AKOTIIEIt m iU IIT WRECK. I'liumill ITEIH, rm ONAL MEKTION. liKUINU TIIK WICkET. TUIS-Vl'OX llA T l’EKS. Tlia Somnd On* to Oocur Within • W uk I pastort nre InvlUnJ lo 8cn LegUIatlvo !>oIhk« anil I'ollllonl Oomlp at ' —Travat Not Much Uelnyrd. Wbtlni’Htinytjja'lt wi'ok.for pubUoaUou ud* Horns ofoarl'»oi>Ii—VJ»itor«Ja Town. log to Ibeir rw|ieet|ve piicma any liriua of tuure«k d fural«li6d by ldoarvTeUrkiotIbedlffercutfOcletiM tlia Stato ttijiiUil Tlili Week. Oa Tuetday uiglit about 8:80 o'clock llifious amicus nud Uiejr will b« iiuLllehoil B a t, J , E , Oraut, formerly of Key* Ur«.or otbtrineiiibAra. - After deoUratiuue iu tbe plAtforn» tlie wreck of » freltflit tmiu nt Farrj'e wlthautenaritB.l____ port, waa tn town yeaterday, . of botb pavtief), aod Ibe Ooreroor^ brickyard lore np Ilia trucks and 1 Iiid«pAUri«nt Onler ofOiWl KeSlowi, M . K, Church, Ollle Murphy of Monut Vernon, N. noaoewerable arK'Hueufc ]q fafor of tbt>- blooked travel until about 4:31) Wed* Preacblog oa SiioJ^y mor&lng by Fuel Qraud Maaler Uarry B. Fine, V., ia tbe gueal of Mr. and Mra, F , J , of Camden, who ia wall-known by the propoaltiou lo abutisb tbe Hjeiem of neaday morning, wlion llii) tliuatrti Ibe putor, Rev. J . F. HeileomBD, Hor liu. — > bompeoaatiog oouotjr oflioers by fees- train waa able to ooutluoe ita trip to Odd Fellowa of Munniouth Couuly, haa Moroiug tbeme: MTbe Oblef Glor/ aod fliibstfttilo ib«refor ctated aalaiie0». tlie towni aoutli ot Mufnwao. Norman 8 , Tice, who ia employed al annonnced bimaelf at a eiodidale for of % Ooipel Miuinler.” Elisabeth, apent from' Friday to Bnn­ advocated aa a tneRnare af aootiomy lo A traiu of empty freight oara waa 8oui1»j-*clioo)— 2:30 p, m. Grand Secretary of tbe Orand Lodge, day at borne. • fle will alao aapiro to the offloe of tbe tatpafera and jti«t(oe to tbe people^, going north about tbat hour aud It ia Epvorth League —6:46 p. at. it aeemv ratber ttlraogu tbAt a majority ■oppoaod tbe traiu broke iu two after Bev, Milton B , Eaatfaek, formerly Qrand Borlba ot tbe Oraml Euoamp- Evealag iLeme: “ MlaisterUl Mom* of tbe member* of botb parties iu tb# paaafug Hatlet. Tbia waa unknown to of Cliffwnod, called upon hla frienda ment, Both offloea are now held by oiiei—IotereiOog Epi«ode« la ibe Legirlatnre ahould be fouud opposed ibe freight crew anil tbo englce, re­ bere lu t Friday. Lew ii Parker, ol Trenton, wboae Lite of tbe Pntt«r. lo legislation to tbat eod. lieved ol part ol ita traiu, lacreaaed ita weight ol yeara ia beginning to tell ou Od E u le r Bond*/ Iberc will be Mra. Itnliff Crawford of Aabury Park Tbe bills of Beuator Strong seemrA1 apeed aa It approaobed Matawan, for U ll veteran Odd Fellow, wbo will ip«oUl MiFioe*. I q Ibe tnorniDg tbe waa tbe gueat of Mra. fi, Tioc laat lo ttmbodj a feaiible way lo b ritg 11 made 1 0 alop here. Upon reaching aouner or later retire from active work rrguUr Mrnoo will be by Ibe putor Thuraday and Friday, abonl the reault aimed al aud, eonsid- F a r rj’a brickyard * red algual waa in the order. But until Orand Secre­ wilb epteia) moalo b j Ibe cbolr, I d Ibe Jamea T. Fountain ol Dempatead, er(og Ibe qnalitluations required in tb * notioed ahead aud tbe engine waa tary Farker aaya himaelf tbat be waste eveuiug lbe HabbalU>Mbool w ill take Ii, I,, baa been tbe gneat ol bia brother, iQoumbeuta autl tbe ooiopsralivs)^ brought to a anddeu atop, I t bid to be relieved ol bit olSoe it it not part In the aerfioca. Mr. Loamlor W . A, Fountain, aeveral daya Ibe pant likely tberu w ill be auy ohauge. eaay uatnre of tbo work iovolfed, Ibe- baralv eome to a atandatili when Iba Wood ol Keyporl a&d Mra. W . A, Oioee week. aalaries named in tba laal Blroog b illr •far end of tbs train eraabed Into tba of Matawan «U1 be tbeaoloisU aod an Knlaht. or rrintaa. or tbe ilm iisr ouo offered by Mr. Mc~ forward part wilb mob foroe to tear Hon. H, 8 . Little bai returned from aa otobwtra of flva loatrunieiiU i« praallo* Matawan Lodge conferred the ranka Oouald io tbo doiiao, aetfned lo be 0 0 1> np tbe traoka aud pile up tbe eire on a prolonged atay al Arkeu, B. 0. Be log for the oooaiion. nf Enquire aud Knight upon Page El- ouly sufficient, but ia faol generova* lha traoka aod down tbe enbeokment apent Sunday bere and Monday weut Vint Chink. to Trenton, wood Van Bnokle it the meeting laat Aud eipeoialiy would itaj»p«arfowbai> on either aide at that point, there night. About twenty uembera nf Blr ftCtQBisg Vac NofttraQd—a ibeotogl- Mra, A, D, Benderaon uf lirouklyn oue titmaitUtra tlu i tba tufwa of tb» were Uiitleeuoan-wraoktd, and ell but Walling Lodge of Keyport were prca- officials coneernml ran froB tbrre !(► one of tbem—a luge ateel oar—were eal aiutleul al Broan Uuiverailjg ia viaitlug her paranla, Mr. aud Mra, ent, iuclniling Dlatriol Deputy Oraml year*, aod tbo aurns oaoiml voeld burned, Tbe wrecked oara were uied I'rotldenoe* It. I. , aud a aoo of Mra. 0. A, Quran, M l. Uanderaou wai Ohanoellur Geurge II. Young. Tlie George Tbumpeoo of llila plaoe—will a§grf«ale reoel|)ta for salary in eonk~ for Arewood to light the men In Ibelr dowuaver Sunday, rauka were conferred by a team Irnm oeeapy Ibe Baptist pulpit ou Hoodaj, ties like Moamoulb sml llfddlsess of work ol repairing the roadbed and at Mra, Adalbert VanBrakle ia apend- B ir Walling Lodge, with I’aat Oliau- 915,1100 for thn Bhiiriff for thrs** years* daylight Wedueaday morning there AwoihI IU|}il»t Vhttrch* lng two weeka it Pine Tree Inn, Lako- Cullor B. P. Dey acllug aa Ohanoullor ssrrloy, and #U5,0U<) eaob fur Coouty waa loaroely anything to be aeen of tba Servleea Bnnday aa followa: bnral, with ber aiater, Mra, Uharlee Commander. Alter tbo work waa com- woodwork of tbe former oara, Outalda Olcrk* aud Hurraiiatee foi Ibeir ttvui l l a . nt.—Frtaohlog, T li liuc: ' ‘Bow­ U, Vincenl, of Fanwood, N, J , plated relreebmente were aurvetl aud year tertna. ol Ihe Anauotal loaa to Iba company ing- Mr. aud Mri. (lilhart White, Mr. the viallora made lo feel that tlielr Uut uuUs» r^viswed snd prrseed there wai no further damage done, tha 3:80 p, m.—Sabbath-loliool. anil Mn, Ohirlca W hile and danglitnra work anil preaenoo had l>uou highly aimw tbo bills uim nuniu deskliiod U»- eiaw neaping any Injury, 'Ibe Ora 7:15 », n .~ U . V. P, V .; Topic, lieleu aad Mildrni were gutala uf Mr, appreciated. fall of psHSge, ami tbe fsult, slugnlar Iron Iba bnrnlog eara al one tlmu "HuuibUi junraolf ttulo Qud anil be and Mra. Juliu P. Iiliiyd 011 Hunday, to aay, leomi lo Ilu aboitl w jiu llf »ltU threatened to aet Iho kiln tlieda on will lilt you up," Ulobanl Lyuua, Item. W. Daytuu ia at Aabury Park A Verf Mawtaalu fT taa Farry’a brickyard on lire, but thu bolb parties. It is, fw m tbthisi, leader, vlalling hia tirutluir, II, 1C. Daytuu, Thn rt'oeption given In fturnn'a lla ll iN jiullj a lulilukc for both pattiev, «» workmen aaw tbe danger iu lima In ( p , m,—Preaching, Tbiiiuo: ."lleb- Tho latter, wlin h u been tpiitn alofc, la laat Frlilry night lij a ouiniiiltteii of if tbu propoKlliuit w«t« sii » avert auy loaa, Tbia la Iliu anminil rou, Third Oily ul Itnfuge,'' Improving and otpi'ola to vumo lu thirteen geulliiiiioii lur Iliu bein'III of dirtint pnpuUr roio it would probably aooident tn oocitr ou Ibe Iinng Itraneb rrw hoU fr7W liTN at HulM, Maliwan iu • lew daya Waller Thoinptuu, llm hllud uiiwalKiVi bo oarriud by an overwbuluilkg me* road within a week and both t>f them waa Ihe lilual anooeaaful uf nny given In Jorily. werewtlhtu oue-lourtti of a mlla ol Tbe trolley coiutulttcu of thu Middle- a lung lime, Tint hall waa ttuMnlly eaeb otter. A Ylult fi'iitu Ilia llru tlw . Uudor iho In*, as proposed, Ibtr- Ha County litiard ut Fmohnlilora ban diiouratml auil llii) attvuilance waa tnry iiiiiiiliiiiMinls of Hi«» |irfii>ut official* 1'r. I , ilagelalnni ul llolalgfora, Fin ­ deeldisd tu ail.iao tlm liuard lint to large, many lining there at ouluukiira, would not Imro Im i u rsitue»d aud Ibosw J m im Mkerhick’a Haildra Death. land Ih v IhUiiih hln lirnlliur, I'rnf, It, build a now brldgo lur llio nan ul llio Tha iminnillti'ii Imrti tlm r>|ioli»eanf HKplrlDH lo tlio siumukiUhi wotild IlHtb Jauiva Blmrlook inrniorly ol Mata- Jeraey Ounlral Trni'tluii OutnpHtij llatiiilatnin. iio la a a|iuulallal 011 tho niitalu nnd Imll au lhal Iliu rcnol| who ol late yeara llvml witli aornaa Oliiitiai'i|iiakn Orniilt. 'i'lin trulloj Irinu Ilin Hiifu nf tlukula and llio tuniiiiy and would not seek tbe oDloo If nndt- llelalgfora, Aftnr a alitill atay lit tlila Ilia aim Mlohacl nl Alluulln lilghlauda, uoitipnny had aiiggoetuil t» thu com- from the hat clmnka will all lie paid sltabU. a lullteo that II wuuld pay half t>( tiioei* ominlry he will retnru to Kiiropo. waa loiinil dead in tbo (rout yard ol uvnr fur W alii't't luuiellt, A iinintur I ’rlMMrv ICIflllllH I.HM'i hia llouio on Wediieinliiy murning uf ptinaea ul a li«w Itridmi or would 1'tof, llagi'laUni liaa gmlo tn Atlantic uf llm yminji ladlea fnruUhnillhn aanil- Tlmro nwm lu Ixi a probability lim l laal weok. When lila tun atirtod togu •Ireiiglkou the proaont bridge, Olty fur a ihurt trip, wlnlma, caku and nulli'o anil llio Ion Tliu (lotnmltlnii la ul tlio upiolnu that tbu IiMftUUttmi will m prliuwr/ lo bed tlio ulght liotutu Mr, filwilnnk nrram wai alan glvou liy llm young vlmtiitm taw ln'foro ailjmirimu'iil, anil •aid hn would anon follow him, 1 n- tliu pruaunt Ih Mk" turn mil lio Hiiflli'luait* Drcddliiir tint 1,'liiiiiiu-l, laillea, ly «troii||Uiiii!iid fur tlm Irulloy linn, A Tlm Kuveriimttnt liaa aout t«n mmi- tbero Is, ol mmrsu, sumo eiirhmily to ateml uf tluing tlila liu wont tn a aalnou Tlm eouimltU'ii mol laat night tu know bow II UgoliiH to work. Friend* but whiiil lm atartod lur homo liu waa new brlilguwlll lio iieootiary aud tliu dlKgera aud lunr aouwa tu Kiiypurt In iiiabit it|i tliiilr riiputl, Tliv llnkuttt paltl of Hut pro|ms«td iiHmaurn s|ipvar lo not under the iiilliienoii ol lli|iuir. oiiiniiillloii dtma nut think Hint Iliu drwlgo imt ilu> atutiinlinnt oluiuiiol, A fur were 1711, uf tvliluh tiiiiuher.Oltarlea tliluk Hurnc «,u Walling 'J4, Miaa lliilm'i li, slilsi rvkiills. It ia thought Ibat wlillo hu waa altliug It liaa lull’ll duoldnd In rouiiliinioilri llm iiIiiiih fur ii«|iuiiiIIii|{ f.lo,.|;.1 for tlui T'erhnim Qt), Mattbow Molinok 10, and lu tliu Ininril Hint tlm trulliiy ouiiipiiiiy lni|tniyL'iiieiil of Iv0j'|iiul liiunui' mul (j.l,- Tlm troublo wilb tbo prlmnrlve Is, oa bia |inruli, lie liail ouo ul tliuao at- Hit) nlhnra from II ilnwn tii I, it la ien*tally, tlmt Ibitr *rn nt'filHilsd iii- Ueka and fell to tlie grntind, haro a right tu build a uow brldgt1, al uu fur Mntnwrtil Cretk, I'lveLliniuuiiid piiaallilu tlml a few innro llubeln aunt Gutoner Itodio vlaltod llm body with lla uwn nipiiuai', lining wlial niaalvrlnl ilolliua itniiiuilly la ihyivIiInI fur tlin firgo |>Hit by ibu tory pmiplo wliu isnr out of lowu may Iiii pulil lur anil tlm always rvsdy lo tlml fault wllli resiiHe Dr, lloudrlokmiii aud gaio a permit for It nuuda Iron, tlm prvatmt lirldge, the iiinliitoiuuioe of. Koypott luirhor nml fv- uuil ftir Mituvn 11 Ctenk. The plitii III. ri'tiirna fruui Iliu ri'imptlnu rtiaultuviir dlreolly r(ifi)riiniMii>< wbat are you going lo lory. between New 1’ivrk and Lakoiroud Hieiiocil, Imrt oul, Tint liailgti waa wuu liy 1 ' do abuiit ll V llealdea tbe aon Mlnliacl Hlierloek, npeued, ilatnna II. Ilydo baa anunl Blaauit ul B011II 1 illvur, wliu killed H From Ilin |ialns I iiIh iii wo sball prolix there aro tbreo ilatlghlcra aitrtlting, about (Al),illil) In tlio otilorprlan, Tliuro The Aluinliwa Inn, out ul 1(1, Tito iitlu r aenrea wntu Vi, sbly gut ii pretty kikm! sort of law for they being Mra, Ocorgo Auderwu of are eerouty boreea alallonod alniig llm II, Perrlliii N, ilami>a Van llrankln 7 and Ibu uiguUtlmi of prlnmry mfntings,, llrouklyu, Mra. Kdward Jaggcr nl At. runle, four ul thorn Iniiug at Malawau For mme weeka tho gruilml Ilnur ul ti, II, Mnlrliead II, 'l'lm uiindltloiin Iliu Aluirdcnti Inn Iiiih litinli utidorgcdtig aud tln'iv yon will mu'tl snntbur lew lit laulie lllglitamla and Mia. iliilili Oiigati autl a chango la lumlo Juat off the worn h iiii Imrriil, gun Inluw tlm < lliu» «ooi)ml mi'n to attond. HIM, lot u» of Malawau, Their muthor tiled about alteralluna and rupalra and limy am outtuly road ou Iho Old Utldge roail, until llm bird waa 1111 Ilin aud ut bsvn tbo good Ihw, snd tnml lo ibo twu yeara ago. alioul cuinplcM, Tlm lluur Inta Im u I I look ten liunie tu muko tho trip un lilt yarila rlac, Tliure wnt 110 aiiuut laal publlo sidrlt uf llm iistrlollo oIII kom to Saturday bmuin ul Iliu dulayn al the llluil, llm Inr touted near Ilin Main tuunllt owing tu a toarullv ul lilnlaaud Hlrmt and anil tho klloben ohaugtd uitet It uelf way am) ulllin i IU oppor­ .. Oblluary Nnln. latry and tliu n ln . l l otiata alinnt ll waa nipoaled that tlm Fidiruary and tunities. It osniiut work tmiuh b «u i„ inoit a day tu ruu tlio triii. Tho lirad- fiutn upatalra lu Ihla flour, Oror March coiitl'ala would have licnn llll- H, Itarold, tlie lulaiit toil ul Harold *'J,5II0 havo Ilium apulit In the lm- If it doca not do numb good. and Maggie Hltmt, tiled on Mouday al iinarlen al Lakewood ia al fleorge sided lait wmiki A lack ol hlrila, liuw- pruveiuente, W, II, Porrluo la llio Maw Jaraar at Nt. l vdl«d laat Thuraday night at ber borne Voadater elata, will open to amateur reu were prevent, Col. LuwlaT, Mry- 4 H tF r e 9holil In tlio Kith year uf bet owner only. prlaing tba Monmonth Uonlily ludgua moval uf three dlaeaauil rlln, Tlmuper- aud a lodge at Boulh Amboy. Tbla la atlou waa aticccufnl and the palleut le uut of Atlautlo City wai eleetuil ,icr- age, Bbewat boru In Freehold and miunut Olork. The Jeraey ln-»ili|iiar- Hotel Mick lleneHt I'lin , Iho fourth lime tbat a member uf recuteiing, leaVeatwo aona, William M .iu il Alot* Inia al llio Kxiniattion will bo iu tho aider I* Mofeau, both ot Freehold^ A Froeliold buaineai bonae baa de< Olive Branch Ludge b u been honored by tlila appulotmcut hum the Oranil W bil'ilaiN ini? •‘Mow Jeraey Building," an ciant re- vleed a no«el plan tu thaw trade Irnm pruduellou ul Waahluglon'a Morrla- ( • Trigrty Awarltd. ; menlbora ol ihe varlona benelloial or­ Matter, Kvcryllilng ia lu llio tiatmi when II uomoatu tV I loll Ilaitcl Halve, V, 0, lowu lieaili|iuirl(ire, Ilu1 (idluhrateili ('Ju il in the nick ol tlnio onr tittle der) there, Any ninmlor who. will A New ttai|>«rl 11 InnilntiI. D oW III A Oo., ol Chicago, dlaeo.orml Ford Tavern, lu tin (iruotud at a tnlal agree lo make 1 2 worth ol eaah pnr- b o f w m lived" aritca Mn. W. Wil* anmo yeara ago how to make a anlve coit ul (20,(1110, anil the Luglalilur« ohaaea eaeh week will receive free the 0. A, Zimmerman ul Luug Itranoh kina ol Fieaaant Oily, , "Pueu- from Witch llaeel tbat i i a ipaolllo will, dunhlluaa, ralae tho primniil np- tnonla had played and liavoo wltb him eatneamonnt prr week whlio tlioy arc Olty, one ol Iho oollcotnra far tlio I ’m- pruprlatimi ul 81)0,0(10 tn 1 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 t-> iluiilinl Inenranco Company, liaa been lor plica. For blind, bleeding, itch­ and a terrible oougb aet in beaMea, a l auy time on Ibo alek Hit anil rcoclv- ing ami protruding plica, concilia, oul*, alit ollitena uf Ihe lllalu In making a lug tieneflta of the lodge, appolntod to Ihu poallion ul iiaalalHiit Doctor) treated him, bill lio grow litirna, lirultia anil all akin illeenMm, creditable dlaplay at the liapualllnii, worte every day. Al lougtli wo tried aii|)erlnleudeiit at Kuynurt. llelaaiiu- ll«a|i|i«Nratira ur Jamtia Htttlllir >lf, The Slemaoh la the Man. ceedetl by J . 