arXiv:2104.14530v2 [math.RT] 29 Jun 2021 one prxmto rpry(BP fteregular the of (CBAP) property approximation bounded [ [ where agrp eesuyn rirr oee groups Coxeter arbitrary studying were Haagerup, Di upre from supported is MD [ algebras operator the ainso h oee ucin(oorlnt)wr stud were (colour-length) function Coxeter the of variants tion function (1) generators: Coxeter of set the to Gi upre from supported is SG hyadtoal hwdta hsipista nnt Cox infinite that property implies this that showed additionally They o hoy repoaiiyadgoercgopter.Wh theory. group geometric and probability free theory, tor a rtrcgie nteponrn oko agrp[ Haagerup of work pionnering i the in applied recognized widely first properties con was interesting to many it to use leads can which one origin combinatorial/geometric of ture ´ BJS88 DCH85 ELCINLNT IHTOPRMTR NTEASYMPTOTIC THE IN PARAMETERS TWO WITH LENGTH REFLECTION l h osdrdfntossaetodsiciefeature distinctive two share functions considered the All oiiedfiiefntoso group a on functions definite Positive Bi upre from supported is MB I hyaepstv ent ntecniuu set continuous the on definite positive are they (I) g AE BO MAREK → ℓ .Here ]. ru,wihi iait enmn fterflcinlengt reflection the of refinement bivariate function reflection a is which group, nlgo h lsia osrcino Schur–Weyl. of construction classical the of analog osrc h orsodn ersnain hog nat a through representations corresponding the construct group nnt yeothda ru n ecasf h correspo the classify we and group hyperoctahedral infinite hc eitouehr.Fnly eepanhwt ov the result. solve main to our using how by explain D we type of Finally, groups Coxeter notion here. the introduce using type we of by which space distribution Fock Askey–Wimp–Kerov cyclic the the with on acting operator Gaussian new aaee osrcini yeAfudpeiul yBo by previously found A type in construction parameter A S ERSNAINTER FTP / N APPLICATIONS AND B/C TYPE OF THEORY REPRESENTATION n thda mato repoaiiy o-omttv h non-commutative probability, free on impact an had it and ] g ( BSTRACT stesadr odlnt.Haeu’ eutwsapidt applied was result Haagerup’s length. word standard the is q eapyorcasfiaint osrc ylcFc pc o space Fock cyclic a construct to classification our apply We T ℓ → S ) ( hsrsl a ute eeaie omliprmtr [ multi-parameters to generalized further was result This . B g ) ( q ℓ n ℓ spstv ent ntefe group free the on definite positive is S S ) EK,MCE O EA ITRESOT AND ˛EGA, EJSMONT, DOŁ WIKTOR MACIEJ ZEJKO, ˙ eitoueatoprmtrfunction two-parameter a introduce We . ( ntetno rdc of product tensor the on eoe the denotes g aooeCnrmNauki Centrum Narodowe aooeCnrmNauki Centrum Narodowe ) spstv ent o vr oee ru fadol if only and if group Coxeter every for definite positive is aooeCnrmNauki Centrum Narodowe ℓ HP93 S φ ( q + g ,q =min( := ) − .Bo ]. oee length Coxeter spstv ent fadol fi sa xrm hrce o character extreme an is it if only and if definite positive is ek,JnskeizadSaze,isie ytewr of work the by inspired Spatzier, and Januszkiewicz zejko, ˙ .I 1. k n : G s oiso etrsae hc ie two-parameter a gives which space, vector a of copies rn C 2017/27/B/ST1/01467. NCN grant , NTRODUCTION rn UMO-2017/26/D/ST1/00186. grant , 1 lyapoietrl nhroi nlss opera- analysis, harmonic in role prominent a play · · · rn C 2016/21/B/ST1/00628. NCN grant , hc stesadr odlnt ihrespect with length word standard the is which , 1 s k = ,s g, ( φ ,S G, F q N + − 1 ek n ua eas osrc a construct also We Guta. and zejko ˙ ,q s , . . . , dn e fparameters of set nding rlato ftehyperoctahedral the of action ural 1 with − ) e [ ied Haa79 trgop onthv Kazhdan’s have not do groups eter ≤ C en nteifiiehyperoctahedral infinite the on n hypoe htthe that proved they and s: hs ed.Ti phenomenon This fields. these n .W hwta hssigned this that show We h. tutpstv ent functions definite positive struct ∗ yeBgnrlzn h one- the generalizing B type f n erlt t moments its relate we and B q fcce npair-partitions, on cycles of agbao h regroup free the of -algebra N G BS96 nlgu rbe o the for problem analogous k ≤ ∈ a atclrync struc- nice particularly a has ,wopoe httefunc- the that proved who ], eeaosfor generators 1 WAOŁWR GAL R. SWIATOSŁAW ´ S , , ) BGM18 . hwtecompletely the show o roi nlssand analysis armonic BS03 q + n loother also and ] ]. q , − − − the f We . 1 1 ≤ ≤ Coxeter q q ≤ ≤ F 1 N 1 , 2 M.BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL

(II) they are not (generically) invariant by conjugation. Functions on a group G which are invariant by conjugation are called central (also known as class functions). In his seminal work Thoma [Tho64] defined characters as positive def- inite, central functions on a group G normalized to take value 1 at the identity of the group. Extreme characters are extreme points in the set of all characters and they play a promi- nent role in asymptotic and specifically in the representation theory of infinite dimensional groups developed independently by Thoma [Tho64] in the case of the infinite symmetric group S and Voiculescu [Voi74, Voi76] in the case of infinite di- mensional Lie groups U( ),SO∞( ),Sp( ). When G is compact (e.g. finite) the extreme characters correspond to normalized∞ ∞ traces∞ of the irreducible representations, but when G is infinite dimensional, the conventional representation theory of irreducible characters does not work well and the ideas of Thoma and Voiculescu have laid the foundations for the new and quickly developing field of asymptotic representation theory. This new area of research natu- rally linked representation theory with harmonic analysis, the theory of symmetric functions, probability theory, random matrix theory and mathematical physics (see [Ker03, BO17, M17´ ] for the development of the asymptotic representation theory of Sn and S with their wide ∞ applications). The most natural way to modify the Coxeter function g qℓS(g) in order to → obtain its analog which is central on G is to replace the Coxeter length ℓS by the reflection length ℓ , i.e. the minimal number of reflections that we need to use to decompose g as their product R

1 ℓ (g) = min(k : r1 rk = g,r1,...,rk := gsg− : s S,g G ). R ··· ∈ R { ∈ ∈ } The reflection length and factorizations into reflections in general are ubiquitous in the enu- merative problems of finite Coxeter groups, or more generally (well-generated) complex re- flection groups [Hur91, Loo74, Bes15]. In the case of the infinite symmetric group S , ∞ which is the inductive limit of the ascending tower of the symmetric groups S1 < S2 < ℓR(g) 1 ··· one can show that the reflection function g q is a character of S for q− Z. This is a straightforward consequence of the description→ of the Thoma simplex∞ given by∈ Vershik and Kerov [VK81] – in this case its restriction to the finite symmetric group Sn gives the normalized trace of the natural action of the symmetric group on n tensor copies af an N- dimensional vector space appearing in the classical construction of Schur–Weyl. Bozejko˙ and Guta [BG02] used this positive definite function to construct a white noise functor and also to obtain certain “exclusion principle” of the operator counting the number of one-particle f- states. It is interesting to ask whether these are the only parameters q for which the reflection function is a character. The answer for this question is affirmative1 (after adding the point q =0), which shows that the properties (I), (II) of the Coxeter function seem to be correlated. In particular positive definiteness of the reflection function is a different and complicated problem, strongly dependent on the choice of the underlying group. In this paper we generalize the notion of the reflection function in the case of the Coxeter group of type B, that is the hyperoctahedral group B(n), by introducing its two-parameter version. In contrast to type A, where all the reflections are conjugated, there are two con- jugacy classes of reflections in Coxeter groups of type B and we can refine the reflection function by introducing the signed reflection function which distinguishes short and long

1this is not discussed in the work of Bozejko˙ and Guta [BG02], but it can be shown by the same methods as we are using in this paper to prove our main theorem - see Remark 3.5. POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 3 reflections appearing in the factorization of a given element (see Definition 2.2 for the defini- tions):

ℓR+(g) ℓR−(g) σq+,q− (g) := q+ q . − It is clear that this is a two-parameter refinement of the reflection function, which can be obtained by the substitution q+ = q = q. We prove in Section 2 that the signed reflection − function is central on the hyperoctahedral group for any value of q+, q C and all orders n 0, thus it gives rise to a central function on the infinite group −B∈( ), which is the inductive≥ limit of the ascending tower of the hyperoctahedral groups B(1)∞< B(2) < . Our main theorem, proved in Section 3, gives the complete characterization of the set··· of parameters q+, q for which the signed reflection function is positive definite. −

Theorem 1.1. Let q+, q C. The following conditions are equivalent: − ∈ C (i) The signed reflection function φq+,q− : B( ) is positive definite on B( ); ∞ → C ∞ (ii) The signed reflection function φq+,q− : B( ) is a character of B( ); (iii) The signed reflection function φ : B(∞) → C is an extreme character∞ of B( ); q+,q− ∞ → ∞ ǫ M N (iv) q+ = , q = − for M, N N, M + N =0, ǫ 1, 1 or M+N − M+N ∈ 6 ∈{ − } q+ =0, 1 q 1. − ≤ − ≤ Note that the set of parameters for which the signed reflection function is positive definite is a discrete set (except the degenerate case q+ =0), which confirms that the behaviour of the reflection function is very different to its Coxeter counterpart and that the properties (I) and (II) are correlated. Another difference is visible in the strong correlation the parameters q+ and q , while the parameters in the multivariate versions of the Coxeter function studied in [BS03−, BGM18] can take any value in the interval [ 1, 1] independently. The methods used in the previously mentioned works on the Coxeter functions− are not applicable here and our approach is based on the connection between the representation theory of the hyperoctahedral group and symmetric functions. We prove that the Frobenius formula for the hyperoctahedral group expressed in terms of symmetric functions provides the full information on the expan- sion of the signed reflection function into normalized irreducible characters. Additionally, for the parameters N,M,ǫ and the associated parameters q+, q described in Theorem 1.1 we construct an explicit action of the hyperoctahedral group B(−n) on the tensor product of n copies of the N + M-dimensional space V , whose normalized character is given by the signed reflection function φq+,q− . This action gives a representation which is a two-parameter analog of the construction of Schur-Weyl. In Section 4 we describe various applications of our main theorem in theory of operator algebras and probability theory: we start by constructing a cyclic Fock space of type B and proving in Theorem 4.5 that it admits a new cyclic commutation relation of type B: b b q+,q− (x y) q∗ ,q− (ξ η)= x, ξ y, η id +q x, η y,ξ id +Γq+ ( ξ x η y ), ⊗ + ⊗ h ih i −h ih i | ih |⊗| ih | where b (x y) and b∗ (ξ η) are the annihilation and creation operators deformed by q+,q− ⊗ q+,q− ⊗ the use of the signed reflection function φq+,q− and Γq+ is the differential second quantisation operator (see Section 4.1 for the precise definitions). In Section 4.1.1 we deduce the analog of the Pauli exclusion principle on this space. These results extend the previous work of Bozejko˙ and Guta [BG02] in Coxeter groups of type A to type B and refine it by introducing two parameters q+, q . Note that the different constructions for type B were presented in [BEH15, BEH17], where− the role of the signed reflection function was played by the Coxeter 4 M.BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL function, which is not a character of B( ). In Section 4.2 we introduce the notion of positive and negative cycles on the set of generalized∞ symmetric pair-partitions, which share many similarities with the partitions of type B introduced by Reiner [Rei97]. We find the explicit formula (Theorem 4.15) for the moments of the generalized cyclic Gaussian operator of type B that we introduce in Section 4.3. This formula is an analog of the Wick-type formula for Coxeter groups of type B and is naturally expressed in terms of the combinatorial statistic on the set of positive and negative cycles, developed in Section 4.2. We show that the probability distribution µq+,q− of the cyclic Gaussian operator of type B with respect to the vacuum state is strictly related to the Askey–Wimp–Kerov distribution (Theorem 4.17) and the associated Hermite polynomials:

tHn(t)= Hn+1(t)+(n + c)Hn 1(t), n =0, 1, 2,..., H 1(t)=0,H0(t)=1. − −

It is known [BBLS11] that the Askey–Wimp–Kerov distribution νc is freely infinitely di- visible for c [ 1, 0]. Our work might shed new light on this phenomenon. We use the connection between∈ − the moments of the cyclic Gaussian operator of type B and the moments of the Askey–Wimp–Kerov distribution to show that the bivariate generating function of the symmetric pair-partitions (which distinguishes negative and positive cycles) specializes to the moments of the classical probability measures. In particular, this gives new combinatorial in- 2n 2n (2n)! terpretations of the classical sequences n+1 n and n! and their deformations with respect to certain combinatorial statistics. Finally, we discuss the analogous problem for Coxeter groups of type D and we show that it can be obtained as a special case of our main result. In particular, we classify the positive-definite reflection functions for all the irreducible infinite Coxeter groups of Weyl type.

