ECONOMIC COUNCILMEN SCOTT FOR FIRE CHIEF; JUDGE HEISLEY SCORES CARPENTER BOB EMMONS THE WOOLWORTH GIRLS BEACH PURCHASE SCHEME FAVOR CHEAP MUSICIANS BENNETT FOR ASSISTANT. QUEER LIQUOR SELLERS WOULD DIVORCE HIS WIFE HAD THE STRIKE FEVER STILL HELD IN ABEYANCE Alderman Treat, Boasting of Ilis Affilia­ The Popular Young Banker Chosen the Vlolotors of the Excise Lows; He Says, Before Vice Chancellor Emery, at Newark, They. Objected to Longer Hours Without Property Can't be Acquired by City by tion With tho Economists’ Clique, Head of the fife Department Without Will Not Have Their , Licenses Re­ , Monday,' the f Husband Told of His Additional Pay but the Manager Prom­ Condemnation Proceedings if Founder Would Shorten'the Music Season Opposition—Neptune Engine Com­ newed—Justice Collins Hits the ■ Wife's Several Flirtations With ises More Salary When The Bradley Insists on Annexing to Save o Few Dollars. pany’s New Officer^. Long Branch Gamblers. an liflkilown Stout Man. Season Shall Begin. **’ Conditions to Transfer. I: '' Boosting of hiB affiliation with the Martin H. Scott of Npptune Engine Justice Gilbert Collins administered, .Residents of W est Asbury Park were An iQCipIent strike among tbe girls City Solicitor John F. Hawkins Mondsy economy clique, George \V. Treat Monday company was Wednesday night elected Tuesday, at Freehold, a scathing rebuke parties In proceedings for divorce, In employed In the Woolworth .five and ten nigbt'explained to Common Council the sight, ln Common Council, advocated a chief of the Asbury Park Flre department to tbe big Long Branch gambling clpbs, which teBtldai\y was heBrd Monday in cent store was nlpped ln the bud Tuesday reason for the delay in consummating the shorter music season for Asbury Park, In without opposition. His vote was 103, ln his charge to tbe Monmouth county chancery ch&bers before Vice Chan­ night. deal whereby the city is to purchase tbe order to save 5800 on the music fund up distributed as follows: Wesley company,- grand jury. - \g' cellor Emery?, it Newark. They, were There had been significant whisperings beach front and the Bewet system from proprintlon. And(he did this ln the face 84; Neptune company, 84;' Cook com­ He said be called tbe attention of the Robert Emu|i s, a ’carpenter, and hit aw? the management smelled a mouse. James A. Bradley. Mr.,Hawklns declared of the protest of Chairman Wilbur of the pany, 12 i Independence company, 22. grand jury last term to the subject, but wife, Catheiijjlj i. The former Is the pe­ The trouble was all about tbe absence of most emphatically, that as the matter now Music Committee and the plea of W. Mr. Scott is assistant cashier of tbe First only a few insignificant offenders were titioner, and was represented by Aaron E. an increase In wages with the extension stands, with Mr. Bradley deBlrlng the Harvey Jones, who conducts' the Colum­ National Bank. brought before the bar. Johnston. John F- Hawkins was Mrs. of the working hours, which, on the op­ transfer to be made by condemnation pro­ bia . Mr. Jones said he found It bis John H. Bennett ■ of Wesley, Engine Justice Oolites eald-ie thought if mon­ Emmons’ cojBpBel'. ening of the establishment, were from 8 ceedings, and by Insisting on the condi­ experlencs that people remained as long company was elected assistant chief.'1 His strous that when newspapers and maga­ Tbo coupjSMwere married February 1, till 6, bot are now from 8 till 8.30, two tions he has annexed to the proposition as they know the band Ib here, whether opponent was John H. Moor. The vote zines'are filled with accounts of flagrant 1885, nt the jflrst BaptiBt Church, Asbury and a half hours of additional work. offered the city, It Is utterly Impossible they go to hear It or not. “The faci that was: Bennett 57rMoor 45, a majority of .violations of tbe law at Long Branch, the Park. They’ijijtve one child, Viola, about For theao twelve and a half hours’ labor for the transfer to be made, the spirit of tbere Is music Is an Incentive to remain 13, and was distributed as follows: Ben­ Minmouth grand juries should bo In­ thirteen, yeitjsj old, They lived at 1012 the young ladies get $3 a week. the law being unalterably opposed there­ and as soon as the music ceases tbo dis­ nett 32, Moor 2, In Wesley company; Ben­ active, Wept Cookmltj avenue, West Park. They Tbeir intention was to demand an In­ to. But Mr. Hawkins-also shld he has tress signal Is up nnd the people leave.;’ nett 18, Moor Si, In lNeptupe company; The. law has been violated unblush- remained tiSgqther In tbe same house crease In wages. ‘‘It’s not fair," said one hopes that the Scheme will go through, Mr. Treat said be 'favored a good band Bennett 0, Moor 12; In.Cook company ; ingly, he added, and Indictments should until Octobef.lO last, when Mrs. Emmons young lady, “to expect us to work longer implying that some other plan for bring­ for a short season,‘.'for the people towards Bennett 13, Moor 10, In Independence be found, Jfhetber formal complaints left and took’) er daughter with her. The tban we did ln the beginning without ing about the transfer will1 probably be the close do not care a rush whether the company. were made before the grand jury or not. petitioner dot s not mention tbe name of paying us more money for it,is it, now?’, decided on. band plays or not." Tbe annual meeting of the Neptune Justice Collins also directed an Investi­ the co-respii) lent, but describes blm ln But the reporter’s opinion had nothing Mr.Hawklns* words were: “Mr. Bradley Quoth he: “I belong to the economy Engine Company was also held lost gation of Collector Charles McDermott of the petition ib a stout man wltb a dark to do with the case, bo he asked the miss has explained to me the conditions he de­ crowd and I Cam not ashamed to tell It,”- nigbt, The following company officers Belmar, and former Collector Charles moustache qc I a dark bat. If the girlB bad changed their minds on sires to be annexed to the conveyance of and then be went Into figures which he were' elected: President; George F. Desch of Sea Bright, who disappeared, The petite ner stated tbat while in the the strike question. tbe beach and the Bewers to the city and “Well, you see, It’s like this—the mana­ tbat be desires them taken by condemna­ bad memorized. Forty-two" hundred dol­ Kroehl; vice-presidents, Samuel W. Klrk- and are alleged to have left shortages. roomB of j. Amanda Andreas, who re- lars Is enough for tbe music. Shorten btlde and Fred A. Leggett; treasurer, , John D. Beegle and Joseph L.’Cllver qtber side of the same house ger didn’t give us a chance to strike. Be­ tion proceedings. The question In my the season and get a good baud for that George A.-Smock ; secretary, William E. are tbe Neptune townsblp representa­ Em m ons’ lived, Mrs. Em­ fore we could leave Tuesday he told ub mind was, could the condemnation com­ tlm<(^’ /. Harrison; foreman, Howard D. LeRoy; tives in the grand jury. itted that she would kill her if we Btruck onr places would at once be missioners take proceedings and annex The~31spute was whether ' $4,2exerdse the right of eminent do­ president present when the budget was COMMON COUNCIL. wheels, he also bad a bicycle. He presented. The matted was tabled until would take advantage pf this opportunity had disgi lilmBelf by turning his coat hours, but there Is very little donger ot main. The only way under that right In trouble In tblB matter, for Woolworth’s which property can be-conveyed la by Mr. Tuttle arrived. But Wilbur still ob­ The Property Owners in Kingsley Street to speak plainly. inside o iand pulling a slouch hat over jected to any action ^unless he would be Then tbe judge told the liquor men he his face, rs. Emmons and the strange employees never get the short end of tbe condemnation. Tbe law can condemn Ask That the Citv Improve That horn.” promised $5,000. Tbls, of course, was will not wait ontll the grand jury shall man had] [ismounted from their wheeiB and compel a. citizen to Surrender his Thoroughfare. It was also said that so soon as tbe sea­ property. But conditions cannot be an­ not forthcoming. He saw he was ln Indict for violation of the license law, and were; klklng. Mr. Emmons jumped son has been inaugurated tbe day’s work­ the minority, the economy clique being Tbe following minor Items of business but will, ln any and every case, when he off ble il and spoke to tbe man. nexed. If condemnation proceedings wtre coriBldered by Common Council Mon­ ing hourB will be extended. were taken ln the case of the beach the. against him. Ib convinced that tbere has been a viola­ “Don’ know tbls is my wlfeF' he Mr. Tuttle, when the appropriations day night: W .E. Taylor, secretary of Flre tion, revoke a license. said he igd the man. , , “Will the glrlB' pay be advanced then t” commissioners could not B ay buildings District No. 1 of Neptune township,aske'd was asked. can’t be erected at the foot of streets or had been taken from the table, said be “Even though tbe grand. jury shall fall “NpM man answered. that fire alarm box No. 82 be given an­ ‘‘Yes,’’ was tbe reply. that so many, feet pust be added to the Jsnew little about tbe music finances, but to Indict it will make no difference,” be The*; tbe, the man asked Mrs. Em- other number, since the sounding of .that width of Ocean avenue. ,.u * L&l declared, '‘for tbe license shall be revoked mon&lj Ammons was her husband, “The attempt to annex conditions Is J t )-*rfrlnOTMgntfTHi'.Tf ..satisfied in my -SB&! er companion that Mr. Em­ CANNOT RECOVER number In Ocean Grove. T it communl- mlqd that the l a w b a s ' (Seen ' broken?” mons w ap Sot 'UBTUorebaQd -and-tbat-eba- outside the pale of the law. catlon on tbem atler was referred to-the. X. cusslon for settlemeat till next Monday’s — Beer-ark men .weieJnformedJhat_they dtd not know him. — .i!I had no description of Ihe sewers—It Flre and Water Committee, wlth poiver Justice Collins Decides That Melv31le~PR-* was necessary to have 'V&i'fSS^ltraS’b f' meeting. would not find any mercy at the court’s Last September, he said,'as he~was erE" tenger’s Own Negligence Caused to act. tbe beach] l askea ^Mr. Bradley under Treat used Tuttle’s remarks to suit his hand. The plea that tbe owners of the terlng his house by the front door, he Baw His Death. own purpose, advocating. u-Shott.season Tbe petition made last fall by hotel arks give Instructions to their men.not to a man leaving by the bach door. He Bald wbat conditions the sewers were to be and a good band, which Tuttle later ex­ and cottage owners In the vicinity of At­ violate the law will not work. The judge ho frequently .saw men hanging around Supreme Court Justice Gilbert Collins conveyed and he explained the peculiar plained was not his meaning, since he be­ lantic square to have abated the blowing Said be finds that the owners are ever hls house. granted a non-suit, Wednesday, in tbe conditions of affairs.” lieved the longer! tbe band season the of tbe whistle of tbe miniature Iocomo^ ready to ball out their drivers when-they “Might they not have been hanging case of tbe administratrix of Melville C. Mr. Hawkins then told how the sewers longer the resort’s season would be. In­ tlve that draws cars on a toy railroad have been arrested for selling Illegally around for beer?" Inquired John F. Plttenger, deceased, versus the-Atlantic out throaghMr..Bradloy_'aland8and,thnt If the sewers be conveyed to tbe city It Is cidentally, Tuttle slapped Treat by de­ there In th% summer Besson was again and after thplr trial reemploy them.: Hawkins. Coast Electric Light Company, In a suit claring that,'though Treat belongs to the considered atjd a copy ordered to be sent This Judge Heisley does not believe to “'I never, saw any of them going Into to recover $20,000 damageB on account of necessary that some. provision be made for changing the course of part of the economy clique, Tuttle will not belongj to to James A. Bradley. Colonel F. W. be consistent with their protestations. the beer place,” sold Emmons. the killing of Plttenger, In; Como, last any crowd and ln this matter stood for a Armstrong revived the agitation by ask­ Emmons said tbat bis wife went to July, while he was at work ou the lines mains in North Asbury Park, and near the beach. * 1 broader economy than that represented ing for action on the petition. He de­ MASONS STRIKE. Long Branch and remained out latent oft the company. ., by any clique. clared the noises made by the'whistle to night and when she would return, would The qompany claimed Plttenger came Continuing, the solicitor said: “Mr: Wilbur declared: “It is a mistake to be a nuisance and a menace. Contractor Taylor’s Workmen Leave Work .tell him she had a “mash” ln Long Branch to his death as a result of his own neg- Bradley believes the preBent system of sewerage will eventually be superceded place lathes upon the hotel windows be­ Mr. Treat, as chairman of the Flre and Because Their Boss Will Not Pay and had a good time with him, fIgenoe. fore the Reason Ib closed, bb will be done Water Committee, said he had found that $3.50 for Nine Hours’ Work- During the cross examination, it was by a better system, which Bhall do away as soon as tbe band goes. It is fooiich It Is too-early to took up a plan for light, WOULD STOP CARPET BEATING. with the emptying of the Bewage Into Tbe PIssterers’ and Brlcklayere’ Union developed by Mr. Hawkins that Mrs. Em- economy.” ing tbe city most economically, since tbe the ocean. He wants a reservation to Monday night decided to inaugurate a monB had filed a bill In chancery for all; William L. JMeeks bad a combination present contract with tbe electric light Col. F. W. Armstrong Complains of the place' his system ln connection with such strike for $8.50 for a day of nine hours and, mony against her husband but that he up hit sleeve, a bandmaster’s bid some­ company does not expire till Jnne 1,1901, Dust Kicked Up by Housekeepers, an Improvement. So you see the condi­ accordingly, the bricklayers who were em­ had settled It. thing like* this: Thirteen men for fftur though be thought last week the contract Carpet beating was a subject considered tions are many and of such a nature tbat ployed by Contractor ,A. A. Taylor on the Amanda Andreas, who lived In tbe weeks and seventeen men for ten weekB expired this year. The Fire and Watpr. by Common Council Monday night.. An they are contrary to tbe spirit of the law. Sympbonlon Manufacturing Company’s other side of. the same house as the Em­ and the price within the apprpprlatlon. Committee was given power to aci on tbe ordinance presented by Mr. Tuttle, who The only way to do Is to secure the prop­ Bradley Beach factory refused Tuesday mons’, said she saw Mrs. Emmons Beated This naturallylfsulted Treat. It was tbe application of W. Harvey Jones for per­ received it from Colonel F. W. Arm­ erty by agreement between the parties, morning to work for $3 and nine hours, In her kitchen one night and heard the very thing be desired. But Wilbur B a ld : mission to attach a tap to the water main the city and Mr. Bradley. Condemnation the present schedule. voice of a man, not her husband, In the strong, the purport of which prohibited “You can’t get a good, strotig band lor lu Kingsley street, It being Mr. Jones’ de­ that, necessary household exercise, created Is absolutely out of tbe question, If by The strikers number 12 men. 'No same room. less tbsn five thousand dollars. And com­ sire to place fire hose on. every floor of (he discussion. Former Counollman W. condemnation these conditions nre an­ plasterers had as yet been employed. In Drummond Bennett, a young man, has thejColuinbia hotel, In order to secure a Harvey JoueB, by permission of the coun­ nexed. binations like that won't work. You need the place of the strikers Mr. Taylor haB lived a great deal of the time with Mr. discount on bis Insurance. Mr. Treat an­ cil, said tbat the man who would present “The thing can’t go through tbls year, a full band constantly.” five men, several of whom are apprentices. Emmons since Mrs. Emmons left him. nounced. that he will next Monday night such an ordinance knew little of the busi­ bat is, you can’t make any Improvements The appropriation recommended by the The foreman, who Is a union man, did He said they frequently went to church committee, $4,200, was voted, the economy again introduce the subject - of water ness of housekeeping. Colonel Arm on the beach this year. I have Ijopes that not qnlt, since be Is getting what the together and that he himself went to strong tben.revealed blmself as the author the thing will go through.” clique being la tbe imajorlty with Presi­ meters. strikers demand. church nearly every night. The proxim­ Superintendent oT the Water Works of the ordinance and said he bad learned Moyor Ten Broeck urged speedy close dent Appleby’s vote, which decided tbe Mr. Tailor la willing to pay good men ity of Emmons' bouse to the church was John L. Coffin presented Ills annual re­ all he desired from the dust and dirt of the negotiations, desiring a successful tie and was given on roil call. $8.25 for nine hours, but Bays be can’t pay one of ihe reasons wby he remained with Wilbur insisted on recording bis pro- port, which gives the following figures: created by carpet beating. ending of them. A motion was carried $8.60, having figured at $3 a day when be Emmons. He stated that one nigbt be Receipts, $15,826.65 ; meter rates, $0,145.. The -queatlon arose, where shall tbls that the city solicitor’s report be received test and disclaiming any responsibility submitted bis bid for tbe contract. He went to Emmons’ house wltb a nephew of beating process end 1 William ‘L. Weeks and tbat the beach purchase committee when the cry of poor music shall go up 48; miscellaneous, $152.40; total, $21,- declares tbe boss masons have decided to Mr. Emmons. He sold young Emmons Bald a fellow can’t shake his coat out of call on Mr. Bradley to see If the deal can­ from the people. 624.54. Expenses, $20,12?85.- Net assets, stand by blm and not yield, went to a back door while be stood at a $10,992.02. window at the side df tbe bouse and the window, und another suggested tbat it not be consummated by mutual agreement. Mr. Taylor has secured the contract to It was the opinion of the mayor and Mpyor TenBroeck announced the op- peeped through a window. would debar one from waving a hapdker- APPROPRIATIONS. build a schoolhouse ait Oakhurst. His several others that Mr. Bradley may be polntment of Morton Pennypacker as He said that he saw' Mrs. Emmons in chief from the window nnd so destroy the bid was $10,000. prevailed on to resign bis office as coun­ trustee of tbe Public Library, ln place of her night robe, with bare feet, aud lean, pleasures of a last goodbye between lov­ Common Councilman Moke Up the Annual cilman, In order that the deal may be , Financial Budget for the Various Rev. Dr, W. I, Glli, who la fn Cuba. The ing over a strange man’s shoulder. After ers. Of course, nothing was done. appointment was concurred la. Jesse SUNSET LAKE BRIDGE. seeing this, young Emmons passed blm made without condemnation proceed­ City Departments. ings, and that alter that is done, he may The following appropriations, regarded Minot, asked council to abate tbe nui­ ln gofag. from tbe rear, door to the front. MRS. (UUSON OBJECTS: ' sance created by the blowing of Band Freeholder Rockefeller Will Ask the bounty He did not call Emmons' attention to it. be reappointed to fill out his unexplred as the most important, were made for this term. The committee will remain ln upon tbe sidewalk from a. vacant lot In to Erect a Structure to Cost He said nobody asked him to look Into She Would"Prevejit Druggist Stewart From y.ar Monday night by (Jommon Council: Twenty Thousand Dollars. consultation with Mr. Hawkins, and at Sprinkling,$2,060; garbage, $5,260; board near Kingsley street. This the window and that hls errand, which Improving His Cookman Avenue Store. was referred to the Street Committee. Freeholder Harry J. Rockaf^ller .will, the proper time call on Mr. Bradley. of health, $2,200; poor, $200; music, was'at 11 o’clock at nigbt, was to accom­ Mrs. Emma Grison of 704 Cookman Dr. J, W. Hetrick asked to have the old at the meeting of tbe board of freeholders $4,200; electric lights, $6,800. pany young Emmons, who wished to get avenue appeared before Common Council subject of imprQVlng Cookman avenue, next Wednesday, again ask that body to Scrapping Hamilton Grangers. They are, with the exception of the a bicycle ride. Monday to protest against an Improve­ from Emory street to Bangs avenue, grant the construction of a bridge over James Simpson, John and Jordan El­ electric light Item, the same aa those Mr. Hawkins gave1; the witness a very ment to be made by Thomas M- Stewart, brought up for consideration. ' The mat­ Sunset lake at Grand avenue. mer, Fred Burdge, Henry Reed and How­ made last, year. Two hundred dollars adhere examination and frequently em­ a druggist at 700 Cookman avenue, to his ter was referred to thp Street Committee. Those who have been agitating the ard Dalton of Hamilton,- charged by waa added to this Item on account of an barrassed him. , " p place of business. Mrs. GrlBon says she Property owners In Kingsley street want bridge construction desire a structure Cornelius H* Matthews, a neighbor of Increase In the number of lights. The defence Is an absolute denial of. all does not want Mr. Stewart to build a for­ that thoroughfare Improved and so petl that shall coBt $20,000. Mr. Rockafeller theirs, with attempting to klll’hlm. have the allegations against Mrs. Emmons. ward extentlon of only one story, neither- tloned council. Referred to Street Com­ Ib anxious to have ail Interested in this been placed under bond by Magistrate EIGHTEEN THOUSAND SHV. Her husband waB compelled to pay her $8 does she want him to build an areaway In mittee. H. B. Shafto asked to be reap­ Improvement to appear before the hoard Borden to appear before him for a hear­ a week alimony, and settled by transfer­ the pavement on the /Bond street elde of The Bondsmen of Missing Charles McOer- pointed seal'er of weights and measures. next^veek. ring a house to her and giving a mortgage ing Saturday morning at 9 6’clock. Laid over. ' ’Council adjourned till next his building. She declared tbat “years Every man of" the alleged assailants bears nv>tt Make Good the Deficiency. for $1,000. . ago, when I had plenty of money to Monday night. , scars and wounds which he alleges were The bondBmen of the missing former Golfing at. Deal. throw away, and aaked Mr. Stewart to Im­ Inflicted by.Matthews. borough collector of Belmar, Charles Considerable Interest was manifested . Vlncentz Wants the Contract. prove hla property with mine, he refused.” ' McDermott, Monday made good part ot Thieves at the Indian Lady Observatory. Saturday afternoon In the foursome golf i* “ Theodore J. Vlncentz, the NewarK batd President Appleby tried to explain to Bicycle Meet for Memorial Day. McDermott’s shortage, which Is $18,000, Thieves recently stole tha flag rope,and match' played on tbe links of the Deal master, waa In this city Saturday. Direct­ her that the council had no jurisdiction In Joe Harrison, the crack amateur bicy­ The amount paid by tbe bondsmen was several desk articles'from the Indian lady Golf club between L. H. Conklin and W. or yincentz furnished the beach music the affair, since the deed to Mr. Stewart's clist, Is making arrangements to have a $8,000 aud the balance will, It Is thought, H. Osborne and Alexander Findley and observatory. The owner of the observa­ E. E. Moody, The score for nine holes Is here for three seasqna and Is ndw negotla. property gave him the right to make his race meet at tbe athletic grounds on May be covered by McDermott’s realty, when tory says If depredations like this do not appended: ting with the Music Committee^of Com: Improvements, but Mrs. Grison said “Of. 80, Decoration day. Harrison will secure sold. Henry lC. Winaor of this place was cease the plqce will be closed at once. ConklfaandOsborhor...B B 7 3 7 7 7 4 G—51 moR Council for this year’s \\contract. course, I can't be expected.to understand the best amatears ln the business and five one of tbe bondsmen. Elntlloy and Moody...... 5 7 7 4 5 8 8 8 7-58 events are scheduled for tbe day. Ha Four colored men are su6pected\of .thla Thjs year Mr. Vlncentz is directing a these things; I'm not in the ring. .I'm Collector Hullck’a bond has been ap­ dovldin...... B 6 8 3 6 6 5 5 4-45 will himself take part In several of the proved. latest Invasion of the retreat. Findley...... 5 8 0 a 8 6,5 5 5-47 concert band and orchestra. only a lone woman.” ■ i races. : ASBURY PARK JOURNAL', FRIDAY, MAY 4, * 1900.

