Yvan Delporte, | 56 pages | 31 Aug 2010 | Papercutz | 9781597072069 | English | New York, United States The Purple Smurfs - Wikipedia

Upon waking up to a bright new day, calls all his little Smurfs together to start work on the bridge. As work commences, Lazy decides that he take a little nap until he comes face-to-face with Papa Smurf, who tells him to get back to work now like everyone else. Hefty from the gully of the river below the bridge asks Papa Smurf to hand him a shovel, which he does until he finds out it's been covered in goo. Greedy comes along to tell Papa Smurf that it's his shovel, and pulls it away from Papa Smurf's sticky hands. calls Papa Smurf's attention of her picking out the color for painting the bridge, but Papa Smurf Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs too busy seeing Brainy not watching where he was swinging his ax to chop wood, and instead he ends up cutting the rope that held the bridge up, sending it crashing down into the gully. With Papa Smurf ready to explode, he walks off into the forest only to trip over Lazy, who found himself a nice place to sleep. Papa Smurf angrily tells Lazy to go into the forest and get lots of logs, "and move it", which Lazy quickly gets up and does. As Lazy begins to chop down a tree, he finds himself pestered by a purple fly who annoyingly circles around him, laughing. Lazy chases the purple fly off into the forest until he trips over a tree root, but after he gets up, he doesn't notice that the purple fly has secretly flown around him and is now behind him, looking at and zooming toward his tail. Lazy yelps in pain and looks to see that his tail is now throbbing, realizing that the purple fly had bit him. Then suddenly Lazy turns purple, and his mind goes blank as he now barks "gnap gnap gnap" and hops off into the forest. Meanwhile, Papa Smurf is getting Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs that Lazy is taking his sweet time coming back and sends Brainy to go find him. As Brainy searches the forest for Lazy, he hears a "gnap gnap" nearby and finds himself face to face with Lazy, teeth gritted and skin all purple. Brainy bolts back to tell Papa Smurf about how he found Lazy, who then surmises that Lazy must have been bitten by a purple fly. Smurfette then sees Lazy head off into the village. give chase and eventually capture Lazy, tying him up before Papa Smurf tells them to bring Lazy to his house. Papa Smurf seems to recall that the last case of what he and the other Smurfs had experienced Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs when he was a young Smurf barely years old, but now he couldn't remember what the cure was. As Papa Smurf and some other Smurfs head to his laboratory in order to find what could cure Lazy, they Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs another Smurf cry out in pain. It was Hefty, who was standing outside Lazy's house keeping watch over him. Lazy had broken his bonds and now turned Hefty purple by biting his tail. Papa Smurf tells his little Smurfs to leave his Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs so he could find the cure for this disease before it is too late. Papa Smurf spends the night working in his laboratory on a possible cure, and then by morning he calls for some volunteers that would go into the forest to capture a purple Smurf in order to test it, warning them to be careful. Many Smurfs choose to do so, and soon they are searching the forest for one. Then suddenly Clumsy spots purple Hefty and chases after him with a lasso, but he ends up getting bound by his own lasso, and purple Lazy bites him in Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs tail. Brainy hears Clumsy's cry Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs help, but arrives only to witness Clumsy turning purple and thus uses this moment to his advantage, bringing other Smurfs toward him to compliment him for his "bravery". In his laboratory, Papa Smurf tests his formula on the captured Clumsy by spritzing it into his mouth. The purple Clumsy Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs around uncontrollably before passing out, but he still remains purple. Handy carries Clumsy back to his house when Clumsy awakens and bites Handy's tail, turning him purple. Greedy immediately runs for it, but is also turned purple. Papa Smurf realizes that he must find something else to try curing them. Another day passes. Papa Smurf again calls for volunteers to capture a purple Smurf for yet another attempt at a cure, but this time his little Smurfs refuse to volunteer. So Papa Smurf now chooses a few Smurfs to go and get him a purple Smurf, which they succeed in doing. This time Papa Smurf pours some kind of formula upon the purple Smurf's head, but now it does nothing but cause that purple