2. COXETER GROUPS OF TYPE B/C 2.1. Preliminaries on Coxeter groups of type B/C. General Coxeter system (W, S) is de- fined as a group W with chosen set S of generators such that W can be presented, with help of auxiliary symmetric function m: S S N satisfying mst = 1 if and only if s = t, as × → ∪ {∞} W = S (st)mst for m < . h | st ∞i Elements conjugated to the generators are called reflections. Two generators s and t are conjugated if an only if there exists a sequence of generators s = s1,...,sn = t such that all msisi+1 are odd. The main example for this paper is the hyperoctahedral group B(n), which is the group of symmetries of the n-dimensional hypercube. It is a finite real reflection group of type B/C and rank n generated by reflections s0,...,sn 1 where s0 reflects in the plane x1 = 1 and, − for i> 0, si reflects in the plane xi = xi+1. In terms of Coxeter groups it is defined with help of the function

1 if i = j 0,...,n 1 , ∈{ − } 2 if i j > 1, msisj = | − | 4 if i, j = 0, 1 ,  { } { } 3 otherwise.  The Coxeter diagram for B(n) is described in Fig. 1. POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 5

s s s s 0 1 2 ... n ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Figure 1. Coxeter diagram for B(n).

One can also define the group B(n) as wreath product Z2 Sn with multiplication given by ≀

(g ,...,g ; σ) (g′ ,...,g′ ; σ′)=(g g′ −1 ,...,g g′ −1 ; σσ′), 1 n · 1 n 1 σ (1) n σ (n) where g ,g′ 1, 1 , σ, σ′ S . We refer to this presentation as the signed model. i i ∈{ − } ∈ n In this model s0 corresponds to (( 1, 1,..., 1), id) and si corresponds to ((1,..., 1), (i i+ 1)). − Denote by [ n] the set of integers n, . . . , 1, 1 ...,n . The hyperoctahedral group B(n) ± { } can be also realised as the group of permutations σ of the set [ n] such that σ(i) = σ(i) ± for any i [ n] (with the convention that i = i). These are precisely parmutations of [ n] which commute∈ ± with the involution (nn) (11). We will refer to this realization as±the permutation model. ··· Example 1. Let σ = (124)(124)(3535)(6)(6) B(6) be an element of the hyperoctahedral group B(6) considered as a permutation. Note∈ that this element is uniquely determined by the word w(σ) := (σ(1), σ(2), σ(3), σ(4), σ(5), σ(6)) = (2, 4, 5, 1, 3, 6). This word is uniquely determined by the permutation 123456 123456 w+(σ) := σ(1) σ(2) σ(3) σ(4) σ(5) σ(6) = 245136 = (124)(35)(6) | | | | | | | | | | | | and by the sequence of signs (sgn(1) in w(σ),...,sgn(6) in w(σ)) = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1). Here − − − 1 if i 1, 2 ...,n , sgn(i)= ∈{ } 1 if i 1, 2 ..., n , (− ∈{ } and :[ n] [n] is the absolute value with the obvious definition. Therefore the associated |·| ± → element in Z2 S6 is given by (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; (124)(35)(6)). This procedure adapted for arbitrary n≀gives an isomorphism− between− − the permutation model and the signed model. 2.2. Conjugacy classes. A partition ρ of size n, where n is a non-negative integer (also denoted ρ = n or ρ n) is a non-increasing sequence (ρ1,...,ρℓ) of integers which sum up to n: | | ⊢

ρi = n. i X The integer ℓ is called the length of the partition ρ and it is denoted by ℓ(ρ). There is a unique partition ρ = of size 0 by convention. ∅ + The conjugacy classes of B(n) are naturally identified with pairs of partitions (ρ , ρ−) of total size at most n, where the first partition ρ+ has no parts equal to 1, i.e. + + + (2) ρ + ρ− n; ρ > 1 for i =1,...,ℓ(ρ ). | | | | ≤ i Remark 2.1. Note that these partitions are in a natural bijection with the set of pairs of + + + partitions (ρ , ρ−) of total size equal to n. Indeed, if ρ˜ is obtained from ρ by removing + all its parts equal to 1, then the pair (˜ρ , ρ−) satisfies the conditions Eq. (2). This is clearly 6 M.BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL

+ invertible and for every pair of partitions (ρ , ρ−) which satisfies Eq. (2) there is a unique way of adding an appropriate number of parts equal to 1 to ρ+ to obtain a pair of partitions of total size equal to n.

This identification is given by the following procedure. For each element (g1,...,gn; σ) B(n) we write σ = c c as the product of disjoint cycles (fix-points of σ do not appear in∈ 1 ··· ℓ this decomposition). For any cycle c =(a1,...,ak) we define sgn(c) := g g = 1. a1 ··· ak ± Then ρ+ is the partition given by the lengths of positive cycles c : i [ℓ], sgn(c )=1 { i ∈ i } and ρ− is the partition given by the lengths of negative cycles c : i [ℓ], sgn(c )= 1 . { i ∈ i − } + In the permutation model the pair of partitions (ρ , ρ−) can be understood as follows. Let σ B(n) be presented as a product of disjoint cycles σ = c1 ck (here, as before, fix-points∈ do not appear as cycles in the decomposition). For any i··· [k] consider a cy- ∈ cle i i , where i i . Then either is disjoint with (and we ci := (a1 aki ) ci = (a1 aki ) ci ci ··· ··· + call it a positive cycle) or ci = ci (and we call it a negative cycle). Let ρ˜ denote the partition of lengths of positive cycles and ρ˜− denote the partition of lengths of negative + + + + + cycles. Note that ρ˜ is necessarily of the form (ρ1 , ρ1 ,...,ρℓ , ρℓ ) and ρ˜− is necessarily + + + of the form (2ρ1−,..., 2ρℓ−′ ). Then the pair (ρ+, ρ ) is given by ρ = (ρ1 ,...,ρℓ ) and − ρ− =(ρ1−,...,ρℓ−′ ). We denote by ρ+,ρ− the conjugacy class associated with the pair (ρ+, ρ ). C − Example 2. We continue with Example 1

σ = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; (124)(35)(6)) + − B(6), − − − ∈ Cρ ,ρ ⊂ + where ρ = (3), ρ− = (2). Using different presentation we have

σ = (124)(124)(3535), which consists of one pair of positive cycles (124)(124) of length 3 and one negative cycle (3535) of length 4=2 2. · 2.3. Central functions. A function φ : G C on a group G is central if it is conjugacy invariant → 1 φ(g)= φ(hgh− ) for any g, h G. ∈ In particular φ is fixed on the conjugacy classes. For a Coxeter group (G,S) and an element g G we denote by ℓ (g) its reflection length, i.e. the minimal number of reflections that we need∈ to use to decomposeR g as their product

1 ℓ (g) = min(k : r1 rk = g,r1,...,rk := gsg− : s S,g G ). R ··· ∈ R { ∈ ∈ } The set of reflections in the symmetric group Sn is given by all the transpositions, and for a permutation σ Sn its reflection length ℓ (σ) is naturally expressed in terms of lengths of ∈ R POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 7 cycles of σ. Indeed, let ρ n be a partition whose parts are equal to lengths of cycles in σ. Then ⊢ ℓ(ρ)

(3) ℓ (σ)= (ρi 1) = ρ ℓ(ρ) =: ρ . R − | | − k k i=1 X A similar formula holds true for the hyperoctahedral group. The set of reflections in R B(n) consists of two conjugacy classes + and that we will call long reflections, and short reflections, respectively. These namesR reflectsR the− fact that the corresponding roots have length √2 in tha case of + and 1 in the case of . In the signed model these reflections are given by R R−

j = (1,..., 1, ǫ, 1,..., 1, ǫ, 1,..., 1;(i, j)): ǫ = 1, 1 i < j n , R+ { ± ≤ ≤ } z i }| { = (1,..., 1, 1, 1,..., 1; id): i [n] , R− { | {z }− ∈ } i and in the permutation model by | {z }

= (ij)(ij): i, j [ n], i = j R+ { ∈ ± | | 6 | |} = (ii): 1 i n . R− { ≤ ≤ } It is easy to see that we need at least k 1 reflections r1,...,rk 1 to express a positive cycle − − c+ B(n) of length k (in the signed model) as their product c+ = r1 rk 1. Similarly, ∈ ··· − we need at least k reflections r1,...,rk to write a negative cycle c B(n) of length k as a − ∈ product c = r1 rk. In particular, the reflection length of σ is given by − ··· ℓ(ρ+) ℓ(ρ−) + + ℓ (σ)= (ρi 1) + (ρi−)= ρ + ρ− , R − k k | | i=1 i=1 X X + where ρ and ρ− list the lengths of positive and negative cycles in σ, i.e. σ ρ+,ρ− . In the case of the hyperoctahedral group B(n) the notion of long and∈ short C reflections suggests the possibility of extending the univariate central function σ qℓR(σ) to its bivariate ℓR+ (σ) ℓR− (σ) → refinement σ q+ q defined as follows. Suppose that→ σ B(−n) is expressed as a product of reflections, where the number of reflections is minimal:∈ (4) σ = r r , r , 1 ··· k i ∈ R Then, we would like to set

ℓ + (σ)= The number of long reflections ri, 1 i k R ≤ ≤ appearing in the factorization Eq. (4),

ℓ − (σ)= The number of short reflections ri, 1 i k R ≤ ≤ appearing in the factorization Eq. (4).

