VOLUME 15, NUMBER 10 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1955 Seven Men Join Faculty Pioneer Era Of 1890's Seven now Instructors have jolntid the Cal Poly faculty, ac­ Brings Vision of Poly cording to l’ roaldant Julian A, Mcl’hfu, by Bob Flood THU Is ths fleet In s ssrlM sf srtlrlsi os tho tsrlr hlilsrr if Csl Pslr whisk Assuming their new dutto* at Kl Millions will publloh dsrlng tho ossilnf wooko, . the beginning of the winter quar­ Moot sf tho In Ur SI tl Ion totherH br Mloo Msresrot Chsoo, who ossit Is Col ter were Jack L. Albright, dairy Pslr Is IMS ond woo omplorod hr tko oolloto fsr s»or IT posio. huibandryi Dr. LuVerno Bucjjr, At tne end of the 18th century, ahortlv before Cal Polv animal huibandryi Dr. Dali waa established by the state legislature, San Luis Obispo was littu, viterlnury iclincii Lisle R. a small town about 4,000, not much larger than Cal Poly’a Green, loll iclin ci; John Q. Palm- present enrollment. Automobiles were unknown and High­ quilt, agricultural engineering, Frit/. H. Olien, wilding, and MorrTi way 101 was little more than a layer of dust in summer and P, Taylor, phyilci. ‘ (mud In winter, Albright, formerly In charge of A• Poly atudent, facing tha thf Adohr Parmi show herd, grad* Campus Club* Sign transportation conditions of those uated from Cal Poly In 1068 and days would not have gotten far received hie maeter of science de on his wseksnd trip horn# to I.os gree from Waihlngton State col- Soon For El Rodeo Angelos, or ths Ran Francisco lege In June. peninsula, o r t h o San Joaquin Dr. Bucy, who will head imlmal Attention fellows, today is the valley. last day to buy your El Rodeo. Don nutrition work, comoi from thp Well, ho might havo taken tha animal lelencu department of the N I • 1 s o n, circulation editor announced that at 6:00 p.m, this horse-drawn etage that arrived University of Illinois, where ho dally, <>nti from each direction, Tha received nil doctor of phlloiophy afternoon, sales for ths El Rodeo will snd. They are on sale in the railroad, however, had not yat degree. been connected with its temporary I)r. Gillette left u private veter­ AHB office and in Adm. 14. Tho rest i f ths work is begin- north and south terminals at inary practice In Kupld City, 8. Santa Burbara and Snnta Mar­ D., to Join the stuff of the vet'*r- ning to progress, Al Pryor nas asksd that all clubs who havo not garita. •Inary science department. He re­ Perhaps the only dependable ceived hli degree at Iowa State been contacted by the El Rodeo staff, drop a note in post office mode or truvil was by the small college, steamers of tho Pacific Coast Green, formerly with the Sun box 1874. He has also rsquestsd Jouquln experimental runge, re­ that tho clubs that havs bssn con­ Steamship Company, which mada weekly .stops for passengers and ceived hli bachelor und hli idenra tacted, drop a not* In hie box stat­ degrees on range management at ing tn* best time to havs thslr freight at Port Harford, now Avila Utah Stute college. pictures taken. _________ _ I’uhnqulst received hli bachelor John Kallunkl. campus life edi­ It was in th* early 1800’e that of science degree In agricultural tor, Is in need or some pictures of one Myron Angel, an extensive engineering from the UniversityU campus Ilf*. On top of tn* ones he traveler snd Journalist, then about of _______lewanSaskutcn and the master M ill PIINTINO WEEK , . , Dorothy Malone, liar of Warner Broe. Cine­ I* having takan, he has mads ths 70, cams through this pioneer re­ of science degree in the same held mascope production of "ladle Cry" hai been named "Mtse Printing request that any dear shots mads gion and decided to-xemaln. from Iowa State college; as well Week to reign over the annual celebration of International Printing of school activities b* put in his Described aa a scholarly gen­ as additional work at the Uni­ Week from Ian. 16 through Ian. 22, 19SS. post office box 1870. tleman, Angel soon acquirsd » versity of Minnesota. Slgn-up for senior pictures Is daep devotion for the community. Olsen Is a graduate of San Jose •till going on. With th* co-opera­ Upon a visit back to his hometown State college with a bachelor of Mot Pica Pi Contribute! To tion of all seniors. this oan b* of Oneonta. New York, he became arts degree In Industrial arts. lie finished and scheduling of pictures Impressed by the Influence of the has bad experience with the S A S can begin. State Normal school there and Vending Machine co m p ly . San International Printing Week vowed to have such an Institution Jose; Wostern Pipe and Steel com­ •■tabliahed In San Lula Obispo, Sharing in ths International cele­ program. His topic will be on pany, San Francisco; and