The London Gazette. Istiblttyrt Bp Authority

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The London Gazette. Istiblttyrt Bp Authority jfttimb.- 1603a. L 7<>9 ] The London Gazette. iStiblttyrt bp authority. From %attirOay May 23, to CueSUap May 26, 1807. ELECTION OF A TEMPORAL PEER OT James Eail Fife. niEL.-VND. Francis Rawdon Eail of Moira. N pursuance of an Act, passed in the Torticth Arthur Saunders Earl of Arran. I Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled James Earl of Courtown. " An Act to regulate the Mode by which the Francis William Earl of Charlemont. *' Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and thc Com- George Earl of Kingston. •* mons, to serve in the Parliament of the United Robeit Earl of Roden. •* Kingdom on the Part os Ireland, lhall bo stim- George GrenviUe Nugent Earl Nugent *« moncil and returned to thc said Parliament;" I John Earl of Glandore. do hereby give Notice, that Writs, beating Tcste John Earl of Aldborough. this Day, have issued for electing a Peer of Ireland Stephen Earl of Mount Caihell. to succeed to the Vacancy made by the Demise of Thomas Earl of Longford. the Kin In Honourable Laurence Earl of Rosse, in John James Earl of I'arnham. the House os Lords of the United Kingdom, and Henry Lawes Earl Carhampton. to lit and vote, on thc Part of Ireland, in thc said John Earl of Mayo. House of Lord* of the United Kingdom, wliich John Willoughby Earl of Ennifkillen. Writs are severally directed to the following Peers, John Earl of Erne. being tke Peers now living who fat and voted in tlie John Joshua Earl of Carysfort. House of I.nrJs ut Ireland before the Union; and Edmond Earl of Kilkenny. the Peers whose Ri^ht to vote on the Election of Aithur Earl of Mountnorris. Temporal Peers nf Ireland hath, on Claims made Richard Earl of Lucan. in thtir Behalf, been admitted since tlic Union by Robert Earl of Londonderry. the House of Lorth of thc United Kingdom, .ind Somerset Lowry Earl Belmore. that the said Writs are ready to be d»livcred at this Henry EarlGonyngham. Office : Charles Henry St. John Earl O'Neill. Francis Earl of Bandou. Charles Marquis of Drogheda. Andrew Thomns Earl of Castlestewatt Richard Mnrqnis Wcllefley. Richard Earl of Donoughœore. $ Murrougli Marquis of Tl.omond. Dupre Earl of Caledon. Thomas Marquis of Headfort. Edmond 'Henry Earl of Limerick. 'John Denis Minquis of Slistjo. Charles Earl of Normanton. Wnlle* Earl of OYlriond and Ossory. Charles William Earl-of Charlevflle. John Eail of Clanricarde. Charles Viscount -Dillon. Edmond Eail us Coik and Oner)-. lelagli "George Frederick Eail of Westmeath. Richard Viscount Fitzivilliat Willism Pat tick Earl of Rofcommon. John Christopher Viscount Downe? ohn E;ul of Meath. John James Viscount'Strabane. Jienry Eail of Barrymorc. Robert Viscount Molesworth. Kit-hard Earl of Cavan. Richard Viscount Chetwynd. George Earl of Granard. George Viscount Middleton. Frederick ChrilHan Earl of Athlone. Gustavus Viscount Boyne. William Wentwurth Earl Fitzwilliam. Joshua •Viscount Allen. FnnCM Thomas Eail of Kerry. Henry Viscount Pnlmerston. John Earl of Darnlcy. Richard Viscount Powerseourt. Frederick Earl of Briborough. William Viscount Aslibrook. 'Henry Thomas Earl of Carrick. Arthur Viscount Dungannon. )< ichard Earl of Shannon. James Viscount Lissord. ••George Earl of Belvedere. Henry Welbore Viscoant Clifder, .
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