PUBLIC' SCHOOL SCHOLARS WEST SIDE FIRE. TOO MANY CHURCHES; TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. CELEBRATE ARBOR DAY The Home of Mrs, Trank J. Hirst, In Pine NOT ENOUGH RELIGION Walter Gravatt Reappointed Chief of Street, Goes, up in Smoke and the So Said Rev. S. Edward Young of Pitts­ police and William Steelman and The Class of 1900 of the A s b u r y Park Hjgh Family Barely Had lime to Escape. Frank Chapman Were Policemen. School Plant a Tree and Place a burg to His Former Parishioners ol Class Stone—The Day In Mrs. Frank T. Hirst was In tfreat peril the Westminster Presbyterian i At a meeting <4f the Neptune Township ’ Ocean Grove. of being cramated alive Thursday night Church Sundoy Evening. Committee' last week a resolution was la. her home In Pine street, oppo­ Hev. S. Edward 'Stmng of Pittsburg, passed that all moneys borrowed for the 1 ■ The class of 1900, Asbury Park high site Sewall West Park. Ab It defraying of expenses for Neptune town­ school, planted Its class tree last Frldiy former pastor of the Westminster Pres­ was, though her house was gutted by fire,' ship maybe borrowed only in anticipation on the lawn of the- Bumtaerfleld ave­ byterian Church, believes Asbury Park Is she escaped with no other Injury than the not keeping abreast spiritually with Its of taxes nue front of the school. A class^tone of Walter Gravatt was reappointed chief singeing Of her hair. material success. He said s° Sunday nlgiit.- marble was also laid: Iu this was sunk Mrs. Hirst was alone in her tiothe when of police and William B. Steelman and ‘ Class of 1900 Asbury Park high school.1' He also advocated the merging- of the the fire was discovered. Her husband Asbury Park churches, In order to have Frank E. V. Chapman were appointed po. A set of resolutions‘and the names of the "and daughter* Miss Sarah Hirst, were not llcemen for a term of one year. members of the class and the faculty were fewer organizations and secure more aware of the fire until the alarm had been hearty cooperation In the cause of Christ. Ordinances providing for the recurblng sealed In the stone, ' Bounded.- By that time the building waa and setting of sidewalks in South Main There was no ceremony connected with 'He bellev«4 this city has a great mission a roaring furnace and when the flames in that work on account of its peculiar street and West Bangs avenue passed first the occasion. Each member of the class had been extinguished the family of three reading. throw a, spadefull of earth about tbe roots connection with the rest of the country. had lost everything that they could,call These things developed io Mr. Young's The application of the. EaBt Jersey of the tree, thereby tlplfylng their union their own, The building, which Mrs. Coast W ater Company for the laying of and their common beginning In the search sermon, preach/d before the people to Hirst owned, was insured for $300 and whom he ministered when-pastor here. sewer pipes la Prospect avenue -was for knowledge. the household goods for $200.- The dam­ ■Every seat In'the Westminster church granted. v , The school was not present at this age to the house la about $200. was occupied by Mr. Young’s former It was decided to partition the front event, recess hour having expired before . How the fire originated is a mystery. friends and parlshtoners. It was a mag­ room of the township offices in South arrangements were complete. Dr. Fred­ The house Is a one-story frame structure, Main street, making two offices of that erick 8. Shepherd, the principal, thade a nificent welcome the people extended' with a basement. Mrs. Hirst was on the him. They gave rapt ittentlon to the room. few remarks on the Importance of the upper floor and hearing an explosion earnest speaker. occasion in the lives of the cIibs members. w^nt to investigate. 8he was met by a Mr. Young’s sermon was based upon This morning Arbor day was celebrated THAT NATIONAL GUARD LAW. • / To get the best results you must use the best mass of flames and barely managed to the words:' “Draw not nigh hither. Put In the assembly hall by the whole school. leave the house without being entrapped Militiamen Throughout the State are materials. After the singing of an appropriate off thy shoes from off thy feet; for the by them. The only apparent cause that place whereon thou standest Is holy I Protesting-Against the Revision. hymn, Miss Lorelne Taylor read a paper You need expect only poor laundering With poor ground.”—Exodus 8:6. His tbeuie was on “The.day we celebrate; Arbor,day.” can be assigned for the explosion and fire Members of the national guard through­ is said to be spontaneous combustion. “The Secular—the Sacred." . soap, but you will find dainty articles that have been A double vocal quartette gave several se­ out the state are protesting vigorously The house of Fra'nk Gravatt on tbe left • The’ discourse was replets with pointed lections. The singers were: Beba "Lyons against the revised national guard law washed with Ivory Soap restored tb their original of the Hirst house was damaged on the sentences, In many instances epigram­ and Rhoda Atkins, tenors; Marlq and passed last March for 1000. exterior to tiie extent of about $50. • v J matic. Among other good things were freshness with unchanged colors. . . Bessie King, sopranos; Alice Hunt and The objectionable features are those In Mr. Gravatt’s stable were three the following: “Secular and sacred? Do ' Ada Cooke^altosj Clinton Cook and Mal- providing for a “Delinquency Court’,' and Nothing that will stand the application of plain horses, which were removed for safety to you mean by this tbat a man may be olie com 8e rerahce, bassos. tlie failure to allow the adjutants of regi­ water will be injured by Ivory Soap. ‘ Arbor day Was observed this afternoon Nelson Giles' stableB. thing now and another thing some other ments any pay for their horses. Tlie Are created a bright illumination. time ? Has. God a right over you now in the Neptune township high school, the To the first named rrovlelon, officers IVORY SOAP IS 99'%o PER CENT. PURE. The West Park and West Grove fire de- and not tomorrow 1” And as answer the say that it is very doubtful tf tbe law Is ' following program being presented by ' OO-YAICHT I . . . .Y TM i P m X J T I * . O A *.--E OO. CtHClSMATI * part’ments responded to the alarm. speaker declared that while monotony of the pupils: - / constitutional. The matter was referred Hymn, school; recitation, “Laughing life is not God’s desire, He wants a man to the judge-advocate for his opinion, Chorus,” Diana. Brenner; motion song, JEFFRIES KNOCKED OUT.. to be ever loyal and true, right anJ brave which has-oot yet been received. In the World and In the church. "If you “Violets,” first primary class; recitation, This court hss tbe power to j ill a man OCEAN GROVE SHOCKED. Boss Masons Organize. The Champion Collided With a Carriage can’t be a magnet to draw others, don’t for failing .to pay fines Imposed upon •!Our School Yard,”, Luella Crowall; “An The Itose masons of Long Branch have Saturday While on His Bike. you dare by thought, word or deed to him for non-attendance, and divers other The Shocker Was Maggie Clark. Who April Shower,” , twelve primary girls; completed tbelr organisation by the elec­ rifle the sanctuary of its w orship or wor­ matters of no Import. The court is given Owned a Beautiful Brannjgon. recitation, '‘Father Hubbard’s way of Champion Jim Jeffries got bis first tion of the following officers: President, shippers. v power to Issue warrants for soldiers’ ar­ helping onl Arbor Day,” May Lucas; knock out Saturday afternoon, and this Maggie Clartc’a- fondness for whiskey Monroe V. Poole; secretary, S. Robert “Be your secular tbe pathway to the rests and for the attacbmentof their goods recitation; “Bird Thoughts,” Harold Os­ from the Jahu of one of our local real and the songs of Erin got her In trouble Whit-; treasurer, William H. Alexander. sacred. Follow your dally task and It for the payment of said lines. borne; ribbon drift, sixth grade girls; estate agents. i Saturday night with her mUtrees, Mrs. The organization will be Incorporated, will take you to the sublimest things of “1 doubt seriously.” said a local guards­ “Flag of the Free,” school. Jeffries was pegging away on his bike Sarah A. M. Lane, proprietor of tin- Lane next week under the title of tbe “Long heaven." Then followed a severe arraign­ man, “ If the act ls constitutional. The toward Long Branch up the stone road. villa, Ocean Grove. Maggie fun! found Brunc h Mai-ter Mason’s Association;” The ment of Christians who expect Christian­ men subjected to such treatment would r enumerators: duties defined. When he reached Allen avenue he descried service with Mrs. Lane Saturday morning association will have rooms In the Bazley a stage coach just about to cross the road. ity to-be talked Into them, but do nothing -most naturally rebel. The ultimate result, and rejoiced so exceedingly ttiat sbe ls to work It into them. ‘'You moth-eaten, & Burns building, where regular stated Final Instructions for the Eleven (lunclred In order to'avoid colliding with it, Jeff­ would be a big falling off in tbe national now peeking service elsewhere, for her dear old Christians, wbo'bang around meeting* will be held. New Jersey Census Takers. ries made a sharp turn to tbe left, and guard- and the probable dissolution of glee ended In the Ocean Grove associa­ ran plump into the carriage of the real conventions expecting a blessing, you some of the companies. Men will not tion's cooler, whence she was transferred Census enumerators throughout New won’t get it till you work for it. You top Usher Wm. C. Carpenter Weds. Tersey, and' there will be nearly eleven estate agent going in the opposite direc­ submit to being jailed for small fines and to a like Institution In Nepune town­ heayy, get to work, d/i something! Let what's more, officers are of the opinion William C. Carpenter, an usher at tbe -hundred of them, as well as residents who tion. The momentum with which Jeff­ ship, and finally iiiven ticket of leave to ries was going sit the time was so great the blucksmlth strike his hammer In the tbat the act ls not essential to discipline. other points by Magistrate Dodd. summer services In the Ocean Grove au­ , will have to answer the Inquiries pro­ name of God. ditorium, was married laBt Wednesday at pounded by the enumerators, will all be that when the crash came he was thrown “I have discussed tbe matter with prom­ Tbe Ocean Grove police arretted Mag­ violently to the road. He slid for about “No pulpit in America can do so much inent guardsmen. Tbe concensus of gie because sbe murdered sleep. Her Flslikill oo-the-Hudaon, N. Y., to Mrs, interested in the instructions which have as those who 6trive by their honest exam­ G'enrgla A. Smith of tbat city. just been Issued by the director of the twenty feet on his left side' and rounded opinion seems to be that those responsi­ voice of 45 summers warbled unceasingly up with a short turn chock against) the ple to-lead men to Christ. ' Holiness Is ble for tbe framing of such objectionable -in the night. Mrs. Linn protested, hut census for the guidance of the enumer­ not staying out of life, but going Into life. ators. In a pamphlet of 84 pages explicit curb. provisions were Ignorant of the task they Maggie only added cuss words to her A badly bruised hip, and a contusion of “You In Asbury Parfi have grown in undertook and the unsatisfactory resylts serenade. ' instructions are givento the men who will business, but not in grace. livery oppor­ ascertain the population of New Jersey the left forearm are in evidence to sup that would naturally, arise. from eucl^pn . .Sunday morning Chief of Police- Patter­ tunity you banish will come Mffyto curse unjust measure. ' and of ever; other state in the union. port the statement that Jeflrlpsjiame in son | called on bis gay nightingale and contact with something harder than his you. In these towns we must' all begin “Another matter tbat causes adverse found her so boisterous that tbe Sunday .Enumerators have the right of admis­ afresh for God. Stand by the pastors. sion to every dwelling for thd purpose of muscles. ’ _ „ -criticism la the paragraph relative, tfl tbe peace of the town was threatened. Mag­ It’s not the preacher that does or can do dismissal of officers who have failed obtaining Information, and they must not gie swore, raved and fought so violently ‘Gram’’ State Democratic Convention. It all, but the congregation. within a specified time After tbelr elec­ accept any statement which they believe when she was removed to the township Chairman William B. Gourley, of... the “I wish you could see your Way clear tion to secure tbe necessafy ofilcers' unl- to be false. They are liable to fine or Im jail that it required her guard's full State Democratic Committee, has issued the to merge these churches in Asbury Park. form. I do not believe that there Is any strength to escort her. - ...... prlsonmeht for falsifying their returns or Great work could be done, though this C o f f e e . communicating io any person any lufor- call for the state convention, to be held at law that would hold In this case. A man - Rut she sobered up and meekly prom­ Trenton ori Thursday. May 31. for the pur, congregation 1s doing magnificently now. —matldn obtalned-In-the-discharge-of their ised -the-magistrate-that-she-would -not pose of selecting lour senatorial and sixteen better than it has for years.” the officer, no matter what the law reads duty. again come to Ocean Grove to get drunk. The Great district delegates to the Democratic national Mr. Young will go to Washington, t ) the contrary. It Is not always possible No enumerator will be permitted to act where he.will plead with Influential leg­ Health Drink. as a canvasser for newspapers, magazines convention to be held in. Kansas City to for an officer to provide himself with the NEW CHURCH DEDICATED. nominate candidates for president and vice islators for tbe enactment of a b ill provid­ expensl re togs required. In such a short or the sale of any article, nor are enumer­ ing for pensions fordife savers In tbe Interesting Services In the Slmpshn M. <}an be hafl of your Grocer. - ators permitted to delegate their authority president. . space of time. Tbe cost is little less Costs but 15c. a pound. United StateB service. than $200. E. Edifice at Long Branch. to any other person. The basiB of representation will be one delegate for each two hundred Democratic Methodists Enjoy a Love Feast. “There ie also a provision giving the The handsome new Simpson Memorial Commended by Asbury Park pbjei- votes cast at the gubernatorial election of colonel of a regiment power to transfer Methodist' Episcopal Church of Long oinna as tlio most palatable* uncfnottr- The services 'at tho First Methodist iabinff substitute fop, grain coffee VETERANS TO FEAST. 1898 and one for each fraction of the same from companies their commanders to his Branch was dedicated Sunday, and the they Q*cr saw or tried. over one hundred, but each election precinct Episcopal Church opened Sunday morn­ staff and send a staff officer to command services which marked this Interesting Healthful and satisfrtn*. Try it. The Local Spanisfi-Aiuericap War Volun- ing at. ulna o'clock with an old time love Bend 5 cents in stamps for trial pack* teers Arranging for a Banquet. shall be entitled to at least one delegate- the company. One can readily see wbat event will be continued for two weeks. ago. tinder the call Monmouth county is entitled feast. It savored of tbe days of Wesley would happen to a company commander Sunday morning, after a consecration ser­ The Spanlsh-Amerlcan War Veterans’ A. A. Taylor & Sons Co. to 57 delegates. and In Meth >dist parlance was a “Melting if the colonel bolds a grudge against him. vice and love feast, Dr. W. A. Spencer, Association of Company A, Third Regi­ J* Manufacturer!. Time” This was followed by a very “The bill Is so full of defects that to of tbe Church Extension Society, preached. ment, N. J. V. I., met Friday night and 7)1 Bangs Avenue, The Coming Total Eclipse. pointed and eloquent sermon hy Rev. Ell enumerate-its bad features would take a In the afternoon there was a Sunday appointed a committee, consisting of Max Asbury Park, N. J. Preparations are being made by scien­ Gifford on the “Requirements of the whole day. An adjutant Is cutoff from school rally, at which a numbe/r of ad­ E. Howe, George ,E. Hullck and Claude tists to note tbe total eclipse of tbe sun, Kingdom,” from the text Matt. 7: 21— any allowance for his horses at any time, dresses were made, and, following, a plat­ V. Guerin, to make arrangements for the which will occur on May 28. The last “Not everyone that saith unto me Lord, and yet this position ls one of the hardest form meeting was held. second annual banquet of the association. eclipse In tbe United States took place ,in Lord, shall enter Into tbe kingdom of In the regiment." I sincerely hops that The dedicatory service took place Sun­ This event has been set down for May 18U8, but was oniy visible In remote parts heaven.” Aftei5 a logical description of the judge-advsScate will decide agninBt day night after s sermon by Dr. Samuel 11, the anniversary of the date of the of California and Montana. the kingdom he dwelt on three require­ certain provisions of the act for the gen- MacBurney, of Philadelphia, and was company’s mustering In tbe United frcfrs$i(wal <®arfls. . The f>ath of the coming eclipse will ments, those of submission and obedience ,eral benefit of the guard. Certainly If conducted by Presiding Elder Roe of »««•««*.... . States service. This association will unite travel the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, to the will of God and love to one another. men are forced to submit to suclb injustice Asbury-Park. Assisting blm were Dr with-the national body of Spanish-A'merl- JA8. F. AC LEHMAN, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North The Sabbath school was largely attend­ as the . delinquency conrt lias "power t<( Spencer,“Dr. MacBurney and Rev. J. F. can war veterans, arrangements to this Carolina and Virginia cross tbe Atlantic, ed, as was the vesper service of the Ep­ Impose, there will be a tremendous list uf Shaw, tiie pastor. 008 Grand avenue, A«bnrj Perk, N, S, end having been completed. and pass over Northern Africa and South­ worth League, The evening service was resignations.” The first week of the services Incident Hours—8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 m, - ern Europe, terminating at the Red aea. In charge of Dr. M. C._Beale_Oi the Amer­ to the dedication will be taken up by the NEGROES VS. INDIANS. ican University, Washington. He pre­ In this city and every portion of tho Odd Fellows' Memorial Day. anniversary services of the various ohllrclj jyn . ELLA PEENTiaa C P H A JI,^ United States east of the -Mlssslslppi, not ceded his description and purposes of societies. During the second week prom­ Grand Sire Alfred Pinkerton has Issued 805 Third avenue, Aabury Park. N. J. High School Debaters Tackle the. Inter­ directly in the shadow's path, a partial building the university by Bome forcible inent members of the New Jersey confer, the memorial day proclamation to the Office Hours until 10 a.m., la to 9,0 to *7.80p.m. esting Question of Franchise. eclipse of the sun will be s~een. remarks from Prov. 14: 84—“Righteous­ ence preach eadh nlgbt Telephone conneotion. | ' ■ ■“Resolved, That the Indians have as ness exalteth a nation; but sin is a re­ different graud bodies under the juris­ proach to any people." Tbe music by the diction of the Sovereign Grsnd Lodge, I. T\ B. 8. T. 8LOCUM._i much right to vote as the negroes," was Militiamen Elect Officers. Congressional Convention. ^ DENTIST, the subject of a debate held Friday choir, under the direction of Dr. Pryan, O. O.'F. Grand Master Henry J. Melosh, In compliance with the new law gov­ The Republican convention for the Third No. 5304 Main Street, . ^ afternoon by the Asbury Park High was above its unual excellent standard. of the Grand Lodge, and Grand Patriarch Over Milan Rosa’s Heal Estate Agency, erning the national guard of New Jersey, congressional district for the election of two 1 Asbury Park, N. J. School Literary and Debating Society. Andrew Dedrlck, of the Grand Encamp­ delegates and two alternates to the Republi­ Company H last week elected additional Oaa administered and local aniestbetlcs for Erving Hulling, Mable Brazer and Mable fire Matters in the Orove. ment, I. O. O. F., of New Jersey, have can national convention to be held in Phlla,- painless extraction. non-commissioned officers, sergeants and Wlnsor warmly defended the rights of each Issued a call to tbe subordinate delphii, will be held; in Educational hall, corporals, and a summary court, whose A primary will be held In Washington Asbury Park, N. J., on Wednesday, May the Indians. Those on the negative side, lodges and encampments td observe tbe T\B. H. 8. TAYLOE, jurisdiction is vested in one man. The Engine House, Ocean Grove, on Wednes­ 16th, 1000, at 11 o’clock a. m Each town­ U DENTIST, Harold .Miller, Etta Einstein and Addie occasion, which ia set for Tuesday, June ship la entitled to the same number of dele­ JfGradnataof University of Pennsylvania). sergeants elected were Max E, Howe, day, May IB, for the purpose of nomina­ Cor, Cookman ave. and Emory at,, opp, P. O, Weir, brought forward many points show­ 12. Each lodge and encampdient which gates as were elected to the Republican commissary sergeant and CbarleB E. King, ting one fire commissioner to succeed Over LoMaistro’fl, entrance on EJmory st. ing the superiority of tbe negroes-. The has suffered loss by death during the state convention1. Office Hours—0 to B, Jr., quartertnnster sergeant; the corporals, Harry A. Summers, for the term of three By order of the congressional committee. judges' verdict was 1 o’ to 13 In favor of year ls urged to hold a memorial service Ralph Gorsllne, Harry B. MattlD, Howard years, for. Neptune Fire District No. X, Cha& Pj,aoe, Chairman, r\B . GEOBGE B. HERBERT, the negative. Professor Sanders com­ In remembrance of their dead. In many B e n j a m i n B, O g d e n , Secretary. D B N T A L fflUUGJION.’ O. White and Arthur Chamberlain; the and to vote an appropriation of $3,500 for mended the debaters. cities throughout New Jersey the differ­ 8econd,FIoor, A. P. and O. G, Bank Building summary court, Second Lieutenant Claude contingent expenses of tbe 4istrlct. Office Hours—O a. m. td 5 p, m. ent cemeteries where the dead of many N6W Letter Boxes In the Grove. Appointments made by mail or in person. V. Guerin. Gas administered. Season Tickets. Veteran Mason’s Windfall. ^ years, lie sleeping are visited, and their Postmaster William Hamilton of Ocean graves strewn with flowers and an em­ On May 1st, 1900, the sale of llfty, one- W. H. Mason of Tennent has just been Grove will this week.place In position six jQ B . H, C. M1LLAE, A New Postal Rule. blematic flag planted. 1 hundred, and one hundred and llfty trip / notified by Congressman Howell that his additional letter boxes, making a total of Veterinary Surgeon, and Canine.Specialist, ■ A new postal rule 'that recently went tickets to New York will be resumed. claim for increase of pension has been 85 in ihe camp meeting town. The de­ 708 Aabury Avo., Asbnry Park. . Into-effect is. that persons who through Graduate University of Penn, Terma reasonable. The attention of the public is called to Madame Crane's. Concert. partment will repaint the boxeB, covering Telephone Call 86 f. • * - carelessness or any other reasons take allowed at the rate_of $8 a month from this Innovation in the matter of rates. July 12,1890, and $12 a month from Feb­ tbe present red with a bright aluminum. mail from the ofllce that belongs to anoth­ Madame/Ogden Crane and her pupils These forms are good for use of the orig­ The wooden posts,upon which the boxes TBAAC-C. KENNEDY, er, and who fail to return thn' saoio, are ruary 10| 1892, which will mean a consld. scored a musical triumph In New York Attomejr'Bt-ljaw, Solicitor, Master in inal" purchaser only, and Issued between erable sum In accrued pension. are now fixed will be removed and iron Chancery and Notary Public. liable to a fine of $500 'or one year In last Thursday, when they gave a concert In Special attention given to examination of May XBt ahd October'31st. For further posts substituted. prison. This applies to newspapers taken the Carnegie iyceum. Miss Lottie Gren- Tiflos, &c, Information see printed E c h e d u le of rates. Monmouth. Building, Aabury Park. from a postofllce as well as other mail Jeffries-Sharkey Bout is Off. elle won ' many plaudits for her share in The patrons of the New York and matter. • - • The proposed boat of six rounds at providing the entertainment, She' gave Rev. Dr. J. H, White Returned. JAMES D. CAETON, Long Branch railroad are afforded a Bishop Walters of the A. M. E.'Zlon Chicago between Jim- Jeffries and Tom several readings with excellent effect. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, larger number and a greater variety of Mrs. 'MacCastland’s New Hotel. Sharkey hns fallen through. T h e, au­ Miss Grenelle’s services were secured for chi'—h has 'reappointed Rev. Dr. J. -II- Master and Solicitor iu Chancery, . forms of commutation tickets than are The United States Hotel at Long Branch thorities of that city have refused to per­ this occasion as Madame Crane’s assistant. V 3 ns pastor of the West Park A. M. Office, Asbury park-Ocoaa Qrore Bank Bnlli.diijg. given by any other line running from the has been leased for the season o( 1000 by mit the pair to come together, and the Others that tookjpajt \Vere Miss Fannie I- : m Church. Other appointments for metropolis to the sea shore, Mrs. Eliza MacCastland of New York. promoters of the match have called Humes, Mrj. C. M; Ward, Frank Hunt, Monmouth county are as follows: Red ^fA LTER B. PIEJiflON, - ■■ \ Mrs. MacCastland conducted the Strand matters -ofl. Jeffries says, he will meet Miss Grace Underwood and Miss Beulah Ban1 , Rev. J. D. Carrothers; Eatontown, ARCHITECT, Tbe J ournal for modern Job Printing. In Kingsley street last season. Sharkey anywhere else. [ Reied. . • Rev vV. F. Bowden. ■ ' . ABb'ury Park, N* 3* 1 Office at Bogers'e £(112. " W ' ■

