(27th Session)




to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on

Wednesday, the 9th December, 2015

33. *Dr. Nafisa Shah: (Deferred during 26th Session)

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state the upfront tariff set for the Liquefied Natural Gas Power Plants alongwith the terms and conditions thereof?

Transferred to Water and Power Division for answer on next Rota Day.

145. *Sahibzada Tariq Ullah: (Deferred during 26th Session)

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the route of China- Economic Corridor (CPEC) from Khunjrab to Gawadar via Hassanabdal has been approved;

(b) whether it is also a fact that N-45 leads from Rashkai (Mardan) to Chitral and from Chitral to Khunjrab via Shundoor- and it is shorter and safer interms of distance, defence and land sliding;

(c) if the answer to part (b) above is in the affirmative, whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to make said route an alternate route of CPEC; if so, the details; if not, the reasons therefor? 2

Minister for Communications: (a) Yes, it is a fact that China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) (western route) passes through Hassanabdal. This route starts from Gwadar, then passes through Basima-Surab-Quetta-Kuchlak- Zhob-Dera Ismail Khan-Islamabad-Hassanabdal-Raikot and finally terminates at Khunjerab.

(b) National Highway N-45 (309 Km) starts from Nowshera, passes through Dir and terminates at Chitral onwards to Khunjerab is not federalized and hence not a part of N-45.

(c) As replied above, the road link from Chitral onwards to Khunjerab is not federalized and hence not a part of N-45.

21. *Ms. Sajida Begum:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) whether any verification is carried out for the material used in the construction of the National Highways in the country since 1-6-2013; if so, the name of department which carried out the said verification; and

(b) the steps taken by the National Highways Authority for the protection of said Highways during the said period?

Minister for Communications: (a) NHA being an authority follows an in-place code of practice during construction of new highways and maintenance of existing roads. NHA has devised the General Specifications to ensure material specifications are met promptly. During construction the quality of construction is also ensured through supervision consultants whose primary responsibility is to guide the contractor on proper construction methodology and carry out checks and balances for quality control issues.

During project implementation, along with the supervision consultants, the quality of material is also verified through Inspection and Monitoring (M&I) wing of NHA with a mandate to carry out random checks on the quality of material used in road construction. The material quality checks are documented in a prescribed format. Payments are verified subject to specifications compliance. 3 NHA being the owner of its highways and motorways bears responsibility for the success of the project and follows a well-defined procedure in Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QA/QC) procedures in-place for any project under its jurisdiction. NHA well comes any verification measures that are focused towards improvement of the project.

(b) NHA has taken many initiatives for protection of its highways and motorways. Excessive Axle loading is costing us dearly in maintenance costs. Weigh stations across the country on national highways and motorways have been established which are operational. Fines are being imposed on excessive tonnage with respect to the allowable axle load. On motorways heavy axles are being discouraged and similar policy is being followed on our national highways. Besides, MOC is coordinating with the truck manufacturing industry to encourage multi- axle and turbo engines trucks to reduce damage of roads.

The participation of private sector in the maintenance and construction of highways and motorways is being encouraged through Public Private Partnership (PPP). NHA believes that adequate investment in the road sector demands sustainability which may not be possible without the private investment. This would encourage introduction of new technologies on national road network for sustainable and safe highways and motorways.

NHA has also focusing on Research and Training activities with a view to construct and maintain durable and safe roads. To this end NHA in coloration with JICA has established Highway Research and Training Centre (HRTC). Efforts are well underway and the facility would not only help the country to devise its indigenous specification but has also undertaken training of the human resource for highway construction, road safety, environment and other sectors related to highway engineering.


Various types of maintenance activities (like routine maintenance, periodic maintenance, special maintenance, preventive maintenance and that related to highway safety, etc) are carried out to protect NHA road network from any kind of serious damage and to keep the condition of roads well better than the minimum functional and structural requirements. Condition of the road network is regularly monitored through various types of surveys that include pavement condition survey, roughness survey, pavement structural strength evaluation survey etc. Data collected through these surveys is analyzed using relevant softwares to detect the type and extent of distresses and damages undergone by the pavement and to select the 4 optimum maintenance requirement/category to relive the pavement off such distresses. Each year, all the processes involved in data collection and analysis culminates in formulation and preparation of an Annual Maintenance Plan which is somewhat like a compendium of information on condition of NHA road network and maintenance categories opted that year for candidate sections. An amount of Rs. 17,930 million and Rs. 23,360 million were allocated under Annual Maintenance Plans for F.Y. 2013-14 and F.Y. 2014-15 for maintenance of road network.

Besides, regional offices/ maintenance units remain watchful and pay regular visits to observe and monitor the condition of roads within their jurisdiction and to timely suggest and initiate corrective measures/maintenance interventions, if required.

22. *Ms. Sajida Begum:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of cases registered in the Ministry for the adulteration in the petroleum products since 1-1-2010; and

(b) whether filling stations are involved in the said adulteration; if so, the action taken against the responsibles thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): (a) 02 cases for adulteration in petroleum product (at filling stations) were registered in OGRA since 2010 [on Aug 27 &Sep 30, 2015]. One case/ complaint was against the petrol pump of M/s Hascol Petroleum Limited (HPL) situated at Bhera Service Area M-2, whereas, 2nd case/ complaint was against the petrol pump (Unique Enterprises F/S at 6th road, Rawalpindi) of M/s Total Parco Pakistan Limited.

(b) In order to verify the reported adulteration in the above cases, samples were collected/tested through Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan (HDIP). According to their reports, adulteration in 1st case was not proved against the filling station(s) of M/s Hascol Pakistan Limited (HPL); whereas in 2nd case, adulteration has been proved against a Filling Station of M/s Total Parco Pakistan Limited (TPPL). OGRA has imposed penalty of Rs. 100,000/- on the said company but the amount is yet to be realized. OGRA therefore, has issued Show Cause Notice to the concerned Oil Marketing Company and case is in process for further action i.e. imposition of penalty. 5 23. *Dr. Nafisa Shah:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) the budget allocated for military pensioners during the year 2015-16 alongwith the head under which said budget is charged; and

(b) whether said budget is always charged under the said head?

Minister for Defence: (a) The budget allocated for military pensioners during the year 2015-16 is Rs.174,270.938 million including US $ 0.101 million under Demand No.034 “Superannuation Allowances and Pension”. (Pension – Defence 011213 ID6425) is attached.

(b) The said budget is always charged under the said head.

As per existing :arrangements the budget estimates of superannuation allowance and pension of Defence personnel’s are prepared by MAG and submitted to Finance Division Military for onward transmission to Finance Division for approval After approval of Finance Division, MoD issue Govt. letter for allocation.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

24. *Dr. Nafisa Shah:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state the present status of implementation of Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline Project alongwith the obligations on the part of Pakistan?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): Pakistan and Iran are engaged in preparing the workable implementation schedule for the Project as both sides have not been able to complete their respective segments of the gas pipeline. Pakistan has proposed to construct and complete the Project within 36 months after easement of sanctions on Iran. A draft amendment has also been shared with Iran in this regard. Iran has agreed to negotiate the same along with some other amendments in the Gas Sales and Purchase Agreement. Pakistan has requested several times for the meeting to discuss the amendment however Iran has not agreed to any meeting date. The Gas Sales and Purchase Agreement between Iran and Pakistan is still effective however both sides have not been able to complete gas pipelines in their respectives segments. 6 25. *Shamas Un Nisa:

Will the Minister for Science and Technology be pleased to state:

(a) the total funds allocated for the National Institute of Oceanography in the budget 2015-16; and

(b) the performance made by the said department during the last three years?

