The Cadet Maryland Game Published Weekly by the Corps of Cadets Virginia Military Institute

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The Cadet Maryland Game Published Weekly by the Corps of Cadets Virginia Military Institute THANKS TO JOHN MAR- FOR SUPPORT At SHALL HIGH SCHOOL THE CADET MARYLAND GAME PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CORPS OF CADETS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Vol. XXV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1931 No. 7 Numerous State And Tremaine to Play For Section Clubs Or- Thanksgiving ganize Dances PREPARATION BOMB PIC- MUSIC AND RING FIGURE TURES GREATLY IN- PROMISING FEATURES CREASES TOTAL OF HOPS More Than Fifty Clubs Are Re- Orchestral Novelties of Tre- corded maine Anticipated There has been a great deal of in- The Hop Committee has finally de- terest shown this year in the organiz- cided on the orchestra for the Thanks- ing of the various sectional and giving Hops, which will be held on "Prep" school clubs in Barracks. This November 27th and 28th. It is to be year marks the advent of several new none other than the famous Paul Tre- clubs, bringing the number up to a maine and his band from "Lonely record that has never been equalled Acres." In securing an orchestra of in the history of V. M. I. this calibre, the Hop Committee has The following is a list of the Clubs done right well, for Paul Tremaine and his band of 16 men is one of the and their officers: The above two pictures of the Corps most popular dance bands in the coun- North Carolina Club: Grainger, T. were taken at Yorktown during the try, especially around New York City. M., Pres.; Taylor, C. M., Vice Pres.; A popular radio attraction too, this Bain, G. E., Sect. & Treas. Twenty- recent Sesquicentennial Exhibition. organization has appeared constant- nine members. The top picture, taken immediately ly on the air for the past few years, Tidewater Club: Fosque, J. D., chiefly over WABC and the Colum- Pres.; Horseman, J. W., Vice Pres.; after the parade on Saturday, shows bia network. Palmer, T. L., Sect. & Treas. Forty- the Corps leaving the ampitheatre. Paul Tremaine and his band origin- four members. The lower photo, taken on Monday, Roanoke Club: Wood, J. L., Pres.; ally hail from "Lonely Acres" in Urick, F. W., Vice Pres.; Kulp, W. the last day of the celebration, pic- Cincinnati, but lately they have scor- H., Sect. & Treas. Twenty-one mem- tures the first battalion during the ed a big hit in New York, appearing bers. all last winter at a very popular New review before President Hoover. It Club of the Golden Peacock: Char- York City restaurant. Last summer ley Roller, Golden Peacock; "Fink" was during this review that the Ca- they were one of the main attractions Finklehoffe, Right Wing; "Cape" Ca- dets' unique formation and excellent at Asbury Park, New Jersey. This perton, Quill Feather. Eleven mem- fall they played for a while at Mil- lines attracted the favorable comment bers. waukee and are now on an extensive Northern Virginia Club: Keith, J., of not only the spectators but also tour, covering most of the principal im M cities in the East and Middle West. Pres.; Young, E. M., Vice Pres.; of the Regular Army officers present. Browning, F. H. H., Sect. & Treas. Cadets and their friends attending Thirty-two members. IN REVIEW AT YORKTOWN the Thanksgiving Hops should find Wallawhatoola Club: Martin, J. G., this dance band altogether pleasing. Pres. Nine members. General Embick's Letter It has a very catchy rhythm, easily Eastern Shore of Virginia Club: A. S. C. E. Meeting Made 0. G's Association Meets danced to, and one of their outstand- Outten, E. R., Pres.; Wilson, A. S., Subject: ing features is their unusual way Vice Pres.; Sledge, G. R., Sect. & Interesting by Movies The Corps of Cadets, V. M. I., For First Time of rendering vocal choruses. Equal- at the Yorktown Sesquicenten- ly well at rendering concert mus- Treas. Eight members. Pictures Will Be Used With nial. Football Game With O. D.'s ic as well as dance music, this Texas Club: Prothro, J. E., Pres.; Talks More Often Main Topic Vaughn, R. F., Vice Pres.; Walker, W. To: band has often produced a mixture The Commandant, G., Sect. Thirty-two members. The regular bi-monthly meeting of The first official meeting of the of the two, and by adding their un- The Virginia Military Institute, Alabama Club: Horst, C. F., Jr., the local chapter of the A. S. C. E. 0. G.'s Association was called to or- usual choruses, they have produced Pres.; Meriwether, W. J., Vice Pres.; was held in the auditorium of the Lexington, Va. der Tuesday night in the Academic an extraordinary pleasing effect up- Smith, W. E., Sect. Twelve members. Engineering Building last Saturday. 