.’ \ \. /!• IOWA’S WILD INDIANS AW EXTRAORDINARY CRIME. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. %mvz\zvz' Quid®, The Victim Pet Where He* Story of Charlestown was settled in 1629 and I t Waa Taken for In. was annexed in Boston iri 1873. pDhSILYUU RAILROAD. Last of Powerful Sacs and Foxes lane Tallt. The occupants of a balloon a mile in Tama County, high command a radius of 90 Bttles.. QUALITY FIRST & In the month of December last, says The first New England bank, tl^e r The Standard BMlroaa of Am«rtc». J the Mexican Herald, an elegantly Massachusetts, was established in dressed men presented himself to thei On and after November 19,1890. The standard of excellence taaiutained foi^years StHI Follow the Custom* of Primi­ Boston, March 18, 1874. , Train* Leav* Asbnry Park—Weak Day*. governor of the district and solicited in the selling of Groceries at our old stand will be tive Bnvnsea Ma&r Wayi-^ Cdoper Union, in , had Por New York and Newark, 7.10, 8.50 a. m., h ire in Wifsirfttna and the admittance of his aunt, a lady 2.25. G,88 p.m. maintained at our new store. The new quarters are whose name, he said, tons Mrs. Aurelia a revenue la st year of $58,089.78. I ts ex­ For Elizabeth, 8.B0 a.m.. 2.25,5.88 p.m, Hold D«g Fcait*. penditures; were $59,087.09.. , ! | For Bahway, 8 50 a.m., 2.25, 5.88 p.m. Granados de Jaimes, into .the insane For Matawan, 8.50 a.m., 2.25, 5.88 p.m. better adapted for our growing trade. Our always asylum for women in Canon street, fie An orange hit in the exact center For Long Branch, 7.10, 8.50,11.00 a.m., 2 15, reliable delivery system will. be better than ever. Tama county, Iowa, has a settlement by a ‘ rifle fenll will V anish a t once 3.25, S.88,5.40! 7.07 p. m. of 400 Indians, th> most primitive and said’^that she had lost her mind and For Bod Bank. 7.10, 8.BU a,m„ £.85, 5.88 p.m. Why not come down town and look the new store that, as there was no one to look after from sight scattered into infinitesi­ F ct Philadelphia, Broad Bt, and Trenton, 7.89, wildest tribe of red men in the United mal pieces, y 8.05 a.m., 12.15, 4,07 p.m. over ? Attractive goods at attractive prices will . States. They are the Muskwakls, For her, he was afraid that some accident For Camden, via Tronton and Bordentown,7.29. might happen to her." The governor is­ A party o! Americans emploj'ed in 8.05 a. m., 12.15, 4.07 p.m. pay you for your call. ■ . . 40 years tjiey have been « (source ot thfiLfionBtruction..of ^he M exican Cen­ For Camdon and Philadelphia, via Tom* Bivor. perplexity to the Indian bureau. -Sev­ sued the permit and the lady was ad­ 1.28 p. m. mitted into the hospital, s — tral railroad near Tlajomulo, on the ForToras River, iBland Holghts and intermedi­ G. D. JELLIFF & CO. eral years ago a government agent vis. Pacific coast extension, recently un- ate statlona, 1.28 p.m. , ited the camp, and was horrified at the The lady was not violently crazy, but For Point Pleasant and intermediate stations, she complained to the doctors of a pain. 'earthed a big collection of prehistoric 1,0.59 a.m., 2.50. 5.19, 0.48 p. m. Main Entrance, 607-609 Cookman Ave. . savagery of one of their “dog feastjBi1’. For Now Brunswick, via Monmouth Junction, In her head and she was constantly say.- relics and an earthen jar containing 8.05 a.m., 12.15, 4.07 p.m. * Carriage Entrance, 606-608 Mattison Ave. He attempted to stop the dance, at the $15,000 in old Spanish gold. Tho same time throwing iti a few remarks Ing that a man had driven a nail, into Trains Leave flew York for Asbury Par* he* head. The attendants of. the asy­ wealth was divided among the discov­ From West TVonty*third Street Station, 8.55 about the beauty of free education, erers- a.m., 12.40, 8.25, 4.55 p.m, Sundays, 9.25 Formerly at Main Street and Aabury Avenue says the Chicago Inter Ocean. lum paid no attention to this statem ent, a.m., 4.55 p.m. as it was thought to beia part, of her Auburn hair is enjoying'popularity From De8broB8es Streot Station, 9.00 a,mi, “Muskwivki Indian no likem educo- ra v in g s . at present, and history averp that 12.50, 8.40, 5.10, p.m. Sundays, 9.45 a.m., tfon; it make Indian work like b—1,” 5.15 P.m. . The lady gradually got worse and women with auburn hair have wield­ From Cortlandt.Straet Station, 9,00 a.m., 12,50, explained one of the chiefs. 8.40, 5,10 p.m. Sundays, 9.46 a.m., 5.15 p.m. d ied. ed a strong influence in all ages. The On Sundays will stop at Interlaken and Xvon Heeently the United States superin­ tte Alberto Lopez Hermosa, .di­ women familiar to history who be­ In place of North Asbury Park and Asbury Park tendent of Indian schools, Miss Estelle rector of the asylum; apd Dr. Fran­ longed to the sisterhood were Isabella to let off paosenRcrB. Trains Leave PimwljrtphU^road Street) for Reel, made a visit to the tribe to try cisco, de P. Echeverria, assistant of Castile, Helen o£ Troy, Catherine. J. to persuade the Huskwakis to send director, believing that the M y's of Russia, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth of At 8.20,11.10 a.m., 8.80,4.02 p stems. • _____ (Size 14 x 21 Inches.) son, however, he agreed to allow his Occupation. boy to go to school. POINTS FOR A TOURIST. will be published by he shortly. It is now being Under the influenceiof their ieoriers The new boy is of later origin than |E® YORK AND LONG BRANCH R. R. printed for as on hea^y plate-paper, in a form suit­ and the government agents, the most the new woman, says a lady writer The hers. Again, the advocates of domes­ w h a rf. For Long Branch and Red Bank, 0,17, 7.10, to-day's paper. . . 8.00,8.50, 11.00 a. m. (Long Branch only), some extent the culinary utensils of tic training for boys say that, while “Tbe current must be very strong.” 12.10, 2.15 (Long Branch only), 2.25,4.00. the whites, bat there are only five ■there will always be a division of oc­ “Not on the surface,” Jenkins re­ 5.88, 5.40 (Long Branch only), 0,29, 7.07 i,. ' ' Name...... i. ^ ...... * plied, brazenly, “but tie undercurrent (Long Branch only), jjt_Qves among the tribe, aud ^nearly all' cupations in tho family, as in society, •Dehotes^express trains. th« cookfng it done i5v«-r uiropet »« there I# this difference ln-tho. #asul.y, Hjakes 20 miles an hour.” RPFPfLBLODGBTT, J. R. WOOD, Bate...... — Address...... Supt. R.R. G. P. A„ Penn. R.R. ■ In the center of the wick-i-up, and the th a t In those occupations* which re­ “Well, well! Good fishing, I ?iup- H. P. BALDWIN, . . . smoke is almost Intolerable! Nearly late to the common life there ought p o se? ” . 6, P. A,. C. E.E. ! everything that th«y eat is cooked in to be a common performance else th« “Not very good. The current, you lard, and they nre content If furnished division of labor will.result In a di­ see, prevents the fish from coming up. MECHANICS'' PROMPTNESS IN DELIVERY TOOLS. plenty of hot fried cokes,'pork aad cof­ vision of feeling and of thought. A few crabs and limpets crawl along g EHTRALR. R. OF HEW JERSEY, fee. They seldom- eat beef, and show a the bottom>” ------, 1 facturers’ supplies is one of the points 'of our business upon marked preference for pork, chicken; SX> LONGER A “ MAVERICK.1? “Well, well!” lie looked at the water which we pride ourselves.' Annoying delays are not experienced turkey’, skunk' and dog. They relish ■with a new appreciation. “Have a ci­ Anthracite Coal Used Exclusively, instt-l* when ordering of'-us. There’s a good reason for it. We always skunk particularly, and dogs are A 'Wewir Converted tittfe Odd gar?” he. said. ^ 1: ring Cleanliness and Comfort.:t. I have on hand a large supply of the things our long experience has raised in large numbers for feasts on Explanation of tfta Baptfa* Jenkins took one as if he deserved it. shown are most needed in the factory . special occasions. These Indians ore -f mal Berrioe. “i ’m a stranger to this country,” the TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JAN. 8,1900. excellent judges of good flour and tourist explained. Trains Leave Asbnry Park: 21 St 23 nothing but the finest patent made of Eev. Cyrua Townsend Brady, giving “Oil, indeed!” said Jenkins, “You For New York, Newark and Elizabeth via all northern wheat will meet their aj»v- his experiences as “A Missionary in tk f speak our language very well.” rail route, 0.17,8.00,12.10,4.00, 0.29 p.m. Sundays from Interlaken station, 7.87 a. m„ m m m proval. G reat West,” in l*udies’ Home Journal, “Ye-es,” the other replied, doubtful­ 4.18 p.m. For 15 year* there has not been a tells of the baptism of a little daugh­ ly, “1 appreciate your courtesy, you For Philadelphia and Trenton, via Elizabeth* ort, 0.17,8.00 a. m., 12.10, 4.00 p.m. Sun- NEWARKNi n w r n u u single convert to the Christian faith, ter of a big cattle owner in Indian know.” ays from Interlaken station, 7.87 a.m., 4,18 and no member of the tribe has ever territory i ''In our baptfimal service Jenkins nodded over hlscigar, Sp. m. For Baltimore and Washington—0.17,8.00 a.m., been given a Christian burial. Only one we sign those who are baptised with “Suppose the boats do nSt run.hex® 12.10, 4.00 p. m. Sundays from Interlaken civil m arriage lias occurred. tho sign, ot the cross,’'' he explains, in tljiti winter,” the stranger went on station, 7.87 a.m., 4.18 p.m. 'E’inaneial ForEaBton, Bethlehem, Allentown and Mauch “Ein an eia The Muskwakis are the tatta*e treaty in now in the them that she had been made V. mem­ Jenkins hastened to explain. “You (QOHMOUHH. BUIIiDINS, flSBUF^Y possession of tho chief of the tribe in ber of Christ, the child of God, and may have read how a professor at flRESAPEAKE AND OHIO1 ROUTE1 Tama county, and*ls preserved in ojUt- an inheritor of- the Kingdom of Harvard made water boil by stirring it W WEST AND SOUTH. U Executes all trusts known to the law; loans money on bond tle buckskin sack. It. is prized wry Hea.ven,’ but did not succeed in ex­ vigorously. It is like that at the falls.” C ap ital, $ 100,000 and mortgage; roceivoa deposits subject to check and The F F V. a solid train of Pullman vestibule allows interest on daily balances; acts as trustee, registrar highly and. guarded Jealously. The pressing the situation very well, and “X think 1 ses tbat. V^ry curious. sleepers, dining car and day coaches, and transfer agent; pays coupons; makes demand acd •tribe attaches as much Importance to they; pressed her for a clearer expla­ Well, well.” ; New York to Cincinnati and Louisville S u rp lu s, $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 time loans on approved collateral; safe deposit vaults. via Washington without extra fare, leaving this treaty as the Americanpe«pledo nation. Finally, when she had ex­ They had already passed out of the New York by at 4.55 p. to the declaration ' of • Independence. hausted every other effort, she turned river into the lake. The stranger found m., Philadelphia at 7.40 p.m.; arrives at Hot A. C. TWINING, President. SpriOgB 7.25 a.m.', Cincinnati 5 p.m, Louisville G, B. M. HARVEY, Yice-Presidem. They boast with irmefi pride th a t they on them, her eyes (laeblag through her a new wonder. A storm • blowing 8.15 p.m., St. Louis 7.80 next morning. R. A. TUSTINQ, Secretary, D. C. CORNELL, Treasurer. have never violated .any of its pro­ tears. *yVelJ,* she said, lapsing into the on shore, during the .previous night, Fast Cincinnati Express, week days, leaves DIRECTORS. New York 8.00 a.m., Philadelphia x0.20( ar­ visions, sind from its date to the pres­ vernacularr ‘1 will tell you, I was a had stirred up the muddy bottom at rives Cincinnati 7.55 a.m., Louisville 11.11 a.m., O. H. Brown, Col. G. B. M. Harvey, Henry- Mitchell, M D, A. C, Twining; ent time none of their band has taken little ‘maverick’ before, and the man the river, mouth and discolored the St. Louis 0.56 a.m., giving direct connections to J. H. Buchanan, Goo. F. Kroehl, John P. O’Brien, H. H. Vreeland' points beyond. O. C. Cornell, Bruco S. Keator, M. D. Perry R. Smith, G. D. W, Vroom up arms against the government. put Jesus’ brand on my forehead, and shoal waters. A line of froth marked First-class limltod rates from* Asbnry Park or 1Vlth ihe passing of JIn-l»i>-


intelligent action in the way of providing SUNDAY RAILROAD TRAINS.. NO MORE ^SALOONS. — - ICE IS HIGHER. Did you eve r notice-how some women "jilmrjj; JJnrU^Iimrual I protection. The mayor and business men of Asbury break down after marriage ? As the family The pine belt of New Jersey, extending Park, are Interesting themselves in a James Griffin's and Michael Barrett’s Ap­ increases, the poor mothers lose their A Short Crop Lapt Winter Compels Deal graceful, symmetrical forms, their faces are and MONMOUTH REPUBLICAN from Monmouth to C n p e - M a y , could, with movement, th e 1 object of which Is the, plications for Licenses to be Op­ ers to Advance the Price- One full ,of lines and no vestige of youth re­ PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT proper care, be made a source of Inex­ breaking of tbe rule that has heretofore posed by Property Owners. Dollar The Ton. mains. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription haustible wealth to the state. It Is prac­ works wonders for THB RSBURY PARK PRINTING HOUSB prohibited railway trains from stopping Ocean Grove, West Grove and Avon are From ear to ear now stretches tbe Ice such women. A NO. 718MATT130N AVENUE, tically worthless for any other purpose at the on Sunday. woman need never A96URY PARK, . NEW JERSEY, stirred to the depths by the possibility o f man's sm ilein fiendish glee. thun the growth of—timber, and in Its Petition j have been circulated among lose her shape or D a il y E ditio n —All the Year. the establishment of beer saloons within Already Ice has taken a leap of $1> u beauty. If she present condition is of little value In that the residents of the Park, asking the or near their borders. ton since ordinary morals bought a block. will take “ Favor­ Entered its second-class matter at the Asbury Park direction. Scrub oaks, dwarf pines and ite Prescription ” Post Officei February 7, r&38. . railroad companies to stop Sunday trains These districts have put on the double Tbls means an advance of five cents a huckleberry bushes now cover thousands during: -gestation, there, as they do every other day In the armor of defence and offence in tbelr ef­ tiundred poundsJ Accordingly, thejbouse- she will not be TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. of acres which once bore S magnificent worried. Morning week, and the petitions are numerously forts to overcome him whom they call keeper who now desires the precious 1 year, in advance... „„----- ...$ i <» growth of pines, says the Newark Even­ 6 months, In advance..., 50 signed. King Alcohol and will fight to the bitter crystal must pay 40 cents p«r ope hun- j months, in advance...... 25 ing News. Of the original pine forest The railroad companies say that they end any Invasion of that, mouarchwithln dred pounds, whereas last summer she Single c o p i e s . r.'-. ------)------' 3 there Is scarcely, a trace, and of the td'wr' lire willing to halt Sunday trains at the lands under (heir jurisdiction. ~~~ paid only 85 cents. The size of tbe 10- erlng white cedars which once filled the T o C orrespondents—W e shall be.glad to re­ Asbury Park station if It is the desire of Tbe threatened Invasion lies In the ap­ ceot cakes that go,In the fatally refrigera­ ceive items of news and communications on iub*- swamps at the headwaters of the streams ects of interest to this community. Write only a majority of the citizens that they do so. plication for licenses by James Griffin of tor or water cooler will be materially less­ with their stately stems but a lone rem­ on one side of the sheet. Heretofore, Sunday visitora to tbe Park West Asbury Park and Michael Barrett ened, and.no difficulty will be experi­ All communications should be accompanied by nant remains. The long stretches of pine sickness will be 1 the full name and address of the writer, not and Ocean Grove have been compelled tb of Avon. , » enced In fitting the,cooler to the Ice. almost wholly un- , necessarily for publication but as a guarantee of barrens It> South Jersey are an Impressive known. Nervous­ good faith. Anonymous letters will not be noticed. go to Interlaken, more than a mile from Griffin wants to open a grog shop lu T^hla advance has been made by the illustration of that human cupidity and ness will be pre­ Letters intended for the editorial or news, de­ the center of tbe town, to get a train. Corlles avenue, near the West Grove M. United Ice Company, because the ice vented. When baby conies, there will be partment should be addressee entire weekly edi­ appreciate the force of Christ's words dren of the state, and the amount asked is girls were Miss Julia H. Lalght of Asbury enough to give a semblance of success. tion of the True American on a hand that His word shall never pass away. It $12,500. 8 F«rk and Miss Lulu Ohlsen of Brookiya. But getting down to particulars Is not at press. Since tben he bad acted as editor is Important to us that we know Tn our Tbe best man was James Travis of Long present attractive to th e ' Democratic of many well known newspapers, Includ­ Hom oth Realty Co. hearts the unchangeableness of this dec­ Is it not about time for the Democratic Branch and the UBhers were Joseph Creig, muthomatiolans. 4- ^ew years ago the ing the Trenton Weekly Visitor and the laration of the word, for It will help us pnrty.to call upon tbe country to put them William Schmanm'ede and Albert Rob­ Rooms 12*13, Monmouth Building, solid south was relied on forjthe substra­ Long Branch News, both of which he to heed the word, accept it and be dt- in. power, bo that they may reduce the bins. A reception followed the ceremony tum of votes, to which were added New Btarted; the, Ocean County Courier, the N. W. Corner'Mattison Are. and Bond St., rected and consoled by it. When we go dangerous surplua in the United States at-tbe home of the bride’s parents. Mr. r York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Hlghtstowh Gazette and the Kings Connty treasury ? That ia one of the few prom­ and Mrs. Purchase started on a tour ASBURY PARK, S. J. to It for counsel, for strength, for com­ Indiana. Another state is now necessary. Visitor. In 1851 he purchased the Mon- ises made by it that was faithfully ful­ through the south. They will live la fort, it will work these things In us, for The old formula must be amended even mouth Democrat, of Freehold, and ran it . ‘ the Holy Spirit works through the word. filled, and, In doing so, It also reduced the until his death. Io addition be was one Asbury Park. as to the number of votes required. Then surplus of almost every citizen io the When po many are endeavoring to In the last presidential election the solid of tbe True American’s editors for many overthrow the scriptures it Is our duty to union. As a surplus reducer and a deficit south was brqken, the Republicans gain­ ypars. The Popular Grand Avenue. acquaint ourselves with them. The un­ creator that party has a record that can I The A ccident ing 28 of the 26 electoral votes of Mary­ Colonel Yard was a life-long Democrat. The Grand Avenue hotel will not need fortified man is easily overcome. We are not be successfully assailed. ! to tlie Central Railroad land, Delaware, West Virginia and Ken­ He was major of tbe Third regiment of to “begin” Its “season” this year, having at best very materialistic. Many high ; train serves as a reminder tucky. Sinoe 1806 tbe States of Kansas, New Jersey. During the civil war he had an nubroken season Bince last year. sounding things uttJred in the .name of Tbe government provided for Porto of the value of accident Washington, Wyoming and South Dakota was very active la raising troops. For a At Easter tfc^s popular hostelry was truth are founded on materialism and Rico is far more liberal than that given number of years he was the efficient insurance. An accident have come over to the Republican side. crowded to Its utmost capacity and today therefore the heart unprepared Is not to Louisiana when that state was admitted mayor of Freehold. policy of the Travelers Kentucky has been carried by both par­ there are eighty guests registered tbere. slow to yield assent to them. ‘We are not to the union. A little experience will Ia 1856 Colonel Yard murrled Adallne Insurance Company cost­ ties, and Maryland by Democrats on a Proprietor Sill's solicitous care for his ** in these hurrying times -Bible readers, assure the Porto Ricans of tl»e character Clark, daughter of, Daniel D. Swift of ing but $25 per annum to platform silent as to sliver. Something patrons’ comfort and welfare has won him hilt we should be and need to be. The of Republican intentions. But the Dem­ Lancaster connty. Pa , who survives him preferred risks pays $50 a extraordinary must happen before the a class of trade that makes his bouse one greater the advancement and the rush of ocrats will still be dissatisfied. 1 with the following children: Mrs. Epima week indemnity for a total electoral vote can be arranged to show a of the most successful in this section. business, tbe greater the need for God. Ivins of New York; Mrs. Mary A. Tyson disability or $t 0,000 for reasonable chance of Democratic success A people forgetful of God will fall. of Brooklyn; Mrs. Adaline H. Lawrence deatii by accident while on November 0 nexti Senator Daniel cf Virginia hopes, “the Left His Fortune to Charities. , Have a thought for Him as He thinks of of Freehold, and Joseph A. Yard of • . riding as a passenger in A Democratic paper in Illinois does Democratic party will have the courage us. Believe Him. Accept His word as Freehold. George W. Miles, who died recently of any railway passenger car. some figuring, In wlilch ,it claims New to make a platform at Kansas City for tbe true. It shall never pass away. All else kidney trouble at his home, 1480 Spruce Let us give you further York, because Roosevelt’s majority wbb year 1900.” If he means that the 1898 ■ must decay, but the troth is God’s nature PRESBYIERIAN MONUMENT. street, Philadelphia, left an estate Inven­ particulars. only 18,000, New Jersey on the strength mark on Bryan can be rubbed out be ls and as such is everlasting. \ - A. B. toried at $110,000. Mr. Miles was a of municipal elections, Indiana because decidedly mistaken. ’ Tbe old ratio in Will be Dedicated Near Freehold on Thurs­ ; MILAN ROSS AGBRCY, bachelor and hla fortune will eventually 208 Main St. , of the'Porto Rican law, along with Con­ tbat case Is tattooed. NEW JERSEY’S NEGLECT OF IIS FORESTS. day, June 14. go to various charities. necticut, Delaware, West Virginia, Illi­ It has been decided by the historical The deceased owned a handsome cot­ Governor|Voorhees has issued the an­ nois and Wisconsin on general Democrat­ A. citizen wants Common . Council to tage In Second avenue, Asbury Park, and nual perfunctory proclamation, as re­ executive cpmmlttee of the Synod of New ic principles. It Calls on tba Kansas City, enact an ordinance forbidding house, Jersey to unveil and dedlcate the Presby­ properties at Allenhurst and Elberon. quired by a legislative joint resolution, convention to adopt a platform and nom­ keepers beating carppts .within the city He was 60 years of age and years ago • designating today as Arbor Day, and terian historical monument in the Old inate a-candidate for vice-president that limits. Now tbat the ice has been broken Scots burial ground, five miles from Free­ was a millinery Importer.. recommending that It be devoted by the will secure tbe doubtful states In this list. we may expect some one to petition people to the .planting of forest trees hold, on Thursday. June 14. That date The Baltimore Sun argues that if the council to pass an ordinance making It a will be tbe day after the commencement May Build a New Bridge. and to appropriate exercises In the sllveif question ls Ignored or dropped at misdemeanor for cooks to beat eggs.’ schools of the state. The adoption of of Princeton university,'and thus conve- A special committee of tbe Board of KaneasyClty, the ticket should carry tbe nlent for some to attend both celebrations. Chosen. Freeholders met at Manasqnan "this joint resolution, which has accom- solid south with 154 votes, along, with Tbe Boer national hymn, "Het Trans- , plished .little beyond the planting of Addresses will be delivered by dele­ Tuesday and viewed the proposed site for New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, In. vaalsche Volkslled,” is somewhat remin­ gates from the Northern and Southern trees and shrubbery iri school yards, Is a new bridge at Oaborae’s mill. The diana and Illinois, or 21 more' than a iscent of that soul-atlrrlng A-nerlc^n an­ Presbyterian General Assemblies. The practically all that the New Jersey legis­ bridge desired will cost $3,000. Action majority. No matter what is in or omit­ them known aa “A Hot Time” la some dedication of the monument^ which will lature has ever done In the direction of was deferred till the next meeting. Tbe ted from the platform, Bryan’s chance of venerable copimunlty after the shades of mark the birthplace pf Presbyterianlsm committee Is composed of Messrs. Leffer- forest preservation. Other elutes have ,gettlng any pf these states ls not 1 In night have fallen. in this country, haB been twice postponed son, Rockefeller, Gulre, Honce, Stevens, awakened to the necessity of preserving 10,000. If Bryan Is shelved other, diffi­ because of the failure of sbme of the Buck and Butcher. so much of their forests as have escaped culties crop up for the party healed to The reform clique in Common Council stones to arrive from abroad. the axe and flame,' and to reforest the defeat four years ago. Figuring on tbe will fipd, to their sorrow, tliat tbelr econ­ areas, which, have already been denuded. Bishop Warren’s Daughter Married. Real Estate result ls the hardest kln8 of a Democratic omy trumpbts are out of time should they Laws have been enacted providing pro. High School Entertainment. Bishop and Mrs. Warren, summer res!- job.." _ _ i______insist on shortening the music season. tectlon against forest fires, with severe Next Wednesday evening the pupllB of dents of Ocean Grove, announce the and penalties for their violation,' and ap-' - JUDGE HEISLEY’S WARNING. r the Aabury Park high school/will .give a marriage of their daughter, Miss Carrie. Insurance Two years ago Tuesday the American musical and literary entertainment. The Louisa, Co Rev. Jacob Wellington Frlzelle, pointing lire wardens to enforce them. Judge Helsley has caused fear' and 222 Main Street. ScierTtllic forestry, as It is practiced Iri trembling In the rank and file of liquor navy, commanded by George Dewey and high school orchestra and the glee club on Thursday, April 19th, at University backed up. by the men-behlnd the guns, Park, Colorado. Tbe bride la a niece of Europe, has been Btudled and its methods dealers. His warning, Tuesday, to the have been rehearsing a long t'tn0 f°r this OiBco formorljr occupied by^ adopted In several of the states. applicants for license, was of a nature tbat changed the map of the world before event and have attained to a high effi­ Mrs. Kilgore of Heck .avenue, Ocean New Jersey, however, has been singu­ will evidently not brook any trifling. The breakfast. ciency, guaranteeing the public a genuine Grove. ■ ^ ______W ASHINGTON W HITE* * * treat. Part 1 of tbe program lias been larly careless In this matter,-and yet few judge will enforce the law to Its full ex­ -Dr. John Taylor’s Mishap. , states have more reason to give it Intelli­ tent, and will discriminate between no At the close of the present fiscal year, prepared and Ib published In another-col- class of vlolotors, whether hotel qien or tfune 80, the excess of exports over lm- limn of the Jocbhai,. Dr. John Taylor’s right band was se- Insurance written In reliable companies gent consideration. Every year thousands and In soo^ form. ■ of acres of 'pine lands In 'South Jersey peddlers...... ports will reach $560,000,000. The trade verely burned by fire last week at bis Dr, J. F. Ackerman Honored. home In Grand avenue. A lounge caught RealJBUtatG bought, sold and exchanged. ^ are burned over, destroying the growing Tbe people will stand by the judge la balance ketjps pate wlth the surplus the List of Cottages for rent. ‘ tlmbej’ and leaving a blackened waste. his attitude on this needed reform. Democrats find so alarming. Dr. J. F. Ackerman has been, elected fire uu'i In extinguishing the blaze the Money to Loan on Bond and Mortgage. ... Thousands ,of dollars’ worth of timber We have no doubt tbat the words of one fbf the vice presidents of the New doctor w n s burned. Twq fingers of his has been thus consumed by fires caused Judge Helsley will be an incentive to the If the Sultan’s conduct1 becomes too Jersey State Homeopathic Society, which left hand were also burned. WILLIAM GIFFARD. ' by carelessness or design, without arous­ grati'd Jury ta do Its full duty, though they outrageous he will find a Yankee solo held its forty-sixth annual meeting in ing legislative ;sentiment to the point of were not addressed to tbat body. different from'a European concert. •Newark, Wednesday.' Advertise in the J o u b n a l . OBlos qt Wm. Giffard, Township Collector,


Send In your Jime.and coupon for the fHE MIRROR. portrait pf President McKinley , The 'asphalt paroment surrounding tbe Reflections of the Movements of Promt, farmers! Poultr^men! and MONMOUTH REPUBLICAN. Ocean Grove po 1 iffice has been repafted on nent Residents and Visitors, the Olin street side, Thomas G. Allan, of the Hotel. Allan, A dollar saved FRID AY, MAY 4, 1000, iiatorday is the Asbury Park high B e h o o f i Poitsville, Pa, was here Saturday calling . is a dollar 3eid day, when aporta will be held on the upon friends. Mr. Allan, for several years, field of the nthleuo grounds. nates ol Adv«rtUbg. conducted the Hotel Guernsey in Seventh Next Sanday tho barber shops of Asbury avenue, which was destroyed by fire. Park will begin Sunday business and con W b k k s . ■M o n t h s . Mrs. Mahlon B, Margerum of Ocean I I a I- 3 2 | 3 | 6 j 13 tinue throughout the summer. 11 Grove will leave for England and the con­ K 75 $ 1 0 0 >135 $175 f2 50 *400 #600 The fipanidi-Anaeriean war trslerans of 400 6 00 10.00 i X75 125 I 5 P 175 3 35 Company A will give tbeir annual banquet tinent it^about a month. Her daughter, i% I oo t 50 a 00 3 75 425 5 50 8 00 a 125 200 3 5 0 350 5 50 7 00 1000 ia the Wellington hotel,.May 11. hS^m Fatsaie, will accompany her. S i 75 •a?5 3 5o 450 9 00 15 °o 35 OQ Miss Emily A. Bice of Ocean Grove has 4 3 25 3 50 4 50 550 i xaoo 2000 35 00 The Asbury fa rk Wheelmen will old 5 300 450 550 7 50 13 00 1800 3000 their annual election of offiaers next Mon returned from Florida, 55° 850 1150 1 5 0 0 2500 3500 55 00 fS>15(00 15000 day evening. The aominatiops were made Mrs. W. F. LeRoy will Boon leave for IQ 00 1 7 0 0 2 3 0 0 30 0 0 4 5 0 0 6500 9000 f e Q i f a i i f e last month. California, where she w'ili remain one year. L o c a l N otices.—A limited num ber of local no­ Newsboys at Bradley, Beach and Avon Former State Senator C. P. McClelland tices will be adm itted at the rate of fifteen cents ournal I e d Rope :oofi per line. They will be placed at tbe bottom of can secure the daily J every after­ and his wife of Dqbb'o Ferry, New, York, heMocal columns only, and m ust have "Aav,” at noon at ha JomtNAff, agency, Bradley he end. When continued four weeks or longer, Beach notion store, at office rates. wore yisitors in Ocean Grove over Sunday. • . J.UUO t discount of as per cent. Is allowed. Mrs. L, H. Farr of Brooklyn, is visiting liiag were running aery plentifully yes terday in th* ocean, and many local anglers Mra. James Johnson of Heck and Lawrence AN INVESTMENT FREE L e g a l N o t ic e s .—T h k J o u r n a l la „ legal from the ordinary risks of, business is furnished in the newspaper, and as such is the p* er medium for made some iery excellent Hitches toward avenues, Ocean Grove. NEPOHSEl foiuihe nuiney is the all legal notices. Some advertlsi evening. Mr, Lafarge had the Charles J. Hunt, proprietor of tbe Allan, best rao finglond sidihg'matfel an d costs no Endowment policies issued by The Prudential. Com­ ns by law, while with many othei string to take home. more than />77//^/Vwi^KCALl/'brtrt^fE!FI3R SAMPLES with the party Interested as to " tio house, Ocean Grove, and the Towers, bining Safety, Protection and .Profit, they form an publish them. „ Ib the United States Insolvency Court, Lakewood, was in Ocean Grove, Saturday, ideal investm ent for sums large or. small. ai, Treston, Monday, Jcdg« Kirkpatrick looking after his property- ordered a rule to show cause why James B. Buchonon & Smock, WHITE FOB PAETICULABS. : ' TOWB AffB COUHTR*! Shepherd & Son should not be discharged Miss dassie'L. Smith hoe returned from -f ASBURY PARIS- N,J. in-bankruptcy. Brooklyn and is now occupying her cottage, Home Office: Insurance Co. Be[mir tlie streets. Theodore Beringer, the Mam street cigar 116'Cookman avenue, Ocean Grove;. Newark, N, J. THE PRUOEflTlflL of America. Beal estate agents nre kept on tlie jump. merchant, has a stock of 550,000 cigars "os Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lillagore of Phila­ GYPSIES MARRIED. JOHN P. DE1DEN, PrOBtdoat. EDGAR B. "WARD, 2d Yice-Prea. and Counsel’ hand fortbesDffitnersaaaorj, Hiaimported, delphia have taken quarters for the summer LESLIE D. WABD, Vlco-Pres. FORREST F. DRYDEN, Secretary. Tho Board of Health will meet this even Key West and domestic cigars include, tbe ing. choicest brands. at the Lillagaard, Ocean Grove. Thomasf Costello, of the Romany Rye N. B. GEAV, Ass’-t Superintendent, Dr. 0, W. Wbinaa of Philadelphia- is re­ 'ItiRoom 15, Apploby Building, ASBURY PARK,’ N. J. Hundreds of promenaders on tbe board­ Two large iron vases have been presented Tribe, Elopes With Emma Smith, of walk Sunday, to the Neptone township high school. They cuperating in Ocean Grove. His wife^is tbe Corri Band, vnU'be placed in front of the school on the with him. Shake ^peaitfs birthday was observed Wed­ Thomas Costello ot the Romany Ry© nesday in the publia ehool-. Main street side. The pupils will place A/C. Twining, president of the Mon­ flowers in them. mouth Trust Company, has returned from gypsy camp, which every summer pttches The Boanl of Education of Neptnna town its tent In Bradley Beach, eloped Monday ship has reengaged 85 of the present stafi of Assistant Postmsstey Busting of Ocean Colorado, where he spent several weeks. with Emma Smith!of the Corri band of Shirt Waist's teachers.. Grove has figured that Monmouth county Benjamin F. Jonea of Newark, B p e a k e r of hag a larges number of postoffices than auy gypsied of Newark,‘and the two were Company H realized $225 on its reeeut tbe House of Assembly, spent Saturday at county in the state. He giver. 