men are both wanted. the hands of Santa B a r b n r a Gaucho tilt. Although the _ Hanta Atwood Grandburry ii cloao behind For those who don't know what The main topic of buslneea College, C u iu' h Kil Jorgensen'* Barbara tilt marked Madsen's uec Nunn with 108. the gam* Is or haw ll is p layd for this years first meeting eager* will tuku to the rom) an tha ond Noauon game, the fl foot five * "Wo had a tough time working there will lie a meeting of rugby will be to set a time for weekly Hun Diego state Antee's meet tha Inch hooputer displayed marked agulnat the Gauchoa gone defense, fens and those who learn workouts. Also on the agenda (lr«un ami (lolil with Kama tlmo ubllity on the backboard* and will but t think that the iqund did vary and possibly participate this com are the plans for the coming set ut M o'clock tomorrow night on lie In the utartlng lineup against woll in penetrating and working Ing Monday night In Library 114 year. the Aster's home court. Thu Mus­ Han Diego elate tomorrow night, the ball In for the eloae ahoti) how- at I p.m. Btsfuea explaining tha . f-, J * tangs were uchuiluluil to play Los Grandberry mleeil the CCAA tour­ avur, wa did lone possession at contest, movies are also nlunped During tho winter quarter on AiikuU'u utate last night. nament but euw action againet tha different-point* In the gamo and It for the meeting. One movie will Saturday mornings there will be (lauchoe and established hlmeelf show a game between tha UCLA Last Friday night opened the hurt us.” aald Coach Jorganaan, gymnastic and tumbling classes aa a top defenelve player aa well it looka aa though the Mustang* Rugby club and the Queens of for all boys and girls who are Muutiingu C( AA home schedule ae a leading ecorer. He hae hit for Scotland (defending world champ­ uml marked Cal Poly's uocond louu have Improved over practice aea- children or Poly students. These 10!) polnte In Hi tllte, alone held thla week and will go all ions) Rugby team. The other to the lofty Hnnta Barbara quintet. movie, that Is tentatively schedul­ classes, conducted by the P.E. Previously the Muqtnnga dropped High Hearer out against the Astaca. Iluwuvar, majors, are from DiHO to noon and the squad will be hampered by the ed, Is a training film of ths UCLA a CCAA tournament tilt to the Ernie Hall, fornpr Ventura and squad. all participants must wear gym Gauchos au Hnnta Barbara went loaa of Wellman Brandatrom who shoos .Golf Coach Don Watta la Purdue University etar, continued la out for the aeaaon with a leg in­ If you aie not able to attend the badly In need of golfore on tho var­ wild In the laut quarter of play to to lead the e c o r 1 n g department jury and alao frum the loaa of Jeaa meeting h u t are Interested in defeat the Muntanga (11-06. learning mure about the sport or sity and junior squad and Is offer­ with 210 polnte In IB gamee for an Wllaon who had to drop from the becoming a member of the squad ing a golf class whieh Is worth Maduen Iu Bark nvarni■Hire of HI,II point* per gi roater hecauae of auhulaatld com- then get In touch with Bob Camp­ Mi unit, All Interested ehould con­ rame. pllcatlona. The Mustang aquad wat bolster- B i l lFreeman...... _is _second _ ...... highest. bell. Box 76(1. tact him at the housing office In ed ronulderahly by the return of with a t o t a I of IBS polnte for an Ho far, the Oreen and Gold have The sport of rugby was origin­ Chase Hall.. .There will be reeree- paced their nppononta In acorlng ated In Kngland at the beginning tlonal swimming for all student with 115 more b a a k e t a, but they of the 10th century and Is consid­ families every Sunday from 8-4 have had free throw trouble aa ered the forerunner of football. and on Wednesday from 7-B p.m. their opponent* lead by more than Many colleges now have teams Dependents of the students will ' 10 point* In that department. Free but tney function as olubs sines the need swimming cards. irowa have stopped the Muatanga NCAA (governing law of college ornthan once In thla aeaaon play. football) docs not recognise theup Following the Han Diego tilt the and coming popular iport. Green and Gold will return home to prepare for their next cage foe, the fanuloua Harlem Clown*. The Muatang* meet the Clowna on the Incut hardwood next Tueaday night Nation Quality Brands t Quality Value lervloe In u game elated to get underway ■st., Ian., Hulidsri tliio at Prises You Prefer ts Pay. I. 4 N. Orson Stamps at H o'clock In the Crandall gym. Top Talent nun 171 Man tarty Slraat Phona 724 An example of Clown talent la »»■ Last 2 Days their center, Cleveland (Deacon) Ciiiillnui.ua rum ilO e.m. NOW Glenn Ford “Tho Vloltnt Mon" I- ’ ’ l e t s ’ g o s u m m i n g ’ ’ ’ 1 I Hidden Valley Hetsprlng* Peel has warm water all year . — FLUE — , ‘reu^id. OPEN d ally 9 a.m. • p m. ____ ^ Robert Franoli This Coupon i and ene 10c admission ticket will admit twel | Ths Bamboo Prison Clip it eut and bring Itl , | We cater te night part lei by appointment. ★ SUNDAY ★ Coll 7«ft>2 Ian Lvla Oblipe Old Highway 101 and Avila Read 1 ALEC aUDflSS ‘THE DETECTIVE" HU leteil and luiuiUit , ..