The problem is that the functions ℓ + ,ℓ − are not well-defined, since the number of long/short reflections appearing in theR minimalR factorization Eq. (4) is not an invariant of 8 M.BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL the factorization. The minimal example to see this can be already realized in B(2), where the element ( 1, 1; id) (or the corresponding element (11)(22) in the permutation model) can be expressed− as− the product of two negative reflections ( 1, 1; id) = (1, 1; id) ( 1, 1; id); (11)(22) = (11) (22), − − − · − · but also as the product of two long reflections ( 1, 1; id) = ( 1, 1; (12)) (1, 1;(12)); (11)(22) = (12)(12) (12)(12). − − − − · · In fact, it can be proved that the definition Eq. (5) does not depend on the choice of the factorization Eq. (4) if and only if σ contains at most one negative cycle, which is the con- sequence of the work [BGRW17]. Nevertheless, there is a way to correct the definition of

ℓ + (σ),ℓ − (σ) which allows us to introduce a bivariate central function on B(n) called the R R C signed reflection function φq+,q− : B(n) . Consider the permutation model of B(→n). We say that a factorization Eq. (4) of σ B(n) is minimal, non-mixing if: ∈ (F1) the number k of reflections is minimal, (F2) for each 1 i k the support of r belongs to a cycle of σ. In other terms the orbits ≤ ≤ i of the action of ri on [ n] form a sub-partition of the orbits of the action of σ on [ n] for each 1 i k. ± ± ≤ ≤ Definition 2.2. Let q+, q C be parameters, and let σ B(n). Let − ∈ ∈

ℓ + (σ)= The number of long reflections ri, 1 i k R ≤ ≤ appearing in the minimal, non-mixed factorization Eq. (4),

ℓ − (σ)= The number of short reflections ri, 1 i k R ≤ ≤ appearing in the minimal, non-mixed factorization Eq. (4). We define the signed reflection function φ : B(n) C by q+,q− → ℓR+ (σ) ℓR− (σ) (5) φq+,q− (σ) := q+ q . − It is clear (assuming that the minimal, non-mixing factorizations exist, which is proved in Proposition 2.3 and Lemma 2.4) that this function can be interpreted as a bivariate refinement of the reflection function. Indeed

ℓ + (σ)+ ℓ − (σ)= ℓ (σ) R R R ℓR(σ) so for q+ = q = q we recover the reflection length function φq+,q− (σ)= q . −

Proposition 2.3. The signed reflection function φq+,q− is central on B(n) and for the element + σ ρ+,ρ− of the conjugacy class associated with the pair (ρ , ρ−) it is given by the explicit formula:∈ C ρ+ + ρ− ℓ(ρ−) (6) φq+,q− (σ)= q+k k k kq . − Proof. We need to prove that ℓ + and ℓ − do not depend on the choice of the minimal, non- mixed factorization (4). StrictlyR from theR definition (non-mixing property (F2)), it is enough to prove the statement for the case when σ is a positive/negative cycle. Indeed, each pair of reflections in the factorization (4) whose support belong to different orbits of σ commutes, therefore the functions ℓ + ,ℓ − are additive with respect to the decomposition into disjoint cycles. Let σ denote theR minimalR number of transpositions to write σ as its product (so that k k POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 9

σ = ρ for the partition ρ which lists the lengths of cycles in σ, see Eq. (3)). For r + wek k havek kr =2 and for r we have r =1. ∈ R Supposek k that σ is a positive∈ R cycle− σ = ck kc, where c c = . Then σ = 2 c , so that ℓ (σ)= c implies that in the minimal, non-mixed· factorization∩ ∅ of σ allk thek reflectionsk k are R k k long and each such a factorization is of the form ri = τi τi, where τ1 τk = c is a minimal factorization of c as a product of transpositions. · ··· c +1 k k Suppose that σ is a negative cycle σ = c = c. Then σ is odd, so that ℓ (σ) 2 and when the equality holds then either k k R ≤ c +1 ℓ + (σ)= k k and ℓ − (σ)=0 R 2 R or c 1 ℓ + (σ)= k k − and ℓ − (σ)=1. R 2 R We claim that for the non-mixed factorization the first case is impossible. Indeed, if c =1, then c is a short reflection. Suppose that this hypothesis holds for all the negativek cyclesk c such that c < 2n +1 and let c = 2n +1. Let r be a long reflection whose support is a subsetk ofk the support of c. Thesek k are the only reflections which appear in the minimal, non-mixed factorization of c. Note that c r is the disjoint product of two positive cycles c ,c · 1 2 (possibly fix-points) and one negative cycle c′ such that c 2= c + c + c′ . Then, k k − k 1k k 2k k k by induction, ℓ − (c)=1 which finishes the proof. R + − Finally, for σ ρ ,ρ we will use the fact that the functions ℓ + ,ℓ − are additive with respect to the decomposition∈ C into disjoint cycles, so that R R

ℓ + (σ)= ρ+ + ρ , ℓ − (σ)= ℓ(ρ ). R k k k −k R − Therefore the formula Eq. (6) holds true and the signed reflection function is constant on the conjugacy classes, so it is central.  2.3.1. Factorization lemma. There is a natural embedding of B(n 1) into B(n), which implies that there exists a canonical choice of the minimal, non-mixing− factorization Eq. (4). We will describe it using the permutation model. Lemma 2.4. We have the following factorization of the signed reflection length: n + (7) φq+,q− (σ) σ = (1 + q+ Ji + q Ji−), · · − · σ B(n) i=1 ∈X Y where + Ji = (ji)(ji), Ji− =(ii). j [ (i 1)] ∈ X± − Proof. It is known that there exist unique left coset representatives w(j): j [ n] for B(n) B(n 1) with minimal lengths given by { ∈ ± } \ − id for j = n, (8) w(j)= (jn)(jn) for j [ (n 1)],  ∈ ± − (nn) for j = n. Let σ B(n 1) and consider three cases according to the Equation (8). Obviously, in the  first situation∈ one− has φ (id σ)= φ (σ). Suppose that j [ (n 1)]. If j belongs to q+,q− · q+,q− ∈ ± − a positive cycle c of σ or j is a fix-point of σ and c = id then (jn)(jn) c is a positive cycle · 10 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL of (jn)(jn) σ of length increased by one. Similarly, if j belongs to a negative cycle c of σ then (jn)(jn·) c is a negative cycle of (jn)(jn) σ of length increased by one. In both cases · · φ ((jn)(jn) σ)= q φ (σ). q+,q− · + q+,q−  In the third situation we have φq+,q− ((nn) σ)= q φq+,q− (σ), which finishes the proof. · − · Remark 2.5. Note that this embedding gives rise to the ascending tower of groups: B(1) < B(2) < . . . , which allows to define the infinite group B( ) as the inductive limit of this tower. It is clear ∞ + that the conjugacy classes of B( ) are parametrized by pairs of partitions (ρ , ρ−) such that all parts of ρ+ are greater or∞ equal to two. In particular the signed reflection length φ can be naturally extended to the infinite hyperoctahedral group B( ) by using the q+,q− ∞ + − same definition as in equation (6) for σ ρ ,ρ B( ). Thus, φq+,q− is a central function on B( ). ∈ C ⊂ ∞ ∞ 2.4. Another view on non-mixing presentations. Note that, in case of a single positive cycle, any minimal presentation takes only long reflections while, for a negative cycle, a minimal presentation consists of long reflections and one short one. It is easy to see that a minimal presentation is non-mixing if and only if it contains the minimal number of long reflections (among all minimal presentations). It can be understood in the following way. Consider a natural map ϕ: B(n) A(n 1) between the groups of signed and unsigned permutations (since we would like→ to present− our results in a way that might be applied to other Coxeter groups we use standard notation A(n 1) for the Coxeter group of type A and − rank n 1 which is isomorphic with the permutation group Sn. It shall not be confused with the alternating− group i.e. the group of even permutations). It sends reflections from to R+ the reflections ′ of A(n 1) and reflections from to the identity. Both groups carry − R − ′ R ′ their reflection lengths ℓ and ℓ respectively. Then ℓ + (σ) = ℓ (ϕ(σ)) and ℓ − (σ) = R R R R R ℓ (σ) ℓ ′ (ϕ(σ)). R − R Let (W, S) be an arbitrary Coxeter system and assume that S is partitioned as S = S′ S′′ ∪ in such a way that m ′ ′′ is even for all s′ S′ and s′′ S′′ (that is no element of S′ is s s ∈ ∈ conjugated to an element of S′′). Then there is a natural map ϕ: W W ′ between the → Coxeter groups W and W ′, where W ′ is the group generated by S′. This map sends S′ into itself and S′′ into the identity. Given w W let ℓ (w) define the length of w with respect to ∈ R the reflections of W and ℓ ′ (w) define the length of ϕ(w) with respect to the reflections of R W ′ (which are the same as reflections in W that belong to WS′ [Gal05, Corollary 1.4]).

Question 2.6. Is it true that ℓ ′ (w) equals the minimal number of reflections conjugated to R elements of S′ among all minimal presentations of w as a product of reflections?

3. THE SIGNED REFLECTION FUNCTION AND THE REPRESENTATION THEORY OF B( ) ∞ In this section we will present our main result which gives a complete characterization of the parameters q+, q C for which the signed reflection function is positive definite on − ∈ B( ). Since φq+,q− is central it means that we classify when the signed reflection function is a character∞ of B( ). We also find the corresponding points in the Thoma simplex of B( ). Finally, we provide∞ an explicit construction of the representations which realize the character∞

φq+,q− , generalizing the Schur-Weyl construction. POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 11

3.1. Characters. A function φ: G C is positive definite if for any number k Z>0 and any z ,...,z C, g ,...,g G we→ have ∈ 1 k ∈ 1 k ∈ k 1 z z φ(g− g ) 0. i j j i ≥ i,j=1 X Note that the representation theory of a finite group G can be described by central, positive definite functions. Lemma 3.1 below is well known (see for instance [BO17] for the proof), and it gives a correspondence between normalized central positive definite functions on G and probability measures on the space G of its irreducible representations. This is an analogy to the classical Bochner theorem which gives a correspondence between normalized continuous positive definite functions on R andb probability measures on R. Lemma 3.1. Let G be a finite group and f : G C be a central, normalized function. The function f is positive definite if and only if it→ is a convex combination of normalized characters of irreducible representations of G. When G is infinite its irreducible representations might be infinite dimensional therefore the definition of characters as traces do not apply here. Motivated by Lemma 3.1 it turns out that the definition of characters which plays the essential role in the representation theory of infinite groups should be modified as follows. Definition 3.2. Let G be an arbitrary group. A character φ: G C is a central, positive- definite function which takes value 1 on the identity. →

Our main theorem gives a classification of the values q+, q for which the signed reflection function φ : B( ) C is a character of B( ). − q+,q− ∞ → ∞ Theorem 3.3. Let q+, q C. The following conditions are equivalent: − ∈ C (i) The signed reflection function φq+,q− : B( ) is positive definite on B( ); ∞ → C ∞ (ii) The signed reflection function φq+,q− : B( ) is a character of B( ); ǫ M N N ∞ → ∞ (iii) q+ = M+N , q = M−+N for M, N , M + N = 0, ǫ 1, 1 or q+ = 0, 1 q 1. − ∈ 6 ∈ { − } − ≤ − ≤ Moreover, when these conditions are satisfied and q+ = 0, the signed reflection function restricted to B(n) is a normalized character of the explicitly6 constructed unitary representa- tion, generalizing the Schur-Weyl construction. Before we prove our main theorem we quickly recall some information about the repre- sentation theory of the hyperoctahedral group B(n); this information will be a necessary tool in our proof of Theorem 3.3.

3.2. Representation theory of the hyperoctahedral group. The irreducible representa- + + tions of B(n) are parametrized by pairs of partitions (λ ,λ−) such that λ + λ− = n. | [| | | We denote by χ(λ+,λ−) the trace of the irreducible representation ρ(λ+,λ−) B(n) associated + ∈ with the pair (λ ,λ−). The irreducible characters χ(λ+,λ−) are central on B(n) and we denote + by χ(λ+,λ−)(ρ , ρ−) the value of χ(λ+,λ−) on the conjugacy class ρ+,ρ− B(n). Here, we use the convention that the conjugacy classes of B(n) are parametrizedC by⊂ pairs of partitions of total size n, so that some parts of ρ+ might be equal to 1 (see Remark 2.1). 12 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL

q+ q+

1 1 M M N N 1 1 − − q q − −

1 1 M M N N 1 1 − −

Figure 2. Relation between q+, q and M, N. In the left hand side we fix ǫ =1, N =4 and we look at the evolution− of M and in the right hand side we fix ǫ = 1, M =2 and we look at the evolution of N. − Following [Poi98] we are going to relate the representation theory of B(n) with the theory of symmetric functions. We denote by x (y respectively) the infinite alphabet x1, x2 ... (y ,y ... ). Let ǫ +, and let 1 2 ∈{ −} ǫ k k pk(x, y) := xi + ǫ yi . i 1 i 1 X≥ X≥ Finally, for a partition ρ we define ℓ(ρ) ǫ x y ǫ x y pρ( , ) := pρi ( , ) i=1 + Y and for a pair of partitions (ρ , ρ−) we set + − p(ρ+,ρ )(x, y) := pρ+ (x, y)pρ−− (x, y).