Minister for Science and Technology: (a)

Budget 2015-16

Non-Development: Rs.108.410 Million Development: Rs. 9.280 Million

Total: Rs.117.690 Million

(b) NIO’s activities and major achievements during the last 3 years are as under:

(i) Extension in the out-limits of Continental Shelf of Pakistan

Under the provisions of United Nations Convention on the Law of the sea (UNCLOS)-1982, NIO has successfully defended Pakistan’s claim for Extension of Continental Shelf on the basis of the data and proven scientific evidence presented to the UN Commission on Limits of the Continental Shelf (UNCLCS). As a result of this an area of 50,000 sq km has been annexed to the existing maritime area of 240,000 sq km having vast potential of exploiting living and non- living marine resources for the economy of Pakistan.

(ii) Collaboration in Oceanography with Chinese Institutions

Establishment of a Pak-China joint Marine Scientific Research Centre at NIO Karachi was pursued with Chinese State Oceanic Administration (SOA) and the Second Institute of Oceanography (SIO) China. A number of exchanges of experts have held in the past 3 years, and the modalities for establishing the Centre have mutually been agreed by the two sides. 7 (iii) Formulation of Policy Guidelines for Marine Sciences

NIO has assisted Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST) in finalization of document on policy guidelines for advancement of marine sciences for exploration and exploitation of marine resources in next 10-15 years.

(iv) Establishment of Marine Research Laboratory

The state-of-the-art analytical equipment were installed at the NIO Marine Research Laboratory during the years 2013-2015. Research on various disciplines of oceanography is being carried out in this laboratory.

(v) Survey & Exploration for Economical important Placer Minerals deposits

NIO scientists carried out field visits and bathmetric survey along the Makran coast with reference to Pishukan Fish Harbour.

(vi) Sea Water Intrusion

NIO has prepared a strategy paper on sea water intrusion in coastal area of and Baluchistan. The Strategy paper focuses on problems and measures to be taken.

(vii) Human Resources Capacity Development

NIO scientists have availed opportunities of Ph.D. trainings in China under the collaborative research programmes with China.

A number of training courses and study visits to various universities and organizations were organized for the students, scientists and faculty for disseminating knowledge gained out of the research conducted at NIO in various disciplines.

NIO scientists participated at home and abroad in marine related seminars/ workshops and have also organized seminars, internship programmes and trainings at NIO.

(viii) The BoG of NIO held on October, 16th 2015 under the chairmanship of Minister for Science & Technology has approved NIO Vision — 2025 and 5 year programme of NIO to enable it emerge as a Centre of Excellence in Oceanography. 8

26. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state whether it is a fact that ban has been imposed on the new domestic/industrial/commercial gas connections in the country at present; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): There is no ban on domestic gas connections. However, it is a fact that new Industrial and Commercial gas connections are banned in the country due to huge gap between demand and supply of natural gas.

27. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to refer to Starred Question No,127 roplied on 12-08-2015 and to state the reasons to decrease the pressure of supply of gas in Rawalpindi during the last two years?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): SNGPL has reported that gas is supplied to Rawalpindi city through 02 number of Sales Meter Stations (SMS) i.e. SMS Ranial and SMS Rawat. Due to huge development in Rawalpindi city in last few years including publically/privately developed housing societies; company’s gas pipeline network has been over extended irrespective of dwindling gas supplies. Low pressure of gas complaints have been received from localities of Rawalpindi city located at extreme tail end of company’s gas pipeline network which is much old and over extended. The low pressure complaints received particularly during winter season are due to huge gap between demand and supply of natural gas. During winter, this gap further widens due to increase in gas consumption by the domestic sector on account of use of room and water heaters. The Company has undertaken system augmentation, looping of line, re-drilling of service tee, establishment of emergency teams to resolve low pressure complaints. Operational teams are working round the clock for this particular activity. 9 28. *Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to resume the Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline Project at present; if so, the time by which the said work will be accomplished; and

(b) the details of work already completed on the said project indicating also the percentage of work to be completed in the near future?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): (a) Pakistan and Iran are engaged in preparing the workable implementation schedule for the Project as both sides have not been able to complete their respective segments of the gas pipeline. Pakistan has proposed to construct and complete the Project within 36 months after easement of sanctions on Iran. A draft amendment has also been shared with Iran in this regard. Iran has agreed to negotiate the same along with some other amendments in the Gas Sales and Purchase Agreement. Pakistan has requested several times for the meeting to discuss the amendment however Iran has not agreed to any meeting date. The Gas sales and Purchase Agreement between Iran and Pakistan is still effective however both sides have not been able to complete gas pipeline in their respective segments.

(b) Pakistan has already completed following works on the Project:

i. Bankable feasibility study; ii. Detailed route survey; iii. Front End Engineering Design; iv. Installation of concrete markers on the entire route; v. Initiation of land acquisition process; vi. Obtained NOCs from Balouchistan Environmental Protection Agency and Sindh environmental Protection Agency.

Construction on the Project will be started once international sanctions on Iran are lifted. 10 29. *Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state whether it is a fact that several share holders of the Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited and Pakistan State Oil are getting extra margin in supply of LNG; if so, the percentage alongwith the justification thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): No.

30. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the construction work of Karachi-Hyderabad Motorway (M-9) has not been completed so far; if so, the time by which it will be completed?

Minister for Communications: Conversion of existing Karachi- Hyderabad Superhighway into 6-lane Motorway on Built Operate transfer (BOT) basis is an important part of Karachi-Lahore Motorway (KLM) Project and carries high priority for implementation.

Construction activities are in progress and project is likely to be completed in September 2017.

31. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that an extra amount of two billion rupees has been collected from the public on account of losses of gas lines by the Government; if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) whether it is also a fact that citizens are facing great difficulties for getting new gas connections in the Urban Areas of the country; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): (a) The Unaccounted for Gas (UFG) Benchmarks were fixed by the OGRA in the year 2003 after a thorough and extensive in-house study and through a consultative process with both the Gas Companies, i.e. SNGPL and SSGCL. 11 Since FY: 2011-2012 till today the UFG benchmarks fixed by the Authority is 4.5%. The said benchmark includes all kinds of gas losses including theft of gas, transmission & distribution losses, etc. The UFG volume, over and above the UFG benchmarks, is not passed onto the consumers. The financial impact/cost of UFG, over and above the benchmark, is borne by the Gas Utility Company. During FY 2003-04 to 2011-12 about Rs 42 Billion disallowed to gas utilities by OGRA on account of UFG which benefited to the consumers. It is therefore emphasized that OGRA did not allow the Gas Companies to pass on the impact of UFG (over and above allowed limit) to the general public / consumers. (b) SSGCL has reported that there is no difficulty for citizens in getting new gas connections in its franchised areas i.e. Sindh and Balochistan. All new domestic gas connections are being processed promptly on “first come first serve” basis. SNGPL has reported that there is huge pendency of domestic applications in its franchised areas i.e. Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, AJK and Federal capital. SNGPL is providing all new gas connections strictly on turn/merit basis through computer generated lists. In addition, domestic gas connections are also being processed on fast track basis against deposit of urgent fee. This scheme was launched on 27th Feb, 2014 after approval of OGRA. This scheme is meant for applicants of domestic category whose premises are situated on SNGPL’s existing distribution network. All such application for domestic gas connection should at least be 6 months old and gas connection is installed within 03 months from the date of payment of urgent fee bill i.e. Rs. 25,000/-.

