NAME of PROJECT: Italian Canadians As Enemy Aliens
Italian Canadians as Enemy Aliens: Memories of World War II 901 Lawrence Ave. West Toronto, ON M6A 1C3 T: 416-789-7011 F: 416-789-3951 NAME OF PROJECT : Italian Canadians as Enemy Aliens: Memories of WWII DATE OF INTERVIEW : May 10, 2011 LOCATION OF INTERVIEW : St. Laurent, QC NAME OF INTERVIEWEE : George Nincheri NAME OF INTERVIEWER : Joyce Pillarella NAME OF VIDEOGRAPHER : Adriana Rinaldi TRANSCRIBED BY: Lisa Kadey DATE TRANSCRIBED : January 8, 2012 ACCESSION NO.: ICEA2011.0057.0001 PROJECT NOTE : Please note that all interviews have been transcribed verbatim. The language in this transcript is as it was provided by the transcriptionist noted above. The project staff has not edited this transcript for errors. KEYWORDS /T AGS Ottawa, ItaloBalbo, Mussolini, Catholic, CatholicChurch, LateranTreaty, Petawawa, CampPetawawa, Montreal, RCMP, Nincheri, JuliaNicheri, GuidoNincheri, GeorgeNincheri, MadonnadellaDifesa, ChateauDufresne, Canada, Italy, WWII, WW2, WorldWarTwo, SecondWorldWar, ItalianCanadian, ItalianCanadians, Internee, Internees, Interned, Internment, Internments, InternmentCamp, InternmentCamps, Camp, Camps ABSTRACT George Nincheri talks about his life growing up in Montreal during the Second World War and his father’s, Guido Nincheri's, career as an artist. George describes his father’s childhood in Italy, and how he was able to win a scholarship to an arts college, despite his grandfather's misgivings. After immigrating to Canada, Guido worked primarily doing contracts for a number of churches. George describes being a model for his father's work, and appearing as an altar boy or an angel in church paintings. Despite his protests, Guido was forced to paint a fresco of Mussolini on the walls of the Madonna della Difesa Church, which branded him as a fascist, and George Nincheri May 10, 2011 1 of 88 Italian Canadians as Enemy Aliens: Memories of World War II 901 Lawrence Ave.
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