Let sλ(x) denote the Schur symmetric function in the infinite alphabet x =(x1, x2,... ). We use the following Frobenius formula for the direct calculation of p(ρ+,ρ−)(x, y) in terms of irreducible characters χ(λ+,λ−). + Lemma 3.4 (Frobenius formula, [Poi98]). For any pair of partitions (ρ , ρ−) of total size equal to n we have the following equality: + (9) p(ρ+,ρ−)(x, y)= χ(λ+,λ−)(ρ , ρ−)sλ+ (x)sλ− (y). (λ+,λ−) Bˆ(n) X∈ 3.3. Proof of the main result. We are ready to prove Theorem 3.3.

Proof of Theorem 3.3. The signed reflection function is normalized φq+q− (id) = 1, there- fore it is clear from Definition 3.2 and from Remark 2.5 that the conditions (i) and (ii) are equivalent. POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 13

We will now prove that (i) (iii). The signed reflection length φq+,q− is positive definite on B( ) if and only if it is positive⇔ definite on B(n) for each n. Fix two positive integers N, M ∞Z , set ∈ >0 1 if i M, 1 if i N, xi = ≤ yi = ≤ (0 otherwise; (0 otherwise; and plug these families (x, y) into (9). We obtain the following equality

n ρ+ ρ− ℓ(ρ−) (N + M) −k k−| |(M N) = − + χ(λ+,λ−)(ρ , ρ−) sλ+ (1,..., 1, 0 ... )sλ− (1,..., 1, 0 ... ) . b · (λ+,λ−) B(n)  M N  X∈ We use the classical content-formula for Schur polynomials| {z } (see for| instance{z } [Sta99]) N sλ(1 )= (N + c()),  λ Y∈ where c() := x y is the content of the box  = (x, y). Plugging it into the previous identity we obtain −

n ρ+ ρ− ℓ(ρ−) (N + M) −k k−| |(M N) = − +   (10) χ(λ+,λ−)(ρ , ρ−) (M + c( )) (N + c( )). b + − (λ+,λ−) B(n)  λ  λ X∈ Y∈ Y∈ Note that the left and the right hand sides of (10) are both polynomials in N, M which are equal on the grid Z>0 Z>0. Therefore equality (10) holds true for any real parameters R × 1 1 N, M . Using the following change of variables q+− = N + M, q+− q = M N we obtain ∈ − − 1+ q 1 q + −  −  − (11) φq+,q− = χ(λ ,λ ) q+c( )+ q+c( )+ − . 2 − 2 (λ+,λ−) Bb(n)  λ+    λ   X∈ Y∈ Y∈

This in conjunction with Lemma 3.1 gives a sufficient and necessary condition for φq+,q− to be positive definite: 1+ q 1 q q c()+ − q c()+ − − 0 + 2 + 2 ≥  λ    µ   Y∈ Y∈ for any partitions µ,λ. This condition is satisfied only for q+, q as in our hypothesis, which finishes the proof of the equivalence (i) (iii). − ⇔ Suppose that the parameters q+, q are given by (iii). We will construct a representation − ωn of B(n) whose normalized character Tr ω ( ) n · : B(n) C Tr ωn(id) → coincides with the signed reflection function φ ( ): B(n) C. q+,q− · → 14 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL

Our construction generalizes the action of the symmetric group on the tensor product of a fixed vector space. Consider + + V = Span e ,...,e , e−,...,e− . { 1 M 1 N } The hyperoctahedral group B(n) acts on W := V V as follows ⊗···⊗ n

ρ+ + ρ− (g1,...,gn; σ) f1 fn := ǫk k |k kc{z1(fσ−1}(1)) cn(fσ−1(n)), · ⊗···⊗ ⊗···⊗ where c is an operator c : V V defined as: i i 7→ + f if f = ej , ci(f)= g f if f = e−, ( i · j and (g1,...,gn; σ) ρ+,ρ− . It is straightforward to check that this action extended by multilinearity defines∈ the C representation of B(n) on W . Let us compute the character of this representation. Pick an element g = (g ,...,g ; σ) + − B(n) and note that 1 n ∈ Cρ ,ρ ⊂ the only elementary tensors from W contributing to the trace of ωn(g) have necessarily the same vectors e in all the coordinates corresponding to the points in the same cycle of σ. Let us choose this vector equal to ej± for a fixed cycle c of length ℓ(c). Then, the eigenvalue contributing to this cycle is given by

ℓ(c) 1 ǫ − when c is a positive cycle, ℓ(c) 1 ǫ − when c is a negative cycle. (±· This means that ρ+ + ρ− n ρ+ ρ− ℓ(ρ−) Tr ω (g)= ǫk k k k(N + M) −k k−| |(M N) . n − Moreover the dimension of W is equal to (N +M)n, therefore we have the following formula

ρ+ + ρ− ℓ(ρ−) Tr ω (g) ǫ k k k k M N n = − = φ (g). Tr ω (id) N + M · N + M q+,q− n     

Remark 3.5. Note that the classical Frobenius formula relates the irreducible characters χλ of the symmetric group Sn with the Schur symmetric function sλ(x):

pµ(x)= χλ(µ)sλ(x). λ n X⊢ Using the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 3.3 one can apply the Frobenius formula to show that the reflection function g qℓS(g) on the infinite symmetric group S is positive 1 → ∞ definite if and only if q =0 or q− Z. ∈ 3.4. The signed reflection length and extreme characters of B( ). The set of characters of the group B( ) forms an infinite dimensional simplex. A character∞ φ : B( ) C is called extreme∞if it belongs to the extreme points of the simplex. Since any s∞implex→ is uniquely determined by its extreme points, the classification problem of the characters of B( ) reduces to the problem of characterizing the extreme characters. The classification of all∞ the extreme characters of the group B( ), which is a type B analog of the classical ∞ POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 15

Thoma’s theorem, was found by Hirai and Hirai [HH02]. They proved that the set of extreme characters of B( ) is parametrized by the following sequences: ∞ R α1 α2 ... ∞0, ≥ ≥ ∈ ≥ R β1 β2 ... ∞0, ≥ ≥ ∈ ≥ R γ1 γ2 ... ∞0, ≥ ≥ ∈ ≥ R δ1 δ2 ... ∞0, ≥ ≥ ∈ ≥ κ R such that ∈ α + β + γ + δ + κ = (α + β + γ + δ )+ κ 1. k k k k k k k k | | i i i i | | ≤ i 0 X≥ For any such sequences α,β,γ,δ,κ the value of the associated extreme character ψα,β,γ,δ,κ on the conjugacy class + − is given by the following formula: C(ρ ,ρ ) − + m1(ρ ) ψ (ρ , ρ−)=( α + β γ δ + κ) α,β,γ,δ,κ k k k k−k k−k k × × ǫ +, ∈{ −} Y ǫ mj (ρ ) ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ j j 1 j j j 1 j α +( 1) − β + ǫ γ + ǫ( 1) − δ . i − i i − i j=2 i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 ! Y X X X X

It is straightforward to check that the signed reflection function φq+,q− with parameters q+, q given by (iii) coincides with the extreme character of B( ) corresponding to the sequences− ∞ 1 1 α =( ,..., , 0 ... ), β =0, M + N M + N M 1 1 γ =(| ,...,{z }, 0 ... ), δ =0, κ =0 M + N M + N N 1 M N when q+ = , q =| − , {z } M+N − N+M 1 1 α =0, β =( ,..., , 0 ... ), M + N M + N M 1 1 γ =0, δ =( | ,...,{z }, 0 ... ), κ =0 M + N M + N N 1 M N when q+ = − , q = − , and| {z } M+N − N+M α = β = γ = δ =0, κ = q − when q+ =0, q 1. These considerations| −| ≤ in conjunction with Theorem 3.3 give directly Theorem 1.1.


In this section, we assume that the parameters q+ and q are as in Theorem 1.1. − 16 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL

4.1. Cyclic Fock space of type B. Let HR be a separable real Hilbert space and let H be its complexification with the inner product , linear on the right component and anti-linear on the left. The Hilbert space := H h· H·i is the complexification of its real subspace K ⊗ R := HR HR, with the inner product K ⊗ x y,ξ η = x, ξ y, η . h ⊗ ⊗ iK h ih i n n 2n We define n := H⊗ H⊗ = H⊗ and instead of indexing its simple tensors by 1,,..., 2nKwe will index⊗ them by [ n]: { } ± x x = x x x x = x x . Kn ∋ n ⊗ n n ⊗···⊗ 1 ⊗ 1 ⊗···⊗ n n ⊗···⊗ n We use this convention for indexing the elements of n to define a natural action of the hyperoctahedral group B(n) on by setting: K Kn σ : Kn →Kn x x x x x x x x . n ⊗···⊗ 1 ⊗ 1 ⊗···⊗ n 7→ σ(n) ⊗···⊗ σ(1) ⊗ σ(1) ⊗···⊗ σ(n) for any σ B(n). Let ( ) be the (algebraic) full Fock space over ∈ F K K ∞ ∞ 2n (12) ( ) := = H⊗ F K Kn n=0 n=0 M M 0 0 0 with the convention that ⊗ = H⊗ H⊗ = CΩ Ω is the one-dimensional normed space along the unit vector Ω KΩ. Note that⊗ elements of ⊗( ) are finite linear combinations of the 2n ⊗ F K elements from H⊗ , n N 0 and we do not take the completion. We equip ( ) with the inner product ∈ ∪{ } F K n x x x x ,y y y y := δ x ,y . h n ⊗···⊗ 1 ⊗ 1 ⊗···⊗ n m ⊗···⊗ 1 ⊗ 1 ⊗···⊗ mi0,0 m,n h i ii i=n Y For the parameters q+ and q described in Theorem 1.1 (iv) we define the symmetrization operators −

P (n) := φ (σ) σ, n 1, q+,q− q+,q− ≥ σ B(n) ∈X (0) ⊗0 ⊗0 Pq ,q− := idH H . + ⊗ Moreover let

∞ (n) Pq+,q− := Pq+,q− n=0 M be the cyclic type B symmetrization operator acting on the algebraic full Fock space. For xn xn n and ym ym m we deform the inner product , 0,0 by using the cyclic type⊗ B symmetrization∈ K operator:⊗ ∈ K h· ·i x x , y y := δ x x ,P (m) y y h n ⊗ n m ⊗ miq+,q− n,mh n ⊗ n q+,q− m ⊗ mi0,0 which by Theorem 1.1 is a semi-inner product from the positivity of Pq+,q− . For x H let n ∈ l(x) and r(x) be the free left and right annihilator operators on H⊗ , respectively, defined by POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 17 the equations

l∗(x)(x x ) := x x x , 1 ⊗···⊗ n ⊗ 1 ⊗···⊗ n l(x)(x x ) := x, x x x , 1 ⊗···⊗ n h 1i 2 ⊗···⊗ n r∗(x)(x x ) := x x x, 1 ⊗···⊗ n 1 ⊗···⊗ n ⊗ r(x)(x1 xn) := x, xn x1 xn 1, ⊗···⊗ h i ⊗···⊗ − where the adjoint is taken with respect to the free inner product. The left-right creation and annihilation operators b∗(x y), b(x y) on ( ) are defined by ⊗ ⊗ F K

b∗(x y)(x x ) := l∗(x)x r∗(y)x , b∗(x y)Ω Ω := x y, ⊗ n ⊗ n n ⊗ n ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ b(x y)(x x ) := l(x)x r(y)x , b(x y)Ω Ω := 0, ⊗ n ⊗ n n ⊗ n ⊗ ⊗ where x x , n 1. Then it holds that b∗(x y)∗ = b(x y) where the adjoint n ⊗ n ∈ Kn ≥ ⊗ ⊗ is taken with respect to , 0,0 and b∗ : B( ( )) is linear, but b : B( ( )) is anti-linear (here and throughouth· ·i the paperK → we willF useK the notation B(X)Kfor → the spaceF K of bounded operators on X).

