Weston, , and NEWSLETTER

MAY 2020

Sunset in Eathorpe

CONTACTS Eathorpe Village Hall bookings: Weston Village Website: [email protected] www.westonunderwetherley.org Hunningham Parish Room: Weston Village Hall bookings: 01926 632428 [email protected] Hunningham Parish Room bookings: Eathorpe Village Website: [email protected] www.eathorpe.org.uk The W2hen website: www.w2hen.info

Editor: David Wray 632830 [email protected]

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These are difficult times for our four villages, and for the rest of the country. We are socially distant from our friends, family and neigh- bours and we could all be forgiven for feeling a little bit lonely right now. But we live in a resilient community and the next couple of pag- es will feature examples of the ways in which our communities have come together to overcome isolation. JOYCE WOODRUFFE—HUNNINGHAM On Tuesday 21st April – it was Joyce Woodruffe’s Birthday. Joyce is one of the oldest people living in Hunningham, and has lived there since she got married. She has got carers coming in twice a day – but otherwise is cut off from us all. Lynn Parsons arranged for residents of Hunningham to come into Joyce’s garden to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Lynn donned mask and gloves and managed to lead Joyce out to see us all. She was over- whelmed. She said it was the best birthday present ever!

Happy birthday, Joyce!


MAGGY AND DAVID SMITH—EATHORPE Maggy and David celebrated their Ruby wedding last Sunday. Their friends and family left cards and presents on their doorstep and, as you can see, the champagne went down well.

But it’s not the same cele- brating important events like this on your own, so fellow Eathorpians arranged a special virtual tea party for the couple, using Zoom. Over 20 people, including Maggy and Dave’s children and grandchildren, di- aled in to wish this lovely pair the very happiest of anniversaries.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

Happy Anniversary, Maggy and Dave


THE EATHORPE WHATSAPP GROUP Most people in Eathorpe (and several in Wappenbury) are now mem- bers of a WhatsApp group set up by Holly Reeve. This is an extremely busy group and, I think, has helped not only to maintain the commu- nity in Eathorpe but to build new relationships as people actively help each other.

The most common kind of message on the group is from somebody who is either planning a trip to a shop or supermarket, or has man- aged to book a home delivery slot from Sainsburys or Tesco, and messages to ask if neighbours would like them to include any shopping items. This is community self -help in action (although nobody yet has figured out a reliable way of getting sup- plies of flour!) DOING OUR BIT FOR OTHERS

It is often said that a crisis brings out the best in people. That seems to be true in our villages and we have a few examples now of people going out of their way to help other people. We can’t all be Captain Tom but several people have thought of interesting ways to help.

As a brilliant example, this is Catherine McLoughlin of Eathorpe.

Notice that lovely red hair!


HAIR TODAY—GONE TOMORROW Catherine is going to cut offALL HER HAIR to raise money for the Cav- ell Nurses Trust!

You can read all about it, and donate if you wish, on her Just Giving page—https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/catherine- mcloughlin1.

Her page headline is: Catherine's going bald for gold - open your purses for the nurses!

Well done, Catherine! I hope we can include a picture of you without your hair in a future issue.

SCRUBBERS IN We are getting used now to standing outside our houses at 8pm on a Thursday evening and clapping in support of the wonderful workers in the NHS and care homes. But it you want to help a little more, it would be good to look at Warwickshire Scrubbers, a group of volun- teers making scrubs, scrub caps, headbands and laundry bags for hos- pital teams across the county. You can read about this initiative at https://chalmersnewspr.co.uk/tag/ warwickshire-scrubbers/

Jane Medwell from Eathorpe has been sewing laundry bags, using old duvets donated by people in the village and, at the latest count, had produced about 45 bags.

As they say in one of the supermarkets Every little helps!


TAKE AWAY OR HOME DELIVERY Our local businesses, cafes and pubs, have mostly had to close during this period of lockdown, but have not stood still. For example, The Plough in Eathorpe now runs a take-away service for their delicious Tex Mex food. Just call them on 01926 633105 or look at their page on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ hillbillysgrillshack/



The shop at Hilltop Farm is open for business and they are also doing home deliveries.