32. *Ms. Shakila Luqman:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) the details of construction work of Motorway completed from Khanjrab to Gwadar alongwith the percentage thereof; and

(b) the time by which it will be completed 100 percent?

Minister for Communications: (a) China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) from Khunjrab to Gawadar includes Motorways, Expressways and upgradation of existing network. Projects details are as follows: 12 —————————————————————————————— Motorway/ Highway Status —————————————————————————————— Raikot - Khunjrab Completed

Atta Abad Barrier Lake(N-35) 24 Km Completed

Thakot - Raikot Section(N-35) 147 Km 57%

Havelian - Thakot Section(N-35) 120 Km Bid evaluation in process

Havelian - Hassanabdal(E-35) 57 Km In progress

Lahore-Islamabad Motorway (M-2) 367 Km Completed

Pindi Bhattian Faisalabad Motorway (M-3) 53 Km Completed

Faisalabad-Multan (M4)240 km. Sec I & IV (114) km Completed

Sukkur - Multan Bid evaluation Motorway (KLM) 392 Km in process —————————————————————————————— (b) Completion date for the projects are as follows: —————————————————————————————— Motorway/Highway Expected Completion —————————————————————————————— Gwadar-Hoshab-Khuzdar- Ratodero (M-8) 341 Km Dec - 2015

Sorab - Hoshab (N-85)450 Km Dec - 2016

Thakot - Raikot Section (N-35) 147 Km 2016

Havelian - Thakot Section (N-35) 120 Km Three years of the award of project Havelian - Hassanabdal (E-35) 57 Km 2018 Sukkur - Multan Motorway (KLM) 392 Km Three years of the award of project Faisalabad-Multan (M4) 240 km. Plan phase Sec II & III(126) km (25 months of the award of projects) —————————————————————————————— 33. *Ms. Zahra Wadood Fatemi: Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state the steps taken by the Government to ensure that the laws and regulations of every Ministry/Institution are published to facilitate the general public? Minister for Law, and Justice: Eight hundred and ninety six laws in respect of Primary Legislation (1837-2015) and four hundred and twenty three laws pertaining to subordinate legislation are available on the website (www.pakistancode.gov.pk). 13 34. *Ms. Zahra Wadood Fatemi:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state:

(a) the agreements signed by the Government regarding Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) with foreign Governments; and

(b) whether the import of LNG help to tackle the energy crisis in the country; if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): (a) An agreement on the subject “Project for Cooperation Agreement in the Energy Sector between the Government of the State of Qatar and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan” has been signed between Government of Pakistan and Government of the State of Qatar.

(b) Natural Gas plays a key role in Pakistan’s energy mix which is currently around 50% of the country’s primary energy supplies. With rapid economic growth prospects, the demand for gas is projected to increase sharply and the indigenous gas reserves will not be able to meet this demand.

Gas shortages shall worsen if indigenous supplies are not supplemented through imports. In order to bridge the supply gap, strategies are in place for importing gas from neighboring gas surplus countries through cross- border gas pipelines and also in the form of Liquefied Natural Gas (‘LNG’).

Pakistan State Oil (PSO) has been designated by the Government of Pakistan as an Importing Agency for the LNG Imports. PSO has been supplied 10 LNG Cargoes to SNGPL and out of these, 9 Cargoes have been supplied to IPPs. Many IPPs which were either shut down due to non availability of Natural Gas or were operative on costly fuel have been switched on to RLNG. These plants have started producing electricity at less unit rate as compared to the past with a better efficiency and thus RLNG import have played a vital role in mitigating the present energy crisis of the country.

In addition to IPPs, Fertilizer plants and CNG Sector have also benefited from import of RLNG.

Presently, following quantities of RLNG are supplied to Power, Fertilizer and CNG sectors in Punjab Province. 14 Power 230-240 MMCFD Fertilizer 45 MMCFD CNG 35-40 MMCFD

35. *Engineer Dawar Khan Kundi:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state:

(a) whether there are any rules to regulate wages and service conditions of Petrol Pumps employees/operators in the country; if so, details thereof; and

(b) if the answer to part (a) above is in the negative, whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to make such rules therefor; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): (a & b) The retail outlets currently being operated by PSO Company provides the manpower through its third party contractor which is currently Prime HR and the 3rd party contractor ensures to regulate wages and service conditions (i.e. Minimum wage, EOBI, Social Security and Group Life Insurance) as per the relevant laws.

The other sites are being operated through its dealer’s network who are directly responsible to ensure the minimum requirements as notified by Government of Pakistan.

36. *Rai Hasan Nawaz Khan:

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to give ownership rights to farmers for cultivating land under Ghori Pal Scheme; if so, when it will be implemented; and

(b) whether it is a fact that said land cannot be given to farmers on ownership rights without taking NOC from the Ministry? 15

Minister for Defence: (a) Govt of Punjab Notification dated 1-7-1942 (copy enclosed) issued in pursuance of (The Colonization of Government Lands Punjab) Act 1912 does not provide to give rights of ownership to agriculturists/ farmers cultivating land under “Ghri Pal Scheme”. Besides, such land primarily belongs to Provincial Government however it is placed at the disposal of GHQ under the said scheme.

(b) In view of reply at para (a), reply to part (b) of the question becomes irrelevant.

(Annexure has been placed in National Assembly library)

37. *Ms. Nafeesa Inayatullah Khan Khattak:

Will the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the electoral reforms being implemented by the Government for holding local government elections in Islamabad; and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to utilize Biometric System of identification in the said elections; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Parliamentary Affairs: (a) The Islamabad Local Government Act, 2015 has been promulgated on August 05, 2015. On receipt of the said Act, several anomalies were found therein, which were rightly communicated to the Federal Government for redressal. The Federal Government has now addressed the said anomalies through an Ordinance No.XIV of 2015, dated the 14th October, 2015, whereby the Islamabad Capital Territory Local Government Act, 2015 has been amended. The Election Commission of Pakistan has announced schedule for holding local government elections in ICT on 30th November, 2015 (Annex-A).

