Vol. Xxv. Asbury; Park, New Jersey, Friday, May 4, 1900
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VOL. XXV. ASBURY; PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1900. NO. 18 ECONOMIC COUNCILMEN SCOTT FOR FIRE CHIEF; JUDGE HEISLEY SCORES CARPENTER BOB EMMONS THE WOOLWORTH GIRLS BEACH PURCHASE SCHEME FAVOR CHEAP MUSICIANS BENNETT FOR ASSISTANT. QUEER LIQUOR SELLERS WOULD DIVORCE HIS WIFE HAD THE STRIKE FEVER STILL HELD IN ABEYANCE Alderman Treat, Boasting of Ilis Affilia The Popular Young Banker Chosen the Vlolotors of the Excise Lows; He Says, Before Vice Chancellor Emery, at Newark, They. Objected to Longer Hours Without Property Can't be Acquired by City by tion With tho Economists’ Clique, Head of the fife Department Without Will Not Have Their , Licenses Re , Monday,' the f Husband Told of His Additional Pay but the Manager Prom Condemnation Proceedings if Founder Would Shorten'the Music Season Opposition—Neptune Engine Com newed—Justice Collins Hits the ■ Wife's Several Flirtations With ises More Salary When The Bradley Insists on Annexing to Save o Few Dollars. pany’s New Officer^. Long Branch Gamblers. an liflkilown Stout Man. Season Shall Begin. **’ Conditions to Transfer. I: '' Boosting of hiB affiliation with the Martin H. Scott of Npptune Engine Justice Gilbert Collins administered, .Residents of W est Asbury Park were An iQCipIent strike among tbe girls City Solicitor John F. Hawkins Mondsy economy clique, George \V. Treat Monday company was Wednesday night elected Tuesday, at Freehold, a scathing rebuke parties In proceedings for divorce, In employed In the Woolworth .five and ten nigbt'explained to Common Council the sight, ln Common Council, advocated a chief of the Asbury Park Flre department to tbe big Long Branch gambling clpbs, which teBtldai\y was heBrd Monday in cent store was nlpped ln the bud Tuesday reason for the delay in consummating the shorter music season for Asbury Park, In without opposition. His vote was 103, ln his charge to tbe Monmouth county chancery ch&bers before Vice Chan night. deal whereby the city is to purchase tbe order to save 5800 on the music fund up distributed as follows: Wesley company,- grand jury. - \g' cellor Emery?, it Newark. They, were There had been significant whisperings beach front and the Bewet system from proprintlon. And(he did this ln the face 84; Neptune company, 84;' Cook com He said be called tbe attention of the Robert Emu|i s, a ’carpenter, and hit aw? the management smelled a mouse. James A. Bradley. Mr.,Hawklns declared of the protest of Chairman Wilbur of the pany, 12 i Independence company, 22. grand jury last term to the subject, but wife, Catheiijjlj i. The former Is the pe The trouble was all about tbe absence of most emphatically, that as the matter now Music Committee and the plea of W. Mr. Scott is assistant cashier of tbe First only a few insignificant offenders were titioner, and was represented by Aaron E. an increase In wages with the extension stands, with Mr. Bradley deBlrlng the Harvey Jones, who conducts' the Colum National Bank. brought before the bar. Johnston. John F- Hawkins was Mrs. of the working hours, which, on the op transfer to be made by condemnation pro bia hotel. Mr. Jones said he found It bis John H. Bennett ■ of Wesley, Engine Justice Oolites eald-ie thought if mon Emmons’ cojBpBel'. ening of the establishment, were from 8 ceedings, and by Insisting on the condi experlencs that people remained as long company was elected assistant chief.'1 His strous that when newspapers and maga Tbo coupjSMwere married February 1, till 6, bot are now from 8 till 8.30, two tions he has annexed to the proposition as they know the band Ib here, whether opponent was John H. Moor. The vote zines'are filled with accounts of flagrant 1885, nt the jflrst BaptiBt Church, Asbury and a half hours of additional work. offered the city, It Is utterly Impossible they go to hear It or not. “The faci that was: Bennett 57rMoor 45, a majority of .violations of tbe law at Long Branch, the Park. They’ijijtve one child, Viola, about For theao twelve and a half hours’ labor for the transfer to be made, the spirit of tbere Is music Is an Incentive to remain 13, and was distributed as follows: Ben Minmouth grand juries should bo In thirteen, yeitjsj old, They lived at 1012 the young ladies get $3 a week. the law being unalterably opposed there and as soon as the music ceases tbo dis nett 32, Moor 2, In Wesley company; Ben active, Wept Cookmltj avenue, West Park. They Tbeir intention was to demand an In to. But Mr. Hawkins-also shld he has tress signal Is up nnd