Definition 4.1. Let q+ and q be as in Theorem 1.1 (iv). The algebraic full Fock space ( ) − F K equipped with the inner product , q+,q− is called the cyclic Fock space of type B and it is denoted by . For h· ·i we define b b and we q+,q− ( ) x y q∗+,q− (x y) := ∗(x y) F K b ⊗ ∈ K ⊗ ⊗ consider its adjoint operator q+,q− (x y) with respect to the inner product , q+,q− acting on the Hilbert space (note that⊗ a priori b might not beh· bounded).·i The q+,q− ( ) q∗+,q− (x y) operators b F andKb are called ⊗ q∗+,q− (x y) q+,q− (x y) cyclic creation and cyclic annihilation operators of type B.⊗ ⊗ The following proposition can be derived directly from Lemma 2.4. Proposition 4.2. We have the decomposition

(n) (n 1) (n) (13) P = id P − id R on , n 1, q+,q− ⊗ q+,q− ⊗ q+,q− Kn ≥ where 

(n) + (14) Rq ,q− = id +q Jn− + q+Jn . + − (n) Now, we can compute the annihilation operator in terms of Rq+,q− . Proposition 4.3. For n 1, we have ≥ (15) b (x y)= b(x y)R(n) on . q+,q− ⊗ ⊗ q+,q− Kn

Proof. Let f n 1,g n. Then ∈K − ∈K f, b (x y)g = b∗ (x y)f,g = b∗(x y)f,g h q+,q− ⊗ iq+,q− h q+,q− ⊗ iq+,q− h ⊗ iq+,q− (n) = b∗(x y)f,P g ⊗ q+,q− 0,0 (16) (n 1) (n) = b∗(x y)f, id P − id R g ⊗ ⊗ q+,q− ⊗ q+,q− 0,0 (n 1) (n) = f, b(x y) id P − id R g . ⊗ ⊗ q+,q− ⊗ q+,q− 0,0  18 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL

b (n 1) (n 1)b Observe that (x y)(id Pq ,q−− id)h = Pq ,q−− (x y)h for h and so we get ⊗ ⊗ + ⊗ + ⊗ ∈Kn b (n 1) (n) (n 1)b (n) f, (x y)(id Pq+,q−− id)Rq+,q− g = f,Pq+,q−− (x y)Rq+,q− g (17) ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ 0,0 ⊗ 0,0 b (n) = f, (x y)Rq ,q− g . ⊗ + q+,q−  In order to simplify the notation we define the operators

i(x y): n n 1 for i [ n] by J ⊗ K →K − ∈ ± x, xn y, xn (xn xn) i = n x x hx, x ihy, x iC((i, n⊗)(i, n)x x ) i [ (n 1)] n n  i i n n ⊗ 7→ hx, x ih y, xiC (x x ) ⊗ i ∈= n± −  h nih niC n ⊗ n where (xn xn)= xn 1 xn 1 and (x1 x1) = Ω Ω. C ⊗···⊗  − ⊗···⊗ − C ⊗ ⊗ Remark 4.4. By using the above notation we can decompose b (x y) as follows q+,q− ⊗ b (x y)= α (x y)+ β (x y)+ γ (x y), x y , q+,q− ⊗ 0 ⊗ q+ ⊗ q− ⊗ ⊗ ∈K where (18) α (x y)= 0 ⊗ Jn (19) β (x y)=q q+ ⊗ + Ji i [ (n 1)] ∈ ±X− (20) γq− (x y)=q n. ⊗ − J The second quantisation differential operator Γ (A B) is defined by the equation q+ ⊗ Γ (A B)x x = q x Ax Bx x q+ ⊗ n ⊗···⊗ n + n ⊗···⊗ i ⊗···⊗ i ⊗···⊗ n 1 i n X≤ ≤ +q x Bx Ax x + n ⊗···⊗ i ⊗···⊗ i ⊗···⊗ n 1 i n X≤ ≤ where A B B( ) and Γq+ Ω Ω=0. The above considerations provide a new commu- tation relation.⊗ ∈ K ⊗ Theorem 4.5. For x y,ξ η we have the cyclic commutation relation of type B ⊗ ⊗ ∈K b b (21) q+,q− (x y) q∗ ,q− (ξ η)= x, ξ y, η id+q x, η y,ξ id +Γq+ ( ξ x η y ), ⊗ + ⊗ h ih i −h ih i | ih |⊗| ih | where ξ x ( ) := x, ξ. We note that x x is the projection on the one dimensional space | ih | · h ·i | ih | spanned by x and Γ ( ξ x η y )= β (x y)b∗(ξ η). q+ | ih |⊗| ih | q+ ⊗ ⊗ 4.1.1. Exclusion principle. The Pauli exclusion principle is the quantum mechanical prin- ciple which states that two or more identical fermions cannot occupy the same quantum state within a quantum system simultaneously. We will explain that for q+ < 0 an exclu- sion principle is found allowing at most M identical particles on the same state x x, with x = 1. This might have some interest also from the physics point of view. First⊗ observe k k that b (x x)b∗ (x x) 0. Thus, Theorem 4.5 entails that q+,q− ⊗ q+,q− ⊗ ≥

(1 + q ) id + Γq+ ( x x x x ) 0. − | ih |⊗| ih | ≥ POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 19

2n 2n Computing (1 + q ) id +Γq+ ( x x x x ) x⊗ , x⊗ q+,q− we obtain that h − | ih |⊗| ih | i 1+ q q+2n. − ≥ − 1 M N We recall that q+ = − and q = − which gives the inequality M+N − M+N M n. ≥ We can also explain this phenomenon by using (13), namely 2n 2n 0 x⊗ , x⊗ ≤h iq+,q− 2n (n) 2n = x⊗ ,P x⊗ h q+,q− i0,0 2(n 1) (n 1) 2(n 1) = (1+2(n 1)q+ + q ) x⊗ − ,Pq ,q−− x⊗ − 0,0 − − h + i 2(n 1) 2(n 1) = (1+2(n 1)q+ + q ) x⊗ − , x⊗ − q+,q− . − − h i This gives us the inequality n < M +1, and consequently, we obtain n M. ≤ 4.2. Cycles on pair partitions of type B. Let S N be a finite subset. For an ordered set S, let (S) denote the lattice of set partitions of that⊆ set. For a partition π (S), we write B πP if B is a class of π and we say that B is a block of π. Any partition∈ P π defines an equivalence∈ relation on S, denoted by , such that the equivalence classes are the blocks ∼π of π. That is, i π j if i and j belong to the same block of π. A block of π is called a singleton if it consists∼ of one element. Similarly, a block of π is called a pair if it consists of two elements. (n) is a lattice under the refinement order, where the relation π ρ holds if every block of Pπ is contained in a block of ρ. ≤ A partition π is called noncrossing if different blocks do not interlace, i.e., there is no quadruple of elements i a; otherwise it is called negative. The subset of pair partitions of sym(n) is denoted by sym(n). P1,2 P2 sym Proposition 4.7. Let π 1,2 (n). There exists a unique non-crossing partition πˆ ([ n]) (n), such∈ P that ∈ N C1,2 ± ∩ P1,2 (a) the set of right legs of the positive pairs of π and πˆ coincide; (b) the set of left legs of the negative pairs of π and πˆ coincide; (c) pairs of πˆ do not cover singletons.

Proof. Notice that if σ 1,2([ n]) 1,2(n) then each block of σ is either contained in 1,...,n or in n, .∈ . . , N1 C. In particular± ∩ Pσ is completely determined by its restriction to n,{ . . . , 1 .} Take a{ non-crossing} partition π on n, . . . , 1 whose blocks are either pairs or singletons{ } and associate it with the Motzkin path,{ whose lef}t legs correspond to up steps, right legs correspond to down steps and singletons correspond to horizontal steps. We recall that a Motzkin path of length n is a path starting at (0, 0) and finishing in (n, 0) which never goes 20 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL below the horizontal and consists of three steps: the up step (1, 1), the down step (1, 1) and the horizontal step (1, 0). Notice that pairs do not cover singletons in this partition− if and only if all the horizontal steps in the associated Motzkin path lie on the horizontal axis. Pick a partition π sym(n) and associate with it a path with n steps by considering the set ∈ P1,2 n, . . . , 1 and placing an up step in the place of left legs of the negative pairs of π and down steps{ in the} other points of n, . . . , 1 . Notice that there is a unique way for replacing some of the down steps by horizontal{ steps} so that the resulting path is a Motzkin path with all the horizontal steps placed on the horizontal axis. Indeed, we successively change a down step into a horizontal step whenever we go below the horizontal axis. We consider the associated non-crossing partition of n, . . . , 1 , and by using the symmetry it uniquely determines a { } partition πˆ 1,2([ n]) 1,2(n) which has all the desired properties. This finishes the proof. ∈ N C ± ∩ P  Definition 4.8. For the pairs A, B of π, we say that A is connected with B if there exists a pair C πˆ such that ∈ A C = and B C = . ∩ 6 ∅ ∩ 6 ∅ We denote this equivalence relation by writing A B see Fig. 3. ∼ Remark 4.9. In the graphical presentation of the Definition 4.8 we will usually draw arcs of π above the points and πˆ below the points. From this definition, it also follows that A B A B, which shortens the notation in the next definition. ∼ ⇐⇒ ∼

(2, 4) (1, 3) by C = (2, 3) (3, 2) (2, 3) by C = (2, 3) ∼ ∼

4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ C C C C

Figure 3. Two examples of connected pairs. The bottom non-crossing parti- tions are the associated πˆ.

sym A cycle in π 1,2 (n) is a sequence of pairwise distinct pairs of π cyclically connected by πˆ, i.e.: ∈ P

(l1,r1) (l2,r2) (lm 1,rm 1) (lm,rm) (l1,r1). ∼ ∼···∼ − − ∼ ∼ Note that due to the symmetric nature of the considered partitions we distinguish two funda- mentally different kinds of cycles: positive and negative, which resemble the description of the cycles in the hyperoctahedral group. Definition 4.10. Let π and πˆ be as in Proposition 4.7. Suppose that

(⋆) (l1,r1) (l2,r2) (lm 1,rm 1) (lm,rm) (l1,r1) ∼ ∼···∼ − − ∼ ∼ is a cycle. There are two possibilities: either l ,r ...,l ,r l ,r ...,l ,r = , { 1 1 m m}∩{ 1 1 m m} ∅ POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 21 or l ,r ...,l ,r = l ,r ...,l ,r . { 1 1 m m} { 1 1 m m} In the first case, there exists the associated cycle

(rm, lm) (rm 1, lm 1) (r1, l1) (rm, lm) ∼ − − ∼···∼ ∼ and we call the pair of cycles

σ =(l1,r1,...,lm,rm)(rm, lm,..., r1, l1) + a positive cycle in π of length m. We will use the notation σ = (l1,r1,...,lm,rm) (or + σ = (rm, lm,..., r1, l1) ) to indicate positivity. In the second case the parameter m = 2m′ is necessarily even and due to symmetry this cycle has the following form

(⋆⋆) (l ,r ) (l ′ ,r ′ ) (r , l ) (r ′ , l ′ ) (l ,r ). 1 1 ∼···∼ m m ∼ 1 1 ∼···∼ m m ∼ 1 1 We call it a negative cycle in π of length m′ and we denote it σ = (l1,r1,...,lm′ ,rm′ )−. For a cycle σ of π (positive or negative) we denote its length by σ and by Cyc(π) the set of cycles of π. | |

lc(π)= ( σ 1) | | − σ Cyc(π) ∈X is the total length of cycles of π reduced by 1. Let c (π) be the number of negative cycles of π, see Fig. 4. −