Looking for home delivery? Get your weekly produce fresh from the Farm Shop delivered direct to your door. Delivery is free to local vil- lages and towns within 5 miles from the farm shop, with a small deliv- ery charge to other areas within Warwickshire. Delivery slots are available on Wednesday or Saturday afternoons. Call 01926 632978 or go to https://www.hilltopfarmshop.com/shop/


The Red Lion at Hunningham are now doing take away food. They have CURRY THURSDAY and CHIPPY FRIDAY. Collect from 5pm! Call 01926 632715 to book a collection time.

CURRY THURSDAY • A choice of Korma, Tikka Masala or Jalfrezi with a choice of either chicken or sweet potato and chickpea, all curries served with Basmati rice £8.00 • Add poppadum’s with mango chutney £1.50 • Add plain naan bread £1.50

CHIPPY FRIDAY • Fish & Chips – Beer battered haddock fillet, chips, mushy peas £8.00 • Veggie Fish & Chips – Beer battered haloumi, chips, mushy peas £8.00 (V) •Add a bottle of Prosecco, 750 ml for £15 or 200ml bottle for £5.00 Subject to availability



I have not been short of Police messages this last month, but by far the majority of them have been on the subject of Covid 19 scams. There are enough to fill about three pages, but I have included just the last one about charities and“ safe giving”. Covid 19 apart, there is a general notice about walking on farmland and keeping dogs under control. I don’t think this originated from any specific complaint from our area, but the point is worth making any- way. Also, I have included a notice from , which is not far away. Similar incidents could quite easily take place in any of our villages. Public footpaths near to Farmland or by Farms There has been a number of Lamb attacks over the last couple of weeks by dogs being off the lead. Please can you keep your dogs on the lead/under control, whilst walking through fields with livestock that have a public right of way. The link below will guide you to the Countryside Code: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/ system/uploads/attachment_data/file/701188/countryside-code.pdf Offchurch- Vehicle Interference - Incident: 121 of 15-APR-2020 At approximately 22:30hrs on Tuesday 14-APR-2020 an unknown male was seen trying car door handles on Village Street, Offchurch. At 05:30hrs on Wednesday 15-APR-2020 the same male returned with another male and again tried car door handles. No confirmed offences have been reported. If you have information relating to the above, please call on 101 and quote incident 121 of 15- APR-2020. Alternatively call CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111.


Trading Standards warn of Fake COVID-19 Appeals and Urge Safe Giving Many charities are coming together to support people affected by COVID-19. Unfortunately, fraudsters are taking advantage of the pan- demic by creating fake fundraising platforms and bogus crowdfund- ing, falsely claiming that donations will support research into a vac- cine or help people who are ill or self-isolating. At this time of national emergency, The Charity Commission and Fundraising Regulator are urging people to ‘give safely’. The regula- tors encourage people to support registered charities, including the National Emergencies Trust (NET) national coronavirus fundraising appeal, launched to raise funds for local charities responding to the pandemic, visit: https://nationalemergenciestrust.org.uk/ . Thou- sands of other registered charities are also dealing with the pandemic or continuing to do important work throughout the country to sup- port vulnerable people and communities. Advice for the public on giving safely to registered charities is: • Check the charity’s name and registration number at https:// www.gov.uk/find-charity-information. Most charities with an annual income of £5,000 or more must be registered. • Make sure the charity is genuine before giving any personal or fi- nancial information or a donation. • Be wary of emails and texts, even if they appear to come from gen- uine charities. Do not follow links or download attachments in suspi- cious emails. • Contact or find out more online about the charity that you’re seek- ing to donate to or work with to find out more about their spending. Visit their website by typing their genuine web address into your In- ternet browser. • For more safe giving advice, visit: https:// www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk/more-from-us/resources/safer- giving-advice. That’s it for this month. Hope everyone is keeping well. Paddy Taylor 632428