— FLOE — “GANGACEIRO" XAM.OA.SARO CAOEY CENTER . . . Cleveland (Deacon) Harp wke halle Irani Indtanapolli I* 6 loot eia inch, 195 pound senior and ptvol man “Sign ol ths Pagan" ler the Harlem Clewne. Deaeon" Harp ie one ol the coming greali ol basketball. He wae with the Harlem Globetrotters one season, with Marquis Haynes' All-ptars ON last year, and (olned the Clowna HIDE this year and brings to them Opsn Undsr Nsw Managsmsnt added power, ______SMOOTH Harp, a (I foot alx Inch pivot who hail* from Indianapolis, "Deacon" Harp la tabbed aa being one of the 1 coming greata of baaketball. He T IR t S has played with the Harlem Globe­ TICK TOCK trotters one eeaaon. with Marquis Haynes' All-Btara last year, and la now a regular for the Clowna. r & & T . < Harp I4 only ona of the many out­ CAFE standing hoopatars to ba aeon next Tuesday night. — /trrjf King—7hi Smilin' Chif— The Clown*, noted for their n e w e k e “ J * raaale-daaalr flM trick play*, if* expected to d I • p 1 a y *om* of the Sl.00 Meal Ticket! Available beet ball handling to bo seen on seiberlind the home courts In many a yaar. The Muatang* will hava to go all out to maks a good showing again­ t i r e t r e a d i n g st a team, like the Clowns, that draws players all ovar the country. Announces Everyday

Ml W IIHI I HI All Typewriter Ranchhand Breakfast Why take cheneeien tmeefh WIDTH 3 icrambled eggi, haih brawn spuds, Problems? ham, with Miami, taait and ceilee tire* when lelberiinf Tire IACIOHY BEE Treading can give yev vp Ai'i'HOVH) 95c te #0% mere safe mile*. W m i moos Elmer Smith yew can't afford new tlree, Sunday Supper Spedal •tap end eck vc about thic HROMI'I, # BALES ^ money-loving way to lefe IIMAC IORY # SERV ICE Baked Chicken Dinner . • RENTALS driving. SfHViM Other Entreei tram lie ta S t.ll The Sleaki, Cheps, Fllleti and Ham TYPEWRITER . * • t ~ . - . Shep ’ . . I Tire & Bottery Co. Acres* Irem Ike Santa lesa and Htguera , OcW Dragon on Monterey It. 281 Higuero Street Phone 758 FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1955 PA G E SIX EL M U ST A N G • Leathersralt Supplies • Cowboy Beet Repair r i Senior Interviews DON'S SHOE SHOP Monday, January 17, 4 p.m., Shoe Repairing Lib. Room 114, Qanaral Moating: 1311 Brand It, Edward* Air Force Ilaao, all en­ I !j blacks tram Purity gineering student* Invited, Alma will be shown. Tueaday, January 18, Individual We photograph M en- Interviewsi Edward* Air Force Rase, seniors (and juniors Inter­ convincingly IC ested In summer work) majoring in Aero, KK. EL, ME. Open 9:30 o.m.—3:30 p.m, Doily Appointments for Interviews Spacial Diicount may be arranged in the Place­ ment office. TO POLY STUDENTS i SI GAINSBOROUGH STUDIO Lc RELIABLE PRESCRIPTIOH Fheteirephy by Wegen W SERVICE Phene 1141 SI Lecal A|«*iy far T’WAS THE NIQHT ICrORC CHRISTMAS. . . Bui every crealure wae ellrrlng on thle ocoaslon. The Chrlilmae •14 Hlgueru. Ban Lul* Obispo laitman Kodak lormal, eponeored by the Mechanical Engineers, drew a large crowd at the Veteran e Memorial auditorium SheeMer feat December 4. _... llhoto by LoUpeloh) Student's Checks Cash tel MAGAZINIS STATIONERY SUNDRIES Dairy Head Makes Extended k e p e c o k a i e YOUR HOME Hotel Drug Store FLAT Tour Of US*England*Europe ( John Hurley, o t . George Drumm, head of the Cal Poly dairy husbandry •Drapes ANDERSON H<6tEL BLDG. TOPS V department believee In getting to the aource of thlnge, and To aoonnt your 'Any Ityla tl Haircut’ u thin he plans to do when he makes an extended trip through room patterns y Op«n 7 a.m.