(b) The Election Commission has no such proposal to use a biometric technoloy immediately in upcoming local government elections. However, the ECP is conducting multiple Pilot/Mock poll of biometric machines in different National/ Provincial Assembly bye-election to guage the feasibility of biometric system. 16 Annex-A ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN


Islamabad, the 19th October, 2015.

No.F.5(1)/2015-LGE(ICT):—Pursuant to the provisions of Article 140(A)(2) & Article 219(d) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 17 of the Islamabad Capital Territory Local Government Act, 2015 read with sub-rule (1) of Rule 11 of the Islamabad Capital Territory Local Government (Conduct of Elections) Rules, 2015 and all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Election Commission hereby issues the following schedule for election to all categories of seats* in each Union Council of Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) and calls upon the electors of each Ward and Union Council to elect their representatives:

—————————————————————————————— S. No. Activity Date —————————————————————————————— 1. Notice inviting nomination papers to be issued by the Returning Officer on 20-10-2015

2. Nomination Papers shall be received on 26-10-2015 to 29-10-2015

3. Publication of notice of all the nomination papers received on 30-10-2015

4. Objection to the nomination papers 31-10-2015

5. Scrutiny of nomination papers and publication of 1-11-2015 names of validly nominated candidates on to 04-11-2015 6 Appeals against acceptance / rejection of nomination papers to be filed on 05-11-2015 to 06-11-2015 —————————————————————————————— 17 —————————————————————————————— S. No. Activity Date —————————————————————————————— 7. Disposal of appeals on 07-11-2015 to 09-11-2015

8. Withdrawal of candidature on 10-11-2015

9. Publication of list of contesting candidates with symbols allotted to them on 11-11-2015

10. Polling Day on 30-11-2015

11. Declaration of results by the Returning Officers on 03-12-2015 —————————————————————————————— *(a) Chairman and Vice Chairman, as joint candidates; (b) Six general members; (c) Two women members; (d) One peasant or worker member; (e) One youth member; and (f) One non-Muslim member.

2. In order to ensure that elections to the Union Councils and Wards in Islamabad Capital Territory are conducted honestly, justly, fairly, and in accordance with law and to ensure that the corrupt practices are guarded against, the Election Commission of Pakistan directs that:—

(a) All Executive Authorities in the Federation shall not use State Resources in Local Government Elections calculated to influence the elections in favour of a particular candidate or a political party.

(b) If any person in government service misuses his official position in any manner in order to influence results of elections, he shall be liable to be proceeded against under Section 60 of the Islamabad Capital Territory Local Government Act, 2015. 18 (c) No transfers / postings of the civil servants shall be made after the issuance of Schedule of local government elections for ICT without prior approval of the Election Commission till the publication of election results.

(d) After the issuance of Election Schedule, the President, Prime Minister, Chairman/Deputy Chairman Senate, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Federal Ministers, Ministers of State, Advisors to the Prime Minister another Public office holder shall neither openly nor in secret give any subscription or donation or make promises for giving such subscription or donation to any institution, nor shall inaugurate, commit to undertake or announce any development project therein for the advancement of the campaign of a candidate of his choice and thereby influence the results of elections;

(e) Any holder of public office, who is found to have violated any provision of election laws or the instructions issued by the Election Commission, shall be proceeded against as mandated in law.

Note: The offices of the Election Commission as well as the offices of District Returning Officers and Returning Officers shall remain open on all public holidays during the schedule period:

All electoral activities mentioned in the aforesaid schedule shall be undertaken during office hour (08:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.) and the said timing will also be observed on public holidays fixed for any electoral activity of the schedule.

[All those candidates who had submitted Nomination Fees and retained receipt thereof under earlier Election Schedule for ICT shall not make fresh deposit. However they shall file fresh Nomination Forms.]

By order of the Election Commission of Pakistan. Sd/- FIDA MUHAMMAD, Add. Secretary (Admin.) To: The Manger, Printing Corporation of Pakistan Press, Islamabad. [For publication in the Gazette of Pakistan Extraordinary (Part III) of today’s date.] 19 38. *Ms. Nafeesa Inayatullah Khan Khattak:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that investors in Pakistan Post Savings Bank have received their last profits in the year 2009-10;

(b) if so, the steps taken by the Government to save the dwindling funds of the Pakistan Post and to resolve the financial problems of investors thereof?

Minister for Communications: (a) Yes. As per record profit statements in respect of ordinary Savings Bank Accounts have not been furnished by Director of Accounts, Pakistan Post Office Department, Lahore after 2009-10.

(b) The following steps have been taken/underway to expedite profit posting on ordinary accounts:-

(i) The redress the problems of depositors on immediate basis, instructions have been issued to post provisional profit manually [Annex]

(ii) Software developed for profit calculation is being updated to improve efficiency and productivity.

(iii) Launching of Central Software Solution is underway which will result in computerization of entire working of Pakistan Post, including profit calculation.


No. Sav.1-42/2004 (Pt) Islamabad the, 1st September 2015

SUBJECT: —POSTING OF PROFIT IN THE ORDINARY ACCOUNTS. Complaints are pouring in this office about non Posting of profit in the pass books of the account holders, perhaps due to non/ late receipt of profit 20 statements from the DA, PPO, Lahore. According to Rule 488 of P.O. Manual Vol-VI, Postmasters are authorized to calculate provisional profit on ordinary accounts, in case the depositor intends to close his account before the receipt of profit Statement from the% the DAPPO, Lahore.

2. The Savings Bank work in most of the GPOs stand computerized and that computerization has the provision of calculating profit. Keeping in view such provision and to redress the grievances of the account holders, it has been decided that provisional profit may be posted in the accounts of the depositors, specially those who attend post office / GPO for receipt of profit, by the GPOs themselves, without awaiting for profit statement from DA, PPO, Lahore. In case of SB Accounts opened in the Sub Post Office the SB Pass Book shall be collected and sent to their GPOs for posting of profit as usual. The Post Offices will update SB, ledgers when the SB Pass Book is received back from the GPO after having posted the profit on them.

3. in case of profit, not posted during the previous years and the last year, the exercise may be completed by December-2015. For the previous years, the profit shall be worked out and posted during July/August and for subsequent years during the month of July/August every year for the year immediately, preceeding.

4. The difference of profit, if found any, on receipt of profit statement from DA, PPO Lahore may be corrected later, by getting it reconciled with the % DA, PPO, Lahore.

Sd/- (NASIR HASAN) Add. Director General (FS).

The Postmaster General, Lahore / Karachi / Peshawar / Quetta / Islamabad. Copy to:— 1-2. Addle, Postmaster General, KPR-I / Lahore. 3-13. Dy. Postmaster General Rawalpindi/Sialkot / Faisalabad / Multan /KPK-II/ Hyderabad/ Sukkur Abbottabad/D.I. Khan / . 14. CAO % DG PPO, Islamabad. 15. Dy. Director General (F) % DG PPO, Islamabad. 16. Director of Accounts, PPO, Lahore. He may please ensure preparation / dispatch of profit statement by due dates. 21 39. *Dr. Shizra Mansab Ali Khan Kharral:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) the steps taken by the Government to expedite the construction work of bridge over Ravi-River at Syedwala-town in District Nankana Sahib;

(b) the reasons for non-completion of construction work of the said bridge;

(c) the total estimated cost of the said bridge;

(d) the total expenditures incurred thereupon so far;

(e) the time by which the construction work will be completed thereupon; and

(f) whether it is a fact that said bridge will be helpful to link District Okara with Faisalabad, Jaranwala, and new proposed Motorway from Lahore to Karachi and present existing Motorway from Faisalabad to Islamabad ?