13. llarkaluir of Malawau, DuW ilt’a Halvo haa 110 equal. Tlila Dr.Klog’t Hew Dlicorciy for con- liaa given rlio lu nnmorntia wnrtlilcta Aiming thlngi uoliblo In Troulor. aumption, and our darling waa aaved. A weak itomach week one tho nan, wbo haa beoti Ilin aaalalnul aupailuUiu. beeanao It oannot Iranaform tbo food dent lor toveral montha. 0011 ntnrfufI*. Aek fur W oW lll'i— Ihe tlila week Ima been the ronppnaranto Bo'la Cow aotind atid well." Every­ guuitluc, Frank II. Hlator, ul former ll. B. Beuator J Ull If n Hid 11 b r body ought lo know it's Ihu ouly auro be eala into nnurlahinuol, Hoallb anil atrenglh oaiiuol ho realored to any U nfit fltt) for lining ilrinik. Jr ., lu llm ruin uf l'Jiunnnriillu leader. enre for oouglia, eolda and all luug Aa Cnlirlalnm.til Ilu enliirlaliiuil llio lluiiiiinralln iuvui- diiei.ea, Qnaraiilood by It. 0, Wai- aiek man or weak woman without flrat Judgo Morrln nl liuiig Ilraiinli 011 roalorlng boallli aud almtigth tu tho will bo hold In Iho Aaaemlily Hull, Imr* uf the Now ilurauy Luglaliiliirii ab , lleg, drogglat. I ’rlao OOo aud 81. Trial Monday fined Iialayollo Oltaudler ul Olouwooil Inallltilu, tin Friday (mut­ a illuniir lu New York riioatilly, tail on- boltiea free. atomaoh. A woak atomaoli eanuot ill- that plaoo UU lor bolng drunk, Oliattd- gertanough food tu Iced the Uh h o i ing, April II. An atuntlng and lualriin- Momlny cvimlug liu rutMilvml hlafrlund» ler waa iiualilo to ralae tlio lummy anil tlvn program oontlttlng ul ri’iiillliK*, aud cmiimnlod with llioin at llio Tren­ Honatl Horici11 Horm lll aud revivu thu llroil and run down ito will aervo lllty ilaja at Freehuld aa dlalugttua ami rural and luatruinoiital ton Homo, B, It, Forman, Iho Freehold boraollmba and organa ol Iho body. Knilul a guoat nf Ulioilfrllnijardua, Dyapopali Unro oloaiiaoe, pitrillua, miiale, K ill liu preauultiil, A moat i n- Tlila monna tin t Mr, Hmllli linalinpoa dealer, oarrlcs lliolirgonl utook ol auy ■ 1 .. ■ *■ ...... - « luyalle (ivetilnu may bn nipnotod. of Ueliinnriillii galna in Ihla Hlnle llila dealer lu tbo oonuly, aa ho ii ooliataut. awoctoua and alrnngthoiia tho fflnnda A. t i l l t Co’i Ufiring Opening. and membrmca nl the aloiuaoli, amt Atlmluluti 'ino, year and u eil, and llial hit la a o.itill- ly repleuialtlug lu order to la tiily hla M llltucry and all ullmr gtiuilaHatm- Fronneda lur tlio licniiAt ul Olonwutul dalu lor Uiilleil Hlnliia Hniiatur at Hut largo »uil growing llat ol ottalutnera. onrca liidlgeatluii, dyapupala and all atuuiaoh truutiloa, I ’rmik II. Blntor, day, Maroh liH, You will lind that ltaaeball Team. expiration ul HtiuMur ICvnu'a term. He baa them iu patra aud aluglu, work* tliu now aeaaoit liaa ualinroil In many Ufa eaali, ia well aa liln outinaul, It In ora or roadere, autl tlio prtena will bo 8 |Wiy Pumjl. diatlnntlv now idoaa, tliuro arllatlo, Mora New Horiei. lm nt tliu anrtltie uf hla pnrty, mill llm mado looordlug I d quality. Call and I I yon grow Irnlt or mgotaiiloa yonlieaullfiil and attrnellvo II 11111 llioati of I Itavo Juat renolvml aiiulhtir carload tiiuiplo aro imintad npun In luiiil Iliu inapeot lila atook bvloro buying olao* can't du without aiiravlng. The Em­ prevlom yeire. Tlio om|iilalio orea- ol Ituraot, amung tlimn lielng aevetnl Hunnturlnl iilinalniila mil ul Dm lire, wliorc, pire Bprar l'ltinp la llto only uuo that lluna uf Dame Fatliluli aud lha lull- malohod tcame, ai well aa a nnmhtir ol Mr, Hmllli la aalil ludmvn tulil Dome- alaiitlnl prudtiola uf uiaater tnltida Iiuiii aluglo huraua anllable lor all pur|n>aon. orallo Hcnalurn nnd Aaaiimhlytiliiu Iimt Tbo Uaud of W lilltiK Workora will can ho reliiHl upou, ¥1111 cau ano a <11111 Tlivjr will bo auld an olmnp tit Iliu tliu llilng likely tu muiduuu moil tih h ire • oandy, oako anti loo oronn n le pump at A, M. Lamberlion’a. rt liom and luvltu yunr iuipiHitluii, markot warrant*, Jlofnro buying olau- Denmorallo Miettotit In tu oppoai) prim- lu Iho Oltatiol of tlio Prrabylorlau Teaacrvud frooBatuitlny—aoound lluur, WaNTttti.—A alugle, tnlddlo'agod A. Kami fc Uu., wbnro 001110 nnd too Ilium. lloally evoty niemntn wlitoh wniilit Ohuiok Friday ovonltigi Maroh ST, F im h k 0 , lIllllMt, Tbera w ill be mttelo auil other enter- white iwm aa drlvor, Aildroae 1),, tbla , Kuyporl, N, J, appear tu lie iu tlm Internet uf (ior|iiir- ailoin iu tu Dnmpul llm lli)|inlilliiau» talmaeut, No mltulnlon will bo uDIoo, . ‘ ■ Oilvn Wmtid. doalruttt nl pitting aucli bllla lo vnt» olttrgotl. ______Two bouaea al Frouein lor rtpi, on flrat -bond nnd tnottgago. Ainpto nigbcat omit prloei paltl for good lor lltotg nlntoil tollillv, Tliuy wnitlit Ailtertlio lo tb« Journal, It piyi. Apply lo I i 8 1 Wlliotii Ffautiau, . Houtlty, Wrlta to Kt wio of Juungtn (at oalvci,—Qtorgt Llmmayer, Jr, iu lliii oii(| lio thought, lio ooiupolUil to aim me tlie entire responsibility by THE NATIONAL rHOULEM. Collector UIITard 11 n ru • D EIN Q -A GOOD F E L L O W , Hr« itfr|)Niidld*i Count; flAUry bill. Mr. MePouuld, of Mouuoutb, has makiug them caucus memattrva oi treat* C. V> Howard 9m Ouglit to !»• William Olffari\ Oollector of the It la ■ l.oalDir Game In ll»o Leiiff nni| ing them practically as iqoU. ( autl Ul* Mow." towunbip of Neptuuc, died Saturday iutrudiioud bill (No, 804} wbiob plioea Vor U uil MC». BberiilM, Qouuty Clorks aud Hnrrogales The soberne is ■ sbrewd oup, but Iti Tboie «fao oooiposed tbe large at Hallow, Florida, mbore be had gone Any sciiRlhiu young toiiu ought to effect ebonli) Im lo put Itepubhoaoa oo itf lbebopeof improving his health. no a Mlary lmii»», Tlm bill is similar audleuee filling tbe l rir»t M. E. Oburcb know tba* be cuii*t bu up Iutu nlflitu iu many ivipeela lo Haualnr Strong's tfcblr gourd to preveol beiugeutrspped lo overflowing laat Thursday, ulgl)l Ueatb wai oauaed by a oootplleatlou u busing bli itoin.lch uud be lu full po* into (be »a|it*uc| of auy l»ut obviously of < diaeanes, iuoludlug iullamstory bill, vbirh waa defoalod iu oaueui last beard tbe greatest tuiuperuuoe addreaa aeiaion of h ii focultti*! for buiineiis tho Tlitira>fny, Tl>o llgurea iu tho McOou* dtiiirable and proper meaatires. eier delivered iu AiiUurj Patk.' . ' ■ - ibfuuialiio, besrt trouble snd oou- next day, uud ho ought to know ulio sumption. aid bill are an lidiiiws: For Shoriih, •Kal M urk Doing fur Moimiuulti Couiitv. Tbe orator of tbe eruuiug wai C. Ni tbat u unn mnnt bo rlf*nr bended nud Cuuuty Clerks uud HnrroHitto'* In eouu* Tbe few bills which apply especially noward, a busiueaa uiaa uf Uoebester, Mr, QilTard was tbe township lie* in full posiuBilon of bis fneuitlea te tits buvlUK muru (h ill 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 iubabi* to Muumoutb iotroilnotd tbie seitdou |i, V., koowu as tbu "L ittle Qiaut," pitbliOKU leader aud exereived a power* bold Ida omu In tbu l;nen roinpelitlou /ol luilueuou lu politici. fle was eleot* Uut«, $8,nil0; b cl'm ii J (JO, OUO aud •re uow tnuiuly disposed of. Nuue of aud be spuko uuilur Ibe aiiaploes of tbe of lire. Your "good fellow" is popular U00,l)00, $7,00(1; botwenn 80,000 and Couferuuoe Teiupurutiee Hoolety. Hia od for tbo third time Oollcotor of tbe far tbo tlinu being, but when hia money tbem wbiob have beeu urged to a |«»a* 100.000, $0»OUO; betaaeu 50,000 aud itg e bave tbne fur enoouutered auy epeeob waa uot uue of tboau familiar township on Marob 10, hut was uu* is gone nnd bo boa lost bis Job nnd ia abU to qualify, 80.000, $4,0011; between 35,0110 aud eerious opposition, uuil tbo general rautiug, ravlug clTortai uor did be draw on bia uppers tbo “ good follow" LusJ- 50.000, $n,00ll; beiweou 20,000 and bills wbiob would Imvo alfeoted Mou* patbetiu plcturi*a uf weupitig widows Mr. Oiffard belooged to several Jiesa doemrt get him Anything. It's seorut MDuietiua, iucludiug tbu Jr . O. 80.000, 8 ^,0 0 0 ) aud iu cuuutlea leia mouth Guuuty iutem ti adversely—iu* over dead dtoukanls. btiipped of all “poor follow" then—iinotbcr good mnn tbau 20,000,81,500, lu Jiou of all /cee, barrowiug pictures, be preeented tbe U, A. M., Kuigbts of Pythias, lied gono wning, and “ the boys" nro rendy otudiug uotably tbu proposed Oyster Thu bill baa gana to the judiQiary nuked trutb, particularly elaborating Meu, Ooldeu IDak^ i ^eu ^ ,,r aui^ to boll nnotbor 4'good fellow** who haa and Clara Llila, eud tb« bill to destroy Maooaboes. Hiaremaiu werebrnogbt onmmiltoe. It pnta Moomoiilh officials (be eoouooiio nidi1, claaaiug tUe driuk tho price. " Iba pionud fisheries lu Jlarltau aud to Aabury Park oo Tuesday and tbe 81,000 ahead of tbo MMdJoacx men^' ' . Handy (look Hays, bave tbne far gone evil as tbe great (Natiouil problem aud W’o don't mean by thin to stty thnt funeral services hold there un Wednei* .dowu in defeat without eioeptloo. proriug tbat it le so. ______“ the boys" nro mercenary. Tbey don't Letter to W. A. Fountain. r i Some people over iu Red Daok wbo 0 , N. Dowsfd is a small man, but altogether pnss up a "good .fellow" ' J?, J, ‘ desired m city charter do not get It, with foroe aud energy enoogb fora wlwn ho goes broke, but Jt isu't .tbe Ham purued nt Mlddlelown. Dear Sir: Your business is when a house , bat it was pertly tbeir uwu fault, giaot, aud heuoe bie namet “ LittJe same. They say bo hit tho boozo too burns down, to give the owner come Long tiranob i i still hnockiug at tbe O im l." He aaid be pait: The barn on Dr. Edward F. Taylor’s liurdond couldn't stand ibo raco. Tbey money to build a new one. It is a good Statu House doora for anew obarter, “ I bave a feeliug somewhat similar property at Middletown was burned feel 6orrj' for hhu, but bo Is out of It. butinew, Queer that tbe world got on .vithcbuuces about even of getting it to tbat ot Cberokee B ill, wbo wae uown on Monday morning of lagl week. Ills good fellowship doesn't excuse him ao long without it, > ; . ^r going without it. Freehold gets a about to be banged for tweuty-ieven William Heed, a colored mao / wbo oycn iu Ibo eyes of bis friends for bav­ We paint tiie one that burnt dowu and , bo oat {or ber battle celebratiou, eud as mordera. 'Have you anjtbiog to say worka far the doctor, bad a narrow ins thrown twvay his opportunity, ' tbe new one loo. What is-.better, we • to tbe reat it ia hardly worth while to before you die,' Dill?* said tbe Sberifl* esoapo from bejug burned to doath, 0 a . Tho young mnn who gets tbo Bleep, paint tiie bouse that don't.bum down,';; . speculate, as tbe aesuion be ended ‘Sheriff, I didn't oome bere lo toake a slept in tbe baru, aod was badly burned his system needs, fa 'temperate in btsj 'Yon iiisure the' bouses that burn; we will insure the houses tlmt don't. ' You have ‘ io about a week, and tbeu tbe accouut ■pceeb and I'll be banged if I do/ was about tbe feet and legs. The loss la babits, lives iritbin Ills mcanB andj tbB reply. Now I bave come bere to the ashes and smoke; all the houses'dre , w ill be rendered. •boot $1,000 aod tho Inanranoe 8350, Bhows up for work in’Iho morriingTrUhi ours, 1 11 ; ;si .-nit'-j make a speech and 1*11 be liioged 1! I The oauae of the fire Is unknown. ' r - Tlie KimI In Sight . c nu'w ‘!Tbey opeu dene of nnaroby , aod • 'i — ^ i i -.T-'n '• i : j 1 meat billi bave blocked tbe way and it Tl.'cro's a wlolo lot of nonsense in •V A /M . GriiTen, Plainfield, N. J,,'writes; ■ there er<» probably n hundred otber vice, blook tbe wheels of reforiuj out* =■■■ AFlreatXiveiluk. •’ tbat.ygood fcllo\v".busiuesa. Youcnn'tj ‘Mi. Aaron Illffffluaof HalulleMajvraya used rage tbe beatbeu; they aro tbo buefniea fool tbd'public Vcry.tooff byillvlng bo*; Jfl uttllunhtif mixed h i|nt rorltlH huu«o.* List ‘ b iili to run tbe gauntlet yet A fire at Naveaiok on March 13 de* siinpu isunlloiia or bovou and Iuul ' •. Adjonrutoeut for tbia woek haa been of tbo State aud tboy ungbt to die uow, stroyed a honse owned aud occupied by ypiid your means und keeping-up ap*. 4UBUo\wlvtt. ' r'- let down for Thursday—sessions being and tbere are uooDgh Obriitlabi to dig Mrs, Jobauna Peter?, hut wbiob'waj peavnnees. There muattyo n.sbowdownj . Your* truly, ;' • 'held ou Monday anil Wednesday creu* tbeir graves, Uy vloleuoe tlie aaloon about to be sold at BberifTt) Baikal the somo time or otber, and tlmt meant n ( ’ I . )' - P. \V« DUVOIt & CO.. ba> lived aud by violence it ought to lugs I d belp along. • m il of Katberlue II, Austin of lied loss of self respect aiul ni«;iy4bltterjex*! i.^P. S. W. D. Dailey sells our palut.;^ die; by vlolonoe it baa written jts bli* Bank/, A gasoline Move was tbe’danse perieuccs. Many n brlglit nm) promis­ tory of vioe aud crime, But, thank of >tbe fire. ' Mra.' Petera was deserted ing buHiuiiss mnn Ima .follpd .bechiiio V.Sliofffil Uniiarfcablo N e iW ^ iif ‘ ! ' viliir e Him n Silver Service, CM , tboro is anotbur way to aupprcai 1 by 1 her huebaud about two yeara ajro, he Jried tu tr^ivl* < In tco awlft ii elnss.i ! Jobn H, Walling ol Port Monmonlb, '' Members of tbo New Bruuswiok Dis* it. Tbe people have tlio power lo paaa A yoar or two provioni to Ibat Ibo , wbemna bad bu lived wiihtn ills jnenna who baa beeu antl'eriug from u growth triot of tbe New Jersey Methodist p. leuteuao of death at Ibo ballot box. family, lost tbeir borne hy ilre. Mr^i bo might Imve bccotne n highly lucceM* •boot Ibe ilae of au egg iu tbo baek df .Couforeuoi* to tbu uuuibor of about The Amerioau oitiaeu la tbe blgguat Petera wai left wilb aix children aud ful tnurchaut ' bia head, bad it removed recently, > ’,aevetoty*lbo were entertaiuod ut » thing on earth aud tbey oau aupp^eis the oldest was uot able tp m u more ; Tlio world :doosii't glvO|Hp Its trvns* : U r, Walliug, although well advaneid - autnptuona diuuer givou Wodutiaday the aaloon, . . than , a boy's, wages, On Friday ik« ui'ca easily, It isn't In tho ciinl'i'for all iu yearr, dispbtyed remarkable nerve, . ulghiut laat veuk «t ibeCliaudAvQUua V‘It makea me mad when people aa; of ua to be'mllllonalrM, nml mlkbty, aud refused to tabu aimeathutma wbllu Hotel,Anbury Park, by Hue, J, L, lost everything exoupt a few artielei'of tbe laws oau'l .bo euforoed beoauser,of elothtug, . . few tit tho "good followa'Vgot iutu tliat uudur lha kuifo. Ho botonpwellnu* Hop, tin* rutirlus prualdtug wider, tbe toiotguttra upon thw polloo foroo. lf .claaf*.: li'a better., to^ earn ,your ,wny dur Ibo operation aud waa wrouml W, as , Ur. 11 Wedderapoou aoled that ia so I would be lu iavor of aeud* i'nld on Church INdit. lin t nnd go huiitlug.fpr gooil Jlipes agalu lu a fow daya atturwarda. ' ' , .toaitiusNtur, mid at tlio closu of a lug all U ek to tbo ooub^rlea from when yuu have renctied tho )>pVut lwtici,e , toa)|ithiK ropust luadu » fuw lutrodim* wueuon tbey onuii*, aud all tlio'Aineri* Bt, Ltiku'i M, E. Obnrob al Long you cnu spnro both tbo’tli.no iuul tho. . K fpl iarrlagu a Neerel, > Urauob has bad a prosperous year (pry remarks and tUon presented oaus wbo aay so to tbe peulteutiarj lor money,; Then possibly you'll. 1 havo K irk Howland and Mlsa tiiuiua Hou* Among other uutable, aublevementa of Hlabop Ui U. Fowlur, Afler a brief perjury,” mortvBonio und liuvu n dtlferuut noiioii nolt of South Eatoutowu weru married . jitidrutu tlm bishop presented Mr. Ilou Hrlliiautly aud deftl; ibo orstor then Ihe year, tbo church uUlboritlo* paid about yUut u good tiiuo la,~Toloi\o $535 on obtiroU. improvement^, aud last September, Tboy imve kept-tlio Witt) >i hrtiidmuno silver service, eon- painted tbo Fourth of Ju ly aide of tbe Wee, ■ ; / . . >/', . evont aeerol, the groom making Ilm $9,200 ou the old debt of thu church, slating of six plecei, Ill a tiimt speeoli story of bow Auiorloa loads tbo world laot kuowu to Ills friondn the Ural of ■ Mr. !