-ll :B0 p.m, the United 8tates and Europe. Uyumm and his wife will b e r Try Our Dolly MUSTANG BARBER gone six months and one highlight of the trip will b e a visit • Linoleum h im to the Ielee of Joreey and Quern-* Id W Grand (or everything 172 HIGUIRA UN LUIS OBISFO eey where tho respective dairy cat tie breeds originated. The visit to Ohio State Noses from floor coverings BREAKFAST the Isles will be made during the early part of April. Drumm, ed­ Out Both Poly SC to table tops and ucated at Kansaa State College, has been Instrumental in building Cal Poly joined the University LUNCHEONS Electric Recapping the Cal Poly dairy herd to one ot Of Southern California in going • Furniture the outstanding units in tho coun­ down to defeat at the hands pf To complain your naads try. He lias been at Cal Poly since Ohio, State University on New I (Ml. $6.95 up Year’s day. Leave In March You ora Invited to uia SNO W H ITE Mostly up The Drumma do not plan to leave While SC was losing tho Hose the United States until Mnreh. Howl game, Cal Poly was nosed our ooiy tormi CREAMERY January and February will ho spent out by Ohio Htuto for lint place NO CARRYING CHARGE Naw Tlrca Wholesale visiting universities, colleges, and In tho Education Division of the Tournament of Hoses Puriule. The Where You Got Quantity Truing — Balancing farms throughout the country. and Quality Drumm will speak before several Hig Tun representative won with Spring Grooving college dairy groupa, and other or- a float theme of “ High in the U l Monterey ganluatlonsrns. The trip will be made Middle." Cal Poly camo in second >y automobile. He will visit Art- with Ita entry, "The Sky’s Thy aona State , University of Arlione, Limit." Furniture Store Wowl Texas Tech, Texas AAM, Florida This It the seventh year that College of Agriculture, and col- Cal Poly students have entered a Ivgoa, farms and creameries In Ten- float In tho Roao Parade at Pasa­ Phone 421 * Wotta Place noaaeo, Kentucky, Ohio, Georgia, dena, und the collegu entries have Wo Don't Soil the Carolines, and Virginia. won three flrst places, two third 669 HIGUERA ST Former Inatructnr plucoa, and an honorable mention While in Boltaviile, Maryland, ho previously, Polv’s float Is the only will vleit Dr. 0 , E. Reed, former o n e completely designed, c o n - Instructor who in now chief or tho etructed and decoratca by college YOU BUY! bureau of dairying, USDA. students on an extra-curricular The pair plan to sail for Eng- bails, Most other entries are land Marcarch 10. Drumm has letters bandied by provisional float at of IntroductionK1U to the Ministry of makers. Agriculture and Fisheries who will '' The Poly float showed two small arrange an itinerary for vlstta to children, Diunu Winterbourne uml PARTS KIRKEBY'S experimenttrait " stations and colloges Kim Bond, In academic drees and in England. riding in the basket of- an old- The Drumma will join a tour of fashioned ascension balloon which For Any Make Holstein breeders from the United was ready to take them up toward States on April 80. The group will unlimited opportunity. On'the base WELCOME Typewrit# rt tour England, Uormany, Swltior- of the float were sevoral books Auto or Truck land, Denmark and France, labelled "American Education." NEW STUDENTS Polyland— Swltserlund Drop in—Any time While in Hublgen, Switxerland, Drumm will assist In arranging tho Nationally export of Holstein holfere being CALIFORNIA PARK donated by Hans Melschuu of Nl- Known Brands Mojor Brandi of Quality onto to Alfred Sidlor, a former LAUNDROMAT Cal Poly student who now operates OHIT Mon's Woor. Ramam- a large dairy farm In Swltserland. • Platan Rlnga N«W & Reconditioned On a return vlalt to England, ber you savo at Kirk#* Standards & Portables tho Drumm* will attend the Chel- • Bondnd Braka Shaaa sea Flower Show on Mey 20. The 2 BLOCKS • Radlatar Haaa by's with Thrifty Shop* show |s ono of the most noted of Irani Paly an Cal I lamia • fan Balta pars Stamps rodoom* EASY TERM S Its