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CURRICULUM VITAE Eduardo Fonseca-Pedrero Department of Psychology Phone: +34-985-10-32-72 University of Oviedo Fax: +34-985-10-41-44 Plaza Feijoo, s/n. E-mail: [email protected] Oviedo 33003, Spain. Education Degree University of Oviedo, Spain 1999-2004 Master Degree In Behaviour Therapy for National University of Education at Distance (UNED), courses 2004-2006 (700 hours). Expert Degree In Gerontology for University of Oviedo, Course 2004-2005 (200 hours). Publications Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Muñiz, J., Lemos-Giráldez, S., García-Cueto, E., and Campillo- Álvarez, A. (2007). Lateralidad manual, problemas emocionales y esquizotipia en adolescentes [Handedness, emotional problems and schizotypy in adolescents]. Psicothema, 19, 467-472. Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Muñiz, J., Lemos-Giráldez, S., García-Cueto, E., Campillo-Álvarez, A., and Villazón García, U. (2007). Multidimensionality of schizotypy under review. Papeles del Psicólogo, 28, 117-126. Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Muñiz, J., Paíno Piñeiro, M., Lemos-Giráldez, S., García-Cueto, E., Campillo-Álvarez, A., and Villazón García, U. (2008).The assessment of schizotypy: Current state and future prospects. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 8, 577-593. Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Lemos-Giráldez, S., Muñiz, J., García-Cueto, E., and Campillo- Álvarez, A. (2008). Schizotypy in adolescence: The role of gender and age. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196, 161-165. Paíno-Piñeiro, M., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Lemos-Giráldez, S., and, Muñiz, J. (2008). Dimensionality of schizotypy in young people according to sex and age. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 132-138. Conference Presentations Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Campillo-Álvarez, A., Muñiz, J., Lemos, S., and García-Cueto, E. Spanish Adaptation of the Thinking and Perceptual Style Questionnaire. Oral presentation presented at the 10th Methodology Congress of Social and Health Science, Barcelona (Spain), 6-9 February, 2007. Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Paíno Piñeiro, M., Lemos, S. Muñiz, J., García-Cueto, E., Campillo- Álvarez, A., and Villazón García, U. Dimensions of schizotypy: Sex and age. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of Spanish Society of Clinical and Health Psychology (SEPCyS), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain), 11-12 May, 2007. Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Campillo-Álvarez, A., Muñiz, J., García-Cueto, E., and Villazón, U. Psychometric Properties of Edinburgh Handedness Inventory. Oral presentation presented at the XI Spanish Conference and first Iberoamerican meeting in Biometry, Salamanca (Spain), 20-22 June, 2007. Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Campillo-Álvarez, A., Muñiz, J., Lemos, S., and García-Cueto, E. Behavioural and Emotional Problems in adolescents: sex, age and psychosis proneness. Oral presentation presented at the XI Spanish Conference and first Iberoamerican meeting in Biometry, Salamanca (Spain), 20-22 June, 2007 Muñiz Fernández, J., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Campillo-Álvarez, A., and García-Cueto, E. Methodological Issues in Cross Cultural Psychology. Schizotypy in adolescents. Cross- Cultural evaluation. Oral presentation presented at the 10Th European Congress of Psychology, Prague, 3-6 July, 2007. Muñiz Fernández, J., García-Cueto, E., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., and Campillo-Álvarez, A. Setting standards for test and test users in Europe. Reflections and proposals about the curricula for certifying test users in Europe. Oral presentation presented at the 10Th European Congress of Psychology, Prague, 3-6 July, 2007. Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Lemos-Giráldez, E., García-Cueto, E., and Muñiz, J. A new questionnaire of measure of obsessional beliefs in educational context. Oral presentation presented at the 5th International Congress of Psychology and Education, Oviedo (Spain), 23-25 April, 2008 Fonseca- Pedrero, E., Muñiz, J., Lemos-Giráldez, S., Paíno-Piñiero, M., García-Cueto, E., and Villazón García, U. Assessment of schizotypal personality. Oral presentation presented at the 5th International Congress of Psychology and Education, Oviedo (Spain) April, 2008. Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Álvarez Morezuelas, M., Santarén, M., Campillo Álvarez, A., Paíno Piñeiro, M., Lemos-Giráldez, S., and Villazón García, U. Obsessional features, How to measure? Oral presentation presented at the 5th International Congress of Psychology and Education, Oviedo (Spain), 23-25 April, 2008. Lemos-Giráldez, S., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Paíno, M., Campillo, A. Villazón, U., and Santarén, M. The Wisconsin-Madison Scales for the assessment of psychosis proneness: The state of the art. Oral presentation presented at the III European Congress of Methodology, Oviedo (Spain), 8-12 April, 2008. Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Lemos-Giráldez, S., Paíno, M., Villazón, U., Rodríguez, M., García- Cueto, E. and Muñiz, J. Psychometric properties of the Revised Scale of Social Anhedonia. Oral presentation presented at the III European Congress of Methodology, Oviedo (Spain), 8-12 April, 2008. Paíno, M., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Lemos- Giráldez, S., Villazón, U., García-Cueto, E., and Muñiz, J. How to assess perceptual aberrations in schizophrenia spectrum disorders? Oral presentation presented at the III European Congress of Methodology, Oviedo (Spain), 8-12 April, 2008. Fonseca- Pedrero, E., Lemos-Giráldez, S., Paíno, M., Villazón, U., Morán, E., García- Cueto, E., and Muñiz, J. Psychometric properties of a Likert version of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire Brief (SPQ-B). Oral presentation presented at the III European Congress of Methodology, Oviedo (Spain), 8-12 April, 2008. Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Lemos-Giráldez, S., García-Cueto, E., Campillo Álvarez, A. and Muñiz, J. Adapting the Thinking and Perceptual Style Questionnaire into Spanish. Oral presentation presented at the 6th Conference of the International Test Commision, Liverpool, 14-16 July, 2008 .