Minister for Communications: (a) The contractor has re-mobilized at site in view of best efforts of National Highway Authority (NHA). Construction activities recommenced on 1st October, 2015 and project is likely to be completed by 20th June, 2016. PSDP allocation of current financial year 2015-16 is Rs. 500 million, however, any additional demand will be accommodated through re- appropriation.

(b) Project was not accorded high priority due to lack of funding which resulted in various disputes between Contractor and NHA. However, Contractor has now re-mobilized its resources after reaching settlement with stake holders.

(c) The PC-1 cost of project is Rs.1159 million.

(d) An amount of Rs. 160 million has been incurred so far.

(e) The project expected to complete by June, 2016. 22

(f) Yes, it is a fact that said bridge will be helpful to link district Okara with Jaranwala. The distance will reduce from 98 km to 74 Km. The distance from bridge to new proposed Motorway (Lahore to Karachi) is 14 Km and the distance from bridge to existing Motorway (Faisalabad to Islamabad) is 63 Km

40. *Malik Muhammad Amir Dogar:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Multan-Faisalabad Motorway is under construction since long; if so, the time by which it will be completed; and

(b) the time by which construction work on Gojra Shorkot section will be started alongwith reasons of its delay?

Minister for Communications: (a) Yes, Multan-Faisalabad Motorway (240 Kms) is under construction since 2011. The motorway project is expected to be completed by June 2018. The project is divided in four (04) section as detailed hereunder:—

(a) Faisalabad-Gojra Completed and opened for traffic since 30th January 2015

(b) Gojra-Shorkot Expected to start by 2nd quarter 2015-16

(c) Shorkot-Khanewal Expected start by 3rd Qtr. 2015-16

(d) Khanewal-Multan Completed and opened for traffic in last week of November, 2015

(b) Gojra-Shorkot road is 62 Km section of M-4. Expected commencement of work is in 2nd quarter of 2015-16. The primary reason of delay in commencement of works is adherence and compliance to ADB’s revised and stringent safeguard policy regarding social safeguards and land acquisition, while shortage of funds for land acquisition also delayed the project. 23 41. *Mr. Ramesh Lal:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the construction work of Larkana- Qambar road was started during the last year;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the said work has not been completed so far; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(c) the time by which the construction work of the said road will be completed?

Minister for Communications: (a) It is submitted that construction work of Larkana Qamber road project started in 2009.

(b) Yes it is a fact that subject project has not been completed so far. However, progress of the project is around 81%. Various reasons contributed towards delay in completion of the project which include;

(i) Inadequate funding. (ii) Death of two Directors of M/s Al-Mehran in air blue crash 2010. (iii) Super Flood 2010 (iv) Law and Order situation in the area (v) Unable to acquire the land for Bero Chandio Bypass. Then construction of Bero Chandio City portion added in the scope of work —————————————————————————————— Year Allocation Release —————————————————————————————— 2008-09 200 — 2009- 10 300 99.130 2010-11 162.153 82.110 2011-12 150 105.58 2012-13 70 472.108 2013-14 1 — 2014-15 100 — 2015-16 — — —————————————————————————————— 24 (c) Main carriageway except Bero Chandio City portion is completed since 2013 and balance works are expected to be completed by December, 2015.

42. *Shaikh Rohale Asghar:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of date trees planted on the Motorway (M-3) alongwith the cost thereof; and

(b) the dates of planting said trees alongwith the present status thereof?

Minister for Communications: (a) Total number of Palm/Date trees was 530 at time of plantation during construction of Motorway M-3 by the Project Contractor without any cost to NHA in 2003.

(b) Palm/Date trees were planted on Pindi Bhattian Motorway M-3 in year 2003-04 and presently Surviving plants are approx 120 at site due to Salts in water and soil, hence the present count.

43. *Shaikh Rohale Asghar:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state:

(a) the quantity of Liquefied Petroleum Gas imported in the country by the Government and privately during the last five years till date; and

(b) the rates at which it is available in the country at present?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): (a) During the period 2010 till September, 2015, 488,384 M.Tons of LPG have been imported by OGRA’s licensed LPG marketing companies. Government does not import any LPG.

(b) Average LPG Consumer Price/ 11.8 kg cylinder of LPG marketing companies for October, 2015 stands at Rs. 1,095/11.8 kg cylinder (Rs. 9/kg). 25 44. *Choudhry Muhammad Shahbaz Babar:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) the time by which the construction work of Lahore-Karachi Motorway will be completed; and

(b) the total cost to be incurred thereupon alongwith the location up to which it has been completed so far?

Minister for Communications: (a) Karachi - Lahore Motorway Project (KLM) has been divided into following sections. Status and completion time has been mentioned against each:—

(1) Lahore - Abdul Hakeem

(a) Length: 230 km

(b) Completion: 30 months after award


Bids have been evaluated and under award stage subject to approval of PC-1 by ECNEC

(2) Multan - Sukkur

(a) Length: 392 km

(b) Completion: 36 months after award


Bids received and being evaluated.

(3) Sukkur Hyderabad

(a) Length: 301 km

(b) Completion: 36 months after award 26 Status:

Project under preparation stage. Various options and financial modalities are under consideration.

(4) Hyderabad - Karachi

(a) Length: 136 km

(b) Completion: 30 months

(c) Contract awarded to FWO on BOT basis and construction is in progress.

(b) (1) Lahore - Abdul Hakeem Section PC-I Cost = Rs.150.665 billion (2) Multan - Sukkur Section PC-I Cost = Rs.259.353 billion (3) Sukkur - Hyderabad Section in preparation stage (4) Hyderabad - Karachi Section Work started by FWO on SOT basis

45. *Choudhry Muhammad Shahbaz Babar:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the South Waziristan is full of mineral resources;

(b) if the answer to part (a) above is in the affirmative, the steps being taken by the Government to explore minerals therefrom; if not, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): (a) Yes, A number of mineral resources including Copper, Chromite, Lead, Manganese, Coal, Gypsum, Limestone, Granite and Bentonite are known to exert in South Waziristan, mostly in Kaniguram, Habit Khel, Jandola, Spin Kamar and Barzai areas. 27 (b) As per Constitutional provisions, mineral exploration in South Waziristan is the responsibility of FATA Secretariat. The FATA Development Authority is presently pursuing a project for exploration/ resources evaluation of base and precious metals in the area. Physical work is in progress in Wazir area while it is suspended in Masood area due to law & order situation.

Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP) also carries out the geological mapping and mineral investigation as a regular activity interalia in South Waziristan.

Some of the explored mineral commodities are being mined by the local people.