<«»«> aooeptod tbu nlft nud oordhdty Iti oouiuieroe, bow, as liu aatd in refer* The beuovolenl collections for. the 'A. Hn.nir nf I'nn.lv*. year aiuouuted to $840, au advauee laal weok. Thoy will live ut Houth ’ thanked tbo brollinru for tbo honor ouee to ulootrfo tiglits, wo grab a nloou Tlioru la oiio ruoiiiy foi* which llio Eatoutowu. - conform'd upon him. of llgbtuitig from tbo sky aud stluk It over tbe amount raiaed last year. Iu pnn»)' lover mint wnleli lllio n lyiu, * "Tlm New Jersey Conference" wn*ou a pole, aud iu ruft*rouou to trolley addition to this sum, $ 1 0 0 were raised ntul Hint la n llttlo mwn «'«rm Hint . ' tlie subject uf au luliiruatlug talk by oar« lm aatd tbo DoLdoV ut tingllihtnwn reoaUud 'Amorloa leads tbe world In crime, reniilugtiii^n liidebledneKi, Vljlllnuco ulonu will «nvd yuu, Yom' tuudor momoriim of tiio "OUm of '(til." itidlvoroo, polltld-*! rottenucm, tuiuil- rennlugton Hnmluary has property ClIL'll IIIUHt lio lirouHlit to tlio BtlrfAOO ot 1 Ttiu ctokiutf addccit vrai matto b; elpal deviltry and lunuorattty. We valued at $‘417,500 with a total debt of tlm yrmlliil, Knool mul turn U|V ovury Foaled 1890. Rocord 2II6X. H r.lio o , • areepeodlug more for tlio support and about $50,000, Tlm iii*tltntlon. has lonf. OotUilhiM you will tlml tiiomi'inll punishment ol orimo than (or all our jnut received a Irgnoy of $10,0 0 0 , Dr, siH'i'ii moiwtcr ciirlwl nir (iml lilmuir. R E D W I L T O N i Him* Itallhtml Klgnali. edneatlonal work aud ohurobes ootu* O'llaulvu presented to tlio eoufoienoe ■uclduit out nil tlio )til«ia of tlio plnot : Tlio (M riO UaUroad Ua« adopts a blued, It l i a probluui to ataggur tbe a oheok of $ 1 0 0 from NViltinm Farlcyi nml si> Iwwuiluii vxuctly IU colnr, ■\untviu o! tl ii k for tiauonlta nation. It nuw lakes over pnltou* of Treutou, to be Riven to tho board wlilcli liinkci lilm no difficult to ilml. 1 IIucm wlicro ttii) Murk cjstvm la uot In mou to protoot New York alouo from of stewards to bo med for tbo rellot uf mul If uot cliucUcit liu wlll uttorly ilu- . M’rTloo, One of tlirnu litu i la butavou ortuitnali, yol ihe uewspaperi teem iuilrm niluiatura. .liny It. Uo wlll diivour It lu * fow , i'Vceliold Mud Atlnutlo Ui|(bUud«. with stories nf uudeleeted orlino. Tbore lMsbop Fuwler. it In snid, haa a plan tlnya. -■•i t i : . ■, AUrr a iralti pM«oa auy statiou on Ib li aro close relations between oHuiluals in hand by whioh lliu roinntnlng in* • I I dh Ilm sgent muat |mi oul a ted lUg aud tbe polltieal parties. Tho ialoon deblednoN may be met during, tlie ' ■ •' . 1 T t« h r . ■ ai|juttjinn dau^ur. lu tUo tulunlos Is tbe eleariug houao for tbo bitylug of oouitbg year. A Ley la nn o lil plow nf furnltiiro, ' Ibis lUg ia ubatigod fur. a gruon oup, volrs, lllll lm In tlm ground mill clilof liiKni- cawltou, lu aoutbor !\ve " Iu mufder and vloleuk orlmoi tbo FrerlMildrri4 Nnlury to he illout of llio limn, Doluilo not yoiiraolf btluuluNH white flag la put out aud Hulled mates leade tho world. We Wllli llio liotlof tlmt tlio boy I. not nil Tbo houie 'has puaed Iho bill wbiob tin iimtoiMi to bo, tor lio t» n Hront ilonl * porlutl tlmt ao|inmtoa ' buytKxxl from ' A lire at lloluiar on Tuoflday ulglil In the past tou years oriiue Inoreaied reclore $500 eaoh. Tbia oonsldeTably wllli privllcjtf of return If tlie marc nrovca 08 per oeut, or almost ciaotly iu pro­ lunnlinxl, nml to n luiiilinrliiu Idiot Hut to lie In fonl, . o l Uik week lu tbe old Oouteiiulal reduoes the amount now received by Koil Wiltuii, a:i6y, brown home. 15V portion to tho iuorease lu drtuklug/ 1 tlion; don't ilifiilfy tlilit lio la nn mint ' building ooal J« 1), lloitaol tlio pnal* tbo Froeholduri under tbo proaoul fee linnila IiIkIi , . . Auotlier phase of tho qneitloo, Mr, uow. Uo novur la, Hut lila oliryaulla ‘ tiou uf sobool truateu by two votes, system. •Utto fotton lilm nnd luokoa Ulm ieoiii JOHN S. HOLMES. ‘lilt »p|>Dnent, U. V\ l'earco, being Howard duolarod, waa that honeal »’■— « ■■■.■■■■■.I , labor ooutd not oompete with prlaon llko ono aouiollmoa. : •eteotfil. l)r. 0. 11, Treat and Clarcuee A Nuddcn Heath. , Tlio boy la nil tlijbt.. * , . , Htlue weie oboeeu wUbotti opi'osHlon, made good*, jrat if the eonvteta wete WafeePman’s uolemployod tboy quickly beoame in* MIm Deborah Bloan of Leonardo 'W ord wai psaeed In tbo aftorunou that waiwaibingat James MoGolgan'e ou tho flru botl would bo rung to draw aanc, About 030,000 men he deolared ■ • a«c«««4«4% ■ . Weduesday morning of last weok and A lunu nrtvattd for uiunlor brlbxl nn ‘ •way Uouael'a aupporters. At 8 :Ufl it bad boou arrested in Iho United State* Ideal P©unfeain E’en iu ooe yoar for druukenneee. while tn tbe aol of baugtng up sorno Irl.liiunn i on tbo Jury. nltli .fSOO to tang. 8 omp one hnd It red tbe 'old olotblug tu tboyard she drooped dead. liuildiug* llotiauPn aupportcrs ruabod " I aay that iu tbo face of a rapidly linm out for n vonllct of luniialawgLi- growiug orlutlual eleiueut a eoutliot is Death waa duo lo bearl failure. ' Bbe lor, Tlio Jury woro out n lonit tiiuo ■for the fire apparatu* uud wbeu tbey wai 40 years old. A nnmber of year* - got back it wae too lst« to vote, in sight. Prlsou labor aod free tabor nml fl tin liy Cfluiolii w ltli'aW nllct of caunot eitst together. Over 9,01)0,000 ago iho bad married John Uclm«*o! umuilnugbtor. , Tli« u»u Tuibul.up to Drevout Park but had aivei lived tlia lrlab Jurornint,aaid: “I'm obUgnl ‘ IHd Not Porghe Him* women bave been driveu to daily toil through tbe equnuderlug of money for with him aud rotaiuod her maiden to you, uiy; frlond., DM you bnro n . Jaek Potta, representing bimaolf to name, : ,banl.,tllitor i < .-r ■'' drlnk« Etecy eeut apeut over tbo bar i,.,‘ — i , bo (\ Newark ooutraotur, wai arrested of a saloon ia a stab in labor's baek. .,.;"Vw," .aid tb,lrlaiimnn; fan nwful at Loug Uraitoh Moudaj ulgbt of tael 'Wbat aro we Iq do with onr orltnl* Te CoudcHm Laad. . : tlnio. . Tlm othor otoroti Tfnntod to S1L*- , wetk aud lu dofauH of $1 ,0 0 0 ball was ualsY Piuhertou aaye establish tbe Ou April a Iho N, X & L . D. , a Ii. quit ycr,"—London Ailiimn, ; , , ( commtttoil to tbe ciMinty jail, It is wbtptdug pest, I say uo, Au- will apply to Justiee Fort lo oondemu 'tfbavged tlmt Dott bortowo\\ $1,900 ol Auotber lugsesti putting them on an a atrip of laud jnst west of the railroad The Ln«t U n ltn g Clergrsws, , ' Ibe j . Mnrgoliou family aud wou tbo island. I am with the Irishman who Iraoh at Ibe Aabury Park elation, “ When did clorgyiuon eeaso to light TH E B15ST MAD15, daughter's band* llotben diuvn^aml. aaid ho waa agtu 11; tli^t, wo should owned by Qcorge U. Lord, The eom* duola?*' is'a atnrtling Inquiry: In Notes An nsnortment or tlicso pens at A few days ago Dotts wrote to Mias dump thorn. luto tho ica aud pany wantilbo laud for the purpose nnd Queriea. It will bo now* to ninny, ' Margoltou an apologetlo letter, taylug let them. And tbeir own Island, ol erecting a larger station and uo « t* of m that ihoy woro eror fond of that varying priccs will ba sltown by that bo would oome to claim kor band, iifactoty prioe can be agreod upon* exhilarating pnatliuo. Hut, aa n mat­ ottrtf ia y i ehlorofortn orlmiusia at A. M. L IS K m the jiostofficc. De arrived Monday ulgbt wbun bo the rate u( ';UQQQ a da\> 1 agtee— ter of fact, tbo llov, Mr. Allan fought w m arreatDd. * but wo tumt ^eo that we got Ibe real K rinll tirocci'ii Organtac. a duol with'Ltoyil Dolnny, Esq., and orhuinal. Cbtoroform tbo lalooe* A temporary UetaiKlroooTs' Awooia* klUod hltu In Hydo park tp lT&l, lie A Remarkable Cue, ' "Aiueric* loadi in orlmo agaloit tbe tiou hai been formed at Aibury Park. was convlctod of nmnal^UBbter nnd Mrs. Adelberl Van Brakle, One of Ibe nioit reuiarkablo cases of orimluala, In tou years S,075 wero It Is the rcanll of a visit of the coin* tlne yella, 'Tweuly inliiutea for dlm eo,' Subscriptions euflloieut to purobMo "U'm plii Glvo mo flotno luiubl"-' left my bed mid luutd, mid tlmt 1 will uni ilea ot Ib li wotmerM remedy ourod . "A grealor problem Is social impur* tho aite for the Oarnegle Library at Chicago Trtbuuo. lw veapMMlhW for any d*U* e«n\rncted wo cuUrelj ul tbo oougb, atrvuHUieued Uy, lu Ohloago ft0 ,0 0 0 girls nre lead* Hod Hank bave boon |>lodgod and it ia by her in mv unuie fnnn tills dute, u if luuiis and roatored mo tu my nor* lug Uvea ot slnune, Tlio trinity of hell cxpeotcd Ihe Town Oommtialoueri will Quito Allllttinp flilnir, iwim’i YEPPE J0HN80N, Dated Mnreh ?.], njn.t. . mat tfviftbt, boaUb aud etrenutb. un earth Is the saloon lu front, the poriull a vole lo bo takou a l tbo eleo* ''llo waa nunblo lo moot lila lillla, t l ‘'ra ik 11. tiUWr. gambling den iu llio roar aud tbo ienr* tiou tn May to soo if llio |>ooplo want Uililoratntlill" U l womou overhead. Tho Mposuli* to aoeept of the Uarnegto propniilton. “Woll, llwl'a whoro you'ni wwiug, Dftlky lbtritt' ('m w l Her lt(*ath. lures of the Unltvd ,Slates for one year .■ ' ...... lln, eoulilil't diHlttti tlmm,"—Cblcngii ' Dora Hftmer, 18 jreira old, living would nut \iay our drink bill tor sin Kei putt's Heat llo n leiii t I'oat. ______j we ,, s e e d s ! , ticnr \VomtMowu. N, J. , died suddenly muitlhi, , Of over 1,000,000 deatba a M iii Lvdta Templeton hsi Udy'it Jl (MIiNd and Teitoil, Catalogue (ikllnJ frtm ’' i\l liv irl failure, iiraiiHbt on by e\elto- year ouo out of tru is united by drluk*" high bowling More 'now, 18U and lainvo’ your worrloa nt luu m i wliom (iWWEWKR & OON] yuu, trnvol, tyu Cltirjilt It'froali aup.'. k nu'iit baiiatA by a btlky tiorar, wbiob A burnt of nii(riattai> fullowbd tbe cob* Olmrlei lb Dnvliou hui Iho tcenrd fo? l'tt«Sh?art ,w w m w ! phv U d bvvti dlivlug, duaiuu ol tbe aihlrei»i , mou, , ply unywlioro, 11 NIW VORR £ T <*■«' BEeT sugar. 5 H|PP)NQ DRESSED LAMBS. A T EX A 8 POULTRy HOUSE. Jfmfossional Bards. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Tim s T iv ts i»i E f ie l t Nu ib h ih i ou, im Horn . uf Fru o rc'i Iiom tlua U0 «t W ln l.r I.uiuL. f o r lltu Mtirbvl, It Could u« Undm Wllh luuihla W all. /A lblpi»lur X rvlclio f^ . nH),), honso. Tlio WTUflf ,.'-vW 1 BU M . If . DAXTOH, jlTSMsaRsiSia'i :s« \ .b a le "l*»fcc9oe«tt- I — * le» 1 ' . f t * '? 1 j}(w ay« oxAJbltod t lie tfren test'fomlnoss olive, uu4 bo fat. ' Tills itfiidltlou lu do* has built and usihI two nceordlttfr lo ^ ^ T a » r'A y ill)i« . ' Matawan.K, rm** . J *S c v CO iot ®Woi‘ts, find fioui thu earliest timo­ tui'iuliM’d somewhat noetjhiU'ly by 'I, : 7: .': V : : 7 : : : :T:*: .*5^ ‘ iho plan Illustrated In tho nnronijMny-’ JQ H N P, LLOYD tto demand wim #U|>p]liiU Ly houey. lug file brlslict unt] tlio. full imur Ibe Ing Urn winy and considers IhriiK fts S'Sl = r r • : •pTho royal psalmist sots up lioncy uud f i# body. A hlgli degree of fatm'Hu 1^ moro complete und convenient u» can bo do* S^iaiiasatss tbo honeycomb UM Liio highest Ihijidunj ATTOBHBJ AT LAW, UOUCITOltAKD Ijuportmit thuu weight, as lhey Hell hy The building Is 0 by 13 feci, 8 u~ u ____ ^5 S 3 material sweetness. A. Inndflowing tbo eamiBB rather tlmn by weight. Tbu UASTEII IK OnANOBDV, ' 7 rf|«&38«SS : •• : : :»ig%S : : IWlth uillk and honey wits tlio picture fed high In front nnd (1 foot at Uadi. Weight of two lumbs being iho h;iiu<>, : r :«*«!• : • $fawri by the most (aidant jwcts to do- Ah will ho ucou, tho UllUot* cud Is ojwn. nonny tvnLio. ' J>i«aSS#sT; : r.I l k pCflba au turthly paradise. Hoinaus ot tlio youu^or ono will sell hlghor. Tlio This was done to show the Interior ar* ...... cvldcnccs of a^c rtrc thu (lucco und llio inncrinent, Attached at this open end Uatawan -i- New Jerael * 111 tbo lost days of tha republic, aud sub­ sequently of tliu lliuo of tli? empire, degree of oMl/lciitlon In tho boiws. M an extension of four feet separated gLriER H. QBttAN, : | iruin tho part shown hy n latticed par* « jwbo we 1*0 at tho samo time tlie most Jfost lambs aro niHrketod between tho c tltlou us a storage room for feed open­ luxurious epicures nnd ilie grossest ages of ten und sl.xtecn wooka, a fow ATTOllNEY-AT-LATP,” 1 JgcACaafic.oe l.se cc- • -t i l , feeders tlio world ever know nud ing Into tha main purt of tho houso. Ia W|_____ M b*^*~ i tt*"1 ; ; as yuung as eight wccUr, Thu inurlict tho cut D D is tho. dropping bourd, spared ueltber money uor oxertlou to for them extciuls 'from Christinas to x o v a r t rbiiuo^ socuro ovory doilcncy possible for tliolr twunu*’Clght Inchcs wide, surmounted m rn m M t Kaatcr, according to an Ohio Farmer UlTlWlH, Jm e it Clir, tables, Imd no knowledge of sugar, but at a height of flvo indies by a Uirco correspondent, who further says; 311 WaBblogton Bt, robbed tlio bees to obtain swouts for To prepare u dressed lamb for ship* i l l il I i Jii& i 11**11 .•£■*il l tlwir famous bouay cakes and other plug,’ sew about each lamb a squaro HENRI' S. TERHUNE, ' confectionery, yard of dean, new muwlin, as shown In £ fifugar >ras mado lo India and Arabia tbe cnt. We have shipped in various ATTOHNEY AND CODKBELLOIl AT LAW, In: tlie earliest times, but it was not 'ways and py both express and rcfriger- brought into Kuropo until tbo luva- Soltoltor and Va.tor Id Obancrr, !' ‘ ntor freight, NVe now plnco each lamb Notary Publlo. : , bI oub of tlio Mohammedans Into tha on a stretcher, as shown lit tho second i ; :s fbpntiiea around tbe Mediterranean figure, aud then wrap in burlap, which Ofloo la roatodleo Butldtnc, Bro&ilway, - | > .ia •nt0 (S0 «ciei«ft*f»*«o« mi St*, lu the seventeenth century. Tho we get of U»o furulturo dealers. We Lon* Branoh. ■ ; . v Moon cultivated tbe cane In the'conni* ■ >n >titi9i«iec9eeoni«H. tried shipping In (rates, but tho cratcs E . W. ARROWSMITH, I - tries of north Africa, nnd they Intro­ would get crushed, Bit duced it Into Spain. Tho Spaniards, Tho diagram Is a slight modification ATTOHNEI AT LAW, ' ibout^CZO, planted sugar ctnos In tliolr In form from the stretcher sltown with r Xj j ;8RB8K«?5SSJ2»5BSi !West IndJnn possessions, wlionoo U a lurab on It. Tho sldo plcccs should bo ^>reed through Spunlsb America and Bolloltor and VaaUr ta Otiaaoery, ■|;;afc%a53-iViaS4,«£ vM about two Inches wido and a hnlf Inch ■ If , j iMit(iNQ«nflnn«{<«f ' into tho French province of Louisiana. thick, and inado ot light, strong timber, s i l : Tho caj»o was the original source of rrsehold.’N. I , nSfaKltsKtfBSs'ssTss such as poplar, basswood or eltn. The nrrauioii or iio lw i. i |*»»»asss|^gspRSS; aagar, snd so remalued up to tbe tlm* ten inch crosspiece should bo ono and a B E N JA M IN D. OODEN, of tbe Napoleonic wars Id .Europe. Tbs Inch porch wllh Icon flvo Inchoi high , . -!? 