May 2020 What is your lockdown story? I would love to hear them. So many acts of kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity. A growing sense of thankfulness too, expressed so movingly at 8.00pm on a Thursday evening and in rainbow decorated windows. You will have noticed how much better focused we are on what really matters. Creative ideas too: my grandson told me today he spent two hours attempting to flick a playing card to stick into an apple. That makes a change from his XBox! Even the Church of is getting creative with the tech-savvy encouraging us to use digital resources to keep in touch and to wor- ship God. (Don’t you just wish you had bought shares in Zoom two months ago!?) And gallery view means we are seeing one another differently. On Easter morning we had fun together as we joined in our Service, and stayed on afterwards, much as we would have done in a church building. Now we are going to carry on and do a bit of ex- perimenting with how we do what we do. It is making us think, this pandemic, and it is bringing some important realisations. A wiser man than me has offered a reminder of Jonah, that character in the Old Testament who was trying to escape from God’s notice: …. the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights. Like Jonah, we cannot control, explain or understand the situation we are in. But it is in precisely this kind of situation where transformation happens. This is where we know that we are in God’s hands. Right now, the whole world is in the belly of the whale, and yet safely held in God’s hands, even if we do not fully realize it. We have just celebrated the great mystery of Easter: in which Jesus reveals that God uses tragedy, suffering, pain and betrayal, yes, and even death itself, not to dish out pain and punishment, but to bring us to a larger identity. You have had your Easter eggs, you have planted your vege-


table and flower seeds, but for growth to happen the shell must crack. (John 12.24) What an amazing opportunity we are being given, where everything has a purpose, nothing is wasted, but turned to good account – in God’s economy. Even in a boat being swamped, Jesus said, “Do not be afraid.” In the Offchurch Group, our Services are at 10.00 a.m. on Sundays and 5.00 p.m. on Thursdays, with other options being explored. If you would like to Zoom in on our worship opportunities, from the com- fort of your own home, just drop an email to our parish Secretary Liz Varnish [email protected] Every blessing. Hugh [email protected] Tel 01926 257845 Mob. 07568 166 910

THE OFFCHURCH GROUP In line with guidance issued by the Church of England, public worship in our four churches has now been suspended. Each of our church buildings in Weston-under-Wetherley, Hunningham, Offchurch and Wappenbury will remain open for private prayer provided people fol- low the government’s hygiene guidance of keeping 2 metres apart and washing their hands. Information about resources to assist each of us in maintaining and developing our faith will be made available, while public worship is not an option. To keep up to date with developments please see our Facebook page -The Offchurch Group or visit A Church Near You at www.achurchnearyou.com and search for your local church. To sign up to receive email updates please contact Liz Varnish at [email protected]


SIGNS OF SPRING With all the focus currently being on keeping ourselves safe, we can be forgiven for looking inwards only at the moment. But do, if you can, look at the world around you. We have just had one of the best East- er periods weather- wise that I can re- member and Spring is definitely all around. From the lambs in the fields …


To the primroses in the churchyard …

To the swans on their nest …

To the blossom in the trees …

Life is blooming


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Inheritance Tax rules change over time, as do personal cir- cumstances, so it’s important to periodically review your Will to make sure it’s up to date and takes into account all the latest rules. Dixon Alderton Law offer a free Will review service which is available to everyone, regardless of who the Will was originally written with (even if you ’can t re- member!)

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Good morning,

We’ve been really impressed by the massive amount of community activity across District during this current situation. We're proud to be helping & doing our little bit, so just wanted to give a bit of an update, particularly around commu- nity groups & volunteers. I realise that the Village Halls will be currently closed, but thought it was worth contacting you. Please feel free to share with groups in the area.

We have been concentrating our efforts to make sure residents can volunteer & help each other safely, and that existing community organisations can remain resil- ient under very testing circumstances. We have gathered & shared some really useful information for groups via our website https://www.wcava.org.uk/covid-19, covering everything from safe volunteering practice, funding for emergency re- sponse and public health messages; we've also started sending out daily bulletins as information is moving so fast.

We have been recruiting volunteers (in addition to the NHS volunteers); there is a very simple form for people interested to complete: https://www.wcava.org.uk/ covid-19-volunteering. However, we have the situation now that the majority of the current response is being done at an informal neighbourhood level, and we have vastly more volunteers than we have opportunities to match them to. Every- one signing up is being sent a holding email; what we know is that the needs this week will be different to the needs next week, so there will undoubtedly be differ- ent things that people can do to help in the future.

If you are aware of any volunteering needs in your area please let us know.

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards,


Fiona Anderson Rural Capacity Officer Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action 4&6 Clemens Street, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV31 2DL

Telephone 01926 477510