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


+ + Cyc(π)= (1, 3, 2, 4) , (7, 9, 8, 10) , (5, 6)− { }

sym Figure 4. An example of a partition π 2 (10) with one negative and two positive cycles. ∈ P

Remark 4.11. 1). In the case of a positive cycle σ = (l1,r1)(r1, l1) it should be understood that the pairs (l1,r1), (r1, l1) lie in both partitions π and π.ˆ sym 2). Our definition of cycles in 2 (n) is quite similar to the definition of partitions of type B [Rei97, Section 2], but in ourP situation a zero block (which is invariant under the bar operation) does not necessarily exist. If some pairs are not connected cyclically, we call them semi-cycles. 22 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL

Definition 4.12. Let π and πˆ be as in Definition 4.8. Consider the set of pairs in π, which are not connected cyclically. This set is partitioned into chains of connected pairs: (l ,r ) (l ,r ) (l ,r ) 1 1 ∼···∼ m m 6∼ 1 1 where (l1,r1) is a negative pair, and by symmetry (r , l ) (r , l ) (r , l ). 1 1 ∼···∼ m m 6∼ 1 1 We say that + + σ = σ−σ =(cm, rm, lm,..., r1, l1)− (l1,r1,...,lm,rm,cm)

σ− σ+ is a semi-cycle of length m +1| in π, where{z (rm,cm})|, (cm, rm) {z πˆ (they exist} by Proposi- +∈ tion 4.7). Additionally, there are also semi-cycles σ = (k)−(k) in π of length 1 formed by singletons of π (with the convention k 1,...,n ). Similarly as for the cycles we denote the length of a semi-cycle σ by σ , the∈ set { of semi-cycles} by SemiCyc(π) and we introduce | | the total length lsc(π): l (π)= ( σ 1). sc | | − σ SemiCyc(π) ∈ X See Fig. 5 for an example of semi-cycles. The points cm, l1 (resp. cm, l1) are called the edges of the positive (and the negative, respectively) parts of a semi-cycle σ and they are denoted by c if f =+ l if f =+ l(σf )= m r(σf )= 1 cm if f = . l if f = .  −  1 −


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


+ + + SemiCyc(π)= (8, 9, 3, 4, 1)−(1, 4, 3, 9, 8) , (5, 6, 2)−(2, 6, 5) , (7)−(7) { }

Figure 5. The partition π has one semi-cycle σ1 of length 3 with the edges of l r the negative part (σ1−) = 8, (σ1−)=1, one semi-cycle σ2 of length 2 with l r the edges of the negative part (σ2−)= 5, (σ1−)= 2, and one semi-cycle σ3 of r length 1 with only one edge of the negative part (σ3−)= 7.

4.3. Gaussian operator. We construct generalized cyclic Gaussian operators of type B. They are given by the creation and annihilation operators on a cyclic Fock space of type B. We show that the distribution of these operators with respect to the vacuum expectation is a generalized Gaussian distribution, in the sense that all the moments can be calculated from the second moment by the explicit combinatorial formula. The operator

G(x)= b (x x)+ b∗ (x x), x R, q+,q− ⊗ q+,q− ⊗ ∈K POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 23 is called the cyclic Gaussian operator of type B. Given ǫ = (ǫ(1),...,ǫ(n)) 1, n, let sym(n) be the set of partitions π sym(n) such that ∈ { ∗} P1,2;ǫ ∈ P1,2 if (a, b) is a negative pair in π then ǫ( b )= , ǫ( a )=1, • if c is a singleton in π then ǫ( c )=| |. ∗ | | • { } | | ∗ Theorem 4.13. Let x x R for 1 i n. Then i ⊗ i ∈K ≤ ≤ (22) c l l bǫ(n) bǫ(1) −(π) c(π)+ sc(π) q ,q− (xn xn) ... q ,q− (x1 x1)Ω Ω= q q+ xi, xj + ⊗ + ⊗ ⊗ − h i π sym(n) i,j Pair(π) ∈PX1,2;ǫ { }∈Y

xl(σ±) . σ SemiCyc(π) ( )r(σ±) ∈ O Remark 4.14. 1). In the above formula we use the following bracket notation ⋆. It should be understood that the position of (in the tensor product) is ordered with respect{◦} to the ⋆. For example, for the partition as in◦ Fig. 5, we have

xl ± = x x x x x x . (σ ) 7 ⊗ 5 ⊗ 8 ⊗ 8 ⊗ 5 ⊗ 7 σ SemiCyc(π) ( )r(σ±) ∈ O 2). We denote by (A, B) the concatenation of the semi-cycles A and B.

Proof. The proof is by induction. When n = 1, b (x x )Ω Ω=0 and b∗ (x q+,q− 1 ⊗ 1 ⊗ q+,q− 1 ⊗ x1)Ω Ω = x1 x1. Suppose that the formula (22) is true for n = k 1 and for any ⊗ k 1 ⊗ bǫ(k) − ǫ 1, − . We will show that the action of q+,q− (xk xk) corresponds to the inductive pictorial∈ { ∗} description of set partitions, cycles and semi-cycles.⊗ sym From now on, we fix a partition π 1,2;ǫ(k 1) (then the associated non-crossing πˆ is ∈ P − + + + automatically defined) and suppose that π has the semi-cycles σ1−σ1 ,...,σi−σi ,...,σp−σp , + with lengths d1,...,dp and we assume that σp−σp is the most left-right semi-cycle i.e. r r + r r + (σi−) = (σi ) < (σp−) = (σp ) for all 1 i p 1. In this situation, the semi-cycles |contribute| | to the| tensor| product| | | ≤ ≤ −

g g (23) xl(σ−) r(σ−) xl f r f xl(σ ) r(σ ) xl(σ+) r(σ+), { p } p ⊗···⊗{ (σi )} (σi ) ⊗···⊗{ i } i ⊗···⊗{ p } p or

g g (24) xl(σ+) r(σ+) xl f r f xl(σ ) r(σ ) xl(σ−) r(σ−). { p } p ⊗···⊗{ (σi )} (σi ) ⊗···⊗{ i } i ⊗···⊗{ p } p where f = and g = f. For the reader it is convenient to visualize equations (23) and (24) as the following± diagrams−

...... (23), f = (23), f =+ (24), f = (24), f =+ . − − We understand that p = 0 when there is no semi-cycle. We will show that the action of bǫ(k) q+,q− (xk xk) corresponds to the inductive graphic description of set partitions and corre- sponding cycles⊗ semi-cycles. During this step, we create the new partition π˜ sym(k) and ∈ P1,2;ǫ π˜ˆ 1,2;ǫ([ k]). Note that when there are no semi-cycles, the arguments below can be modified∈ N C easily.± 24 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL

Case 1. If ǫ(k)= , then the operator b∗(x x ) acts on the tensor product (23)or(24), ∗ k ⊗ k putting xk on the right and xk on the left. This operation pictorially corresponds to adding the + sym semi-cycle (k)−(k) to π 1,2;ǫ(k 1), with length one. This map π π˜ does not change ∈ P − 7→ b the numbers c , lc or lsc, which is compatible with the fact that the action of ∗(xk xk) does not change the− coefficient. ⊗ b Case 2. Now we apply the operator (xk xk) on (23) and (24) with f = . In the figures below we will illustrate our proof with f =⊗ because the case f = + does± not introduce any new difficulty and is fully analogous. −

Consider the action of α0(xk xk) and γq− (xk xk). There are four cases during which we create cycles. ⊗ ⊗ Case 2a). Suppose that α (x x ) acts on the semi-cycle appearing at the edges vectors of 0 k ⊗ k the tensor product (23)byusing(18), which gives us the inner product + − . xk, xl(σp ) xk, xl(σp ) sym h ih i Pictorially this corresponds to getting a set partition π˜ 1,2;ǫ(k) by adding k and k to π and adding the pairs ∈ P l + l ( (σp ),k), (k, (σp−)) to π. This results in adding the pairs r + r ( (σp ),k), (k, (σp−)) to πˆ + + and creating the positive cycle (σp ,k) . Note that the above pairs create a closed cycle – + see Fig. 6 (a). We also remove the semi-cycle σp−σp . This new cycle has length dp and so increases the lc(˜π) by dp 1 and decreases the length of semi-cycle by dp because originally + − σ−σ was the semi-cycle of π. Altogether we have: lc(˜π) = lc(π) + d 1, l (˜π) = p p p − sc lsc(π) dp +1 and c (˜π) = c (π). So the exponent of q+ and q do not change, which is compatible− with the action− (18)− on the tensor (23). −

π (a) π˜

− − + + − − + + l(σp ) r(σp ) r(σp ) l(σp ) k l(σp ) r(σp ) r(σp ) l(σp ) k ...... 7−→

↓− ↓+ ↓− +↓ σp σp (k,σp ) (σp ,k)


π π˜

− + − + − + − + l(σp ) r(σp ) r(σp ) l(σp ) k l(σp ) r(σp ) r(σp ) l(σp ) k ...... 7−→

↓− ↓+ ↓+ −↓ σp σp (k,σp ) (σp ,k)

Figure 6. The visualization of the action of α (x x ) 0 k ⊗ k POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 25

Case 2b). In the next step, we have the analogous situation, with the case 2a) be- cause then α (x x ) acts on the tensor product (24), which gives us theinner product 0 k ⊗ k − + and we proceed as shown in the Fig. 6 by creating the positive xk, xl(σp ) xk, xl(σp ) (b) h ih+ + i cycle (k, σp ) . Case 2c). Suppose that γ (x x ) acts on the tensor product (23) by using (20), which q− k ⊗ k gives us the inner product xk, xl(σ−) xk, xl(σ+) with coefficient q . We create the negative p p − + h ih i cycle (k, σp )− by adding the pairs l l + r + r ( (σp−),k), (k, (σp )) to π and ( (σp ),k), (k, (σp−)) to π,ˆ which create a closed cycle – see Fig. 7 (a). Next, we count the change of the exponent of q+ similarly as in Case 2a, and get lc(˜π)= lc(π)+ dp 1, lsc(˜π)= lsc(π) dp +1. Moreover, the new negative cycle appears so that c (˜π)= c (π−)+1. Thus the exponent− of q increases by 1 which agrees with the action (20). − − −


π π˜

− − + + − − + + l(σp ) r(σp ) r(σp ) l(σp ) k l(σp ) r(σp ) r(σp ) l(σp ) k ...... 7−→

↓− ↓+ ↓+ − σp σp (k,σp )


π π˜

− + − + − + − + l(σp ) r(σp ) r(σp ) l(σp ) k l(σp ) r(σp ) r(σp ) l(σp ) k ...... 7−→

↓− ↓+ ↓− − σp σp (k,σp )

Figure 7. The visualization of the action of γq− (xk)

Case 2d). Suppose that γ (x x ) acts on the tensor product (24), which gives us q− k ⊗ k xk, xl(σ+) xk, xl(σ−) with coefficient q . This situation is fully analogous to the Case 2c) h p ih p i − and we proceed as shown in Fig. 7 (b) by creating the negative cycle (k, σp−)−.

Case 3. Finally we consider the action of βq+ (xk xk), which creates semi-cycles. In this case we have two situations but similarly as before,⊗ they are very similar to each other and we describe in details only the first one. 26 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL


... 7−→ ...

↓− ↓− ↓+ ↓+ ↓− − − + + ↓+ σp σi σi σp (σp ,k,σi ) (σi ,k,σp )


... 7−→ ...

