Budget Analysis of Ministry of Health and Population FY 2018/19 Federal Ministry of Health and Population Policy Planning and Monitoring Division Government of Nepal September 2018 Recommended citation: FMoHP and NHSSP (2018). Budget Analysis of Ministry of Health and Population FY 2018/19. Federal Ministry of Health and Population and Nepal Health Sector Support Programme. Contributors: Dr. Bikash Devkota, Lila Raj Paudel, Muktinath Neupane, Hema Bhatt, Dr. Suresh Tiwari, Dhruba Raj Ghimire, and Dr. Bal Krishna Suvedi Disclaimer: All reasonable precautions have been taken by the Federal Ministry of Health and Population (FMoHP) and Nepal Health Sector Support Programme (NHSSP) to verify the information contained in this publication. However, this published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of this material lies with the reader. In no event shall the FMoHP and NHSSP be liable for damages arising from its use. For the further information write to Hema Bhatt at
[email protected] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to all the officials and experts for giving their time to discuss budget allocation and expenditure patterns. We value the inputs from the Federal Ministry of Health and Population (FMoHP), Department of Health Services, Divisions, and Centres. The study team would like to acknowledge Dr Pushpa Chaudhary, Secretary FMoHP, for her overall guidance while finalising this budget analysis. We are thankful to Dr. Guna Raj Lohani, Director General, DoHS for his support. We are thankful to provincial government and sampled Palikas for their support in providing the information.