94. as Mo;, wedded that same night in Asbury Park. production of '‘The Strange Adventures of mouth’s faumber. the Deal Country Club. f :— Shirt Waists Miss Brown;” George W. Brewster, manager of tho news At 11 o’clock they cabled at 1101^ Bepresentative Howell baa bceu advised Main street, and arousing Magistrate The public school at Eatbotown will close by the postoiilee departeent that the post­ and theatre ticket stands in the Waldorf- Morton from his slumbers, declared their for the term on May 4,,because of a shortage master of Shrewsbray, Monmouth county, Astork hotel, N. Y., was a guest of his in school funds. intention of becoming husband and wife, must be remcwed fo cause, and a new mass friend, William E. Bedell, Sunday. Shirt Waists appointed to the position. and begged that the ceremony ml#?ht be Tlie card and billiard rooms in the As­ Mrs. Frank Durand and her son, Walter, bury Park Wheelmens club how:*! have performed {here and Then. The ladies o f' the First Presbyterian have returned from a tour in the south. been redecorated. Church will hold a strawberry festival in The tieed was dont* and Mr. ami Mrs, Miss A. J. Westcott of Philadelphia is at Chief Justice William J. Magie has ac­ the church parlors Thursday evening, May Costello hayiDg duly tliauked the magis­ 10. Day’s -ice cream and cakes will be her cottage, 820 Asbury avenue, for the cepted ihe vacant chaaeeUorahip and wss trate and, incidp^f«ily, rewarded that per­ SPECIAL SALE r seryejl. All are welcome. season. ' ' • sworn in Wednesday. sonage for intruding upon bla dreams, On Wednesday, May 9, the pupils of the Postmaster Alex. C. Yard and Senator There are twenty councils of the Baugh hied themselves off to !,])] and coo like Siigh school will pivs a concert in the assem­ Elijah C. Hutchinson of Trenton, were in Shirt W aists and Ladies’ Tailor Hade tersof Liberty its tSjis county, with a total other mortals. They remained b*-re un­ membership of 1672. bly hall. A delightful program has been visitors Wednesday. irepsured Mid those who are to take part til Tuesday, when ili~y left lor Washin^. Suits for the next Ten Days at , Mis. George'H, Wilkin of Second avenue Lawyer j&dtnu -■/ Wiisoo of Batik haB lave been thoroughly drilled. ton, 0, C, The bu.>liaml Is 80 years old been elected & director of the_8tate Mutual has returned from % visit to relatives in Mrs. J. B,. PqsvfH. wife of s prominent and tbe wife 20 She is described as b«*. Building L6#si Association. /r r ~ - - the state of New: York...... ; • official of tbe New York and Long Branch Ing a good look 1 ng, black-eyed, bux/im Her. Dr. J.' B. Stansbury he® been reap­ I. W. Pike of Fourth avenue is in Pitts­ Cook’s Bee Hive Kaiiroad Company, is conflaed to her home lass. ' pointed pastor of tbe Asbury Park Africa^ in Ocean Grove because of an injury sus burg ill from typhoid pneumonia, Mrs. Methodist Episcopal <^hurch. tained Saturday in falling down a flight of H a in S t. and Cookman Ave. stairs. Pike has gone to her husband's bedside. - JEFFRIES BUYS A HOME. Albert Robbins ha« been appointed census J. E. Davis of the First National Bank taker of tho Neptune township school die- Bed Bank is to have a new postoflice Pays A. $5,000 for Training trict. He began work May X. about August 1. The Kovernceent hns clerical force, has returned to his desk W. Brady greatly improved by his month's visit to Quarters a t loch Arbour. 8 *0 * 1. Tbs next annual convention of the Ex­ leased for ten years an office in the new empt Firemen’s Association of New Jersey building of the State Trust Company, which Hot Springs, Y*- Janies ,f. JeBries of California, may [STATE OF REV. J. F. PROBST, DECEASED. will be held May 15 to Dover. is. to built next to the Mercantile bank Asisemblymsn Samuei W. Kirkbride was herealter be known as a Jerseyman as iu Brotid ssreet. The new building will be CHERIFF’SSALE—By virtue of a writ of fl. All persons^liaving claims against the la^e The Cosmopolitan Power Company, with 47x90, three stories- higb, and is to cost guest at tbe annual dinner of the New well, he having bought Tuesday, from his fa. to ip© directed, issued out of tho Court of Rev. John K. Probst. will present the iBame duly Jersey Socipty of Architects, held in New­ Chancery of the state of New Jersey, will be ox- attoatod, and those indebted to him will make an authorized capital of $49,000,000, wto about §30,000. manager, William A. Brady, that piece of posed to Bale at public vendue, on MONDAY, the payment, to the undersigned at 170 East Bay incorporated at T ran ion Monday. ark Thursday evening. properfy in Loch Arbour where he has 28th DA\ OF MAY, 1900, betwoen the hours of street, Charleston. S. C Edwin 0. White, of the Consolidate! Gts» 12 and 5 o’clock (at 2 o’clock), in the afternoon JOHN C. TIEDEMAN, Buch&non & Smock have bought the AS- Company, sang Monday eveningat the dedi­ Harry Gibson, one of the Postal’s popular trained for all his championship battles. of said day, at the Court House at Freehold, in . Qualified Executor. the townauip of Freehold, county of Monmouth, Charleston, S. CM April 17, 1,000. 17-10 lenhunt lumber yard from E. P. Benjamin. cation services in the Simpson M. E. Church, and expert telegraphers, Who has been The property Is a beautiful plot on the New Jersey. The price paid.was about $10,006. Long Branch, His flections sere “Calva­ pounding brass this winter at tbe Lakewood All the following described tracts or parcole of ry? and “The Good Shepherd.” The First banks of Deal laku and Is a grand place land and premises, situate, lying and being in NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. The date of the concert of tho Ocean hotel, has returned to the Park. for training purposes. Jeffries says he the township of Shrewsbury, in the county of Grove sad Asbury Park Choral Union‘has M. E . Church quartette, composed ot Dr. J. Monmouth and state of Now Jersey: Estate of Elizabeth Sponcer, deceased. H. Bryan, W. (• Clarkg, Mrt." James Bn Alfred Q. Atkins of ;he Hotel Norman­ bad as hard a day’s work wrestling with First Tkact, described as follows: Beginning Notice is horoby given that tho accounts of tho been changed from May 1 to Ma^ 15. at tho fourth cornor of a tract of one hundred subscriber, executor of said deceased, will be Burt aud Miss Bertha Mwtin,'also sang. die, New York, ia here making preparations Brady abbiit the pries and transfer as any and,tw#nty*two 44-100' acres returned to Wil­ audited and stated by the Surrogate, and re-- Frank Bedle, of William H. Crane's “David Being the same premisos couvoved by Francis of Dt>lia Herbert, deceasod, will tell at public appointed k>raagh attorney for Avon-bv- The Corinthian Wheelmen, gave a'dance Mayor TenBroeek . requested the City W. Brinley to the said John Hunter, by deod eale on tbo premises nt Bradley Beach, Nep­ Harnm” company tirs season. dated December 8th, A. D. 1852, and recorded tune township, Monmouth county, New Jersey, the-Ses. David Harvey, J r , .formerly held Monday night in the Appleby bniiding. Fathers Monday night to raise the topmast in tho clerk's offlco of tho county of Alonmonth, . the office. At the meeting of West Grove Council, of tbe flagpole in Ballroad square and fly at Freehold, in Book X 5 of Doods, page 298, On Wednesday, May 30,1900, WEST PARK FIREMEN. etc. - The Monmoutlj County Association of the No. 273, Jr. 0. U. A. M., Wednesday night, the Aag Tuesday in honor of Dewey’s vic­ Second Tbact, described as follows; Lying at 2 o’clock p. m,, the following described real Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society will two new members were Jnitiated. by repre­ on tho southerly sido of tho road loading from estate: A two-story frame house and lot.situ­ McLaren Miller Elected Chief and George tory ;ln Manila bay. Chief of Police Smith Tlnton Falls to Hamilton, and bolng tho prem-. ated on the westerly side of Main street, in the . meet in the Firrt Baptist Church, Kayport, sentatives of Silver Lake Council of Belmar. ises on which tho said Ruth Hunter formerly borouRh of bradley Boach, adjoining property Hurley tha Assistant. ' was ordered to comply with the ’mayor's resided. Beginning at a stone in the middle, of on May J! Monmouth Lodge, 107, K. of P , will of William Griflin on the south and J, M. Rogers The annual election of department offi­ request and the Sag will again float on the the Baid road, tho northwest corner of (for­ on tho north, boing 40 foot front and about 78 - Fire Chief Schneider U all the old celebrate ite silver anniversary this even merly) James Sculthorpo's farm; thonco run­ feet doop. hose in thedopvtmenL in ordei to sMert*Sa cers of West Park fire companies, Wed­ breezed , ning agreeably as the magnotic noedlo pointed The property will positively bo sold on the ing, when Assemblyman John P. Dex> Juno A. D. 1876, (1st) south, thirteen dogroes above date. how many feet .will be available for the nesday jotgbt, respited as follows: Chief, and forty m in u to B wost along tho lino of said heimer of Newark, the state grand chan­ Italians Quarrel Over a Woman. Conditions mado known at sale. coming msssb. , McLaren Miller, 28 votes, 13 ln Goodwill (formerly) James Sculthorpo’a land thirty-five PETER F. JONES. cellor, and other state oSioere of the order chains and ninoty six links to a stake standing Bev*. George H. WiSsoa of W »t Asbujy Company and 18 in Eureka Company; Luigi Presto and Dominic Collatta quar­ ia tbo lino of said (formerly) John Huntor’s WILLIAM L. TILTON, Park has beat admitted as a member o’f the will bo preseut. iandj thence (2) north, fifty-six dogreos and 17-20 Administrators. William Steelffian, 24 votes, 23 in Good­ reled over women Monday nigbt ln Spring- thirty-six minutes west, sixteen chains; thonco New Jersey African Methodist Episcopal wood avenue. Collatta claims Presto at- (8) north, fifteen dogroeB and twenty minutes Zion Confersno*. will Company and 1 in Eureka Company. oast, eighteen chains and ten links; thonco (4) IF YOU WANT A FENCE , Ihe Death Roll. " .. George Hurley was elected assistant chief. tacfee8 him and he - ndeavored to defend north, forty-two degrees and forty minutes oast, Contractor A, A. Taylor has advanced hlmseif with a revoivet. His antagonist eighteen chains and thirty-six links to tho mid­ ii1 1 1 i i m i11nin 'inn1111 the sssetioB o f tbs Bradley Be&ch factory Bev. Jacob T. Price, a retired Methodist Tbe three men are(members of Goodwill grasped the weapon and in tbe scuffle it dle of tho aforesaid road; thonco (5) along tho ii i ii i m ill n n i r i 11 n i i n samo south, forty-throo degreos and thirty min­ n i l ; i i n -in n j s n of tbs Symphonlon Manufacturing Company clergyman, died Tuesday at South Seaviile company* waa discharged, though no one was shot. utes east, six chains and sixty-soven links to 1111 to the third story. at au advanced sg®. He was a native of T hi men were arreted and Magistrate the place of beginning, containing forty-four iiiiiiinunsmi ismini Dodd flnod them $25 each. acres and ninoty ono hundredths of au acre. Re, Dr. Georga J. Mingens, pastor of Cape May and wats idmittod to the New f 8 e New Grand Jury, Being tho same tract of land dosenbed in a th u u eh«ip( itreng, ceil, aor*bU and rewmmend* ttselL tbe Westminster Presbyterian Cborch, will Jersey Conference in 1868.- Bev. J. Embu­ dopd of conveyance from John P. L. Tilton, th »t O Klo m i Uoaot Uolly by iho N.Jt. Feueo Co.; The May term of the Monmouth county oxecutorof Ruth Hunter, decoased, to the said fcOO,000 rM t b« I a i now la nUifactor; M uloof u lrm iin l next S3und«y evening review “la His Steps,” ry Price, dean of the Ocean Grove Summer Pensions for Jerseymen. John Hunter, and dated December 10th, 1878. ■t««l wire InUiwoTto wllh ced^r picket*, genorEll* *Uto #4 Sheldoa’s much discussed book. court opened at Freehold, Tuesday. The Seized as tho property of John Hnnter et als, re4 . It will turn M y ilock, ponltrr, boy», *o. It will not ■»* School of Theology, is his son. i Pensions have been granted during the taken in execution a t tho suit of Sarah A. wb«n projwrlj itrttohed. tlokeu owmot ba pulled out and grand jury was drawn, the members being DMdi do boird under It, Po*U to»y be from 10 to IB ft. ■ p v t . The Heptane Township Committee htu, Anna L. Bale, 71 years of age, died of past month to the fallowing In this vicin­ Bauta, and to bo sold by ^ .* Prlsea are from 5 to flXo. per ft. Liberal ternu to »«aU *— designated part of Dennis White's property as follows: O. E. DAVIS, Sheriff. DeicrlpLlre priee Hit acnt on appUcntlon. heart disease ^Monday at the residence of ity; Abel H. Lovett, Asbury Park, in­ I s a a c C . K e n n e d *, S o l’r . ‘ at Hamilton sis stt official pound. Wiutejis Rufus Blodgett, John J. Leonhrd, Dated April 24, 1000. $11.84 THI NEW JERSEY fEKCE CO., HOUHt HPtU, *. J. » e of the township pound keepers. her brother-in-law, .James R. Hogg, 611 John T. Britton, John T. .Hopping, crease from $8 to $12 a month; Hendrick John Statoslr, John D; Beegle, Joseph W. Child of Bed Bank, oio of Fourth avenue. The remains wens shipped Robert W. Eeed, PJoseph L. CiiTor, Snyder, Frt'ehol(l, increase from $8 to $13 JameB M. Ayroa, Rufus Anmack, a month; David Vaughn, Bed Bank, In­ tbs oldest bakers in Monmouth county, disd to Long Mand Tuesday afternoon For inter­ Jasper Bray, Thomas W. Aumack, ^jOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. C h oice JTisesduy morning, ‘aged sixty-five years, A ment in charge of Undertaker Burtis. W illiam W. Taylor. .Peter P. Rafforty, crease from |14 to $30 a month; Allen Tender M eat' widow and three children survive him, Jeremiah Stihvoll, William B, Lawronca, Estate of Ethan Rqgers, decoaBod, Henry C. Gravatt, Isaac Dawes, GoJjle, WeBt Point Pleasant, original, $8 a Notice is hereby given that tho accounts of tho is as oasy to got as. tho othor Ed. Dunkhorei, “The' Human Freightcar,” John W. Craig, E« 8. V. 8tulta, month. ______subscriber, oxecutrix and trustee of sd a d de­ kind. Itis not necessary to oat Died 1n Her Mother’s Arms. John T. V. Campbell, Daniel H. HiU, ceased, will bo audited and stated by the Sur. moat which is tough ana flavor­ mho is ana of Jeffries’ trainers, was put to rogate. and reported for settlement to tho Or­ less. There is no reason why Baby Helen died Monday afternoon In Charles A. Geran, William E. Arrowsmith. ' aic.:;? in the second round at New York, on Charles A. Geran waa excused from Tenting oh The Old Camp Ground. phans’ Court of tho County of Monmouth, ou every dealer shouldn’t have tho Monday evening, by Bob FHssimmona, the arms of her mother, Mrs. Cohover EC Thursday, the 10th day of May no%t. right kind. It's merely a mat­ serving on the grand Jury. . The Ocean Grove tenting colony has DatocJ March 28,10°** ter of care end gumption. Our Emmons of 807 Emory street, Helen was 14-18 BAR AH E. ROGERS. meats aro personally selected— Mr. and Mrs. F, T. Hirst desire to .thank begun to materialiie. Already fifteen hence juiciness and tenderness Goodwill Fire Company, No. 1, and Eureka only one .year old. She had been 111 since instead of dry and tasteless ( CoasimBjj No. 2, o f1 West Park, for their Tbe Siegel-Cooper Company Incorporated. families have taken occupaucy in the stuff that nobody wants. Saturday, Yeaterday she became worse little tents. Arrivals are daily noted and kfadfy assistance at their fire of last Thurs­ Tha Slegei-Cooper Company, capital day nigbt. I * ' and the mother harried to the office of rentals have been recorded far In ad- VENDQME MARKET, her physician. Sbe had been there but a 24,000,000 was, incorporated at Trenton, 70S Bangs Avenue. Wesley Doreams, chargee with larceny, ARTHUR T. PURCHASE, Prop’r. was. Monday, surrendered by Us bondsnsets fen moments when the child breathed its Tuesday, to deal in goods-of all kindB in COCOA WINE I last. !> • . New York, Chicago and other cities. Of You will prosper if you print-sad the and Magistrate Cross committed him to ____ • * • ■ Freehold jail to await the action of the tbs capital stock $14,250,000 is preferred, J oobnal will do the priming for you. grand jury. Pullman Twins at Alienhurst. with cumulative dividends, and the re­ VIN COCA W, Sanger Pullman and his brother, mainder is common stock. Th© lncor- Crosbie’s Bargains Mantels from George M. Pullman, who la just now en­ poratorf are' Philip A. Conhe, Walter C, OTJE NEW PREPARATION, BUT OE WORLD Tbere is more Catarrh" in this section of can’t be duplicated by any other store. In $6.00 and up. joying considerable notoriety by proving Weadley, A, *H. Vanderpoel, Abraham furniture, eaepets, matting, kitchen stoves RENOWNED VIRTUE. of the country tbae all ess,he?, diseases, put Buy direct. together, ana tsnti! the last few years was that he Is not a bigamist, have leased the Siegel, William E. Plue, A. G. Hill and (ooal, oil or gasoline), lawn mowers, gar- den hose and hundreds of other necessary Unusually good

Every portion of our grej/t country has its individual characteristics* and the "wpmen of each section have their peculiar charm, native to themselves, and dissimilar to that of their neigh­ bors, says Collier’s Weekly. Take Philadtelphia as nn example. New. York and Philadelphia are not* many hours apart, yet the women of the two cities are in many ways altogether dif­ ferent. The fair Philadelphian is much - the more conservative of the two; she is less ready to adopt a novel fad, less hospitable to new theories, anti even In her housewifery she is move staid and old-fashioned than her sister who dwells under heaven-aspiring rdofs and seea^he statue of liberty every day. .1 j New York woman contentedly packs,and squeezes her family and her igoods into a narrow flat; the Phila- idelphian lives in a stately and ample ING- house with a spacious hack building ^^:4ozxi45r fifer - attache^ and her home has front and F03 OR- SPA CE 15% ACRES* %ack stairways. and Jreaqttfigly ap­ pointed chambers for guests. She goes |tQ njjyket herself, a^id her servant be** ■hind her carries a basket in which to I bring home her provisions; her table iis always sufficiently spread to allow for an extra plate and cup. Most gra­ of the cious and kindly is her welcome to the stranger within her gates, while in her courteous and exclusive inner cir­ cles the person presenting proper cre­ CO-OPERATIVE STORES, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. dentials is made free to the best with a charming and intimate cordiality, and a hospitality which knows no Profit-Sharing with our Patrons. , Co-operation with our Employee*. bounds. / • •"* ' DID NOT FLA T T ER THE ORATOR HE great success attained since 1887 by Siegel, Cooper & Co., has induced and given warrant to tlie enterprising A Minnesota Congressman AVho Made owners to further ingratiate themselves into public favor by consolidating their two mammoth establishments into a Alt by the Drummer a co-operative enterprise on a profit-sharing basis: They recognize the tendency of the present age to be in the He Enffaged. T direction of co-operation of employers with employees, as well as in profit-sharing with patrons. To accomplish this Congressman' Eddyr of Minnesota, desired condition, a new Company, the Siegel-Cooper Co. (Co-operative Stores, New York and Chicago) has been incorporated enjoys a joke, even though it is at his under the. laws of the State of Ne^ Jersey with a capital stock of $24,000,000.00, of which $14,250,000.00 is divided into own Expense. He relates this story of 285,000 shares 6 per cent, cumulative Preferred Stock of $50.00 par value, and $9,750,000.00 into 195,000 shares Common how one of his constituents got the best of him and curbed his youthful Stock of $50.00 par value. vanity, says the Chicago Chronicle. The charter of the Company provides that, after full- dividends of 6 per cent, per annum have been paid on the “In niaking the campaign in my dis­ Preferred Stock, and full dividends of 3 per cent, per annum have been paid on the Common Stock, all additional dividends trict one year,” said Mr. Eddy, “1 took along as an attraction a veteran of the shall be apportioned' and paid on the basis of % in amount on the Preferred Stock and % in amount pn the Common Stock. w a r of 1812 an d of th e civil w a r w h o was a famous hand at heating the To carry out the plan of owners having no desire to sell out, but intending over, we allude with pride to the. fact that- the drum. He was a drummer from away to remain with the business; they will therefore Chicago establishment has since its inception back and could arouse a whole town­ Co-operation . ship. Drum music is an incendiary not part with any more stock than they believe paid millions of dollars in dividends to its stock­ kind of thing anyhow, and the old ■with its employees, $2,000,000.00 o{ the Conu necessary to fully carry out their plans for co­ holders, and that the New York establishment, caytpinV drumming: wae particularly mon Stock has been placed in trust, the annual operation and profit-sharing, as previously stated. while only in its fourth year, is not only doing stirrin g . -dividends of which will be distributed among Thg owners confidently believe that, by in­ a larger business than the Chicago store, but is “Well, one night, after the captain’s augurating . the liberal policy above outlined drum had given the usual overture, I such employees as have been or may hereafter also on a most profitable dividend-paying basis. commenced my speech to the populace be with the New York or Chicago establishment towards their , employees, they will in return be_ We can also say for the benefit of subscribers, which had been lured to the scene by for a period of three years during their satisfac­ , rewarded by more faithful service, and courteous th a t.the net earnings of oyir tw o establishm ents hiB drum. I noticed at the foot of the tory continuance in the service of the new Com­ attention to patrons, the result of which must be for the past year were largely In excess of the rostrum, the same being a big dry beneficial to the new Company as well as aug­ goods box, a. bright-eyed little fellow pany; such dividends will also be continued and amount required to pay the dividends on all the about 12 years old, who sat through paid to employees for life who, after ten years ment the continued good will of the public. Preferred Stock of the new Company. th e speech, fo llo w in g m e w ith g r e a t a t ­ of service with the new Company, become inca tention. It pleased me very much. pacitated for further employment, thereby practi­ Any fool can interest an audience of j Furthermore, it can be calculated adults, but it takes a genius to hold a * cally providing a pension ‘fund for faithful There will be no change child. . ' j employees in their old age. to a certainty in management, t "Bo, after the speiking, I w ent down and spoke to the little fellow, and after | that with many thousands of n ew stockholders and the same men who thirteen years ago started shaking hands With him asked him f To carry out the plan of exerting their personal influence toward the suc­ the original Siegel, Cooper & Co. ^store in how he liked my speech. 4 j Profit-Sharing cess and welfare of the business, larger patronage Chicago (and later its sister-store in New York) “ ‘Oh, it will do/ he said, ‘but if I and correspondingly greater earnings for the and who have achieved a success almost without was you I would keep the captain it is proposed by the present owners, 'who are_ ^new. Cotnpany • will be assured. It is from the a druinmln*"air'the''time.’ ” parallel in modern retailing, have pledged them­ the owners of all the stock of the new Company, increased benefits and material advantages which selves to continue in the management of the ALL KILLED IN 27 YEARS. to offer to the public through the undersigned, these changed conditions are expected- to bring business of the new Company the same as in the 200,000 shares (fully paid and non-assessable) about, that the present owners feel confident of past, and they will ;t with the Central The Arctic Sea Cow, Discovered In ; of the 6 per cent, cumulative Preferred Stock at better pro rata remuneration on the stock which Trust Company of New York, all of their stock 1741, Hnd E ntirely Disap­ par, upon which the full 6 per cent, dividend peared In 1708. 1 they retain, and in a measure justifies them in holdings for a term of years to secure such must always be .paid before the Common Stock parting with any portion of their interests in an pledge One of the most remarkable animals receives any dividend whatever, .the Preferred established and exceptionally profitable business. on the Pacific to disappear before the Stock also having a prior right to all the assets The SIEGEL-COOPER * CO. Co-operative advance of man within the p&t 150 of the Company. yeurs was the rliytina or sea cow— Stores take possession Monday, Ju ly ad, 1900, of Subscriptions for the 200,oop rhytina gigas—which was discovered In order to give double assurance to the the two great department stores of Siegel-Cooper by Behring in 1741 ,on the island tHat general public, whom it is desired to interest as Co., New York, and Siegel, Cooper Sc Co., shares of the Preferred Stock was given his name, sa^s the Scientific Stockholders (instead of Speculators) and who Chicago, in their entirety, covering a floor space will be received in person, or by mail, on blank A m erican. may not be fully conversant with such invest of over thirty acres, with their million# of dollars’ forms provided for that purpose, by the Central Tlie surgeon of the wrecked party ments, the money required to pay dividends has left an interesting-account of this worth of Merchandise, Store Fixtures, Delivery Trust Company, <4 Wall Street, New York, and Arctic manatee—^an extraordinary ani­ on said 200,000 shares, has been set aside and Plants (consisting of many hundreds of Horses, Siegel-Cooper Co., New York and Chicago, mal, which attained a length of 30 fe e t will remain on deposit with the Central Trust Wagons, etc.), Machinery, extensive Stable beginning at 10 a. tn, Monday, M ay 7th, 1900, and a w e ig h t o f 8,000 pounds. Company of New York, and the Illinois Trust Properties,. and all th e appurtenances required and will continue for a period Of One Week; the The animal was found in herds about and Savings' B mk of Chicago, respectively, to for the complete operation of the two stores, right, however, is reserved to close subscriptions the moulds of streams, and being a 1 secure the dividends of 6 par cent, per annum v clumsy creature, with no means of de­ and also its Palatial Fireproof Store Building and upon one day’s notice in the New York and fense, easily became a'victim to the payable 3 per cent, semi-annually, fo r a period Real Estate in New York City, which alone'repre- Chicago daily papers. The above Trust Com­ •party, who speared them for food. of five years, i. e., until July 1st, 1905,, on all sents an asset of many millions of dollars, free pany, for the convenience of our patrons and So vigorous was. the warfare against such Preferred Stock as may be allotted in their of all encumbrances or indebtedness whatsoever, the public, will receive subscriptions at the it carried on that in nlne.years the five respective territories, - and each Certificate of so that the Siegel-Cooper Co, (Co-operative Siegel-Cooper Co store iri New .York, or at its herds on Copper island were extirpat­ Stock so allotted will have an endorsement by ed ; in 1763, those on Behring island Stores, New York and Chicago) will start its own office, 54 Wall Street. All subscriptions had been destroyed, and In 1768 th e .said Trust Companies, respectively, to that career without owing a single dollar. must be accompanied by money, check; money last ode paid the penalty and the effect. We thereby offer, we believe, not only For the good and sufficient reason of not order or draft, payable to the Central Trust rhytina became a memory, the skele­ an absolutely safe 6 per cent, investment,' but wishing to divulge the details of our business to Company of New. York, to the amount of 20 per tons* in the National and Russian one which will without question yield consider­ museums, the San Francisco academy our competitors, we present no balance sheet for cent, of such subscription (equal to $10.00 per of science and a ftfw others alone tell-, ably more. publication. We do not however, desire to ask share), for which proper receipts will be given Jagtliestory. ;, * a j $.4 to -vivy * ■“-T ‘ .. . our patrons or the public to rely exclusively on by said Trust Company. Notice will bo given our representations, and, therefore, the money as soon as practicable of the number of shares *' 1 . _ F r e e Pt»»» S y stem , ^ Under no circumstances There is a sharp debate going on in required has feeen set a s id e a n d will remain on allotted to each subscriber, and the balance due Australia just now over the abuses of will any deposit with the above-named Trust Con.panics must be paid to said Trust Company on or the free puss system. Every member of the Preferred Stock not so allotted, nor any to absolutely secure the dividends on all,tho before July 5th, 1900, upon the (delivery by of the ministry gets a gold pendant to of the Common Stock, be sold, the- present Preferred Stock to be allotted as stated. More­ said Trust Company of the stock allotted. wear on his watch-chain, which en- j titles him to'a free ride over any rail- j road. The special beauty of the ar­ rangement is that it lasts for life, and | Wlth o view ol extending the benefits ot our while the ofllcehblders’ family is not j Date, - .1900. offer to m many of our patron* and the public as supposed to share in the privilege, the railway officials are very lenient. Ono a possible. It is proposed to allot the stock In tbe of the humors of the recent debate lay u following; order, namely: in the fact that a Dr. McKay, who was OS, To the CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, rejected by his constituents for oppos­ ist. To all subscriptions for one share; ing the free passage of troops bound JU 84 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. for South Africa, has the free use of - ' S | . . _adr To-att*Ubscriptl0!*8-f0r two shares j the state railways for life, because he •fe CO * Enclosed please find $- -being Z0 per cent, first payment upon 3d. To all subscriptions for three shares; was once minister of education for ten (Fill In amount) -..... ■-*- - - ...... iFUl la number of *h*re«) ddya. s i share* ot tbe Preferred Stock of the Siegel-Cooper Co. (Cooperative Stores, New York aad Chicago), for and to continue In the same order for larger sub* SpoUc Mice a Sportlnar Man. which / hereby subscribe, and promise to pay to ibe Central Tm si Company of New York, at Its office, 54 Wall scrlptions until the entire aoo.ooo shares hsvo T w o g::r*ibU»rs hnd a q u a rre l an d one- 1 ? cut the other’s car'off. Ttie victim had Street, the balance due on shares of the stock allotted to me on o r before July Sth, 1900. \ been allotted. 1 a warrant issued for the arrest of his f ! . assailant, but when an official >vent to Name—. : _____ i------— .—:------— ------arrest the latter he found him and the , - Respectfully, complainant drinking together and was told that the charge had been Street Address- ' withdrawn; WTiereupon a sporting < SIEGEL-COOPER CO man present remarked in the tfimply ’ Town— —,------State- picturesque' vernacular of his kind: ‘ (Cooperative Stores, New York and Chicsj^J "He lose his ear like a red chip and he’s t n ilon rl rrntna tftoor M . * . i ASBURY, PARK JOURNAL, FRIDAY MAY 4, 1900.