Smurf to break his bonds. Papa Smurf runs for safety as now a dozen Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs so purple Smurfs emerge from the laboratory. Yet another day passes. Papa Smurf is now frustrated because nothing he has tried works, and now up to 17 Smurfs have been infected with the "purple disease". Their next course of action is to capture the purple fly, so that from it they could learn what the cure was. As the Smurfs search the forest for the Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs fly, some get bitten by purple Smurfs, while some others accidentally capture hornets. Papa Smurf eventually captures the purple fly and brings it to his laboratory, where he feeds him a tuberose flower before getting some rest. As Papa Smurf watches, the fly sniffs the flower, sneezes, and then turns blue. He realizes at that point what the cure actually was -- tuberose pollen. He orders his little Smurfs to get as many tuberose flowers as they can. While the Smurfs gather up the tuberose and Papa Smurf extracts the pollen from the flowers, purple Hefty sneaks into the village and uses blue paint to disguise himself, waiting outside Papa Smurf's laboratory and overhearing Papa Smurf telling the little Smurfs Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs refill when they run out of pollen. Soon Smurfette sees dozens of purple Smurfs hopping toward the village, which leads Papa Smurf and the remaining blue Smurfs out into the open with their pollen-filled bellows to blow out clouds of pollen toward the purple Smurfs. One of them inhales the pollen and turns blue, but before the blue Smurf could Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs in time, he is bitten by a purple Smurf and turns purple again. This continues on until Papa Smurf finds himself the only blue Smurf left surrounded by about a hundred purple Smurfs including Smurfette! He races back to his laboratory to get some more, but in his laboratory he encounters purple Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs now disguised as a blue Smurf. Purple Hefty accidentally sets fire to the laboratory, which Papa Smurf tries to put out, distracting him long enough for Hefty to bite Papa Smurf in the tail. Papa Smurf realizes at the point that all the Smurfs are now lost before he fully succumbs to the full effects of the "purple disease". Fortunately, the fire also causes an Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs in the laboratory, which unleashes a big enough cloud of tuberose pollen to cure him and all his little Smurfs simultaneously. Papa Smurf is so glad to see all his little Smurfs cured, he promises he will never complain about them again. That is, until he Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs a "gnap gnap gnap" and finds out that it was Jokey playing a joke on him. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Contents [ show ]. Categories :. The Purple Smurfs. Title Translation of The Purple Smurfs. Read The Smurfs 1: The Purple Smurfs on Epic | Smurfs, Graphic novel, Comics

Purple Smurfs are basically Smurfs who have been infected with the "purple disease" by either a purple fly or by another Purple Smurf, usually by biting him or her in the tail. A Purple Smurf usually hops around with gritted teeth, making "gnap gnap gnap" noises and searching Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs his or her next victim. A Purple Smurf can be cured by inhaling the pollen of a tuberose blossom, causing him or her to sneeze and restoring him or her back to normal. They are based on the original Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs books' Black Smurfs, who first appeared in the comic book story "The Black Smurfs". It is probably due to the nature of the characters that they were made purple for the racially-cautious English-speaking audience, both for the cartoon show episode and for the English translation of the original story. The comic book story "The Egg And The Smurfs" suggests that Grouchy's behavior has come from being the first Smurf turned into a Black Smurf and somehow some of its effects stuck with him when Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs was cured. This explanation does not appear in the cartoon show since "The Purple Smurfs" took place after "" in its history. In the story book version of "The Black Smurfs", Lazy Smurf is identified as the first Smurf infected with the disease. A second appearance, although unofficial, was later in a one page Gag where Jokey Smurf painted himself black and went around the village in full Black smurf fashion causing panic with the others who believed that a second epidemic was about to break out. The joke however was on him as Handy Smurf started asking around who had taken his black paint, remarking that the paint will never come off. In the version that appears in the "Romeo And Smurfette" comic book, the black paint was changed to green, and in the Papercutz version that appears in "The Return Of The Smurfette" it was changed to purple. This wiki. This wiki All wikis. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Categories :. Universal Conquest Wiki. The Purple Smurfs; Part 1 | The Smurfs Wiki | Fandom