3*1 i i, i if t t *1 N’auaa ; rmgiia'a'* I half Inches square; A Is a tmipeimy nnd eight Incho* npnrt lo. provont ; >H... . ; ! . j 5 ports of France were so closoly. block* nail driven through tills plcce diagonal* GOOKBELLOH AT LAW. crowding. Buck ot tho dropping bonrd T jssnw isfass •, sded by tbe British fleets tlmt it was ly, itolntliiK toward tbo short project* impossible to secure sugar from any la u pnrtltlon of wlro nolllng arpnrat* : MnBtorln Ohaneerjr, Nota'ryrohllo. : : :&»« ing endH of the side plccrs. This Is Ing tha hotiDft Into two couipitrtniouta, tropical conutrlcs, atul Napoleon u< to hold the lamb's neck In position aa , Coniitil.iiloii.rcfS.tJa.K, f., •erabkxl ibo chemist*-in Franco and ono for rooBtlug nnd Inylng n hy l i feel commissioned tliom to discover lome niul otio for Bitting bona 4 liy 14, Tlio ' ■ 1 Itarport, H .J, flfti tneeus of making sugar out of inatorlal noat boxes luiirltoil N complololy Dll D.P< VAN OBVBNTEH, Jr.. found lu tho country, nt Iho samo time tlio apneo uudor th'o ilrnpplng bonnl. offorlng a large rownrd. This proceed*1 Wlion n hen la dono luylng mul wnnta ATTOijNET A CO«NftKLOI\ AT LAW,' to nit, glvo lior Iho rgga nml |iu«h llio i l l i l ' Ing rcsiiltod In Iho production of sugar 1 Hollollor ivlul Muatnfln Ciimmry, ttoxa tbo boot.—Now Orleans Plcayuue, hlix buck until It opoim Into tho Bitting coniporlmout. Hliolii thou coiilluod nuil ' Notary l'ulillo, 1 hufo (roin Inlrnalon hy other fowla, ' , , , RnroiTi N, J, ■ TlmetahlcdiiiiilniUUlliHml Information urn* Ji DAVID SGARRICK. Tho cut aluwn ono nml box thuu OfHon. lii McK:IInny lliilliHim, ‘ • uu ohlalneu uf Tli'knt ^kuikh, It v <• - imaliwl buck, Tliln liuuno nhrnild front j. n, iiOToiiiNHON, j, ii. v’onn, . v ii* Qrtm AMur1! Art M d Ills WWs*» p A T H IC K DOLAN, Hiiiilli, nml llio front bIiIv alunild bo /. Ot‘u'1 Muiihhvv. 1'nBm‘nui'r Auftit clomiil wllh four Inch Hli'lpn lliruo Ineli- !. AlfllllHBir iNO OllUMmtlMIHT U v , M n. QiirrlcU'* udmlriiUoti ot Iier luw- cb n imr I nnil Im vo ii'iliiiir opening lulu HoLiciron mil Mahtkii m Oiumiaiiv,Ji lmml> (UuiimUo tukutu wa* lutonim, Noriln I'lllll.lO AND UKl'miT A 0 0 i)UK1'*NT, Y O U X A N D 1 0 H 0 tlio lioumriiiid 11 niniilliu' ilour opon|ug UHANUHkAlLUOAD, ihd'fllijlil*'grout nlShUehii woulil hung thmico Into tlto fulfil room. Tliu north •; oyorJIfur{box, next llio utility, lu rn»- nlilo nnd llio fiiilH nro biinfdvil up mul , huiiii UIhIiiiiuu 1 littiiu mill.' ;■ ■■ ITATIONt IH NIWVOWK, liiroiu* Might.'*Tlio' otto llnw In Iim tlm Jolnto ciivoml with four inch "IfiirS'T/* l^oli'shacliilmod, win ll limlo (or low n, rl|'H.—I'll ri'l nnd Hnnrti. •r.T llfo. for wlilcli.uliii liluinril him greatly, v lUiii'Ol.i'fOOl Coithiiiiltt DftabrtrMQrittQd D «’ OKwiL'iTvTfTwickTu,' Wt'uluuiiHiN, , ‘ •... ,. ; j ,< lii«l»llllK llmt llo lrivc. ■ Pcrub ln ii luw lived hurtloiiw tlmn ono ’Tho follnwlug tixiiu iui nrttclo In tlio IlKNTAI.HUItflKON.i. ■ = ■ • "ON AM) AFTKlTSoVKHI^ullHi, jtti'i,,,,,. of iilaim pw ior cliitrni’tepi liufonv «n Colloi| ’mul li'nriu .lutirnnl hy Wilbur j : TIIAIKH M1AV16 IIATAWANi , sudloneo of tiiHto, ■ ; ' llnu., r.f'Klifii-n iiMii riyiiioiilli llork , . . ‘ Orricai ;i Foi'KlliMUtotlu Nowiuk ami- Nuw, \‘Wk-W41 '■JrtOii ouo:|«irlte«lur owii»loii kUii vii* t . mtMHKH iiAMit ahi> HTinmmm iitlilal'Hnim', I'Xi-citi, Ni'Wink , nvn. 1 lei, bnioilM'B.'l* lllioly to lirlng il ImllNlorin 1 Uur, llreml nml Olmroli Ul*., » MIS1 ■ ^J’i VI, |1 «tt hl’iVf Vi-lti ini)v), lii lior iiox In tlio thuiilor when Onr- It la fcrivil down upon it, 1‘roHN llio of ilmiliiicliitloii from ii cnrlitlui'liwH of ; ; !iiw,i, rhu, in iih, iif.h nt iu„ m i, HI'J, 4M. 'rlcU'nlinpemiiiiitloii of lllclinril III, front b'HH down upon tho ni'olt and liniodorH, NityH Vni'in nml Hum'll, Moat .______, . .limnwuu, M, J ■ - mMiip u . ii,.... in.' Hundiiys,. mi, uMai.m., yn*,ri|iphiudod .to Iho echo, In Unit i IIMVMMMN* hold tliuvu nyllli a Iwlno nrmind, tlm of thorn lullin' Iho llioory of nil "ogg A, JI JACKSON, M. |)„ ■ ' Kui* liml lirtiik, Lnim IhaiiHi/Aplair) ftirk, dny » fnroo followed the tragedy of llio airotcluTt IxMip pl<‘w« <»f twlno (ypo’' l« true, wlillo ninny do Hot uvuii « Miii i/rm to iw iif rltwr*. itvoiiliw. niiil iih Mr*. Onri'lck rueo to . ; '■ s u 'Wmntltmt, Mnliiwan imt- u ii» u m: ia in «, m« tuuf, t E ; abnut iho hind Uw nhovo tliu hack" tiimw thiit linn'll, lint vwy fow of • tH 411 JhHllllllllLoiilvi. iA,ii lion Ilmik nulri. l(‘nvy lii'fcni It lior hiHhnntl euitio to and draw tlahtly, fuNteulnir at i|. Tbu tlmmi wim know thu fuel* will iidntlt ,, irw,lhw*l|piniiui(i nuly). mi p. in. mni* Oflliio at lila ra.lilonoii, eoriiar Ualn nml ;; iliiys.iyiv.hihttM/TiniuBJiMiDi imii. , tho box lo tny ho liml *01110 liiialuoaa In legs hIiouM bu (ill off liulow tho Uliuriin atr.ai.. 1 « tlii'iu, liiN'iumo limy lim'd lilrd* ■ (or •rHiiuilav imhmilo mdntopat AsLmy i’tirk tlio jmiiimoii) yhteh vvtittlil dotnl|i him, ami hock. ■ . . . * ; ; * alinw purpoMm’nml not for lmm'ii«wl • oi'Owmufovo, •» , m ' iliiiit (iliwllltugM Hlio UfljrVAv#* Oitlo. Iliiiirm ttiu id auml, in „iliio to I'm production. (I'lioy liiwnl for atiiiul- ami i io » p, w,- >/ •• • i i . i ' ! UAv'fiHftw y<>rli fflrMslnwnm ■ 1 ' obliged t.to1 acqiitoaco'. mul mutln *M»* l>u«t l>nr|itiit Cow* ' ' mil point., uml ogg iiniilm.'lluli Iiiih iui Pool l«lMr* Htrvi!l«-*u w> Tlii^ru M'pro many (|lim(inlm'M, nntnuK wo nro I'onvlni.'Oil llmt It Ih JiiHt iih Im* : MaliiUtiimhtlliUwau, N,J ii'Hi.i w vii, n ikm- in, hniiitiii'fi.iJ^a. in., With *iic1i'(kmiIk «f ni'pluuw 'tlmt'Mm, thi'iii fuiiio'of tho Hn'iifojirWofinnkorrt portimt uml pt'iR'Ucnbln to piinliico nil a M ii. tn. . • . O H . ST R a UOIIN, Gurrkk,.over lOdlnliH of liur ItvirtliUtul'n nf llio Ntnlo. llul wo litUn H that Pm- ogg typo Iiiiii ii. ii IiiiIIiu' typo enw, nml - .i-'il-fliJSi itt i . For fiiitluir iiAi'tUfUtiiiH mm tlmo-tahlon M fciino, Iiobiii to lliliilc It riynlml. tliowi foNMi>rt))ir(lnH bad )h mind tho in'i*ni«n uur oxpdrlmico/ moat iwpwliilly wllli , ■ Ifliddlltt. , . 111 Inly Invlilioil iui. Illolintil. I t l . I I i T ftvruu^r, who muni Imyo a cow tliaiwtll llio Wlillo Liighoru, linn - liri'ii III nil UUMUtUl'ATIIIUT. J.li.Wiinn, 0, llimr, lUi/ifftlii.uiuntTi ./™ilngii wi!ro;|n!nrly worlicil Uu' to' fo- dofim»rrt thnii u\\w w oiUf, ulm> Im haa ciim^Vthnt thimn of our lilrila wllh long Uiilu Htro.t,, > Mat.wall,N,J I'ouin’it'")!, o i,'ll!iiri)j, H . v lA 'll; 11,11. ter hunt wiion ulin ivnf uttmctwt ■ hr no dairy, produwla nlthor to \m nr to liiulloa nnd mcka, rnthur Ipugthy In tlm frnnlld olfortii of Imr llttlu mimilol svll. tio far aH IhU uIium Is eotuHiruatl li'ga und doop down liuliluil, nro1 ill nit OnUiullom . i . 1'roiii t to oirij i i ! in, 11 In yiiiu dog to ovorlonp tlio Itnlcony tlmt X iifi' (ku'M 'otaor Ja right ami IiIn iiltbr- tinioa tin) moat tirollllu liiyorii!*. Bill! t tO HliHI II.JII, 4 , ■ , . tntod \\\m from lliu HtiiRo, when she 1 1 ■ ,, . i e a d i n g y s t e m nnco Is a timely Wat'iiliig agaliist llio < • .. ,. ■ . . . i ■ , V R S limnedlntoly bcoanto'nwnro nf tho tnilli uxlronii'H In lirei'dhig praetliHHl Unlny, i ■, Mii.pm r lim k.. -i . XATIIAN UKVIN, ft. U., New Jersey Central. Hlwt tlw iwtiir Wfcj: (Inrirliilt «nd-M> ^tiim'ilmnlmil lW . iM m M U U i f If tlio Miincovy ilrulio wim Imlolioil ‘ /1’iiYdiaiAM Ahd uunnBON, : fL'orrvftrd lo Knft l

    erweek, touet faolurori* Tbe auppiy lu Ibe bauda of street | ■it bit of iiifortuiitioi) ttiAtvelouga to (lie Ibe pofliusitcr ia a portion of tbe tint HOTBED MANURE was the way the boy explained jmWlc, - : , j . oditlou ot tbo oortlAostea and liaout .. ' 't ■tlie liORpltnl itecda tlie unpport of Ihe when lie was caught stealing iiew“s|wtxra iui much m tbe ncwpapetA bere to enable thoio who have uot aa POR S A L E . Day’s Restaurant | iieetl tlie co*o|)cnitluii of the luwpitol te l contributed to du ao. Parttsa wbo Ice. There are a good many Aiilhorities. The mniingement will realise Lave not already idoulltted themielvee people taking cold In the ltit« iu iu canvas for fmulw— t\\rk wilb tbo movement wilt teoelve I tuve any ijunutity of lnntiure eouvenlro direct from tbs ofllco ot tbs proper sense these days. I f I Day's Fancy Cake. Bakery I )w w . : ( , ; . ' . \ suitable for hotbed purposes ready /rho haa heoa a loug tiaiotn aaeooiallon oi Ibiougb local oommit* colds w e . neglected' the tt- f . - : ■ flailiog out whal the Jodknal baa tecs. for iiuiuedinlu delivery. Prices atilt will.be serious throat or I Day’s Confection^ fcuovn A cordial Invitation li ei* •«»«!«« u m u + u *» « • » « \ u n, i. r » H r*.i mtaenhero elae. no lookod u it bo M W h t l k .l« | t» I* HlUfMWr »m . bottle of Gray's Honey of teuded lo Ml woutu to attend, ■Ml «lr* Ikl^MTM *IU HkIu rlttili, (.k.tkllr ,U ll«l «ould not ataud a trip to tho boipital **4. U » III lira u j IM I, (M ill., be;i, u «»i M( m i Vick.it rim .t V* r-*« nu <» If OlovelatuVa Lung Uealcr dooau't m aiw i i i i h m m i Ci, Miuar ami, a j. can nhvnys be depended ou for lioapltal tbero wai ioiuq ttolay wailiug onro Tottr oough, retnru tbo muply cure of coughs nml colds. ih o arrival of Dr. Woolley wbo esam* bottlo and get all your money biok. Hut It will «nrs you, It uovor falli, 1 b l« to »™ty l»» ot U10 towitn, mnlt util tvcrlvt imiiiiiil ntti'iitlmi, , \\ ill Hiinrnnteo them true lo nnmo. "* : Lnxalivc Hromo-Qiilnlne t»m.u , Adilrtw J. & Q, MoQUE^N^/ . tbv U?«rd vf rrtvlivhUn i| Kcwtd SJuUcrll'c Iw lh« JuvtutAL, 1 ' lU S lil'll WBNZm ,, .Mutartit, U» Ui,i ourt. u ,uU tu .be do]' ——,, /. , ---- :—;—;-- 1---*—--- KKW JKUHKV CONFKHKNCE. . MorsaaTilltt Itfiu i. A ohuroh aooUtlt* will he held at ib# TmtfmriifHirttHirfrmTiifmitmimTmtntsfmmmtmmttmi IPatatoan Journal !t«v. J. )l. Ilitlii** <»r llfil lUuk Klwlfd l'r«- reaidaocaof Qvury KUstaaa next Taee* •Idliiff KUor—Tlio duy cveuiug. .. . m * m' ' " —■ Matawan M ail Dircotory. Thu New Jorioy Anuual Coofereuoe, | SOMETHI/NC « 0 0 ^ = after u uioat ploi»s*ut hut Lurriud •»». CUfTwood Item*. ; ;-'**•< .. . MAIt,8 CW 8 K, . Mou, eluaud with ihe readtug of tho ap> Miaa £mma L . Joboanu, who haa EWEW . . . ' Por New York, Newark, uud i l l point* jioftjtriieiilit hy lilnhop Fowler* ou Moo* beeu tuaehiogat Uooky H ill, K . J. , for Korth and W«at. Philadelphia and the d»y uigbt at 10:30 o’oJuck, Ttiat vaa 11 vo yuara, liaa roaigued io order to Is our "JIM ’* SHOE for South ftnd Atlantic Hlghlanda; 8 ,1 5 1 , tn,, a da^ auoner than uanal, the IHahop look after ber farm at Cliff wood, . 13.20, 4 .3 0 , 7.uop. m, Men. You Imve probably helug ouaiindlud tu lenvo ou Tupadny A buaiueaa ueetlug of the CJ iffwood For lU zltt, llolmdel, Cotta Neck, Red morulng In order to oi>en (be Data* Bank,' Lonff Brand), Aabury park and all Juuior Eywotlh League u til be held worn many Sliocs that gave ware Co&ferooou I d Pokomoko OHy, polnti on U10 N. Y , k L. Ii, and New J nolia Farm. a. m.f and s.jop. m. , CheeBeqnake—\V, B. Noble, ' < g ; other most essential feature tliat you want to be enlightened . From Keyport, 9 .0 0 a. ni., 5 .3 0 p. a Cliffwopd—H, U Burkett, , Walter Brown bai removed tb. fence, From Freehold: 9 .0 0 a. 01., 5 .3 0 p. pi, t Cranhury—If. M. Brown. from In front of Ilia farm and will pot about and that's tlie matter 'ofiprice. Wt art ttHin'g ihit Shot . : PostolTice open daily frout 6 .3 0 a. m. to Eatoutowu and Tiulou FolU—Hciuy up a wire fence. far $9.S0, Its T H E S H O E to jw iyJC yottt want; a,, Ureas shoe,,;, o'clock p. m. ‘ ' Johnson, ,«'•* ,m ■■■ji'fy' Miaa Laura, daughter of J. W . and B B N JrF . S. BROWN, Postmaster. Himlishtown—T). H. Shock., ,. lira.' Bawkiua and Burrowea T. L.m- even if you linve tp look'flt a penny twice before you spend it. ' Familngdale—J. C, Kulp. 1K', Fort Ilancock-^C. M. Johnson, f » t, > bertaon will be married nl tbe home of We have th^strongest line of Men’sP in e Shoes at. J2,oo J-THUB6 I M I . NAKUH 26. 1003. Freehold—A,H;Eberuar^tf,^‘r’^ ; ‘’' ,v tlio hride'a parent, on Wednesday, Hamilton—W, B. D l.u k is to n ,.. April 15, at 8 p. m. ^ ever shoivn to t il l. 1) community. , ; . > ' Highland*—John Wortman.<• i > • , Dr, W. B. Ori«»olJ U bnllilln* a . Matawan "and Vicinity. Hightstpwu—C/D/Fisher,;;'! new^brlok brooder houae 2 2 aB0 feat : Still'/ . I I I — : \ , • 1 ■( , ImTnystown, Clrcuil-r-J, JJ. Shaw, , .. and when fluUbed bo will ha.o a eery I The Borongh Counoll will meet ]acol)$town and Cooksto'wu—J, S, oomplete ponltry plant. B e ia alao Moore. ,, ...... to-morroir night, : « frioiida. , , ! , . ' ■ atrfot »w t of Ike trolley trucksuoar MUltown—H, J. Conover. , , 1 . Mr.. Potior of Now Brnnawiok ia CARRIAGES AND WAGONS; OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. tlie tout al (III1 llulel by tb# Old Homo* Morgnnvlllo—Hi J{. O a r r lio n , . y.\ , apeudingii few daya w ill, Mra, Oaoar •tiiad.Holfl. Tlie ropalravalll bo nude Naveaink and Ocenulc«“ C. S. Miller. OanuilT. at the f apeuao of the trulloy ooin|nny, New Unwuwlck-r'FM: Church* J. V. Pniutlntz'. Trimming and Repairing in (ill Brnnch*!. ' Ooorgo Farrington uf Joraey Oily ) , ;. .-ICilwaril ‘ Ferry Ima removed lila Slmwj Pitumii, J. 15, Saroiii *St,'J«uicV, M.*« 15, W Snyder. : - 1 - > apeut Saturday and Holiday with hla lanilly Iroiu Novark aud ia ooeiipyluK parent*, Mr. nud Mia, Oeorgu W, Far­ 3 the Ma>.ou property near bia Urlekytinl New Buy]liuypt mul Colllm M llli—J, W. Aja/if for »H KM* I.yndii rington. Imaluunh, M r.T arry bought llila prop­ N«w I.tabati, cltcull—Ui?lwnl Hmllll, erty )aat year aud - liaa liail lliu Iioiiiiii Oourait Loe.ob aud dauglitor, lira. m m 4, t t Ocean Orove—It,.C.' Hancock,, . Onatun, have relnrnud front Hod Hank, imt lu good ardei lor bit own oeon- Ocennport—M, H, Me»»lor, •. WOOD'S r» * K pauoy, ■ . • ■, . Olil llrlilKC-K. H. Clulnl, \ , wliord they have linoli apundiiig a week vI.IIIug Irlemla, j . , , . The Hoard of Education mot Inal l'olnt I’loiiaiiiil—n. C. I’uultou. t m i m r l'olulvlllo und AWIgitlaUiwtt—It. 1’, M m ST tH B Saturday • aud prnaulsed liy ulwllug We aipret to havo Iho free run) Grim. ■ i ■ . ■ delivery .oou, George Dobaun haa M c m m r , MP4IRCD. K. O. Uiidle prealilonl and J , A, W all­ Ueil IlnnV—I'll tl Cliiucli, Alfieil W iih k I ing olerk. Tlie oouiuillluua will ho been aruiiud taking urilera for the Ornco, K. J. Kulli. . bona aud he waa rery .iiooeaaful, appoiuted at tlio u eil iniiellng, Tlin Hnyrcvlllo-*-J* W, S lo rrli,' —...... ^ ^ M-»— regular uiiiiilt'ifla >111 liu hold tlio aoouutl Stabrlglit—ll. O. IliiRerman, BRICKYARD 8UPPLIE8. ETC. Saturday ul|bt In eaob tuuiilli, Kllverton, circuit—Altinito Glimuliciii, Nonmoatk County Meal. 1; . . . Chief Ueolt and Aaalataiit Foro> Hnilllilniru—J. H, Wliltliiknr, My oil m to in (i ri. oan be aupiilled wllli Hotilli Auliiuy—I), W. C. Mollilyre. oitra flnoHntttbdnwu latnlia ral.iid nn the PRACTICAL HORSESHOEING man- ,Toliu Mnlaoff, lu lb» preaonou of Houtli Klvcr—J. 1', Coidovn, W, ■ H.'Arrom m llb, Cl, II, BliVpberd form uf Daniil Sulianuk In liolntilel Hiittlhard, clreiilt—Jowpli Jnhtimn mul 1'ownahlp, Alao Irfuiiiiioiilb Ontinly /III Work Qiiiirnntniid to b* Flrit>Cln*i. ami -ITivd Shook ol tlm Water Own. K. l'lulilor. uiltlou til tlm llurmiKli Ummoll, Irlod Hnrluit Milco—I, A, Onkei, ; Itoof aud pork for aale. Qeorgo Ijina- BEaE5S^n3Si2aairanpjjHHs.