46. *Mr. Muhammad Riaz Malik:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to reduce the prices of Coal Tar in the country; if so, when it will be implemented; and

(b) the price of Coal Tar in the country at present?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): (a) Coal Tar (Bitumen) is a deregulated product and its selling price is determined by the respective producer/ importer at its own based on the market dynamics, therefore Government have no role to increase/ decrease the price of Coal Tar. Hence there is no any proposal under consideration of the, Government to reduce/increase its prices in the country.

(b) As explained above, Coal Tar selling prices vary from customer to costumer depending on various factors, therefore record of its prices is not maintained in this Ministry. However at present different prices are charged by the refineries due to different locations and grades which are as follows:—

PARCO (Muzzafargrah) Rs.69,000 to 79,000/MT ARL (Rawalpindi) Rs. 58,000 to 68,000/MT NRL (Karachi) Rs. 45,000 to 48,000/MT 28 47. *Mr. Muhammad Riaz Malik:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that oil prices are reducing in the World and the rates of Coal-Tar are increasing in the country; if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) the authority who granted the approval therefor?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): (a) the prices of different commodities are based on international and Local market dynamics. Following the reduction in prices of Crude Oil worldwide, the prices of Coal Tar (Bitumen) in Pakistan has also shown downward trend. Bitumen is a deregulated product, as such Government approval is therefore not required.

(b) As explained above, Bitumen is a deregulated product, as such Government’s approval is not required.

48. *Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state: (a) the year-wise income earned by the Pakistan Post (PP) during the last four years alongwith the head-wise utilization thereof; and (b) the new services started by the PP at Union Council level in the country by the present Government? Minister for Communications: (a) (i). The year wise income earned by Pakistan Post during the last four (04) years was as under:—

(Figures in Million Rs.) ——————————————————————————————————————————— Year Income (Revenue) earned by the PPOD ———————————————————————————————————————————

2011-2012 8,249.855 2012-2013 8,337.446 2013-2014 9,126.597 2014-2015 9,673.512 ——————————————————————————————————————————— 29 (ii) Being a Government Department, Pakistan Post is operating under a budgetary system. The revenue earned by the department becomes the part of Federal Consolidated Fund whereas Finance Division allocates budget under different Heads to meet the expenditure.

(b) No new service was launched by Pakistan Post Office Department at Union Council level during 2013 onward, nonetheless, the network of Urgent Mail Service (U.M.S.), Fax Money Order Service (F.M.O.) and Urgent Money Order Service (U.M.O.) was further extended (Annexure-“A”).


Statement showing the extension of UMS/UMO/FMO during the period from 2011 to 2015

———————————————————————————————————————————— Sr. No. Name of Station Division Service Date of extension provided of service ———————————————————————————————————————————— 1. Bshirpura P.O Jehlum Division UMS 20-02-2013

2. Ikhlas P.O Attock Division UMS 7-10-2013

3. Dharnal S.O Attock Division UMS 7-10-2013

4. Sara-I-Kala P.P UMS 7-10-2013

5. Saadat Colony P.O Rawalpindi Division UMS 7-10-2013

6. Taxla City NPO Rawalpindi Division UMS&UMO 7-10-2013

7. Massa Kaswal P.O Rawalpindi Division UMS 7-10-2013

8. Daulat P.O Rawalpindi Division UMS 7-10-2013

9. Daghed P.O Rawalpindi Division UMS 7-10-2013

10. Jabbar Derven P.O Rawalpindi Division UMS 7-10-2013

11. Jhatta Hattrical P.O Rawalpindi Division UMS 7-10-2013

12. Sast S.O FMO 20-11-2013

13. Maleer P.O Jamshoro Division FMO 26-11-2013

14. UNC Jamshoro S.O Jamshoro Division FMO 26-11-2013

15. Khair Pur Nathern Jamshoro Division FMO 26-11-2013 Shah P.O

16. Johi S.O Jamshoro Division UMS/FMO 26-11-2013

17. Bhan Saeedabad P.O Jamshoro Division UMS/FMO 26-11-2013

18. T.W.S Kortri S.O Jamshoro Division UMS/FMO 26-11-2013 ———————————————————————————————————————————— 30

———————————————————————————————————————————— Sr. No. Name of Station Division Service Date of extension provided of service ———————————————————————————————————————————— 19. Sehnan P.O Jamshoro Division UMS/UMO/ 26-11-2013 FMO

20. Nooriabad P.O Jamshoro Division UMS/UMO/ 26-11-2013 FMO

21. UMS 11-12-2013

22. Dhir Kot Muzaffarabad Division UMS 11-12-2013

23. Chenarri P.O Muzaffarabad Division UMS 11-12-2013

24. Chakthi Muzaffarabad Division UMS 11-12-2013

25. Hajira HSG Rawalkot Division UMS 11-12-2013

26. Trar Khel HSG Rawalkot Division UMS 11-12-2013

27. Chak Sawari UMS/UMO 11-12-2013

28. Palak SO Mirpur Division UMS/UMO 11-12-2013

29. Potha SO Mirpur Division UMS/UMO 11-12-2013

30. Jatti Dheri S.O Mirpur Division UMS/UMO 11-12-2013

31. Akal Garh PO Mirpur Division UMS/UMO 11-12-2013

32. Pind Kalan SO Mirpur Division UMS/UMO 11-12-2013

33. Jatli SO Mirpur Division UMS/UMO 11-12-2013

34. Chechian SO Mirpur Division UMS/UMO 11-12-2013

35. Boha Dhangri SO Mirpur Division UMS/UMO 11-12-2013

36. SO Mirpur Division UMS/UMO 11-12-2013

37. Gulpur SO Mirpur Division UMS/UMO 11-12-2013

38. Hajira (HSG PO) Division UMS/UMO 24-12-2013

39. Ormora (P.O) FMO 27-01-2014

40. Fort Abbas P.O FMO 25-04-2014

41. Bannu City P.O FMO 10-06-2014

42. Karak GPO UMS 01-07-2014

43. Jand P.O Attock Division FMO 14-11-2014

44. Totll P.O Skardu Division FMO 14-04-2015

45. Tando Allah Yar PO FMO 06-05-2015 ———————————————————————————————————————————— 31

———————————————————————————————————————————— Sr. No. Name of Station Division Service Date of extension provided of service ———————————————————————————————————————————— 46. Reshum PO FMO 27-08-2015

47. Depalpur PO Okara Division FMO 28-08-2015

48. Sargodha Cantt PO Sargodah Division FMO 30-10-2015

49. Sargodha City PO Sargodah Division FMO 30-10-2015

50. Satellite Town PO Sargodah Division FMO 30-10-2015

51. University of Sargodha PO Sargodah Division FMO 30-10-2015 ————————————————————————————————————————————

49. *Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) the nature of services being provided by the Pakistan Post alongwith the details thereof;

(b) the details of increase made in the charges of each service during the last four years;

(c) the income earned and expenditure incurred thereupon during the said period alongwith the year-wise details thereof; and

(d) the steps being taken by the Government to improve those services?

Minister for Communications: (a) The name of services and their details are enclosed at Annex-A.