A S T 1CKIT MINISTER, POWER OF A RED RIBBotf. J S U s in rS S <<> »< MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS., >ne. Who ilK« Stack Fnat on tWtVa#* The Bright Stuff Indncec Two Indian Orer 800,009 pounds of tea Is cos* ■ lo th e Full Hnnk of ' Maiden* to H ^e Thcli Face georse c. ormerou, THE BICYCLE RIDING SEASON Burned in England Baily. P rm byter. ’ niajik* Made. BUILDING INSPECTOR, Two hundred thousand unres in Chi­ I IS NOW OPEN.. huahua, Mexico, have been bought for A “eticlrit minister” is one who, T’wo of the fairest maidens of the CITY OF ASBURY PARK. - ;400‘colonlsts~from Missouri.'™— :—1 Winnebago tribe of Indians went Viou are thinking about a new wheel. You want the having- passeQ tlie university training 703 SEWALL AVE., ASBURY PARK, N* J. More than 100,000 acres of peat sire and successfully survived the “trials,” through-an hour of abject terror .the" best. You are invited to examine tny line before said to be utlll available in the Cana­ as they are termed; of the ecclesiastic­ other afternoon, when they had Caeir Offlco Hours'-!! to 12; l'tu 2. purchasing. I have the finest wheels ever offered ia dian province of Ontario, al courts, has reached the position of “faces pasted with white mud.” Tho this city by any dealer. The new models are now in licentiate” or “probatiionerj” which, “pasting” was only the efforts of Hugo stock or will soon arrive. • Look at the L ist: A Vermont fox, close pressed . by H. B. JOHNSON, •two hounds, dashed across a railroad as in the case of a deacon in the Angli­ Loeb, sculptor, to get masks of the Dayton, Sterling, Orient, Spalding, track in front of an advancing train, can Coirimunion, qonveys authority to young maidens, says the Chicago which killed the dogs. , preach but not to dispense the Sacra­ N ew s. Practical Watchmaker. ■ Zimmy, Yale, Rochester, Crawford, ments, and makes him eligible for ap­ T* H ., Roddy, the newly-appointed Dealer in Flue Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles, Ac. There nre 45 Btatcs and six terri­ WatchoB aud Jewelry ropaired at City Price*., W hite and Nyack. tories in the union, not Including our pointment to a paVteh. Until he has chief of the Winnebagoes, brought the Oookman avenut and Bond street Prices from $25 to $75 new possessions. Utah was the last reached the status of an ordained two girls to Chicago on a visit. Annie In Chainless I have the best. •state to be admitted into the,, union, Presbyter, says Good Words, he Is not Bluering, the fairest of all Indian ASBURY PAiiK, N. J. ■the date of admission being January, a minister in the full sense of the term ; maidens, attracted the artistic eye of Please call and see the sample wheels. 4, 1890. nnd if he has grown? pld in the ranks of >fr. Loeb, who asked to be allowed to JOHN HUBBARD, The hottest mines in the world are the probatiopers, or taken up another make a mask of her face. Mr. Roddy M. L FERRIS, nt Comstock. On the lower levels the calling, such as that of schoolmaster, led the two girls to Mr. Loebfs studio PRACTICAI/HOUSE PAINTER Successor to W. S. BURTI9, 1 4 Mattison Aye., Asbury Park heat is so great that the men cannot he gradually sinks into the limbo ,of and the mystery of masks .was ex­ work over ten or 45 minutes at a the “stlckit ministers,” being men who, plained. When everything was ready PAPER HANGER, ETC. ‘time. Every known means of miti­ have stuck fast on the way to'the full both girls declared evil spirits lurked gating the heat has been tried in vain. rank of Presbyter, • * in the plaster and refused to go on. Residence, * - 700 Ice melts before it reaches the bottom There are not. many “sticklt minis­ “Chocolates,” said Mr, Loeb. Both Lock Box 1075,'Asbury Park, N. J . , >28 'T'he Best and Cheapest Place to ters” now in the Btrlct sense of tlie maidens became attention at once. of the shafts. N, 33, BUCHASTON / term, Nearly eVery incentiate fills Mr. Loeb made the mistake of feeding The practice of eating arsenic is AD0N UPPINCOTT, buy Lumber, Building Hard­ GKO. A. 8MOCIy very prevalent among the peasantry some office as assistant in a parish. A them a pound of chocolates before,he ware, Ready-Mixed Paints (all of the nountainoiss districts sf Aus­ very few may remain for a time, or* completed his work. All the explain­ Contractor Builder perhaps permanently, in the pathetic ing bf Mr. Loeb and the commands of tria, Hungary, and France. They de­ Estimates choorfully furniahod. prices), W hite Lead, Oil, Varnish, clare that this poison enables them position of being dependent on casual Mr. Roddy Were without avail. . , Jobbing iu nil branches prorapty and careful!) employment as preachers when a Sun­ “Red ^ribbons,” suddenly said Mr. httended to. is at the large to ascend with ease heights which Roaidonco and shop, they could not otherwise climb with­ day service is required, receiving a fee. Loeb. He l^jought forth several yards 907 Main St., bot. let aud 2d, Asbury Park, N .J. establishm ent of BUCRAHOH & SHOCK out great distress to the chest, usually a guinea, for their trouble. of the reddest of red ribbons, and both Their lot (s far from enviable, especial­ ,*■. In;the Emerald isle the Murphys girls made a rush for them. ly when under the faded black coat ^Ve make a specialty of the Albemarle brand of head the" poll, w ith 62,000, being most- “After I have taken the mask,” said A. A. TAYLOR, there is found a man of (Culture, but CEDAR SHINGLES at wholesale as well as retail, wblcl^ plentiful in Wexford and'Carlow; the the sculptor, with a winning smile. lacking the popular, gif to r the5?push” aext'jnost frequent nrtmes' are Kelly, The bright colors proved too great at­ Mason and Builder. we manufacture at our own mill. Also KISS’S and influence which may have carried 55,900 (Kildare); Sullivan, 43,800 (Cork traction for the young Indians, ahd, Bricklaying and Plastering in all branches Office: WINDSOR CEMENT, a patent Plaster, which is supa- his college chums* whom,he may have and Kerry); Walsh, 41,700; Smith, 37,- with the reward of ribbons suspended of Masonry Work. Main St. and Asbnry Ave. rlor to anything in the market, and !s just the thing beaten in class work, into comfortable Jobbing promptly attended to. 000; O’Brien, 33,400; Byrne, 33,000 -from a gas bracket, they at last per­ Yards: for cold weather, as freezing does not afteci it. charges. ‘ *. , (principally in Dublin and Wicklow); mitted their faces to be covered with P. O. Box 007. Office, 710 Mattison Ave. Second and Third Avenues Wholesale agents for Monmouth County. the plaster. ■Bynn, 32,000; Connor, 31,200; O’Neil, RAT HOLES FOR BABY’S TEETH and Railroad, Satisfaction guaranteed to all customers 28,100; a n d B eilly , 29,000, , ’ i — — . HIS TREASURE. ASBURY PARK, N. J. _ Telephon 28 b. A New 8aper»tUlon Regarding the M. M, CROSBIE. UNCLE, SAM CAN'T LOSE. Proper Disposition of the An Incident of Everyday Life That F irs t One. With Honolulu and Manila He Com­ Shoira a Universal Mnica- line Failing. is Succeeded by WHITTLE *fc GIBSON. Lum ber, mands .tlie Gates to tlie “I drew a tooth for a, wee mite of a Tar Paper, Sheathing Paper, Two and Pacific. girl the other day,” said the dentist to Threo-ply Roofing Paper. Vanity seems to spring eternal In Snmmerfleld ave. and Railroad, a Washington Post reporter. “It was the masculine breast, and the less it Aiibnry Parh.^f. ■» Doors, Sash, Blinds, I f i t b e w e stw a rd t h a t th e ’s ta r o f em ­ One of her first teeth, and it wasn’t pire takes its way, Uncle Sam owns the has to feed upon the more it thrives, much larger than a pinhead. I dropped apparently, says the Baltimore News. u p p e r a n d p e rh a p s th e b e st, a n d F ra n c e it, quite by accident, and then I ^ad to ASK ANY BUILDER OR CONTRACTOR, CHAS. LEWIS One Saturday a tramp of high de­ '* aud ne will toll you th at some of the Frames, Mouldings, the lower and less useful, gateway into go down on all fours and look for that this new world. At Hawaii, says Ains- gree. in vagrancy stopped before the Successor to tooth. The mother wanted it. When window of a\ house at which two Finest Plumbing in Asbury Park lee’s'Magazine, ia the natural midway has been done by I’d found it and had given it to her, young women were standing. He was Hardw are, between the warm and genial Pacific FEKI>. BROWN, OHAS. .LEW IS & CO. she asked me if there were any rat, tortured and torn and melancholy coaBt and the hot and luxuriant dis­ holes anywhere in the house. I told 702 SUMMERF1ELD AVENUE. tricts of the tropics wherein most of looking; to such an extent that he ^Estimates for anything in steam gas or water her there might be a few in the cellar, 'piping, dimnoctious aud fittingfr the Pacific . islands lie. At Tahiti Is aroused a feeling of deep 'sympathy P a in ts,...... and, being a trifle put out, I said, sar­ in the hearts of the maidens who SOUTH MAIN STREET, the radial place-below the equator, a castically, that if she wanted to look, little less removed from the center of looked upon him as he stood* gazing I’d be j5le,ased to take her down there. intently at some object he held in Kis Oils, etc. heat and farther from the origin of She said she wanted so much to find a travel than Hawaii. Both abound in h an d . rat hole and would I please take her “I wonder what he has,” said the WALL PAPER ASBORY PARK, N. J. beautiful siepery, in temperature al­ down? We went down to the cellar luringly equable, in life and habits balf sentimental one of the two, as she and prowled around till we found a peered down on him; “a lock of some indolent; half industrious; in products hole I said was a rat hole. She stooped' JACOB DOLL. JR., woman’s hair, I shouldn’t wonder.” both tropical and' semi-tropical. Both down and dropped the child’s tooth Sole Agent for Adamant Wall Plaster “More likely a coin he*s found; he PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER form an admirable preparation for the in to it., looks pleased,” rejoined the practical AND bECOfcAI^R^ things beyond. The soldier boys who “ ‘There!’ she said, ‘I’ve put Mar­ one, scoffingly, as she maneuvered for FACTORY, DUNKIRK,H.Y. stopped in Honolulu on their way to jory’s first tooth into n rat hole, anU —. has in stock the largest and finest a position that wouid reveal the ob­ Manila had their first taste of banana;: now her second teeth will be sure to be line of Wall Paper at 5o uroll up. LAKE ject to her. BRANCH YARD, SPRING ond pineapples as they come directly w h ite a n d s tro n g as r a ts ’ te e th j -'jThjmk Boom moufelines to match all But it was neither) they discovered. from the field. They wished that they you so much.’ ’ J ..'.. papers, 2J£c a foot up. Also for It was just a bit of .looking glass, in m ight stay in the soft and luscious air, . “It was a new superstition to me, but : ‘ I. » sale. Varnish, Woi-d Filler, Wall which the man was surveying his fea­ . Tints, Glue, Bronzes, Paper Hang forever; that it to say,' those who did she seemed to take great stock in it. tures with a satisfied air, that told ers* and P ain ters’ supplies, etc; not remain long- enough to be down Anyway, it was a good way to get rid of-_Jiis...entire._.contentment w ith Jh is Paper hanginc, Painting and with the fever or to be sent home in of the tooth, and a great deal less dan­ WE HAVE THE BEST GOAL- very rugged physiognomy. Tinting done at lowest prices by the hearse ship. For there are fevers gerous than the way some mothers skilled hands only. Which shows as was said at the be­ In Hawaii,, as la almost all of the Is­ have of swallowing the first teeth their Give me a trial and compare For ali purposes— for ranges, furnaces, open ginning of this story that vanity lands of the Pacific , children lose.” . prices. fires, steam boilers, blacksmiths, etc.. and sell On the other hand, travelers «?ho springs eternally in the masculine breast just as curiosity does in the 541 Cookman Avenue, and deliver at lowest market rates. Kindling have passed the exquisite locks of Ta­ ZEBRA LAW IN ENGLAND, Adjoining Stoin^ach’e Mammoth Store. fem in in e. ______hiti harbor have lingered in the rhap­ Estab. 18 years. Wood and. Charcoal for and boarding­ Outcome of nn Accident That Defell sody until Uttle of She English lan­ Asbnry Park, N. J, houses. • guage was left to them with which an Ineaotlona Admirer of POWDER PUT THE FIRE OUT. to extol the virtues of Samoa and New Animals. It Wm an Harmless m W et Sand and Z ealan d . 'WYNCOOP £ HULSHART, If civilisation is to work backward £ebra law may not bo so important Would Not Even Born WUen B. E. K. KOTHFRITZ, Thrown in Fire. from the east to tbe west, as the Chi­ to the average citizen as dog law, but (SuccoflBor to Gennng St Co.) • Yard and office; 79 S, Main Street nese nnd the Russians seem inclined it is worth knowing if you frequent A belated war story comes from to force it to do, Holland and Britain menageries, says the iPall Mall Ga­ PRACTICAL STONECUTTER, Ponce, Porto Rico, and is told by Lieut. divide with the United States in own­ zette. One Marlor, visiting an Oldham Juan Arato, of the Spanish engineers, and dealer in Granite and Marble Monuments ing the gateway. Dutch Sumatra show, found a stable door open and and Headstones. Curbing and Flagging, and all closes the portals to tha passengers went in and stroked the zebra, where­ says the Philadelphia tost, kinds of Building Btono. _ J i l i “When the war broke out,” said the from India; British and Dutch Borneo upon the ungrateful beast let out with lieutenant, “we found that our supply Yard and Office—SOS Mala Street, and the American Philippines close it his heels and pushed him through a of ammunition, of all sorts was very to th e p a ss e n g e rs fro m C hina and Siam , partition into another stall, where an­ 4BBURY PAKK, N, J. low. Some was new and some old^om e And in these territories there is even other zebra bit his hand, which had to was black and some brown, some was a more apt and conclusive Introduction be amputated. Could he recover from old-fashioned and some was smokeless to what lies beyond than there, is In the zebra’s owner? A*jury thought he and mysterious. There was one lot of Hawaii or Tahiti, In Sumatra and in could, but the court of appeal sa^ys not. brown smokeless powder which was Java are footsteps of the ancient civ­ A zebra is at present legally a wild ani­ m a rk e d ‘UBe w ith care! V e ry p o w e r­ ilization which entered the Pacific is­ mal, and likely to remain so, since the ful! Keep cool an^ dry!’ and to'tit was lands centuries before European navi­ advance of the motor car makes attached a legend that it had burst a gators went in quest of spices and jew­ against taming new animals for har­ ^krupp field gun. els. In the same islands are the crude ness. Now a man’s duty.with regalrd “I determined to try it. I employed savages who liave never, yielded to'the to his wild beast is to keep it secured,, a small charge in a gun, and, to my advance of the civilizer; and in the ex- so that it may not go about seeking surprise, it refused to go off. My gun­ Irejne-northern point of Sumatra are whom it may devour, and secured his ners were very much disgusted, and' the Achlnese, who are* still the pi­ zebra was. True, tljesdoor was casual* one of them said.’ ‘Bah! This is no rates they have always been, preying 13’ left open, and if th«* visitor had mere­ good for war. 1*11 use it for pooling our upon the shipping and wealth of the ly gone in nnd been kicked, he might slip p e r.1 more cultured nations across the Ma­ have recovered; but he “invited’^ his “We all jumped as he threw a double lacca straits. In Borneo—although kicking by stroking; Zebras-do not handful into a small camp fire. Judge driven far into the interior no\v—are understand magnaniniity. All the of our fpelings when we saw the fire the heail-hunting Dyaks, the most same, if zebras’ doors are left open, it go out. I afterward learned that pow­ typical'of the many head-hunters of m ig h t be w ell to p u t u p n o tic e s t h a t th e der of this sort deteriorates with age, the Pacific. In Sarawak, on the east­ 'beasts are likely to go off atj both and that long before this case was e rn m ust of Borneo, are the compara­ ends. Opened it wns as harmless as wet sand.” tively independent natives that ha/ve been heidjn control for more than two- EUROPE’S RACE OF PIGMIES. thirds of a century by the lone’and ex­ MICE ARE UNDER A BAN. D S ° f l'5 P W “ traordinary Britisher, the Rajah Excavation* Farnlnh Evidence That Chatham Iitland Off Ecuador Where Brooke and his nephew. These are the Continent Was Once In­ ’ Dlnck Cats Swarm in I felt better from the very first one I took. I had taken them for abont a types of numerous ruggefl fellows who habited by Dtrnrfa. month, and waa feeling b o much better that I had forgotten about the bad feei- * Thousands. have immured themselves in marine ings I used to have. The doctors called my trouble dyspepsia. 11 h a d i t fo r a b o u t Kecent excavations in southern Ger­ Let aa Rive you nn estimate oa any Cern- B etea Tears, and had never in all my life been able to eat rich food or a very wildernesses, and practiced such cun­ tery Work you may want. ning and strength ns might.beloflg to many hnve established the fact that The bureau. of American republics hearty meal. I often wondered why I should have bo much dyspepsia, I wnr»lj[ have what I call water brash sometimes four or fjve times a day, when their nomadic and curious natures. in prehistoric times !2urope wns in­ has just received a report made to the We a re m au u fa c tu ro rs of habited by pigmies. Strangely government of Ecuador by Capt. John water that seemed hot would run out of my mouth and the pain was something ternblo for a minute, or else 1 would have pains at times m my ariyf-Tiaf enough, the dlscover3r of a c tu a l a n d Reiman of the exploration of a re! MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES A Sharp Bewnr. ’ would fairly double me up or pains iu my Bhoulders and legs and all over m e so When:a beggar asked a Philadelphia1 convincing testimony to that effect markable island. The island is known and Cemetery Enclosures. that I would wish I was dead. * I would send for the doctor, and when he came stationer the other day for help the in southern Germany has been an­ as Chatham island, off the coast of m he would sajr: “ Well what is the matter now?” The best way to describe Write ua,-or bettor yet,come and see us before latter offered him two lead pencils, nounced almost simultaneously with Ecuador. This island lies 6Q0 miles purchasing. n o w I felt was just to say that everything'waa the m atter with mb and I f e l t bad saying-: "With half tie effort re­ the* news of similar discoveries in west of Guayaquil and the equator I,UPTON BROS., everywhere. I think everybody who is troubled with their stomach ought to jusl Switzerland and in the Pyrenees. So runs directly through it. Capt. Rei­ try Ripans Tabules and they will soon know how valuable they are, ago is quired in begging you can easily sell M anas(jumi, UT. J. fifty-one years. these for five cents apiece.” The beg­ now there is proof that Herodotus man, who was sent by the government gar gazed at the pencils scornfully. and Homer were not “yellowing” when of Ecuador to the Galapagos group of Othor Now JorBey Yards— tljey told , of dwarfg that lived in islands to inquire into the proper Slaiawan, Keyport, “Who’d give me five cents for Perth Amboy and Soutli River, them?” ho demanded. . wQoded hills and caves far north of grounding of a deep sea cable, stopped (Eat 1887). , . •‘Why, anybody,” said the stationer. Rome and Greece. nt the island of Chatham and made “Go out and try it.” The skeletons which have been found a partial exploration. In his report “Would you?” asked the beggar. are so small that they can be ptacecl of his experience on Chatjiam island “Why, certainly,” waa the reply, In an ordinary museum drawer. None Capt. Ileiman says:, A smile' of triumph spread over thei of them: is longer than 55 inches and “Jt ,is one of the queerest corners of grimy features at , the; mendicant. many are smaller. There is no doubt the earth. It abounds in cats, every . The daily edition of the .Here-you are, then,” ho said, , ‘‘Gim- that they are the skeletons of Nreal one of which is black. These animals me the ten cents. Ypu can’t go back dwarfs, The bones prove that ‘ the live in the crevices of the lava forma­ Asbury Park Journal is-deliv­ on your own words.” - bodies were those of adults.- The finds tion near the1 coast and subsist. . by Edison’s Phonograph letaok the stationer several minutes have been mounted nnd are now be­ catching fish nnd crabs- instead ot Better than a Piano, Organ, or Music Bor, for it sings ami talka aa well as plays, and to. recover his breath, but he finally ing exhibited in/the national museum rats. Other animals found ojv this is­ ered by carrier for 6 cents a don’t cost as much, It reproduces thonlusic of any instrument—band ororchestra—tells entered Into tho deal, nnd hereafter of Switzerland in Bnsle.;Scientists thinli land are horses, cattle, clogs,’ goats stories and sings—the Ola fainiliaf hymns os well as tho popular songs—it is always resdyt he will adopt other tactics,—St. toriis th at .tjie llttlp people jived in neolith­ and*’chickens, nil of which are. per Priccs, $7.80 to $100.00.’ Sdo tlint Mr. Edison’s signature is on every machine, Cata> • Beoubllc. ' i ic times; ' • » fectly • wild.” week. logues of all dealers, or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CQ* <38 HM» Ave., New York. ASBURY PARK JOURNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1900.

CHANCELLOR WM. J . MAGIE SCHOOL OF METHODS. ASSUMES HIS NEW OFFICE Monmouth County Woman’s Christian Tem­ perance Union to Meet Next Week Sworn In at Trenton, Wednesday, by the at Atlantic Highlands. ' New Chief Justice) David A. Depue. Judge J. Frank fort to be a Tiie program for the school of methods Supreme Court Justice. of the Monmouth County Woman's Chris- t|an Temperance Union, to be held next The appointment of Chief Justice Wil­ Wednesday and Thursday in the Central liam J, Magle to be chancellor-of New Baptist Church, Atlantic Highlands, has Jersey was fully consummated Wednes­ .been prepared and is ns follows: day, #hen Justice David A. Depue, who Wednesday afternoon, at -&.80 o’clock, had been previously appointed chief convention called to 6rder by the presi­ ftistfce, administered to him the oath of dent, Mrs. Mary V. Fuller of Ocoan Grove; office In the state capltol at Trenton. de7otlonal service, conducted by Mrs. A. The governor, accompanied by Chief Jus­ M. Hammer, state and national evangelist; tice Magle,' Justice Depue and other roll call, by the recording secretary, Mrs. This is going to be a week of remarkable Spring Dress Goods selling at our two modern’estab­ prominent lawyers and citizens of the Elizabeth Hooper of Atlantic Highlands'- state, arrived a tvtiio.Htate house at about appointment of committees; 8.16 o’clock, lishments.' The season for light-weight gowns’is here, the stock is on hand, and the low prices we 11 o’clock, antya little later the chief jus­ address of welcome, Mrs. M. C. Nobles have fixed on the desirable goods will keep our clerks busy, we feel assured. tice took tbe oath. Immediately after he of Atlantic Highlands; response, Mrs. ia d been formally inducted into office Jamas R. Smock, county treasurer, of Red Just think o f anything desired or required for your wardrobe, then come, to Steinbach’s with the Chancellor Magle administered the offi­ Banft; music; 4 o’clock, parliamentary assurance that nowhere else in this section can the quality or assortment\of Spring Dress Goods be cial oath to Justice Depue which made drill, Mrs. Emma Bourne; 4.30 o’clock, excelled, hor can any establishment hereabouts equ^l the Steinbach’s,low prices. him tbe chief jUBtlpe of tbe supreme address, "ChristianCitizenship;” adjourn- Court of New Jersey. ment. Governor Voorhees said that he would Thursday morning, 9 o'clock, prayer not appoint the associate justice of the service, Mrs. C.S. Keith of Asbury Park; Summer Clothing Satisfaction Special Sale of Mattings supreme court to succeed Justice Depue 10 o’clock, reading of minutes; 10.15 Satisfaction is a great thing in a suit .of clothing— the until later In the week. It has been defi­ o’clock, “Fqrelgn Work,” Miss Kate Lun- You will not think of anything for the actual furnish­ nitely determined; however, that County knowledge that your garments fit perfectly, have that den of Flemington; discussion, music, particular hang that only skilled cutters and expert ma­ ing of the home that we cannot supply. This week, Judge J. Franklin Fort of Newark, will collection; 11 o'clock, memorial service, however, we dwell on our unsurpassed stock of China and receive the appointment, which will be kers can produce. Then it’s satisfaction, too, to know conducted by Mrs. Hammer; 13 o'clock, that the material is modish, that the details of making Japanese mattings— ideal floor coverings for summer time. made as soon as talB successor as county noontide prayer; miscellaneous business; A score or more of patterns to select from, but every roll judge has been selected. The most prom- are just right— theTnsfde-as-carefuHy-eonst«jeted-as4 he- adjournment!,, / " " outsideparts that show. We guarantee satisfaction^to priced at about one-half value—-thanks~ t6~ l,c48y cash“in— Inent-mao.now nygntloned-aa-Candldfttes. —-Thursday afternoonrl;30 o’clock, execu­ the hands of our shrewd matting buyer. We will sell you - for' county judge to succeed Judge Fort patrons of our made-to-order clothing‘department. E x ­ tive committee meeting; 2.80 o’clock, cellent suits made to measure for as low as $ 1 5 ; better one yard or one'thousand yards, the price decreasing, of are Congressman B. Wayne Parker and devotions, Mrs. A. V. Robbins o^^llen- course, when you order one' or more rolls at a time. Joseph’L. Munn of Newark. garments for more money, but a perfect fit and perfect town, county superintendent parlor meet­ fiiiish in every instance. Light weight overcoats and Chancellor Magle has been almost con­ ings ; 3 o’clockv reading of minutes and tinuously In public life since 1866, or just fancy vests .hurlt to order for just a trifle more than the Ladies* Underwear and Hosiery report of executive committee; 3.15 cost of the ready-to-don ones. half the number of his years, and no man o’clock, “Sabbath Observance,” Miss In the stap has ever better stood the test For those who do not care to pay the extra price for None too early for medium light underwear and hosiery. Strong, state superintendent, of Matawan; clothing made to measure, we have a monster stock of the A once-in-a-lifetime chance to buy a large stock much of public service before the people. His 3 45 o’clock.h'Prison Work,” Mrs. M. A. great ability as a Jurist,- bis affability and ready-made garments, rthe materials and making being below cost was/presented recently. Our buyer quickly Vail, county superintendent, of Ocean perfect in every detail. Our ready-to-wear clothing is gobbled up the entire line and the goods— perfect as to ' bis excellent memory for names__and faces, Grove; discussion; 4.15 o’clock, “Flower together with his uniform courtesy to all manufactured in Asbury Park, a guarantee against disease manufacture, styles and assortment— are now ready for Missions," Mra. Smock, county superin­ germs so prevalent in clothing made in sweat shops in the lively selling.^ Better values, quality considered, were with whom he cornea In contact, have tendent, of Bed Bank; 480 o'clock, re­ larger cities,- -The $75,000 stock includes everything de­ never offered in Asbury Park, so it will be your fault if made him esteemed by the people of hla port of committees; miscellaneous busi­ sirable and tiie pricing ranges from $4.98 to $ 19 per suit. the good things are purchased by others. native state to an extent Which is rarely ness; music; 5 o’clock, adjournment. attaint'd by men whose lives have been so largely spent within the confines of the conns. During hlB term as chief justice CORPORATION FEES. be bus reached tbe high plane which it Sellers Ocean Palace was predicted be would reach when he The State Received Over $40,000 Dur- was appointed, and now that he has.been fr»Q theg Month of April From of ...... - .... The Mammoth made chancellor it ls believed that he will New Industrial Concerns* keep the court of equity up to the stand­ Duritjig the month of April just passed, rjerchandise Both ard by which it has been made famous 203 companies were Incorporated In New Located , among both lawyers and laymen by Buch Jersey, as against 224 during April of last by of bis predecessors as Benjamin William­ year. Tbe amount received last month in son, Henry W. Green, Theodore Runyon from filing fees was $40,078 50, while In Hodern and Alexander T. McGill. April, 1899, it was $113,299.25. Hethods Asbury David Ayrea Depue, the newly ap- April of last year wbb one of the high Park pointed chief justice, was bom In Mount water months, and while tbere is a mark­ Bethlehem, Penn., October 27, 1826, and ed falling off in receipts this year, New removed to Belvidere, N. J., in 18-10. He Jersey Is still deriving a tidy sum from entered Princeton when seventeen years this source, old and was graduated .three years later. The largest company incorporated dur­ In 1849 he was admttted to the bar and ing the month was the Interoceanic Canul began to practise his profession in Belvi­ Cjmpany, which has a capital stock oi dere. In 1866 i e waa appointed a justice $100,000,000, and whose object Is to con­ of the supreme court -by Governor Ward. struct the Nicaraguan cana). The others Ha was reappointed by Governor Parker having a capital stock of §1,000,000 or In 1878, by Governor McClellan/In 18S0, upwards are: ( . 3 10. In 1887 by Governor Green, and in 1894 United States Long Distance Auto­ PRICES FROM MAY TO MAY by Governor Worts, and is the senior mobile Co...... $1,000,000 Keystone Telephone Co...... 2,000,000 justice of the supreme court. He received Spanish American Salt Co...... 8.500.000 International Time Recording Co,.. 1.500.000 the honorary'degree of LL. D;' ffom Rut- Stanley Mining Co...... 2.500.000 gora college in 1874, and was honored by International Cape Nome Gold Min* irig Co. of Alaska...... 1, 000,000 Princeton-in the same way in 1880. _allwood Cash Register Co...... 8,000,000 Arsenical vre Redaction Co...... 2,000,000 Judge John Franklin Fort, who Ib to ChnrlosPnzor C o...... 2 ,000,000 Prices Afe0ur be named as associate justice of the su­ AatomobiloPatentsExploitatlon Co 1,000,000 Hab Motor Transit Co ...... 1.000,000 THESE LOTS RANGE FROM ONE TO FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS preme court, was born at Pemberton, White Knob Copper Co.. Lt’d...... 15.000.000 Cuba Co...... B,000,000 Our stores are growing in popular favor every day. Burlington county, March 20,1852. Hla United States Carbonate Co...... 1,000,000 Welsbach Co ...... 0,600,000 High quality and low prices are bound to be heard from. first education was received at the Mount Cosmopolitan Powder Co . 40.000.000 Holly institute, and later he attended St. John Typobar Co...... 8.750.000 Pennington seminary. He entered the The Streets oi Asbury Park are ICO feet broad', an law office of Edward Puxson, now Chief WHEELWOMAN CAUSED HIS DEATH. Justice of Pennsylvania, and finished his EVERY DAY PRICES. advantage possessed by no other Seaside law studies witH Ewan Merritt, of Mount Her Head Struck Against His Nose as She Holly, studying special features of the Flew By on a Bicycle. Condensed Milk, 8c. Can. Good Pears, 10c. Can. Resort on the Jersey Coast. law under Garret 9. Cannon. Afterward William German, a young man of At- v • be attended the Albany law school, from Inntlc Highlands, was on tbe Shrewsbury Baby Olives, 10c. Bottle. 2 Nice Mackerel for 7c. which he graduated In 1872. A year later bridge on Sunday night when he saw a There will never be another seaside town in Monmouth county that he was admitted to practice at the New young woman come tearing down the (Rood KIce, 3 1-2. lb. Good Coffee, In grain, 15c. lb. will compare with the broad streets and open spaces, such as shown on Jersey bar. . -i^ep approach on a bicycle. She had lost Our Princess G/V/ io a vo th o } X news unless you ^ da fly edition o f | I re a d tho | The Journal | v t J O U R N A L % ,at your door. £ J eaory afternoon > ♦♦♦♦♦♦❖ooooooooc