kind in the world. Boulevard Returning to the United States, able for any morchan* Late M odal the Drumms will visit sevoral more Compare Our Low M eet RENTALS colleges end farms. Among the diso of your soloction Institutions will be Cornell Univar­ and TOOL BOXES sity end Ohio State. ba satliiladl 'by Trinity in tho storo. per. me. The Drumm* plan to return to San Luis Obispo late in June. on* 81b. washar load Complete Mechanical The dairy department head who washad and drltd 5QC CARL Service pluns to tako numerous plcturos on his trip say*. "Ideas and informa­ HAND IRONING Reetenablo Prices tion obtain 'd during this sabbati­ Duro Chrome cal leave will be valuable In loach- Sanle . ‘ t|* Inf et Cal Poly and Improving Shirts f tie HAND TO O LS NELSON OFFICE EQUIPMENT dairying In till* state," t a M W H M i e o a 490 Hlguere St. Pheae 221 ZfhitferJal Where to from Poly CAMERAS flash Bulbs, film A Equipment IF WE DONT HAVE IT 7 7 7 7 wt can gat If if it’s manufactured The Answer is BARR'S CAL PHOTO _ AUTO PARTS OPEN SO O N STORE SUPPLY Monterey & Court Across From Campus On Highway 1 HIOUERA STREET Andfrion Hotol Block •ViW W iVAV - V FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 19SS EL MUSTANG PAGE SEVEN

hi* favorite band. How about thatll! Bill's pet peeve le indi­ P o lly Chatter viduals who drink excessively. The Very wise! Upon graduation, Bill by Handle Hahn is planning on Joinlng(t) the OALIVORlUK 0TAT1 POLYTECHNIC COLLBGB * army. After hi* enlistment is up, Student Wives started off the he plans on working for Allla DICK VAN IRACKLI, Idlier new yenr with a new preaidsnt Chalmers. His girl, Elayne, holds’ a |OI ttOOP, Aim . Editas ALIK HOFMANIS, Business Maneges nnd lots of new Ideas. Offbeat very deAnlto place in his future, At Tuesday night’s meeting the says Mr, S. Advertising Manager ...... Dave Besoek question of‘ dividing into ‘ ■ sea- By Lltch * * * Photo Chlel ...... |lm Deartnaer tlons willwlll he proposed for the Circulation Manager ...... Chari** Peebles second time. It fs an Issue for all Each year, at this time, the The Quartet has been asked Advisor ...... John "Rook" H*al*y studentai wives to decldo for them- Muslo Department Is very busy to sing nn Monday, February T, Production Manager ...... AUx Holmanli solves. We’d like to have all the getting ready for the Annual Tour. at MiSO. The occasion is the Mon­ girls thero. Alroauy, work is beginning to ac­ day Club's annual Husband's llall Wrll*n Bob Norton, John Lawl*r, Bill Rlohardion, Tr*d Preble. BUI • * • - i cumulate. New songs are being Night. The Quartet la already Iona. Lurry Lltchlluld, bill aalllh.r. Dale Cuy»r, Rulnald Johnston, Newt gone over and stunts are being planning for It. They will sing Wak*manv At present there are fl01 mar­ three or four numbers. ried students going to school at planned. Tension is rapidly mount­ , * * * flail Phelegraphersi Don Tomlin, Chuck Lotspeteh. t'al Poly. If ail, or nearly all of ing In the Qlee Club, as the compe­ those wives showed up at Student tition for participation on the Tour Norbert Brule had a close ex- Wives meetings, we’d really have la becoming quite high. This year’s terienoe on his way back to sahool. a eluli, apd could do much more tour has posalbllltloa of being the t seems Mr. Brule almost hit a for the benefit of Cal Poly than vary beat ever. dear (yep, I said a deer) with his * * * Is possible now, car. Ho said he had some hair on * * • This weak, Bill Btewart is the the front bumper. Close shave, Norblll Mrs, Dorothy Conner ha* man on the spot. Bill is a senior, * * * arranged for nn operator from the M. E. major. Thi* Is Bill's fourth telephone company to explain long year in the Collegians and he says Don Clark had a very interesting Good O r Bad, It's