(b) The detail of increase in charges of postal and remittance service is enclosed at Annex-B.

(c) (i) The summary of income (revenue) earned and expenditure incurred by the Pakistan Post Office Department (PPOD) during the last four years is given below: — 32 (Figures in Million Rs.) —————————————————————————————— Year Income (Revenue) Expenditure incurred earned by the PPOD. by the PPOD. —————————————————————————————— 2011-2012 8,249.889 12508.425 2012-2013 8337.446 14,180.581 2013-2014 9,126.597 15,715.137 2014-2015 9,673.512 16,004.578 ——————————————————————————————

(ii) The year-wise and head-wise breakup of income (Revenue) earned and expenditure incurred by the Pakistan Post Office Department during the last four years is given in attached Annex-C.

Pakistan Post has taken certain steps which have improved the services and performance of Pakistan Post. Their details are enclosed at Annex-D.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

ISLAMABAD: MOHAMMAD RIAZ, The 8th December, 2015. Secretary.

PCPPI—15099(15) NA—8-12-2015—650. 1 (27th Session)




For Wednesday, the 9th December, 2015

167. Ms. Shaista Pervaiz: (Deffered during 4th Session)

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state:

(a) the names, qualification and relevant experience of the Government officers nominated for various Boards of Directors of companies and organizations working under the Ministry during the period from 1-3-2008 till date; and

(b) the date-wise details of meetings attended by each one of them alongwith the remunerations received for each meeting during the said period?

Reply not received.

140. Ms. Sajida Begum: (Deffered during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of cases registered and disposed of in High Courts and Supreme Court of Pakistan during the present Government; and

(b) the total number of cases in which the parents of aggrieved persons were declared criminals after the promulgation of 2 Section 498-B of Pakistan Penal Code 1860 during the year 2014-15?

Reply not received.

150. Mrs. Shahida Rehmani: (Deffered during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) the prescribed procedure of the Pakistan Post (PP) to collect mail from abroad alongwith the locations thereof in the country;

(b) the prescribed procedure of delivery of the foreign mail in the country;

(c) the prescribed procedure to send mail abroad;

(d) the revenue collected by the Government from sending mail abroad during the last five years; and

(e) the steps taken by the Government to improve the performance of the PP?

Minister for Communications: (a) Foreign Mail is exchanged between the Member countries of Universal Postal Union (U.P.U), a Specialized Agency of United Nations. The country of origin dispatches outbound Foreign Mail meant for the entire country through its designated International Mail Offices by utilizing air, surface or sea modes of transportation, as the case may be, keeping in view the Category of Mail. International Mail Offices also handle Transit Mail meant for other countries. The detailed procedure on this count is contained in Foreign Post Manual (Annexure-I).

(b) Inbound International Mail received from Foreign Countries by International Mail Offices, after processing & Customs Examination, where necessary, is dispatched to the relevant District Mail Offices for sorting & onward consignment to the concerned Delivery Offices for delivery through Postmen/ Delivery Agents. The procedure as contained in the Post Office Guide is attached as Annexure-II. 3 (c) Outbound International Mail posted in Letter Boxes / Post Offices is dispatched to the concerned District Mail Offices for processing & onward transmission to International Mail Offices. After Customs Examination, International Mail Offices prepare dispatches for the countries of destination & transmitted through the designated modes of conveyance. A copy of the prescribed procedure is at Annexure-I.

(d) The detail of revenue generated by Pakistan Post through exchange of inbound / outbound International Mail during last three years is given as under:—

(Rupees in Million) —————————————————————————————— Year Receipts Payments Net Revenue —————————————————————————————— 2011-12 122.017 41.428 (+) 120.589

2012-13 121.129 98.102 (+) 23.027

2013-14 139.759 113.330 (+) 26.429 —————————————————————————————— (e) Following steps have been taken/being taken by the Government to improve these services:—

(i) 100% scanning of inward & outward registered Letters, Foreign Parcels and International EMS items.

(ii) Maintaining and validating International Mail Delivery Standards.

(iii) Motorization of mail collection and delivery network with funding through Universal Postal Union Quality of Service Fund.

(iv) Establishment of a reliable Track and Trace System.

(v) Establishment and Operation of computerized Complaint Management System.

(vi) Using of direct flights, where possible, for transmission of International Mail.

(Annexures have been placed the National Assembly Library). 4

151. Dr. Arif Alvi: (Deffered during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state:

(a) the details of implementations made by the Implementation Wing on the decisions given by the Federal Ombudsman during the year 2014-15 regarding the Cooperative Housing Societies including Medical Society, Sector E-11 and E-12 and Jinnah Garden (Ex-National Assembly Cooperative Housing Society), Islamabad separately; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Ministry to dispose of the cases of said societies separately on urgent basis?

Transferred to Capital Administration and Development Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

6. Ms. Sajida Begum:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state:

(a) the location-wise reserves of precious stones in the country at present; and

(b) the types of stones being mined therefrom?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): (a) By virtue of favourable geological environment, Khyber- Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-, Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) and Azad Jammu & Kashmir (A.J.&K.) are the potential gem-bearing regions. Location-wise details of precious stones found in the country are given below:— –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Name of Location Gemstone –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Ruby A. J.& K.: Nangimali, Chitta Katha, Kale Jander, Khundigali, Noori Nar and Doorian (Neelam Valley); 5 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Name of Location Gemstone –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Gilgit- Baltistan: Ahmed Abad and (Hunza), Mirmalik (Astore) and Shigar (Skardu);

Khyber Pukhtunkhwa: Mansehra, Kaghan/Naran, Besel and Ghatti.

Emerald Khyber Pukhtunkhwa: Shamozai and Fiza Gat Mingora (Swat) and Gujar Killi (Shangla);

Gilgit- Baltistan: Heramosh (Gilgit) and Shigar (Skardu); and FATA: Aman Kot and Khanselai (Bajaur Agency) and Tora Tiga Sar (Mohmand Agency).

Sapphire Khyber Pukhtunkhwa: Saadullah Nar, Kaghan Valley and Basal (Mansehra)

Gilgit- Baltistan: Hussainabad (Hunza).

Topaz Khyber Pukhtunkhwa: Shaheed Ghundai, Katlang, Shamozai and Kaghan/Naran.

Tourmaline Khyber Pukhtunkhwa: Swat, Dir; and A.J.& K: Donga Nar, District Neelum.

Spinel Khyber Pukhtunkhwa: Swat, Kohistan.

Aquamarine Gilgit-Baltistan GB: Gilgit, Skardu and Nagar.

Khyber Pukhtunkhwa: Swat, Chitral.

Peridot Khyber Pukhtunkhwa: Kohistan, Basham.

Epidote Khyber Pukhtunkhwa: Swat, Dir, Buner; and

FATA: Khanselai and Manro Pitao (Bajaur Agency) and Khazana Sar (Mohmand Agency). 6 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Name of Location Gemstone –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Garnets Khyber Pukhtunkhwa: Swat; FATA: Khanselai and Manro Pitao (Bajaur Agency).