It was first published as an album inbut the stories it contained had already been published in magazine. This was a special supplemental page which readers would remove and fold up in order to create a small booklet. In a little mushroom village live the Smurfsdiminutive blue -skinned humanoid creatures. One day, one of them gets bitten by a black fly that turns his skin jet black, reduces his vocabulary to the single word "gnap! He bounces Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs and bites other Smurfs on their tail, which turns them into black Smurfs as well. Soon, almost everyone in the village has become a black Smurf, and Papa Smurfthe leader, tries to find a cure and cease the tail-biting epidemic. The cure is found in magnolia pollen, which is gathered in great quantity and loaded in fireplace bellows to be used as impromptu ranged weapons against contaminated Smurfs. The black Smurf has to inhale the pollen, which, after a loud and powerful sneeze, causes him to revert to his usual blue-skinned bonhomie. A great battle is fought outside the village, as the Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs, tail-biting horde closes in, threatening to destroy Smurf civilization for good. The first black Smurf to have been transformed, meanwhile, recovers some semblance of ingenuity and paints himself blue to avoid being sprayed by the pollen-powered antidote. This allows him to ambush several normal Smurfs and reverse the outcome of the clash. In the end, only Papa Smurf still stands. He rushes to the lab to reload his bellows but is bitten while doing so. As he turns, he lets the large pollen jar fall into the fire, which causes the whole lab to explode. The resulting pollen cloud descends on the raving black Smurfs, reverting them to normality once and for all. This is the only Smurfs comic book where a Smurf is seen without a hat. Papa Smurf has his blown away by the final explosion, revealing a bald head. In a later adventure, " The Egg and the Smurfs ", it is revealed that Grouchy Smurf's moody and unsociable personality is because of the lasting effects of the fly that bit him. In the Hanna-Barbera cartoon, Lazy Smurf is bitten by the fly. This story was later used as the basis for an episode of the Smurfs cartoon, though their skin color was changed from black to purple, in order to Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs possible racial connotations. Followers of zombie fiction have remarked the similarities between the plot of The Black Smurfs and that of George A. Romero 's film Night of the Living Deadwhich introduced a new archetype of zombies that would be later used in other fiction works: Plagues of zombies that infect the living people, turning them violent, irrational and uncontrolled, as the black Smurfs. A blue Smurf desperately wishes to be able to fly in the air, and tries various means to defy gravity and accomplish his dream, such as sticking feathers to his arms, building a hot-air balloon and eating much yeast. A reclusive sorcerer, Gargamelwants to create the philosopher's stone. In his magic recipe book, he finds out that one of the ingredients for making it is a Smurf. He succeeds in catching a Smurf and locks him up in a cage. Papa Smurf and the others quickly go to rescue the imprisoned Smurf, but opening the cage proves a case of easier said than done. This is 's first appearance in the Smurfs canon, and his motive for stealing Smurfs is made clear here, although it was slightly inconsistent in Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs animated series. The Smurfnapper was instead issued in a special preview comic published by Papercutz in July From Wikipedia, Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs free encyclopedia. Redirected Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs Les Schtroumpfs noirs. This article relies too much on references to primary sources. Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs. August Learn how and when to remove this template message. The Smurfs. Pierre "Peyo" Culliford Yvan Delporte. Categories : The Smurfs books in comics. Hidden categories: Articles with French-language sources Smurfs #1: The Purple Smurfs Articles with Spanish-language sources es Articles lacking reliable references from August All articles lacking reliable references. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version.