Your Paper distance call procedure to the it is the best band ha has ever experlencs on the Greyhound bus Wa’ru u littlu Into but tho ne\r your isn't so ugod that girls, The meeting will bo held played in. Ate you prejudiced, from Washington to Ban Francisco, Tuesday at H p.m. m Library 118. willy 111 His home Is in Chino, Cal­ Ask him to tell you about it. It’s wo havo to louvo 10S4 without at loaat Haying a few worda Refreshments will he servod fol­ ifornia. Often he can be seen dri­ really a plplll about it. Tho entire El Mustang staff hopoa tho now-gone lowing the program. ving around campus in his '40, year brought you all the thing! you naked of it. And, too, At Iho last meeting thero were reen Oldsmoblle, willy is a very now resolutions which will make 1955 an oven better year. over RO new student wives. I hops Susy man around campus. His col­ St. Stephen's we’ll so* all tho old faces as well lege activities Include being vloe Throughout the fall quarter of 1954 this newspaper has ns all tho n e w ngaln Tuesday president of tho senior class, dance reflected wnat you, the atudenta, have done. And looking night. Como nnd bring a frloml, committee momber, member of Epifcopal Church back it turns out to be a pretty good record. J? I the Senior Executive Board, Pl»»0 and Nlpomo Street* Prodded by strict (printers will say different) deadlines member of the Muslo Board, — _ JUNDAY SERVICES manager of the Collegians cal and holpod here and fhero by those of professional know how, Thumbs-Up constant work. Btll is the guiding 8:00 - 9:30 - 1 1:00 wo’ve managed to havo thoso fow thousand words of what'a hand of this group. He buys ail A.M. ■ going on ready for you each Friday morning, come ruin or new music, manages the dances, Wad., Holy Days 10:30 a.m. shine. Thumbs-Down nnd does most of the paper work. Peer Student Bodyt Keop up the good work, Bllllll As Wo'vo given you what we think— though completely for his muslo likes and dislikes, CANTERBURY CLUB student edited ami printed— a good newspaper liasod upon I nm writing you a short letter Bill says he really goes for this for Colltgo Sfudoati professional ideas. This newspupur has afforded the oditors to thsnk every one of you. This modern music, but doesn’t care for and stuff an excellent opportunity to further our Journalism letter comes from the bottom of Oakle muslo I "Lawrence Welk" is lei and 3rd Sundays.—6.00 p as. our henrts. I wish to thank you for ■ ... . i ..i—as training and ut least learn the basic functions of a news treating us all like queona. The sheet. girls and I had the most wonderful \ .We realise our has been Is at time. This Is something that we learning and still your will remember far the rest of reading exponse. But, still, we ask you to remain with us the our lives. We also appreciate the rest of the year und perhaps we can all leHrn together. After- gentlemanly way in which you all all, we do learn by doing here, conducted yourselves, Whatever this experience has been for us and whatever I’ll never forget my cheek to Smile Jhth brifie-Jhih cheek experience with nil the sweet leasure you have gotten from it, El Mustang could never nnlmala, even that bull that step­ Junction without you. Each of you play a big part In making ped on my foot this a good or bad newspaper. If, as in 1954, you continue I hope that all of you had ee to make news we'll see that It's spread throughout to those wonderful Thanksgiving as I did. W* just can't wait until the day Open 24 Hours a Day who should and want to road it. comes that we can get on the train and coma to see you all again. I really must dose now ana get back to my homework. Just on* Editor's Perils Noted last thanks from the three of us. Features Getting out u paper is no