1. On behalf of the regular building by their distinguished pres- on their listeners everywhere. It is Hoffman Presbyterian Club: Oli- Mr. Slater of the First Class made troops that I have the honor to ident, Louis Miller. Nearly all of the generally felt that the Hop Commit- ver, C. W., Jr., Pres.; Rugh, J. L. K., the first talk on the program and command, I beg to express to you boys were present, except a few chos- tee has scored a hit in securing this their deep appreciation of the not- Vice Pres.; Bain, G. E., Sect. Fifty discussed the Coolidge Dam, which is en members of the 0. P. Q. suite, orchestra, and that this year's able contribution to the success of members. located on the Gila River in Arizona. who have an aversion for parades; Thanksgiving dances will be just as the Yorktown Sesquicentennial great, if not greater, musically than Army, Navy and Marine Corps Some slides, made from construction and a few others who erred from the made by the Corps of Cadets of last year when Johnny Hamp held Club: Shell, J. C., Pres.; Grant, W. photographs, set off the talk which straight and narrow path on our re- the Virginia Military Institute. sway with his sweet music. S., Vice Pres.; Allen, W. N., Sect. was quite interesting. One particular cent Yorktown trip. point, worthy of note, was the fact Their conduct and bearing reflect- Twenty-eight members. The first question put before the The Thanksgiving Hops, one of the that artistic designs, in the Greek ed the proud traditions of the In- The Dutchmen: Turner, G. S., house was whether a vice-president most popular sets of dances during style, were executed on the railings, stitute, and must have inspired Pres. Thirty-four members. and a sergeant-at-arms should be the whole year, due chiefly to the columns, etc. The final slide showed among all observers a renewal of Yankee Club: Marklis, A. W., Pres.; elected or not. At first opinions dif- Second Class Ring Figure, will be a the completed structure and the road- faith in the youth of our Country. Knowles, A. H., Vice Pres.; Yon, C. fered. Some wanted more officers and galaxy of color throughout. It will way which it carries across the river 2. May I add that it was a great L., Sect. & Treas. One hundred and some didn't. But a happy solution follow a black and white decoration in place of a bridge. pleasure to me and my command five members. scheme this year. For color alone this to be thus associated with so fine was soon reached when some member Another First Classman, Mr. Fish- Rifle and Sling Club: Keith, J., a body of men. spoke up and proposed "a central year, the Ring Figure, held the first Pres.; Leach, R. E., Vice Pres.; Mit- er, spoke on Gravel Washing. For night of the dances, should be out- S. D. EMBICK, government," with all authority vest- tendorf, G. H., Sect. & Treas. Twen- several years past Mr. Fisher has standing. The Second Class is Brigadier General, U. S. A., ed in Louie. This suggestion met with been connected with such operations planning to make t'tis year's Fig- ty-three members. Commanding. universal approval, so no other of- "Sons of Fathers" Club: Baya, II. in the summer time, and was there- ficers were elected. ure one of th? best i.i history. P., Jr., Pres.; Holt, W. W., Vice Pres.; fore, well informed on his subject. So far they have do splen- He pointed out the fact that as the The next issue was one of the ut- Buford, A. S., Sect. Twenty-three Artillery Battalion Here most importance, namely, a banquet. didly in the selection of the color members. gi^ive] pit he was familiar with was scheme of their uniforms. Red and used only to furnish ballast for the There were absolutely no votes cast Florida Club: Baya, H. P., Jr., white will dominate. White mess C, and 0. Railroad, it was necessary For Short Visit against this question. However, one Pres.; Phillips, E. L., Vice Pres.; jackets will be worn with red sashes, to dispose of the sand in the mater- question was raised and debated hot- Nesbitt, B. L., Sect. Thirteen mem- 6th Field, Fired First Shot of with only the tassles showing, in ial. Just what to do with this waste ly—"When do we eat?" Should the bers. A. E. F. banquet be before or after Thanks- First Sergeant fashion. Added to this has, in the past year become an in- vill be all the girls of the Figure in South Carolina Club: Hodges, H. creasingly important question, as giving Dances? Some said they want- Friday noon the Keydets were sur- white with red shoulder corsages. F., Pres.; Bennett, B. A., Vice Pres.; most of the available dumping ground ed it now, while they were still not prised and interested to note that With such a wonderful array of fem- Todd, J.
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