The Morphology, Androgenic Function, Hyperplasia, and Tumors of the Human Ovarian Hilus Cells * William H
THE MORPHOLOGY, ANDROGENIC FUNCTION, HYPERPLASIA, AND TUMORS OF THE HUMAN OVARIAN HILUS CELLS * WILLIAM H. STERNBERG, M.D. (From the Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Tulane University of Louisiana and the Charity Hospital of Louisiana, New Orleans, La.) The hilus of the human ovary contains nests of cells morphologically identical with testicular Leydig cells, and which, in all probability, pro- duce androgens. Multiple sections through the ovarian hilus and meso- varium will reveal these small nests microscopically in at least 8o per cent of adult ovaries; probably in all adult ovaries if sufficient sections are made. Although they had been noted previously by a number of authors (Aichel,l Bucura,2 and von Winiwarter 3"4) who failed to recog- nize their significance, Berger,5-9 in 1922 and in subsequent years, pre- sented the first sound morphologic studies of the ovarian hilus cells. Nevertheless, there is comparatively little reference to these cells in the American medical literature, and they are not mentioned in stand- ard textbooks of histology, gynecologic pathology, nor in monographs on ovarian tumors (with the exception of Selye's recent "Atlas of Ovarian Tumors"10). The hilus cells are found in clusters along the length of the ovarian hilus and in the adjacent mesovarium. They are, almost without excep- tion, found in contiguity with the nonmyelinated nerves of the hilus, often in intimate relationship to the abundant vascular and lymphatic spaces in this area. Cytologically, a point for point correspondence with the testicular Leydig cells can be established in terms of nuclear and cyto- plasmic detail, lipids, lipochrome pigment, and crystalloids of Reinke.
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