PROPOSED RIVIERA TUNGSTEN PROJECT MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF PIKETBERG WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE FINAL SCOPING REPORT REFERENCE NUMBER: WC 30/5/1/2/2/10110 MR FEBRUARY 2019 PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: Bongani Minerals (Pty) Ltd Greenmined Environmental Suite 2.1 On the Greens Unit MO1, No 36 AECI site Golf Village Baker Square, Paardevlei De Beers Avenue De Beers Avenue Somerset West Somerset West 7130 7130 Contact Person: Mr L Koster Contact Person: Ms C Fouche Tel: 060 785 2780 Tel: 021 851 2673 Cell: 083 265 7755 Cell: 082 811 8514 E-mail:
[email protected] Fax: 086 546 0579
[email protected] RIVIERA TUNGSTEN FINAL SCOPING REPORT - FEBRUARY 2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Applicant, Bongani Minerals (Pty) Ltd, applied for environmental authorisation to mine tungsten and molybdenum from a 531.4405 ha area that extends over Portion 1 of Farm 297 RD, Portion 6 (Remaining Extent) of the farm Namaquasfontein 76 RD, and Portion 21 of the farm Namaquasfontein 76 RD. Greenmined will at all times remain independent and will perform its obligations in terms of all relevant Acts, Regulations and Guidelines, as expected from environmental practitioners. All documentation, to date, was based on preliminary data and desktop studies as access to the study area was denied by the landowners, resulting in limited information being provided to all commenting parties. Numerous attempts and letters requesting access to the properties by the applicant was all in vain. Greenmined is unable to provide the I&AP’s and stakeholders with material information with regards to this mining right application and it is therefore clear that the relevant authorities will not be able to make an informed decision, irrespective should it be positive or negative.