^EsuBBsa«THSBHainJazsa3BsaHasfl aeverttl uf tlio lijilraiiln laat I'rlilay, ,T«m« tUver—VVi U. VtiUettt, , , luajor, Jr, ______; Wnll—Klljnli I'.Kced...... Tlmy atliioheil tlie buna und tlio priiaaure To L it an Bkai.a I froina email pump at the powerhomo : Weal Aatmry I’nrk—W. Wi IUil||ely, Weal nmve—Rnintlel Hnruciit. ’ " I Two lon.aoro llnlila for oorn.—W. II, wae hiiilluluut tu im t u (itriMiui uu top ot Whlleavllle, circuit—T, II, Hick*, Rtliwell, Ouudhearl Farm. tliu. Mutit^HU. ItutiHU. Tliu trial waa a THE TRIBUNE FARMER 'I’lin whort'ftiiuiita o f: a 'lmmliiir of MOST very ; mtinf»iitory;mi« tu all; lmt Mr, la 11 N'nlloiiiil lllnilnitfil ngrlciilliiriil vvookly for fiirttiera ulid SltilaolT, w|iu,«bllo Imnilllutt Ilm nu«. tnliifntura wnll.known to many nf our rouiluri arn iii fulhiwai . , ( t t i,., ..mi llmlr rmulilea, mid atnuda nl Iho lirinl of tile, ngrleultiinil *loireoe|v<|i| a .writing fur not lining \An Ancient Foe LIBERAL |irena, II la 11 prnctltuil paper fur pmcllciil futltteii, Italplttg lomly wlimi tlm pntnr waa lurmul uu, rciiiiluiiloil^MIHou Holy oil, ' l ’Biimiiiklii—W. II. Murpli,', i : . t To liooltti'miil liuppinoifl la Pordlnln— Alieni to aecuro ,llto; Inrgeal pmwihlt. profit from ttie hirij! w-kvi t i Trenton—LVnlriil, J, Ii. Unwind he it||ly na qvor abicu tlinu Itiiineniiirlul. OFFER ';t|iliiliKh p!ti.ctl?|il inolhiida. ■- ’ ■ ' i/ii.iiiii'ii-.in llo v r 'iiT L il! ■. Canittvn—IlHtmlway, (li II, Ncul, jr, { ,]t oniiiiia. btincliiiil lit thu ouok, dll- I l li.iiti'rlnliiliiK i litali'uollvenml ptitcllcnily imoftil 10,llio We olTor Ono, llnndred Uullara lte* llrkllieloii—Cmniticrcc. J, I), llllla, . |lBiire« Hw tililti, litiltmtcii tlin iniiwnia ««n l lor auy >ww of (Jatanli tliat nau Ueimtavllle uud Hultlli Nonvlllo-M, H, OF ' (‘nriiier'l, AVll’e. mini iuul (iittigliloi'a, wltojii lilluieata it.'coven,' uot bo ourud by taking ila ll'a Oalarrli Itaallnok. ■■ i ••• -■ ...... liitinilirnnii, wu«lo« tlm iii i i «li)|ntlutiH ni vlii l,y tlii'lr lltm, Tho following apeolal ap|>oinlme,ila Mill tmi'iiiiiii it nitiiiliiir aurn. I wmit lulu a Weat & 'i'riiai, Wliuloiuilu Orngtilala, woro tnadc: . ' : ' koiitirnl ilneltniv I wna ptiminilekl to tty lliKiil'a Hiirnn|ulrllln, mill when I Iuul tnkeil Heitil your urilur and ItiMiey lu 'I’ilo JO UIlNAf., Mntil. 1 'i'ulnlo, l>. J. W. Miimlntll, furillorly Of Cniinloii, na ftlx liottlva my tintik Wlm lil'itluil, ntul 1 imvo Wait,' N. J.' j'- I ; ... Waldlnif, Klnuan K M nrilii, WIio!o«i»i> I’l'caldout of tliu IVlliilliKliiilRonillinry, (nvcr Imd any Iroiiblo ol Ilm klnil alnue." Drii|/ul»l«, Toludn, Olilu, H. II. Iluuti, uf Cituideti, HtuloTum. Mna, K. T, H am a, 'I'rny, Otilo. Your imine unil rolilrcm ml a pontiil ennl In llio Now York < Uall'a Catarrh Onro la taken Inlc'rnilly, pci'iince A|/ei*t. ■ ■;■ ■■' ! " ■: Ttllitiuo l'ariuer, Now Vurk Cliy, wilt litiit|{ you 11 Itao noting directly miou thn lilmvl ami mtt' Tliiiiinu lliiaa, of tlio New Joraoy l’lditl. Hood's Sarsaparilla Hnni|>io Copy. j „ .,...... i* ( , . ooua aurfaooa of tlie ayalant, , l ’fii'O 7tia cntlon C,Hil|miiy, l'lia l (jinirletly Con- k per buttle, gold by all Drugglala. Tea foreiic*, Ciiinden. and PUta ilmnulala ItM. Uevtruu tlUKlien, nawxtnte adllor f,iiiiih will rid you of It, rndionlly anrt por* Hail'd fam ily Pill* are the Iwrt. hi Jlunneis, member uf Occnu drove luaautinily, m lltvy Imvn rid thoiiaaitdi. Qunrteiiy Conference. r. H. SLATER. riling R tilf for Mew lt«4. O. C. Jliulilocki Mural Iniltuclor of JO WHOM IT MAY CONCKKN t ...THE... New Jersey Btnte rrlaoit imii litenlber uf I «ni now established Iti TliaSlaten lalaod Sonuil TranapDita. Trenton Conference. . tlou Ooni|ia»y, of whloli Jam*4 • II. S. W, Luke, 1‘realdenl uf Ocenn City ujixltK I1' Hh* jlnnnt nf l)lrt'j'itir« tlmri'itf. my pcrninticiit quarters wm vnUitatvut tn»« TinkiimtH' (JtmuillUiHj ol tbe Twentieth Ueutury Tlj.uk Offur lm iifiiim i»f tlui n#i)il c]i>riNii'iit Un iHtht; JKIl* 1 a Shoe, nml •nltic.i men Hl'v.OKNlltAI. (IHN’I'HAI- ’J’KAl!iMON'i'ltAt)...... (J<)MI'ANV...... , MEDICINES, PERFUM­ mianlnncrii iu llielrK rao t 16 tliu lnt( lug, The aggregate amount up tn laat Hnlii tinilUnn wim lliiwl wtlli Dio tiiwiihIiIi would never Iniy It, A slioo Jpliu II. Ci’luiTcr,,wlmnwMil lliiialitit- onnfcrotioe waa atatail at.91177,IMS. Tho Oli't'k im tliu I'JtlMlny nr Man'll, luui. ,, that daen uot fit ntut w ill not tht'ot tn« mtlwny 1» un onltnnry ERY Jt TOILET ARTICLES, tn n la ml. Ik'la rk^wtod tbat tlio duok' lour diatrioia llila yoar gaao aa fnllnwal Ivtulii'utl iili'flrln tntllnr tallwak> with t'loc wear well 110 sensible tiinji wpl bo ooDi(ilet«d In tiuio fer tlm (1 (It'ti“ llriilHetuu, I0U.00U; Oaiuiluii, 944,0110; and will l» glad toscrvo- New llruuiiwiok, (10,004; Trentou, ^ W W H H Sfliffil a ,„Wtl„» ol thn w ill buy, ...... ” ' ’ iig of tbn frol)jlit|uK auawiu in Juno. Y o n men who vitlne hnnil gOI),387. T til., with legaoloi auil utlier inV 7 M my old friends and cus­ I., A. I),, Wfl. ntfsuo p. m.ifit ‘ licticli work—selected tiinnnije | MMtKIKII. dnuntluiie, nakea • graud tutal of tlnn, llrowniown, Hftld ni'l'llivtH tomers. 1094,8(111. Dr. Maraliall atatuil lhat pilHHUllll UIH)h.ll|K)h, of fine Icntherrt—.Hhrtei'ilifitle over nuntomlcnl foot-Hlinpcd fon,ii*auan^rit|uH!50 ».— ■ I ^ ^ a * ' ■ ■ ■ voro eliitoil ot h Country ltBgai'por do/...... Ijo R. BED LE & SON. , Inducements to the CunIi • ' ■nunorteil by folhulnry ooiitrlliulloii Htaln Hlreet Ohurob, Trouton, ln;jlarol| Otnuulitlod Httgari tle fib ,...— - ll— -jc i , l l u y e r , , w ill lie rItou a llliofal numitliy of tin, Tlie "M elville" Itnt Ih sold mo*. i ' 1 . ' v .i • Mii«iki1(ii Milli, per cnll...... 911 Lougtnau & Martluoa Toro I’nluta Ueaplto a Mormy winter tlio lioneto. exclusively by tm. _ »hniioTer Ihoy pklnt. Bolt Fork, |ierlh,.—...... luo lent eulloolluua worn ruporlod In. Citllfotnlii limit*, per lb,.P...... lie FOU NTAINV ’ N ot*: Ilayodaue*u (or t*outy.«o*o» oreuaed Ipillo l»r«uly over Ibo |iru- '^sssasaffBBHB asEsasasBBa^ : TOIin Btovo X}enla:t% yiuirt. Snltat I'otia uf nilllioua ul gal- ooedlng yoar...... • iou»| paliilod nuarly twi> uillliou iimiaoa Throiigli the liunpltallty of llio A»> PUBLIC CARTING E T l V r B ^ o r ^ | Thn Hulim'nbcr will do nm'in'ml curling HBtlor gtiufftnioo lu ropalul II not kalla* bury I'lirk mill Oounn (Irovo Mollio- factory: The |mllll wenra for period* ImihIiichn In MnUnvmi nml nulliltn tin? or* , V ' Wll.l, lilt AH' ; ; ", dlaln tlio mumliora of tlio Omiforotioo itutu of mi'rclirutU mid nllicru who mitiiro up tn olghteoi, yonm. Ijlnmwd nil woro iiiindauinoly oiltortnlnod, nud tlio COAL, in yard, $5.75 jl, BEDLE & SON, (IAUEHbA8tlER8, m int lie mlilotl lo tuo t>a!ot, (done lu unclt work done, DcHverl«n will l»e profiling lllaluip otpreaautl himnplf, prulitpl kihI lilmim’rt rciiMHiuhhs IUmjiichIm PEA, 9 4 ,26 , j Ooiniiieteliil lllooli, Miilnwin, two mluulen). Aotinil ooat tliou •[iuul erintly grnlinud In tlio Ironlinmit Ilo iv ttflelihnim wlll lit* anointed to. 81,Ul) a ifiillon. Bnni|iln< frou.^miltl r ■ - iiA iu tr 11.iM i1.M iiT. Dollvorod, 4>DiUn iuul $4.70. hail been nooordiiil lir tln\ni.. Tliu V»h ttiiti A-itii MalnwiM*, N. *’ tuosdaye I to 4 p. m. by olir »nuul«i 0. A. Ooritn, Mj»V' oiililuut uf l’re.ldlnii Kldtira wiih oiiln. w»n|.T. )0, Jtilm.ul), Nnlfordl J . Alux, pllnionlod by him na tint boat liil HIM W illie OnlH ...... , . . #1. *tl / \FFfuTiiri'iTITaIinnjii11’i1 tiT iir T iAtiMiNiatumti'ii mrriim. . , . <3 ri>, Iln limlul. ' ! ’ , u m neon, haying no jirlynto liiluriiHla, OABT FOUND! Mixed Oats i.Og, Jii«u|'hli|i! lii-ni'iip, inliiiliiliiiiiii,i nf iliilili llrttn ...... liio tHiimii.,i uuvnaudi hr, uulur nf iliu iliim i*, nun till nlmlii* ■•forkin'Beqt/gtuniif •|il« of Ilm Itifiilily .nr Miihiijuiilli, Ih iii'I^ , r.r Sh« Imet itcuieily for n il,forma pi lliii eliufoliek anti uihiintry, ’ A ttvo.ivlieoloi) emt wna rnticntly lott Middlings, , 1.1 Ivmi iMiHii''ftilliiM«ri*f4!i , ., ■ • > ■ |B00. pari of which can remain on mortgage If d*« t. '- 'Anyone desiring to see any oftlie properties described below,or wishing for additional In* tlrad. Lot ia about ea leel front tod of good depth, Suit fur (10,000 agaiuat tbe Eaat it it within Or* inlnutet of tohoo) aud oliurchai tad Jeraey Cuuik Water ComiJau,T bus been t.'. formation relatlujfto'nny of them can drop us a line or coll at tbe office. I will be glad to gow itli ooorenlaut lo nation. iuitltuted by BuobauoD k Sraook of : Bo. II. S. anyone to show them the properties 011 any wefek day except Thursday, if notified a day In advance.: Aabury l ’ark. Tbe suit baa growu oQt Eighteen Hundred Dollars uf lbt» receut flro wblcb dustrofod lb© Iiukedfontiouieaodlot on Hilo Street, one* half ©f wblcb can retualn ou b«nd aad mortgige, lom^laiuftcl’a pUuiug miU. An Id* Tlia aon ia llgbt, good Tor early truck. It la oicol* datloua for 1 0 1iontc«, there tains io box alalia. Lot le 40s9ld feet tbd tlia botjta bee 0 room* aod i$ adeqoalo water auppl/ ou Ibe part of located for cblukro raUlug, tUera bring gravel, It alao hits a good ouo*liaJf mils traok for traiu- in good oondltloo. There la alao a barn on Ihla tbe defuuduut, ooutrary to agroviDeotr Ten Thousand Dollars alopet woud, oto., iiuu M. A aiuail orchard of 60 incimrjHWoaormcemooln. and if tho rroiior ippl* tra«a to good bearing 1* tbo kind aod quantity jieruon got hold of uiis |iru]iorty a cood doof of s..n . iialltJgtd, I b u r i ‘•a’* •l', .lated fans o! 1 1S.M K mof fruit. TUrra la a 4>ro> u bnuaa la middling Gena money ooutu bo tuade by holdluif aitortlnir JAta wluilu oue*balf mil* of IrerlioltL Uoate dltlou and no outbtuldlug». Il U along good toad. events. The pluoe u now rented aaa tlm own* Three Thousand Dollars mmk ti room* and cellar, beater in oelUr, aod U lb Tbliyear?0 barM*orap|iira wrre told from tba or doelrefl to ttell beouuso ho iB entfotfod n will boy oie of tbelargeet honiee on Mam Street, Joe Uwla* Horae Runs Away, rngy good condition. Tbera ere three h n a « x » place, foaaeaalou will bagirea any lltua* bufilnesa In another town &Qd canuoi tflve It Matawan, and oua-hilf of Ihtpurchae* mouey ran leal aad a otmUr of other outbnlldlDga. Tbtre Itls ptjrsonal atteution, remain oo bondand mortgage. The lot hat* front­ A boree belougiogto Joe Lewia, (be vM 18 aerea lo KiaffM Prart, 9 yeara old. tad the Ifo.M. age nf 70 feet aud le over 900 feet deep, with a barn Weal Tark juDkmao, w m friflbteotfd Mil is a medium loam, wltb e!ay aubtoll. It ia no* Ko. 113. ea the rear. Tbe main part ol ihla hou*e wae built lasted for 1800 * yaar. |9.roo cub it required, A Farm of 93 Acres about 138 yeare ago and tbe (ran* la aa aoocd u by ft trolley oar at Aabury Park reoaaU ‘ ‘ • lo remain oo boud oud aiortgag t. about 80 aoraa tlllaWa. f rootage of about 14 of a Eight Acres afar. It bae the wide ball and atalrwire, aod tbe ly aod ran away. Ad aged woman, tbo mlla along the Freehold Turoi ll*, I ntlW fro* at Baslet Station, all tillable, twoacres in fruit, aarvinga of Ibe raanleli.elo., ara inatyla with Ihe mot of Dudley Doff of Aabury Park» Kalawao.caa be bouirht fort! 000. It baaaTariatv six kinda, will Le sold for •o.ooo-fl.eoo cash baathoaaea built la Colonial daya, Tbit property ■ " Six Thousand Dollars of frull iraftou Hand th* toll ia adapted to all la ebtap at tba price stalad. v m knocked dowq by Ibe borae while kludeof farmlsg. Tka houaele ID gaod ooodltloa, needed. House haa 14 rooma and a large col* ft • few prltt for a 190-acre far* at Wickatuah; n lara: all Improvement*, heater in collar; 3 good No. 91. abe waa oroaaiog tbe atreal aod aerioua- warn an heavy eotlaadwacm ara adapted to truck costalaal wiaa, alttoavd t larga halla, whlla ibo wells of water, Tho outbulldliiffs are tarn, famlag. Thar* le running water la every Aald, oatbulldloga ooutltt of a b*ru, wagno booeea, aad wagon hoiiso, eow house, chicken houa* and F iv e Thousand Dollars, ly injured, ., TtM* on aboat * mm* of apPl* if— ia bearlag. other aeoemrr bmldlnga. la eattbllthad alia woodliouso. This would make a good place ---la aaarli new aad coeulot au rooma and root* will be aeld with tha pltee, Aboat ON*>half ftr ralalntf chickens. Hoh rsllroau frontage one-half cash, will buy a good truck farm along tiffy tiM new aod roomy. Price, 11.000; of tb* ptirchae* miaey can ramala oa bond aid and a minutes toetatlon, This Is a nice prop­ tho county road in tho borough of MnUiwun— Ulcycle Tklftrea at HU llaak, MlOOO Io ba paid by purchtaer and lb* retlcau itay. mortgage. Tha preeent owuar daalraa lo aall bo> between Band lOnoros, nlouf l aero being in eauae of 111 health to tha family. erty for country scat, being on high grouud irult* There aro two houses on th la property, Ko. a. andovorlooklng tho surrounding country. one of io rooma and cellar and the other i Three bicjolea were atoleo Iq 'IU A rooms. The latter rout* for tfi.to per month. Bauk od Thuraday afleruooo aod olgbt Farm of 101 Acres, No- its. The outbuildings compriso n burn, row house of laat week. William ti.; Bboenaker VI of Which ara tillable, can be bought for |4;«* aad A Forty Acre Farm and atorohouae. This property is about five ■ait of the pnreheee money ea» retaelw. It la Iq ebont 1 nlle fro* Atlantic Mighlaodi, Frloa IW00 A Farm of Seventy-five Acres minutes from railroad station nnd line it flno bad bia laker ; *>» Ibe ball of tbe ESfttlboro Towathlp. along tha Kagliihtewn Tarn* ooe-balf eaeh reiulrad. aboal 14 acree jo Tlolmdol Township, alrout 48 tillable, can be lawn. I t would mako a desirable urban home buildiug wbr ia office Ii aod Joaepb S k* al HobartavUla aud about I miles from Hor* tillable*; two ftppla aud on* p«tr or. aard; aoll loaay bought for ta,ooo ennh and ti.ooo on inortgnge. tor city people. SiaVllla ttellea. Ttie h>me oonUlct» roont and aod aulUhl* (nr truck or hravy farmlag. Tbaplaoft Th*ro aro 8 aoros itpplo tjt'CH, V aero of (»ettr No. m Aq\ tod aon bau ibeli'a atoWn irom % h ti fliod condition, whlla tb* outballdlnga ara a Ura along three publlo roadt aid It daalrably local" trws. Jt U 9 inlloM from llaztot station, ou House and I,ot baek kitoh«n where they were oaually l aid wagon houte. Tfl® aoll la tioh loam, aa. Thalioaaobii 11 rooiui, bier'iiaol aad atllo high ground, witli marl plu on tho l‘tti|wrty, kepi. ■ 1 lo railing track aa walla* bay, grsln,po»and I* In good oaudltloo, while th* autbnlldlag aow* Tho W(hm1 on thlu iilm'o Is estlnintod to ba on Kaln RtroeU Trioo M.OOO> Ix t «7*33H foeb n«B.