DECISION- REVERSED. JECK’S COSTLY COSTS. P E B B L E S . \ COL. YARD BURIED. ROBERTS ADVANCES. Arguments lleard_ Wednesday in a Local FAVORS FREE HOMES He Helused to Pay 'Squire Morton, is Picked up Here and There and Bunched The Veteran Editor of the Monmouth ------Suit on Contract. Democrat Laid to Rest Thursday. Sued and Must Now Pay ’Squire for Quick Redding. After, hearing arguments at Newark, House Passes the Long Pend­ But the , Movement Is Slow Cross as Well. This is peneion day. The funeral of CoJonel James Sterling Wednesday, In a suit brought by Mrs. Yard, late editor and one of the proprie­ an d N o t D e c i s i v e . Jacob Jeck of 8prlngwood avenue, . The banks close at noon tomorrow. ing Measure. Mary E. .Green of Asbury Park, against tors of the Monmouth Democrat at Free­ West Park,' has learned that trlflng with Mrs. Flora Scott for the specific perform­ The Weekly edition of the Jo c b n a l- is hold and one Of the members of the Ocean two magistrates of the. law is a costly ex­ printed today. > ■ - , ; BOERS MEET HIM AT EVERY POINT. ance of a contJSy to pbrcbase n cottage Grove Camp Meeting Association, was TWO MILLION ACRES STILL AVAILABLE perience. Jeck Is np against Morton and ln Third avenue, Vice-Chancellor Stevens Send |n your dime and coupon for the held yesterday In Freehold in the Metho­ Cross, dispensers of justice, and his diffi­ portrait pf President McKinley. ISvncuatlon ot Brnndfort and Cad/* resetvod decision. dist Episcopal CburCb. Senate Takes Up Clarlc Case anf culty has arisen-by reason of'bls refusal brand Seems Probable—tine of The contract in question was made lost Rev. William Margerum of Ocean Grove Rev. A. H. Eberha'rdt, tho pastor, con­ Postpone*'Consideration For One to pay Magistrate Morton’s costs In a British Army Stretche* Forty Jtine, the price agreed upon being $7,250. will preach next Sunday in tho Sea Girt M. ducted the services. Rev. Dr. John H. Week—The Army Appropria­ judgment rendered In Jeck’s favor against E. Churqh'. MHca From Tlmbaneho. Mrs. Scott refused ultimately to’take the Alday of Ocean Grove read the ninetieth^ tion Bill l*assed. v Nelson V. Giles of We«t Munro.e avenue. LONDON, May 4 —General Broad-: property. She claimed that she was given Owing to no appropriation being availa­ p&alm. Prayer was offered by Vice Presi­ . WASHINGTON, May. 4.—Tbe house wood’s, cavalry'brigade has reached Isa;, Morton, entered suit against jeck yes­ ble the jjjme Waldens will not liberate any yesterday without division passed the to Understand that thfe house had been quail this year. dent A,, E. Ballard of the Ocean Gfove belfontein, 28 miles 1101th ot Thnbnnehu. terday before Magistrate Cross to recover free home bill which has been pending rented for last season for $500: A lease is association. He also read a eulogy on , General Iau Hamilton is bivouacking at tbe costs of tbe judgment. Jeck tried to Congressman Benjamin F. Howell of New' before congress for a number of years. said to have showed that it was $400. On behalf of the association. Rev.. C. B. jncobsrust, 15 miles north of Thabanehu. pay Cross Morton’s due, but Cross would Brunswick has rented, a cottage at Spring The bill provides that the government ' General Tucker’s division is moving east­ account of tlie repotted discrepancy Mrs. Lake tor the summer. Fisher, a former pastor of the thnrcb, sball issue patents to actual bona fide not receive the money until Jeck had ward from ICaree Siding. Tlie divisions Scott alleged fraudulent misrepresentation and Rev. T. B. Appleget of HIghtstown settlers in ngrlcultural lands of Indian * of Genernl Prerich and General Bundle paid his, Cross’, costs. This was not done Mrs. Samuel Schwartz of New York has reservations ppened to settlement. These and also contended that a bakery next moved into her commodious Seventh av'eritie made addresses. Resolutions ot respect are in and near Thabanehu. Thus Lord and the squabble resulted In an execution lands were taken up by settlers who door was a nuisance and detrimental to cottage for the summer. " ! from the official board of the churcb, the Roberts has 50,000 men opernting clear being issued against Jeck’s property. contracted to pay from $1.25 to ?3.75 per of the railway along n front of 40 uiiies. the value of the premises.. Both conten­ Magistrate Morton has removed bis court commissioners of Freehold.and the Board acre. By the terms of the bill the gov­ Now he will pay several costs"' He is advancing slowly with some suc­ tions were denied by the complainant. from Springwopd aveniie, West Park, to 328 of Trade were read. Among,thoBe pres­ ernment assumes the payment of the purchase price to the Indians and changed cesses, but nothing decisive. Yet at all Bond street, Asbury Park. ent were prominent members^ of the points of concentration the Boers appear GEORGE M. PULLMAN SUED. the existing law relative to agricultural IT ;WAS NOT THE GOVERNOR. The New Jersey Central Railroad Com­ newspaper fraternity. colleges so ns to insure tbe payment of in force sufficient to compel the British to pany is jplanting many thousand maple proceed-with caution. Their wide, front Frederick W. Bowers Charges Alienation the endowments which heretofore have trees at the stations along the road. come out of the snle of - public lands, in in a rugged country makes turning move­ Voorhees’ Rich Uncle Made the $9,000 of His Wife's. Affection. ANOTHER ARIEL EVENT. ments offhand difficult; Gilt to Missions. The mstobers pf Independence Hook and case of deficiency. These payments in­ The_ Boers, Mr. Winston Churchill The matrimonial affairs of young Ladder Cqmpany will this evening drill in volve $1,200,000 annually. Of the 29,000,- Governor Voorhees was very much aur- An Interesting. Program Prepared for this says, have enormous herds of cattle nnd George M. Pullman, who, with, his ladder raising and climbing. 000 acres in Indian reservations opened prised when he got up'yesterday morning Club’s Next Entertainment. to settlement lor which the:government flocks of sheep, gathered in the southeast. brother, Sanger, lias leased a cottage at Jinks Sewman, the. rotund , Jinks, has These they nre driving northward. to find that he was credited with having The Ariel Club will give an entertain­ is to. pay or has paid $35,000,000, about Deal for tbe summer, are likely to be ex­ been appointed a township policeman with­ 8,000,000 acres have been tnken nnd Observers at headquarters in Bloem­ given $9,000 to the Reformed Church of out pay. He wiil maintain law and order ment next Monday in the Grand Avenue fontein seem to think that t|ie Boers are amined In the courts, as It was announced about 2,000,000 are supposed to be still America. The governor was at first In­ in Whitesville. - — preparing to evacuate Brandfort and La- yesterday that Frederick V. Bowers, ’the hotel. The program fpr tbe occasion Is available for agricultural purposes. clined to wonder whether he had been A remarkable thing in connection with dybrnnd. The Boers still holding Tha- song writer, who says the woman regis­ Newsboys at Bradley Beach snd .Avon as follows: ' , bnnchu district are estimated at 4,000. dreaming during the night, or whether he can secure the daily J o c b n a l every after­ “Education,” Miss M itchell; “Art,” Hiss the passage of the bill was n speech in tered at the Hotel Gerard, New York, as noon at the J o u r n a l agency, Bradley its favor by Gaiusha A. Grow of Penn­ They have among their guns a 40 pound­ had suddenly become a millionaire. Bye;” solo, "Without Thee,” G. de Hard-r er. One correspondent, wiring from Blo­ Mrs. George M. Pullman, Is still tile wife, Beach notion store, at office rates. ■ sylvania, tbe venerable ex-speaker of the Investigation, however, showed tbat In emfontein Wednesday at 11:55 p. m., has brought suit against Pullman for the elot, Mrs. Walter T. Hubbard; ’“.Litera­ house, who 48 years ago fathered, and reports of the gift published, an uncle James Gprman haS been appointed beach passed the original homestead bill. He said tlie British hoped to cut off the tbe alleged alienation of his wife’s affections, janitor byi> James A. Bradley. Alfred Sut­ ture,” Miss Smith; “Woman’s Great whole commando. - of Governor Voorhees had been, (con­ Lack—(Pockets),” Mrs. - Vadln Curtis; was then the youngest and is now the claiming $100,000 damages and asking fo r ton, who formerly held that position, has oldest member of tbe house. C :' The Bloemfontein correspondent of founded with the governor. This uncle been madejwatchman at Park Hall. inueic, Mrs. Bruce S. Keator; trio, ‘‘Stars , The Standard, telegraphing Mny 2. says: absolute divorce. Papers have been served The remainder of the day was devoted “I have just ridden hither from Tbn- lives nt< Clinton, the governor’s old home. on tbe defendants ut the Hotel Gerard. One of Cjeorge W. Treat’s horses went on the Night Adorning,” Wekerlln, Mrs. E to the sundry civil appropriation bill, 'the last but one of the great supply bills. bnnchu-along tbe line of our advance east He Is totally blind and Is reported to be Bowers asserts, that some years ago he a rampage; this afternoon in Lake avecae B. Reed, Miss Martin, Miss Wyckoff; of Bloemfontein. The distance is fully worth about $1,500,000. Last year he while drawing a grocery wagon. The ani­ “The Club,” Mrs. A. M. Brown;. “Tje The senate adopted the motion of Mr. was married to the woman who now says mal was caught without having done any Hoar to .take up the resolution of tlie 40 miles, arid yet almost every point of gave through the Presbyterian Church Modern Woman out J6f Doorc,” Mrs. W. concentration Is contested by the enemy. She is Mrs. George M. Pullman, and that damage; j ' committee on elections declaring that $150,000 for mission?, education and be­ C. White; a “Lecturette,” Miss j. A. Mr. Clnrk of Montana was not- duly “General Bundle, w ith the Eighth di- the marriage has never been annulled. Rev. A. J. Budisill of Mt. Carmel, Pa., is • vision, is posted on our right flank, with nevolence, ■ and1 In February he gave Brown; boIo, “Down on the Sands,” F. elected to the senate and then postponed On the other band, the assertion is made here with 4is bride of two days. Mr. Rudi- consideration of the question for a week. orders to guard a strong and boldly out­ $25,000 to the Dutch Reformed Seminary sili is agraouate of the’ Lutheran Theologi-- T. Ilsley, Miss Martin; “Famous Wcmen, lined frontal position in a country of d that a, divorce was secured. The case is The army appropriation bill, after soine at New Brunswick. somewhat muddled, and Mr, Pu|lnian and cai Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa. He will who are They t" d'siussion. rather spirited debate, ■ was passed with­ decidedly difficult nature. There the go to New York and thence to Mt. Carmel. , Boers have posted a number of guns of the woman who Is being sued for divorce out division. The dny closed with, the superior weight nnd range to our own. MEMORIAL DAY. The Freehold Driving Club will hold a EDISON AT DEAL. passage of a number of private pension will not talk'about the matter. The mat­ race meet pn Decoration day.' There will bills, nmong them being bills granting n Hbwever, th ey show no disposition to do ter is now In the hands of attorneys. more than to keep, in touch with us aud be four raoea; Free for all, purse $200;‘ 2,25" The Famous “ Wizard” Has Taken the New pension of, $100 per month to Mrs. Julia Company H Will Participate in the Exer­ MncV. Henry, widow of the late General to harass our advance. trot and ZU8 pace, purse $150; 2.S5 class, Cowart Cottage for the Summer. "Further to the west Gereral Ian cises On^Moy 30. - FRANK BERGEN DECLINES. trot and pice, purse $125; and a running Guy V. Henry, and $50 a month each to Hamilton, with his division of-mounted Company H decided at a meeting last race, half mile heats, purse $75. Thomas A. EdisoB, “The Wizard,” will General James Longstreet, to Mrs. Mar­ infantry, ia pressing .northward, en­ Elizabeth Lawyer Will Not Accept Porto soon desert hl&-home in. Llewelyn Park, garet M.Bndger, widow of the late Com­ night to take part In the memorial day Gebr^ienning3 of New York and-Rob­ modore Badger, and to Mrs. Hnrriet countering only n desultory flre. The exercises, May 80. T he company, will Rican Chief Justiceship. ert Greer of_Plainfield, were today commit­ Orange, for the new cottage of Mrs. highland brigade from Van Krantz has Gridley, widow of the late Captain Grid- march In a body to Mt. Prospect cetne- Lawyer Frank Bergen has declined the ted to jail, in'default of $5 and costs, im­ Enoch L. Cowart, at fDeal. Mr. Edison ley of the navy. been engaged, while General Tucker, posed by Magistrate Dodd on the charge of commanding the Seventh division, has tery where three of Its members lie burled. chief justiceship of Porto Rico, chiefly for has leased this,house through the Milan trespassing on the railroad property at Deal, Mysterious Disappearance. moved eastward from Knree Siting arid committee was appointed to make ar­ domestic reasons, hie wife being opposed They were found asleep in a freight car. Ross agency. He will come to the sea has returned-, south, followed by tbe NEW YORK, May 4.—Mrs. James rangements for the company's attendance to hls going tbere with their young fam­ shore in June. \ O’Brien of M ount Vernon, N. Y., fins Boers. J. H. Bumstead, of the firm of 8Weetser, “Nevertheless the cavalry, pwing to the at divine eervlcea at one of the churches. ily, because of the climate. -Mr. Bergen A West Side Terror. asked tbe local police to aid her in find­ greater numbers of the. enemy, has been An Invitation from tjie 8panlsh-Amerl- denies that political considerations Influ­ Pembrook & Co, New York, will occupy, ing her husband, -who is missing. Her [be­ Jack the Prowler |s terrorizing’ the lief is that he is n victim of foiil play. prevented from completing the move-' can war veterans of Company A to attend enced hls action. The climate question a beautiful cottage In Neptune avenue, ment that was intended to encircle the women folk In West Cookman and Mattl­ The couple were married in Massachu­ their banquet at the Wellington hotel and tbe prospective Iobs of bis law busi­ Deal, having leased the house through tbe Boers on the, march to Brandfort, aud son avenues. The mysterious Individual setts in January-last Soon after the next Friday was accepted. ness were tile two prinolpal-causes that same agency. marriage they settled in Mount Vernon. the enemy Ib how prepared to offer stub­ is apparently harmless, having as yet, at born opposition on an intrenched hill to The company Is preparing for attend­ operated to bring about his refusal to take The Ross firm has also sold to E. W. Mr. O’Brien was employed as a salesman' least, not injured any one, but he makes for a wholesale jewelry house in'Maiden the southeast of Kroonstndt ance at the SeajGirt camp, July 7. tbe place. Mr. Bergen declines to say Scott, president of the Provident Savings “They will probably abandon that po­ It a practice of walking up and down the lane, borough of . On March whether he will remain in the field for Life Society of New YOrk, the old Speer 7, Mrs: O’Brien snys, her husband in­ sition as soon as their stores have been streets mentioned, loitering on the corners the congress nomination against Repre­ homestead at Allenhurat. The price paid formed her he had been transferred from moved north of Vet river. . and Insultingly scrutinizing the faces 01 ‘‘GenernlTucker’s attempt to advance BEHIND THE WICKET. sentative Fowler. was $80,000. New York to the Boston field. Mrs. women who chance to be out after.8 or O’Brien says her husband told her to go oh Brandfort showed the enemy to be in “The work In Porto Rico,” retfiayked considerable strength. The colonial cav­ The Doings ol the VarlousjSecret Orders 9 o’clock. The husband *>f one of the to Boston by rail, \?hile he would accom­ Mr. Bergen, “possessed very attractive High School Scholars’ Field Day. pany the furniture on the boat to per­ alry were engaged, and they lost 20 in Asbury Park and Vicinity. women Is determined to spill blood if he horses while under Cro from pompoms. features for me, and I should bjve liked The athletic grounds will teem "with sonally see that it was properly handled. Is fortunate enough to come in direct con­ The Boers. were, however,'driven from The following secret societies will meet much to undertake it, but the reports I happy school maidens and boys tomorrow. She went to Boston, but neither husband their position.” v ’ this evening; tact with the prowler. ► nor the furniture ever. arrived there so received as to the climate .satisfied me There will be gopd sports for them to far as she can ascertain. The Daily N owb has tho following from Asbnry Council, No. 23, Jr. O. U. A. M. Thabanehu, dated Wednesday: that I would be better off here." witness, the Asbury Park high school in Appleby building, at 8 Washington Flre Company’s Officers. England’! Poultry and B e s Supply. “ I n ycotorday’fl flanking- movement o’clock. having secured the grounds for tbeir field Captain Towse arid 50 Gordon' highland- Monmouth Lodge, No. 107, Knights of Bogus $20 BHf Out. Tiie following officers for the ensuing day exercises. This event lias been long WASHINGTON, May 4.—The state ' era. were ourrounded-by 250 Boers, who Pythias, in Wincklert hall, at 8 o’clock. department has,been furnished some in­ Tbe newest counterfeit is a $20 treas­ year were last night elected by' the Wash­ in preparation, dally practice by those teresting facts and figures concerning the demanded their surrender. Captain Simonides Court,No. 1, Tribe of Ben Hur, ington Fire Company of Ocean Grove : Towse. ordered hia men to fix bayonets ury note, im itating the Issue or 1880, who will participate having been almost importation of eggs and poultry into and charge. W ith Q wild chefer the G or­ Manning building, at 8 o’clock. Foreman, William Burr; first assistant religiously indulged in. Great Britain hy Consul Marshall Hal­ .which bears tbe signature of D. N. Mor­ stead of Birmingham, England. Tbe im­ dons rushed, n t. the enemy and swept gan,' treasurer, and J* Fount Tillman, foreman, Titian Summers, Jr/> second them away with great slaughter. Cnp- Coast City Council, No. 818, Royal Arca­ portation of eggB last year was valued' at register of the treasury. assistant foreman, William Blalsdeii; . Taking the School Census, $24,548,227, while the poultry and game —tain Towse was blinded in both eyes by num, received a visiting delegation of fifteen engineer, Eagene Goodrich; secretary, the enemy’s fire and throughout behaved Chief Wilkie, of tbe United States Se­ E. R. Tindall began Bis work ted ay as figures were $3,821,038. There is a grow­ members of the Long Branch Council list ing demand for turkeys in Great Britain, most heroically.” cret Service, says it is the most dangerous Milo-Griffin; ‘treasurer, John J. Smith; census taker of the school district of The Standard and Diggers’ News says night. Speech making was indulged in collector, D. S. Reeves; trustees, Charles nnd of late years importations from counterfeit In circulation since the.cele- Asbury Park. . ' - abroad have increased enormously. that Thomns Richards, an American, has over a late luncheon at Weir’s hotel. Chamberlain, Alvin H. Turner, John been arrested 08 a suspect in connection brate4 $100 Monroe- head silver certifi­ _ The Board of Education says It is very France and Denmark control the bulk of The ' twenty-fifth anniversary of Mon­ Franklin. with the Begbie factory explosion nt cates,- which eventually revealed tbe important that' Mr. Tindall’s questions te the egg trade with Great Britain, while mouth Lodge, No. 107, Knights of Pythias, most-of the foreign poultry comes from Johannesburg. He was arraigned Wed­ gigantic JncobBrKendig conspiracy. answered, as the information desired ia nesday, charged with m urder and re- will be celebraied this evening. A banquet The Imperial’s Summer Business. Italy and France, though Canada of late The note Is engraved and the workman­ ln the interest of educational progress. has made a strong bid to establish a tfianded until today. The accused man, will be given in Winckler’s hall in honor of The Imperial has made heavy bookings it'w as ndiled, was not defended. The ship of high order. Fifty-four of the Albert Robbins is census enumerator poultry trade with England. ^ the occasion. All the state officers, includ­ for the summer season and Proprietor H. paper also says an excavation has been bills have been passed on Philadelphia for trie Ocean Grove school distrifct. ing State Chancellor Assemblyman John P. A. Kingsiey Is preparing to accommodate Iowa Democratic Delegates. made where the explosion was most vio- banks this week. .----- : . nnd that as no trace of a tunnel was Dexheimer of Newark, will be present. the many guests who will fill.tbat popular DBS MOINES, May 4.—For delegates There are six defects in the counterfeit. Ocean Grove’s New Bank. at large to the KansasrCity convention: found other excavations will be made. Township Clerk Joseph Harris will read a hostelry.. Many improvements have been The nose of the Hamilton vignette Is a The Ocean Grove National Bank, re­ Cato Sells of Vinton, Charles A: Walsh history of the local lodge. made at tbe Imperial, and the cuisine will of Ottumwa, John S. Mnrphy of Du­ BOERS REPORT PROGRESS. straight bridge ln the counterfeit and Asbury Park Lodge, No. 253,1.0.0. F., not be overlooked, though the Imperial's cently Incorporated, is making prepara­ buque and George Baker of Davenport. slightly aquiline in tbe genuine. The ex­ tions to begin business. Tbe room form­ Official Bulletin* Tell o* Gain* la will, on Monday night, celebrate the eighty- reputation for this “important feature baa Alternates: Edward B. Evans bf -Des ■ Two Encounter*. first anniversary of the founding of Odd pression about the mouth in the bogus erly occupied by tbe Board of Trade In Moines, Avan Wagenen of Sioux City, always been enviable. . L. T. Genung of Mills ’county and Dnn- ' PRETORIA, M a y r4.—An official wnr note is too firm. In addition the imitation b Fellowship by Thomas Wildey. jAn enter­ the Ocean Grove post office I being re- iel P. Stubbs of Fairfield. Iowa Demo­ bulletin issued here reports that April 28 tainment has been preparedlor the'occasion. bill Jibs no Bpace between the hair queue flitted for *he' new bank’s occupancy. crats in convention here yesterday nomi­ the federnls enptured nine prisoners nnd Millions in Asphalt. The Daughters of Liberty' held a district and the neck. The eyes of the mailed nated the above delegates and alternates ten horses eastward of Thabanehu* and The National Asphalt Company, with meeting last nigbt in tbe Appleby bnilding. -female are slanting in the •counterfeit. ArfotfteFConference With the '‘Founder.” to the Kansas City convention. The that April SO a British mounted corps ap­ an authorized capital of $15,000,000, was proceedings were characterized with har­ peared near Brandfort. The federals A large number of visitors from the north Tbe scroll work about the figure “20” Is incorporated at'Trenton, Thursday, to The beach purchase committee of mony throughout, nnd the convention, attacked them on/two sides, and the and south were present. blurred and indistinct, and the small star Common Council will go to New York was the largest held by the Democrats of British . retired. Two federals weca is faint and sbows no white space about mine and deal in asphalt and cement. Of this state in recent years. Wounded and 11 prisoners were taken. tomorrow to consult with James A. Brad­ i t ______tbe capital stock one third.' Is preferred Another account. semiofficial, ot this Frost Predicted for Tonight. wltb 0 per~ centf cumulative dividends. ley concerning the transfer of tbe beach To Commemorate the Great Protest. affair. cays that the /IVekkcratroom nnd A cold wave accompanied by- frost Is Reduced Rates t o - North Manchester. The Incorporators are Wendell P- Rice, front and the sewer system to the city. BERLIN, May 4.—A proposal has teen Ermelo commands had a skirmish* w ith made by. a large number of Americans, ,the BrJtlBh near Brnndfort. After n Bhnrp predicted 1 for tonight Its precursOr For- meeting of German Baptist Brethren, Jatnea Murray Mitchell, George B: Han­ Harry Bennett Released on Bail. includiug Mr. J. Fierpont Morgan’ and fiGht 11 prisoners Were taken and 10 B rit­ struck this section last night at North Manchester, Ind., May 29 to June ford, Percy H. irumbage and Ansel L. Mr. Henry Villard, who aided in the erec­ ish were left dead-on the field, including Harry Bennett, the boy who is charged 8,1900, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com­ White, all of New York. tion of the new and splendid chur'eh in Captain Lldily. A few federals were with assaulting lO-yearrofd Ideila Palmer Speyer (often written Spires), to present Spring Weight Clothing*. pany willplace special excursion tickets on wounded, . 1 :. of Ocea;n Grove Heights, has been re­ to th e church' a huge fresco representing The heavy bombardment by the Brit­ sale May 29 to June 3, 1900, from stations Reduced Rates to Washington. •the m o m en to u s protest a t -the diet o f1 Yon wiD'Bfive pioney and much'vexation leased by Magistrate Dodd on $200 ball. ish has been resumed at Fourteen by purchasing yonr Spring Clothing here, west of Baltimore (not inclusive), and Laiv Speyer in 1529 W hich gave fis c to the Streams. - ■ F o r the Imperial Council, Order of the where you will, find a, $50,000 stock to se­ caster and* Reading (inclusive), nnd south Mystic 8hrine, at Waahinjjton,' D. C., May designation of' “Protestants.” It is hop­ lect from. ed that Emperor William will aetT ns of And including Sunbury, at rate of ono 22-24, the Pennsylvania Railroad will sell Beautify Your Home. Bargain Day Tomorrow. T hb Steinbacb Company.