joke. If wo print jokes, people Thinking of you, ■ay we are corny. If we don’t, they say we are too serious. If Ned, Lynn, and Margo JUMIO lUBOUflf MALT* we clip things from other magaxlnes, we are too lasy to (Poly Royal Queen and Princesses) writo them ourselves. If we don7t, we’re stuck with our own ALONG WITH MANY OTHEI TEMPTDfO BEIVOfOl ■tuff. If wo don’t print every word of contributions, we don’t Denr Editor I appreciate genius. If we do, the columns are filled with junk. Every morning, bloary eyed and If we muke a change in another reporter's writeup, we hungry, I atugger Into Ef Corral are too critical. If wo don't we are blamed for poor editing. for my first cup of coffee. Being a former student of Cat Poly, I Breakfast a Specialty at all Hours Now, more than likely, some guy will say we swiped this looked forward during my absence . i, 1 from some other paper. We did. -f- . to the moment when I would again alp Harry's pain killer and bite down on a freon .tender apudnut. My first morning back In school Meal Tickets tor Poly Boyi Objectives Of Printing Week win n cruel nnd bitter disappoint­ ment. (law* 7S« mi fl.00) In observance of International Printing Week, January Not only had the price gone up 10-22. El Mustang is proud to prosent the objectives of to a capitalistic sight cants, but the apudnut Itself wna smaller, in­ this week. ferior tasting, nnd nbove all stale. 1 Mile South On Old 101 Highway Those objectives are: May I be so bold as to suggest 1. ) To salute an Industry whose existence has beenthat a beginning sometime In the near future that the stale apudnuts PLENTY OF FREE PARKING dynamic force in the cultural advancement of mankind. be thrown out each night, as 2. ) To perpetuate the sound principles and profoundwould be expected, or that they Ownad and Msnsgsd wisdom of Benjamin Franklin precepts. be placed on sale nt a cheaper rire and the consumer be given l»Y 8.) To portray by visible examplos the alort spirit and Ris choice of either fresh apudnuts enterprise that actuates the printing industry of today. at eight cents nr the stale on.* ut Jerry & Trudy 4. ) To encouage young people to share In the limitlessreduced coat? career opportunities provided by Graphic Arts education Heartbroken and Sincere, facilities. Hob Colomy 5. ) To promote international good will bo bringing Graphic Arts organisations into a more understanding re­ lationship with one another. ______Clarence Brown's—Cal Poly's Gift Headquarters

Special Watch Trade-in Sale Magazines, Smokes, Gift Line You cm up !• 111.00 trade-in mi your old Andtrion Hot*l Building watch. regardless of o fi, m«ka, ar CMtdltiMi * naw Omega-Lenglnes-WIttnauer-Buleva- . mi a wstsr proof! Elgin and Humlltan. > P lt| Priced up WettleAi/tJ Bern 19.95 MONIY SACK NEW S STAND W e Give S & H Green Stamp* OUASANTII "G et the Last Scoops C rad It with na Intarast ar at Nettlepoops” CLARENCE BROWN Currying Charges ** Ian Luis Oblspe's Lauding Cradii Jawalar i ' ■ . l i t Hlguaro Straat Phana 1312 Terms us law us fl.00 u weak. 1010 MORRO ST. "Acroil From Bonoi ^ ■ -to ’

■ ■ " .. . mtu IH m taniai AlO OI* :*»IH s.uauauiy m»n N w y *ff m p4 n o 3MI10DIM m n r m - uoav™ U RnoniTO 3WD313 ‘IMIW l»u» iq»r|*‘ *»09afq»| w r, •■oMpqot jixtri m Sim i»i jfH|i m 9*f|f pfHOf tiita ®u,,oa,u M01 soM vuoi A invnd xn iiom »i o .j J7 R )' t^AKVlg OinV S/Q3MJ *rtf» • pxtitfip pin n n \ •aaoMA||Mjj* 90 X,„nriJ, joj d a «,9» J|W ,M n L >*■»* ipituty |*>|'nW '«M«dMM »W o*j MOIIVUIIU aAUOM ia HOd 1 710 flflJCVIfl O N K m n s a H iojD|nfi#g •A d 4|o^ •9|*«| »t|i 11if Xofua no< «|>| ‘ Xiao «M0i|i d|X »|W fn 0(|4M ‘wnd 04X HOAVli HOJ UTS gflVVlfl Jo p jn q jD Q IISUH JOJDJ#U#Q ' IHITIVMOHIfnQ Spypfi 1«)JD4S .

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