Supplemental Information for: Local adaptations of Mediterranean sheep and goats through an integrative approach Bruno Serranito 1,2# , Marco Cavalazzi 3# , Pablo Vidal 4, Dominique Taurisson-Mouret 5, Elena Ciani 6, Marie Bal 3, Eric Rouvellac 3, Bertrand Servin 7, Carole Moreno-Romieux 7, Gwenola Tosser-Klopp 7, Stephen J. G. Hall 8, Johannes A. Lenstra 9, François Pompanon 10 , Badr Benjelloun 10,11 , Anne Da Silva 1* #: Serranito B. and Cavalazzi M. should be considered joint first author * Correspondence:
[email protected] Table of Contents: Supplementary Table 1. Initial list breeds for the constitution of the datasets. Page 1 Supplementary Figure 1. Synthetic schema of the main steps for the Page 2 proposed approach. Supplementary Figure 2. Goat and sheep cradles description as a function of Pages 3-4 environmental variables: Synthetic descriptions of cradles and some characteristic breed phenotypic traits. Supplementary Table 2. Description of the breeds included in the sheep and Pages 5 -16 goat datasets. Number of individuals considered, country of origin, information on the breed history, geographical definition of the cradle, description of the breed, use and status. Supplementary Figure 3. LD analyses for sheep and goats. Page 17 Supplementary Text 1. Genetic structure assessment: admixture analyses, Pages 18 -20 sNMF cross-entropies and Mantel tests. Supplementary Figure 4 . Mapping display for sheep and goats, of the Pages 21 -22 geographical cradles and the GPS coordinates of the sampled points; statistical comparisons for the variables Annual Mean Temperature, Annual Mean Precipitation and Altitude between the distributions obtained by the cradle method and the GPS area method, display of the results via boxplots.