«to. The property oenb* made lo pay Inr alat of big barn, cow barn, *agon haoae, I arlba, woith 11.500. Thoro la u windmill oil the iiroti- liotiBK Ima 13 rtMuuB, garmt, collar nnd oloseta. ■..... ^WW> I . Ittalf ta Ibrea yeara aad tha borer ran bow market tod other oeooeaary hulldlugt fur Oat eltaaplaae, erty. Tito Iioiiho Iiah io rooma and collar lit Tho moat ilcalntblo hn'Htlon In town. Thoro 11000 worth of loniiit and fhetlniit poles. Tba g(>odoondttloii, whllothurv it & nvw bum, aud ia a vurloty o! fruit and n nice garden, HuiMen Ikatk at Red llauk, , f»m te wan watered and Iih » icm of appla Iran *o, IS. othorouthulldiagH. •I food «arle:las aod lo bearltii. No. IU. lliaa Uiabael Uonderaou of lied Hank A Farm of 135 Acres No. im . Xo, » . Nicely Located House dropped dead laatTbatadaj ulgbl from in Marlboro To*mbi», alnna IU* .ont» road for Twenty-Five Huudred Dollars Thirty-five Hundred Dollnrs iulf a tulle, I* Inr atlo for lia.IWJ* half eaab and of cloven room*, nttlc nnd collar nn MftlnBlreotj bean (llaeaie, A few uoulba ago hor tielanra on tuorlgagn. Tb*rp 1* au apnla orchard of c«nh and M.wu inortgagn (tro tlio torinit uiion rtrk'o omt-lmlf caalt. I^it About 47x'JQQ aon John died anddetilj from tbe aane for a to aora for* Marlboro Towinlilp; IS aor*» wliUih u lurtu of uUmtias aoro« cwt bo bottuUl. fin't, fiicingon two airoota. Thoro Ih it burn betag tillable, Tlio >011 Ii about batf lltfbl and toa» ovar lh arrrw atitt a V'tar ornhaiA nt afarat l i aoraa diaeaae while at work, dbe ia atirvived all In fiMMttiliwing ooihIIi Idu. Tha laaaul la Thin pnyK'rtj-lH In WiirlliomTownnhl|». iilHiut niidehlokon liouao on tho proporlV' Kvory- heavy tud of frull there ara apple and pear Ima Stnilm fnuu ,Morgumillo Hliiilmi.nutl alioul thing iihout Dio prooorh* ia In excollout oondl- atrewberrloa. It Ii illiitie at Morganvlllo, reported to nava«ir«ilut'l ol lha place. A O'liprouro itliout lot) fruit Iivub-hiijiIo, iionr. (las ihingo:giis nil throiigh tho hoiiao, woll Yoar Nervai Will Kill You Tba land lift ao that ll la tuitiula fur tba b«»*houee aU#aji*r |i|* tmijofai rtHimta. wllli vutor In tho klluhon, biilhtiih. Itls within llvo inliiulett walk or If yon ni gloot tbera. Tkomoraont yotir MAlUOBNhll«lbaoutl»ullilln|i ara in falro»tndl. whllotiio (iiiiluilillnuM nu' nuiuoiiiiiN nnd In tlie Htutloiu UOO. Tbla will be told lur M.^iO t aib, the balaooa Ilona. Thu Btlil* tfro well aaitml and lha aoll oertoue Bjatem booomeaitupaired, your ailapiadluallklinlii of farmliiK. Anyouo looking falroondlilun, Tlila imuiortr «aa for yoftrn No'144 ItfMaala, (ur a larg* |>n«lncllr* place lur liltla iuau*y tboulii ninimit liotol nml in Mill itvulliiblo for Hint House and Lot vital organa fail to povfuru tboir eiaalno Ibu faro, , iitiriKMo, Tho nomvut hnlol in four jttllt'a front lltlt* plnco. Tho itinh'Hy Ih nt iho itmullon o( oil IlmoutakirtaofltntuwRU tor sale for wro, funohoiiH properly, aod datigerotiadia* ; Three Tliousiind Dollnra ' <■ v jto.n, rnwHnm^nnit'tliivnuloinj good mule. It cun only lAMtoaali ro*'MtV2 V»cr*a«Uii»U bo vontod (or it your. Atidwnuon lu^iao Mi iWjiwrty, Uwnor live* pontidTca is an Immediate and perma* ftha«l oua-Unll lull* fr»>m t»wtij It aoraa Ullabla, Ten Thousnml Dollars, out of town, miaon foratdllng, •oil light and l«'a»yi‘j7U Kl«lf«»r \*ara «nd iou« ona>lift1fnth. wli(liti) a farm ot IB* tor«e, alioiit No. 191. ueDt onro for uorvona proilratlou, •HawtiarrlM. Srtrr rilliim »f waw. Th* ouo-liilfrl wMeliMlilltbl*. Th* term Ilea alnug KEYPORT. tii'Moua eihauation, oouatlpatlon, iu- bovaa conlatm fl n«'n»* autl uiarlj mw aud. jjia tlia luaratUm roiiMrt,M)illaiiti Tuantlilii, alioul 1 Vive Thousund Dollnrs No,«. hftiit ti lu fair ooiidiiinu, Alwnl oiiMiaU of tin milt'tln'id Mttaw«uv< fua »nli i* M«)vud to aU PMhainl».»i'ptmm«)ilBiii{nliirti» prlcoof m dlgtialKin, Uradnohf, and all diaeaaug o f MVObaaa |Klc*« rau remain on ilia |in^arty. kind* nf farmliitf. Inerau alwui a aoira of ft tut nort'g in.Mnrlljiihi n«\viiHhl|t~iihMiwri»>ilillnbk A Carriage Fnctory tbo blood, atoiisuoki, IWor and kiduoya. llo. If, on 111* |‘Uw. Tlif* hull**! barn aud otlirr otillnild* M l In nil hi^1 ntl|l ithxiii m noiva ni^ In ukinh. I'rojif rty, locaM al Keyport* It for ttin al 14,000. II Wo will kIto yon a trial paokago froo* iug* ara nractlnelly uew ami r«>*t o»rr |lo,iiiw io It im two iitlloa fnmi Mnrllioro innl la known lean old Mtalillalivd Hand and lha btilldlngaooui. Two TIiouniuu! Dollnrn iiiilld 1iitr*la a term room tMiatit bmi«e and m* tt vory pnidnollvo j»Wo. hnir m'loH of prit* a rarrltg* ri-ooallory.lirlPk blaokinilttiaiid Tjargo pHokngng, l*m and hi h«>o«I «>oiidliion. Tba mi*h«j in llii'lr luhiio i*ouHiltuloa tlio fruit on paint altnp, wlirolwtlglil eliop tud ilirre Ii a good H. U, Walliug. ' - •IlMtU atoiM tlia KHUIIabtitAii Tlirii|'U*. (toll iruundlalii llie bteV of ibip* and auy rliy man thn I'htoo. 1 homo luta olultt mtmaMmmln pond whloh auppbta water power all Ilia yoar adacXad In Irurk raUrun, Od tlia urauiiaaa ara a lookliiK lur a AnaOmnitry t*al tliomd miptul lltlt fair onmmloit, \vlillo tlioii* am tliroo hnruM, round. II la at^ul X mlla from railroad elation Vro|»*i(r« I'oitfMlou glvru abj tlio*, wauoii lunt»o imd Mjoil lit g ajahd fur i Mo, N. tho imhoo, Tin) Hold* a tn woll wntomi. In giKnl reptir and (lie properly formerly reuted fot «if»Trj «l«ronr wauul iiuka a *rty, ilia uwuar la ilwni to Fifteen Tliotmnnd Dollars, gramuK'A fur «oo(ety mitortfttuiuunta, •U|fe«»tn liviattiaaa. otiixbaU oaih. will huy a fin* tarwwf alvnnl M arm aiiiioiitioi'inoiit OHrila, orders of dauo- In MatihnruTflwiitlilp.nraHb* Maiawmllu*. Tbe ‘liMinlf onfih, la tho kIci. of ono of llio flni'nt Three Stores aud Dwelling Xrt.H toll I* adapted prliirlpilly In tiuek tailing and frail 1amis tiliinu llm Miilitwttn nnd FroohoUl h>nd, on rroot Mlreel, K«|K>rt, ran b* Wugbt for ll.tKKt, log and oilier apoolaltlba cau bo aoon at and tbaraaraa uuMlwf t>f ter** of Ihllatlar oa 11, part of Wlilrh can lie l«H on tlm ptoperly. Tha tbo JutniNAti oliloe. A now book oon- A V a rm o f 9 5 A crcs , TtiahflUM It larg* and rvowy, lu good oOUdlUeo, I wnliihi*iu'tnit iwacn>«, ull UIIhL>1o, and- la tlor*a r*nl for MOatimulh, tuaklng a 10 per oenl ■urlr >11 ol I. tnuiil.. wl'lilu > I)u.il.r lull, while Ilia lura* and i«iiilnn|iiingaar>i alao larga tati rttioutitihlwnrl.'cuw'iitwo htrttloim-nlHint a lureetmeni. Ilia dwelling part oonMut ten ronim lalultiH tbo jatuat atyloa la at tbo dli» (irrnbran and • mlla from M»U»an, lha aoll l» iti good wimlitlmi. Tba |>ri’|i*u* ftwa two pablia jiiilf iiillo io oitoh, AIhoihihvonloitl lot’litm'lif'a, Th* pfopMty I* tn Ih* oeiutro of Ih* butlitraa part poaal of uuy of uur teaderi bavlog both li»a«y iml ll|hl and U ad*t<(*t ImhIi ganau yoada and la wllhln UhtiluMt<<« «>( t'r»o*au atatloi, Thn liouao alUoit uu «U\liU'tw« auil twnUilHa oi IIik town tud tha lot ta IVIM loel. and truck Itrmhid, llirr* la an aiu and Iwl Ih>\i» on ilianwutra wrrarttiTKil tll.thnltnr Ita few yuaia flwMihd wtvutol ttio iMvvn ivttd olltor Iwwm'a. Two Dwellings and Store, II In *tH>d PtfodlHiMi, ’I'll* |TO|'*rtji *111 l»a anld low ago, 1ml II wat a gond luva*li»aiit al lhal prln aad Tltnlmin laa liirwoorto, nlilo In inko onro of aud lllled aatlafantorllly aa to work* Hit! tlMlltiad loaall. twi’tilv.lho ItoiiioM. llioi-oimt nlnoho’t *i«IU ilrotilway ami Tronl Nl reel,Keyporl,eel,Keyporl, are fnr alia fnr ftudoua.half(if Iba imroluw flirt mu raualuon and Iholtitm nml imtlnilldlngMiinuionrly now. m )y the I'ornar prt aloiiK lltia muitlunntnurlgMa. AilihrlaniUatlllaula. There A Store aud Dwelling, bidea, altiua, fat, oto., by Qoorgo Lius* of FrMbpldamWaiuMlitiMllallrotd and onr.fourth it* iwo huutM nn Ilia t»i«olh Irurk amt rottillllon. It laamtairdabout! nili*t froai Tan* aale lor pari oi whlrh «an remain oq bond uml and l inllra rmm Kngllthiewn, Dyer l l tnu otfl.Wnvu^ uwr IVrl Mmunoulh, witli n vvftlor •aaaral fonalnu. U baa a itiHid Imuia »)f ulna rooma ol wn foN. I'l-loo 14,wi» only tino‘lmll aud mortuaae. Abo«* Iho el ore are voven living and Iwo larga l«rti*.l«agmi brt*>»* and Atliaf ima] w lb v d h ty wat out ftvm ibla piara lu a alngla tTiimtvd Itt ttvan. Thoeo tn n u*. whloh la Wutvd itUnit and a email room Itt Ilia rear. Tlia lot hit a front, «ra 4 aorti of imda ir«>a «w It tu l^r'iia. Tlia oiip-lmlf mllo nom rullrv4idntiitlon, iml In tho age ot AU or iunt« feet and runt lank itto feel, Tha honn Tiittliial angina lor .kin. Doth nrovarti la wrtfn toXv'tli.ttt''t.t'nlwlM m w U vdlugt), building li in good condition and a profitable bint. of tlumi Im 1011, Apply at lit* offleo, at nol uaarly ha ralm>. utiMiall i'f Ibf pnrdikia A Fourteen Acre Farm No Ul neetevuldlnci'Udupieil in It tana ay oao ri'imlii If (tpalmt. Tlia inrllt'iitaria* mi llnlnidel Tutn|>ik(< alH«nt vti* mll*kfma tttla* Ne.lO. Alio In i ol »ai*o« «oail »■ now j choap, lo l>rl» will b» glvan «i|iou am'llcatlon. wan o*n Iw bought for |>.HU. |mm ol whlah Mb »*• Seventeen Hundred Dollars tualu tut th*i^ i<*rly. llit |ilac* la n»ad aa a truck too Diiildfng I.ols No. W. fairn and onuiatti* I l-’l avivt fruit It**, t lAttt nf amt tho 1)11111111*0 on hiNlnlliitonla will buy a rainliarrieeand 1 titawlwcttoa, Taa ylwa la jitrmo[Mni'h;*,ftlKMt«i tlllatio. In lioliiulol on ttroadway and w««hto|ttth mrtait, Kaynorl Two TlmUHRtul Dollars well fiitrd tip fnr tb* linttwd lm»ln*« and Ilia laud Towiwtuv l'lm wiw w\ \\w idnop I* rauslog aieoal 40ilW »irb. l’rlra lifO lo |3V0, lawanlail for a mratl farm al FrtiiraM. Thara ar* UlnahlgbttaiM'f onlttvatlon. Th* hoaao oon« Thi'ii> ttiv»runva of gtnnl vmlolfoa of un»ion In Trolley run* right by nteiiy of Ibrtn, tbe oltiera a MO frull irwa-i't'aeh, •|1'l«li t*,*r and »*hat»j-OM tain* I* KH'ina and It In good o«i|idlllont will la Iba iKsnlng, Tlionntiaow'ittalna a i\h»iiih nud la block ewer, A very deelrablo part of the town lo IIaitilbo aoll Uot a wn-dium A (»twl aU oMlbulldnwanimprlta l<*tut**«ou b»Ui« and lath hi tfO«.hTtHiuillllon, wltllo iho OiitbuildlntfM ron. build, Town water, eleotrlo llghte and gas oo M«mnaiii«. a Uin and wutm lu>ti>a fWii^rla* Ilia bom*, all lu good mhmIUIom, alat of bnvjt, vow ahod nud ltv«» otltor altoda. feroadwiy. Map to tieaeeu at Hilt offict. liulldliui, AUiuHiuiMltlul nf Ilia Wm'luia W** Tln'tvUidontyofhx'tialmid oIh’«Iii\iI llinlvr «av»a\t> iMUwvilita*^ t'Wa vn'^rtj t« aWng Ih* u-Ho.gii, on Iho i'lnt‘0 nml ninntim tvolorlnnll iIioIIoMn, Ko. Ill' tutmdka and vlthin onr-tviirlh mil* of Fivnaati lunVliitf It ti voty divlmblo fiirin foratook mla. Itrlck Store ou Urond Street alalloii. II wrHld uiak* « ui.hi t'ouulri how* for Hotel at Hiutct inti. Tlio tdnoo U nln'tit 4 ntlloa frvini Kovinnl oily aa II l» alioul our b‘>ut*a rid* ,10 Haw fnriale for|4.1W-v«l» II >00 i-aeli rrtjulrtd. Th* Mild IH tulliw Lt\Mii Mhldk'towii, ft»r cnali nnd inortgnge of m .mio. Kilted York« Tbte|dawwurtslu* nvoat’rr*. bvtrl baa IB n>oni*. Uaiilra the billiard room and itp for two stores with Iltit^oii two tlooii! Above. rwllariudi* tn ttOvA.V« Thrr* at* atwnl No ia l*n>p<*vtyitnw M’nta for N7 it month T owii - ■ Niv att. . kh ||.9arr**of«Mill(l(A,,l1i*tnnd la and In Um buainoaa |mrt of town. elo**hv. Illevettw**^ la^ttw'y l( *7 aotvm nil illlublo, Alnnit a notva of Townahip. nr*r lifvwtiinnu. TUi* Und llaa nlraly tlaitel l« atH«t g aillfa front Kajporl and on tlie pploajjwnwandi'ltorih'a. It la ultout 1 mllo A Beautiful Property U d |Vi« »ott \% aAai'teA tvt twllk Icaoklu* aud Uatvt tba N. I. ft U ll. U. U. !rout llolntdol nml onn of tbo Uvt fnrma In on Drt*on Oivve Avonuonnd Molt Ftrcct- Lot MOfral farmtog, ’I'hirn u a young appla orohaw nntlowiiHhlp. IlmiKocttnlainaiwoivn nxjnia. \Wx4Mi toot. HouhoIh ftinlnntoN from alatlon l» iw it baactng. at*" y»*fh atvd I'l'Vm Ita*** a In ojuvllont condition aud tlio outmtUdma* |?rt4«B tad grapfi attd about op* arra of aaparagna. or adiwl, It contain* ia rooms nml wdlnr nnd Ten Aer6'Truck Farm an> Iniitt* ut’d lunnopma. Tlila la a ohoap [* In ilrHt-dnaa cotuillloit. lloMown wnter.ghA Th*N la a>M a marl |«it on pramlfeN. Tha Pn’pcily for one wanting tt placo (or ginitmil for cooking, nuttlomiry mugo wtd tutiincc lu Special Offer boMo ka Mw and wnlalna 9 room* atid atilo, wilb In Mariboro I jwu*hl|* fia.lie bounht for 11,100, oo* farttilug. ctMlnr. ThoreAw nnumlx'rof outhulldlngHon »*llar auder (Iir wb(^* of il, wtill* oittbuildUisa hall oaih. It le alittllabki ncepi 11*3 acr**. Tba I it ‘ tontilori ot Taa Jounstii an !■ ftnori CondlllCD and latl* aiioaati for Ilia lit* baa about ua trail |r**e, Ul art* ratubarrlta, Nn tlu* Import y, Fine place for country homo. > pwi'Htyptoi'Hty will |i«aoltlaaji whidaalIh* f.|ior*bte«kl>*rrlr«indaoiii*|iit'M, u ie about Thirty-five Hundred Dollnrs 1 0 per cent, discount off ■bora prlo* or wiltwill *'11• .. fff...... »*»*ral fivlda al Wi I i a will** lo the neairal rwilnwd itatlon, Than It No. las. raguier prlcra during Iho noil» dan. ___ AbOVl I Mohair of“ * tho*L‘ yurehan prioo ran ► • goo of I rooai* and ctllar Mid tb* out* caah and W.oofl on niortgago ia tho prkm nakod Pirst-Clnss Dwelling, ONLY 3k. A POUND. tfualtu bulldtait ara barn *nd Mw bout*, for a imndaomo rwldouco pwt'ert y nt rroobold. Tho liouao la lhi\Hi atorloa high, cuniithm it coriior Main and Btontfitrcets, tor *4,iw»~ono • ’ • NO.M. . No »• itwiua, Utth room, a halla, u iwmtritva and half cash, I^ t In Miiiao toot nnd hi\« n vnrlcty In lots of 10 lbs,,28c., t . r Twenty-six Acres ('Intlu’aoliiM'la, mul In lu ntvt-olriMA nhni^. hnv* o((r\\lttreeaottlU Hmuw\ mtftlna \u nkhu« In %\»r>Vi\t'Ay iraAnmark Seven HmulrcO Dollars lv« bvrt nwMttfy Uww wul iMtiwrtu Aud Isith nxim, Iho mttornot otitMpped. House bav«. vroeortliut etreuulh lud Uavor tboulona ntlla frooi K^yjxirl, n»ar \h* Tanlli* * will bur h houat) nf »U al Krvm'nu-ttM thrvmgliouU Tlioro aro noarly two ni’foa o in well built,contain* gn* tltwtighntu nnd lown luuuOullrly, oTculf oiiutteJ, .... Ians, all Ullabla but oita acr*. ran ba bouglit ( r cnunmmln nil nifrtoiMp* Tltt*tv In n aniall land lit this pru|'t,rtr.wllU duo drtvowaya ani ntor mi Unit loMr, as woll aa rtiln wnter •t.w i Tb*(* ata uobulldloia ou UitMimwtty. t ol Utm on tlio U»t* TIuHatior la svtltv fuel atid walk*, Imndaomo hodgwand ahtulo ttvea mu 8wucr ItvoHoUowlicrv uud wllltu'll nt ihla low Othar flood Cofleas, . . l^tttle.alk, II lay* vail aod could la maila a gonl pUo*i alonir the oi>uut>' nvtil. |tlftit)‘ ot fruit. Tho outbtiildlnga witMal o price to dl*iHwt> ot It. On 4 Tm i In tbe Cap, 39,49 A ,'<£«, a Ih. largo Imro.nfl omul tm now, wood Iioupo iim Uscallsat Taat, baat Imported, atlklada, ' " ‘ No, 41, n ' NivW. No 148 Ri‘nn«ry. Tbia I'lnoo la nln'ut a hlooka frun Thirtytwo Hundred Dollars I0e.la70c.alh. Fifteen Hunrtrcd Dollnrs Twenty-five Huudred Dollars uchitol tuul 4 hlookft fivm ralltxmd d\>iH't. Th\> Cot out thti adv. and forwent w.Hh (or a oaw bourn UtSJ f**l. baru. wagon hotii* i*itl property vi*Uvt\aldumblo moto thiuilhni'rltfo incARhnnd Ihe tvtlnnco («.