—Adv. umpire in selecting the best fronl among flrst-claBS limited fare for tbe round trip. tickets to the general public, from nil sta­ WoIT U UUIJcarry Ma VHV.V. choice assortment------of - wall---- sketches sent by competing' Gej-mnn •find paper and employ expert workmen to hang Special burt'uina in every department to­ Grenelle’s Ge’rman Dyspepsia Cure; 50 Tickets will be good returning until July 1, tions on its line, to Washington and return, A merienn nrtists. morrow, with unusual good things in tlie it. When ready to decorate your hotel or cents—adv.tf. , • inclusive. ,‘ i t ’rate' of one faro for the round trip. Spring Drew Gooda section. cottage,, drop us a postal and we will submit ■■A Few Choice Flats. —Adv. T h e SritfiwucH Com pany.. Homes Desire^ for Protestant and Cath­ Tickets to be sold and good going Mny 19- samples and give estimates. •~l ■■ ‘ . '' olic Children. Asbury Park High. School Field Day, 21, returning to May 28, inclusive. —Adv: 'T h e S t e in b a c b Co m p a n y . .'till left for rent in Keator nnd new’Cook- Saturday, May 5, Athletic Grounds. Eight nian Avenue Blocks. All moderil improve­ Dr. George B.. Herbert, Denial Burjgeon, .For particulars and terms,' apply to the A.. P. &.O. Cr. bank building- Office hours 1 events on the' program.. Admission, .10 Don’t forget the tielii day' exercises of Grenelle’s Hasty Cough Cure, f-ure cure; ments.' Rent $10 to $25 per mphlb. Apply State Board of Cbiidren’s-Guardians, Fuller cents.—Adv." ______97-108 25 centa^adv.tl. to agents or owners.'—Adv.-2tf. a m. to 6 p.m. Gas administered.—adv3-6 9 Bnilding, Jersey City, N. J. *102 tf tbe Asbury Park High School at tbe j ■ ■ .Crenelle's Miiglc’Corn Cure;. 10' cents. Athletic Grounds on Saturday,- May a Floor oil clotb—"Tuttl** store.”—adv, ■. Tinwaro nt the “Tuttle store "—adv. Woai boilers at "Tuttle store."—adv. None better.—iav.tf. Admission, 10 cents.—Adv; 97-108 Always cheaper- at “Tuttle store.’’—Rdv :v . 1 ' i !'••• . ' Medleine Makers Eleet'Offlceri. PtJBLO© JW T GE -There is o NEW YORK, May 4.—Officers of tbt 8 Asbury 'ark Journal Association of Proprietary Medicim Of Contemplated Improvement of Bast EverytSnIiisg Manufacturers of the United States to> PUBLISHED RYEEY APTEENOON Munroe Avenue, in the City of As- 1EBCHPT TAILOR the ensuing j-ear, were elected ns follows - ' . 1 o j EX C EPT S tW D A I A T Our1 aim is to reach the su­ President, Dr. V. Mott Pierce, Buffalo bury Park. - < so lic its trade from those perlative in our Bicycle Repair­ TH - ASBURY PARK PRINTING HOUSE vice president, E. C. DeWitt, Chicago Public notice is hoi$by givon of the.intention second vice president, H. 0. Kramer, In of tho Common Council of Asbuty Park to cause wlio are willing to pay a ing. We beli'eve our efforts are 718 MATTISON AVENUE, Munroo at&nue to be graded from Maid street appreciated, as our’ business is diariaT secretary, Joseph Leming, Nev. oast to tho intorscctlou of Cookman avenue, iiv reasonable, price for Hon­ ASBPtCY PARK, NSW JBRSBV. York; treasurer, H. B. Harding, Nev conformity to tho grado map of Asbury Park, est clothing materials and heavier and heavier, each year. York. It was decided that the next an made by Parker N. Black, in tho year 1808. and Good Property on ' Satisfied customers bring their nual meeting ’ should be held ia this citj to cause said avonuo to bo gravelled with a f ~ P. O. DRAWER F. - layer of gravel spread six inches thick at’the faultless making. I eat- friends, and thus we grow. * in May next. ______1 . crown or contro o£ tho avonuo and tapered • '■ ’ LONS OliTANCtTIUfHQNlO down to four (4) inches at" tho gutter lino on ’ isfy 'present patrons— let May we not serve vou ? Another Industry Por PltUbnr*.- either side of said Avonuo, as lioroin provided FIRST AVENUE me do, the same for you. PITTSBURG, May 4.—The American for; and to cau60 said avonuo to bo guttorod on ZACHARf AS & CO., Friday, May 4, 1900, cither sido thoreof with paving brick, as fol­ Ax and Toof company has purchased 38 lows: ?23 MATTISON AVBHUE, acres .of river frontage at Glassport, near From Main streot to Bond street, . . . &% ft wide.' Near Bond Street; MULLER ASBORY PARK. A FAITHFUL congressman . . hero, and will erect thereon a $500,000 From Bond street Emory streot... 4 ft wide. Tbe .announcement Js now made that plant, the largest of its kind ever built. From Emory street to Grand ave 4*4 ft wide. Merchant Tailor, It i‘: intended to centralize the plants ot From Grand ave. to Cookman ave....G f t wide. - TWO HOUSES ON LOT. ' Congressman Howell will positively be And to bo bound on the outer edge with Bel­ 702 Mattison Ave. GOOD THINGS FOR . * . the' combine at this point. The works gium paving blocks. renominated by the Republicans ’of tbe ■will etnploy 1,000 men and will be in Anyporson who objects to tho improvement Large house contains 9 rooms and bath, ...... CAPITALISTS. Third New Jersey district. That the re- operation before the end of the year, r of said avenno, hs aforesaid, is requested to present hia c r her objection thoroto, in writing, Small.liouse hBs 5 rooms. nomination wit! be made by acclamation at the offico'of the City Clerk, subscribing his ► •♦♦e^oooooooooooooooo^f Plumber* Return to Work. _ |. or hor name thoroto, on or before tho seventh If yotf aro jlookirtg for good things in is also conceded. This is ae it shonld be. CLEVELAND, May 4.—The strike of day of May, 1900. - Let-us give you foil particulars: Mr. Howell has been one of the most WM. 0. BURROUGHS, the union plumbers which has' been in Dated April 24,1000. City Clerk. T h e Accident I faithful and consistent Republican con­ progress here for several week’s past has Rea* Estate to the Central Railroad | come in end see me. gressmen that New Jersey has bad In been settled. The men asked for $3.50 for eight hours’ work. A compromise was The Cheapest and Best train serves as a reminder t years. He has judiciously avoided’ all reached whereby they return to work at of the value of accident • J. E. WQRTMAN, entangling alliances and declined to par­ $3.25 for eight hours’ work. the flarket Affords. .. HonmoQth Realty Go. insurance. Ar. Occident f 716 Mattison Avenue. ticipate in the “small beer” party disputes policy of the Travelers for which the Middlesex .county part of Fatal Family Quarrel. . Rooms 12*13, Monmouth Building, ff&T' I am selling tickets to Jacksonville COLLINGWOOD, Ont., May 1— Insurance Company cost­ Fla., via the. Ocean Steamship Line, for $15. his district has ^become notorious,: says While John: Weldon' and his son.were STRAIGHT GOODS— HOSEfF MEASURE. N. W. Coiner Mattison Ave. and Bond St., ing but $25 per annum to the New. York Tribune, thereby strength­ having a pitched battle -Mrs. Weldon preferred risks pays $50 a ening himself with tbe people, who have stepped in to interfere. She was‘struck a ASBURY PARE, N. J. week indemnity for a total heavy blow by one of- them and died insisted tbat be be returned as a member Pennsylvania Poarl Pure Rye Whiskey, 10ft, disability or $ 10,000 for You shortly afterward., Father and son are proof straight; gallon, $3; bottle, 81* of the House. now In jail. Alonongahela Ryo Whiskey; gallon, $2. t death by accident while Old Private Stock igallon, $2.50, Old Crow, bot. by H. B. Kirk & Co.; bot.,,$l ,26. Killing riding as a passenger in Know Porto'Ricans are not going to endure POISONOUS PLANTS. Trimble Whiskoy, bottled by W. Hentz & C^o.; any railway passenger car. bottlo,fl,25. such very great hardships after all. There Hunter Whiskey: bottle, $1.25. L,et us give you further is a. big free list upon which they can Some 'JRiat Never Give W arnins to Port, Sherry and Blackberry Wines, tho very and Cutting best: gallon, $1.25. ' particulars. draw for food, including flour, bacon, Blnnlcinct by Appearance Lager Beer, Ale and Porter: per doz., 55c, Do you know that much de­ o r Odor. H. IJoehler & Co.’s Fidolio Beer; do?,, 05c; MILAN ROSS AGENCY. codfish, fresh beef, pork, mutton and rice. pends on the way that killing 20S Main St. Not-a cent of doty will they pay upon Man seems to have no instinctive • . Orders by Mail Will Receive Prompt and cutting is done as to the any of these products imported from the knowledge of injurious plants from Attention. tenderness of meat? United States. Ttaayhere is no duty to their appearance. Many of a poisonous ' Don’.t struggle and worry nature have purple flowers, andl early, check their agrlculWu progress, because S. MICHEISOHN, over tough, stringy meat, when sugar making and refining machinery, education has mude some people sus-l AUCTION, P. O. BOX 128, BELMAR, N. J. you can get the choicest of all plows, hoes, hatchets, machetes; coopers, plcious o i this color, but there is no ns- ■ tive -instinct that.w arns them against] kinds by dealing here. ware for casks and barrels, are> admitted I KNOW •6uch*Tisk. Children play with the there free even of tbe 6 per cent duty. poisonous fox-glove, monkshood and' Knierim’s TUESDAY, MAY 8 Rough lumber, school’ furniture, trees, deadly night-shade, and display no, AT io A. M, SEABP plants, crudt petroleum, mineral, carbo­ natural fear of their deadly properties, i Columbia Market nated and seltzer waters, root beer, ginger while, such plants as the dropwort,, 6 4 7 Cookm an Ave. WEST END COTTAGE, ale, copper, cotton, libraries, nuts, oils, hemlock and fool’s parsley are as at­ druga, seeds, spices, tea, tapioca, turpen­ tractive to the eye as the harmless' £ 2 0 4 First Ave., Asbury Park. tine, wax and a host of other articles are parsnip and carrot, which they close­ PUBLIC NOTICE. unexpected guests arrive, the * CONSISTING OF also admitted without the payment of a ly resemble. Man has, however, an in­ stinctive dislike to the taste of nearly - larder is low and the dinner hour Of 'the Contemplated Improvement of cent’s worth of duty. Some of these were near—how connect with the 0 Bed Room Suits, Springs, Mattrossos, Parlor all poisoEous plants: A large number' Bewail Avenue from Bond Street to Suit9, Pictures, 1 very fine Brass and Iron Bed, free under the Dingley tariff, others un­ butcher, the baker arid the con Tablos, Chairs, Mirrors, Carpets, Rugs, etc. of them are noted for their bitterness, • fectioner and hurriedly gather Cookman Avenue. der special orders issued by the secretary a quality that seems, replilsive to all I ‘ r . - Those goods are first-class and good as new the supplies that shall snake the Public notice is hereby given of tho intention and will bo odd without reserva to tha highest - of war, and they all free under the new children, and is only acquired in t dinner a credit to the house­ of the Common Council of Asbury Park to cause bidder. act. things wholesome by adults after ex­ keeper? > Sewall avenue to be graded from Bond street to Cookmau avenuovin conformity to tho grade Auction Positive, Rain or Shine. perience, Some plants, it would be al- i map of Asbury Park, made by Parker N. Black., The free trade New York tariff reform most impossible to eat, as the r.ux TELEPHON&SERVICE. in tlio year 1893; and to cause said avenue to bo travelled with a layer of gravel spread six inches MRS. COGOESHALL, Proprietor. club is now saying tbat tbe passage of the vomica or strychnine, with its acrid deep a t tbe crown or center of tho avenno and sbipping bill will cheapen tbe* fare of taste, and the monkshood, or aconite, I tapered down to-four inches at the gutter linos M. M. CROSBIE, - - Auctionoor. irom the tingling of tongue and . lips, on either ^ido of said avenuft herein provided immigrants, apd increase the number THE HEW. YORK AHD for. and to cause said avenue to be guttered on that it causes. The flavor of prussic' either Bide thereof with paving brick, as follows; Speeial-Prices for Hotels coming to the United States, in order to acid in laurel leaves, and in the bitter HEW JERSEY TELEPHOHE; CO. From Bond street to Emory street, 8H ft. in stir up tbe opposition of the labor inter­ width. almond, seems to suggest danger, but l ?0 Broadway, Long Branch. From Emory street to Grand avenue, 4 ft. in and Boarding Houses. ests. But, as a matter of fact, tbe passage this is the result of education. While! width. From Grand avenue to Cookman avenue, # of tbat bill will decrease the foreign ships the sense of smell guides njany of the' ft. in^pidth; and to be lined on the outer edgos \ TAKE YOUR PICK coming to this country, and thus reduce herbivorous animals in their choice, thereof with Belgium paving blocks. “ ” JOHN N. BaRTIS, Any person who. objects to the improvement Estimates Cheerfully Given. the number of immigrants, at the same we fhyl that this helps man but little, of said avenue as aforesaid is requested to pre­ * although it is said that all the poisen- sent his or her objections thereto, in Writing* a t X time giving increased employment to our Undertaker and M aim er the office of the City Clerk, subscribing his or % own citizens in all parts of the country. ous toadstools have a disagreeable her name thereto, on or before the seventh day No trouble to suit fastidi- odSor. - . - ' 708 MATTISON AVENUE. - of May, 1000. ' • MATT. APPLEGATE, . . . WM.'C* BURROUGHS, •M ous smokers: One hun-. * Coffins and Burial Caskets on hand or fur­ City Clerk. CONTRACTING PAINTER AND DECOR ATOP Those wbo are opposed to ihe United nished to order. Telephone 131 B. Dated April 24,1900. dred brands to choose from, S:ates acquiring any more territory seem , 2>peeial "Rotiees, X RESIDENCE, 509 . t> be under the Impression that Columbia 0L induding all the old favor­ P. O Box 1004. eo5 has had all the-children she can take care stenographer w a n t e d . Stizbupg ‘P ark H otels. ites. Cigar prices range % Stenographer and typewriter wanted, female of, and has lost her ability tn train up the preferred. Easy work, but must be accurate. t from a nickel to a quarter. little ones in the way they should go. Salary, $0 per week. Address, with references. hP/lfllO frV H n fp I F irst Avenue and Bergh Street. t DIAMONDS J. E. S.,” J ournal office. 107*0* V I U lllv l v j - llU iC I Same successful management1. Near beach, pavilions and % bathing grounds. Opens June 10. Illustrated booklet and terms on application. BERINGER’S * Reduced Rates to Camden, Ind. F O R SA la E . HARR# J . ROC)L'K A FELLER. n 4 JEWELRY For meeting .of Old Order of German A Columbia chainless bicycle, 1800 model. In Enlarged and improved, Electric light, sun parlor, 152-154 Main St. Asbury Park good condition. Will sell for $40 cash. Address superior table. Steam heat in winter. Open all yeai. t Biptist Brethren at Camden, Ind., June 3 “ Bevel Gear,” this office. ; , 107-10* Grand Ave. Hotel L, SILL, Proprietor. t X WATCHES to 5,1900, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com­ Corner Grand and Summerfield Avenues. Sixteenth season. pany will sell, from May 31 to June 3, in­ WANTED. Winter and Summer. Permanent and transient guests. Terms, A furnished cottage for the summer. Must The Imperial $8 to $12 T $2 per day. H. A. KINGSLEY. clusive, excursion tickets to Camden, Ind.,' have five bedrooms,and all improvements. Bent CLOCKS from stations on its line west of Baltimore, not to be over. $400 for j throe months. Address 100 Second Avonuo. One-half block from Boach. All im­ “ Cottage,” J o u r n a l office. 105-10* Grand Central provements. Superior cuisino. Special rates May and June. Md. (not inclusive), west of and including A. TERHUNE. CUT GLASS Lancaster and. Reading, and from stations W A N T E D . . Corner Bangs Avenue aifa Main St. Nearr Union deido pot and on A cook, Swede preferred. Tor a'laintly'b? six. trolley. Open all the year. First-class jni everyevei particular. For Wedding Gifts Jewelry, watches and Clocks south of and including Sunbury, at rate of address, statin# wages expected and g iv in g The Vendome Reduced ratgs till July. ““EDWARD ~ B; PALEN. one first-class limited fare for the round references, “ X,"Jotjsnajc, office, 105-7» repaired thoroughly and quickly. trip. Tickets will be good returning until July 5, inclusive. F O B S A L E , Artistic Silver Soda Fountain (Mathawes) IK ayraps, 5 H. H. Caswell draughts, good as mew, also Babeoei Carbon- C. W . SIM ONSON, Rich Cut Glass tOOKING AFTER SOLDIERS. ater, glassware, silverware. &c., &c., for tsQai- 639 Mattison Avenue plete soda fountain outfit. DISTRICT AGENT FOE , — . M o k s a n * P a e s o h s , Asbury Park, N. J. Tbe W ar Department Follow* S m > OVtf Ho Of Esmiswick. Ornamental Clocks lu r n ti o f Officer* w ith G reat Ballantine’s Exp^anJtl^r Beers -, j* j* . . A c c n rn c y , GRADING, M. Contractor for gradiaa of all kinds. Privet You will find a most exquisite M. CROSBIE, A young army officer, who has seen hedging a specialty. Call on or address T. V, Bottled by Steam Process and Guaranteed to Keep in any Olim&te. Ji^adrickson, 582 Prosper, avenua. P. O. Boa Plain and Ornamental service on the Arizona plains and on 1082, A n i l i t y Park. N.J. I OOtf . assortment at the jewelry the Maine, coast, and who is now in Wines, Liquors, and Foreign and Domestic Ales and Porters. store of Cuba, tells two stories .out of his own Goods delivered oaly on order—free of charge. experience, to show the accuracy with'- A. W. CORNELIUS which the war department follows the Telephone call 67-a. Succeeded by movements of officers. SPRING LAKE, N. J. 624 Cookman Ave. “I was with a small scouting party WHITTLE & GIBSON. In Arizona,” he says, “and after two • m « weeks in the desert my squad came to Does Your Furniture Tar Paper, Sheathing paper, Two and the railroad-near a small station. CENTRAL HALL Three-ply Rooflnj? Paper. ^ Within ten minutes a dispatch from ■ Tipofcssaioneil. Washington was brought to me by’ Look Like New? * \ the station agent. It - asked if I . BICYCLE STORE rjB S . BRYAN AND BURT, Summerfield Ave. and Bailroad, V Physicians and Surgeons, i* A8BHST PAEK. H. Jl wished to be transferred to one of M. L. FERRIS, Proprietor. If it does not, send me a pbstal card and I will call per­ 291' Asbnry Ave., Asbnry Park. ‘ the two new artillery regiments then Office Homrs—8 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 8; 6 to 0 p, m. form ing. sonally and tell what the cost, will be to make it so. Telephone No. 5. Mattresses renovated. Cushion work of all kinds. Com­ S W. KtRKBRIDE, “I answei’ad by telegraph that I All the Leading Makes of Wheels. T^R. C. W. SHAFTO; ___ _ should be glad to enter either of them. plete line of upholstering goods always in stock. " Physician and Surgeon. 625 Lake Avenue, Arbury Park, K. J. Then we set off again across the des­ Orient—the leading racer of-'the world. Cleveland—the old favorite. Office Hours—8 to 0 a.m f 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p.m. ert. Upholstering EDWIN A. WEIS, Spalding—equal to the beat. r |R . GEO. F. WILBUR. Contractor - - “It was six days later when we Dayton—ever popular and reliable. and Decorating. 612 Cookman Avenue. ^ Physician and Surgeon, again struck the''railroad, this time B arn es ) 8.W. cor. Grand and Asbury aves., Aabury Park. SO tniles from the point at which wa Sterling [■ Tried and true. A . 0 . BTTETON, D .D .B . I . O . D tW rO H , D . n 4 hi>d previously crossed it. B u t m y re­ — and Biiilderi Crawford ) gURTON BROTHERS, ■' ' ply from the department was await­ Several other makes. DENTI8T8. The finest Bamtoor hoir.Pd at Deni wer6£buUt}un ing me. It had Ijeen telegraphed to dof n.'.. t' po. ■ i-i'’.:.. Plan, furcieliod and o 626 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, r;i chiijrftllly gl70n, every’ station within 200 miles. Prices from$22 to $ 75. Baudouine Building, S. W. Cor. Broadway and •§!& • . “A more striking instance of accu­ Jenness Miller Shoe 28th Street, New York Repairing, Renting, Instructing. New York office closed from May nn^il October. Stop: First Avenue and Main St. racy occurred after my transfer to V I asburY - p a r k . thd east. I was traveling home on Agents for Rubber Hose Adjusted to every practical requirement £)EAN THOMPSON, ‘ \ " leave, and, as the regulations require, and Spalding Sporting Goods. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRITER. I had notified the department of the of health, Comfort and • beauty. The Office, 1008 Main Streot, Asbury P atk, N. J. ’ ■ O A - N D Y day, hour and probable route of my Residonco, 84 S. Main Streot, Ocean Grove, N .J. journey. After I had beta on the ideal and popular hygienic shoe for. wo­ L E T T l 714 MATTISON AVENUE. LAW OFFICES. E S C U train for eight hours, at a small sta­ men. Prices range from $ 3 tO $ 5 . QLAUDE Y. GDERIN C U R E P IX ^ S tion the porter entered with. 8 tele-' and all rectnl "disorders or monoy rofuudo(| gram, asking if anyone of my name For sale exclusively at ■ " ■ Transacts gonoral logal buainoss. .... Pioqeant, Not a physic. A rodicpl enro. 00c. a Master and Solicitor in Chancery. , * , # was present. On opening, the dia-. CHARLESWORTH & WADE, Notary Public. • ■ Rooms 8 and B, L. 0.. CRENELLE, A sbury ParH. N. J., patch, I fount! that it was from the Appleby Building, Asbnry Park, 40*ly o r Of BTTS DRUG CO., PW la., P a adjutant .general’s office, ordering me PAINTERS STElNBACIi’S OCEAN PALACE p H ARL ES E. COOK, , ^ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . 6n detached duty. • Master in Chancery. Supreme Court Examiner. “Exactness of detail could not be -and Paperhangers. Practice in U .S. Courts. YOST’S^EXPRESS DeUvera BAGOAOB, PREIQHT, FURin- carried much farther. The, depart­ Fihe-work a specialty. Full lioe of Also Exclusive Agents-for Booms 10 and Jl, Monmouth Building. TUBE, PIAH0S, and all kinds ol mov ment knew the . wher * auts of an in­ samples. Will call at your house able goods to any point in Asbnry Pari: J, g. HAWKINS. POAHBPUBA* Ocean Grove and vicinity a t moderate significant second tenant, even and give estimates. gA W K IN S & DURAND, prices. Post office addroaa, Lock Bo^i Warner's Ventilating Cushion Shoe 818, Asbury Park. Rosidonco and officr I \vheu he wns travel ,.n leave ol ab­ 109_At>boU Avenue, Ocean Grove. N. J. COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, sence.” ... . Offices—Asbury Park and Ocoan Grove Bank 616 Bewail avenno, Agonts a t station. X\ a a caaa a ss-ex? R O T ? M E M Buijdi&tf, Main Bt. and tlatticou Av. Asbnry Park, .. " HABBY 7007, Propriofcbajl v GERMANY CELEBRATES. 7 THE ADMIRAL INf ST, UOUIS, U rauslersiJauide. LABOR FORCES SPLIT Birthday of tho CroWn Prince Canoes Dewey Bnthta^tastlcally, Received by Groat Display. Cr„c«vd«.* ' BERLIN, May 4.—Berlin has put' on ST. LOUIS, May, 4.—Amid th« firing pBBHSYUYfiRIA RAILROAD. Philadelphia Buildiug Trades holiday attire In anticipation of the com­ of ennnou, the shrieking. oL.whistles aud ing rtf age of C row n-Pt'lnee Frederick the huzzas of is vast concourse of en­ QUALITY FIRST Are at Odds, William. Last evening the. streets were thusiastic people Adminll George Dewey T The Standard Sallroad of Amertcx. i thronged tvith sightseer^, many thou­ became the gue»t,of the city of St. Louis * ^ •+ sands of whom had already arrived from nt 7 o'clock last eveuing. Tiiouiands of On and aftor November 10, I860. The standard of excellence maintained for years WAB .OS rSRPENTERS’ BROTHERHOOD various parts of Germany. Unter den people crowded the mammoth depot and: Trains Loavo Aabury Park—WeaK Day*. in the selling of Groceries at our old stand will be For Now York and Nowark^ 7.10. 8;6o a, Linden was ablaze with electric1 lights, the streets eager to get a gmuee at ita- 2.25. 5,88 p.m. maintained at our new store. The new quarters are They Had Agreed to Work on Build- and the last touche's were being given to hero of Manila. For Elizabeth, 8.50 a jn.. 2 25, 6.88 p.m. For Babway, 8 50 aUtf,,-2.25. 5.88 p.m. lii&n Wliere Nonunion Men Were the decorations. At midnight hundreds As the t.ain was backed into the.di pol better adapted for our growing trade, Our always of workmen were still busy. The Aus­ 'Ttafti-ry A, stationed in the railroad -j-ai-il For Matawan, 8.50 a.m., 2.25,‘5.88 pan. - Employed, nnd This Led t For Long Branch, 7.10, a.m., 2 15, 'reliable delivery system will be better than even trian black and yellow and ihe Huuga- fired an udniiral’s salute, the first io.i 2.25, 6.88, 5.40, 7.07 p. m. „ to Complication!!. rinn green, white and red were every­ of which started a terriije lound of eneei - For Bed Bank. 7.10,8.50 a.m., 225, 5.88 p^m. Why not come down town and. look the new Store from the immense throu.?. V.’iieii tli For Philadelphia, Broad Bt. and Trenton, 7.29, PHILADELPHIA, May 4. —The where visible.- , ~ 8.05 a.m.t 12.15, 4.Q7 p.m. . over ? Attractive goods at- attractive prices will r i truprgln of the men engaged in the "build- The Reichsanzeiger and the Nord- train came to a standstill, the' admit-:' For Camden, via Trenton and Bordentown, 7.29, doutsdbe Aligemeine Zeitung; print arti­ and Mrs. Dewey appeared on the plat 8.05 a, tn.f 12.15,4.07 p.m. pay you for your call. '.' ing'trndcH ja this city for an eight hour For Camden and Philadelphia, via Toms Hirer, working day with increased wages took cles welcoming Emperor Francis Joseph. .form of the ear.' He.was greeted with : 1.28 p.m . n new turn yesterday, when there was a Among tho arrival!? last evening were perfect roar of cheers hnd the frauti ForToms Biver, Island Heights and tntermedl* Prince von Eulonburg. German embassa­ .waving of hatu, i:ags, etcl . ' ate atationa, 1.28 p.m. ■ - , G. D. JELLiFF & CO. split between one o{ the carpenters’ or­ For Point Pleasant- and intermediate station*,' ganizations and the Allied Building dor at Vienna, and Prince von Radolin,' .The admiral's party, was escorted tf • 10.50 a.m., 2.58. 5.19,0,48 p.m. Main Entrance, 607-609 Cookman Ave, Trade's’ league, and as a result a bitter German- embassador at. St. Petersburg. carriages by the reception committee with For New Brunswick, via Monmonth Junction, war is now on between them. From an The French government has specially much dilliculty. A plnt'opn of police 8.05 a.m., 12.15, 4.07 p.m. Carriage. Etitrance, 606-608 Mattison Ave. aggregate ol 3,000 men ,who quit work commissioned ' the French embassador finally cleared the driveway, and the Tralxu Loavo New York for Asbnry Park on Tuesday, the day the eight hour cam­ bore, the Marquis de Noaiiles, to express mpmbers of the party were enabled to From Woat Twonty-third Street Station, 8.55 reach their cdrrlnges. Preceded'by n de­ a.m., 12.40, 8.25, 4.55 p.m, 8undays« 9.25 Formerly at Main Street end Asbury Avenuo paign was inaugurated, tbe total number its congratulations to the crown prince. a.m., 4.55 p.m. . of men now Idle has swelled to over Military delegations have arrived for tachment of police and the First regi­ From Deabrosaes Streot Station, 9.00 a.m., 8,000, with prospects that this number the’ purpose of tendering congratulations ment, N. G. M., the admiral and party 12.50, 8.40, 5.10. p.m. 8undaya, 9.45 a.m., were driven to the Planters' hotel. Along 5.15 p.m. will be increased us the figlit goes on. from several regiments. From Cortlandt 8treet Station, 9.00 a.m., 12,50, When the eight hour movement began, Emperor William bas ordered the tbe entile route to the hotel tb? admiral 8.40,6.10 p.m. Snndaya, 9.45 a.m., 5.15 p.m. received ono continuous ovation from On Sundays will stop at Interlaken and Avon 80 building trades amalgamated in order schools closcd today. The Berlin univer­ In place of North Aabury Park and Asbury Park to better carry on their contest. The or­ sity students have resolved to congratu­ erowdtf which at some points, were so dense that the carriages proceeded with to let off passengers, ganization was named the Allied Build­ late the crown prince. Trains Leave Philadelphia (Broad Street) for ing Trades’ league. Among the «aanj£ Americans, whis have great difficulty. The admiral’s carriage Astonry Park In thid city there are three Independent arrived is Llejjtenant Colonel Hayes, was constantly surrounded by a 'surging At 8.20,11.10 a.m., 8.80. 4.02 p.m., weekdays. THE MAN OF THE HOUR. organizations of carpenters—namely, tho mass of men, women and children. Market St. Wharf, via. Camdon and Trenton, United States anny,.who has just return­ For a brief time yesterday Admiral 7.80,10.80 a.m., 2.80, 8.80 p.m .. weekdays. Brotherhood of Carpenters nnd Joiners, ed from the Philippines. By. the special Leave Market St. Wharf, via Jamesburg* 7,80 A with a membership of 4,000; the Acjr.l Dewey' was the guest of the Grand Army a.m., 4.00 p.m., weok-daya, Magnificent Portrait of ... invitation of Emperor William be -rill of the Republic of Illinois, which is hold­ gnmated Society of Carpenters, w ith 35b witness the gala opera performance Sat­ Washington and the South. ing its annual encampment nt Jackson­ LEAVE BBOAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA', members, aud the Philadelphia Carpen­ urday evening. All the mombars of tbe For Baltimore and Washington, 8.50,7.20,8.82, ters! association, with 1G0 members. The ville. The special Baltimore and Ohio 10.20, 11.28, 11.88 a.m., (12.80 Limited, United States embassy, tc-RoSte with tbe train bearing Admiral and Sirs. Dewey President McKinley latter two organizations became affiliated ladies, have received similar invitations. with the league, but the brotherhood nnd party arrived over the Alton road at Berlin last evening was agog with 1 p. m. after a run from Chicago that steadily refused to join for various rea­ amusement because h« crown prince Car) p.m., and 12.20 uight week-days. Sun- sons, The relations became strained, and was marked by cheering crowds at every dayd, 8.50. 