Ames Parliamentary Procedural an Angel was able to anllat the Aeronautical laboratory, Moffett bration or Pilnting Week, January printing and ita effect and nacei- lfl-22, Cal Poly’s printing club. Met slty to our eoclety. Sturts Host Week For Imcees hearty support of th* local state held. Radio spot# havo been given to senator and the two Sen Luis New physics instructor Morris Pica PlV Society of Printing F.ngl- Two non-credit courses In par­ neers, will make sure that San each of the radio etatlone and they liamentary procedure will be of­ Obispo nawipaperi, for which he P. Tayloruyu. _____holds the bachelormmm of often submitted material. arts degree in both physles and Luis Obispo Is aware of ths occa- have promised to give time during fered during tbe Winter Quar- slon. the week. The TV station has boon ter, 1068. — ------'----- Wrote Angel In hi* highly ora- mechanical engineering frerom Stan­ torICal manner, "There will h* no ford and has done graduate work A committee of coven, Del Boat- given a complete eerie* of announ­ The Intermediate parliament­ right, Joe Evanehlk, Dale Hall, Bob cement cards and will talecait them ary procedure claea, starting doubt of the popularity of such a at the Massachusetts Institute of school established her*. The site Technology. Honniir, Hob Kuhn, Li'lnnd Vnndl* throughout the week, Jen. 20, every Thursday noon In var, and Hay Werner, have been Posters outlining the objec­ 200 Adm. building, Is for stu­ which will be given It is Incom- Taylor has been a design en­ (Continued on page I) gineer and engineering supervisor working On the project since last tives of Printing Week have been dents who have completed the for Westlnghouso at Sunnyvale year, and what they have planned printed and will be displayed in elementary course satisfactorily and an engineer with the Southern give# a very comprehensive cover­ all the print shops In town. or who heve been members of Overseas Teachers -Pacific. He holds patents on several age of tha Internationally celebra- Three displays, one pt Wicken- parliamentary procedure team*. don's, one In tho library foyer dis­ Limited to Juniors, sophomores, railway devices. tod wtok. Del Host right, general chair­ play case and one In the ( al Poly end freshmen. Maximum class Needed By US Army print shop, will also bo up during enrollment.... 20. Sign up in man of the committee, hao been A nationwide recruitment pro­ corresponding with the Nations! the week, they will exhibit various ASH office. printing tools and machines as well Th* elementary parliamen­ gram is being conducted by the Printing Week headquartore and Department of the Army to staff Blodgett Strains as samples of printing from Poly's tary procedure els**, starting hse mode Hie decision* a* to American Dependants Schools whst Poly's contribution will be. print shop. In addition, tha print Jan. 10, every Wednesday noon shop will be open to the public so In 200 Adm. building, le foi oversea!, aa approximately 100 Next Thursday night, Bert elementary and secondary teach­ Teacher Internship Fellow*, printing department head <hat Interested persons may ob­ students without training or ex­ serve the activities in the Graphic perience In parliamentary pro­ ers will be needed for the 1066-66 Charles O. Blodgett, biol­ at Cal Poly, will be Interviewed an school year. KVEC-TV'e “ Meet tha Faculty" Arts industry. cedure. Limited to Junigre, sop­ ogy teacher at the San Lula homore* and freshmen. Maxi­ R a a I e qualifications Include a mum class enrollment. .20. Sign Bachelor’s degree, a minimum of Obiapo high achool and Jun­ up In AHB office. « 18 semester hours In education ior college gpoke at the C 8T A California, Nevada Enlarged Program For additional Information, courses, a valid state teaching see Dick Johnson, In the student certificate, end at least two years meeting January 6. Hla topic Offer Summer Jobs body office. public school teaching experience. was, "The Student Teacher and Offered For MS The minimum age Is 26; maximum the Critic Teacher." Job offerings that loojc like ago, 6 6. Vacancies will be In Pres. Jim Barlow opened the Christmas present* or* being Announcements of tho enlarged | Rohr Aircraft Lauds Japan, Okinawa, Austria, Ger­ moeling with the nomination and dunglsd before college etudents by program of reeenreh Fellowship* many, and France. - election of a new vice president tho U.S. CMI Service Commleelon offered by the Trustee* of the Engineering Dept. Further details, Including the to (III the vacancy left when Kay General Electric Educational and 1068 Interviewing itinerary which Parsons resigned ns president.
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