*no) on mortgage order, tuhjeel to above ditccuut. otharoul building* tud IOH»m* oflamV tt) u M ill wllllnirafiurnotMaonv*.nbotii 5t> Acrwt MkM.Atul Aliy ouo I'uaMiulug It will lmvo n will liuyti8;i-r\H»m dwelling on Front titiiiet. whlab ar* t|»Wta ind i**ar t»***. *trawh<>rri**, ra»i» Udiiu llllM'lo. Tlinn»nrvHwi> nc*r\Mt ol tx'fint, bargain. Koyport. Tho property ia wllhln ten imuiuoh1 borrlf* aod blaekbmlaa; atK>nt on»<.htif toll* ^ to Ik^IiTm mi orchard. Tlip I’tlw of tlila No It* walk of the school nnd mllrond stntlou nnd THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA 00 ., «t«M«Qad tu Hadiwo ltiwn»hip« a^r Urvwofe»»if. plaw la TlioroU a g\HHl hont«o of Ion nUmt Utc duinu dlsutuoe hum IhviVi tn'lley P.O. tte»,3*0, JI 4 aa Vaaay 8t.,N. V. II u«OH»ary HVOcata ru wud attd uort|t««*. k'ww mwj»xk\ v'ttjwttnMiwa. \\ ia H\tuaW In About Twenty-Three Acrcs l«stK>sbylho door. Tlio lot coulalna nhout arlwmj Ixnmahlis a w it IH’ tulloa from of good trm'klng land, nltoulono mllo cnat ot i'tio ncro nnd hna flno witter front with gt>od • • No, W, > - i . Salawaiii Koyport, tor part or which onn tvtimln 'Hthlnu. Tho boune In In exwllont shtiim ntul No. 101. on pmi'ort)-, Tlion» atv IH Aoroa Aftitnnwua, H s atillitolo for it summer Wording liouao, con- A Three Hundred Acrc Farm ... yoat« old. Thoro ant no building* ou tbla land inlnlnu 17 al(>eplnff room*. Au outsldo stow- Geutleinnn’s Country Sent, I liouao ti ltd kltchcn nnu.it N lh houso uit) tho balwoan W*Mo« and Ifallfai, N* 0., ta for tala or but another I'lawof ab*ml ncrwt with i>-rootn rther InnhUngs outlio pmpovly m &I, Tba farm bu V«?u Vut*^ fv>r t*u j*»ra by bouao ntul outbuildings cau be bought wltii Iu WASHINGTON comi'rUlug{tam'(\\vlUilii i lulttutoii walk nl lha Hlala atid Iw U«*r»nir*a Jamury l, JMt, H ljiwlot »latlon, Prtw 111.ono, oiio-lmtl wwh, lMcoioritll.ia.9iu. lay* along lha tttaln unty n^d tud tho Htvinoka Tlio pvniwrt/ kftUnit uo foot MWr*. ft no wui Nn iw H im I* we Mundarr on on* aula, Tba lutd honnd* lower main st wiitmiiHl l>y Uto N. Y, A L U, It. II. Up« House nnd One Acrc M f l R k ' F T .. log tha rlvi'r ti aa mh ai n d I^i pn'dnpiog W PiiUiMlluon'jutloiu'oofKikrjro nvnni tuul iTlriUlVL , MATAWAN, N.J., buthtla of wm to lha arn>. A natural gr\«»lh of foliar tn Mcollciu pimillUitii, tiy n tetmtit 1 •raaa will ka*|> ISO hNid of oaltla for P tnimlba. Tba of land aboiil ono mile from Matawan i price Gottleib Staab, l\\wiw>MuU^n\.tvth iu uf»M\ wniUUotu Tlw Ifttwtll onah. AUntt .v ftoroa wwiuH'rrlot*, H AA A P U l.L U H K O f •oil la a aplMtdld rod clay »u\. >id) awl a iirayUb lop grvuml l* I'lovnioiUntl n ihviiiIUlilvioivo( tlio twuto uwdof iH'ttt* ttudurnpeat \m m htta & Mil, II imfclitav «h*al, iviioii. mm( iwanula or MiriouiitlltiR ct»untry ia ol.tolnmi. U |a w ll minia nml lit gtnnl l tlao aumll imm Suooeaeor to R . Nlof, •njtMhg tba t>«( land will i^ miio*. ih*r* It a frultw*. ix*nlalnliitf npidon, pcnolioa, nim»iuokelu)ii«c. Multntloforcliiokoiiniiaiug. fminTvmhnuaMriW'ltlugtiou** ki |ir*a«ul |Umj*.U|T\|^, t w W f r W airowttoiiion Mill FRESII.SMOKED&SALT MEATS, fnr iM M t and alioul an itQ*>h^m houaoa. Tbla omuN'i-rli’M. 1| hna a tilro Inko ti|»»n llio iu\vn. MATAWAN. f*»ni *nrt*a*oldlor an aon> or win r*nt to inii*ftiiiMvoiil«l ninkn an lilonl iHmulrv ttotito Commercial Block, Matawan. nodkwd HllaW*HllaV I'artjr ‘lor **“WW a ...... j««. tt.. *»U “ owU ' ‘ !<'r olW iwi'lo. No. 41, TONGUES, POULTRY AND GAME. fI.MIoaahoaah rtsjutrwl, Tho i'n'|'*f<» aitjoloa land of Flrtl Quality Ueala told at latil fid per oeiit lower •t'Ufualor.Mfualor IUu»i|nrtlK'W ploittyokgniuud f«r a ulee garden. Wllhln Are Towiiahliv ll IntUiH'ly uilnpii’U Uv \y\\ Wwm tultml** walk ot Ih* Otidtd iTch^t. llaa % won Groceries, Canned Goods, Floor, f«r|t.lM l f(iur itillf* irvut Ualaaau, In Uidlaoit I'Htmwo*. lyliiag a j;mr llio tnlli\«til nml Iwua a wall of w*t*t tud allog«th*r tlo* i'h'p*rty it csaau Your patronage solicited and sat­ Towmhlp, I* nol * drat Th*Hi|| it Uub light 1 uq Itvtin y mil I. J’lioiv n h* ao volt aoiva of I ' lu Attyon* who wanlt at'oiufurialdalotue. •ndbfattt lVr*at*wapjdrtrw. m om m **, jm'linrvla. ono oivimm Ivmijf li yistfa old mhI isfaction guaranteed. Bottsr, Colei, leas and Port Spices ftnitta*r*aitf*irawiwrHM Only M ,W oatb t*- lit Lino, HNtilna, Uu'lnnmi' iHinlalua t twtiitia No. IL qmIm I. Tha b.tiita liaa N «x*l«t aud OfUtr and la ra|ki(t and told al prloea IB pt* eent lowar thaa hinl nMmr, wltllo tho luttn lalutvo wiuuth lot Seven Tlwmsaud Dollars - . tuy ooinpelllora. SotUi «*•> Tba o'tUmlldUn* ounwia* t'atn, llio ;t)it«H» nnd In g\HHl winllilon. wMtwi hotia*anda»tfr«l«lb*r bwtUllnga, Oattgli* s-Us -E ‘ -aisss* -d-a&l! It: :iuM.uj.9:nuB iKMHaaKtg auy lltua. NU no. ■ il felLb-S-L-b. *= -Sr -t1 tk tjtr: ta t: r : L TAKE NOTICE 1 I alto handle PltRRlt AND BALT FIBfT and £=3L ■ I k git s I P ll a g>LB l>L s d bs>: No. II. VllUITS AMU VKOKTAULRB in every variety. Tweuty*Tluee Aere Knnu, =£stri ri |L -Ll t I is.a «-‘l » L ir !| :. .-j Wagona ran dally to terva outlotugra, Tottr Six Hundred Dollars all illtahlo, within ono tnllc of K^lvH, M m L.-t If =fci_ t- r>-= kt jg-LI 8;=^ b h -js-f1 ** E AHporionsafolorbldilumplngrotnM oHarttallclltd. »,«4»r«.hw wifli rwiMirtHl, i ’h*f la it dJs on or kionnA my p ro ailiti uciler pt&. Milt will buy a lta*t« fann, of whloh II am* ara mit'k nmu aiul hna alnml i«; n|ip)o mill |*Nir 11- -.as-br »b: ally ol iiroMonlloD, . Q00D8 DELIVERED FREE. UttabUs t« liadltou lo«Mlkt|i> UUbm of lha }wo*oi\«, T I t tvwma MiJ ttouf), hoc, tan rtnuitt «■ uohtata. la ui irwri wndltloii, Tho Urii haa rkouiiuo* W, n. HANKINBON. QBO. LINZMAYER, Jr. ia vy ont bit and 1 4ont wont a navy Utai* fur my new fsUier A l*if fcubjert 1 think Kloknur iind id ralhor hnvo xoa Wheeler & Wilson ! MACHFNATfONS if yuud Uhu it Jm *urn Uatn& and /ou woulJ bt jrmtfi Mondt Tour# with tov« i OF BOBS J(OUU!ltT JTAJUFAX UltOWNIfl, Sewing Machine. JovoV* Whnrlou, nntl bu I By LOUISE LAMW.AV j IlillMV liUCk Ills llOIld /Ilia lau&lioir-it ipltlidlil, Huuliitf Inufcch tliat cmumrturi LITTLE BUNNY'S 8ECRET. > Coiiyrluht, 1X3, hu thi 2 M(H with Ihu icli'dni of Jjii M'blto (tM'lh \ . fl. Al. XtClun Cuntfmu V nt T ill Biorr ot » l*olr vt Slippers Tor Jn iiiii tliiflk liiit Lcui'd uni] Uiu JIohU Mammft'ii ntritidor* of Jj Ih (Jcu'puct durk c jm “Tliln Im lit - *9 *9 »ooo»o«ot)»ato»omc»i "Mumum, 1'vg got a »ecrct-n big tnliily uii(i(/iuiiii)ii. It imiiit im Chur, euu," ftukl UtUu Humjy. “H’» wnncOn’ ■■; "Why, I don't tiuuw, Hubby, What torln of Ihu Ihjkwu'h, und — Ict'fl •bout you und boiucUh’ about j-our would yui) llku to jinnio Win}" l.'i'om tllfll'H 11 HukjL'Vi'Ulllls'i'U liutul. IM Ilko blrthdny, Don't you want to know finder Iier tlluiy griiy inuiisul iM irfni to «*o tliu boy atftitti. 1*11 run ovlt jil'ownc ra'imleil lior .boh wllli n luult tlitro Jiftrr |'vo I m to Uiudou." itv* : '‘No,’* suld mnmmn, “I cun wnlt." Homo days lutoi* HuIib mwl Kltchonor gruvo III i(s ini'iiluxlly, Uoba udored iJunny was sllont liolf a minute, took It into tliclr 1icui]h to iihiy In nn Ills pretty mother bci'imso sho never thinking how strango lt murit bo Lo hn uniMy limit. KUcJicnur found tlio hoat, toughed ut liliuj 11 Uq beeimse sho Imd grown up nnd willing to wait. Tbcn and liobs led thu way Into It. Tlict) it Vlcllm -W hy do you, tlijnli I wont a |»ltf bbiu eyes nml n muss of tlutry roJ Bho begnn agnln: Kently partoil cuuijmny with tho land ■lugo? 1 Bold hulr precisely llk.o a princess In iv : “Muuiiun, jnuy go and boo Annty und drifted tuvuy. Tbo [ilaco wan nl' 1 Barbor — 'Cniiijo yogi.|iAVO hair to I^ou? She'll going to show iuo how tn fully tule. Therefore, tis a matter of most iluBortwl ut that tlinu of dny, nnd toura.—Chicago News. ‘ , iourse,. llio Ijeinitr iiiii) suit terrier was nmko somodo'." .. ’ • - • , . •. -i Hobby, hnir frightened, hn)f clntr, hold brought to her lo Lo elirlstem'il, ■ 1 hiu poaco, 'n'oiidfii'lng If Jt would ho Mmuum said "Vob," niid Bunny flunioHilnar Uoiuir. j “Cull j|li||,JIiigB,’! uua-rateU Ciinlalii imutly \o cjiir for help, A Bidden gust etnyed nt Aunty Lou's two or tbroq lioura. At dusk alio cAino homo, ciirrj*- Vrodcrlrk •r.nwton, Iho linvy officer, of wlnrl btruck tho cm ft, nud pome* lug Boinotblng cnrofujly wrnpped lu u Notary Motion and ivlio clmnoeil llmt morning to bo at­ liow or other tho two went ovor tho tendant. TIiIb had happened so often bldo Just aa Cnptnlii Lawtun nnd .M». wblto uflpkio,' f :’l J of Into tliat downgere were beginning Browne c u ^ ati’clllng iilong the pier. "Oh, inaumiA, aliut'your eycal" cried Ball Bearings. to suggest lu penetrating undertones. Mrs. Urowiio guvo.n cry of terror, Jiunny, ...... 7 , ! 80 mnnnun closed.her pyca wbiJo.tlio . tl:nt it denr;.Mrs, llrowue were really, “It’s Hobbyl" slib cxclnlnied. ■ i ■[ : (kinking at marrying Hgnlu tliu cmild' ■ A’' mdmont‘fl lieBltution wna oil tlmt llttlo bundlo >vns cnrrled upstnlra. Bun* ny was ,ytfry qujcj‘ht’,tbu tou tnblo, till iot ilo-liotlc-r • iljiiii to tnko Onptiiln- saVod pnptnln' I.nwtoii’8 Inimnculate . uiwton,' sulluble lii. ago, good < footing' gpib, li) tlmt instant n huge, Bwlft' at lnat 'shb’naUcdi ) “Which do,..yon tikes best, -vmaniina, . tail qulto iiidppendont of Ills fiiiifca-' moving fon;i wont by thoin, drown'd I' . iloir.t % u r ,croi'j-1‘orie knew that lira? trtto" tUo” wdtoi* with n trVnuMidoua'i |)lnk nii^VvHitP o^^ue.ojfO v^lV'/” (Brorniovlind but llttlo besides tlmt; splrtiihriiiflawabrNHth'fitrong/nB^rml' I “1 thluk I prefer pfok and whlto," rumtllilciniLold. plantation lu . Loulnl. strokea toward tho dotti'ln tho.wutert feuld ninunno^-— . aim, dl'.m*ia It Maryland? ' It.wns nil over lJi u niiinUo, und .Mts. j *'Tlmt’fl Juat wlmt Aunty r«ou wild Ljlpbajlmd.ovcrho.'iril ono or two of Drpwno, nU rognr^lloBs of noft jUlc drn- vou would IlkeV JiQldii .i^UQiiy trltiui- .ttcn. snggcslions liml, 'rbvdlvlnii them plmntly, ‘ pcrlos mul floating Inoon, had llobhy 1^ 1 HM . 4, V f , f J k N P R A C H L K , . lij lil^.SM xnojwM d Jm jii, liml cornu Uor^Qrin^^undr L|o}itonnut« pliorU'i'ls,'; I Tho nc’xt ^potninffj wWn ibiuutnuput JTlinmy’ft b(nl to 'nlr ‘t\* ‘UnlP of^ AiroUnr '■ \ : itq'-tlio.j&MUialdh that' atiniuthlng jwv- •wltp bfldjconio nin|djicn|), wijn anylnyr, teutons irjiit luii>pf|i|hi^,,s5'litH or some- "* *'Toh iflj word,'B6bs, yon'n'nil Kltch-' yari) vnnd^Ji ,bitl^pf’ ^>lnk rollod out tilliik ol»o‘ iliiido 'lilul ri’Kiinl Captain. oner"- ^ liy; r i n ' midwt tlia;pUl9Vv5l>i^iuu put IHrot llnrgl ir-liiHik. Illlll Po Indy's Lowtuji'p^ijji’fntjon vugtio dluf;i- Then lilaJsyp^fj)JI|li(ij>qVllio rjnjuer, ' tlicui enrefnlly buck lit tho wlillo nnp< Irft.hei* dl'iiiou's on dp'lnlilo right* iienr Itlti whleh nho found thnro inul ti'lod : Tor. ; : uud hu lirolio Illil Heuteiu'e off'lu tliu- 4 o open wtmlei' ' " ’ t , TktiOlbftUOBl' Prottiost, Bni^n / ;;" l don't Ilko liml," lio said slmrlly. middle lo KJ'ilb Iho lintid of Iho hl|!,' ^ ^ j ^ P . l f t : S ? rk J M Huiym l.lliirifllir-piH's ,good.,v l,et's "It might Mowin' disrespectful, ‘ you Iilll,' Vi'i'yui'ol jliilll' Wilt*: liml ilrmilieili :oyn 'li«t ti»r uivsa!uW ill in ' Util uut< Moil Durable W m d ,i pi jknow," ■ " ' Ills Iruvollnif Iiiii; 10 lulu; an lni|>roui|itu I Afler Hint ipumup found Uils nnnklp. ■ fd ji liiflt'fci'iiin /lf wplsfclpti's'i'tiij-.' VSHo Ittrnodl «!>Btiii’dyi bluo Imd; ’on, SWlili.' tbere wui'ii lulf^iluetloiiH nnd ulCdvof' < llO "il«V »wl >1' ,*ll •"'it? At) Nuw yorii .luuriinl...... ’ " Toa Kottlos, Toa aufl O o ffe d i itlwui nmt trudged off, with lliu mcii; luiiidsliiikliiKS nnd leiirs. Will'll llDliby: pliimi, Roiu)illines It wns under llm, jlw rlcr muter: lilHiirm..; 1‘i‘monl ly tji miu ben ul tliuiininioof Wliorlon, lie Hliirntl. .tnll old clock, somollhuiB lt wns linlilmV *! 1 \ llu After Vimrs.' Pots, Wash Basins, Dip- ‘ 'lu nlk’lit il fresh fnceil yomig suhulU'i'ii. ronml nyed, nml when Wlmrtoii heiiril ' thu .jw r^qit «wi liii; iifjuolmlr, ponut- pers, Ohaflng Dlshos l,?:"lIi'llo, ll would T. S. H. BROWN ESTATE, ci't'd,";i)li»'vrreil Cliurturls,■ grnvi'ly,' ' At: Aliout llio Hmmi' tlmn Wlinitnn .full, " I’lenmi dmi't efmie ln,Fiiiiiuiiniti" ,"llut'« 3,fui'lliil8 lil ‘d ill tliln Ul(lu Irnij-. wns cniifi'sslnit fniiiltly lo' Ills frli'inl or "Pnu't luult, 11111111111111" Alul tmeii tfliu Oor, Atlsutlo aud V lrslH ta,, mir tifiir'doiiuriil Kltchsuor.'l ; ; ilmrrowiil.mninnm’s Hllppi'i'H nml fnr- Qlinrlei'ls tlmt hu wus ln>wl«tl ovor.for KByi'OOT, . 1. NUW JHltBET , **I« - <1 oh(, uilui'liiif 1,'i'iiy iijt ii, ‘«ii lllw Klit fnill- iiium fi'louds fiii'ev'ui' wllli mi)' omi wlm :Miiinnm sm I led'ii’ml snlrt tjiilliliig,* ijiil'1 of all klnils. Onr fnml In iimiinfsnl.UKd or1#. piiwmlii n» uflen iil( Imd snywl lloliby'u JJfo. It.'wus Jlmt slut llmti||lil alio eimlil ji\io»» )tniiii)''(f , oil tlm prninlans ami wu gimrsn- aiiurol.-Yuulli'a Coiii|iitii|iin. 1 too It 1.0 Im llrst-nliiss, ,'tliwoumf liol's^liu fi'll n iiti'btiV' tlmt' ytm ’wuru1 y(»>b. nml-iloii't you; 'dtelftiila'fw l»n\v,Uin, with Ul* iiveeHti Uitiilt ll wns n iio r , ; . ! H|lilL't'll IIIHl Illlllllll'llllllll IllllfOI'lll. ". ."I ' llllilll," Hlllll Wlinitnn, wllli n A Trlelt. W llli Uiimlnns, Horse Owners, (ilm Iim! mi lilen llmt Hubby iviimiIhii ■ IwlnliUi in lilu ii,ve, "llmt U wim Jim ■ Any lllllti k‘it'1 «• litiywliu' thinks Ihnt i'6imlilciiii{t Hiii inoflis ut n |iiun|ioollV(i mnohlniilloiis uf llulis.V ’ Vj • . slio or I111 Imn 11 slenily Imml ntul guml sliilil'ulhiir, 1ml he ivmi.' Anil I lieu Im lolil Inr. .j- , iinrVoia ;nin)( Ilc'sf tliiiftititMt1 f 'liys 11-J'luii ATTENTION I ■CMr.i- OlliirU’i'tSi"; li|i wilil iiimi tiny, ------lo liming# ii set of diitiiltios iis lliey u)ioM.ui,i)li‘uiiili'l,li)(l, iii'iijyiiilK" .i'1 Uiu if; > jmelrnr MnleH, I now Imvu on lintiil n full lino of Oliiirti'i'tn lilimlieit iii! ovor )il« lioyloli1 U Is (6 Mr. Istinu llulileui iiinililHir of fiipu, "Nyl'iyitli" ;|ib 'iiiiii; 1 ;i . pill'llliiiioiil.thiu wii own lliu liiveiitlmi WINTER GOODS VlU'l'iliwi)," mW llohby wllU ilcllHW" of tlm luelfcr imiluli. ’Ilils illscuyiivy for Horan, IiicIikIIiik llln n k d s, iitluii,) Vl'vo lioiiii Ihlliltlii' It. uviuy mid 1 wuM. Im liliiiholf Inis lolil ui, llio.rosult Holic#, llrcttsl Aiming, Ulc,, which I Imllovii I'll; I'tillwr tmvo yml, fm\ ji gf n.hnppy tlmimtil.,. "in tlm niorulim will bo xolil ut low |iriiYN. fa’tlioi' (linti'niiylioily Hint's lu'nnlow," I mil'll lo K»t lip nt -I o'ulocli In oiSlnr In .Cliiirim'ls'itiiniioilv J.'irs VBi'y.Kotiii of jwttBiiu my stiultes, tmi\ t uiuhI ill llnit; ' "Tnliit mre, wnltfrl Von urn litilllUK Cull ntul hcc them, yiin, 1'itrHUi'O,V'I>aVpiilil. Klnolliurlnit nil lliuo llm Hint ..... the ii»ii‘ of your lliuiiili In my notipL", liiiimlso :■ to : liliigli, s "bill -your . wotlier which.I found n very uiwit luciinVen- “Oli,) Unit's nil tlglit, »lvl 11, ntu’l W ILLIA M H. TICK. lillKlit Tliara'noulothlnir lo sny, nlmut, It'iiuo. 'O f idiii'mi I , know, nil othi>r Tiirywiirbi," •' ■' . 