the people leave.;’ nett 18, Moor Si, In lNeptupe company; The. law has been violated unblush- remained tiSgqther In tbe same house crease In wages. ‘‘It’s not fair," said one hopes that the Scheme will go through, Mr. Treat said be 'favored a good band Bennett 0, Moor 12; In.Cook company ; ingly, he added, and Indictments should until Octobef.lO last, when Mrs. Emmons young lady, “to expect us to work longer implying that some other plan for bring for a short season,‘.'for the people towards Bennett 13, Moor 10, In Independence be found, Jfhetber formal complaints left and took’) er daughter with her. The tban we did ln the beginning without ing about the transfer will1 probably be the close do not care a rush whether the company. were made before the grand jury or not. petitioner dot s not mention tbe name of paying us more money for it,is it, now?’, decided on. band plays or not." Tbe annual meeting of the Neptune Justice Collins also directed an Investi the co-respii) lent, but describes blm ln But the reporter’s opinion had nothing Mr.Hawklns* words were: “Mr. Bradley Quoth he: “I belong to the economy Engine Company was also held lost gation of Collector Charles McDermott of the petition ib a stout man wltb a dark to do with the case, bo he asked the miss has explained to me the conditions he de crowd and I Cam not ashamed to tell It,”- nigbt, The following company officers Belmar, and former Collector Charles moustache qc I a dark bat. If the girlB bad changed their minds on sires to be annexed to the conveyance of and then be went Into figures which he were' elected: President; George F. Desch of Sea Bright, who disappeared, The petite ner stated tbat while in the the strike question. tbe beach and the Bewers to the city and “Well, you see, It’s like this—the mana tbat be desires them taken by condemna bad memorized. Forty-two" hundred dol Kroehl; vice-presidents, Samuel W. Klrk- and are alleged to have left shortages. roomB of j. Amanda Andreas, who re- lars Is enough for tbe music. Shorten btlde and Fred A. Leggett; treasurer, , John D. Beegle and Joseph L.’Cllver qtber side of the same house ger didn’t give us a chance to strike. Be tion proceedings. The question In my the season and get a good baud for that George A.-Smock ; secretary, William E. are tbe Neptune townsblp representa Em m ons’ lived, Mrs. Em fore we could leave Tuesday he told ub mind was, could the condemnation com tlm<(^’ /. Harrison; foreman, Howard D. LeRoy; tives in the grand jury. itted that she would kill her if we Btruck onr places would at once be missioners take proceedings and annex The~31spute was whether ' $4,2<iO or first assistant foreman, Fred A. Leggett; Judge Wilbur A. Heisley in open court berself. He also swore that taken by other girl s." aqy conditions to the conveyance to the $5,000 should be appropriated. Tbe second assistant foreman, Fred M. Bcliup- created a tremendous sensation among In August Wf last year he saw his wife The manager said to the J ournal city. I saw Mr. Bradley Friday, as soon Finance Committee ln presenting its bud pah; engineer, H. R. Joste; assistant the-one hundred liquor dealers present with the *t$*t man on tbe boardwalk. representative that the Btrlke did not as I could, after recovering from my Ill amount to anything and that no B teps get for tbe year recommended the first engineer, Walter R: Hubbard; stoker, who desired renewal of tbeir licenses. He had :^1.m) seen them tbe May pre- ness, and t came to the conclusion that It figure. Chairman Wilbur protested. Robert Ryan. He said he would probably never again vloiisoils and,, lf.nl theni disguised himself." have-been taken against .the leaders.,.“L Is Impossible for condemnation commis There were only three members and the have the opportunity of seeing so many HiB wifi d her companion were on have a lon^ list of names,” said he, “and sioners to do anyffirng~but_cbhdemnr of their kind assembled together and can replace the present force ln a few The>exerdse the right of eminent do president present when the budget was COMMON COUNCIL. wheels, he also bad a bicycle. He presented. The matted was tabled until would take advantage pf this opportunity had disgi lilmBelf by turning his coat hours, but there Is very little donger ot main. The only way under that right In trouble In tblB matter, for Woolworth’s which property can be-conveyed la by Mr. Tuttle arrived. But Wilbur still ob The Property Owners in Kingsley Street to speak plainly. inside o iand pulling a slouch hat over jected to any action ^unless he would be Then tbe judge told the liquor men he his face, rs.