7.20, 9.12, 11.28,11.88 a.m., Reproduced In Ten Colors from a Hate Photograph, during tbe day had ridden as an ordinary' station along the route. At Pontiac a 1.18 (Dining Car), 8.12, 4.41, (&.20 Con­ the brothefhood decided that its men passenger on the platform of a street cat could work on operations where non­ stop of about five minutes was toide, and gressional Limited, Dining Car). 0.05, 0,65 for which the President specially sat, at in Potsdam and had conversed Interested­ for the first time since leaving Washing (Dining-Car), 7.81 (DiningCar) p.m., and union carpenters and other nonujsion ly with the, driver about the letter’s fam­ 12.20 night. workmen were employed. It also decid­ ton Admiral Dewey made a snort speech Time-tables of all other trains of the system ily and relations. la response to wild cheering. Here and may be obtained at the ticket offices or stations. the request of the Publishers. ed that its members should not engage in Yesterday Empettw William unveiled, J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass, Agt. sympathetic strikes. at other stations hundreds of school chil­ J. B. HDTCHINBON. Gen. Manager. In retaliation the Allied Building ■with ceremonies of unusual impressive- dren were gathered, and to them the ad­ {Size 14 x 21 Inches.) Trades’ league decided that no men affil­ nesssr'the iBosujnent recently erected in miral devoted his remarks, telling iliem iated with the league Should work with the Sieges-Allee (Avenue of Victory) to how glad he was to see them and bow the first king', of Prussia, Frederick I. proud he was of their greetings will be published by us shortly. ' 'It is nowbeing a brotherhood carpenter and that the. j|EW YORK AMD LOKG BRANCH R. L printed for ub on heavy plate paper, in a forts'edit­ latter should be looked upon as nonunion The empress and her-slstersj.sereral prin­ ces, Count von Bulow and Count von able for framing, by one of the largest art litho­ men. As a result 30 business agents, A FIGHT IN' PANAY-. ; graph houses’ in America, in the famous Freni}; representing all the trades in tbe league, WaMej'sge.vfe^g present. Time Table in effect NovemborlOth, 1809. .Count von Bulow yeBterday celebrated Americans Snrronnded «3»d JHnVo & STATIONS IN NEW YOBK. style of color-plate work. Every American family began w ar on the unaffiliated carpenters will wsnt one of tbese' hondsofne pictureti of .thn early yesterday aud kept It nj> all day. his fifty-first birthday,. and the kaiser , ■ Marrow K*caxi>- Oontral R. R. of New Jereey, foot of Liberty presented to him a magnificent porcelaip and Whitehall streets, (South Ferry terminal.) President. It must-be remembered that this pio. The United Hodcarriers .and Laborers’ MANILA, May 4.--A, dispatch re­ Pennsylvania B. B., fopt of Cortlandt, Des- Sure will be io no sense a cheap chromo, but w ill centerpiece, tendering him also in the ceived . here today tror.i Iloilo reports a broasea and West Twenty-third Btreets. ' anion put six extra agents in the field, be f;n example of (he very highest style of illumi­ nnd the entire delegation scoured a con­ most cordial fashion personal congratula­ desperate fight which took place', at Le Leave NtfW YORK for AS RUBY PABK and tions. ‘ nmbanao, tc the center of the,island of OCEAN GBOVE. nated printing. It will be an ornament to any siderable portion of the city notifying the librorv or drawing-room. Oo; readers can have tbe men to quit work jvhere brotherhood Panay. It appears that a recOnhoiterkng Foot of Liberty street; 4.30, 8.80,11.80 a. m.< A FRENCH ARMY ORDER, party of the Twcnty-siith Infantry -was *4.80, 0,28 p- m. McKinley portrait at What it costs US (namely carpenters are employed. Foot of Whitehall street (South Ferry termi­ ten eeuts per copyj by merely filling <^it the cou­ The building trades aSected for the surrounded and that four of the Amer­ nal :) 8.25, 11.8i* a, m.. *4 2&, 6.10 p m. Mlfflijjiej- ■ m Wm -SeiSlSeJ Frolt’lbltm icans were .killed and 10 others severely Foot of West Twemythird streot: 8.55 a. m., pon below, and sending it to this offifa a t once. first time yesterday included painters, *b**e of OanguoiM Drinks, 12.40, *8.25. *4.55 p. m. There will be such a demand for the portrait when cabinet makers, elevator constructors, wounded were left on the field. The re- Foot Deabrosaes street: 9.00 a. m.,12.50, *8.40, PARIS, May 4.^-A very importHflt de­ mninder of the soldiers had a ‘narrow *5.10 p. n» it is published that we advise sending.brders in ad* hardwood finishers, wood, wire and metal vance. Ab many copies as may be disired can be lathers, structural iron workers, fresco cision was promulgated last evening by escape. ■ Foot Cortlar »«. street: 9.00 a. m., 12,50, *3.88,. *5.10 p. TL. . bad on one coupon, providing1 ten cents ls sent paintere, marble cutters, housesnilths, the minister of war. General the Marquis The dispatch adds that reinforce­ de Galliffet, and oue -which is particular­ ment*; were' sent from Hollo as soon as for each Copy, Write name and address plainly plasterers nnd plasterers’ laborers. Ovei Leave ASBURY PARK and OCEAN GROVE for and remit in coin or postage stamps. 900 bricklayers who are not or. strike ly noteworthy lu i, country like France, newB bt the affair was receive,, there­ NEW YORK, 0.17, *7.10, (Newark and Now where the consumption of brandy aud so ..York only), *8.00, 8.50 a. m., 12.^0, 2.25, hare been forced into idleness because of upon |he.-'.Filipinos retreated t6 their 4 00, 5.88, 0.29 p. ra. the hodcarriers’ strike. called “aperitifs,” such -as absinth and , rnountai!' stronghold, For Froohold, Tronton and Philadelphia.via Sea It is claimed by the league that many vermouth, is bo prevalent, “aperitif Girt, Ponn. R.R.,*7.29, 8 05 a. mM 12,20, 4.07 T o T H E hour," betweea 8 and ? is. tn.,' being a ,i ' Island Appointments. p m JOURNAL, carpenters joined the brotherhood with For Tronton and Philadelphia,via Bound Brook the belief that it would affiliate with tht regular institution in France and espe­ WASHINGTON,- May 4.-The attor­ route, 0.17, 8.00 a. m., 12.10, 4 00 p. m. league, which represents some 25,000 in cially in Paris. .; ney general iias received, a letter 'from For Toma River and intermediate stations to Asbury Park, N. J. , . the buildiug trades. To provide for them For some time leading' medical men; Sir. Frank Bergen of Elizabeth, NJ J., Camden, 1 28 j>. m. - ’ t jiave been strongly condemning the-prac*.: For Bolmar, Spring Lako, Sea Girt and Manas-, a movement has been jrot on foot to or­ “declining »ii appointment as chief jus­ quan, 7.00, 7.20, 8.05, 10.27, 10.59 a; m., For the enclosed, rem ittance o f ’ ....Bents send m e U. ganize new local ?saion* of the carpenters’ tice, declaring that the chief brandy and tice of Porto Rico. It' is learned that no 12.16, 1.28, 2.58, 4.07, 5.19, 0.15. 0.48, 8.28 organizations affiliated with the league. alcoholic concoctions aoltl aa “aperitifs” othey name has beer, ^onsider^ for.tbis p. m. are rapidly filling the lunatic asylums ot For Point Pleasant,7.00,10.27,10.59 a,m, 1.28. copies 0/ PRESIDENT McKINLEK'S PORTRAIT jn. colors, as described in If this movement is successful, it ie said place and that Mr, Bergen’s declination 2.58, 5.19 0.16. p.m. the power of ihe brotherhood will be the country. is much regretted by the administrntlan, For £^?ng Branch and Red Bank, 8,17,^7.10. to- day's paper■ greatly curtailed. Recently a number, of the military A numbet- of nominations for important 8.00,8.50, 11.00 a. m. (Long Branch puly),. chiefs prohibited the sale of such drinks 12.10, 2.15 (Long Branch only), 2.25, 4.00, Johtt Watson, secretary- of tbe district places in Hawaii will be made soon, pos­ 5.88, 5.40 (LonpJg Branch only), 0.29> 7.07 N am e...... :...... council of the brotherhood, said; “The in the barracks nnd camps under their sibly before- the c-obc of the present (Long Branchsh only). point we have split on ia the question ot command, and General de Galliffet now week. President Dole has been definite­ •Denotes express trains, comes out with 6 decree snaking, this pro BUFU8 BLODGETT, J. R. WOOD, Bate...... Address...;::...... sympathetic strikes. Our organization ly decided on as the new governor and Snpt. N. Y. & L. B. R.B. G. P. A., Penn. R.B. has been made wj?at It Is by the persist­ hibition general "throughout the Freacfe Morris M, Estee of California as judge H. P. BALDWIN, army. No brandy or other spirits arid G. P. A.. C. R.R. ent exertions of its members and with­ ot the United States >!istriet court for-tbe PLTJJKBISrG out strikes of thnt kind. To agree to no so called "aperitif” may henceforth be district embracing all of th, Hawailars sold, although wine, beer and cider are that proposition would simply undo what Islands. A Mr. Key of Illinois bas been A MANUFACTURING PLANT SUPPUES we have already accomplished. ?he idea still allowed as Innocuous beverages. _ selected for marshal of the islands; Sev­ fHES&PKAKE AND OHIO ROUTE of affiliating w ith tbe league w as Btrong General de GaUiffet says this decision eral other names are under favorable can find just what is required in supplies at our store. We never not long ago, and I think the present is taken not only for the sake of uni­ consideration for other offices, ' v WEST AND SOUTH. U situation is the result of a misunder' formity ia army regulations, but ia or The F F V, a solid train of Pullman-vestibule allow our stock to become depleted no matter how great the demand. standing. The fight wns forced upon ua, der to extend to the entire army a Instruction For Cnii»» Teachers. eleepers, dining car and day coaches, We carry everything which years of careful observance has shown is and it will go on to a finish." beneficent measure which should upt bfe WASHINGTON, May 4.—The war de­ New York to Cincinnati and Louisville needed. It doesn't take long to get anything under these conditions. confined to certain corps. partment will give substantial co-opfera* via Washington without extra fare, leaving New York by Pennsylvania Railroad at 4.55 p. Porto Rico’s Credit Bslance. tion to the movement for a free Bomm?r tn., Philadelphia at 7.40 p.m.; arrives at Hot WASHINGTON, May 4.-The Porto Goebel Murder Cases In July. course, of instruction in Boston to the Springs 7.25 a.m., Cincinnati 6 p.m, Louisville 200&202 E1S 2S Rican treasury starts but with a com­ FRANKFORT, Ky., May 4.—The sec­ public school teachers of Cuba- and will 8.15 p.m., St. Louia 7,80 next morning. ond day of the hearing'in tbe application Fast Cincinnati Express, week days, leaves fortable balance to the credit of the new provide for their transportation to and New York 8.00 a.m., Philadelphia 10.20; ar­ MARKET ICST civil government. Acting-Secretary >.iei- for bail for W. H. Culton, the defendant from the Massachusetts capital. It.is ex­ rives Cincinnati 7.55 a.m., Louisville 11.11 a.m., who gave such startling testimony pected that about 1,400 Cuban teachers St. Louis 0.50 a.m., giving direct connections to klejofcn has received a cablegram from points heyond. NEWARKNi C T M H i Governor Allen and- General Davis stat­ Wednesday ended with thg^case unfin­ tftke advantage of the offer. They First-class limited rates from Asbury Park or ing that Mr. J. H, Hollander, the newly ished.'* Culton resumeinbe witness boz will start from various ports in Cuba the New York to Cincinnati, $10; Louisville $19.50; yesterday morning and continued on the St. Louis, (21.25; SanFrancieco, $78.76: ex>. appointed treasurer of Porto Rico, had latter part of this month on government curs ion, $148.50. 10 days’ stop-ovor et Wash­ qualified and given a bond la the sum of stand till, nearly ssoon. He *gan work under the protection lightning and completely destroyed by BWo. i Cor. Scmmerfield Aven',«* ■t the police. Those still out threaten fire. Loss Is $4,500, partially covered by BAY—St€idy; shipping, 6Sa75o.; good ts choice, 80aS0o. . ' hem with violence. .. Insurance. ASBURY PARK, N. J. CUBAN POLITICS. A STICKIT MINISTER. Breateat Excitement In tho Coming > »e W h o Ham S to ck P nmt on tb e W a r Election Likely to Be In Santiago. to tbe Fall Rank ot ' HAVANA, Mny . 4.—The Ingalls has • Frenbyter., seturned with Commissioner Horntio Ru­ bens and Lieutenant Matthew Hanna, A “stickit minister” 13 one who, aid to Governor (ienernl Wood, who "have having passed the-university training been distributing copies of the election and successfully survived the “trials,"' law among the mayors of those parts of the island which cannot be reached di­ as they ore termed, of the ecclesiastic­ rectly by railroad from Havana. .Mr. al courts, has reached the position of STEINBACH’S FO Rubens snys he found away from Ha­ “licentiate” or “probationer,” which, vana that the Union Democratic party us in the case of a deacon in tho Angll-. had not yet organized to any great ex­ tan Communion, conveys authority to tent, the fight being between the Repub­ preach but uot to dispense the Sacra* wm lican and National parties. He thinks ments, and makes him eligible for ap­ the greatest political excitement will p o in tm e n t to a parish. Until he has probably be in the city of Santiago, but' reached the status of an ordained there the contest will be wore personal Presbyter, says Good Words, he is not than partisan. . “Nearly eyerywhere,” says Mr,' Ru­ a m inister in the full sense of the term ; This going to be a week of remarkable Spring Dress Goods selling at our t\vo modern estab- bens, ‘‘we found the present mayors can­ and if he has grown old in the ranks of lishmtents, The season for light-weight gowns is here, the stock is on hand, and the low prices we didates for election. We also found the the probationers, or taken up another policy of a party in one section of the is­ caRing, such as that of schoolmaster, have fixed on the desirable goods will keep our clerks busy, we feel assured, • land exactly opposite to what it appears ho gradually sinks into the limbo of to be in another. X do uot believe there the “stickit ministers,’’ being men Who Just tliink of anything, desired or required for your wardrobe, then come to ’Steinbach’s with the I b any possibility of trouble arising. Re­ have stuck fast on the way to the full assurance that ;nOwhere else in this section can the quality or assortment of .Spring D r e s s Goods be ports to the contrary are probably based rank of Presbyter. ou individual fights, such as might occur excelled, nor can any establishment hereabouts equal the Steinbach’s low prices. anywhere.” . There are not many “stickit minis­ General Wood has ordered all candi­ ters’’ now in the strict sense of the dates for office at the coming elections to term. Nearly ' every . incentiate fills declare themselveB on or before June 0. some office as assistant in a'pnrish. A veTy few may remain for a time, or Summer Clothing Satisfaction Special Sale of M attings b a s e b a l l s c o r e s . perhaps permanently, in the pathetic . Satisfaction is a great thing in a suit of clotting—the position of being dependent on casual knowledge that .your garments fit perfectly, have, that You will not think of-any thing for the actual furnish­ Reinlla ot Yesterday's Games In tbo employment as preachers when a Sun­ National League. particular hang that only skilled cutters and expert ma­ ing of the home that we cannot, supply. This week, day service is required, receiving a fee, At Chicago— kers can produce. Then it’s satisfaction, too, to know however, we dwell on pur unsurpassed stock of China and Cincinnati 0 3 1 6 2 0 0 0 0 -U usually a guinea, for their trouble. that the material is modish, that the details of making Japanese mattings—ideal floorcoverings for summer time. Chicago...... 0X0210000— * Their lot is far from enviable, especial­ Hits-Clnclnnuti, 14; Chicago, 10. Errors are'just right—the inside as carefully constructed as the A score Or more of patterns to select from, but every roll —Cincinnati. S; Chicngo, 6. Batteries— ly when under the faded black coiit priced at about one-half value—thank's to ready cash in Scott and Wood; Griffith and Donahue. .there, is fpund a man- of culture, but outside parts that show. We guarantee satisfaction to At Brooklyn— ...... the hands of our shrewd matting buyer. We will sell you Brooklyn.'...... 0300102—t lacking the popular gift or the'^ush” patjrons pf our made-to-order clothing department. Ex­ New Y ork...... 0 0 0 1 3 0 0— 4 and influence which mny have carried cellent suits made to measure forTas low .as $15 ; -better one yard-or one thousand yards, the price decreasing, of Hits—Brooklyn. 8; New York, 8.’ Errors course, when you order one or more rolls at a time. —Brooklyn. 0; New York, 2. Batterles- his college chums*, whom he may have: garments for more money, but a perfect fit and perfect Kennedy and Farrell; Doheny and War. beaten in class work, into comfortable finish in every instance. Light weight overcoats and ner. charges.. At Pittsburg— fancy vests built to order for just a trifle more than the St. Louis 300201X04 0— 9 Ladies’ Underwear and Hosiery P ittsb u rg ...... 000000110-2 RAT HOLES FOR BABY'S TEETH cost of the ready-to-don ones. Hits—St. I^ouls, 11; Pittsburg, 6. Errors For those who dd not care to pay the extra price, for —St. Louis. 3; Pittsburg. 5. Batteries— None too early for medium light underwear and hosiery. Jones and Crlgcr; Waddell and Lattimer. New Superstition Resardlnar tb e clothing made to measure, we have a monster stock of the : A once-m-a-lifetime. chance to buy a large stock much Table of Percentages. Proper Disposition of the - ready-made garments, the materials and making being below cost was presented recently. Our buyer quickly ,w . Li. P.C. F i r s t One. perfect in every detail. Our ready-to-wear clothing is Philadelphia.. . 0 3 .750 gobbled up the entire line and the goods—perfect as to Brooklyn...... * & 4 .666 manufactured.in Asbury Park, a guarantee against disease manufacture, styles and assortment—are now ready for Cincinnati...... 7 4 .636 “I drew a tooth> for a wee mite of a St. L ouis...... * 7 6 .538 girl the other day,” said the dentist to germs so prevalent in clothing made in sweat shops in the lively selling. Better values, quality considered, were Chicago...... 5 7 larger cities. The $75,000 stock includes everything de­ never offered in Asbury Park, so it will be your fa,ult if Pittsburg...... 5 7. a Washington Post reporter. ‘‘It was New York...... 3 8 . .273 one of her first teeth, and it wasn’t sirable and the pricing ranges from $4.98 to $19 per suit. the good things are purchased by others. Boston...... '.\ ...... 3 8 -.M3 much larger than a pinhead. I dropped it, quite by accident, and then I had to CO NDENSED d i s p a t c h e s . go down on all fours and look for that The water company’s dam on Goose tooth. _-The mother wjmted it. When creek, 25 miles above- Denver, broke. I’d found it and had given it to her, Ocean Palace Twenty-five bridge concerns have been sh e asked me if there were any rat- consolidated and will be capitalized at holes anywhere in the house. I told The Mammoth $70,000,000. her there might be a few in the cellar, Governor Roosevelt signed the bill re­ and, being a trifle put out, I said, sar­ Both lating to the New' York schoolteachers’ castically, that if she wanted to look. salary schedule. I’d be pleased to take her down there. Disastrous forest fires raging in nortU- Located ern' Pennsylvania have damaged oil well She said she wanted so much to find n in interests extensively. rat hole and would I please take her The Daughters of tbe Confederacy down? ’ • We went down to the cellar Asbury have voted to buy the Jefferson Davis and prowled around till we found a home at Montgomery; Ala. hole I said was a rat hole. She stooped Park Seven thousand employees of the down and dropped ihe child’s tooth Standard Oil company had their wages in to it. raised and their hours of Work reduced. “ ‘There!’ she said, ‘I’ve put Mar­ Trouble between the labor unions and jory’s first tooth into a rat hole, and employers .resulted In adding 12,000 men now her second teeth will be sjire to be to the number on strike in Philadelphia. white and strong as rats’ teeth. JThank Dunstin and Frank Shaw, the Vermont outlaws, were captured after a fight with you so much.’ their pursuers, in which one of the Shaws “It was a new superstition to me, but was mortally wounded. she seemed to take great stock in it. Anyway, it was a good way to get rid Publishers Ask Relief. of the tooth, and a great deal less dan­ WASHINGTON, May 4.-Bepresenta- gerous than the way some mothers tives of the American Publishers' asso- I have of swallowing the first teeth their PRICES FROM MAY 3 TO MAY 10. ciaton have presented a memorial to the : children lose.” senate finance’committee asking that, some relief be afforded on account of the . ZEBRA LAW IN ENGLAND. increased price of paper. The delegation | said the association represented 22,000 J papers^ No particular legislation was Oiteome of an Accident Thnt Befell advocated. Tbe delegation was' received . 'an laoantlons Admirer of ROCKY HILL STONE STORAGE CO. Prices by Senator Allison, acting chairman in j A n lu u U s. Are Our the absence oi Senator Aldrich. The res- i olution recited that 'the price of printing Zebra law may not ba so im p o rta n t ROCKY HltL, NEW JERSEY. paper used by newspapers has increused to the average citizen us dog law, but Our stores are growing in popular favor every day. from 60 to 100 per cent without rcaspn it. i» worth knowing if you‘frequent High quality and low prices are bound to be heard from or warrant to be found jn the conditions menageri^a, says the Pay Mall Ga- of the industry, which was believed to be J* & & the working of a trust. The association One Marlor visiting au Oldham appealed to congress to inquiry into the t*aw, found a stable^oor. open and conditions complained of. " went in and stroked the zebrn.zebra, where- Crushed Trap Rock of all sizes kept con­ upon the ungrateful beast let out with EVERY DAY PRICES. Printers* Exhibition In Sweden. his heels and pushed him through a stantly on hand. Carload lots and upwards WASHINGTON, May 4.—Consul Rob­ partition into another stall, where an­ ert Bergli of Gothenburg, Sweden, has Condensed -Milk, c, Can. (Hood Pears, 10c. Can, other zebra bit his hand, which had to can be loaded on demand and shipped to all 8 Informed the stnte department thnt from be amputated. Cotlld be recover from July 16 to Sept. 1 next there will be held the zebra’s owner? A jury thought he Baby Olives, 10c. Bottle. 2 Nice Mackerel for 7c. in that city n printers’ exhibition which points on the New York and Long Branch will offer a comprehensive review of the could, but the court of appeal says not. Good Bice, 3 1-2. lb. Good Coffee, ln grain, 15c. lit; printer's art and its development from A zebra is at present legally a wild ani­ Railroad. Also foundation or cellar stone. the beginning up to the present. The ex­ mal, and likely to remain so, since the Our Princess Coffee at 2$o. JTever F alls to Please. hibition will be the first of its kind i??er advance of the motor car makes held in Sweden and is expected to be of against taming new animals for har­ Excellent Mixed Tea, 35c. lb. great interest not only to printers, but to ness. Now a man’s duty with regard the public nt large, embracing as it will to his wild beast is to keep it secured, Large Glass Jelly, only 5c. products of Persian, Servian. Turkish so th a t it may not go about seeking 8-81 and other eastern book industries, origi­ 5 lb. Pail, Assorted Jelly, only 31c nal drawings, by Swedish and foreign art­ whom it may devour, and secured his ists and a collection of ali kinds of prod­ zebra was. True, the door was casual- , Best Funiily Flour, 49c per Sack. ucts of the graphic art. ly left open, and if theM sitor had mere­ ly gone in and been kicked, he might ; Worce>tershire Sauce, 5c. Bottle. Porto Rican Postmasters. have recovered; but he “invited” his ’ WASHINGTON, May 4.—Fourth As­ kicking by stroking. Zebras do not ' sistant Postmaster General Bristow has understand magnanimity. A ll the I signed the commissions of 71 postmasters same, if zebras’ doors are left open, it to fill positions in Porto Rico. This ac­ might be well to put up notices that th^ Specials for SATURDAY: tion continues iu office, under the new civ­ beasts are likely to go off at both il government of the island the incum­ bents who have been serving under mili­ ends. tary authority. About (55 of these post­ 24 LARGE FRESH EGGS FOR 25C. masters are residents of the island. They EUROPE’S RAGE OF '"PIGMIES. , / - Only 25c. worth to a customer. will hold office on the same term s as do j fourth class postmasters in this country^ Excavation* Faruish Evidence That THESE LOTS RANGE FROM ONE TO FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS The commissions are dated as of May X. ' the Continent Was Once In- . Finest Creamery Butter, 21c. lb. Inspector Sinclair, with two assistants, habited by Divarfn. will go to the island to instruct the post­ Good Creamery Batter, 19c. lb. masters as to postal rules and regulations Recent excavations in southern Ger­ GRANULATED SUGAR, 5c. lb. of the United States'. many have established the fact that 1 lie Streets ot Asbury Park are 100 feet broad, an In 5 lb lota with other goodo. Centro}. Repairers lletwrn to W ork. in prehistoric times Europe was in­ BUFFALO, Mny 4.—The striking car habited by pigmies. Strangely advantage possessed by no other Seaside Soda Crackers; lb. . Nicnacs, 4 l-2c. 1 repairers of the New York Central de­ enough, the discovery of actual and cided to return to work this morning. convincing testimony to th&t effect Not more than two pounds to a customer. * Superintendent Brunn of the Erie said in southern Germany has been an­ ^ Resort on the Jersey Coast. last night that* nothing tangible was ac­ nounced almost simultaneously with complished nt yesterday's meeting. Mas­ the news of similar' discoveries in ter Carpenter Canfield qf the'Lackawan­ Switzerland and in the Pyrenees. So There will never be another seaside town in Monmouth county that We gqaraotee everytlilpg jffl sell to jjlw satisfaction or yovr money refuodqd. na said, "We have outlined a scheme to npw there is proof that 'Herodotus will compare wfith the broad streets and open spaces, suqh aa shown on he submitted to the meD.” Superintend­ Oar specials are sold lor cash only, and will not be charged at these prices. ent Turner of the Buffalo, Rochester and and Homer were not “yellowing" when the.map ot Asbury Park. This assertion is based on. the fact thqt all PittShOrg said, “We abide by our offer they tUd of dwarfs that lived 5n to pay the prevailing prices paid by oth­ ' wooded hills and caves far north of the ocean front lands between Seabfight and Barnegat are already laid er roods-” ■ • ' - '' ' . Koine and Greece. out with streets averaging p if t v pur cent. i.rss in width tban tbose Virslala PoBtofilce nabbed. The skeletons which have been found of Asbury Park, without su?h open spaces as Asbvuy Park. RICHMOND, Mny 4.—Tbe post office “ ; are so-small that they can t* placed > ' : J. J PARKER, s t Franklin, Southampton county, has In an ordinary, museum drawer. None been Wbbed nnd between $300 nnd $500, of.them Is longer than 95’ Shcbes and all th?'stamps and tvyo registered pack­ m any are smaller. There is .no doubt ^. ' t h e ©it©©iir ages -were tnken. The sni|e was blown thnt they are the skeletons of real W here purchaser* erect buildings tbe/wbole amount 5>peri with dynamite. The postmaster lost , dwarfs. The bones prove that the a considerable sum in private funds bodies were those of adults. The finds o f p u r c h a a e m o n e y m ay remain o n m o r t g a g e . 604, 606, 608 Cookman Avenue, which, wore kept in the postoffice safe. have been mounted and are : now he3' M a in T he robbers escaped. . • •* j.- Cor. Lake;Avenue and S t. lag exhibited In the. national museuiri Otb«r J^ioreBs ■ >V'.- : j.', * .;■'W eldon*’#9;' W cittcf Probabilities. of Switzerland in Basle. Scientists think F a ir; . variper; dijp;nisliing west to t h a t t b f little jjeojile lived in, neolitb- t l l i ^uire of 8. f. BlftSf IifMP; o o rth TTiniJa,- ’ ' , - JAMES A. BRADLEY, Owner. - ' % > 7 ,.' :