↓− ↓− ↓+ ↓+ ↓− + − − + ↓+ σp σi σi σp (σp ,k,σi ) (σi ,k,σp )

Figure 8. The visualization of the action of βq+ (xk) on (23)

Case 3a). If β (x x ) acts on the tensor product (23) then there are 2(p 1) new terms q+ k ⊗ k − which appear in (19). The action on the ith term in the tensor product (23), for 1 i p 1 contributes to the ≤ ≤ −

(a) inner product xk, xl + x , xl − with coefficient q+ if we apply the action of h (σi )ih k (σi )i q ; +Ji (b) inner product xk, xl − x , xl + with coefficient q+ if we apply the action of h (σi )ih k (σi )i q ; +Ji sym Pictorially this corresponds to getting a set partition π˜ 1,2;ǫ(k) by adding k and k to π and creating the pairs ∈ P l + l (a) ( (σi ),k) and (k, (σi−)) in π˜; see Fig. 8 (a); l l + (b) ( (σi−),k) and (k, (σi )) in π˜; see Fig. 8 (b). r + r In the above situations we also add the pairs ( (σp ),k) and (k, (σp−)) to πˆ. These new pairs create a semi-cycle by connecting σi± and σp± through k or k as in Fig. 8 (a), (b). More + precisely the new semi-cycle is σ˜−σ˜ , where + + + r r l l (a) σ˜− =(σp−, k, σi−) and σ˜ =(σi ,k,σp ) with (˜σ±)= (σi±) and (˜σ±)= (σp±); + + + r r l l (b) σ˜− =(σp−, k, σi ) and σ˜ =(σi−,k,σp ) with (˜σ±)= (σi∓) and (˜σ±)= (σp±); We can analyze the change in the statistic generated by the new semi-cycle analogously to the previous cases and we see that the length of the new semi-cycle is d˜i = di + dp, which + + gives lsc(˜π) = lsc(π)+1. This is because we remove semi-cycles σi−σi and σp−σp from π, which have a contribution d + d 2 to l (π), and replace them by one semi-cycle which i p − sc has contribution di + dp 1 to lsc(˜π). The other statistics remain unchanged lc(˜π) = lc(π), c (˜π)= c (π), so the total− change of the coefficient appears only in increasing the exponent − − of q+ by 1 (see Fig. 8 (a) and (b)). This agrees with the action (19). Case 3b). In the last situation we apply equation (19)to(24) and we proceed as in Fig. 9 (a), (b). POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 27


... 7−→ ...

↓− ↓− ↓+ ↓+ ↓+ + + − − ↓− σp σi σi σp (σi ,k,σp ) (σp ,k,σi )


... 7−→ ...

↓− ↓− ↓+ ↓+ ↓− + + − + ↓− σp σi σi σp (σi ,k,σp ) (σp ,k,σi )

Figure 9. The visualization of the action of βq+ (xk) on (24)

r We emphasize that in all of the above steps (σp±) is the most right or left point representing vector in the tensor product (23) and (24). By using this point we create the partition π˜ˆ. This explains why π˜ˆ is non-crossing and don’t cover singletons. sym sym Note that as π runs over 1,2;ǫ(k 1), every set partition π˜ 1,2;ǫ(k) appears exactly once in one of the cases 2 or 3. ThereforeP − in Case 2 and Case 3, the∈ pic P torial inductive step and the b actual action of q+,q− (xk xk) both create the same terms with the same coefficients, and hence the formula (22) is true⊗ when n = k and ǫ(k)=1. Therefore the formula (22) holds for all n N by induction, which finishes the proof.  ∈

When equipped with the vacuum expectation state ϕ( )= Ω, Ω q+,q− the moments of the Gaussian operator can be expressed as cycles of type B.· h · i

Theorem 4.15. Suppose that x ,...,x HR, then 1 2n ∈ c−(π) lc (π) ϕ(G(x2n) ...G(x1)) = q q+ xi, xj − h i π sym(2n) i,j Pair(π) ∈PX2 { }∈Y c−(π) n c(π) = q q+− xi, xj , − h i π sym(2n) i,j Pair(π) ∈PX2 { }∈Y where c(π) is the number of cycles of π. Proof. The first equation is a direct consequence of (22) by taking the sum over all ǫ 2n ∈ 1, and SemiCyc(π) = . The second one follows from the observation that lc(π) = {π ∗}c(π). Indeed, the length∅ of each cycle can be represented as the number of pairs which create| | − it, and so

lc(π)= ( σ 1) = σ c(π)= n c(π). | | − | | − − σ Cyc(π) σ Cyc(π) ∈X ∈X  4.4. Orthogonal polynomials and bivariate generating functions. 28 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL

4.4.1. Orthogonal polynomials. For a probability measure µ with finite moments of all or- ders, let us orthogonalize the sequence (1, x, x2, x3,... ) in the Hilbert space L2(R,µ), fol- lowing the Gram-Schmidt method. This procedure yields orthogonal polynomials (Pn(t))n∞=0 with deg Pn(x)= n. Multiplyingby constants, we take Pn(x) to be monic, i.e., the coefficient of xn is 1. It is known that they satisfy a recurrence relation

(25) xPn(x)= Pn+1(x)+ βnPn(x)+ γn 1Pn 1(x), n =0, 1, 2,... − − with the convention that P 1(x)=0. The coefficients βn and γn are called Jacobi parameters and they satisfy β R and− γ 0. It is known that n ∈ n ≥ 2 (26) γ0 γn = Pn+1(x) µ(dx), n 0. ··· R | | ≥ Z Moreover, the measure µ has a finite support of cardinality N if and only if γn = 0 for n N 1 and γ > 0 for n =0,...,N 2 – see [Chi78]. ≥ − n − Let us recall here that for any c ( 1, ) the Askey-Wimp-Kerov distribution νc (see e.g. [AW84]or[Ker98, Section 8.4])∈ is− the measure∞ on R, with Lebesgue density

1 2 D c(ix) − x R, √2πΓ(c + 1)| − | ∈ where D c(z) is the solution to the differential Weber equation: − d2y 1 z2 + c y =0, dz2 2 − − 4   satisfying the initial conditions:

1 c/2 1 (c+1)/2 Γ 2 2− Γ 2 2− D c(0) = 1+c and D′ c(0) = − c . − Γ − Γ  2  2

When c> 0, the solution D c has the integral representation  − z2/4 e− ∞ xz c 1 x2/2 D c(z)= e− x − e− dx. − Γ(c) Z0 It was proved in [AW84] that for any c ( 1, ) the measure ν is a probability measure. ∈ − ∞ c The family (νc)c ( 1, ) can be extended continuously at c = 1 by defining ν 1 to be the ∈ − ∞ − − Dirac point mass δ0 at 0. The orthogonal polynomials (Hn(t))n∞=0, with respect to νc are called the associated Hermite polynomials and given by the recurrence relation:

tHn(t)= Hn+1(t)+(n + c)Hn 1(t), n =0, 1, 2,... − with H 1(t)=0,H0(t)=1. −

Remark 4.16. For any c [ 1, 0] the Askey–Wimp–Kerov distribution νc is freely infinitely divisible and freely selfdecomposable∈ − – see [BBLS11, Theorem 3.1] and [HSTr19, Theorem 3.3].

Let (Qn(t))n∞=0 be the family of orthogonal polynomials with the recursion relation Q 1(t)=0, Q0(t)=1 and − (27) tQn(t)= Qn+1(t)+ λ(n)Qn 1(t), n =0, 1, 2,... − POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 29 where 1+ q λ(n)=1+2(n 1)q+ + q =2q+(n + c), c = − 1. − − 2q+ −

Let µq+,q− be a probability measure associated with the orthogonal polynomials Qn(t). If 1 M N q+ > 0, then c = M 1 1, since q+ = and q = − . The above information − ≥ − M+N − M+N leads to the conclusion that the measure µq+,q− is the dilatation by √2q+ (for q+ > 0) of the Askey-Wimp-Kerov distribution 1+q− , with Lebesgue density ν 1 2q+ − 1 , x R. 1+q− ix 2 2 q πΓ D 1+q− ∈ √ + 2q+ +1 √2q+ | − 2q+ |   In the case q+ =0, we obtain a recursion of the orthogonal polynomials for the semi-circle distribution dilated by √1+ q i.e. µ0,q− i.e. − 1 4(1 + q ) x2, 2π(1 + q ) − − − p for x 2√1+ q . If q+ < 0, then by Section 4.1.1 we have λ(n) = 1+2(n 1)q++q > 0 for |n | ≤M and λ(−n)=0 for n > M, thus the measure is discrete. − − ≤ Theorem 4.17. Let x x R and x x =1. Let κ be the probability distribution ⊗ ∈K k ⊗ k q+,q− of G(x), with respect to the vacuum state. Then κq+,q− is equal to µq+,q− .

Proof. Let γn 1 =1+2q+(n 1)+ q , n =1, 2,..., then − − − n n 2 n n (n) n n x⊗ x⊗ = x⊗ x⊗ ,P x⊗ x⊗ k ⊗ kq+,q− h ⊗ q+,q− ⊗ i0,0 n n (n 1) (n) n n = x⊗ x⊗ , (I P − I)R x⊗ x⊗ . h ⊗ ⊗ q+,q− ⊗ q+,q− ⊗ i0,0

(n) n n n n Using the identity Rq+,q− x⊗ x⊗ =(1+2q+(n 1) + q )x⊗ x⊗ we have that ⊗ − − ⊗ n n 2 (n 1) (n 1) 2 x⊗ x⊗ q ,q− = γn 1 x⊗ − x⊗ − q ,q− = γ0γ1 γn 1, k ⊗ k + − k ⊗ k + ··· − and hence by(26) we obtain that

n n (28) x⊗ x⊗ = Q 2 , n N 0 . k ⊗ kq+,q− k nkL ∈ ∪{ } n n 2 R Therefore, the map Φ: (span x⊗ x⊗ n 0 , q+,q− ) L ( ,µq+,q− ) defined by n n { ⊗ | ≥ } k·k → Φ(x⊗ x⊗ )= Q (t) is an isometry. Note that ⊗ n n n n n n n G(x) x⊗ x⊗ = b∗ (x x)x⊗ x⊗ + b (x x)x⊗ x⊗ ⊗ q+,q− ⊗ ⊗ q+,q− ⊗ ⊗ (n+1) (n+1) (n 1) (n 1) = x⊗ x⊗ + γn 1x⊗ − x⊗ − . ⊗ − ⊗ Hence, by induction we can compute Gn(x)Ω Ω and show that Φ(Gn(x)Ω Ω) = xn. Since Φ is an isometry we get Ω Ω,Gn(x)Ω ⊗Ω = m (µ ) for n ⊗N. Since the h ⊗ ⊗ iq+,q− n q+,q− ∈ moment problem is determined (see Remark 4.18 1)), the probability measure µq+,q− giving  the moment sequence mn(µq+,q− ) is uniquely determined and hence µq+,q− = κq+,q− . Remark 4.18. In the above proof, the condition q < 0 implies that n M; see Sec- − n ≤ n tion 4.1.1. In this situation we consider the finitely many vectors i.e. x⊗ x⊗ for n M. ⊗ ≤ 30 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL

4.4.2. Moments and combinatorial statistics. The moment problem for the probability mea- sure µq+,q− is determined. Indeed, when q+ 0, then the best known criterion (in this case) of Hamburger moment problem is due to Carleman≥ [Car26, Chi89]. Carleman’s theorem states that the moment problem is determined if 1 1 = = , q 0. ∞ λ(n) 1+2(n 1)q + q + ≥ n 1 n 1 + X≥ X≥ − −