1 ...... ' tlm l" f >4 M elniuiUts dlil, Um uxiHoslvo, itiitlurlnl “ I ’oolihj SliO iiiToiililn't’ iiilnil,!’ mid' liml wns imeoHwii'y In imlut lo proilluw Hmidr SnHialhlNM. NOTICE Iiobliy (ni|itirlilyi [lJ‘Slio'il|lllto you nny lilktiinliiiii'oiis llglit, Imt I f Wns Very , — t o — iiiiiuuiit boiler tlinu timt iilil tiin'y ciiii- illlllcull l'o obliiln n llRlit.oii wooiliby inln.l (My,rnllior.,wii« njoivMry oH'cur, tlmt o*liloslvi! nmlnrliili>miil llin Uten1 ii^il hW m w d't luvliglu’ .tti* l» lliii llbi'y, bcqurroil to ino’to lint BUlplnl? miil(ir| lit lioiiK1, Hu guilt'., to n'onr jt Wlun I . tlio osploBlvo mlxluio. I did llmt hncl TRUCKERS’ Ktow mt.'.liut I w^i't bo ln tliu ntivjJ. ( altoWwl .lt In my iioxt locturo mi elium- I f you wmit tlie old-fn.iltlolled A'-lmin'ii ilo ttoodl'lpss liii'cnti I'lilft"*, 1 ; tsiry, n uinrso of wlilnli I wns ilullvnr- I’criivlnit Oitntio cnll nml tcu gnuipla i Holiby'd louo' wim llmt of Ion* sot- Ing nt n fatricn ili:iulemy,f. . I .: mtil price. - . tliwl coiivlellonfiinil 111,his honrt Olmr- i "Tlmro )vns," mildi'tl Sir, lloklon, "n I IIOI.DH TURK AltL. t«rls,'''mUinll6rti ;6f ' Irtirturs.^wim- « yoiinmimn In tliu .room .wlioso nth«r; Mni'ine Oimno glut l’otnto Vcrtll- npiient In tlio nfcouipnnylng lllustrii- iileiliil wou lil Afrlen, limy linvi'UKroed ,wi|d «(»(. In,\vunlly ciiriti'il n lot of pnllouco, parllculurly tlio iui- tlio Incllimtlolr’iiMlio snbnllern to tlillt tlio'pfenollt lileiror iillltob. : .(> a s untmli tioiiM. T r r i t ',‘ ' ‘ ' ' i ot w o sr country-!uml» hi KttRliuul, to gn mul Ink® out it pntoul.Uuiwd\ii(u-i ROBERT P. HARRIS, . roiiiili rhlliiii on tlio iilnlns mid wllil ly, Imt I Lhoiiglil It wns so snuill n mnt-: . ? .vi . nrrr-i ^ i ' •EXTON OF - MslHlnlisoui Dors. nml got a HornecMnmi my hi IV nll nro ninilti ROSE - HILL - CEMETERY to bo kind, boys; gniiormw, niiigiiiiiil- li good fur soiiiullilng nfler nil.—Now Uo sriw'tUO'rrirotcolor como iiilo Full*-: [inlonll nthunvlsu l hnvo un.doubt U; York Journal. GrAvtiH unddml, lot* Ntibmiihnl and far* fax Brownil’s! fiicu.. •... ! ■ ■: would Itnvo boon >ory prolltiblii,"fi' i inous, If' llioru Is u liny In school v^l|u tlJlru(l.grrtMH(!(t(l kowii, WfilkiKruvolud " llo wns tlio host rlilor. I <"'pr m«r," Ipts'u cluufuat, don't lot lilui, knew, you MUtrtMtfol. and all work apporUinlnif lu uumutefy Clmrlerls «ald at ‘Ibe conclusion or ..'! Hr On» Arm. 1 ' ' avorjliijf It.} If |tlioroi l»;„(i| buy?.Wtf'i loti nrotniilly ntlomlnd in. ruggod dolliis,. don't tnlk nliout rugs, "W ill takonntlrooliHrguoflutfl for $ I ouo of Ills slorios; m 'W !<"*• "It Is A mnltor of surprlMi tn nio.j1 ro-j Inn olmii-cmi ot tlmuo imm who don't ttinrUMi n imm wliiVIS iv Uwi) ohmnvur, .wttbliiitils.lieiirhig. lt (boro Is iv,him- a ynnr the sunn' lo ebulu froiu nny lilncd; Iti psr> rejontly. "tlmt Imlf ,tlm chlldmn ot.thls, gry ouo. glvq lilm pnrt of yuur, dlnni'iv 61tilnra loft nt tny ruftlilnnon nuar odlmtry'iloinot grown up minus ml I f (bote ti ll dull opt). Iiclti lilm ,11)' not. nmnwtnry urat thn nmlduuuu (if Jatmb toilnr, llioush t'luillm'O ho tfiis, tram Mnlnzor, nourly opnotdru tho (icmoterj, lii New ■>Voi'lt|i«linp llmt wiiHjalwnjfs Arm," 1 " ' L Ills lessiius. If tlmro Is 11 bright jtxif,, ho not onvluus of lilm, or If ouu hoy Is will roiitdvo pronipUttiHithMi. aura lo do id't'iit’tliltMis sonic dity. li>’ ■ "Hut wliorofuml" nuked llm porson, (o whom'lio'ivus spenkliig. ? . ; ^roll'll uf Ills lulmils unit niuithar lioy l* Jovol". . . , ...... ’ anvlotiM ut tlioini Hint'll'uro tivii'grtint i'aiiiirlerlB' oyp tmil.'fiillon oil n iittrn- "Iluru Is mi llliinlrutluli," i.'iilillquoil N O T I C E T O llm first speulier, !'l)o you see Hint wrongs nud no nioru luleiit tlmn I111- Itrnpti lii thu |)iipi;i* ail Ills liueo, ' fnni. If n Inrgur or stronger liny Ims III- ."Wlmt Is It?" Iniiillruil Mrs, llrownu, iVoiiinu '.wiillilug w llli n lltlln ulil lilt Now. liotlim Imr when Him crosses llui JuriHl; ypu und Is surry fur II, furglvn TRESPASSERS! InlercnloiV.'.. . ■.... ' . . . him." ______: . . “Tlm..vrry. mini,. lie's In llfl»li|on— stroofc’!: i' : i ■ ! A ll jiutwnm tiro intuitively furtilit Jlist Imi'lt rrtnii South Afvb'n," l( At lliu cMSslng llui vhtnmi llfluil tlm dillil ibV one nrm. II ilimnleil 111 llm ., A Hlmry 1'nlr of I3ilr*. lren|mn«ln|[ tin llio urntiiulg o f tlio ■ Nolmily milleml tlmt ua tlio ffrmip l'ro litiirit tllf) lll» go slaiii|iliin,'alniii|iliw, mtlinerllior, ellltur with nr without wintTftleiVlhititiy. R«|0Ut'iHt tliu iviwultu* ulr, nml Its root Illd nut Ininih tlm onrlli until It wns ncrnis llio slriml, will'll llm Ovur tlio wlmlow iiiinot (lot! or Ktin, iindor nny |irctonso |H


    All OVER TOB COUNTY. Jn itlce (jlanlen U lm Ball* Former Jnetioeof tbe rcaoe Bamnel avTUBsmro tnnu tajum pm o m Btautou, of Bobukeu, but fur aeveral f, o n KZQHAJfem. . montba beeu lauguinbitig In jail al Wt» laip*rtM9 VVMtB HifpcDlr ^ BlM- Freehold, beeauaa of hia Inability to i m b i i i m aecuroball, Tbroiinb tin’ t iTurta of Dr, Change Gars v h tr* • » H > < I K i» t C**> Cb»rk‘« 11, llfudnoii, with whom tbe at the store of juatico waa ouun«ind jtlflcin^ hefurL* yuu a giyanlir collection cation oo Bo odaj, April 20. Dlaturbauoea uf atrikore are not of the tiiout advanced utylcs ill Die finest Imported Irish I'uitit I4ace Curtains nearly aa grave aa au iudividual dta GROCERIES. at prices actually from to leu than present import cost. Ou Tuesday John E . LiDDlog of order of Ibe ayalein. Overwork, loae Aabury Park waa appointed reoefrer of of aleep, nervoua teusioa will be fol< Itaat Irish Point Iago Curtflinb—tfonil Deautlful Irlnli l’olnt Fwine OurtnlriH— Ibe Monmouth Realty Company of tbat irrudool net, reinforced 1410k odtfo nninu jthuriiiinir iU>imi8siuieff. Keroli. MuditK lowed by utter oollapsi*, unleie a re* uainhlffh tirioed ourUilns, bow knut. lion unn itnuiu>o itnltflrim, very lino place, Fresh Bupply of surull und vino patterns. Hum, Jubiolind graau uf net mul rolnfon'ml btfck ud^o. liable remedy is Itumediateiy employed. tlffuros or eovarod centtce. Tul»(tiut>t»o[ lliu tuuHt IxruulHnl c'ir* Tbe abirt faotory at EoBHebtown baa Tbere’a uothlng ao cflloleut to cure die- lonir, wincliea wide; tains of tho lot. o)i yards lonir.Mhiolioa reopened after a long period of idle* ordera of tbe live/ or kidueya aa Elee- ItcKulur pric‘L*a from wide; rojf. prices from L QQ » D r 8.30 toa.TB...... 0 .60 10 7.36...... 4 * 9 9 9 r l oeae and a large nnmber of baode are trio Bittera, It ’a a wouderfnl lonio, Buckwheat, 2.19 a Pair d o v employed. and effeotive nervine aod tbegreateet DO NOT F A IL TO SU E THE GREAT Burglars visited fiaeley k Bara’e all around mediom« for enn down Cake Flour, 030,000 Quadrl-Centennial atore at Long Branch Saturday night ayettiBae, It diipela uervoaeneee, rbeo- aod gol away with | 2 fi from tbe aafe, natiam and neuralgia and eipela ma* Artistic Tapestry New Syrup, Representing tbe important eventa of American History from ita discovery taking ootbiog die. laria germa, Only 60a and aatiefae- by Columbus to the preaent lime. ABSOLUTELY F R E E . Keyport elammere laat week alrock lion guaranteed by B, O, Walling, a large bed of olame between tbe old droggiet, Molasses, railroad dock and the Oliffvood flata L. S. PUUT li CO., Mail Qe4»n. and ratified fully 1250. Gamera aappliea, all kinde, at Lewia th ru . 707 ti 721 Irn i St., Nrairk. H. I. FniD&linri* t. stationery 8tore, Oehlbana1 Bloek* Honey, &c. Obarlea D, Warner waa laat week re* ff fTTfT fTTTTTT eleeted a trnatee of the Bad Bank achoola. B e haa already eervad th irty three yeara aa a traatee. FOR FIFTY YEARS Agent for I, I, II :> > (> (j Her, Edward Derger of Keyport baa ■NS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHIM •eeepted a oall to a Freabyterlan Chase Sanborn's Cbnrob at Sniqoebanua, Penn., in- I Kcntmcr room I etetd of at Binghamton, N. T. ARE YOU GOING rvaSirroraiarrtoMk . Celebrated Coffee. m u s u m u s A Toma Rivet weather aharp pre* i v w a a rT F iv * oiWTa a i e n u . 9 dteta a hot and dry eumnior. Heaaye TO BUILD? s m M s n c u L M s ! tbat after tbe wet winter, next summer w ill be dry, to average tbe rainfall. O rim C ilM h r . Si W i D t lln n l I f to, you can't get loo much information in regard Tb« W . 0. T. U., of Cogliabtown, declare that they will pnbliah all the A. J. CARTAN’S lo the kiud of bath room the contractor proposes to namee of tboae wbo aign tbe Hoooie for M. A. WHITE. any of tbo three aaloouaiu the borough* put into your house. H e w ill put In whatever make Jamea F. Throokmortou of Braoob- Department Store. poit Aieoue, Long Branch baa been you specify. We have a number of model bath , appointed Sunurriaor of Itoada for CARTAN & DEVLIN OeUb Townabip at a ealary ol 9000 per E HAD A GOOD SAl,E rooms fitted up for Inspection nnd can give you a jm t W on 'Rocking Ckalra last have a large supply of C^anealoi Jobu tX Fetter ot Atlantia week,. Wc are going to continue lot of helpful information, Highland! will rooulro (150 for bia the very best legaladfloo to tbn Borough Onuuoll tliiu ipc'clal snle of Hacker* this au<| |A eilra for oavb tuet»tiug bo at- week. W c are nddlug a few nutn- asa ioM , ' , bers ln Dining Clinlrs nml oUier Tbo remaining 826,000 of tho 1175,• QUO. iu Aahurjr l*ark buuoli bouda will piccediof Furtilture lo this gmtl GOAL bo Ukeu by Jnnu*e Tj . Umjou, poet* stile, Conipnie our goods w ith uaater of Newark, ai tiUHtuo for au what you see Iti other tuwiu, look.’ which they will sell at eatkU. ' ' i - ■' at our ntiin*lng low price* on Clilf- 'M e Aabury Park oily bmlgot for tbe prices as *> > )* >k)> emuing your, aa roportod to oontieil foiiclin, SUlclionrtlt, Wnrdrobca, laal week, wlll amoinit lu 8&B,OOft, Of etc., oii tlio front walk, nml you tbia iutu 85,0011 baa buuu eet apart for w ill readily »ce Wo nre beating them n»m(c, nil. Anil wc liitcml to Iteej) It tip Low as the lowest subscribe for t abveitisb in the "jodrnal." Miaa Knln Mufliio ul Kcjrjmrt * » i lorrlUljr ,o«hlwl nl'oiit tlm nook mul CHIFFONEIR3. Our stock of lio o liit IWtlny by ntnnm nrlilng trull] A ll onk, fine polish, 5 drawers, witor wlilcli ilio ■ooliloalnlljr u|»,t ou * lioi.flru. good nine, nt’i$4i39. Tli* Knypoit l'lri'iin'ii'n llollot Ai- Another all onk, 5 ilrnwers, pint# aoeUtlnu ti> «urtU H ,K 17.8«, » n*lu ol gliiss m litiir, drop ImmUcn, only AM0SH.VAN HORN ITD IS U .'Ji ilurliiH Uio l"»> Tlia Ruar.GniiiM tnal oi|i«nini (ur tlm yu»r muuuuloil i OAK SIDEBOARD, to ouly Dill. . ” -&VERY B 0 DY 5 STQ re - ^ 76 fnticy carvcd front, 3 drawers nud is very large and we are w m A iW a l Ctiril H'tlUfrtMtf Our Sinraii* lViH'n?ntii»f, J,i»n Ihilrti, UtriStrrkf* Q fo iio K. Booth ol IiUoooml clo.ict, one dmwtr felt lilted: for rteabtljr lluoil IK ' lor •IIorI uk Ii Ii selling it at tiorw tn ttitntl (tilt In tlio nlr uu * bitter itllvcr, pinto rIiiilh minor 14x 34 odd.day allUont oovorl»n u iilll ll wai ItirKc top; for tl»l» mile, f 10.59, TH AT COM­ tliotouglily olilllcil. BOTTOM PRICES . ROLL TOP OAK DESK, U « r jr 0 . Uliruvu, • luunilwt ot tlio one druwer, pigeon Imloa, top 94 by PETITORS Ketitnuo Tunualilp OonualUco, om W e carry a large stock of *|i|ioluttil Oolluotor ul tlio l»wti,|il|>, jj; cheap ns dlrt nt f 7. 30. I It) Oil tlin mommy omimiI Iijt Ilm ilo lli PRICES DON'T LIKE. V E R Y LARQE OAK, WARDROBE, ol Wililtnt aiirotil. tlio u lirj Ii |1,- double doorii, drnwer In bottom, ACCOMMODATING TliKMS THAT THE PUBLIC 1100 ■ Jfoiir. Lumber, Lath, Lime, oxer 8 feet hig li, tiltelT and 'clothes D O U K — W B ’ R B WITH THE PUBLIC, Tbn ntnto of Mllra ItoM ol Now hooks, line polish! grciu big bargain 15 Druuiwlck win Ilm iiiiworitul blililorol nt fS.Cuj, .. . . Cement, Naila,&o,, |t»,000 >o»l timid, v l . M tiM liw i Oountj, iktIiik 11511 iirouiliiui, tlio CHILDREN'S HIQH C H A IR S , bomli b«.T 1 |io> «ont lillorcit rlh! ruu which vre are selling at painted red aud blue, for this snle for ten jnrt. ' 37 cciits. > , k litnV ciiiilnlnlnn I'Jfi «»> tioltn from » builrooiii III tho linncoof H.uiko DINING CHAIRS, Prices that Can’t be Beat. lilqkiD., «t IIih I lUuk lut HtfnriUy canc bottom, hluli braced bnck, 6 •IlMpoou, lu IIiii »lm>iicu of tbo Iid iII;. fmicy carved spindles, fancy legs, O A R T A K A D E V L IN . A V ttc li nml utlior urtlolti uoit tbo nnd oak, for tins snlc only 99 cents. bunk woro uut lonoboil. Another cniie bottom, 5 spindles, At tbo reoout election In Preobfttd <@><8hSxskS>*9h8>4S>« brnccd back, fancy log;!; don't bliss ToWttabip a propoaith.n td ralae 9 1 ,0 0 0 • year by taxation for tbo support of a this at 95 cents. D . URBACH, pablio library «raa lubmltted to tbo Another oak cane bottom, 5 votera. Out of a total of UUl totu« curved flat spindles, high back, a $ 2 2 . 5 0 $ 2 1 . ZT oaat only .W woro agaiuat tbo ri'mln* bcniitlflll chair and well worth $1. 50, LEADING JEWELER G o I (1, n Oftk W «r* 930. o o Id , n OnV tltftt* : . . for this sale ft.ta, OotJtn 0«k Side- Dreiucnt- (Ilka Chov»l Mlrron Cblna CloMti— John Ward of Oocanport, a “ trouble AND OPTICIAN, boarOi—(tlks cut) cut.) (Mkjcut.) (tlko cut.) b«Uter" ouplojfod by tba Kew Y irk A good Kitchen Chair, 49 ccuts. d d New Jeraey Tolopkotie Oi»ni|i*tSttSKSit8 N8 KS>»rg« Bradaford of New llruuiwlok waa fonud W e wnnt to cnll attention to dead In tbo email tuiuao at Morgan itatnl some liciitcn Specials from our Fish Harnessjor Sale! by A. V, Applpgate aa beadqnaiivra Corner. for bia Aiheriuun. Uo iutomled gtdng Tha pl*oo to tm j jam H itn m , to work wbon tho (lililug araaou l'luc Big lllontcrs, 24 ccuts per eltber hsint or Itolory mute, Whliu, Q|M&ed. Ilia death was duo to heart doitcn. . ... ' j Oollan, Tlo Ccxlt, Curry ComU anil dlaoaae. Ue waa 60 jvara of age. Loose whole Codfish, fine, bright: Drnihc, Ii at Aa a oomptomiaa John W, Blooutu come lit and see it; only 6 ccuts per $ 4 . 5 0 Cj n s w,r* . waa Nl«oted na truitvo ot Harold W. pound.. : Fay's Harness Shop, $ 8 Y l T Were Sfl.SO. «P4 . 9 5 KM Ooruell* * groeor of Long Urauob, A good cnnlied Snlmon for toe. ' Q o ld en Onk White Ennmoleil Iron who le goiug through bankruptcy Next to ''Journal" Offloa. Qolden OnV E x te n s io n ChllTonlen. — llwl—Urautrim — (like llest red Salmon, 3 caus j j c , . T ablis-dlki cut.} (Like cut.) cut.) •> .utotaedluge, Jnatleo fichoeulciu of Large boxes mustard SnnllticS, Jobbing promptly attoaflml to at Long lhaueb and Otauda V. Quetta «1 to cents. Aabury Park eaob wanted tbo |H>iltlon, lowwt iirloos, but lbs oroditore Ueoidod upon Mr, Soused Mackerel lu cans, tec. The 1903 Line of Refrigerators and Icc Boxes—jmt in- Bloouui. We hnve a flue line Mackerel, LOWEST PRICES. ’ -t— r ~ ■ llerrlng, lMnkcd aud Ilenrdsley WANTED 1 Worklno OverDme. Shredded Codfish, Lobsters, lin- Operaton on ISTHEET,\ Cornell make, for toil eggs; al­ KRIRR. * N«ar Plan* atrwt, Weak of Ilraad, J No family with oblldreu abould bo A PHvata Delivery Wagon Bint on Request. " Telephone flao.'1 without a bottle of Klnmouik’e Bore A. 3, OARXAK. most new; w ill bo sold low for cash. •ead fbr Haw 4t*rn£< Catalaaue, Tfaroftt BpcolDo In Ibe bouia, W tiK m Uulun Ttltitniph OlAct. Apply at lltls office.