Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2018 to March 2019 Page| 1 Initialled

Eathorpe, , & Joint Parish Council Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held at 7:00pm, 22nd May 2018, Offchurch Village Hall

Present: Councillor M Burgun Councillor S Palmer Councillor Mrs Foyer Councillor W Redford (Chairman) Councillor Mrs M Green Councillor Mrs Seaton Councillor J Hammon

In Attendance: Jane Chatterton Clerk & RFO

7:00pm HS2 – Britain’s New High Speed Railway Presentation by Alan Payne, Project Manager, Ashley Jackson, LM Community Engagement Manager, Andy de Bell, BBV Community Engagement Manager

HS2 Delivery Contracts Enabling works Contract (Laing Murphy JV). • Surveys, environmental & habitat creation, highways works, compound set up Main Works Contractor (Belfour Beatty Vinci JV) • Design and construction of main assets – embankments, cuttings, viaducts, bridges, tunnels Utility Companies • Severn Trent Water, National Grid, BT, Western Power Distribution Latterly • Rail Systems • Installation of tract, electrification, signals, testing and commissioning

Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2018 to March 2019 Page| 2 Initialled


Project Key Dates Stage One Starting Date August 2017 Stage One Completion Date November 2018 Stage Two Notice to Proceed February 2019 N1 Completion Date April 2024 N2 Completion Date February 2024 First Train with passengers December 2026

Key points 1.1. Balfour Beatty civil design contract is stated to be 50% complete 1.2. Offchurch cutting has max depth of 20 metres. 1.3. Height of rail gantries is 8 metres. 1.4. It will be July/autumn 2018 before HS2 Ltd will be able to present a clear picture of the appearance of the rail line and trackbed height. Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2018 to March 2019 Page| 3 Initialled

Key points would be raised with HS2 Ltd and sent to them formally requesting that they answer each question. Following this, arrangements would be made for a further meeting with the Joint Parish Council.

These key questions included: 1. The intended trackbed height across the JPC whole area, including a comparison to the Environmental Statement trackbed height. 2. The intended resultant visibility of the railway, including the gantries. This needed to show the location, height, slopes of cuttings/embankments in both plan and cross section, together with bridges and viaducts. 3. The consideration and mitigation of the operational noise of HS2. Some of this work may lie in the future, however the slopes of both cuttings/embankments and the variously shown acoustic noise barriers need to be understood/acted upon during the civil design phase. They were requested to note that the current operational noise levels were in excess of their document E20 over Offchurch Village and parts of the surrounding area. 4. Road from the Fosseway towards Offchurch was to permanently close. Therefore, this traffic would all travel along the Welsh Road from the new roundabout on the Fosseway towards Offchurch. Also, in reverse on return journeys.

HS2 Ltd., in causing this closure, must ensure together with WCC, that the full length of this stretch of the Welsh Road was adequate for the increased traffic it would have to accommodate.

Drop in Sessions & Dates • Drop in session in April was cancelled without notice by HS2 Ltd. • Future drop in sessions had been arranged in Offchurch Village Hall on 21st June and 20th September 2018 between 10.00 and 12.00 hrs.

• The meeting of the Action Group heads with M.P. Jeremy Wright set for 1st June 2018. • WCC Spring 2018 Bulletin available on their website and covers links to design to be shown in the future.

The Annual Parish Meeting started formally at 7:45pm

1. Chairman’s Welcome – Cllr Wallace Redford The Chairman welcomed everyone to the JPC Annual Parish meeting.

2. Chairman’s report on the past year and future plans The Chairman highlighted that the Parish Council had been updated over the past few months, many documents, policies and procedures were now in place. The new JPC website was up and running with ongoing development.

Parish Council’s including the JPC were no longer in receipt of any grants from the WDC and this impacted on income.

Local issues were being progressed but some were still outstanding. There was agreement with WCC to repair footpaths. White lining and flood work had been carried out in and Richard Roberts was working on providing a solution to the issues with Hunningham bridge. Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2018 to March 2019 Page| 4 Initialled

The JPC playgrounds had been inspected by ROSPA and repairs carried out. It was proposed to submit an application to the Community Benefit Fund for new equipment or a playhouse for the playground.

ACTION: Brochures on playground equipment to be circulated, meeting to be held to discuss options.

Other work within the parish had included hedge cutting and drains cleared.

Councillor Redford thanked everyone for their support during his time as Chairman and informed the meeting that he would not be standing for re-election for 2018-19.

3. Minutes from Annual Parish Meeting May 2017 Carry over.

4. Reports from WDC and WCC Councillors Councillor Mike Doody WDC had sent his apologies to the meeting following sustaining injury fallowing off a ladder. The JPC wished him a speedy recovery.

WCC Updates County Council were circulating information in relation to help people suffering from mental ill health. A leaflet had been produced “Struggling to Cope”, this provided information on where help was available.

ACTION: Clerk to upload information to the JPC website.

“Fix my Street” Website Many complaints had been received in relation to a website entitled “Fix my Street”. It was noted that this website was a private company and not WCC. Complaints logged with Fix my Street were not being passed on to WCC. Issues should be logged via:

WW1 Commemorative Fund It was reported that as we approach the centenary of the end of the First World War (1914-1918), local groups were invited to apply for funding for a project or event for their community to pay tribute to those who served and sacrificed during the conflict.

Grants of up to £1,500 were available to each of the seven Community Forums for projects with a focus on Remembrance, Education and Legacy.

Community Forums were: , North Leamington, South Leamington, Warwick Town, Warwick Rural East, Warwick Rural West, .

For more information groups should contact Community Partnership Team, 01926 456020 or download the grant application form from

Closing date for applications: Monday 2nd July 2018. Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2018 to March 2019 Page| 5 Initialled

Community Forum It was noted that the Community Forum was now open. £6,000 was available for grant applications.

5. Open Forum There were no members of public present.

The meeting closed at 8:15pm