The odd moments mn(µq+,q− ) are equal to zero and even moments can be computed for instance using Viennot’s combinatorial theory of the orthogonal polynomials [Vie85] (see also [AB98] and [HO07, Section 1.6]). A Dyck path D of length n is a finite sequence of steps w1,...,w2n, where wi 1, 1 , for 1 i 2n and ∈ {− } ≤ ≤ ℓ w 0 for all 1 ℓ< 2n, • i=1 i ≥ ≤ 2n w =0. • Pi=1 i We denote the set of Dyck paths of length n by Dyckn and its cardinality is given by the n-th P 1 2n Catalan number Cn := n+1 n . The combinatorial theory of the orthogonal polynomials asserts that the 2n-th moment mn(µq+,q− ) is given by the following weighted generating function of Dyck paths: 

m2n(µq+,q− )= 1+ q + q+ 2 wi . − · (w1,...,w2n) Dyck ℓ: wℓ= 1 i=1 X∈ n Y− X  This in conjunction with Theorem 4.15 gives a curious identity between two bivariate gener- ating functions of different combinatorial objects:

ℓ c−(π) lc (π) (29) q q+ = 1+ q + q+ 2 wi . sym − − · π (2n) (w1,...,w2n) Dyck ℓ: wℓ= 1 i=1 ∈PX2 X∈ n Y− X  Indeed, note that both sides of the above identity are polynomials in q+, q which agree on a certain infinite set and by the same argument as used in the proof of Theorem− 3.3 the equality between polynomialsalso holds true. Note that only the LHS is a bivariate generating function sensu stricto since the weights associated to Dyck paths appearing in the RHS are not monomials in q+, q . Nevertheless it is convenient to rewrite the LHS in terms of another − “bivariate generating function”, which is not a monomial in q+, q but it is a monomial in − x, y after the following change of variables x =1+ q ,y =2q+. −

Proposition 4.19. Let x =1+ q ,y =2q+. Then − c−(π) lc (π) c(π) n c(π) (30) m2n(µq+,q− )= q q+ = x y − , sym − π (2n) π 2(2n) ∈PX2 ∈PX where 2(2n) is the set of matchings (pair-partitions) on the set [2n] and c(π) denotes the numberP of cycles created by a concatenation of π with the unique non-crossing matching πˆ P (2n) whose left legs coincides with the leg legs of π. ∈ 2 sym Proof. Define the natural projection P : 2 (2n) 2(2n) which is sending a pair (i, j) of π sym(2n) into a pair ( i , j ) of PP(π). We claim→ P that for every pair π (2n) one ∈ P2 | | | | ∈ P2 POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 31 has c−(σ) lc(σ) c(π) n c(π) q q+ =(1+ q ) (2q+) − . − − σ P −1(π) ∈X Then the proof follows immediately from the claim. In order to prove the claim it is enough to notice the following properties of P . First of n sym all for any π 2(2n) there are precisely 2 preimages in 2 (2n): for every pair i, j π ∈ P 1 P { } the corresponding pairs in the partition from P − (π) are either i, j and i, j or i, j and { } 1 { } { } i, j . Exchanging these two pairs by each other in elements from P − (π) is an involution { } 1 f i,j on P − (π) which has a property that it fixes the number of cycles and it changes the sign{ } of the cycle, which contains the pairs associated with i, j . The group generated by 1 { } fB : B π acts transitively on P − (π). In particular the number of cycles is an invariant { 1 ∈ } of P − (π) so it is clearly equal to c(π), which proves the formula

c−(σ) lc (σ) c−(σ) n c(σ) c(π) n c(π) q q+ = q q+− = (1+ q ) (2q+) − . − − − σ P −1(π) σ P −1(π) ∈X ∈X 

Notice that substituting x = c, y = 1 in (30) we obtain moments of the Askey–Wimp– Kerov distribution νc 1 with the shifted parameter c 1. These moments were interpreted by Drake [Dra09] as a generating− function of pair-partitions− with respect to two statistics.

Theorem 4.20 ([Dra09]). The (even) moments m2n(νc 1) are the generating series of pair- partitions with respect to the following statistics: −

#non-nested pairs in π m2n(νc 1)= c , − π 2(2n) ∈PX #pairs in π with no right crossing m2n(νc 1)= c . − π 2(2n) ∈PX We recall that a pair i, j π is nested if there exists a pair i′, j′ π such that { } ∈ { } ∈ i′

#cycles in π m2n(νc 1)= c . − π 2(2n) ∈PX Remark 4.21. We would like to mention potential interpretations of the moments as bivariate generating functions of maps via unknown statistics. A (orientable) map is an embedding of a graph into a (orientable) compact, connected surface without a boundary such that the complement of the image of the graph is a disjoint union of simply connected pieces. A map is rooted if it is distinguished with an oriented corner (i.e. a small neighbourhood around a vertex, called the root, delimited by two consecutive half-edges). Drake, based on the result of showed that the moment m2n(νc) is the generating function of rooted orientable maps with n edges, where the exponent of c gives the number of vertices different from the root. This corresponds to the substitution y = 1,c = q+ in (30) and suggests that the bivariate 32 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL generating function c(π) n c(π) (1 + x) y −

π 2(2n) ∈PX can be interpreted as the generating function of rooted orientable maps with n edges, where the exponent of x gives the number of vertices different from the root and the exponent of y isa statistic on maps yet to be found. Another interesting specialization is given by q+ =0, which gives the following univariate generating function of the symmetric-pair partitions with all cycles of size 1:

c−(π) n n q = (1 + q ) = Cn(1 + q ) . − − − π sym(2n): non-crossing 2 π 2 (2n) σ ∈Pπ X σ =1 ∈P X ∈ ⇐⇒ | | n This is the weighted generating function for objects enumerated by 2 Cn, which is given by A151374 (see also A052701). Among others, it counts pointed, rooted, bipartite planar maps with n edges. This suggest that there might be a natural injection of pointed, rooted, bipartite planar maps with n edges into the set of rooted, orientable maps with n edges. Finally, the sym set 2 (2n) of the symmetric pair-partitions is in a natural bijection with the set of rooted (orientableP and non-orientable) maps with only one-face (i.e. the complement of the image of the graph embedded into a surface is simply connected) and it is natural to ask for two statistics which expresses these moments as a bivariate generating function of rooted, one- face maps. Note that the set of rooted, one-face maps plays a crucial role in studying the structure of maps via bijective methods (see [Sch97, BDG04, CMS09, CFF13, CD17, Lep19, DL20] among others) and we believe that the statistics in question might be found through the aforementioned bijections. We leave these questions open, as they are out of scope of this paper.

APPENDIX A. HOWTODERIVETHEPICTUREOFTYPE D FROM TYPE B In this section we explain that the analogous problem in the case of reflection groups of type D turned out to be similar to the case of type A and it follows from our main result (in particular the possible applications coincides with the special choice of parameters M, N in Theorem 1.1). This will exhaust the classification problem for the inductive limits of all three infinite series of Coxeter groups of Weyl type (A,B/C and D). We recall that the Coxeter group Dn of rank n and type D is a normal subgroup of Bn of index two: D := (g ,...,g ; σ) B : g g = id . n { 1 n ∈ n 1 ··· n } In other terms, it is isomorphic to the kernel of the one-dimensional representation B g ( 1)number of negative cycles in g. n ∋ 7→ − + Therefore the conjugacy classes of Dn are parametrized by pairs of partitions (ρ , ρ−) of total size n, where the second partition has an even number of parts (because the number of negative cycles is even). They coincide with the conjugacy classes + − , except of the class Cρ ,ρ given by ρ, for ρ of the form C ∅ ρ =(ρ ,...,ρ )=2 µ = (2µ ,..., 2µ ); µ n/2. 1 ℓ · 1 ℓ ⊢ + This conjugacy class of Bn splits into two conjugacy classes of Dn that we denote by ρ, C ∅ and ρ,− (note that these classes exist only if 2 n). The set of reflections in Dn coincides with the setC ∅ of long reflections in B . In particular| all the reflections are conjugated to each R+ n POSITIVEDEFINITEREFLECTIONLENGTHINTYPEB/C 33

other and the reflection function is given by restricting the signed reflection function ψq+,q− to Dn and substituting q+ = q = q. − Representation theory of Dn can be derived from the representation theory of the hyper- octahedral group Bn through the Clifford theory (see for instance [Ker75]). The irreducible + representations of Dn are indexed by non-ordered pairs of partitions (λ ,λ−) of total sum n + such that λ = λ− (in other terms the irreducible representations ρ + − and ρ − + are the 6 λ ,λ λ ,λ same) and there are two additional irreducible representations denoted ρλ,λ;+ and ρλ,λ; . The − relation between these representations and irreducible representations of Bn can be described Bn by the restriction. Let ρλ+,λ− be the irreducible representation of Bn indexed by a pair of + Dn Bn partitions (λ ,λ−) and let ρλ+,λ− denote the restriction of ρλ+,λ− to Dn. Then

+ + − Dn ρλ ,λ if λ = λ−, ρλ+,λ− = + 6 ρλ,λ;+ + ρλ,λ; if λ = λ− = λ. ( −

Therefore, if we restrict (11) to Dn we obtain that the reflection function of Dn is given by

δλ+=λ− χλ+,λ− + δλ+=λ− (χλ+,λ−;+ + χλ+,λ−; ) 6 6 − (λ+,λ−) λ+ +Xλ− =n  | | | | 1 1+ q 1 q qc()+ qc()+ − ·2 2 2  λ+    λ−   Y∈ Y∈ 1+ q 1 q + qc()+ qc()+ − . 2 2  λ−    λ+   ! Y∈ Y∈ In particular it is positive definite on D( ) if and only if ∞ 1+ q 1 q qc()+ qc()+ − 2 2  λ    µ   Y∈ Y∈ 1+ q 1 q + qc()+ qc()+ − 0 2 2 ≥  µ    λ   Y∈ Y∈ for all partitions λ,µ. It is easy to check that this condition holds true if and only if 1 q : N Z 0 . ∈{2N +1 ∈ }∪{ } Note that due to Theorem 1.1 this set of parameters corresponds precisely to the case when Z φq+,q− is positive definite on B( ) and q+ = q (which can happen for ǫ = 1, N 0 and M = N +1). Therefore we∞ obtained the following− theorem. ± ∈ ≥ Theorem A.1. Let q C. The following conditions are equivalent: ∈ (i) The reflection function D( ) σ qℓR(σ) is positive definite on D( ); ∞ ∋ → ∞ (ii) The reflection function D( ) σ qℓR(σ) is a character of D( ); ∞ ∋ → ∞ (iii) The reflection function D( ) σ qℓR(σ) is an extreme character of D( ); ∞ ∋ → ∞ (iv) The reflection function D( ) σ qℓR(σ) is the restriction of the positive definite ∞ ∋ → reflection function B( ) σ qℓR(σ) on B( ); (v) q 1 : N Z ∞ 0∋. → ∞ ∈{ 2N+1 ∈ }∪{ } 34 M. BOZEJKO,˙ M. DOŁ ˛EGA, W. EJSMONT, AND S.´ R. GAL

A.1. Concluding remarks. We conclude by making a remark that the problem of classify- ing positive definite reflection functions (or their multivariate refinements) seems to be ap- proachable for a wide class of groups S (T ) (studied by Hirai and Hirai [HH05]) by using a method presented in this paper. These∞ groups are of the following form: for a finite group T we define Sn(T ) as the wreath product T Sn and we set S (T ) as the inductive limit of ≀ ∞ the ascending tower of groups S1(T ) < S2(T ) < . This class contains for instance the infinite analogue of the Sheppard–Todd groups G(r,···1, ), which corresponds to the choice ∞ T = Zr. It turns out that the representation theory of the group Sn(T ) can be explicitly described in terms of the representation theory of Sn and T . This makes it possible to use the same methods as we used in this paper to tackle the case of the hyperoctahedral group (which is given by the choice T = Z2). We did not study this more general context because of the applications that we presented in the second part of the paper and that are specific to type B. Therefore we leave this comment as an invitation for further investigations.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MD would like to thank to Joel Brewster Lewis and Jacinta Torres for their helpful com- ments.

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