Balochistan, Chagai

Beryl FATA: Khazana Sar (Mohmand Agency). ______

(b) All the precious stones mentioned above are being mined out by the mine owners under the licence/title granted by the respective Governments.

7. Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to refer to Starred Question No.126 replied on 03-08-2015 and to state the details of corruption cases pending in the National Accountability Bureau for the last five years?

Minister for Law and Justice: Year-wise state of inquiries and investigations pending at NAB including backlog is as follows:—

Inquiries –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Year Under Progress –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2010 604

2011 746

2012 589

2013 630

2014 932

2015 752 (As on 30-09-2015) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 7 Investigations –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Year Under Progress –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2010 262

2011 293

2012 246

2013 241

2014 279

2015 312 (As on 30-09-2015) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 8. Ms Aisha Syed:

Will the Minister for Law and Justice be pleased to state the performance made by the Family Protection and Rehabilitation Centre, Islamabad during the period from 2013 to 2015 alongwith the number of persons benefited therefrom?

Transferred to Human Rights Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

9. Ms. Shakila Luqman:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:

(a) the details of route of Motorway from Khanjrab to Gwadar; and

(b) the names of cities which will be linked through the said Motorway?

Minister for Communications: (a) and (b) China - Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) connects Gawadar with Khunjerab through eastern, western and central corridors. 8 Northern Alignment (Khunjerab - Burhan) The total length of National Highway (N-35) is 806 Kms. It traverses through Hunza, Gilgit, Thakot, Abbottabad and Haripur to reach Hassanabdal / Burhan.

The details of CPEC corridor are given below:—

CPEC Western Alignment –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– From To Distance (Km) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Khunjerab Raikot 335 Raikot Thakot 270 Thakot Havelian 120 Havelian Burhan 59 Burhan D.I. Khan 280 D.I. Khan Mughalkot 124 Mughalkot Zhob 81 Zhob Quetta 331 Quetta Surab 211 Surab Hoshab 449 Hoshab Gwadar 193 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Total 2, 453 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CPEC Central Alignment –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– From To Distance (Km) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Khunjrab Raikot 335 Raikot Thakot 270 Thakot Havelian 120 Havelian Burhan 59 Burhan/Havelian Darya Khan 342 Darya Khan Jampur 250 Jampur Wanguhills 363 Wanguhills Khuzdar 108 Khuzdar Basima 110 Basima/Surab Hoshab 449 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Total 2, 504 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 9 CPEC Eastern Alignment –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– From To Distance (Km) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Khujerab Raikot 335 Raikot Thakot 270 Thakot Havelian 120 Havelian Burhan 59 Burhan Faisalabad M3 306 Faisalabad M3 Multan M4 241 Multan M4 Sukkur 402 Sukkur Shikarpur 35 Shikarpur Ratodero 48 Ratodero Khuzdar 211 Khuzdar Basima 110 Basima/Surab Hoshab 354 Hoshab Gwadar 193 Sukkur Hyderabad 301 Hyderabad Karachi 136 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Total 2, 684 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 10. Ms. Shakila Luqman:

Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the proposed lanes of Motorway from Khunjerab to Gwadar?

Minister for Communications: Motorway in the country are planned to be constructed as 6 lanes. Efficient connectivity between Gwadar and Khunjerab is being achieved through expansion and up-gradation of existing National Highway Network to international standards. The early Harvest Project namely KKH Phase-II (Thakot-Havellian) would be a 4 lane highway connection between Khunjerab and Gwadar. Similalrly Sukkur to Multan is planned as a 6 lane Motorway. Finally N-85 from Hoshab to Sohrab is being built as a 2 lane highway. All these are part of the road link from Khunjerab to Gwadar.

11. Ms. Mussarrat Ahmadzeb:

Will the Minister for Human Rights be pleased to state the total number of Union Councils in District Swat where National Commission for 10

Human Development is working at present alongwith the details of offices thereof?

Reply not Received.

12. Mr. Sajid Nawaz: Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the National Highway Authority to set up Weigh Stations for maintenance and load management at GT Road; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Communications: At present 11 permanent and 4 mobile weigh stations on various locations of G.T Road (N-5) are operational to control over loading.

National Highway Authority has planned to further augment the axle load control regime in the country in three years’ time in order to stop damages to the National Highway Network. In this regard 14 new weigh stations will be installed at different locations on GT Road (N-5) in coordination with NH&MP. The implementation status is as under:— –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Priority Locations of No. of Implementation Weigh Stations Weigh Status Stations –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Priority-I Khairpur (SB) Construction will be (For FY. Pannu Aqil (NB) completed by 2015-16) Basti Malook (SB) 04 30th June 2016. Khanewal (NB) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Priority-II Torkham (NB&SB) Construction will be (For FY. Sutlaj Bridge near completed by 2016-17) Bahawalpur (NB&SB) 30th June 2017. Sahiwal (NB&SB) 08 Rawat (NB) Peshawar (SB) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 11

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Priority Locations of No. of Implementation Weigh Stations Weigh Status Stations –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Priority-III Kotri (SB) Construction will be (For FY. 02 completed by 2017-18) Matiari (NB) 30th June 2018. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Total: 14 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NB: North Bound SB: South Bound

13. Ms. Naeema Kishwar Khan:

Will the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of Federal Government employees whose services have been regularized as per the decision of the Islamabad High Court regarding regularization of contract employees alongwith the details thereof; and

(b) whether it is a fact that the services of the employees of OGDCL have not been regularized so far; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources (Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi): (a) The services of three (3) contractual employees of HDIP were regularized as per the decision dated 13-02-2013 of the Honorable Islamabad High Court, Islamabad in Writ Petition No. 1474/2012. The detail in respect of said employees is placed under Annexure-A while copy of the said decision is also attached as Annexure-B.

(b) It is hereby clarified that no case for regularization has been processed in OGDCL on the decision of Islamabad High Court.

Nevertheless, the services of 1135 contractual employees have been regularized during the period from 2002 to 2014 as per regularization criteria approved by the Board of the Company; the detail of which is as under:— 12 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– S/N Year Officers Staff Total –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (i) 2002 4 0 4 (ii) 2005 98 0 98 (iii) 2007 12 0 12 (iv) 2008 58 43 101 (v) 2009 0 29 29 (vi) 2011 88 8 96 (vii) 2012 313 7 320 (viii) 2013 5 87 92 (ix) 2014 6 377 383 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Total 584 551 1135 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library).

14. Mr. Waseem Akhtar Shaikh: Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the percentage of construction work of Burhan to Havelian Expressway/ Motorway completed so far?

Minister for Communications: The earth work as well as structure Culverts, Underpasses, Flyovers and Bridges are under taken on both Packages I & II. Since March, 2015. Till to date overall progress is as under:—

Progress Achieved

Package-I 17.5% Package-II 10.9%

The completion time is 2 years i.e 4th March, 2017.

The construction of Package-III Sarai Saleh - Havelian (Km 39+611- Km 59+100) will be Commenced shortly with the completion period of 2 years.

ISLAMABAD: MOHAMMAD RIAZ, The 8th December, 2015. Secretary.

PCPPI—15099(2015) NA—8-12-2015—650.